P: ‘Extremely drunk’ Canadian curling team gets banned from tour event | Winnipeg Sun
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‘Extremely drunk’ Canadian curling team gets banned from tour event | Winnipeg Sun Hot Topics Share Share 'Extremely drunk' Canadian curling team gets banned from tour event 'Extremely drunk' Canadian curling team gets banned from tour event Published: November 19, 2018 Updated: November 19, 2018 11:09 AM CST Filed Under: Share 'Extremely drunk' Canadian curling team gets banned from tour event Northern Ontario third Ryan Fry makes a shot as his team plays Newfoundland and Labrador during curling action at the Brier in Calgary, Thursday, March 5, 2015. A curling team skipped by Jamie Koe of the Northwest Territories which included Olympic gold medal winner Ryan Fry has been ejected from a big Alberta bonspiel for what organizers call unsportsmanlike behaviour resulting from public drunkenness. Jeff McIntosh / THE CANADIAN PRESS Back in 2015, four-time world champion curler Randy Ferbey bemoaned the sober-minded ways of the sport’s modern era. In his day, he told the Ottawa Sun , you would “go curl your game then go sit and visit with people and have a bunch of beers and stay up till midnight. “Teams don’t do that no more,” Ferbey said. But Ferbey jumped the gun a bit, because there’s one team that has taken Ferbey’s wistful recollection to heart in perhaps an overenthusiastic manner. On Sunday afternoon, the curling foursome of Jamie Koe, Ryan Fry, Chris Schille, and DJ Kidby got kicked out of the Red Deer Curling Classic in Alberta, in part because they were “extremely drunk.” “They went out to curl and they were extremely drunk and breaking brooms and swearing and just unacceptable behavior that nobody wants to watch or hear or listen to and it was just ‘enough was enough,’ ” facility manager Wade Thurber told CBC Sports. “There was some damage in the locker room and other teams complaining about their stuff being kicked around in the locker room. So at the end of the day, it was like ‘OK, that’s enough of this gong show.’ The committee for the bonspiel collectively decided that we needed to remove them from the spiel for this year and what happens down the road, I’m not sure yet.” According to a sign posted at the arena, Koe’s squad was disqualified – it had to forfeit its final match after just one end – and might not be allowed back. The team won its first match of the tournament on Friday before losing twice on Saturday, the Red Deer Advocate reported. Fry, a gold medalist for Team Canada at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, was full of remorse in a statement to CBC Sports. “I would like to sincerely apologize to the fans, participants and organizers of the Red Deer Curling Classic,” he said. “I came to the event to play and enjoy the sport. My actions were truly disrespectful and embarrassing – the committee was right to disqualify us from play.” The incident was discussed a this World Curling Tour live stream of the event: “Yesterday, they got here about 11 o’clock,” the commentator said. “They were sitting over there drinking, about 30, 40 empty bottles of beer and they were doing shots. They went out there completely drunk and played, kicking rocks, throwing brooms, they got disqualified. Other teams were saying, ‘We do not want to even play here anymore if they’re allowed, so they said, ‘Team Koe, disqualified,’ and they’re never allowed to play here again.” Said Fry, in his statement: “I allowed myself to lose control and I offended people with my actions. I wish nothing more than to apologize to everyone individually.” Comments Columnists Top Stories This Week's Flyers Comments We encourage all readers to share their views on our articles and blog posts. We are committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion, so we ask you to avoid personal attacks, and please keep your comments relevant and respectful. If you encounter a comment that is abusive, click the "X" in the upper right corner of the comment box to report spam or abuse. We are using Facebook commenting. for more information. Connect with Winnipeg SUN 2019 Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited.
Structured Content:
'1.head' => '‘Extremely drunk’ Canadian curling team gets banned from tour event | Winnipeg Sun',
'2.body' => array(
'1.header' => array(
'1.div' => 'Hot Topics',
'2.div' => array(
'1.span' => 'Share',
'2.div' => array(
'1.div' => 'Share',
'2.h6' => '\'Extremely drunk\' Canadian curling team gets banned from tour event',
'2.div' => array(
'1.div' => array(
'1.div' => array(
'1.header' => '\'Extremely drunk\' Canadian curling team gets banned from tour event',
'2.div' => array(
'1.div' => array(
'1.p' => array(
'1.strong' => 'Published:',
'2.time' => 'November 19, 2018',
'2.p' => array(
'1.strong' => 'Updated:',
'2.time' => 'November 19, 2018 11:09 AM CST',
'3.p' => 'Filed Under:',
'2.div' => array(
'1.div' => 'Share',
'2.h6' => '\'Extremely drunk\' Canadian curling team gets banned from tour event',
'3.div' => array(
'1.div' => array(
'1.span' => 'Northern Ontario third Ryan Fry makes a shot as his team plays Newfoundland and Labrador during curling action at the Brier in Calgary, Thursday, March 5, 2015. A curling team skipped by Jamie Koe of the Northwest Territories which included Olympic gold medal winner Ryan Fry has been ejected from a big Alberta bonspiel for what organizers call unsportsmanlike behaviour resulting from public drunkenness.',
'2.span' => array(
'1.span' => 'Jeff McIntosh',
2 => '/',
'3.span' => 'THE CANADIAN PRESS',
'2.div' => array(
'1.div' => array(
'1.p' => array(
1 => 'Back in 2015, four-time world champion curler Randy Ferbey bemoaned the sober-minded ways of the sport’s modern era. In his day, he told the',
'2.em' => 'Ottawa Sun',
3 => ', you would “go curl your game then go sit and visit with people and have a bunch of beers and stay up till midnight.',
'2.p' => '“Teams don’t do that no more,” Ferbey said.',
'3.p' => 'But Ferbey jumped the gun a bit, because there’s one team that has taken Ferbey’s wistful recollection to heart in perhaps an overenthusiastic manner. On Sunday afternoon, the curling foursome of Jamie Koe, Ryan Fry, Chris Schille, and DJ Kidby got kicked out of the Red Deer Curling Classic in Alberta, in part because they were “extremely drunk.”',
'4.p' => '“They went out to curl and they were extremely drunk and breaking brooms and swearing and just unacceptable behavior that nobody wants to watch or hear or listen to and it was just ‘enough was enough,’ ” facility manager Wade Thurber told CBC Sports.',
'5.p' => '“There was some damage in the locker room and other teams complaining about their stuff being kicked around in the locker room. So at the end of the day, it was like ‘OK, that’s enough of this gong show.’ The committee for the bonspiel collectively decided that we needed to remove them from the spiel for this year and what happens down the road, I’m not sure yet.”',
'6.p' => 'According to a sign posted at the arena, Koe’s squad was disqualified – it had to forfeit its final match after just one end – and might not be allowed back. The team won its first match of the tournament on Friday before losing twice on Saturday, the Red Deer Advocate reported.',
'7.p' => 'Fry, a gold medalist for Team Canada at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, was full of remorse in a statement to CBC Sports.',
'8.p' => '“I would like to sincerely apologize to the fans, participants and organizers of the Red Deer Curling Classic,” he said. “I came to the event to play and enjoy the sport. My actions were truly disrespectful and embarrassing – the committee was right to disqualify us from play.”',
'9.p' => 'The incident was discussed a this World Curling Tour live stream of the event: “Yesterday, they got here about 11 o’clock,” the commentator said. “They were sitting over there drinking, about 30, 40 empty bottles of beer and they were doing shots. They went out there completely drunk and played, kicking rocks, throwing brooms, they got disqualified. Other teams were saying, ‘We do not want to even play here anymore if they’re allowed, so they said, ‘Team Koe, disqualified,’ and they’re never allowed to play here again.”',
'10.p' => 'Said Fry, in his statement: “I allowed myself to lose control and I offended people with my actions. I wish nothing more than to apologize to everyone individually.”',
'2.div' => 'Comments',
'2.aside' => 'Columnists',
'2.div' => 'Top Stories',
'3.div' => array(
'1.div' => 'This Week\'s Flyers',
'2.div' => array(
'1.h2' => 'Comments',
'2.p' => array(
1 => 'We encourage all readers to share their views on our articles and blog posts. We are committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion, so we ask you to avoid personal attacks, and please keep your comments relevant and respectful. If you encounter a comment that is abusive, click the "X" in the upper right corner of the comment box to report spam or abuse. We are using Facebook commenting.',
2 => 'for more information.',
'3.footer' => array(
'1.div' => 'Connect with Winnipeg SUN',
'2.div' => array(
1 => 2019 Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved.',
'2.span' => 'Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited.',
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