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G: Pure Spirits Oyster House & Grill | Tourism Toronto

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class="title-container__details-wrapper"> <div class="title-container__event-details"> <span class="title-container__event-details__item"> <svg viewBox="0 0 102 170" class="info-icon info-icon--location"><title> Location</title><path d="M51 0C25.8 0 5.4 20.4 5.4 45.6c0 29 33.9 83.8 43.3 98.4 0.5 0.8 1.4 1.3 2.4 1.3 1 0 1.9-0.5 2.4-1.3 9.4-14.6 43.3-69.4 43.3-98.4C96.6 20.4 76.2 0 51 0zM51 71.7c-13.8 0-25-11.2-25-25s11.2-25 25-25 25 11.2 25 25S64.8 71.7 51 71.7z"/><path d="M26.8 147.2c0 7.6 12.2 11.6 24.2 11.6s24.2-4 24.2-11.6c0-4.1-3.6-7.2-8.7-9.1-1 1.6-1.9 3.2-2.8 4.7 3.9 1.3 6.2 3.1 6.2 4.4 0 2.5-7.5 6.3-18.8 6.3s-18.8-3.8-18.8-6.3c0-1.4 2.3-3.1 6.2-4.4-0.9-1.5-1.8-3.1-2.8-4.7C30.4 140 26.8 143 26.8 147.2z"/><path d="M86.2 130.4c-3.9-1.6-8.3-3-13.1-3.9-0.9 1.7-1.9 3.3-2.8 4.9 16.2 3 26.4 9.7 26.4 15.8 0 8.3-18.7 17.5-45.6 17.5s-45.6-9.2-45.6-17.5c0-6.1 10.2-12.7 26.4-15.8-0.9-1.6-1.9-3.2-2.8-4.9-4.8 1-9.2 2.3-13.1 3.9C5.6 134.7 0 140.6 0 147.2c0 6.5 5.6 12.5 15.8 16.7 9.4 3.9 21.9 6.1 35.2 6.1s25.8-2.2 35.2-6.1c10.2-4.3 15.8-10.2 15.8-16.7C102 140.6 96.4 134.7 86.2 130.4z"/></svg><a href="" target="_blank" title="Opens in new tab" class="bordered-link">17 Tank House Lane</a> </span> <span class="title-container__event-details__item"> <svg viewBox="0 0 170 170" class="info-icon"><title>Official website</title><path d="M111.2 47.1l-65.7 65.7c-3 3-2.7 8 0.5 11.2 3.2 3.2 8.2 3.4 11.2 0.5l65.7-65.7c3-3 2.7-8-0.5-11.2C119.2 44.4 114.2 44.2 111.2 47.1z"/><path d="M113.1 7L81.9 38.2c-8.4 8.4-9.2 21.5-2.4 30.8l13.5-13.5c-0.1-2.9 0.9-5.9 3.2-8.1l26.2-26.2c4.2-4.2 11.1-4.2 15.3 0l11.2 11.2c4.2 4.2 4.2 11.1 0 15.3l-26.2 26.2c-2.2 2.2-5.2 3.3-8.1 3.2L101 90.6c9.3 6.8 22.4 6 30.8-2.4L163 56.9c9.3-9.3 9.3-24.4 0-33.6L146.8 7C137.5-2.3 122.4-2.3 113.1 7z"/><path d="M73.9 122.6l-26.2 26.2c-4.2 4.2-11.1 4.2-15.3 0l-11.2-11.2c-4.2-4.2-4.2-11.1 0-15.3l26.2-26.2c2.2-2.2 5.2-3.3 8.1-3.2L69 79.4c-9.3-6.8-22.4-6-30.8 2.4L7 113.1c-9.3 9.3-9.3 24.4 0 33.6L23.2 163c9.3 9.3 24.4 9.3 33.6 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class="info-icon"><title>Phone</title><path d="M14.4 31.5L0 39.1c0.2 2.3 1.2 4.4 2.8 6 6.3 6.3 20.9 1.9 32.6-9.8S51.4 9.1 45.1 2.8c-1.6-1.6-3.7-2.5-6-2.8l-7.6 14.4 4.7 5.5c0.9 0.9-2 5.3-6.5 9.8s-8.9 7.4-9.8 6.5L14.4 31.5z"/></svg> (416) 361-5859</span> <!--/.title-container__event-details--></div> <!--/.title-container__details-wrapper--></div> </header> <div class="article-column"> <span class="sexy-line tablet-hidden top-margin-adjust"></span> <p class="drop">Awarded Best Seafood 2013 and 2014 by Dine.TO –Pure Spirits is one of the most celebrated seafood restaurants in the city! Unlike other seafood restaurants, Pure Spirits strives to serve sustainable seafood choices all year round. </p> <p>Located in the heart of The Distillery District, this laid-back spot flies in the freshest fish and oysters from across North America and abroad every day! With ever-changing market day specials (All You Can Eat mussels on Mondays cannot be missed!), a beautiful 200 person patio and a variety of non-seafood dishes to pick from, Pure Spirits serves electrifying, unique cuisine with a creative modern flair.</p> <div class="member-assets"> <!--end .member-assets--></div> <!--end .article-column--></div> <aside class="sidebar sticky"> <span class="sexy-line sexy-line--sidebar sexy-line--sidebar--top"></span> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Opens in new tab"><img src=",w_250,h_150/crm/toronto/PURE-SPIRITS-LOGO-copy-copy0_5eb8964f-5056-a36f-23fb4f25c37b41b3.png" alt="Pure Spirits Oyster House &amp; Grill" class="sidebar__logo-image"></a> <span class="sexy-line sexy-line--sidebar"></span><h2 class="sidebar__title">Share</h2> <div class="sidebar__share"> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Opens in new tab"><svg class="facebookShare" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" enable-background="new 0 0 24 24" 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346.1 394.2 346.1 394.2 346.1 422.3 "/><path d="M375.1 392.6c0-4.8 4.4-6.4 9.2-6.4 4.8 0 9 1.6 9 6.4v23.9c0 4.8-4.2 6.6-9 6.6 -4.8 0-9.2-1.8-9.2-6.6V392.6L375.1 392.6 375.1 392.6zM385.7 393.6c0-1-0.2-2.4-1.4-2.4 -1.2 0-1.4 1.4-1.4 2.4v21.7c0 1 0.2 2.4 1.4 2.4s1.4-1.4 1.4-2.4V393.6L385.7 393.6z"/><polygon points="374.3 386.9 360.8 386.9 360.8 392.2 363.8 392.2 363.8 422.3 371.6 422.3 371.6 392.2 374.3 392.2 "/><polygon points="282.2 378.3 262.9 378.3 262.9 383.9 268.7 383.9 268.7 422.3 276.4 422.3 276.4 383.9 282.2 383.9 "/><path d="M262.3 423.7v-0.2c-5.4-2.4-9.2-3-16.1-3h-28.7v2h38.6C258.7 422.5 260.7 423.1 262.3 423.7L262.3 423.7zM250.9 370.1l-1.2-1c-0.6-0.2-1.2 0.2-1.2 0.2l-1.6 0.8v8.4l0 0c-1.6 3.2-5.4 4.8-5.6 5l0 0c-0.6 0.4-0.8 0.8-0.8 1.4v31.2c-1.2 0.2-3 0.4-3 0.4v-26.7c0-1-0.4-1.2-1.4-1.4 -1.2-0.4-3.2-0.6-10-3.4v-5.6l-1.4-0.6c0 0-0.8-0.4-1.4-0.2 -0.6 0.2-1.4 0.8-1.8 1 -1.6 1.2-4.2 3.4-4.2 7.2v32.4h2.8v-32.4c0-2.8 1.8-4.2 2.8-4.8h0.4v37.2h2.8V388c2.2 1 3.6 1.6 6.2 2.2 0.8 0.4 1.8 0.6 2.4 0.6v26.1c-3.2 0.6-5.8 1.4-8.2 2.4h5.6c4.2-1.8 9-2.8 13.9-2.8 -0.8-0.2-1.8-0.2-2.6-0.2v-30.7l0.2-0.2c0.8-0.4 2-1.2 3.2-2.4v36.2c0.6 0.2 2 0 3 0.2v-46h0.2c1.4 1.8 2.8 4.4 2.8 8.2v38c1 0 2 0.2 3 0.4v-38.4C255.7 375.7 252.5 372.1 250.9 370.1L250.9 370.1z"/></svg></a></li> <li class="site-footer__partners__logos__logo"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Government of Ontario" class="site-footer__partners__logos__logo__link--aga-khan"><svg xmlns="" version="1.1" x="0" y="0" viewBox="0 0 220 72.5" enable-background="new 0 0 220 72.5" xml:space="preserve"><title>Government of Ontario</title><path d="M8.6 33.7c0.1-0.1 0.1-0.3 0.2-0.4 0-0.2-0.1-0.5-0.3-0.7 -0.5-0.6-1.6-1.1-2.3-1.1 -1.2 0.1-2.2 1.1-2.4 2.2 -0.2 1.1 0.6 2 1.8 1.9C6.5 35.6 8.1 34.5 8.6 33.7zM20.2 32.2c0.1-0.7-0.7-1.3-2.4-1.9 -5.1-1.8-8.2-6.5-9.2-13.5 0 0 0 0 0-0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0.2-0.2-0.6-0.4-0.9-0.2 -0.7 0.6-0.2 3 1.4 9.9 0 0 0.6 2.7 0.6 2.7 0.3 1.5 0.4 2.8 0.3 4 -0.2 1.2-0.6 2.5-1.4 4.2l-1.5 3c-4 8-5.3 11-4.8 11.6 0.3 0.3 0.7-0.1 1-0.4 0 0 0 0 0.1-0.1 0 0 0-0.1 0-0.1 1.1-2.6 2.2-4.9 3.5-7 2.8-4.5 6.3-7.8 10.3-9.8 1.5-0.7 2.4-1.4 2.8-1.9C20.1 32.4 20.2 32.3 20.2 32.2zM55.6 18.2C55.6 18.2 55.7 18.2 55.6 18.2c0.1 0 0.2 0 0.2 0 0.4-0.2 0.8-0.4 1-0.7 0.1-0.1 0.1-0.2 0.1-0.3 -0.1-1-3.7-1.1-13.3-0.9 0 0-3.4 0-3.4 0 -1.9 0-3.2-0.2-4.2-0.6 -1-0.5-1.9-1.2-2.9-2.4 0 0-1.7-2.1-1.7-2.1 -4.3-5.4-5.9-7.2-6.7-6.7 -0.1 0.1-0.2 0.1-0.2 0.2 -0.2 0.2-0.2 0.6-0.1 0.9 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.7 4.8 6.4 10.6 4.9 17.2 -0.5 2.1-0.5 3.3 0 3.5 0.5 0.3 1.6-0.3 3.5-1.8C38.5 19.6 46.1 17.5 55.6 18.2zM40.2 8.6c-1-0.4-2.5 0.3-3.3 1.7 -0.8 1.3-0.9 3.7-0.2 4 0.7 0.3 3.1-1.2 3.9-2.5C41.4 10.4 41.2 9 40.2 8.6zM27 53.9c0 0 2.4-3 2.4-3 1.3-1.6 2.5-2.7 3.7-3.5 1.2-0.7 2.7-1.2 4.7-1.6l3.7-0.6c10.3-1.7 14.2-2.5 14.3-3.6 0.1-0.5-0.5-0.8-1.1-0.9 0 0 0 0-0.1 0 -0.1 0-0.1 0-0.1 0 -10.3 2.6-18 1.6-23.2-2.6 -1.6-1.3-2.6-1.7-3.2-1.3 -0.1 0.1-0.2 0.2-0.3 0.4 -0.4 0.6-0.5 1.7-0.5 3.5 0.2 4.9-1.4 10-4.5 15 -1.4 2.3-3.2 4.5-5.2 6.7 0 0 0 0-0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.1 -0.2 0.5-0.3 1.1 0.1 1.4C18.4 64.3 20.7 61.7 27 53.9zM33.3 53.5c0.4 0.8 1 1.4 1.7 1.6 0.6 0.2 1.2 0.1 1.7-0.2 0.5-0.3 0.9-0.8 1.2-1.5 0.3-0.8 0.2-1.7-0.2-2.5 -0.7-1.4-3-2.7-3.9-2.2 -0.1 0.1-0.2 0.2-0.3 0.4 -0.1 0.2-0.2 0.4-0.3 0.6C32.9 50.8 32.9 52.6 33.3 53.5z"/><path d="M77.7 27.7c0.1-0.1 0.1-0.2 0.1-0.3 0-0.1-0.1-0.2-0.1-0.2C77 26.8 62 17.6 49.3 20.9c-0.1 0-0.2 0.1-0.2 0.2 0 0 0 0.1 0 0.1 0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 8.4 0.6 16.5 5.1 18.9 6.5l0.4 0.2 -0.4 0.3c-2.4 1.8-10.9 7.9-19.7 10.1 -0.2 0-0.3 0.2-0.3 0.3 0 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.3C61.5 40.4 77 28.2 77.7 27.7zM24.8 10.2c0.1-0.1 0.2-0.2 0.1-0.3 -2.5-8-13-9.8-13.4-9.9 -0.1 0-0.1 0-0.2 0.1 -0.1 0-0.1 0.1-0.1 0.2C11 0.7 7.3 13.1 11.6 19.5c0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 0 0.1-0.1 0.2-0.2 0.1-0.3 -1-5.8 0.6-12.7 1.1-14.7l0.1-0.3 0.3 0.1c1.6 0.4 7.3 2 11 6C24.5 10.3 24.6 10.3 24.8 10.2zM19.4 56.2c0.1-0.2 0-0.3-0.1-0.4l0 0c-0.1-0.1-0.2 0-0.4 0.1 -5.4 6-12.6 9.4-14.7 10.2l-0.3 0.1 0-0.4C4 63.4 4.6 55 7.6 47.9c0.1-0.1 0-0.3-0.1-0.3 -0.1-0.1-0.2 0-0.3 0.1C0.4 56.1 0 71.5 0 72.2c0 0.1 0 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0C0.8 72.3 14.2 67.3 19.4 56.2z"/><path d="M109.8 47.1h4.2v3.9h0.1c1.3-2.8 4.5-4.5 7.7-4.5 6.1 0 8.8 4 8.8 10.7v14.7h-4.4V59.1c0-5.8-1.2-8.6-5-8.8 -4.9 0-7.2 4.2-7.2 10.2v11.5h-4.4V47.1zM150.8 48.9c2.2-1.4 4.8-2.3 7.8-2.3 6.7 0 9.5 3.5 9.5 10.3v10.3c0 2.8 0.1 4.1 0.2 4.9h-4.1v-3.2h-0.1c-1 1.5-3.3 3.8-7.3 3.8 -5.1 0-8.6-2.3-8.6-7.7 0-6.2 6.5-8.2 11-8.2 1.7 0 2.9 0 4.6 0.1 0-4.3-1.5-6.5-5.8-6.5 -2.5 0-5.1 1-6.8 2.5L150.8 48.9M163.7 60.1c-0.9 0-1.8-0.1-2.8-0.1 -2.3 0-8.2 0.4-8.2 4.8 0 2.6 2.4 4 4.4 4 4.3 0 6.6-2.8 6.6-6.5V60.1zM185.2 51.1c-0.6-0.1-1.2-0.2-1.8-0.2 -4.1 0-6.8 3.9-6.8 10.1v10.9H172V47.3h4.3v4.1h0.1c1.2-2.6 3.9-4.4 6.5-4.4 1 0 1.6 0.1 2.3 0.2V51.1zM208 46.5c7.2 0 12 5.4 12 13 0 7.1-4.9 13-12 13 -7.1 0-12-5.9-12-13C196 52 200.8 46.5 208 46.5M208 68.8c5.1 0 7.4-4.9 7.4-9.3 0-4.7-2.7-9.3-7.4-9.3 -4.7 0-7.4 4.6-7.4 9.3C200.6 64 202.9 68.8 208 68.8zM146.4 47.1H140v-7.2l-4.6 1.5v5.7l-3.8 3.7h3.8v14.5c0 5 2.9 7.2 7.6 7.2 1.4 0 2.7-0.3 3.7-0.6v-3.8c-0.7 0.4-1.7 0.8-2.9 0.8 -2.1 0-3.9-1.6-3.9-4.4V50.8h6.4V47.1z"/><rect x="188" y="47.1" width="4.6" height="24.8"/><path d="M190.3 43.8c1.5 0 2.8-1.2 2.8-2.8 0-1.6-1.2-2.8-2.8-2.8 -1.6 0-2.8 1.2-2.8 2.8C187.5 42.6 188.7 43.8 190.3 43.8z"/><path d="M90.8 37.4c9.8 0 15.6 7.5 15.6 17.6 0 10.3-5.7 17.6-15.6 17.6 -9.8 0-15.5-7.2-15.5-17.6C75.3 44.9 81.1 37.4 90.8 37.4M90.8 68.2c7.4 0 10.6-6.5 10.6-13.3 0-6.9-3.5-13.3-10.6-13.3 -7.1 0-10.6 6.4-10.6 13.3C80.2 61.7 83.4 68.2 90.8 68.2z"/></svg></a><p class="site-footer__partners__logos__logo__text">Funding provided by the Government of Ontario</p></li> <li class="site-footer__partners__logos__logo"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Greater Toronto Hotel Association"><svg xmlns="" version="1.1" x="0" y="0" viewBox="0 0 220 32.5" enable-background="new 0 0 220 32.5" xml:space="preserve"><title>Greater Toronto Hotel Association</title><polygon points="19.3 2.5 0 2.5 0 0.2 19.3 0.2 19.3 2.5 "/><polygon points="19.3 6.7 0 6.7 0 4.3 19.3 4.3 19.3 6.7 "/><polygon points="19.3 11 0 11 0 8.6 19.3 8.6 19.3 11 "/><polygon points="19.4 15.2 0 15.2 0 12.8 19.4 12.8 19.4 15.2 "/><polygon points="19.3 19.6 0 19.6 0 17.2 19.3 17.2 19.3 19.6 "/><polygon points="19.2 23.8 0 23.8 0 21.4 19.2 21.4 19.2 23.8 "/><polygon points="19.4 28.1 0 28.1 0 25.7 19.4 25.7 19.4 28.1 "/><polygon points="19.3 32.3 0 32.3 0 29.9 19.3 29.9 19.3 32.3 "/><path d="M34.7 6.6H41c-0.1 3.9-1.8 7.6-6.4 7.6 -4.1 0-6.5-2.9-6.5-7.1 0-3.6 2.3-7.1 6.8-7.1 3.2 0 5.4 2 5.7 4.2l-1.5 0.1c-0.4-1.4-1.6-3-4.5-3 -3.2 0-4.9 2.5-4.9 5.8 0 3.5 2 5.7 4.9 5.7 3.5 0 4.6-2.8 4.7-4.9h-4.6V6.6L34.7 6.6zM48 8.1h-2.7V14h-1.5V0.3H48c3.7 0 4.7 2 4.7 3.7 0 2.5-1.6 3.6-3.1 4l3.7 6h-1.9L48 8.1 48 8.1zM48 6.7c1.8 0 3-0.9 3-2.5 0-2-1.5-2.6-3.1-2.6h-2.6v5.1H48L48 6.7z"/><polygon points="54.9 0.3 62.6 0.3 62.6 1.6 56.4 1.6 56.4 6.2 62.5 6.2 62.5 7.6 56.4 7.6 56.4 12.6 62.6 12.6 62.6 14 54.9 14 54.9 0.3 "/><path d="M68.8 0.3h1.6L75.6 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0-2-1.5-2.6-3.1-2.6h-2.6v5.1H143.1L143.1 6.7zM156.6 0c4 0 7 2.7 7 7.1 0 4.1-3 7.1-7 7.1 -4 0-7-2.7-7-7.1C149.6 3 152.6 0 156.6 0L156.6 0zM156.6 1.4c-3.8 0-5.3 3-5.3 5.7 0 2.3 1.5 5.7 5.3 5.7 3.9 0 5.3-3.5 5.3-5.7C161.9 4.3 160.4 1.4 156.6 1.4L156.6 1.4z"/><polygon points="166.4 0.3 168 0.3 175.7 11.6 175.8 11.6 175.8 0.3 177.3 0.3 177.3 14 175.7 14 167.9 2.7 167.9 2.7 167.9 14 166.4 14 166.4 0.3 "/><polygon points="183.2 1.6 179.1 1.6 179.1 0.3 188.9 0.3 188.9 1.6 184.8 1.6 184.8 14 183.2 14 183.2 1.6 "/><path d="M197.2 0c4 0 7 2.7 7 7.1 0 4.1-3 7.1-7 7.1 -4 0-7-2.7-7-7.1C190.2 3 193.3 0 197.2 0L197.2 0zM197.2 1.4c-3.8 0-5.3 3-5.3 5.7 0 2.3 1.5 5.7 5.3 5.7 3.9 0 5.3-3.5 5.3-5.7C202.6 4.3 201 1.4 197.2 1.4L197.2 1.4z"/><polygon points="28.5 18.5 30.1 18.5 30.1 24.5 37.1 24.5 37.1 18.5 38.6 18.5 38.6 32.2 37.1 32.2 37.1 25.9 30.1 25.9 30.1 32.2 28.5 32.2 28.5 18.5 "/><path d="M48.3 18.3c4 0 7 2.7 7 7.1 0 4.1-3 7.1-7 7.1 -4 0-7-2.7-7-7.1C41.3 21.2 44.3 18.3 48.3 18.3L48.3 18.3zM48.3 19.6c-3.8 0-5.3 3-5.3 5.7 0 2.3 1.5 5.7 5.3 5.7 3.9 0 5.3-3.5 5.3-5.7C53.6 22.6 52.1 19.6 48.3 19.6L48.3 19.6z"/><polygon points="60.7 19.9 56.6 19.9 56.6 18.5 66.4 18.5 66.4 19.9 62.3 19.9 62.3 32.2 60.7 32.2 60.7 19.9 "/><polygon points="68.1 18.5 75.9 18.5 75.9 19.9 69.7 19.9 69.7 24.5 75.7 24.5 75.7 25.9 69.7 25.9 69.7 30.9 75.9 30.9 75.9 32.2 68.1 32.2 68.1 18.5 "/><polygon points="78.3 18.5 79.8 18.5 79.8 30.9 86.2 30.9 86.2 32.2 78.3 32.2 78.3 18.5 "/><path d="M97.3 18.5h1.6l5.2 13.7h-1.7l-1.4-3.9h-5.7l-1.4 3.9h-1.7L97.3 18.5 97.3 18.5zM98.1 20.4L98.1 20.4 95.7 27h4.7L98.1 20.4 98.1 20.4zM113.4 22.1c-0.1-1.1-0.9-2.4-3.1-2.4 -2.2 0-3.1 1.2-3.1 2.6 0 0.9 0.5 1.8 3.1 2.3 3.5 0.7 5 1.5 5 3.9 0 2.1-1.5 4.1-5 4.1 -3.1 0-4.8-1.5-5-4.1h1.6c0.3 1.8 1.5 2.7 3.5 2.7 2.4 0 3.3-1.4 3.3-2.6 0-1.5-0.8-2-3.3-2.5 -3.2-0.7-4.7-1.5-4.7-3.8 0-2.2 1.8-3.9 4.6-3.9 3.4 0 4.4 1.8 4.7 3.8H113.4L113.4 22.1zM125.6 22.1c-0.1-1.1-0.9-2.4-3.1-2.4 -2.2 0-3.1 1.2-3.1 2.6 0 0.9 0.5 1.8 3.1 2.3 3.5 0.7 5 1.5 5 3.9 0 2.1-1.5 4.1-5 4.1 -3.1 0-4.8-1.5-5-4.1h1.5c0.3 1.8 1.5 2.7 3.5 2.7 2.4 0 3.3-1.4 3.3-2.6 0-1.5-0.8-2-3.3-2.5 -3.2-0.7-4.7-1.5-4.7-3.8 0-2.2 1.8-3.9 4.6-3.9 3.4 0 4.4 1.8 4.7 3.8H125.6L125.6 22.1zM136.7 18.3c4 0 7 2.7 7 7.1 0 4.1-3 7.1-7 7.1 -4 0-7-2.7-7-7.1C129.7 21.2 132.7 18.3 136.7 18.3L136.7 18.3zM136.7 19.6c-3.8 0-5.3 3-5.3 5.7 0 2.3 1.5 5.7 5.3 5.7 3.9 0 5.3-3.5 5.3-5.7C142 22.6 140.5 19.6 136.7 19.6L136.7 19.6zM157.5 23c-0.7-2.4-2.5-3.3-4.5-3.3 -3.8 0-5.3 3-5.3 5.7 0 2.7 1.3 5.7 5.3 5.7 2.6 0 4.1-1.5 4.6-3.8l1.6 0.2c-0.6 2.4-2.2 5-6.4 5 -4 0-6.8-2.7-6.8-7.1 0-4.1 3-7.1 7-7.1 4.4 0 5.7 2.7 6.1 4.6L157.5 23 157.5 23z"/><polygon points="161.8 18.5 163.3 18.5 163.3 32.2 161.8 32.2 161.8 18.5 "/><path d="M170.4 18.5h1.6l5.2 13.7h-1.7l-1.4-3.9h-5.7l-1.4 3.9h-1.7L170.4 18.5 170.4 18.5zM171.2 20.4L171.2 20.4l-2.4 6.5h4.7L171.2 20.4 171.2 20.4z"/><polygon points="180.2 19.9 176.1 19.9 176.1 18.5 185.9 18.5 185.9 19.9 181.8 19.9 181.8 32.2 180.2 32.2 180.2 19.9 "/><polygon points="187.9 18.5 189.4 18.5 189.4 32.2 187.9 32.2 187.9 18.5 "/><path d="M199.3 18.3c4 0 7 2.7 7 7.1 0 4.1-3 7.1-7 7.1 -4 0-7-2.7-7-7.1C192.3 21.2 195.3 18.3 199.3 18.3L199.3 18.3zM199.3 19.6c-3.8 0-5.3 3-5.3 5.7 0 2.3 1.5 5.7 5.3 5.7 3.9 0 5.3-3.5 5.3-5.7C204.6 22.6 203.1 19.6 199.3 19.6L199.3 19.6z"/><polygon points="209 18.5 210.7 18.5 218.4 29.8 218.5 29.8 218.5 18.5 220 18.5 220 32.2 218.3 32.2 210.6 20.9 210.6 20.9 210.6 32.2 209 32.2 209 18.5 "/></svg></a></li> </ul> <!--/></section> <section class="site-footer__partners site-footer__premium-partners"> <h2 class="site-footer__menus__heading site-footer__partners__heading">Premium Partners</h2> <ul class="site-footer__partners__logos"> <li class="site-footer__partners__logos__logo site-footer__partners__logos__logo--aga-khan"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Aga Khan Musuem"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 352.6 47.9"><title>Aga Khan Museum</title><path d="M63.5 26.1c-0.4 1-1.3 3.1-1.3 4.2 0 1.2 1.4 1.1 2.2 1.2v0.6c-1 0-2-0.1-3-0.1 -1 0-1.9 0.1-2.9 0.1v-0.6c1.5-0.2 2.1-0.6 2.6-2 0.8-1.8 1.5-3.5 2.3-5.3l4.2-10.8h0.9l5.6 14c0.3 0.7 0.9 2.4 1.4 3 0.6 0.8 1.4 0.9 2.4 1v0.6c-1.3 0-2.6-0.1-3.9-0.1 -1.3 0-2.7 0.1-4 0.1v-0.6c0.8 0 2.1 0 2.1-1 0-0.7-0.3-1.5-0.6-2.1l-1.1-2.8h-6.8L63.5 26.1zM70.2 24.5l-3-7.8 -3.1 7.8H70.2z"/><path d="M95.9 19.5h-0.6c-0.2-3.1-2.2-5.3-5.4-5.3 -5.4 0-6.5 5-6.5 9.3 0 4.1 1.6 8.2 6.3 8.2 2.8 0 4.6-1.3 4.6-4.1 0-1.8-0.7-2.2-2.4-2.3v-0.6h7.2v0.6c-1.5 0-1.7 0.7-1.7 2.1v2.9c-2 0-2.2 0.2-3.9 1.2 -1.4 0.7-2.8 1-4.3 1 -5.4 0-9.3-3.5-9.3-9 0-5.6 3.9-9.9 9.6-9.9 2 0 4.1 0.5 5.7 1.7l0.6-1.2h0.3L95.9 19.5z"/><path d="M104.8 26.1c-0.4 1-1.3 3.1-1.3 4.2 0 1.2 1.4 1.1 2.2 1.2v0.6c-1 0-2-0.1-3-0.1 -1 0-1.9 0.1-2.9 0.1v-0.6c1.5-0.2 2.1-0.6 2.6-2 0.8-1.8 1.5-3.5 2.3-5.3l4.2-10.8h0.9l5.6 14c0.3 0.7 0.9 2.4 1.4 3 0.6 0.8 1.4 0.9 2.4 1v0.6c-1.3 0-2.6-0.1-3.9-0.1 -1.3 0-2.7 0.1-4 0.1v-0.6c0.8 0 2.1 0 2.1-1 0-0.7-0.3-1.5-0.6-2.1l-1.1-2.8H105L104.8 26.1zM111.5 24.5l-3-7.8 -3.1 7.8H111.5z"/><path d="M135 25.2v3.3c0 2.6 0.1 2.8 2.7 3v0.6c-1.3 0-2.7-0.1-4-0.1 -1.4 0-2.8 0.1-4.2 0.1v-0.6c0.9 0 2 0 2.4-0.9 0.3-0.7 0.3-2.8 0.3-3.7v-7.8c0-0.9 0-2.9-0.3-3.7 -0.4-0.9-1.5-0.9-2.4-0.9v-0.6c1.3 0 2.6 0.1 3.9 0.1 1.4 0 2.8-0.1 4.3-0.1v0.6c-2.6 0.2-2.7 0.4-2.7 3v6.7c1.3-1.4 6.6-7 6.6-8.6 0-1.2-1.2-1-2.1-1.1v-0.6c1.1 0 2.2 0.1 3.3 0.1 1 0 1.9-0.1 2.9-0.1v0.6c-1.5 0-1.9 0.4-2.8 1.5l-4.4 5.5 3.8 4.4c0.3 0.4 3.2 4.2 4.5 5.2 0.6 0.4 1 0.4 1.6 0.4v0.6c-1.5 0-2.9-0.1-4.4-0.1 -1.4 0-2.8 0.1-4.2 0.1v-0.6c0.5 0 2.3 0.1 2.3-0.8 0-0.6-1.7-2.6-2.2-3.1l-3.4-4L135 25.2z"/><path d="M155.6 26.9c0 0.9 0 2.9 0.3 3.7 0.4 0.9 1.5 0.9 2.4 0.9v0.6c-1.3 0-2.7-0.1-4-0.1 -1.4 0-2.8 0.1-4.1 0.1v-0.6c0.9 0 2 0 2.4-0.9 0.3-0.7 0.3-2.8 0.3-3.7v-7.8c0-0.9 0-2.9-0.3-3.7 -0.4-0.9-1.5-0.9-2.4-0.9v-0.6c1.3 0 2.6 0.1 3.9 0.1 1.4 0 2.8-0.1 4.2-0.1v0.6c-0.9 0-2 0-2.4 0.9 -0.3 0.7-0.3 2.8-0.3 3.7v3.2h9.8v-3.2c0-0.9 0-2.9-0.3-3.7 -0.4-0.9-1.5-0.9-2.4-0.9v-0.6c1.3 0 2.7 0.1 4 0.1 1.4 0 2.7-0.1 4.1-0.1v0.6c-0.9 0-2 0-2.4 0.9 -0.3 0.7-0.3 2.8-0.3 3.7v7.8c0 0.9 0 2.9 0.3 3.7 0.4 0.9 1.5 0.9 2.4 0.9v0.6c-1.3 0-2.7-0.1-4-0.1 -1.4 0-2.8 0.1-4.1 0.1v-0.6c0.9 0 2 0 2.4-0.9 0.3-0.7 0.3-2.8 0.3-3.7v-3.7h-9.8V26.9z"/><path d="M177.5 26.1c-0.4 1-1.3 3.1-1.3 4.2 0 1.2 1.4 1.1 2.2 1.2v0.6c-1 0-2-0.1-3-0.1 -1 0-1.9 0.1-2.9 0.1v-0.6c1.5-0.2 2.1-0.6 2.6-2 0.8-1.8 1.5-3.5 2.3-5.3l4.2-10.8h0.9l5.6 14c0.3 0.7 0.9 2.4 1.4 3 0.6 0.8 1.4 0.9 2.4 1v0.6c-1.3 0-2.6-0.1-3.9-0.1 -1.3 0-2.7 0.1-4 0.1v-0.6c0.8 0 2.1 0 2.1-1 0-0.7-0.3-1.5-0.6-2.1l-1.1-2.8h-6.8L177.5 26.1zM184.2 24.5l-3-7.8 -3.1 7.8H184.2z"/><path d="M196.3 16.1c-0.9-1.2-1.5-1.6-3-1.7v-0.6c0.9 0 1.7 0.1 2.6 0.1 0.7 0 1.5-0.1 2.2-0.1L209.8 28h0.1v-7.7c0-1.2 0-3.1-0.3-4.2 -0.3-1.5-1.1-1.4-2.5-1.7v-0.6c1 0 2 0.1 3 0.1 1 0 1.9-0.1 2.9-0.1v0.6c-1 0.1-1.7 0-2.1 1.2 -0.3 0.9-0.3 3.7-0.3 4.8v11.9h-0.8c-0.6-0.7-1.2-1.5-1.8-2.3L197.2 17h-0.1v9.3c0 1 0 3.1 0.4 4 0.5 1.1 1.4 1 2.4 1.1v0.6c-1 0-2.1-0.1-3.2-0.1 -1 0-2 0.1-3.1 0.1v-0.6c1.1-0.1 2.1-0.2 2.4-1.4 0.2-1 0.2-2.7 0.2-3.8V16.1z"/><path d="M244.3 28.5c0 2.6 0.1 2.8 2.7 3v0.6c-1.4 0-2.8-0.1-4.1-0.1 -1.4 0-2.8 0.1-4.2 0.1v-0.6c2.6-0.2 2.7-0.4 2.7-3v-12h-0.1l-3.1 7.7c-1.2 2.6-2.3 5.3-3.4 7.9h-0.3l-6.7-15.6h-0.1v11.6c0 2.1 0.4 3.3 2.6 3.4v0.6c-1 0-2-0.1-3.1-0.1 -1 0-1.9 0.1-2.9 0.1v-0.6c2.1 0 2.5-1.3 2.5-2.5V17.2c0-0.7-0.1-1.4-0.2-1.8 -0.4-0.9-1.5-0.9-2.4-0.9v-0.6c0.9 0.1 1.8 0.1 2.8 0.1 0.9 0 1.7-0.1 2.5-0.1l6.1 14.1 5.9-14.1c0.9 0.1 1.7 0.1 2.6 0.1 0.9 0 1.8-0.1 2.7-0.1v0.7c-0.9 0-2 0-2.4 0.9 -0.3 0.6-0.3 2-0.3 3.1V28.5z"/><path d="M267.1 24.8c0 5-2 7.6-7.2 7.6 -4.9 0-7.3-1.7-7.3-6.7v-6.6c0-0.9 0-2.9-0.3-3.7 -0.4-0.9-1.5-0.9-2.4-0.9v-0.6c1.3 0 2.6 0.1 3.9 0.1 1.4 0 2.8-0.1 4.2-0.1v0.6c-0.9 0-2 0-2.4 0.9 -0.2 0.7-0.2 2.8-0.2 3.7v6.8c0 3.5 1.4 5.5 5.2 5.5 3.8 0 5.7-2 5.7-5.7v-6c0-1 0-3.1-0.3-3.9 -0.4-1.2-1.5-1.3-2.6-1.3v-0.6c1.1 0 2.1 0.1 3.2 0.1 1 0 2-0.1 3.1-0.1v0.6c-0.9 0-1.8 0-2.2 1 -0.4 1-0.4 3.1-0.4 4.2V24.8z"/><path d="M273.3 26.5h0.6c0.5 2.8 2 5.1 5.2 5.1 2.1 0 3.9-1.2 3.9-3.4 0-2.5-2.2-3.5-4.2-4.3 -2.5-1-5.2-2.3-5.2-5.4s2.5-5 5.5-5c1.5 0 2.9 0.5 4.2 1.4l0.6-1.1h0.3l0.1 4.8h-0.6c-0.6-2.3-1.9-4.4-4.6-4.4 -1.8 0-3.2 1.1-3.2 2.9 0 2.2 2 2.9 3.7 3.6 2.9 1.2 6.1 2.6 6.1 6.2 0 3.6-3.4 5.3-6.6 5.3 -1.9 0-3.3-0.6-4.8-1.7l-0.7 1.2h-0.3V26.5z"/><path d="M291.1 19.2c0-0.9 0-2.9-0.3-3.7 -0.4-0.9-1.5-0.9-2.4-0.9v-0.7h13.7V18h-0.6c-0.5-3.2-2-3.4-4.9-3.4h-2c-0.9 0-0.7-0.1-0.7 1.1v6.5c3.8 0.2 4.3-1.4 4.5-3.4h0.6c0 1.2-0.1 2.5-0.1 3.7 0.1 1.1 0.1 2.3 0.1 3.4h-0.6c-0.4-2.9-1.8-3-4.5-3v4.5c0 0.8 0 2.1 0.5 2.8 0.7 1 2.4 1 3.5 1 2.9-0.1 4.7-0.4 5.1-3.7h0.6l-0.2 4.4h-15v-0.6c0.9 0 2 0 2.4-0.9 0.3-0.7 0.3-2.8 0.3-3.7V19.2z"/><path d="M324.2 24.8c0 5-2 7.6-7.2 7.6 -4.9 0-7.3-1.7-7.3-6.7v-6.6c0-0.9 0-2.9-0.3-3.7 -0.4-0.9-1.5-0.9-2.4-0.9v-0.6c1.3 0 2.6 0.1 3.9 0.1 1.4 0 2.8-0.1 4.2-0.1v0.6c-0.9 0-2 0-2.4 0.9 -0.2 0.7-0.2 2.8-0.2 3.7v6.8c0 3.5 1.4 5.5 5.2 5.5 3.8 0 5.7-2 5.7-5.7v-6c0-1 0-3.1-0.3-3.9 -0.4-1.2-1.5-1.3-2.6-1.3v-0.6c1.1 0 2.1 0.1 3.2 0.1 1 0 2-0.1 3.1-0.1v0.6c-0.9 0-1.8 0-2.2 1 -0.4 1-0.4 3.1-0.4 4.2V24.8z"/><path d="M349.8 28.5c0 2.6 0.1 2.8 2.7 3v0.6c-1.4 0-2.8-0.1-4.1-0.1 -1.4 0-2.8 0.1-4.2 0.1v-0.6c2.6-0.2 2.7-0.4 2.7-3v-12H347l-3.1 7.7c-1.2 2.6-2.3 5.3-3.4 7.9h-0.3l-6.7-15.6h-0.1v11.6c0 2.1 0.4 3.3 2.6 3.4v0.6c-1 0-2-0.1-3.1-0.1 -1 0-1.9 0.1-2.9 0.1v-0.6c2.1 0 2.5-1.3 2.5-2.5V17.2c0-0.7-0.1-1.4-0.2-1.8 -0.4-0.9-1.5-0.9-2.4-0.9v-0.6c0.9 0.1 1.8 0.1 2.8 0.1 0.9 0 1.7-0.1 2.5-0.1l6.1 14.1 5.9-14.1c0.9 0.1 1.7 0.1 2.6 0.1 0.9 0 1.8-0.1 2.7-0.1v0.7c-0.9 0-2 0-2.4 0.9 -0.3 0.6-0.3 2-0.3 3.1V28.5z"/><path d="M35.7 8.5c1.1 0 2.3 0.1 3.4 0.4 1.1 4.6-0.2 9.7-3.7 13.6l-1.3 1.5 1.3 1.5c1 1.1 1.7 2.3 2.4 3.5 0.8-0.3 1.5-0.7 2-1 -0.7-1.4-1.6-2.7-2.7-4 4.2-4.7 5.7-11.2 3.8-16.9 -1.7-0.5-3.5-0.8-5.2-0.8 -1.2 0-2.4 0.1-3.6 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7 1.5 0.9 2.1C33.9 8.6 34.8 8.5 35.7 8.5z"/><path d="M41.3 32.1c-0.7 0.4-1.5 0.7-2.1 0.9 0.4 2 0.3 4-0.1 6.1 -1 0.3-2.1 0.4-3.2 0.4 -3.7 0-7.4-1.4-10.4-4.1L24 34.1l-1.5 1.3c-1.1 1-2.2 1.7-3.4 2.4 0.3 0.6 0.6 1.4 1 2 1.4-0.7 2.7-1.6 4-2.7 3.4 3 7.6 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10.1 3.2 2.3 0 4.6-.4 6.8-1.1 2.2-.8 4.2-1.9 6.2-3.5s3.8-3.5 5.5-5.8l2.2 1.2c-2.8 4.1-6.2 7.2-10.2 9.2-4 2.1-8.5 3.1-13.7 3.1-4 0-7.7-.7-11.1-2.1s-6.3-3.4-8.8-5.9-4.3-5.4-5.7-8.8c-1.3-3.3-2-6.8-2-10.5 0-4 .7-7.7 2.1-11.2 1.4-3.4 3.4-6.4 5.9-8.9s5.4-4.4 8.8-5.7c3.3-1.3 6.9-2 10.6-2 1.4 0 2.7.1 3.9.3s2.7.5 4.3 1c1.7.5 2.8.7 1.3.2 2.1.2 2.1.2 3.8-.5 5.1-1.9zm-26.3 1.7c-3.9 1.5-7.1 3.2-9.6 5.3-1.4 1.2-2.7 2.6-3.8 4.1s-2 3.1-2.8 4.8-1.4 3.5-1.8 5.5-.6 3.9-.6 5.8c0 4.5.9 8.7 2.8 12.5s4.6 7 8.3 9.5 8.1 4.1 13.2 4.6c-3.3-.9-6.4-2.2-9.1-3.9s-5.1-3.7-7-6.1-3.4-5-4.3-7.8c-1-2.8-1.4-5.7-1.4-8.7 0-2.5.4-5.1 1.2-7.9s2-5.2 3.5-7.3c1.7-2.4 3.4-4.4 5.2-5.9 1.7-1.5 3.8-3 6.2-4.5zm24.8 7.8l-.2-6.4c-1.2.5-2.4.8-3.7.8-.6 0-1.2-.1-1.8-.2 1.3 1 2.3 1.9 3.2 2.8.8 1 1.7 2 2.5 3z"/><path class="casa-loma-svg-path" d="M97.7 106.8l-2.7-6.3H83.5l-1.6 3.8c-.4 1-.6 2-.6 3s.3 1.9 1 2.6c.7.8 1.6 1.2 2.9 1.2v1.2H73.9V111c2.5-.3 4.5-2.3 6.1-5.9l8.4-19.6c-.4-.7-.9-1.2-1.4-1.4s-1.2-.4-2.1-.5v-1.1l5.8-1.8h2.2l11.3 26.1c.6 1.5 1.3 2.5 1.9 3s1.6.9 3 1.2v1.2H94.7V111c1.2-.1 2.2-.3 2.8-.5s.9-.7.9-1.4c0-.6-.2-1.3-.7-2.3zM76.5 111h4.7c-1-.7-1.5-1.6-1.5-2.7v-.7c-.4.7-.9 1.4-1.3 1.9-.5.5-1.1 1-1.9 1.5zm7.6-12h10.3l-5.2-11.9L84.1 99zm15.8 7l-8.7-20c-.4-1-.9-1.7-1.3-2.1-.5-.4-1.1-.6-1.9-.6-.5 0-.9 0- 1.4.7 1.8 1.2s.8 1.2 1.1 2l8.6 20c.5 1.2.8 2.1.8 2.8 0 .4-.1.7-.3.9s-.5.5-1.1.8h.5c.8 0 1.3-.2 1.8-.6.4-.4.6-.8.6-1.3.1-.8-.2-1.8-.8-3.2zM112.9 101h1.6c.9 2.3 2 4.3 3.2 5.9 1.3 1.6 2.6 2.8 4.1 3.5 1.5.8 3 1.2 4.7 1.2 2 0 3.8-.6 5.2-1.7 1.4-1.2 2.2-2.6 2.2-4.4 0-1.7-.5-3-1.4-3.9-1-.9-2.1-1.6-3.4-2s-3.1-.7-5.3-1.1c-2.2-.3-3.7-.6-4.6-.9-1.4-.4-2.6-1.1-3.6-1.8-1-.8-1.7-1.7-2.2-2.8s-.8-2.2-.8-3.5c0-1.2.2-2.3.7-3.4s1.1-2.1 1.9-2.9 1.8-1.5 3-2 2.5-.7 4-.7c1.1 0 2.3.1 3.9.4 1.5.3 2.6.4 0 1.7-.2 2.5-.5h1.8l1 9.1H133c-1.6-2.7-3.3-4.8-5-6.2s-3.8-2.1-6.1-2.1c-1.2 0-2.3.2-3.3.7s-1.8 1.2-2.4 2c-.6.9-.9 1.8-.9 2.9 0 1.5.6 2.6 1.7 3.4s2.7 1.4 4.9 1.8 4.1.7 5.8 1 3.1.6 4.1 1.1c1.8.8 3.3 2 4.3 3.4s1.5 3.1 1.5 5c0 1.8-.5 3.4-1.4 5-.9 1.5-2.3 2.8-4 3.7s-3.6 1.4-5.7 1.4c-1.2 0-2.1-.1-2.7-.2-.6-.2-1.6-.5-3.1-1s-2.6-.7-3.4-.7c-1.3 0-2.3.5-3.1 1.4h-1.4V101zm.8-14.2c-.3 1.1-.4 2-.4 2.7 0 .8.1 1.6.4 2.4s.7 1.5 1.3 2.2 1.2 1.3 1.9 1.7c1 .6 2 1 3.2 1.3 1.2.2 2.8.5 5 .9 2.2.3 3.7.7 4.6 1 1.6.5 2.8 1.3 3.6 2.4.9 1.1 1.3 2.3 1.3 3.7 0 1.1-.3 2.2-1 3.4 1.3-1.3 2-2.7 2-4.4s-.5-3.1-1.5-4.1-2.2-1.7-3.6-2.2c-1.5-.5-3.4-.9-5.9-1.3s-3.8-.6-3.9-.6c-2.3-.5-4-1.5-5.2-2.8s-1.8-2.9-1.8-4.6V86.8zm0 18.3v5.9c.5-.6.9-.9 1.3-1.1s1-.2 1.8-.2c-.5-.6-.9-1-1.2-1.3-.2-.3-.5-.7-.9-1.2-.2-.5-.6-1.2-1-2.1zM132 86.7l-.8-4.2c-.5.2-1.1.2-1.6.2-.6 0-1.2-.1-1.9-.2.6.4 1.2.8 1.7 1.3s1 1 1.5 1.7c.6.6 1 1 1.1 1.2zM164.1 106.8l-2.7-6.3h-11.5l-1.6 3.8c-.4 1-.6 2-.6 3s.3 1.9 1 2.6c.7.8 1.6 1.2 2.9 1.2v1.2h-11.3V111c2.5-.3 4.5-2.3 6.1-5.9l8.4-19.6c-.4-.7-.9-1.2-1.4-1.4s-1.2-.4-2.1-.5v-1.1l5.8-1.8h2.2l11.3 26.1c.6 1.5 1.3 2.5 1.9 3s1.6.9 3 1.2v1.2H161V111c1.2-.1 2.2-.3 2.8-.5s.9-.7.9-1.4c.1-.6-.2-1.3-.6-2.3zm-21.2 4.2h4.7c-1-.7-1.5-1.6-1.5-2.7v-.7c-.4.7-.9 1.4-1.3 1.9-.5.5-1.1 1-1.9 1.5zm7.5-12h10.3l-5.2-11.9-5.1 11.9zm15.9 7l-8.7-20c-.4-1-.9-1.7-1.3-2.1-.5-.4-1.1-.6-1.9-.6-.5 0-.9 0- 1.4.7 1.8 1.2s.8 1.2 1.1 2l8.6 20c.5 1.2.8 2.1.8 2.8 0 .4-.1.7-.3.9s-.5.5-1.1.8h.5c.8 0 1.3-.2 1.8-.6.4-.4.6-.8.6-1.3.1-.8-.2-1.8-.8-3.2zM184.3 72.6v-2.1h26.1v2.1h-1.2c-2 0-3.5.2-4.5.5-1 .4-1.8 1-2.2 1.9s-.6 2.3-.6 4v36.8c0 1.4.2 2.5.7 3.3s1.4 1.4 2.7 1.7c1.3.4 3.1.6 5.4.6 2 0 3.8-.2 5.5-.5s3.3-.9 4.9-1.7 3.3-2 5-3.5 3.5-3.4 5.2-5.7h3.5l-5 13.5h-45.6v-2.1h.5c2.3 0 3.9-.2 5-.6s1.8-1.1 2.2-2 .6-2.1.6-3.7V79.7c0-1.9-.2-3.3-.5-4.2-.3-1-1.1-1.7-2.3-2.1-1.2-.5-3-.8-5.4-.8zm9.4 5.8v38.4c0 1.2-.2 2.2-.7 2.9-.4.7-1.1 1.3-2 1.8.1 0 .3 0 .6.1.3 0 . 2.5 0 3.8-1.8 3.8-5.5v-36c0-2.5-.2-4.4-.6-5.6s-1.5-1.8-3.4-1.8h-1.1c1 .6 1.7 1.3 2.1 2 .6.5.7 1.8.7 3.6zm25.5 43.1h6.9l3.2-7.4c-1.4 1.7-3 3.1-4.6 4.3-1.5 1.2-3.4 2.2-5.5 3.1z"/><path class="casa-loma-svg-path" d="M216 96.5c0-1.3.1-2.6.4-3.8s.7-2.3 1.2-3.4 1.2-2.1 2-3 1.7-1.8 2.6-2.5c1-.8 2.1-1.4 3.3-1.9s2.5-.9 3.9-1.1 2.9-.3 4.5-.3c2.7 0 5.1.4 7.3 1.3 2.2.8 4.1 2 5.6 3.5s2.7 3.2 3.6 5.1c.8 1.9 1.2 4 1.2 6.1 0 2.3-.5 4.5-1.4 6.5s-2.2 3.7-3.9 5.2-3.6 2.6-5.9 3.5c-2.2.8-4.7 1.2-7.3 1.2-2.4 0-4.7-.4-6.8-1.2s-3.9-1.9-5.5-3.4c-1.5-1.4-2.7-3.2-3.6-5.2-.8-2.1-1.2-4.3-1.2-6.6zm8.8-13.6c-2.6 1.5-4.6 3.4-6 5.8-1.4 2.3-2 5-2 7.9 0 2.4.4 4.7 1.3 6.7s2.2 3.7 3.9 5.2c1.7 1.4 3.9 2.6 6.4 3.3-3.1-1.5-5.6-3.5-7.4-6.1s-2.8-5.7-2.8-9.5c0-1.9.2-3.6.7-5.1s1.2-2.9 2.2-4.3c1-1.3 2.3-2.6 3.7-3.9zm-2.2 11.3c0 2.6.3 4.9.9 7.1s1.4 4 2.4 5.6c1.1 1.6 2.3 2.7 3.8 3.6 1.4.8 3 1.2 4.7 1.2 1.4 0 2.8-.3 4-.9 1.3-.6 2.4-1.4 3.4-2.6 1-1.1 1.7-2.5 2.2-4.2s.8-3.6.8-5.8c0-2.4-.3-4.7-.9-6.7-.6-2.1-1.5-3.8-2.5-5.2-1.1-1.4-2.4-2.6-3.8-3.3-1.5-.8-3.1-1.2-4.8-1.2-1.5 0-2.8.3-4.1.9s-2.3 1.4-3.2 2.5-1.6 2.4-2.1 4c-.6 1.4-.8 3.1-.8 5zM237.2 82c1.8.9 3.3 2.1 4.6 3.7s2.2 3.4 2.8 5.6 1 4.6 1 7.2c0 2.5-.4 4.6-1.1 6.4s-1.7 3.4-3.1 4.8c1.3-.9 2.4-2 3.2-3.1.8-1.2 1.4-2.5 1.8-3.9.4-1.5.6-3.1.6-5 0-2.6-.4-5.1-1.2-7.3s-1.9-4-3.4-5.5c-1.4-1.6-3.2-2.5-5.2-2.9zM276.1 104.7L286.5 81h10.3v1.2c-1.6 0-2.7.2-3.4.6-.6.4-1 .9-1.1 1.6s-.2 2-.2 3.8v19.1c0 1 .1 1.7.4 2.2s.7.9 1.3 1.1 1.6.3 2.9.4v1.2h-15.3V111c1.5 0 2.6-.2 3.3-.5s1.1-.8 1.2-1.4.2-1.5.2-2.8V84.9l-11.8 27.3h-1.4l-11.7-26.4v18.1c0 2 .4 3.6 1.2 4.8.8 1.1 2.2 1.9 4.1 2.3v1.2h-12V111c1.7-.2 3-.8 3.9-1.8.9-1.1 1.4-2.6 1.4-4.5V84.1c-.6-.7-1.4-1.2-2.3-1.5s-1.9-.5-3-.4V81h10.9l10.7 23.7zm-18.7 6.3h5c-.6-.3-1-.7-1.4-1.2s-.6-1.1-.8-1.7c-.2.6-.6 1.1-1 1.6-.5.5-1.1.9-1.8 1.3zm1.8-28.8h-.9c1 .4 1.8.8 2.3 1.1 1.6 1.7 2.9l11 24.4c.3-.6.5-1.1.5-1.5s-.2-1-.5-1.8l-9.5-21.4c-.6-1.4-1.2-2.4-1.9-3.1-.5-.6-1.4-1-2.7-1zm29.2 24.9V85.8c0-1.7.1-2.9.4-3.5-.6 0-1.1.2-1.4.5s-.4.7-.5 1.2-.1 1.3-.1 2.4v21.3c0 1.1-.1 1.8-.3 2.2s-.7.8-1.4 1.1h.8c1.1 0 1.8-.3 2-.9.4-.5.5-1.5.5-3zM322.3 106.8l-2.7-6.3h-11.2l-1.6 3.8c-.4 1-.6 2-.6 3s.3 1.9 1 2.6c.7.8 1.6 1.2 2.8 1.2v1.2h-11V111c2.5-.3 4.4-2.3 5.9-5.9l8.2-19.6c-.4-.7-.9-1.2-1.4-1.4s-1.2-.4-2.1-.5v-1.1l5.7-1.8h2.2l11 26.1c.6 1.5 1.3 2.5 1.9 3s1.6.9 2.9 1.2v1.2h-14.1V111c1.2-.1 2.1-.3 2.7-.5s.9-.7.9-1.4c.2-.6-.1-1.3-.5-2.3zm-20.7 4.2h4.6c-1-.7-1.5-1.6-1.5-2.7v-.7c-.4.7-.9 1.4-1.3 1.9-.5.5-1.1 1-1.8 1.5zm7.3-12H319l-5-11.9-5.1 11.9zm15.5 7l-8.5-20c-.4-1-.8-1.7-1.3-2.1-.4-.4-1.1-.6-1.8-.6-.5 0-.8 0- 1.3.7 1.7 1.2s.8 1.2 1.1 2l8.4 20c.5 1.2.8 2.1.8 2.8 0 .4-.1.7-.3.9s-.5.5-1 .8h.5c.7 0 1.3-.2 1.7-.6s.6-.8.6-1.3c.1-.8-.2-1.8-.8-3.2z"/></a></li> <li class="site-footer__partners__logos__logo"><a href="" target="_blank" title="CN Tower"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 395.2 400"><title>CN Tower</title><path d="M26.7 316.2h42.6c1.5 0 2.2 0.9 2.2 1.9v7.8c0 1-1.1 1.7-2 1.7s-15.4 0-15.4 0v68.5c0 1.1-1.1 1.8-1.8 1.8 -0.7 0-8.1 0-8.1 0 -1 0-1.8-0.9-1.8-1.9 0-1 0-68.5 0-68.5H27c-1.1 0-2.2-0.7-2.2-1.9 0-1.3 0-7.5 0-7.5C24.9 317.2 25.8 316.2 26.7 316.2z"/><path d="M118.5 314.1c-23.7 0-42.9 19.2-42.9 42.9 0 23.7 19.2 42.9 42.9 42.9s42.9-19.2 42.9-42.9C161.4 333.4 142.2 314.1 118.5 314.1zM118.5 388.5c-17.4 0-31.4-14.1-31.4-31.4 0-17.4 14.1-31.4 31.4-31.4 17.3 0 31.4 14.1 31.4 31.4C149.9 374.4 135.8 388.5 118.5 388.5z"/><path d="M170.8 316.3h8c0.8 0 1.6 0.6 1.9 1.5 0.3 1.2 14.3 50.8 14.3 50.8l20.4-51.3c0 0 0.7-1.1 1.6-1.1 0.9 0 1.9 0 1.9 0 0.5 0 1.3 0.6 1.5 1.1l20.1 51.2 14.6-51c0.2-0.6 1.2-1.3 1.8-1.3 0.6 0 8.1 0 8.1 0 0.9 0 2 1.3 1.8 2.2 -0.3 1-22.5 78.3-22.5 78.3 -0.2 0.8-1 1.3-1.4 1.3s-1.9 0-1.9 0c-0.5 0-1.1-0.4-1.5-1.3 -0.4-0.9-21.5-54.6-21.5-54.6l-21.8 54.6c-0.3 0.7-1 1.3-1.5 1.3 -0.4 0-1.9 0-1.9 0 -0.6 0-1.3-0.6-1.6-1.3 -0.3-0.7-21.9-77.6-21.9-77.6s-0.5-1.7 0.1-2.3C170.1 316.2 170.8 316.3 170.8 316.3z"/><path d="M277.6 318.3c0 0 0.1-2 2-2 1.8 0 44.7 0 44.7 0s1.9 0.1 1.9 1.9c0 1.8 0 7.8 0 7.8 0 0.7-0.7 1.6-1.8 1.6h-35.1v20.7c0 0 33.6 0 34.7 0 1 0 1.8 0.9 1.8 1.9 0 0.8 0 7.9 0 7.9 0 0.9-1 1.6-1.6 1.6l-34.9 0v27h34.7c1.2 0 1.9 1 1.9 1.9 0 0.9 0 6.8 0 7.7 0 0.9-0.9 1.7-1.8 1.7 -1 0-44.3 0-44.3 0 -1 0-2.1-0.6-2.1-2C277.6 394.6 277.6 318.3 277.6 318.3z"/><path d="M363.7 361.6c0 0 5.2-0.2 9.9-1.5 4.7-1.3 15.3-6.7 15.3-21.2 0-13.1-9.2-19.1-15.2-21 -6-1.8-19-1.6-19-1.6h-16.3c-1.1 0-2.1 0.8-2.1 2 0 1.3 0 77.8 0 77.8 0 1.2 1 2 1.7 2h8.1c0.6 0 1.8-0.7 1.8-1.7v-34.6h1.6l27.1 35c0.7 0.9 1.3 1.3 2.2 1.3 0.9 0 9.3 0 9.3 0s1.1 0 1.6-1c0.6-1-0.2-2.1-0.2-2.1L363.7 361.6zM347.7 350.5v-22.9c0 0 6 0 13.8 0 11.2 0 15.5 4.5 15.5 11.5 0 6.2-4 11.4-15.4 11.4H347.7z"/><path d="M30.2 73.4c-0.9 0-1.7-0.8-1.7-1.7V5.3c0-0.9 0.8-1.7 1.7-1.7h6.6c0.9 0 1.7 0.8 1.7 1.7v58.3h23.8c0.9 0 1.7 0.8 1.7 1.7v6.4c0 0.9-0.8 1.7-1.7 1.7H30.2z"/><path d="M132.5 71L101.5 4.6c-0.3-0.6-0.9-1-1.5-1h-1.6c-0.7 0-1.2 0.4-1.5 1L65.5 71c-0.2 0.5-0.2 1.1 0.1 1.6 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.8 1.4 0.8h7.4c0.7 0 1.2-0.4 1.5-1l9.9-20.9h26.5l9.9 20.9c0.3 0.6 0.9 1 1.5 1h7.2c0.6 0 1.1-0.3 1.4-0.8C132.7 72.1 132.7 71.5 132.5 71zM90.4 41.8l8.7-18.4 8.7 18.4H90.4z"/><path d="M175 73.4c-0.9 0-1.7-0.8-1.7-1.7V13.5h-13.1c-0.9 0-1.7-0.8-1.7-1.7V5.3c0-0.9 0.8-1.7 1.7-1.7h36.3c0.9 0 1.7 0.8 1.7 1.7v6.5c0 0.9-0.8 1.7-1.7 1.7h-13.1v58.1c0 0.9-0.8 1.7-1.7 1.7H175z"/><path d="M264.2 12.5C257.1 5.5 248.2 2 237.8 2c-6.5 0-12.6 1.6-18.1 4.9 -5.6 3.2-10 7.7-13.2 13.4 -3.2 5.7-4.8 11.9-4.8 18.5 0 10 3.6 18.6 10.7 25.6 7.1 7 15.8 10.6 26.1 10.6 10.1 0 18.9-3.6 25.9-10.6 7.1-7.1 10.6-15.8 10.6-25.9C274.9 28.3 271.3 19.5 264.2 12.5zM261.2 52.1c-2.3 4-5.5 7.3-9.6 9.6 -4.1 2.3-8.6 3.5-13.5 3.5 -7.2 0-13.5-2.6-18.6-7.6 -5.2-5.1-7.7-11.3-7.7-18.8 0-5 1.2-9.6 3.5-13.6 2.3-4 5.6-7.3 9.7-9.7 4.1-2.4 8.5-3.6 13.1-3.6 4.7 0 9.2 1.2 13.3 3.6 4.2 2.4 7.5 5.6 9.8 9.6 2.3 4 3.4 8.5 3.4 13.4C264.6 43.4 263.5 48 261.2 52.1z"/><path d="M309.4 75c-5.7 0-10.6-1.4-14.7-4.1 -4.1-2.8-6.9-6.5-8.3-11 -0.9-2.8-1.3-7.5-1.3-14.5v-40c0-0.9 0.8-1.7 1.7-1.7h6.6c0.9 0 1.7 0.8 1.7 1.7v40c0 5.8 0.1 7.9 0.3 8.6 0.3 2.4 1 4.3 2 5.9 1 1.5 2.7 2.8 4.9 3.8 2.3 1.1 4.5 1.6 6.8 1.6 1.9 0 3.8-0.4 5.6-1.2 1.8-0.8 3.3-2 4.5-3.4 1.2-1.4 2.1-3.3 2.7-5.4 0.3-1 0.6-3.6 0.6-9.9v-40c0-0.9 0.8-1.7 1.7-1.7h6.6c0.9 0 1.7 0.8 1.7 1.7v40c0 6.1-0.6 11.1-1.8 14.9 -1.3 4-3.8 7.4-7.5 10.4C319.3 73.5 314.7 75 309.4 75z"/><path d="M391.1 70.7l-21.9-28.2c4.2-0.3 7.7-1 10.4-2.2 3.5-1.5 6.2-3.9 8-6.9 1.9-3 2.8-6.5 2.8-10.4 0-4.7-1.4-8.8-4.1-12 -2.7-3.2-6.2-5.4-10.5-6.4 -2.8-0.6-7.8-0.9-15.4-0.9h-13.2c-0.9 0-1.7 0.8-1.7 1.7v66.3c0 0.9 0.8 1.7 1.7 1.7h6.6c0.9 0 1.7-0.8 1.7-1.7V42.6h1.2l23.4 30.1c0.3 0.4 0.8 0.7 1.3 0.7h8.2c0.6 0 1.2-0.4 1.5-0.9C391.6 71.9 391.5 71.2 391.1 70.7zM355.6 32.7V13.5h10c4.3 0 7.4 0.4 9.1 1.1 1.6 0.7 2.9 1.7 4 3.3 1 1.6 1.5 3.2 1.5 5.1 0 2-0.5 3.7-1.5 5.3 -1 1.6-2.4 2.7-4.2 3.4 -1.9 0.8-5 1.1-9.2 1.1L355.6 32.7z"/><path d="M236.4 175.9c0-0.4 0-0.6 0-1"/><path d="M210.6 135.1l-39 37.1c0 0-10.4-12.1-20.5-19.1 -10.9-7.5-24-12.1-37-12.1C83.8 141 59.2 163 59.2 196c0 32.6 24.6 54.9 54.9 54.9 12.8 0 25.8-4.3 36.4-11.7 8.8-6.2 21.7-19.7 21.7-19.7l37.8 39.7c0 0-22.1 23.1-41.2 32.8 -19.1 9.7-35.5 13.4-54.7 13.4C50.3 305.2 3.7 259.7 3.7 196S54 86.9 114.1 86.9c0 0 28.2-0.4 54.7 12.5C195.2 112.2 210.6 135.1 210.6 135.1z"/><path d="M247.2 181.7c-4.4 0-6.2 1.4-6.2 1.4s1.8-0.8 6.2-0.8c4.4 0 6.1 0.8 6.1 0.8S251.7 181.7 247.2 181.7zM335.4 91.3v101.6L268.6 91.2h-49.1v209.1h15.8c1.3-12.4 2.9-27.7 3.3-33.8 0.7-10.8 3.1-40 3.1-47.9 0-8 1.2-34.9 1.2-34.9s-3.1-0.3-4.4-0.8c0 0-2-0.9-2-2 0-1.1 1.3-2 1.4-2.1l0.1 0c1.5-0.4 4.5-1.2 9.1-1.2 4.7 0 7.5 0.7 9 1.1h0l0.1 0c0 0 0 0 0 0s1.4 1 1.4 2.1c0 1.1-2 2-2 2 -1.3 0.5-4.4 0.8-4.4 0.8s1.2 26.9 1.2 34.9c0 7.9 2.4 37.1 3.1 47.9 0.4 6 2 21.4 3.3 33.8h15.9V198.8l66.5 101.6h49.4V91.3H335.4zM239.2 168.2c0 0 0.4-1.1 1.3-1.1 0.9 0 2.7 0 2.7 0v-2.7c0 0-0.6-0.6-0.6-1.3 0-0.7 1.5-1.5 1.5-1.5v-23.8c0 0-1.1-0.4-1.1-1.5 0-1.1 2-1.9 2-1.9v-16l0.8-0.7v-6l0.7-0.6V103l0.4-0.4v-5.3l0.3-0.2V93h0.1v4.1l0.3 0.2v5.3l0.4 0.4v8.1l0.7 0.6v6l0.8 0.7v16c0 0 2 0.8 2 1.9 0 1.1-1.1 1.5-1.1 1.5v23.8c0 0 1.5 0.8 1.5 1.5 0 0.7-0.6 1.3-0.6 1.3v2.7c0 0 1.8 0 2.7 0s1.3 1.1 1.3 1.1v1.3c-0.9-0.3-3.3-1-7.9-1 -4.7 0-7.2 0.7-8 1l0 0V168.2zM258 177.3c0 0.2-0.1 0.4-0.4 0.6l0 0c0 0-2.8-1.6-10.3-1.6 -7.5 0-10.5 1.6-10.5 1.6l0 0c-0.2-0.2-0.3-0.4-0.3-0.6 0-0.2 0-0.1 0-0.5l0 0c1-0.4 4.3-1.3 10.9-1.3 6.5 0 9.7 1 10.7 1.3l0 0C258 177.2 258 177.1 258 177.3zM258 175.9L258 175.9c-1-0.3-4.2-1.3-10.7-1.3 -6.5 0-9.8 1-10.9 1.4v-1c1-0.4 4.3-1.4 10.9-1.4 6.5 0 9.7 1 10.7 1.3V175.9zM258 173.9L258 173.9c-1-0.3-4.2-1.3-10.7-1.3 -6.5 0-9.8 1-10.9 1.3l0 0c0-0.6 0-0.7 0-0.7 0.5-1.2 2.8-3 2.8-3v0l0 0c0.9-0.3 3.4-1 8-1 4.5 0 6.9 0.6 7.9 1l0.1 0v0c0 0 2.3 1.8 2.8 3C258 173.2 258 173.3 258 173.9z"/></svg></a></li> <li class="site-footer__partners__logos__logo"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Ontario Science Centre"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 185.5 71.3"><title>Ontario Science Centre</title><path d="M16.8 21.6C16.8 9.7 26.5 0 38.4 0c11.9 0 21.6 9.7 21.6 21.6 0 2.4-0.4 4.6-1.1 6.8 -1.2-0.2-2.4-0.3-3.7-0.3 -6.8 0-12.9 3.1-16.8 8.1 -4-4.9-10-8.1-16.8-8.1 -1.3 0-2.5 0.1-3.7 0.3C17.2 26.2 16.8 24 16.8 21.6z"/><path d="M0 49.7C0 39 7.8 30.1 17.9 28.4c2.5 7.5 8.9 13.2 16.8 14.5 -0.7 2.1-1.1 4.4-1.1 6.8 0 5.1 1.8 9.9 4.8 13.6 -4 4.9-10 8-16.8 8C9.7 71.3 0 61.6 0 49.7z"/><path d="M59 28.4C69.2 30.1 76.9 39 76.9 49.7c0 11.9-9.7 21.6-21.6 21.6 -6.8 0-12.9-3.1-16.8-8 3-3.7 4.8-8.4 4.8-13.6 0-2.4-0.4-4.6-1.1-6.8C50.1 41.5 56.5 35.9 59 28.4z"/><path d="M93.4 22.8c-1-1-1.5-2.4-1.5-4.2 0-3.5 1.9-5.6 5.1-5.6 1.7 0 3 0.6 3.9 1.6 0.8 0.9 1.2 2.2 1.2 3.9 0 1.7-0.4 3-1.2 3.9 -0.9 1.1-2.1 1.6-3.9 1.6C95.5 24.2 94.3 23.7 93.4 22.8zM99.3 21c0.2-0.6 0.3-1.3 0.3-2.3 0-1.2-0.1-2-0.4-2.6 -0.4-0.9-1.1-1.3-2.2-1.3 -0.9 0-1.7 0.4-2.1 1.2 -0.3 0.6-0.5 1.5-0.5 2.7 0 1.3 0.2 2.3 0.6 3 0.4 0.7 1.1 1 2.1 1C98.1 22.6 98.9 22.1 99.3 21z"/><path d="M110.1 24l-2.6-5c-0.6-1.1-1.2-2.3-1.3-2.8 0 0.7 0.1 1.9 0.1 3l0.1 4.7h-2.2V13.3h2.5l2.7 4.9c0.6 1 1 1.9 1.2 2.5 0-0.6-0.2-1.7-0.2-2.8l0-4.6h2.1V24H110.1z"/><path d="M122.1 15.1h-2.6V24h-2.3v-8.9h-3v-1.8h8.5L122.1 15.1z"/><path d="M129.9 24l-0.9-2.6h-3.7l-0.9 2.6H122l4-10.7h2.4l3.8 10.7H129.9zM127.1 15.3c-0.1 0.6-1.1 3.8-1.3 4.4h2.6C128.2 19 127.2 15.9 127.1 15.3z"/><path d="M139.6 24l-1.1-1.7c-1.1-1.8-1.4-2.2-1.8-2.5 -0.2-0.2-0.5-0.3-0.8-0.3V24h-2.2V13.3h3.6c1.4 0 2.4 0.2 3.1 0.8 0.7 0.6 1.1 1.4 1.1 2.4 0 1.7-1.1 2.9-2.7 3 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.9 1.2 1.4 1.9l1.5 2.2H139.6zM136 15v3h1c0.9 0 1.5-0.1 1.8-0.4 0.3-0.2 0.5-0.6 0.5-1.1 0-0.7-0.3-1.1-0.9-1.3 -0.3-0.1-0.8-0.2-1.3-0.2H136z"/><path d="M144.2 24V13.3h2.3V24H144.2z"/><path d="M150.1 22.8c-1-1-1.5-2.4-1.5-4.2 0-3.5 1.9-5.6 5.1-5.6 1.7 0 3 0.6 3.9 1.6 0.8 0.9 1.2 2.2 1.2 3.9 0 1.7-0.4 3-1.2 3.9 -0.9 1.1-2.1 1.6-3.9 1.6C152.2 24.2 151 23.7 150.1 22.8zM156 21c0.2-0.6 0.3-1.3 0.3-2.3 0-1.2-0.1-2-0.4-2.6 -0.4-0.9-1.1-1.3-2.2-1.3 -0.9 0-1.7 0.4-2.1 1.2 -0.3 0.6-0.5 1.5-0.5 2.7 0 1.3 0.2 2.3 0.6 3 0.4 0.7 1.1 1 2.1 1C154.8 22.6 155.6 22.1 156 21z"/><path d="M97 61.8c-1.5 0-2.7-0.4-3.7-1.3 -1.1-1-1.6-2.4-1.6-4.1 0-1.4 0.3-2.5 0.9-3.4 0.9-1.5 2.6-2.4 4.5-2.4 1.1 0 2.4 0.3 3 0.9L99 53c-0.6-0.4-1.3-0.6-1.9-0.6 -0.9 0-1.8 0.5-2.3 1.2 -0.4 0.6-0.6 1.4-0.6 2.6 0 1.5 0.2 2.3 0.7 3 0.5 0.6 1.3 1 2.3 1 0.8 0 1.4-0.2 2.1-0.6l1.1 1.3C99.5 61.5 98.4 61.8 97 61.8z"/><path d="M102.3 61.6V50.9h6.8l-0.6 1.8h-3.9v2.5h3.5v1.8h-3.5v2.9h4.7v1.9H102.3z"/><path d="M117.4 61.6l-2.6-5c-0.6-1.1-1.2-2.3-1.3-2.8 0 0.7 0.1 1.9 0.1 3l0.1 4.7h-2.2V50.9h2.5l2.7 4.9c0.6 1 1 1.9 1.2 2.5 0-0.6-0.2-1.7-0.2-2.8l0-4.6h2.1v10.7H117.4z"/><path d="M129.2 52.7h-2.6v8.9h-2.2v-8.9h-3v-1.8h8.5L129.2 52.7z"/><path d="M137.1 61.6l-1.1-1.7c-1.1-1.8-1.4-2.2-1.8-2.5 -0.2-0.2-0.5-0.3-0.8-0.3v4.5h-2.2V50.9h3.6c1.4 0 2.4 0.2 3.1 0.8 0.7 0.6 1.1 1.4 1.1 2.4 0 1.7-1.1 2.9-2.7 3 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.9 1.2 1.4 1.9l1.5 2.2H137.1zM133.5 52.6v3h1c0.9 0 1.5-0.1 1.8-0.4 0.3-0.2 0.5-0.6 0.5-1.1 0-0.6-0.3-1.1-0.9-1.3 -0.3-0.1-0.8-0.2-1.3-0.2H133.5z"/><path d="M141.4 61.6V50.9h6.8l-0.6 1.8h-3.9v2.5h3.5v1.8h-3.5v2.9h4.7v1.9H141.4z"/><path d="M97.3 45.9c-2 0-4-0.4-5.9-1.4l1.3-3.1c1.7 0.7 3 1.2 4.8 1.2 1.9 0 2.9-0.5 2.9-1.6 0-0.9-0.6-1.5-2.1-1.8l-2-0.5c-1.7-0.4-2.9-1.2-3.5-2.3C92.2 35.8 92 35 92 34.1c0-3 2.7-5.1 6.6-5.1 2.2 0 4.7 0.7 6.2 1.7l-1.9 2.8c-1.5-0.8-2.9-1.2-4.2-1.2 -1.3 0-2.2 0.6-2.2 1.5 0 0.8 0.3 1.1 1.7 1.4l2.2 0.5c2.8 0.7 4.6 2.2 4.6 4.7C104.9 43.7 101.9 45.9 97.3 45.9z"/><path d="M115 45.9c-2.3 0-4.2-0.4-5.6-1.7 -1.7-1.6-2.5-3.6-2.5-6.2 0-2.2 0.4-3.8 1.3-5.3 1.4-2.3 4-3.6 6.9-3.6 1.7 0 3.6 0.6 4.5 1.3l-1.8 2.6c-0.8-0.5-1.8-0.8-2.6-0.8 -1 0-2 0.4-2.6 1 -0.8 0.8-1.1 2.1-1.1 3.9 0 2.3 0.2 3.6 0.8 4.4 0.7 0.9 1.7 1.4 3.1 1.4 1.1 0 1.9-0.2 2.9-1l1.8 2.3C118.6 45.3 117.1 45.9 115 45.9z"/><path d="M122.4 45.6V29.4h4.2v16.2H122.4z"/><path d="M130.7 45.6V29.4H141l-0.9 3.1h-5.3v3h4.7v3.2h-4.7v3.6h6.4v3.3H130.7z"/><path d="M153 35.4l-0.1-5.9h3.7v16.2h-4.1l-3-6.6c-0.7-1.5-1.3-2.9-1.8-4.1 0.1 1.3 0.1 3.5 0.1 4.6l0.1 6.2h-3.8V29.4h4.4l3.1 6.2c0.7 1.4 1 2.4 1.5 3.7C153.1 37.9 153 36.5 153 35.4z"/><path d="M167.7 45.9c-2.3 0-4.2-0.4-5.6-1.7 -1.7-1.6-2.5-3.6-2.5-6.2 0-2.2 0.4-3.8 1.3-5.3 1.4-2.3 4-3.6 6.9-3.6 1.7 0 3.6 0.6 4.5 1.3l-1.8 2.6c-0.8-0.5-1.8-0.8-2.6-0.8 -1 0-2 0.4-2.6 1 -0.8 0.8-1.1 2.1-1.1 3.9 0 2.3 0.2 3.6 0.8 4.4 0.7 0.9 1.7 1.4 3.1 1.4 1.1 0 1.9-0.2 2.9-1l1.8 2.3C171.2 45.3 169.7 45.9 167.7 45.9z"/><path d="M175 45.6V29.4h10.3l-0.9 3.1h-5.3v3h4.7v3.2h-4.7v3.6h6.4v3.3H175z"/></svg></a></li> <li class="site-footer__partners__logos__logo"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Ripley's Aquarium of Canada"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 408.4 92.9"><title>Ripley&#39;s Aquarium of Canada</title><path d="M403.6 54h0.2c0.3 0 0.5-0.1 0.5-0.3s-0.1-0.3-0.4-0.3c-0.1 0-0.2 0-0.3 0L403.6 54M403.6 55.2h-0.5v-2.1c0.2 0 0.5-0.1 0.8-0.1 0.4 0 0.6 0.1 0.7 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0 0.3-0.2 0.4-0.4 0.5l0 0c0.2 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.5s0.1 0.4 0.2 0.5h-0.5c-0.1-0.1-0.1-0.3-0.2-0.5 0-0.2-0.2-0.3-0.4-0.3h-0.2v0.9H403.6zM402.3 54.1c0 0.9 0.7 1.7 1.6 1.7s1.6-0.7 1.6-1.6c0-0.9-0.7-1.7-1.6-1.7S402.3 53.2 402.3 54.1M406 54.1c0 1.2-0.9 2.1-2.1 2.1s-2.1-0.9-2.1-2.1c0-1.2 0.9-2.1 2.1-2.1S406 53 406 54.1"/><path d="M221.2 65.2c-1.8 0-2.9 1.6-2.9 4.1s1.1 4.1 2.9 4.1c1.9 0 2.9-1.6 2.9-4.1C224.1 66.8 223.1 65.2 221.2 65.2M221.2 75.9c-3.6 0-6-2.6-6-6.6 0-3.9 2.4-6.6 6.1-6.6 3.6 0 6 2.6 6 6.6C227.3 73.2 224.9 75.9 221.2 75.9"/><polygon points="232 65.6 232 68.2 235.3 68.2 235.7 70.8 232 70.8 232 75.6 228.8 75.6 228.8 63 236.4 63 236.4 65.6 "/><path d="M282 70.7l-2.4-10.6 -2.3 10.6H282zM274.8 51.9h9.6l9.1 31.3H285l-1.5-5.9h-7.8l-1.4 5.9h-8.5L274.8 51.9z"/><path d="M341 70.6L338.6 60l-2.3 10.6H341zM333.8 51.7h9.6l9.1 31.3H344l-1.5-5.9h-7.8l-1.4 5.9h-8.6L333.8 51.7z"/><path d="M396.9 70.6L394.5 60l-2.3 10.6H396.9zM389.7 51.7h9.6l9.1 31.3h-8.5l-1.5-5.9h-7.8l-1.4 5.9h-8.5L389.7 51.7z"/><path d="M252.4 51.6c-4.4 0-7.8 1.5-10.2 4.5s-3.7 7-3.7 11.8c0 4.9 1.3 8.8 3.9 11.6 2.6 2.8 6 4.2 10.2 4.2 3.5 0 6.5-1 8.9-3 2.3-2 3.7-4.9 4.2-8.6l-8.4-0.5c-0.4 3.4-1.9 5.2-4.5 5.2 -1.5 0-2.7-0.6-3.5-1.9 -0.8-1.2-1.2-3.6-1.2-7.1 0-6.2 1.6-9.4 4.7-9.4 1.1 0 2.1 0.5 3 1.5 0.8 0.9 1.2 2.5 1.2 4.5l8.7-0.5c-0.3-3.6-1.6-6.6-3.8-8.9C259.6 52.7 256.5 51.6 252.4 51.6"/><polygon points="315.2 83 322.8 83 322.8 51.9 315.3 51.9 315.3 68.2 305.1 51.9 296.3 51.9 296.3 83 303.7 83 303.7 64 "/><path d="M370.9 73.7c-1.1 1.6-2.9 2.4-4.5 2.4h-3.7V58.7h3.7c1.9 0 3.8 0.9 4.7 2.6 1 1.7 1.5 3.7 1.5 6C372.6 70 372.1 72.1 370.9 73.7M377.6 56.5c-2.6-3.1-6-4.6-11.2-4.6h-12V83H367c4.4 0 7.6-1.5 10.3-4.3 2.8-2.9 4.2-6.7 4.2-11.3C381.5 63.2 380.2 59.6 377.6 56.5"/><path d="M26.5 71L24 60.2 21.7 71H26.5zM19.1 51.8h9.8l9.3 32h-8.7l-1.5-6h-8l-1.4 6H9.9L19.1 51.8z"/><path d="M44.8 67.7c0 4.9 3 8 6.4 8 3.5 0 6.4-3.5 6.4-8 0-4.9-3-7.9-6.4-7.9C47.7 59.8 44.8 62.6 44.8 67.7M61.9 85.8c0.9 0 1.8-0.2 2.7-0.4l-3.1 7.3c-0.2 0-0.3 0.1-0.4 0.1 -5.1 0-7.8-2.6-13.3-2.6 -2.5 0-4.5 1.1-4.7 1.3l-2.2-6.3c1.2-0.7 3.3-1.5 6.2-1.5 0.3 0 1.3 0.1 1.5 0.1v-0.1c-3.8-0.6-12.5-4.1-12.5-16 0-9.3 6.5-16.6 15.3-16.6 8.2 0 15 7 15 16.6 0 11.8-8.9 15.7-12.7 16.2C55.2 84 60.3 85.8 61.9 85.8"/><path d="M84.2 51.8h8.2v20.3c0 5.4-3.3 12.3-12.2 12.3 -9.9 0-12.3-7.1-12.3-12.3V51.8c3.9 0 8.3-0.2 8.4 0v19.8c0 2.6 1.2 5 3.9 5 2.8 0 3.8-2.5 3.8-5v-1.4C84.1 69.5 84.1 52.3 84.2 51.8"/><path d="M107.5 71L105 60.2 102.6 71H107.5zM100.1 51.8h9.8l9.3 32h-8.7l-1.5-6h-8l-1.5 6h-8.7L100.1 51.8z"/><path d="M129.2 58.3c-1.2 0.1-1.5 0.3-1.6 0.3v8.3c0.4 0 0.9 0 1.3 0 2.3-0.1 4.7-1.7 4.7-4.7C133.6 59.4 131.4 58 129.2 58.3M137.3 70.4c2.6 4.3 4 6.1 6.6 10 -3.1 1.7-4.6 2.6-7.7 4.2 -3.5-6.3-5.2-9.4-8.7-15.9v15.1h-8.4V52.3c0.6-0.2 4.3-1.3 8.5-2.5 8.3-2.3 14.4 3.6 14.4 11.2C142 66.7 138.8 69.5 137.3 70.4"/><path d="M144.9 45c3.4-0.7 5-0.9 8.4-0.6v39.4h-8.4V45"/><path d="M171.9 48.2c3.4 0.7 5.1 1.1 8.5 1.3v22.6c0 5.8-3.4 12.4-12.3 12.4 -9.9 0-12.3-6.7-12.3-12.4V44.7c3.4 0.4 5.1 0.9 8.5 1.7 0 8.4 0 16.8 0 25.2 0 2.9 1.2 5.1 3.9 5.1 2.8 0 3.8-2.4 3.8-5.1C171.9 63.8 171.9 56 171.9 48.2"/><path d="M106.2 25.9c0.7 1.3-0.4 2.4-1.1 3.5 -1.7 2.1-2.7 3.9-4.2 6.1 -0.3 0.3-0.9 1-1.6 1.1 -0.9 0-2.1-0.3-1.9-2.1 0.4-2.5 1.8-4.2 3.2-6.2 1-1.2 1.9-2.2 3.1-3.1C104.8 24.5 105.8 25 106.2 25.9"/><path d="M56.7 24.8c2.7 3.3 3.4 8.9 1.8 13 -0.6 1.3-1.2 2.4-2.1 3.5 1.3 0.3 2.4 0.7 3.6 1.2 0.7 0.2 0.5-0.5 1-1s1.1-0.4 1.6 0.2c1 1.4 2.4 3.2 1.8 5.2 -0.3 0.6-0.8 0.6-1.5 0.6 -1.9-0.3-3.5-1.5-5.2-2.1 -2.4-1-5.2-1.1-7.9-0.7 -0.5-0.1-1.2-0.2-1.4-0.8 -0.2-0.8 0.3-1.6 0.8-2.1 1.6-1.6 4.3-0.6 5.5-3.6 1.1-2.5 0.8-5.6-0.3-8 -0.6-1.6-1.8-2.8-2.2-4.4 -0.2-0.7 0.1-1.3 0.4-1.9 0.7-0.6 1.9-0.8 2.7-0.4C55.9 23.9 56.3 24.3 56.7 24.8"/><path d="M37.3 28.2c0.5 1.8 0.5 3.5 0.7 5.5 0.4 4 1.3 8.1 1.7 12.1 0.1 0.8-0.2 1.5-0.8 1.9 -0.6 0.3-1.4 0.7-2.1 0.3 -0.8-0.5-1.1-1.5-1.1-2.5 -0.5-5.1-1.5-9.9-1.7-15.1 0-1.1 0.3-2.2 1.2-2.8C35.9 27.4 36.9 27.3 37.3 28.2"/><path d="M118.9 31.2c0.7 0.5 1.3 1.1 1.1 2.2 0 0.4-0.4 0.8-0.7 0.9 -3.2 0.6-3.6-2.7-7.9-1.9 -0.3 0.1-0.6 0.3-1 0.5 -0.3 0.2-0.4 0.7-0.3 0.9 0.7 0.8 1.8 0.9 2.6 1.2 2.1 0.7 4.4 0.6 6.1 2.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 1.8 0.4 2.7 -1.1 4.6-5.7 6.1-9.4 6.6 -3.2 0.1-6.8 0.3-9.4-2.8 -0.6-1.1-0.6-2.4 0.1-3.5 1.2-1.9 3.5-2.4 5.6-2.2 0.9 0.3 2.1 0.6 2.3 1.7 0 0.9-0.4 1.1-1.1 1.3 -0.8 0.3-2.1-0.5-2.6 0.7 -0.1 0.6 1 0.8 1.5 1.1 3.5 0.9 6 0.1 7.9-1.3 0.7-0.5 1.5-1.1 1.8-1.9 0-1.3-2.6-1.6-3.7-1.9 -2.4-0.4-4.6-1-6.5-2.4 -0.7-0.7-1.1-1.6-0.8-2.7 1-2.1 3.1-2.4 4.8-3.1C112.8 29.1 116.1 29.7 118.9 31.2"/><path d="M17.3 47.5c0.3 0.8 0 1.5-0.5 2.1 -1.6 1.1-3.4 1.5-4.9 2.4 -1.5 0.7-2.8 2-4.6 1.9 -0.5-0.1-1.1-0.5-1.3-1.1 -0.4-1 0.2-1.9 0.8-2.6 2.1-1.7 4.4-2.6 6.9-3.5C14.9 46.4 16.5 46.2 17.3 47.5"/><path d="M161.8 31.4c-1 0-2.5 0.2-3.3 0.1 -4.7-0.3-9.4-1.6-13.9-2.9 -8.7-2.5-16.8-6.2-25.7-8.4 -15.9-4-32.9-1.7-48.7 1.2 -3.1 0.6-0.1 1.3 1.5 1 11.6-2.1 23.5-4.1 35.4-2.8 9 1 17.4 4.2 25.7 7.3 8.6 3.1 23.1 8.6 32.7 4.4C166.1 31.1 161.8 31.4 161.8 31.4"/><path d="M161.8 31.4c-1 0-2.5 0.2-3.3 0.1 -4.7-0.3-9.4-1.6-13.9-2.9 -8.7-2.5-16.8-6.2-25.7-8.4 -15.9-4-32.9-1.7-48.7 1.2 -3.1 0.6-0.1 1.3 1.5 1 11.6-2.1 23.5-4.1 35.4-2.8 9 1 17.4 4.2 25.7 7.3 8.6 3.1 23.1 8.6 32.7 4.4C166.1 31.1 161.8 31.4 161.8 31.4"/><path d="M174.9 0.4c2.4 5.3 6.9 14.4 2.1 20.7 0 0-0.1 0-0.1 0.1 -2.1 1.8-2.3 1.7-5 3.1 -3.4 1.7-12.6 4.2-27.9 0 -0.4-0.1-5.4-0.2-5-0.1 11.4 3.8 27.2 5.4 37.9 0.2 0.2-0.1 1-0.5 1.7-1.1 0.7-0.4 1.4-0.9 1.9-1.4 0.4-0.3 0.7-0.6 0.7-0.7 3.4-4.2 1.4-10.7-0.3-15.1 -0.1-0.3-0.3-0.5 0.7 0 2.8 1.6 12.8 13.3 14.4 15.8 0.5 0.8 2 1.7 3 2.3 0.5 0.3 2.2 0.9 2.4 1 4.7 1.9 21.6 9.1 31.3 14.5 0.7 0.4 1.3 0.7 2 1.2 1 0.6-5.6 3-5.7 3 -2.2 0.7-9.3-0.1-11.1 2 0 0 0.1 0 0.1 0.1 1.7 0.8 3.7 0.8 5.5 0.9 0.7 0.1 1.5 0.1 2.2 0.1 -1.6 0.9-3.4 1.4-5.3 1.4 -1 0-2-0.1-2.9-0.3 -1.2-0.1-2.5-0.2-3.9-0.2 0-1.4-0.1-6-2.5-9.6 -0.1-0.1-0.3-0.1-0.5-0.1 0 0 2.6 4.2 1.5 9.7 -0.5 0-1 0-1.5 0 0-1.3 0-6.6-2.7-10.5 0-0.1-0.3-0.1-0.5-0.1 0 0 2.9 4.6 1.5 10.8 -0.4 0-0.7 0-1.1 0.1 0-0.7 0.2-6.8-2.8-11.3 -0.1-0.1-0.3-0.1-0.5-0.1 0 0 2.9 4.6 1.7 10.7 -0.4 0.7-0.8 1.4-0.8 1.6 0 0-1 4.8-1.6 6.7 -0.8 2.6-1.9 5.1-3.1 7.6 -0.9 2-2.2 5.3-2.1 6.9 -0.4-4.7-4.4-17.6-6-20.2 -3.3-0.3-5-0.5-8.3-0.5 -0.9 11.4-1.7 22.8-2.7 34.2h8.2c0.4-7.5 0.6-11.4 1.1-19.8 2.8 8.6 4.3 12.4 7.1 20.1 2.9-7.7 4.4-11.6 7.2-19.4 0.4 7.7 0.6 11.5 0.9 19h8.2c-0.9-10.7-1.8-21.4-2.7-32 -1.9-0.1-3.2-0.1-4.7-0.3 0-0.4 0.1-0.9 0.2-1.3 0.2 0 0.5 0 0.8 0 0.9 0 2.4 0.3 3.2 0.3 3.7-0.3 5.2 0.4 7.5 0.4 3 0.1 8.9-1.5 10.7-4.3 0.1-0.1-1.1-0.2-1.1-0.2h-1c-0.4 0-3.7-0.8-2.7-0.8 1.4 0 2.8-0.1 4.1-0.3 4.3-0.6 7.8-1.8 11.1-4.9 0.1-0.1 0.1-0.2 0-0.2 -11-7.6-27.7-11.3-38.5-16.8 -0.9-0.6-1.6-1.8-1.6-1.8C194.1 13.2 183.9 3.4 175 0"/><path d="M17.2 36c-1.2 0.9-3.2 0.5-4.6 0.1l-1.2-0.5C13.2 35 15.4 35.2 17.2 36"/><path d="M33.4 44.2c-0.6-1.7-1-3.8-2.8-4.6 -0.5-0.2-1.1-0.2-1.4 0.2 -0.1 0.2-0.2 0.6-0.4 0.5 -1.5-1.3-2.8-3-4.6-3.7l1.9-1.1C30 33 33.4 29 32.8 23.8c-0.4-3-1.7-4.9-3.4-6.3 -3-2.4-6.8-3.1-10.5-3.1 -3.5 0.1-6.2 0.5-9 1.7 -2.8 1.2-5.5 3.1-7.4 6 -1.7 2.8-3.3 6.5-2 9.9 0.3 0.8 1 1 1.6 1.1 -0.4 4.2 1.1 8.1 3.7 11.1 0 0-2.7 1.8-2.9 3.4C3 48.3 3 49.1 3.7 49.4c0.5 0.4 1.3 0.3 1.9 0.1 1.9-1.3 3.9-2.6 6-3.4 1.4-0.6 3.4-0.5 4.1-2.4 0.1-1-0.4-1.6-1.1-2.1 -1.3-0.8-3-0.2-4.3 0.3C9.4 40.7 8.4 39.5 8 38c0.7 0.4 1.3 0.8 2 1.1 3.2 1.4 7.1 0.7 10.2-0.6 2 1.7 3.9 3.5 5.7 5.6 1.3 1.4 2.6 3.3 4.4 4 1.1 0.3 2.3 0.1 3-0.9C33.8 46.4 33.7 45.1 33.4 44.2zM20.2 34.4C16.3 32.5 11.4 31.3 7 33c0.1-3.3 2.2-5.5 4.1-8 0.2-0.4 0.4-0.8 0.2-1.2 -0.2-0.4-0.5-0.6-0.9-0.7 -2-0.3-3.3 1.4-4.7 2.6 -0.5 0.5-0.9 1.1-1.4 1.7 1.6-5.8 7.1-8.5 12-9.2 1.7-0.2 4.1-0.1 5.6 0.4 1.8 0.8 2.7 1.2 4.2 2.6 1.3 1.1 1.7 2.7 1.6 4.9C27 30 23.6 33.4 20.2 34.4z"/><path d="M51.3 27.4c-0.7-1.7-2.3-2.7-3.8-3.3 -2.4-0.7-4.9 0.5-6.6 2.4 -1.3 1.3-0.8 2.9-0.7 4.2 0.6 4 0.8 7.8 1.2 11.9 0.1 1.1 0.1 2.6 1.1 3.7 0.5 0.3 1 0.3 1.5 0 2.5-1.6 1.2-7.8 1.2-7.8 2.2-0.1 4.1-1.7 5.4-3.6C52 32.8 52.5 29.8 51.3 27.4zM46.7 33.4c-0.8 0.7-1.6 1.2-2.5 1.4 -0.4-1.7-0.6-3.5-0.7-5.3 0-0.9 0.7-1.1 1.5-1.2 1 0 2.3 0.5 2.6 1.6C47.9 31.2 47.5 32.5 46.7 33.4z"/><path d="M96.5 31.2c-0.4-0.5-1.1-0.7-1.8-0.5 -2.6 1.3-4.7 3.4-6.6 6.7 -1 1.4-1.5 3.2-2.9 4.3 -1.5 0.5-3.4 0.8-4.6-0.6 -0.5-0.7-0.4-1.5-0.2-2.3 1-2.1 2.4-4 3.3-6.1 0.4-1.3 1.4-3.1 0.3-4.3 -0.5-0.5-1.3-0.5-1.9-0.2 -1.2 0.8-2.1 2.2-2.8 3.6 -1.1 2.4-2.3 4.8-2.7 7.5 -0.9 1.1-2.1 1.7-3.2 2.2 -1.6 0.8-3.7 0.6-5-0.7 -0.8-0.7-1.4-1.9-1.2-3.1h0.1c2.9 0 5.4-1.7 7.6-3.8 1.3-1.5 2.4-3.6 1.9-5.7 -0.4-1-1-1.7-1-1.7 -0.7-0.6-1.5-1-2.1-1.5 -3.1-0.4-5.6 1.1-7.8 3.5 -1.1 1.5-1.7 2.7-2.1 4.2 -0.7-0.1-1.3 0.3-1.8 0.7 -0.6 0.4-0.8 1.1-0.6 1.8 0.2 0.8 1 1.4 1.7 1.7 0.3 2 0.7 3.7 1.9 5.2 1.1 1.5 2.6 2.5 4.3 2.9 2.8 0.7 5.5-0.3 7.5-2.6 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.9 1.4 1.9 3.6 2.5 5.7 2 -2.8 4.5-4.1 6.4-5 8.8 -0.4 0.9-2 5.1 1 5.1 1.5 0 2.1-2.6 2.9-3.9 3-5.7 0.7-1.5 3.2-6.1 1.2-2.3 1.9-3.8 3.1-5.6 2.9-2.3 5.6-5.1 7.6-8.3C96.4 34.2 97.4 32.6 96.5 31.2zM71.2 29.2c0.5-0.4 1.2-0.3 1.8-0.2l0.2 0.2c0.2 0.8-0.3 1.7-0.7 2.4 -1 1.4-2.4 2.3-3.9 2.5 -0.1 0-0.3 0-0.4-0.1C68.3 32 69.6 30.1 71.2 29.2z"/></svg></a></li> <li class="site-footer__partners__logos__logo"><a href="" target="_blank" title="Royal Ontario Museum"><svg enable-background="new 0 0 354.2 83.4" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 354.2 83.4"><title>Royal Ontario Museum</title><path class="rom-logo" d="m278.8 10.5l-6.4-10h6.9l2.7 5 2.6-5h6.7l-6.7 10v7h-5.7v-7zm-9.3 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31.1h-0.1l-3.1-9.1h-7.5v17h5.3l-0.3-9.6h0.1l3.1 9.6h4l3.2-9.6h0.1l-0.2 9.6h5.5v-17h-7.7l-2.4 9.1zm7.5-22.7c0 5.4-4.1 9.1-9.5 9.1s-9.4-3.6-9.4-9.1c0-5.4 4.1-8.9 9.4-8.9s9.5 3.4 9.5 8.9zm-6.1 0c0-2.2-1.4-3.6-3.4-3.6-1.9 0-3.4 1.4-3.4 3.6s1.4 3.8 3.4 3.8c1.9-0.1 3.4-1.6 3.4-3.8zm75 8.5h-6.6l-3.3-6.1h-0.2v6.1h-5.5v-17h7.3c3.4 0 6.9 1.2 6.9 5.5 0 2.1-1.1 3.7-3 4.6l4.4 6.9zm-6.9-11.2c0-1.2-1-1.3-1.8-1.3h-1.4v2.7h1.1c0.9 0 2.1-0.2 2.1-1.4zm-16.4 26.9h5.9v-4.4h-5.9v-1.5h6.3v-4.8h-11.7v17h12.1v-4.8h-6.7v-1.5zm-13.9-6.5c0.9 0 2.2 0.5 2.9 1.5l3.6-3.6c-1.8-1.6-4.2-2.5-6.5-2.5-3.3 0-7.1 1.6-7.1 5.8 0 3 2.1 4.2 4.4 5 2.4 0.8 3 1 3 1.7 0 0.6-0.6 0.8-1.3 0.8-1.4 0-2.9-0.8-3.6-1.7l-3.5 3.8c1.7 1.5 4.4 2.6 7.2 2.6 3.4 0 7-2 7-6.1 0-3.5-3.3-4.6-5.7-5.4-1.2-0.4-1.7-0.6-1.7-1.1-0.1-0.6 0.4-0.8 1.3-0.8zm-15.4 5.5c0 1.6-0.8 2.6-2.3 2.6-1.4 0-2.3-1-2.3-2.6v-9.7h-5.7v10.3c0 4 2.6 7.2 7.9 7.2s8-3.1 8-7.2v-10.3h-5.7v9.7zm-18.9-36.6h-6.6l-3.3-6.1h-0.2v6.1h-5.5v-17h7.3c3.4 0 6.9 1.2 6.9 5.5 0 2.1-1.1 3.7-3 4.6l4.4 6.9zm-7-11.3c0-1.2-1-1.3-1.8-1.3h-1.4v2.7h1.1c0.9 0.1 2.1-0.1 2.1-1.4zm-149.6 18.7c-9.4 0-17 7.6-17 17s7.6 17 17 17 17-7.6 17-17-7.6-17-17-17zm-28.6 5.3c0-16.3-13-29.7-29.3-29.7h-40.2v82.9h26.4v-25.8h0.6l18.3 25.8h33.1l-24-27.5c9-5.1 15.1-14.7 15.1-25.7zm-35.9 8.9h-7.1v-17.9h7.1c4.9 0 9 4 9 9-0.1 4.9-4.1 8.9-9 8.9zm149.3-38.6l-15.5 36h-0.6v-36h-48.9c15.5 7.4 26.1 23.1 26.1 41.4s-10.7 34.1-26.2 41.5h23.1l11.1-25.6h0.7v25.5h23.1l11.4-27.6h0.8v27.6h28v-82.8h-33.1z"/><path class="rom-logo__sub" d="m-33.8-34"/><path class="rom-logo__sub" d="m388.3 117.4"/></svg></a></li> <li class="site-footer__partners__logos__logo"><a href="" target="_blank" title="The Second City Toronto"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 257.2 65.2"><title>The Second City Toronto</title><defs><rect width="257.2" height="56.5"/></defs><clipPath><use xlink:href="#SVGID_1_"/></clipPath><path d="M91.3 0C78.3 2 69 9.2 69 12.8c0 4.2 6.6 7.7 11 12.4 2.3 2.5 3 4.6 3 6.8 0 1.1-0.1 2.4-0.5 2.9 -0.7 1-3.6 2.5-5.8 2.1 -4.4-0.8-5.3-7.1-4.2-10.2 0.2-0.5 0-1.4-0.7-1.8 -0.7-0.4-1.8-0.4-2.3 1 -1.2 3-2 10.5 2.5 13.6 1.4 1 3.1 1.4 5.7 1.4 7.6 0 12.2-5.8 14.3-11.3 2.3-6 3.3-11.5-2.9-16.8 -1.6-1.3-2.8-4-2.4-5.3 0.5-1.6 1.8-2 1.8-0.9 0 1.8 4.4 3.2 5.7-2.8C94.4 3.2 93.2-0.3 91.3 0"/><path d="M120.8 26.7c-0.5 0.6-0.2 0.2-0.7 0.8 -0.4 0.5-2.4 2.5-4.3 2.7 -2.7 0.3-3-3.2-3-4.5 0-1.7 1.4-5 3.4-5 0.6 0 0.7 0.2 0.9 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.8 -1.2 2.4-0.8 3.8 0.1 3.8 0.4 0 0.4-0.2 0.7-0.4 0.3-0.2 2.5-1.8 2.4-3.3 0-1.5-1.1-4.8-2.8-5.3 -0.7-0.2-2.6 0.4-4.2 1.3 -2.5 1.5-4.2 5.2-4.2 5.2 -1.1 1.5-1.6 1.9-2.4 2.7 -0.8 0.8-2.1 2.5-3.7 2.6 -1.2 0.1-1.7-1.4-2-2.2 -0.1-0.4-0.4-1.3-0.3-1.3 0.2 0 0.5-0.1 0.9-0.2 0.7-0.2 5.4-3.1 5.4-6.7 0-1.3-1.2-2.2-2-2.2 -0.8 0-2.7 0.4-4 1.3 -2.1 1.4-3.8 3.1-4.6 4.2 -2 2.9-3 8.1-0.5 10.9 1.1 1.3 2.5 2.4 4.1 2.7 3.6 0.6 5.8-4.2 7.5-5.8 0.3 3.2 0.8 4.3 2.1 5.2 1.3 0.9 2.9 1.1 5.2-0.2 2.2-1.3 4.9-3.7 5.8-4.8 0 2.8 2 4.9 4.7 5.3 5 0.6 8.2-6.7 8.8-10.2 0.5-2.8-0.2-4 0.1-4.1 0.4-0.2 2.3-0.7 2.7-0.5 0.4 0.2 1.1 3.3 0.8 5.2 -0.4 3-1.6 8.3 0.5 8.5 2 0.2 5.1-5.2 6.4-5.2 1.7 0 2.4 4.3 4.4 4.4 2 0 4.1-2.3 5.3-2.3 -0.2 3 1.4 5 3.8 4.9 4.3 0 10.3-8 12.1-10.2 -0.7 3.6-0.8 8.6-0.9 9.7 -0.1 1.1 0.6 2.6 1.3 2.6 1.9 0 5-2 6-4.5 -0.1-1.4 0.7-4.6 2.1-7.6 1.9-3.9 3.1-8.2 3.1-9.7 0-1.9-1.7-8.7-3.7-9 -1.4-0.2-4.2 2-4.6 2.4 -0.6 0.9-0.6 2-1 3.7 -0.5 2.3-0.9 4.8-1.8 6.9 -0.8 1.7-1.4 3.3-2.3 4.6 -2.2 3-4.7 4.4-5 4.2 -0.5-0.3-0.4-2.2 0.2-3.7 0.4-1 0.9-1.5 1.8-1.7 0.8-0.2 1.8-0.2 2-0.1 0.7 0.2 1-1 0.9-1.7 -0.1-0.6-1.7-0.7-3.4-0.7 -5.2 0.3-6.3 2.5-7.7 4.7 -2.2 3.5-5.1 2.8-6.3 0.7 -1.1-2-2-4.3-3.6-3.6 -0.7 0.4-2.3 1.4-2.8 1.8 -0.5 0.5-1.3 1.1-1.5 0.9 -0.2-0.3 0.3-1.9 0.4-2.6 0.4-3.5 0.7-6.6-0.8-7.4 -0.7-0.4-3.4 0-5.1 1 -0.8 0.4-5.2 2.1-7 2.1 -0.7 0-0.9-0.8-1.5-0.8C124.4 17.2 120.9 23.7 120.8 26.7M100.4 22.9c-0.2-0.5-0.4-1.2-0.3-2 0-0.5 0.5-1 0.8-1.2 0.5-0.4 1-0.8 1.4-0.7 0.4 0 0.7 0.4 0.8 0.7 0.1 0.3 0 1.5-0.3 1.9C102.4 22.1 101.5 23 100.4 22.9zM132.5 23.8c0 1-1.3 3.9-2.2 4.7 -0.6 0.5-1.5 0.5-2.1-0.2 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3.2 0.4 7.7 0.8 12 0.9 4.1 0.1 7.9-0.2 10.5-0.1 1.5-1.1 4.5-5.1 4.8-6.6 0.2-1 0-1.6-1.3-1.7 -4.5-0.3-8.9 0.5-13.7 1.9 -3.5 1-4.4 1.1-5.7 1.4 -1.3 0.3-5.4 0.9-6.4 1 0.1-0.6 0.3-1.2-0.1-1.4 -0.6-0.3-1.8-0.4-2.9 0.3 -0.3 0.3-0.6 1-0.7 1.4 -2.5 0.4-5.4 0.1-6.8-0.3 -0.5-0.2-0.8-0.5-0.8-0.9 -0.1-0.4-0.3-2-0.6-2.3 -0.4-0.4-0.3-2.1-0.7-2.3 -0.5-0.2-2.3-1.2-4.5 2.7 -1.3 2.4-1.2 3.2-0.3 4.1 0.4 0.4 0.9 0.7 1.5 0.7 1.8 0 2.9-0.4 3.7-0.9 0.8-0.5 1-0.1 1.8 0.2 0.8 0.3 4.2 1.2 6 1.4 -1 2.5-3 7.7-3.5 9.8 -1.1 2.1-2.9 4.9-3.9 4.9 -0.6 0-1-0.7-1.1-1.1 -0.2-0.8 0.3-3.7 0.6-5.8 0.4-2.1 1.1-4-0.9-4 -1.7 0-1.8 0.1-2.5 1 -3.6 4.6-9.5 10.5-13.5 11.4 -2.3 0.5-4.6-3.8-4.6-5.9 0-2.9 0.9-6.2 4-8.5 0.4-0.3 0.4-0.3 0.6-0.3 0.2 0 0.7-0.1 0.8 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.7 2 1.5 2 1.1 0 3.1-2.8 3.1-6.6C206.3 6.7 204.5 6.6 204.2 6.6"/><path d="M65.8 27c-0.1-1.1-1.7-0.5-2.4-0.1 -0.8 0.4-1.6 1.2-1.6 2 0 0.7 0.1 1.6 0.1 2.2 -0.1 0.6-0.2 1.1-1.2 1.3 -0.7 0.2-2.2-0.3-2.8-1.1 -1.5-1.8-1.6-2.2-2-2.9 1.4-0.9 3.6-2.5 3.9-4.9 0.3-2.9-3.7-2.5-6.2-1.2 -5 2.7-5.6 5.1-5 7.1 -1.6 1.7-3.7 1.8-5.6 0.9 -4-1.9-3.5-4.8-5.9-5.2 -2.5-0.5-4.2 1.6-5.3 1.6 1.1-5.6 3.8-13.1 8.8-22.3 0-0.1 0.2-0.6-0.4-0.8 -0.7-0.2-2.5-0.3-3.6 0.4 -1.1 0.7-1.7 2.2-2.3 3.1 -2.3 0.9-3.3 1.3-6.3 1.5 -1.5 0.1-3.4 0.2-3.9 0.2 0.1-1-0.2-3.6-0.3-4.1 -0.1-0.6-0.6-1.2-1.7-1 -2 0.3-6.1 1.6-6.5 4.3 -2.2-0.1-6.3-1.3-9-1.1C1 7 0.2 7.2 0 8.8c-0.1 0.8 0.1 1.5 0.2 1.8 0 0.3 0.1 1.5 1.3 1.3 4.8-0.9 11.7-0.8 13.3-0.9 -0.5 5.1-1.9 16.6-3.1 21.2 -0.9 3.6-1.6 6 1.2 4.8 3-1.3 4.1-2 5.1-2.6 1-0.6 3-2.6 3.4-5.5 0.5-3.7 1.4-8 1.6-9.6 0.1-1.5 0.7-6.5 0.9-8.2 3.3 0 7.6-1.4 8.9-1.9 -5.5 10.4-8.9 21.8-8.7 24 0.1 1 0.8 1.5 2.1 1.3 1.3-0.2 3.3-1.5 4.4-2.7 1.1-1.2 2.2-1.6 3.7-1.4 1.4 0.2 2.1 0.7 2.5 1.6 1 2 2.6 2.7 5.3 2.3 3.6-0.6 5-1.9 6.7-3.2 1.7 3.4 3.7 4.8 8.3 4.9 2.6 0 6.1-2 7.6-3.8C65.4 31 65.9 28.1 65.8 27M54.8 26.3c-0.3-0.4-0.5-1.8-0.6-2.7 0.2-0.5 1.4-1.2 2.2-0.6 0.7 0.5 1.1 1.5-0.1 2.8C55.8 26.3 55.4 26.5 54.8 26.3z"/><path d="M254.4 24.4c-0.3 0.3-0.8 0.5-1.2 0.5 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