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While matters of state encroach on his <g class="gr_ gr_10 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Punctuation only-del replaceWithoutSep" id="10" data-gr-id="10">grief,</g> and advisors <g class="gr_ gr_11 gr-alert gr_spell gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim ContextualSpelling multiReplace" id="11" data-gr-id="11">clamour</g> for war against a radical new threat to the Empire, Hadrian slips out of time to re-encounter the vision and reality of Antinous&mdash;and learn the truth about what happened on the Nile. <br /><br />This highly anticipated world premiere from composer Rufus Wainwright and librettist Daniel MacIvor features the company debuts of opera legends Thomas Hampson and Karita <g class="gr_ gr_8 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Punctuation only-del replaceWithoutSep" id="8" data-gr-id="8">Mattila,</g> and is presented by the same creative team behind the COC&rsquo;s 2017 production of <em>Louis Riel</em>.<br /><br /><strong>Content advisory</strong>:&nbsp;<i>Hadrian</i> contains partial nudity and scenes of a sexual nature. Should you have questions or require more details, we invite you to contact our team at 416-363-8231 or 1-800-250-4653.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /><br /></p> <div class="iframe-container"><iframe width="864" height="486" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe></div> <p><br /><strong><br />Connect with us on social by using #COCHadrian | @CanadianOpera<br /><br />UNDER&nbsp;30?<span>&nbsp;</span><a href="/OU30" target="_self">Get your $22 tickets here</a>.<br /></strong></p></div> <hr class="desktop"> <section class="accordionModule mobile" title="This is an accordion module. Select an option to access it's content. Option content is available one at a time."> <article data-tabtype="details"> <a class="heading" tabindex="0">Details</a> <div class="accordionContent"> <div><p>On stage at the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W., Toronto.</p> <p>Performance time is approximately three hours, including one intermission.<br /><br /><img src="" width="601" height="40" caption="false" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto; float: left;" /> <br /><br /> Sung in English and Latin with English SURTITLES<sup>TM<br /></sup></p> <p></p> <p></p> <p></p></div> <br /> <strong class="detailsCast">Cast and CREATIVE TEAMS</strong> <table> <tr> <th>Hadrian</th> <td>Thomas Hampson</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Plotina</th> <td>Karita Mattila</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Antinous</th> <td>Isaiah Bell</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Sabina</th> <td>Ambur Braid</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Dinarchus</th> <td>Ben Heppner</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Turbo</th> <td>David Leigh</td> </tr> </table> <br /> <table> <tr> <th>Conductor</th> <td> Johannes Debus</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Director</th> <td> Peter Hinton</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Set Designer</th> <td> Michael Gianfrancesco</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Costume Designer</th> <td> Gillian Gallow</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Lighting Designer</th> <td> Bonnie Beecher</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Choreographer</th> <td> Denise Clarke</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Projection Designer</th> <td> Laurie-Shawn Borzovoy</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Intimacy Coach</th> <td> Siobhan Richardson</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Dramaturg</th> <td> Cori Ellison</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Price Family Chorus Master*</th> <td> Sandra Horst</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Fight Director</th> <td> James Binkley</td> </tr> </table> <br /> <div class="extraContent"> <p>*Sandra Horst and the COC Chorus are generously underwritten by Tim &amp; Frances Price</p> <p>Production generously underwritten by <br /><strong>COLLEEN SEXSMITH <br /></strong><strong>PAUL BERNARDS<br /><br /></strong>With additional major support from<br /><strong>MARK &amp; GAIL APPEL<br /></strong><strong>VIRGINIA ATKIN &amp; KEITH AMBACHTSHEER<br /></strong><strong>JUSTIN S. LINDEN<br /></strong><strong>PETER M. PARTRIDGE<br /></strong><strong>JAY SMITH &amp; LAURA RAPP<br /></strong><strong>RIKI TUROFSKY &amp; CHARLES PETERSEN</strong><br /><strong><br /></strong></p> <p><em>With the COC Orchestra and Chorus</em></p> </div> </div> </article> <article data-tabtype="synopsis"> <a class="heading" tabindex="0">Synopsis</a> <div class="accordionContent"> <p><strong>SYNOPSIS IN A MINUTE</strong><em><strong><br /></strong></em><br />Emperor Hadrian is devastated after his lover Antinous drowns in the Nile River. While matters of state encroach on his<g class="gr_ gr_10 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Punctuation only-del replaceWithoutSep" id="10" data-gr-id="10">grief,</g>and advisors<g class="gr_ gr_11 gr-alert gr_spell gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim ContextualSpelling multiReplace" id="11" data-gr-id="11">clamour</g>for war against a radical new threat to the Empire, Hadrian slips out of time to re-encounter the vision and reality of Antinous&mdash;and learn the truth about what happened on the Nile.<br /><strong></strong><em><strong><br /></strong></em><strong><br />FULL SYNOPSIS</strong><em><strong><br /><br />Spoiler Alert: This synopsis reveals key plot elements.<br /><br /></strong></em><strong>ACT I</strong></p> <p><em>The last night of Hadrian&rsquo;s life. In Tibur, outside Rome.</em></p> <p>Hadrian is gravely ill and grieving the death of his lover Antinous. After a year of preparations, Antinous&rsquo; body is to be entombed. Hadrian&rsquo;s entourage feels Hadrian will die tonight, from either sickness or sadness.</p> <p>Hadrian is visited by two deities only he can see: Emperor Trajan and his wife Plotina. Trajan, like a father to him, is here to comfort Hadrian. Plotina, having secured Hadrian the throne, is on a mission. Hadrian only wants to know the truth of what happened to Antinous.</p> <p>Convinced he is mad with grief, Hadrian orders his physician Hermogenes to kill him. Turbo, his long-time friend and head of his military, tries to reason with Hadrian. Hermogenes&rsquo; loyalty to his Emperor brings him to kill himself.</p> <p>Plotina and Trajan return. Plotina begins her campaign.</p> <p>Turbo addresses affairs of state: enemies of the status quo rise in power. This is of no concern to Hadrian; he&rsquo;s busy memorializing Antinous. Knowing that time is short, Plotina strikes a deal: two nights with Antinous and the truth if Hadrian signs a document that would destroy those who would destroy them. Hadrian agrees.</p> <p><span><strong>ACT II</strong></span></p> <p><span><em>Seven years earlier, in Greece.</em></span></p> <p><span>Plotina leads Hadrian through the night he met Antinous: the feast of Robigalia, celebrated tonight to honour Hadrian&rsquo;s tour of the Empire. Guests sing Hadrian&rsquo;s praises. We meet Hadrian&rsquo;s wife Sabina. Her sadness reveals itself: her husband has no heart for her.</span></p> <p><span>Present is Antinous, who was magnificent in the hunt today, killing a boar that was charging the Emperor. Preparations begin for a ceremonial sacrifice. Hadrian insists Turbo bring forward the hero of the hunt; Turbo is reluctant, concerned about the Emperor&rsquo;s tastes.</span></p> <p>Hadrian longs to take Antinous in his arms, but knows the night must play out just as it did. We see their attraction is deep and true.</p> <p>For Hadrian&rsquo;s amusement, a Sibyl has been procured. She predicts that Antinous will &ldquo;sacrifice&rdquo; and become a &ldquo;saviour.&rdquo; Hadrian turns his attention back to the celebration.</p> <p>A sacrifice is brought to the altar, small groups form. Hadrian and Antinous have found their destiny. Turbo and Sabina have found a common enemy in Antinous. The entourage considers political implications. The people gossip.</p> <p>Plotina reveals herself to us: she had been the Sibyl.</p> <p><strong><br />INTERMISSION<br /><br /></strong></p> <p><strong>ACT III</strong></p> <p><em>Egypt. A barge on the Nile.</em></p> <p>In a world between worlds, Hadrian and Antinous&rsquo; love expresses itself as all consuming.</p> <p>It is six years since the night Hadrian and Antinous met. Over time Antinous has shown himself to be a wise and gentle man. Hadrian recognizes this night as the night Antinous died.</p> <p>Unable to escape his real-world illness, and facing the worst night of his life, Hadrian begs Plotina to change the rules. She refuses.</p> <p>The entourage, sick of life on the road, amuse themselves with drinking games. When Antinous appears we see that he has captured their hearts. Antinous has a peaceable approach to the Jews and Nazarenes. Turbo sees this as supporting the power of monotheism. He worries that Hadrian is too influenced by Antinous.</p> <p>Sabina is tormented by her husband&rsquo;s love for Antinous. She and Turbo speak of a plan: a deception is to be undertaken by a Sybil. Sabina is unsure, Turbo is determined.</p> <p>The bedchamber. Antinous cares for Hadrian. A Sybil comes to help with Hadrian&rsquo;s illness. She declares that Hadrian&rsquo;s recovery requires a sacrifice.</p> <p>Hadrian briefly steps into the world between. He sees that the Sibyl is Sabina. Back in the fever dream of the past Antinous cares for Hadrian tenderly. Sabina witnesses Hadrian&rsquo;s love for Antinous. Her husband has a heart. She is moved.</p> <p>On deck we see that Antinous trusts the Sibyl&rsquo;s words. He is about to sacrifice himself. Sabina rushes in to end the game. Turbo shows himself and has Sabina taken away. Alone with Antinous, Turbo admits the deception then kills Antinous, delivering his body to the Nile.</p> <p><strong>ACT IV</strong></p> <p><em>Tibur, outside Rome. Hadrian&rsquo;s last moments.</em></p> <p>Back in the real world. Hadrian, now more broken than he was, makes a show of signing the document, thus ending Judea. Plotina is elated, monotheism will die. She will live eternal.</p> <p>Turbo is delighted, Hadrian is himself again, the Empire will thrive. Hadrian explains this document will see the Empire fall. Then he tells Turbo what he knows: Turbo killed Antinous. Turbo admits it with no remorse. Hadrian moves to stab Turbo in the heart, but stops, he asks &ldquo;Why?&rdquo;</p> <p>Turbo explains he was protecting the legacy of his friend and Emperor. Hadrian disdains all material concerns naming his own legacy in his final words, &ldquo;He loved.&rdquo; In this moment Turbo sees the truth. Hadrian dies.</p> <p>All deities present lead Hadrian into death. Hadrian and Antinous are reunited. The gods ponder their future as a dark chorus of unrest gathers. A time has ended. A time has begun.</p> <p><em>~ Daniel MacIvor, librettist</em></p> </div> </article> <article data-tabtype="trailer"> <a class="heading" tabindex="0">Trailer</a> <div class="accordionContent"> <div class="videoWrapper"> <iframe src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe> </div> </div> </article> <article> <a class="heading" tabindex="0">GALLERY</a> <div class="accordionContent"> <div><img src="" alt="" width="900" height="600" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 100%; height: auto;" /><br /><img src="" alt="" width="900" height="635" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 100%; height: auto;" /><br /><img src="" alt="" width="901" height="558" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 100%; height: auto;" /><br /><img src="" alt="" width="901" height="600" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 100%; height: auto;" /><br /><em><span style="color: #000000;">Production photos from Canadian Opera Company's production of&nbsp;</span></em><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="color: #000000;">Hadrian</span></span><em><span style="color: #000000;">, 2018. All photos: Michael Cooper.</span></em></div> </div> </article> <article> <a class="heading" tabindex="0">Read</a> <div class="accordionContent"> <p><strong><em>New York Times </em></strong><strong>| Rufus Wainwright&rsquo;s First Opera Was &lsquo;a Nightmare.&rsquo; He&rsquo;s Trying Again</strong></p> <p>Rufus Wainwright&rsquo;s eyes filled with tears. He stood quietly, one hand marking time, as the rich voice of the baritone Thomas Hampson filled a rehearsal room looking out onto snow-capped mountain peaks here.</p> <p><a href="" target="_self">READ MORE</a><br /><br /></p> <p><strong><em>Toronto Star </em></strong><strong>| &lsquo;There were tears&rsquo;: The battle to bring <em>Hadrian</em> to the Canadian Opera Company stage</strong></p> <p>With days to go before the world premiere of his first opera, Daniel MacIvor says he is experiencing the sublime: &ldquo;full of dread and giddy at the same time.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="" target="_self">READ MORE</a><strong><br /><br /></strong></p> <p><strong><em>TheWholeNote </em></strong><strong>| Daring to Walk the Walk: The COC&rsquo;s <em>Hadrian</em></strong></p> <p>It hasn&rsquo;t opened yet. We don&rsquo;t know what awaits us. But the Canadian Opera Company&rsquo;s bet on Rufus Wainwright&rsquo;s&nbsp;<em>Hadrian</em>&nbsp;can&rsquo;t lose. Oh, it can be a failure, for reasons I&rsquo;ll explain below. But failure doesn&rsquo;t mean failure. The very fact that&nbsp;<em>Hadrian </em>is opening as scheduled is a small triumph.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="" target="_self">READ MORE</a><br /><br /></p> <p><strong><em>The Loop </em></strong><strong>| Five things you need to know about &lsquo;<em>Hadrian</em>&rsquo;</strong></p> <p>It&rsquo;s been at least five years since I first read that Rufus Wainwright was planning on mounting an opera about Hadrian. But it&rsquo;s been some 20 years since the singer and songwriter suspected the Roman emperor&rsquo;s story &ldquo;would make a great operatic subject.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="" target="_self">READ MORE</a><br /><br /></p> <p><strong>Becoming Antinous</strong></p> <p>Canadian tenor Isaiah Bell gives us an unprecedented look &ndash; recorded in real time, over four weeks &ndash; at what it takes to get ready for a world premiere.</p> <p><a href=";Page=1" target="_self">READ MORE</a><br /><br /></p> <p><strong>Dramatically Roman: The Costumes of&nbsp;<em>Hadrian</em></strong></p> <p>&ldquo;They&rsquo;re definitely Roman-inspired,&rdquo; says award-winning Canadian designer Gillian Gallow of the costumes she has conceived for&nbsp;<em></em><em>Hadrian</em>, the new opera by Rufus Wainwright<span>. &ldquo;But there is also an extremely theatrical and modern perspective to it.&rdquo;<br /><br /></span><a href="" target="_self">READ MORE</a></p> </div> </article> <article> <a class="heading" tabindex="0">Watch</a> <div class="accordionContent"> <p><strong>"Will you have Egypt with me?" | Ambur Braid, October 2018</strong><br /><br /><span>An excerpt from Sabina's Act II aria, "Will you have Egypt with me?" performed by soprano Ambur Braid.<br /></span></p> <div class="videoWrapper"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe></div> <p><strong><br /><br />Act III Excerpt | Thomas Hampson &amp; Isaiah Bell, October 2018</strong><br /><br /><span>An excerpt from Rufus Wainwright and Daniel MacIvor's HADRIAN. This scene from Act III of the opera features Hadrian (Thomas Hampson) and Antinous (Isaiah Bell).<br /></span></p> <div class="videoWrapper"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe></div> <p><strong><br /><br />Plotina's aria | Karita Mattila, October 2018</strong><br /><br /><span>An excerpt from Plotina's Act I aria, performed by soprano Karita Mattila.<br /></span></p> <div class="videoWrapper"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe></div> <p><strong><br /><br />Behind the Scenes, September 2018</strong><br /><br />Take an intimate behind-the-scenes look at rehearsals for Rufus Wainwright and Daniel MacIvor's <em>Hadrian</em>.</p> <div class="videoWrapper"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe></div> <p><strong><br /><br />The History of HADRIAN, October 2018</strong><br /><br /><span>In part one, we chat with author and historian Anthony Majanlahti about the life of Roman Emperor Hadrian.</span></p> <div class="videoWrapper"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe></div> <p><strong><br /><br />ENTR'ACTE from Behind the Season, March 2018<br /></strong><br />Maestro Johannes Debus conducts this excerpt, called "Entr'acte" ("Between the Acts"), and offers his play-by-play in written annotations. The magnificent COC Orchestra performs.</p> <div class="videoWrapper"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe></div> <br /><em><br /></em> </div> </article> <article> <a class="heading" tabindex="0">BUZZ</a> <div class="accordionContent"> <p>&ldquo;a gay love story that speaks to our time.&rdquo; <em>New York Times</em></p> <p>&ldquo;It was a truly grand spectacle, with stunning visuals from the set, costumes, video projections, and positioning of cast, chorus and five male dancers.&rdquo; <em>Toronto Star</em></p> <p>&ldquo;whole stretches of Mr. Wainwright&rsquo;s music are beguiling, inventive and unabashedly romantic.&rdquo; <em>New York Times</em></p> <p>&nbsp;&ldquo;The orchestra bubbles with eclectic sounds and stunning, pared-down moments of chamber music. The score makes nods to Satie, Debussy, Puccini and Mahler&hellip; There&rsquo;s a fun sextet that feels like a modern version of the sexy Carmen quintet.&rdquo; <em>Globe and Mail</em></p> <p>&ldquo;★★★★★&hellip; What <em>Hadrian</em> will be remembered for &ndash; be it the lush orchestral music, the stellar singing, the captivating plot of love, jealousy and political power struggle, or the explicit love-making scenes &ndash; only time will tell. Judging by the audience&rsquo;s reaction, two recurring lines in the libretto aptly sum things up: &ldquo;I remember this night&rdquo; and &ldquo;We will never be forgotten.&rdquo; <em>Hadrian</em>&rsquo;s world premiere is a night to remember, and the opera is not soon to be forgotten.&rdquo; <em>La Scena Musicale</em></p> <p>&ldquo;there are veritable moments, and just enough of them, of operatic alchemy in&nbsp;<em>Hadrian</em>&mdash;where the text and music seem to be made for each other.&rdquo; <em>Opera Canada</em></p> <p>&ldquo;With&nbsp;<em>Hadrian</em>, the COC has been methodical and intelligent, pairing Wainwright with librettist Daniel MacIvor to turn this chapter of ancient Roman history into a viable gay-themed opera, and enlisting superstars Thomas Hampson and Karita Mattila to lead the cast.&rdquo; <em>CBC Music</em></p> <p>&ldquo;A major draw&hellip;the COC rounds up a fascinating cast of big names and rising stars.&rdquo; <em>The Globe and Mail<br /><br /></em>&ldquo;<em>Hadrian</em> dominates Canadian Opera Company&rsquo;s 2018-19 season.&rdquo; <em>Toronto Star</em></p> <p>&ldquo;Its world premiere on Oct. 13 will no doubt be one of the more closely watched events of the season.&rdquo; <em>Opera Canada</em></p> </div> </article> </section> <nav class="tabnav desktop"> <a class="button alt active" data-tabtype="details" tabindex="0">Details</a> <a class="button alt" data-tabtype="synopsis" tabindex="0">Synopsis</a> <a class="button alt" data-tabtype="trailer" tabindex="0">Trailer</a> <a class="button alt" data-tabtype="GALLERY" tabindex="0">GALLERY</a> <a class="button alt" data-tabtype="Read" tabindex="0">Read</a> <a class="button alt" data-tabtype="Watch" tabindex="0">Watch</a> <a class="button alt" data-tabtype="BUZZ" tabindex="0">BUZZ</a> </nav> <ul class="tabcontent desktop"> <li data-tabtype="details"> <div><p>On stage at the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W., Toronto.</p> <p>Performance time is approximately three hours, including one intermission.<br /><br /><img src="" width="601" height="40" caption="false" style="max-width: 100%; height: auto; float: left;" /> <br /><br /> Sung in English and Latin with English SURTITLES<sup>TM<br /></sup></p> <p></p> <p></p> <p></p></div> <br /> <span class="detailsCast">Cast and CREATIVE TEAMS</span> <table> <tr> <td>Hadrian</td> <td>Thomas Hampson</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Plotina</td> <td>Karita Mattila</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Antinous</td> <td>Isaiah Bell</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Sabina</td> <td>Ambur Braid</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Dinarchus</td> <td>Ben Heppner</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Turbo</td> <td>David Leigh</td> </tr> </table> <br /> <table> <tr> <td>Conductor</td> <td> Johannes Debus</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Director</td> <td> Peter Hinton</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Set Designer</td> <td> Michael Gianfrancesco</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Costume Designer</td> <td> Gillian Gallow</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Lighting Designer</td> <td> Bonnie Beecher</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Choreographer</td> <td> Denise Clarke</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Projection Designer</td> <td> Laurie-Shawn Borzovoy</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Intimacy Coach</td> <td> Siobhan Richardson</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Dramaturg</td> <td> Cori Ellison</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Price Family Chorus Master*</td> <td> Sandra Horst</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Fight Director</td> <td> James Binkley</td> </tr> </table> <div class="extraContent"> <p>*Sandra Horst and the COC Chorus are generously underwritten by Tim &amp; Frances Price</p> <p>Production generously underwritten by <br /><strong>COLLEEN SEXSMITH <br /></strong><strong>PAUL BERNARDS<br /><br /></strong>With additional major support from<br /><strong>MARK &amp; GAIL APPEL<br /></strong><strong>VIRGINIA ATKIN &amp; KEITH AMBACHTSHEER<br /></strong><strong>JUSTIN S. LINDEN<br /></strong><strong>PETER M. PARTRIDGE<br /></strong><strong>JAY SMITH &amp; LAURA RAPP<br /></strong><strong>RIKI TUROFSKY &amp; CHARLES PETERSEN</strong><br /><strong><br /></strong></p> <p><em>With the COC Orchestra and Chorus</em></p> </div> </li> <li data-tabtype="synopsis"> <p><strong>SYNOPSIS IN A MINUTE</strong><em><strong><br /></strong></em><br />Emperor Hadrian is devastated after his lover Antinous drowns in the Nile River. While matters of state encroach on his<g class="gr_ gr_10 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Punctuation only-del replaceWithoutSep" id="10" data-gr-id="10">grief,</g>and advisors<g class="gr_ gr_11 gr-alert gr_spell gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim ContextualSpelling multiReplace" id="11" data-gr-id="11">clamour</g>for war against a radical new threat to the Empire, Hadrian slips out of time to re-encounter the vision and reality of Antinous&mdash;and learn the truth about what happened on the Nile.<br /><strong></strong><em><strong><br /></strong></em><strong><br />FULL SYNOPSIS</strong><em><strong><br /><br />Spoiler Alert: This synopsis reveals key plot elements.<br /><br /></strong></em><strong>ACT I</strong></p> <p><em>The last night of Hadrian&rsquo;s life. In Tibur, outside Rome.</em></p> <p>Hadrian is gravely ill and grieving the death of his lover Antinous. After a year of preparations, Antinous&rsquo; body is to be entombed. Hadrian&rsquo;s entourage feels Hadrian will die tonight, from either sickness or sadness.</p> <p>Hadrian is visited by two deities only he can see: Emperor Trajan and his wife Plotina. Trajan, like a father to him, is here to comfort Hadrian. Plotina, having secured Hadrian the throne, is on a mission. Hadrian only wants to know the truth of what happened to Antinous.</p> <p>Convinced he is mad with grief, Hadrian orders his physician Hermogenes to kill him. Turbo, his long-time friend and head of his military, tries to reason with Hadrian. Hermogenes&rsquo; loyalty to his Emperor brings him to kill himself.</p> <p>Plotina and Trajan return. Plotina begins her campaign.</p> <p>Turbo addresses affairs of state: enemies of the status quo rise in power. This is of no concern to Hadrian; he&rsquo;s busy memorializing Antinous. Knowing that time is short, Plotina strikes a deal: two nights with Antinous and the truth if Hadrian signs a document that would destroy those who would destroy them. Hadrian agrees.</p> <p><span><strong>ACT II</strong></span></p> <p><span><em>Seven years earlier, in Greece.</em></span></p> <p><span>Plotina leads Hadrian through the night he met Antinous: the feast of Robigalia, celebrated tonight to honour Hadrian&rsquo;s tour of the Empire. Guests sing Hadrian&rsquo;s praises. We meet Hadrian&rsquo;s wife Sabina. Her sadness reveals itself: her husband has no heart for her.</span></p> <p><span>Present is Antinous, who was magnificent in the hunt today, killing a boar that was charging the Emperor. Preparations begin for a ceremonial sacrifice. Hadrian insists Turbo bring forward the hero of the hunt; Turbo is reluctant, concerned about the Emperor&rsquo;s tastes.</span></p> <p>Hadrian longs to take Antinous in his arms, but knows the night must play out just as it did. We see their attraction is deep and true.</p> <p>For Hadrian&rsquo;s amusement, a Sibyl has been procured. She predicts that Antinous will &ldquo;sacrifice&rdquo; and become a &ldquo;saviour.&rdquo; Hadrian turns his attention back to the celebration.</p> <p>A sacrifice is brought to the altar, small groups form. Hadrian and Antinous have found their destiny. Turbo and Sabina have found a common enemy in Antinous. The entourage considers political implications. The people gossip.</p> <p>Plotina reveals herself to us: she had been the Sibyl.</p> <p><strong><br />INTERMISSION<br /><br /></strong></p> <p><strong>ACT III</strong></p> <p><em>Egypt. A barge on the Nile.</em></p> <p>In a world between worlds, Hadrian and Antinous&rsquo; love expresses itself as all consuming.</p> <p>It is six years since the night Hadrian and Antinous met. Over time Antinous has shown himself to be a wise and gentle man. Hadrian recognizes this night as the night Antinous died.</p> <p>Unable to escape his real-world illness, and facing the worst night of his life, Hadrian begs Plotina to change the rules. She refuses.</p> <p>The entourage, sick of life on the road, amuse themselves with drinking games. When Antinous appears we see that he has captured their hearts. Antinous has a peaceable approach to the Jews and Nazarenes. Turbo sees this as supporting the power of monotheism. He worries that Hadrian is too influenced by Antinous.</p> <p>Sabina is tormented by her husband&rsquo;s love for Antinous. She and Turbo speak of a plan: a deception is to be undertaken by a Sybil. Sabina is unsure, Turbo is determined.</p> <p>The bedchamber. Antinous cares for Hadrian. A Sybil comes to help with Hadrian&rsquo;s illness. She declares that Hadrian&rsquo;s recovery requires a sacrifice.</p> <p>Hadrian briefly steps into the world between. He sees that the Sibyl is Sabina. Back in the fever dream of the past Antinous cares for Hadrian tenderly. Sabina witnesses Hadrian&rsquo;s love for Antinous. Her husband has a heart. She is moved.</p> <p>On deck we see that Antinous trusts the Sibyl&rsquo;s words. He is about to sacrifice himself. Sabina rushes in to end the game. Turbo shows himself and has Sabina taken away. Alone with Antinous, Turbo admits the deception then kills Antinous, delivering his body to the Nile.</p> <p><strong>ACT IV</strong></p> <p><em>Tibur, outside Rome. Hadrian&rsquo;s last moments.</em></p> <p>Back in the real world. Hadrian, now more broken than he was, makes a show of signing the document, thus ending Judea. Plotina is elated, monotheism will die. She will live eternal.</p> <p>Turbo is delighted, Hadrian is himself again, the Empire will thrive. Hadrian explains this document will see the Empire fall. Then he tells Turbo what he knows: Turbo killed Antinous. Turbo admits it with no remorse. Hadrian moves to stab Turbo in the heart, but stops, he asks &ldquo;Why?&rdquo;</p> <p>Turbo explains he was protecting the legacy of his friend and Emperor. Hadrian disdains all material concerns naming his own legacy in his final words, &ldquo;He loved.&rdquo; In this moment Turbo sees the truth. Hadrian dies.</p> <p>All deities present lead Hadrian into death. Hadrian and Antinous are reunited. The gods ponder their future as a dark chorus of unrest gathers. A time has ended. A time has begun.</p> <p><em>~ Daniel MacIvor, librettist</em></p> </li> <li data-tabtype="trailer"> <div class="videoWrapper"> <iframe src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe> </div> </li> <li data-tabtype="GALLERY"> <div><img src="" alt="" width="900" height="600" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 100%; height: auto;" /><br /><img src="" alt="" width="900" height="635" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 100%; height: auto;" /><br /><img src="" alt="" width="901" height="558" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 100%; height: auto;" /><br /><img src="" alt="" width="901" height="600" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 100%; height: auto;" /><br /><em><span style="color: #000000;">Production photos from Canadian Opera Company's production of&nbsp;</span></em><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="color: #000000;">Hadrian</span></span><em><span style="color: #000000;">, 2018. All photos: Michael Cooper.</span></em></div> </li> <li data-tabtype="Read"> <p><strong><em>New York Times </em></strong><strong>| Rufus Wainwright&rsquo;s First Opera Was &lsquo;a Nightmare.&rsquo; He&rsquo;s Trying Again</strong></p> <p>Rufus Wainwright&rsquo;s eyes filled with tears. He stood quietly, one hand marking time, as the rich voice of the baritone Thomas Hampson filled a rehearsal room looking out onto snow-capped mountain peaks here.</p> <p><a href="" target="_self">READ MORE</a><br /><br /></p> <p><strong><em>Toronto Star </em></strong><strong>| &lsquo;There were tears&rsquo;: The battle to bring <em>Hadrian</em> to the Canadian Opera Company stage</strong></p> <p>With days to go before the world premiere of his first opera, Daniel MacIvor says he is experiencing the sublime: &ldquo;full of dread and giddy at the same time.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="" target="_self">READ MORE</a><strong><br /><br /></strong></p> <p><strong><em>TheWholeNote </em></strong><strong>| Daring to Walk the Walk: The COC&rsquo;s <em>Hadrian</em></strong></p> <p>It hasn&rsquo;t opened yet. We don&rsquo;t know what awaits us. But the Canadian Opera Company&rsquo;s bet on Rufus Wainwright&rsquo;s&nbsp;<em>Hadrian</em>&nbsp;can&rsquo;t lose. Oh, it can be a failure, for reasons I&rsquo;ll explain below. But failure doesn&rsquo;t mean failure. The very fact that&nbsp;<em>Hadrian </em>is opening as scheduled is a small triumph.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="" target="_self">READ MORE</a><br /><br /></p> <p><strong><em>The Loop </em></strong><strong>| Five things you need to know about &lsquo;<em>Hadrian</em>&rsquo;</strong></p> <p>It&rsquo;s been at least five years since I first read that Rufus Wainwright was planning on mounting an opera about Hadrian. But it&rsquo;s been some 20 years since the singer and songwriter suspected the Roman emperor&rsquo;s story &ldquo;would make a great operatic subject.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="" target="_self">READ MORE</a><br /><br /></p> <p><strong>Becoming Antinous</strong></p> <p>Canadian tenor Isaiah Bell gives us an unprecedented look &ndash; recorded in real time, over four weeks &ndash; at what it takes to get ready for a world premiere.</p> <p><a href=";Page=1" target="_self">READ MORE</a><br /><br /></p> <p><strong>Dramatically Roman: The Costumes of&nbsp;<em>Hadrian</em></strong></p> <p>&ldquo;They&rsquo;re definitely Roman-inspired,&rdquo; says award-winning Canadian designer Gillian Gallow of the costumes she has conceived for&nbsp;<em></em><em>Hadrian</em>, the new opera by Rufus Wainwright<span>. &ldquo;But there is also an extremely theatrical and modern perspective to it.&rdquo;<br /><br /></span><a href="" target="_self">READ MORE</a></p> </li> <li data-tabtype="Watch"> <p><strong>"Will you have Egypt with me?" | Ambur Braid, October 2018</strong><br /><br /><span>An excerpt from Sabina's Act II aria, "Will you have Egypt with me?" performed by soprano Ambur Braid.<br /></span></p> <div class="videoWrapper"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe></div> <p><strong><br /><br />Act III Excerpt | Thomas Hampson &amp; Isaiah Bell, October 2018</strong><br /><br /><span>An excerpt from Rufus Wainwright and Daniel MacIvor's HADRIAN. This scene from Act III of the opera features Hadrian (Thomas Hampson) and Antinous (Isaiah Bell).<br /></span></p> <div class="videoWrapper"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe></div> <p><strong><br /><br />Plotina's aria | Karita Mattila, October 2018</strong><br /><br /><span>An excerpt from Plotina's Act I aria, performed by soprano Karita Mattila.<br /></span></p> <div class="videoWrapper"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe></div> <p><strong><br /><br />Behind the Scenes, September 2018</strong><br /><br />Take an intimate behind-the-scenes look at rehearsals for Rufus Wainwright and Daniel MacIvor's <em>Hadrian</em>.</p> <div class="videoWrapper"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe></div> <p><strong><br /><br />The History of HADRIAN, October 2018</strong><br /><br /><span>In part one, we chat with author and historian Anthony Majanlahti about the life of Roman Emperor Hadrian.</span></p> <div class="videoWrapper"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe></div> <p><strong><br /><br />ENTR'ACTE from Behind the Season, March 2018<br /></strong><br />Maestro Johannes Debus conducts this excerpt, called "Entr'acte" ("Between the Acts"), and offers his play-by-play in written annotations. The magnificent COC Orchestra performs.</p> <div class="videoWrapper"><iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe></div> <br /><em><br /></em> </li> <li data-tabtype="BUZZ"> <p>&ldquo;a gay love story that speaks to our time.&rdquo; <em>New York Times</em></p> <p>&ldquo;It was a truly grand spectacle, with stunning visuals from the set, costumes, video projections, and positioning of cast, chorus and five male dancers.&rdquo; <em>Toronto Star</em></p> <p>&ldquo;whole stretches of Mr. Wainwright&rsquo;s music are beguiling, inventive and unabashedly romantic.&rdquo; <em>New York Times</em></p> <p>&nbsp;&ldquo;The orchestra bubbles with eclectic sounds and stunning, pared-down moments of chamber music. The score makes nods to Satie, Debussy, Puccini and Mahler&hellip; There&rsquo;s a fun sextet that feels like a modern version of the sexy Carmen quintet.&rdquo; <em>Globe and Mail</em></p> <p>&ldquo;★★★★★&hellip; What <em>Hadrian</em> will be remembered for &ndash; be it the lush orchestral music, the stellar singing, the captivating plot of love, jealousy and political power struggle, or the explicit love-making scenes &ndash; only time will tell. Judging by the audience&rsquo;s reaction, two recurring lines in the libretto aptly sum things up: &ldquo;I remember this night&rdquo; and &ldquo;We will never be forgotten.&rdquo; <em>Hadrian</em>&rsquo;s world premiere is a night to remember, and the opera is not soon to be forgotten.&rdquo; <em>La Scena Musicale</em></p> <p>&ldquo;there are veritable moments, and just enough of them, of operatic alchemy in&nbsp;<em>Hadrian</em>&mdash;where the text and music seem to be made for each other.&rdquo; <em>Opera Canada</em></p> <p>&ldquo;With&nbsp;<em>Hadrian</em>, the COC has been methodical and intelligent, pairing Wainwright with librettist Daniel MacIvor to turn this chapter of ancient Roman history into a viable gay-themed opera, and enlisting superstars Thomas Hampson and Karita Mattila to lead the cast.&rdquo; <em>CBC Music</em></p> <p>&ldquo;A major draw&hellip;the COC rounds up a fascinating cast of big names and rising stars.&rdquo; <em>The Globe and Mail<br /><br /></em>&ldquo;<em>Hadrian</em> dominates Canadian Opera Company&rsquo;s 2018-19 season.&rdquo; <em>Toronto Star</em></p> <p>&ldquo;Its world premiere on Oct. 13 will no doubt be one of the more closely watched events of the season.&rdquo; <em>Opera Canada</em></p> </li> </ul> <hr /> <div class="productionCredits"><div>Banner photo features Gerry Egan (former Assistant, Scheduling &amp; Events) and Shawn Molko (Event Staff), by Gaetz Photography.</div> <div></div></div> </article> <aside class="ticketSelectorContainer"> <div class="ticketSelector" data-season="16459" data-production="16480" data-wait-for-date="False" data-promo-code="True"> <script type="text/html" id="template-performances-listing"> <li> <a tabindex="0" data-id="${ID}" {{if Available == false }} class="unavailable" {{/if}} > <span class="check"></span><span>${Date} at ${Time} ${Meridiem}</span> </a> </li> </script> <script type="text/html" id="template-seat-availability-heading"> <time>${MonthName} ${DayOfMonth}, ${Year} @ ${Time}${Meridiem}</time> <span>${VenueName}</span> </script> <script type="text/html" id="template-seat-availability"> <li> <div class="seatDesc"> <strong>${SeatingArea}</strong> <span>${RemainingSeats} left @ ${Price}</span> </div> <a href="${ID}" class="button buyBtn">Buy</a> </li> </script> <div class="selectDatePrompt hide" data-defaultText="Select a date to view show times and prices"> Select a date to view show times and prices </div> <div class="performances hide"> <h2>Performances</h2> <small>Select a date to purchase tickets</small> <ul class="performancesListing"></ul> <div class="performancesError hide"> <p>Could not retrieve performances at this time.</p> </div> </div> <div class="availableTickets hide"> <div class="availableTicketsHeading"></div> <div class="availableTicketsContent"> <div class="promoCodeContainer"> <input type="text" class="promoCodeInput" value="Promo code" data-placeholder="Promo code" /> <button type="button" class="alt promoCodeBtn"><span>+</span></button> </div> <div class="soldOut hide"> <p>This event is sold out.</p> </div> <div class="availableTicketsError hide"> <p>Could not retrieve tickets at this time.</p> </div> <ul class="availabilityList"></ul> <a href="" class="button alt viewSeatingMap" target="_blank" >View seating map</a> <button type="button" class="alt selectAnotherDate hide">Select another date</button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sideButtons desktop"> <ul> <li> <a href="" class="button alt">BACK TO SEASON CALENDAR</a> </li> <li> <a href="/plan-your-visit" class="button alt">Plan your visit</a> </li> <li> <a href="/seating-map" class="button alt">Seating Map</a> </li> <li> <a href="" class="button alt">Learn about the COC</a> </li> </ul> </div> </aside> <div class="mobile"> <header> <h1>HADRIAN</h1> <span class="artistName">Rufus Wainwright with libretto by Daniel MacIvor</span> <div class="productionDates"> <time>OCTOBER 13</time> To <time>OCTOBER 27, 2018</time> </div> </header> <h2 class="productionHeading">WORLD PREMIERE</h2> <p class="artistBio"><style>.iframe-container{ position: relative; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; } .iframe-container iframe{ position: absolute; top:0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }</style> <p>Emperor Hadrian is devastated after his lover Antinous drowns in the Nile River. While matters of state encroach on his <g class="gr_ gr_10 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Punctuation only-del replaceWithoutSep" id="10" data-gr-id="10">grief,</g> and advisors <g class="gr_ gr_11 gr-alert gr_spell gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim ContextualSpelling multiReplace" id="11" data-gr-id="11">clamour</g> for war against a radical new threat to the Empire, Hadrian slips out of time to re-encounter the vision and reality of Antinous&mdash;and learn the truth about what happened on the Nile. <br /><br />This highly anticipated world premiere from composer Rufus Wainwright and librettist Daniel MacIvor features the company debuts of opera legends Thomas Hampson and Karita <g class="gr_ gr_8 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Punctuation only-del replaceWithoutSep" id="8" data-gr-id="8">Mattila,</g> and is presented by the same creative team behind the COC&rsquo;s 2017 production of <em>Louis Riel</em>.<br /><br /><strong>Content advisory</strong>:&nbsp;<i>Hadrian</i> contains partial nudity and scenes of a sexual nature. Should you have questions or require more details, we invite you to contact our team at 416-363-8231 or 1-800-250-4653.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /><br /></p> <div class="iframe-container"><iframe width="864" height="486" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe></div> <p><br /><strong><br />Connect with us on social by using #COCHadrian | @CanadianOpera<br /><br />UNDER&nbsp;30?<span>&nbsp;</span><a href="/OU30" target="_self">Get your $22 tickets here</a>.<br /></strong></p></p> </div> </section> </section> <footer> </footer> </main> <section class="socialMediaTile"> <form method="get" class="socialMediaNewsletter" action=""> <label for="email">Sign up for the Eopera newsletter</label> <input id="email" name="email" placeholder="Enter Email" /> <button class="alt" type="submit">Submit</button> </form> <div class="vBar"></div> <p>Phone: <a href="tel:4163638231">416-363-8231</a></p> <div class="vBar small"></div> <p>Toll Free: <a href="tel:18002504653">1-800-250-4653</a></p> <div class="vBar small"></div> <p><a href="">Contact Page</a></p> <div class="vBar"></div> <a href="" style="background-image: url('');" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Facebook" /></a> <a href="" style="background-image: url('');" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Twitter" /></a> <a href="" style="background-image: url('');" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Instagram" /></a> <a href="" style="background-image: url('');" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Youtube" /></a> <div class="vBar"></div> </section> <footer> <div> <a href="/"> <img src="" alt="Canadian Opera Company" /> </a> <span>Copyright &#169; 2018 Canadian Opera Company Charitable Registration Number: 11883 4829 RR0001</span> </div> <ul> <li> <a href="">Site Map</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Contact Us</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Privacy</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Security</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Terms of Use</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Ticket Policies</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Accessibility Policies</a> </li> <li> <a href="/seating-map">Seating Chart</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Canadian Opera Company Facility Rentals</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Careers</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Media Centre</a> </li> <li> <a href="">COC NEWS</a> </li> </ul> </footer> <script>if ($('.tmpNoSideBars > footer').children().length < 1) { $('.tmpNoSideBars > footer').hide(); }</script> <script>COC.Productions.Productions = [{"Synopsis":"Emperor Hadrian is devastated after his lover Antinous drowns in the Nile River. While matters of state encroach on his grief, and advisors clamour for war against a radical new threat to the Empire, Hadrian slips out of time to reencounter the vision and reality of Antinous—and learn the truth about what happened on the Nile.\n\nThis highly anticipated world premiere from composer Rufus Wainwright and librettist Daniel MacIvor features the company debuts of opera legends Thomas Hampson and Karita Mattila, and is presented by the same creative team behind the COC’s 2017 production of Louis Riel.\n","CreativeTeam":[{"Title":"Director","Name":"Hinton, Peter ","ReferenceName":null,"ContentID":0,"VersionID":0,"LanguageCode":null,"State":null,"PullDate":null,"ReleaseDate":null,"ModifiedDate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","CreatedDate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","Tags":[]},{"Title":"Set Designer","Name":"Gianfrancesco, Michael 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Hampson","Name":"Hadrian","ReferenceName":"Productions_TeamMember1693","ContentID":16482,"VersionID":43387,"LanguageCode":"en-ca","State":"Published","PullDate":null,"ReleaseDate":null,"ModifiedDate":"2018-01-17T15:15:52","CreatedDate":"2017-12-20T21:15:06","Tags":[]},{"Title":"Karita Mattila","Name":"Plotina","ReferenceName":"Productions_TeamMember1693","ContentID":16483,"VersionID":43388,"LanguageCode":"en-ca","State":"Published","PullDate":null,"ReleaseDate":null,"ModifiedDate":"2018-01-17T15:15:52","CreatedDate":"2017-12-20T21:15:53","Tags":[]},{"Title":"Isaiah Bell","Name":"Antinous","ReferenceName":"Productions_TeamMember1693","ContentID":17569,"VersionID":43389,"LanguageCode":"en-ca","State":"Published","PullDate":null,"ReleaseDate":null,"ModifiedDate":"2018-01-17T15:15:52","CreatedDate":"2018-01-12T19:53:48","Tags":[]},{"Title":"Ambur Braid","Name":"Sabina","ReferenceName":"Productions_TeamMember1693","ContentID":16486,"VersionID":43390,"LanguageCode":"en-ca","State":"Published","PullDate":null,"ReleaseDate":null,"ModifiedDate":"2018-01-17T15:15:52","CreatedDate":"2017-12-20T21:17:06","Tags":[]},{"Title":"Ben Heppner","Name":"Dinarchus","ReferenceName":"Productions_TeamMember1693","ContentID":16485,"VersionID":43392,"LanguageCode":"en-ca","State":"Published","PullDate":null,"ReleaseDate":null,"ModifiedDate":"2018-01-17T15:15:52","CreatedDate":"2017-12-20T21:16:35","Tags":[]},{"Title":"David Leigh","Name":"Turbo","ReferenceName":"Productions_TeamMember1693","ContentID":17570,"VersionID":43391,"LanguageCode":"en-ca","State":"Published","PullDate":null,"ReleaseDate":null,"ModifiedDate":"2018-01-17T15:15:52","CreatedDate":"2018-01-12T19:54:54","Tags":[]}],"TrailerLink":"{\"Media\":null,\"video_id\":\"oHqdEKmonTw\",\"resumable_upload_uri\":null,\"title\":\"Rufus Wainwright & Daniel MacIvor's HADRIAN | Trailer\",\"description\":null,\"html\":\"<iframe width=\\\" 480\\\" height=\\\"270\\\" src=\\\"\\\" frameborder=\\\"0\\\" allowfullscreen=\\\"allowfullscreen\\\"></iframe>\",\"thumbnail_url\":\"\",\"duration\":null,\"author_name\":null,\"tags\":null}","ShowTimeDescription":"<p>On stage at the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W., Toronto.</p>\n<p>Performance time is approximately three hours, including one intermission.<br /><br /><img src=\"\" width=\"601\" height=\"40\" caption=\"false\" style=\"max-width: 100%; height: auto; float: left;\" /> <br /><br /> Sung in English and Latin with English SURTITLES<sup>TM<br /></sup></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>","Description":"This highly anticipated world premiere from composer Rufus Wainwright and librettist Daniel MacIvor features the company debuts of opera legends Thomas Hampson and Karita Mattila.","ImageGallery":{"ID":68,"Name":"AgilityProduction/Images/Gallery-f2459b","Description":"Gallery for Production, Images","ModifiedOn":"2017-12-20T16:06:38","Media":[]},"ExtraContent":"<p>*Sandra Horst and the COC Chorus are generously underwritten by Tim &amp; Frances Price</p>\n<p>Production generously underwritten by <br /><strong>COLLEEN SEXSMITH <br /></strong><strong>PAUL BERNARDS<br /><br /></strong>With additional major support from<br /><strong>MARK &amp; GAIL APPEL<br /></strong><strong>VIRGINIA ATKIN &amp; KEITH AMBACHTSHEER<br /></strong><strong>JUSTIN S. LINDEN<br /></strong><strong>PETER M. PARTRIDGE<br /></strong><strong>JAY SMITH &amp; LAURA RAPP<br /></strong><strong>RIKI TUROFSKY &amp; CHARLES PETERSEN</strong><br /><strong><br /></strong></p>\n<p><em>With the COC Orchestra and Chorus</em></p>","Heading":"WORLD PREMIERE","FullSynopsis":"<p><strong>SYNOPSIS IN A MINUTE</strong><em><strong><br /></strong></em><br />Emperor Hadrian is devastated after his lover Antinous drowns in the Nile River. While matters of state encroach on his<g class=\"gr_ gr_10 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Punctuation only-del replaceWithoutSep\" id=\"10\" data-gr-id=\"10\">grief,</g>and advisors<g class=\"gr_ gr_11 gr-alert gr_spell gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim ContextualSpelling multiReplace\" id=\"11\" data-gr-id=\"11\">clamour</g>for war against a radical new threat to the Empire, Hadrian slips out of time to re-encounter the vision and reality of Antinous&mdash;and learn the truth about what happened on the Nile.<br /><strong></strong><em><strong><br /></strong></em><strong><br />FULL SYNOPSIS</strong><em><strong><br /><br />Spoiler Alert: This synopsis reveals key plot elements.<br /><br /></strong></em><strong>ACT I</strong></p>\n<p><em>The last night of Hadrian&rsquo;s life. In Tibur, outside Rome.</em></p>\n<p>Hadrian is gravely ill and grieving the death of his lover Antinous. After a year of preparations, Antinous&rsquo; body is to be entombed. Hadrian&rsquo;s entourage feels Hadrian will die tonight, from either sickness or sadness.</p>\n<p>Hadrian is visited by two deities only he can see: Emperor Trajan and his wife Plotina. Trajan, like a father to him, is here to comfort Hadrian. Plotina, having secured Hadrian the throne, is on a mission. Hadrian only wants to know the truth of what happened to Antinous.</p>\n<p>Convinced he is mad with grief, Hadrian orders his physician Hermogenes to kill him. Turbo, his long-time friend and head of his military, tries to reason with Hadrian. Hermogenes&rsquo; loyalty to his Emperor brings him to kill himself.</p>\n<p>Plotina and Trajan return. Plotina begins her campaign.</p>\n<p>Turbo addresses affairs of state: enemies of the status quo rise in power. This is of no concern to Hadrian; he&rsquo;s busy memorializing Antinous. Knowing that time is short, Plotina strikes a deal: two nights with Antinous and the truth if Hadrian signs a document that would destroy those who would destroy them. Hadrian agrees.</p>\n<p><span><strong>ACT II</strong></span></p>\n<p><span><em>Seven years earlier, in Greece.</em></span></p>\n<p><span>Plotina leads Hadrian through the night he met Antinous: the feast of Robigalia, celebrated tonight to honour Hadrian&rsquo;s tour of the Empire. Guests sing Hadrian&rsquo;s praises. We meet Hadrian&rsquo;s wife Sabina. Her sadness reveals itself: her husband has no heart for her.</span></p>\n<p><span>Present is Antinous, who was magnificent in the hunt today, killing a boar that was charging the Emperor. Preparations begin for a ceremonial sacrifice. Hadrian insists Turbo bring forward the hero of the hunt; Turbo is reluctant, concerned about the Emperor&rsquo;s tastes.</span></p>\n<p>Hadrian longs to take Antinous in his arms, but knows the night must play out just as it did. We see their attraction is deep and true.</p>\n<p>For Hadrian&rsquo;s amusement, a Sibyl has been procured. She predicts that Antinous will &ldquo;sacrifice&rdquo; and become a &ldquo;saviour.&rdquo; Hadrian turns his attention back to the celebration.</p>\n<p>A sacrifice is brought to the altar, small groups form. Hadrian and Antinous have found their destiny. Turbo and Sabina have found a common enemy in Antinous. The entourage considers political implications. The people gossip.</p>\n<p>Plotina reveals herself to us: she had been the Sibyl.</p>\n<p><strong><br />INTERMISSION<br /><br /></strong></p>\n<p><strong>ACT III</strong></p>\n<p><em>Egypt. A barge on the Nile.</em></p>\n<p>In a world between worlds, Hadrian and Antinous&rsquo; love expresses itself as all consuming.</p>\n<p>It is six years since the night Hadrian and Antinous met. Over time Antinous has shown himself to be a wise and gentle man. Hadrian recognizes this night as the night Antinous died.</p>\n<p>Unable to escape his real-world illness, and facing the worst night of his life, Hadrian begs Plotina to change the rules. She refuses.</p>\n<p>The entourage, sick of life on the road, amuse themselves with drinking games. When Antinous appears we see that he has captured their hearts. Antinous has a peaceable approach to the Jews and Nazarenes. Turbo sees this as supporting the power of monotheism. He worries that Hadrian is too influenced by Antinous.</p>\n<p>Sabina is tormented by her husband&rsquo;s love for Antinous. She and Turbo speak of a plan: a deception is to be undertaken by a Sybil. Sabina is unsure, Turbo is determined.</p>\n<p>The bedchamber. Antinous cares for Hadrian. A Sybil comes to help with Hadrian&rsquo;s illness. She declares that Hadrian&rsquo;s recovery requires a sacrifice.</p>\n<p>Hadrian briefly steps into the world between. He sees that the Sibyl is Sabina. Back in the fever dream of the past Antinous cares for Hadrian tenderly. Sabina witnesses Hadrian&rsquo;s love for Antinous. Her husband has a heart. She is moved.</p>\n<p>On deck we see that Antinous trusts the Sibyl&rsquo;s words. He is about to sacrifice himself. Sabina rushes in to end the game. Turbo shows himself and has Sabina taken away. Alone with Antinous, Turbo admits the deception then kills Antinous, delivering his body to the Nile.</p>\n<p><strong>ACT IV</strong></p>\n<p><em>Tibur, outside Rome. Hadrian&rsquo;s last moments.</em></p>\n<p>Back in the real world. Hadrian, now more broken than he was, makes a show of signing the document, thus ending Judea. Plotina is elated, monotheism will die. She will live eternal.</p>\n<p>Turbo is delighted, Hadrian is himself again, the Empire will thrive. Hadrian explains this document will see the Empire fall. Then he tells Turbo what he knows: Turbo killed Antinous. Turbo admits it with no remorse. Hadrian moves to stab Turbo in the heart, but stops, he asks &ldquo;Why?&rdquo;</p>\n<p>Turbo explains he was protecting the legacy of his friend and Emperor. Hadrian disdains all material concerns naming his own legacy in his final words, &ldquo;He loved.&rdquo; In this moment Turbo sees the truth. Hadrian dies.</p>\n<p>All deities present lead Hadrian into death. Hadrian and Antinous are reunited. The gods ponder their future as a dark chorus of unrest gathers. A time has ended. A time has begun.</p>\n<p><em>~ Daniel MacIvor, librettist</em></p>","Credits":"<div>Banner photo features Gerry Egan (former Assistant, Scheduling &amp; Events) and Shawn Molko (Event Staff), by Gaetz Photography.</div>\n<div></div>","ID":16480,"ReferenceNumber":1155,"SeasonID":16459,"Name":"HADRIAN","Performances":[{"ID":1171,"ProductionID":1155,"PerformanceDate":"2018-10-13T19:30:00","Description":"Hadrian","Slot":1,"Facility":"Four Seasons Centre","SaleStart":"2018-08-07T04:00:00","SaleEnd":"2018-10-13T23:25:00","OnSaleIndividual":false,"Availability":0,"AvailableForPurchase":false},{"ID":1186,"ProductionID":1155,"PerformanceDate":"2018-10-17T19:30:00","Description":"Hadrian","Slot":1,"Facility":"Four Seasons Centre","SaleStart":"2018-08-07T04:00:00","SaleEnd":"2018-10-17T23:25:00","OnSaleIndividual":false,"Availability":0,"AvailableForPurchase":false},{"ID":1187,"ProductionID":1155,"PerformanceDate":"2018-10-19T19:30:00","Description":"Hadrian","Slot":1,"Facility":"Four Seasons Centre","SaleStart":"2018-08-07T04:00:00","SaleEnd":"2018-10-19T23:25:00","OnSaleIndividual":false,"Availability":0,"AvailableForPurchase":false},{"ID":1188,"ProductionID":1155,"PerformanceDate":"2018-10-21T14:00:00","Description":"Hadrian","Slot":2,"Facility":"Four Seasons Centre","SaleStart":"2018-08-07T04:00:00","SaleEnd":"2018-10-21T17:55:00","OnSaleIndividual":false,"Availability":0,"AvailableForPurchase":false},{"ID":1189,"ProductionID":1155,"PerformanceDate":"2018-10-23T19:30:00","Description":"Hadrian","Slot":1,"Facility":"Four Seasons Centre","SaleStart":"2018-08-07T04:00:00","SaleEnd":"2018-10-23T23:25:00","OnSaleIndividual":false,"Availability":0,"AvailableForPurchase":false},{"ID":1190,"ProductionID":1155,"PerformanceDate":"2018-10-25T19:30:00","Description":"Hadrian","Slot":1,"Facility":"Four Seasons Centre","SaleStart":"2018-08-07T04:00:00","SaleEnd":"2018-10-25T23:25:00","OnSaleIndividual":false,"Availability":0,"AvailableForPurchase":false},{"ID":1191,"ProductionID":1155,"PerformanceDate":"2018-10-27T16:30:00","Description":"Hadrian","Slot":2,"Facility":"Four Seasons Centre","SaleStart":"2018-08-07T04:00:00","SaleEnd":"2018-10-27T20:25:00","OnSaleIndividual":false,"Availability":0,"AvailableForPurchase":false}],"StartDate":"2018-10-13T00:00:00","EndDate":"2018-10-27T00:00:00","Colour":"Violet","Artist":{"Name":"Rufus Wainwright with libretto by Daniel MacIvor","Biography":"<style>.iframe-container{ position: relative; width: 100%; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; } .iframe-container iframe{ position:\nabsolute; top:0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }</style>\n<p>Emperor Hadrian is devastated after his lover Antinous drowns in the Nile River. While matters of state encroach on his <g class=\"gr_ gr_10 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Punctuation only-del replaceWithoutSep\" id=\"10\" data-gr-id=\"10\">grief,</g> and advisors <g class=\"gr_ gr_11 gr-alert gr_spell gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim ContextualSpelling multiReplace\" id=\"11\" data-gr-id=\"11\">clamour</g> for war against a radical new threat to the Empire, Hadrian slips out of time to re-encounter the vision and reality of Antinous&mdash;and learn the truth about what happened on the Nile. <br /><br />This highly anticipated world premiere from composer Rufus Wainwright and librettist Daniel MacIvor features the company debuts of opera legends Thomas Hampson and Karita <g class=\"gr_ gr_8 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Punctuation only-del replaceWithoutSep\" id=\"8\" data-gr-id=\"8\">Mattila,</g> and is presented by the same creative team behind the COC&rsquo;s 2017 production of <em>Louis Riel</em>.<br /><br /><strong>Content advisory</strong>:&nbsp;<i>Hadrian</i> contains partial nudity and scenes of a sexual nature. Should you have questions or require more details, we invite you to contact our team at 416-363-8231 or 1-800-250-4653.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /><br /></p>\n<div class=\"iframe-container\"><iframe width=\"864\" height=\"486\" src=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"autoplay; encrypted-media\"></iframe></div>\n<p><br /><strong><br />Connect with us on social by using #COCHadrian | @CanadianOpera<br /><br />UNDER&nbsp;30?<span>&nbsp;</span><a href=\"/OU30\" target=\"_self\">Get your $22 tickets here</a>.<br /></strong></p>","Image":null,"ReferenceName":"Artists","ContentID":16481,"VersionID":58349,"LanguageCode":"en-ca","State":"Published","PullDate":null,"ReleaseDate":null,"ModifiedDate":"2018-10-16T14:01:52","CreatedDate":"2017-12-20T21:07:22","Tags":[]},"DesktopImage":{"GUID":null,"ManagerID":null,"Blob":null,"FileName":"","Label":"","Target":"","URL":"","FileSize":0,"Thumbnails":{}},"MobileImage":{"GUID":null,"ManagerID":null,"Blob":null,"FileName":"","Label":"","Target":"","URL":"","FileSize":0,"Thumbnails":{}},"ProductionDetailsBanner":{"GUID":null,"ManagerID":null,"Blob":null,"FileName":"","Label":"COC Hadrian Banner","Target":"","URL":"","FileSize":0,"Thumbnails":{}},"TabList":[{"TabName":"GALLERY","TabContent":"<div><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"900\" height=\"600\" style=\"display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 100%; height: auto;\" /><br /><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"900\" height=\"635\" style=\"display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 100%; height: auto;\" /><br /><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"901\" height=\"558\" style=\"display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 100%; height: auto;\" /><br /><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"901\" height=\"600\" style=\"display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width: 100%; height: auto;\" /><br /><em><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Production photos from Canadian Opera Company's production of&nbsp;</span></em><span style=\"color: #000000;\"><span style=\"color: #000000;\">Hadrian</span></span><em><span style=\"color: #000000;\">, 2018. All photos: Michael Cooper.</span></em></div>","SortOrder":0,"ReferenceName":null,"ContentID":0,"VersionID":0,"LanguageCode":null,"State":null,"PullDate":null,"ReleaseDate":null,"ModifiedDate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","CreatedDate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","Tags":[]},{"TabName":"Read","TabContent":"<p><strong><em>New York Times </em></strong><strong>| Rufus Wainwright&rsquo;s First Opera Was &lsquo;a Nightmare.&rsquo; He&rsquo;s Trying Again</strong></p>\n<p>Rufus Wainwright&rsquo;s eyes filled with tears. He stood quietly, one hand marking time, as the rich voice of the baritone Thomas Hampson filled a rehearsal room looking out onto snow-capped mountain peaks here.</p>\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">READ MORE</a><br /><br /></p>\n<p><strong><em>Toronto Star </em></strong><strong>| &lsquo;There were tears&rsquo;: The battle to bring <em>Hadrian</em> to the Canadian Opera Company stage</strong></p>\n<p>With days to go before the world premiere of his first opera, Daniel MacIvor says he is experiencing the sublime: &ldquo;full of dread and giddy at the same time.&rdquo;</p>\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">READ MORE</a><strong><br /><br /></strong></p>\n<p><strong><em>TheWholeNote </em></strong><strong>| Daring to Walk the Walk: The COC&rsquo;s <em>Hadrian</em></strong></p>\n<p>It hasn&rsquo;t opened yet. We don&rsquo;t know what awaits us. But the Canadian Opera Company&rsquo;s bet on Rufus Wainwright&rsquo;s&nbsp;<em>Hadrian</em>&nbsp;can&rsquo;t lose. Oh, it can be a failure, for reasons I&rsquo;ll explain below. But failure doesn&rsquo;t mean failure. The very fact that&nbsp;<em>Hadrian </em>is opening as scheduled is a small triumph.&nbsp;</p>\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">READ MORE</a><br /><br /></p>\n<p><strong><em>The Loop </em></strong><strong>| Five things you need to know about &lsquo;<em>Hadrian</em>&rsquo;</strong></p>\n<p>It&rsquo;s been at least five years since I first read that Rufus Wainwright was planning on mounting an opera about Hadrian. But it&rsquo;s been some 20 years since the singer and songwriter suspected the Roman emperor&rsquo;s story &ldquo;would make a great operatic subject.&rdquo;</p>\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">READ MORE</a><br /><br /></p>\n<p><strong>Becoming Antinous</strong></p>\n<p>Canadian tenor Isaiah Bell gives us an unprecedented look &ndash; recorded in real time, over four weeks &ndash; at what it takes to get ready for a world premiere.</p>\n<p><a href=\";Page=1\" target=\"_self\">READ MORE</a><br /><br /></p>\n<p><strong>Dramatically Roman: The Costumes of&nbsp;<em>Hadrian</em></strong></p>\n<p>&ldquo;They&rsquo;re definitely Roman-inspired,&rdquo; says award-winning Canadian designer Gillian Gallow of the costumes she has conceived for&nbsp;<em></em><em>Hadrian</em>, the new opera by Rufus Wainwright<span>. &ldquo;But there is also an extremely theatrical and modern perspective to it.&rdquo;<br /><br /></span><a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">READ MORE</a></p>","SortOrder":0,"ReferenceName":null,"ContentID":0,"VersionID":0,"LanguageCode":null,"State":null,"PullDate":null,"ReleaseDate":null,"ModifiedDate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","CreatedDate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","Tags":[]},{"TabName":"Watch","TabContent":"<p><strong>\"Will you have Egypt with me?\" | Ambur Braid, October 2018</strong><br /><br /><span>An excerpt from Sabina's Act II aria, \"Will you have Egypt with me?\" performed by soprano Ambur Braid.<br /></span></p>\n<div class=\"videoWrapper\"><iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"autoplay; encrypted-media\"></iframe></div>\n<p><strong><br /><br />Act III Excerpt | Thomas Hampson &amp; Isaiah Bell, October 2018</strong><br /><br /><span>An excerpt from Rufus Wainwright and Daniel MacIvor's HADRIAN. This scene from Act III of the opera features Hadrian (Thomas Hampson) and Antinous (Isaiah Bell).<br /></span></p>\n<div class=\"videoWrapper\"><iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"autoplay; encrypted-media\"></iframe></div>\n<p><strong><br /><br />Plotina's aria | Karita Mattila, October 2018</strong><br /><br /><span>An excerpt from Plotina's Act I aria, performed by soprano Karita Mattila.<br /></span></p>\n<div class=\"videoWrapper\"><iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"autoplay; encrypted-media\"></iframe></div>\n<p><strong><br /><br />Behind the Scenes, September 2018</strong><br /><br />Take an intimate behind-the-scenes look at rehearsals for Rufus Wainwright and Daniel MacIvor's <em>Hadrian</em>.</p>\n<div class=\"videoWrapper\"><iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"autoplay; encrypted-media\"></iframe></div>\n<p><strong><br /><br />The History of HADRIAN, October 2018</strong><br /><br /><span>In part one, we chat with author and historian Anthony Majanlahti about the life of Roman Emperor Hadrian.</span></p>\n<div class=\"videoWrapper\"><iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"autoplay; encrypted-media\"></iframe></div>\n<p><strong><br /><br />ENTR'ACTE from Behind the Season, March 2018<br /></strong><br />Maestro Johannes Debus conducts this excerpt, called \"Entr'acte\" (\"Between the Acts\"), and offers his play-by-play in written annotations. The magnificent COC Orchestra performs.</p>\n<div class=\"videoWrapper\"><iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"//\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"autoplay; encrypted-media\"></iframe></div>\n<br /><em><br /></em>","SortOrder":0,"ReferenceName":null,"ContentID":0,"VersionID":0,"LanguageCode":null,"State":null,"PullDate":null,"ReleaseDate":null,"ModifiedDate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","CreatedDate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","Tags":[]},{"TabName":"BUZZ","TabContent":"<p>&ldquo;a gay love story that speaks to our time.&rdquo; <em>New York Times</em></p>\n<p>&ldquo;It was a truly grand spectacle, with stunning visuals from the set, costumes, video projections, and positioning of cast, chorus and five male dancers.&rdquo; <em>Toronto Star</em></p>\n<p>&ldquo;whole stretches of Mr. Wainwright&rsquo;s music are beguiling, inventive and unabashedly romantic.&rdquo; <em>New York Times</em></p>\n<p>&nbsp;&ldquo;The orchestra bubbles with eclectic sounds and stunning, pared-down moments of chamber music. The score makes nods to Satie, Debussy, Puccini and Mahler&hellip; There&rsquo;s a fun sextet that feels like a modern version of the sexy Carmen quintet.&rdquo; <em>Globe and Mail</em></p>\n<p>&ldquo;★★★★★&hellip; What <em>Hadrian</em> will be remembered for &ndash; be it the lush orchestral music, the stellar singing, the captivating plot of love, jealousy and political power struggle, or the explicit love-making scenes &ndash; only time will tell. Judging by the audience&rsquo;s reaction, two recurring lines in the libretto aptly sum things up: &ldquo;I remember this night&rdquo; and &ldquo;We will never be forgotten.&rdquo; <em>Hadrian</em>&rsquo;s world premiere is a night to remember, and the opera is not soon to be forgotten.&rdquo; <em>La Scena Musicale</em></p>\n<p>&ldquo;there are veritable moments, and just enough of them, of operatic alchemy in&nbsp;<em>Hadrian</em>&mdash;where the text and music seem to be made for each other.&rdquo; <em>Opera Canada</em></p>\n<p>&ldquo;With&nbsp;<em>Hadrian</em>, the COC has been methodical and intelligent, pairing Wainwright with librettist Daniel MacIvor to turn this chapter of ancient Roman history into a viable gay-themed opera, and enlisting superstars Thomas Hampson and Karita Mattila to lead the cast.&rdquo; <em>CBC Music</em></p>\n<p>&ldquo;A major draw&hellip;the COC rounds up a fascinating cast of big names and rising stars.&rdquo; <em>The Globe and Mail<br /><br /></em>&ldquo;<em>Hadrian</em> dominates Canadian Opera Company&rsquo;s 2018-19 season.&rdquo; <em>Toronto Star</em></p>\n<p>&ldquo;Its world premiere on Oct. 13 will no doubt be one of the more closely watched events of the season.&rdquo; <em>Opera Canada</em></p>","SortOrder":0,"ReferenceName":null,"ContentID":0,"VersionID":0,"LanguageCode":null,"State":null,"PullDate":null,"ReleaseDate":null,"ModifiedDate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","CreatedDate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","Tags":[]}],"AllowTicketPurchasing":false,"TicketPurchasingDisabledText":"Thank you for joining us for the world premiere of Rufus Wainwright and Daniel MacIvor’s <em>Hadrian</em>."}];</script> <script src="/scripts/tabContent?v=MFg734tMS0QTAKDNbF3hwMaQ8FE9M9K8H0G_RLXH2uo1"></script> <script src="/scripts/lightBox?v=0ouYUUYETE62u0vSPew00dPqB_-qV2W8vvDzsC7FVOA1"></script> <script src="/scripts/orchestrator?v=-g3OIH88XGonSXeiVg1pM3ih7ZOW_DKL3ktb4LuAl7I1"></script> <script src="/scripts/productionDetails?v=W0p37D-35_0EO0IY7iph8Wgg6ww6mHbsb0p9g6ktQSY1"></script> <script src="/scripts/accordion?v=AnkMogCO6aOX6HM_plCg8p8CJ4UGtYegEVI2L5qV_lw1"></script> <script src="/scripts/jquery-tmpl?v=-bMMz7bK1J3xrvY0jdfCz0LXFQqQoACNfPqi3F9xnY41"></script> <script src="/scripts/ticketSelector?v=_c8F2cEGSAWJ1TwjLf9Nfi3XhFztpYVi7cX4M3WyU1o1"></script> <!-- Google Tag Manager --> <noscript><iframe src="//" height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript> <script>(function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= '//'+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-NJ84SX');</script> <!-- End Google Tag Manager --> <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-UA-7010905-1'); </script> </body> </html>