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That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\"></a>","shouldRenderSeparator":true,"genreContent":"Pop, Alternative, Rock","genreTitle":"Genres: ","hometownContent":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada","hometownTitle":"Hometown: ","links":[{"svg":"<svg width=\"15\" height=\"15\" viewBox=\"0 0 15 15\"><path fillRule=\"evenodd\" d=\"M8.374.025L8.42 0l.063.035c.894.09 1.74.356 2.516.757l-.271.044-.737-.12-.523.381-.37.45-1.341.135-.555-.1-.378.653-1.106.07-.694-.22-.615.37-1.337.204L2.003 3H2c1.377-1.833 3.464-3 5.797-3 .194 0 .386.008.577.025zm5.395 3.752A7.36 7.36 0 0 1 15 7.865c0 3.462-2.372 6.359-5.562 7.135l.133-.486 1.247-.844.328-.9.863-.406.815-1.575-1.262-.752-.653-.752-.387-.045-.772-.21-.667-.105-.583.164-.357-.404-.357-.105.032-.542-.432.014-.246.286-.14-.6.564-.27.579.27h.312l.113-.467.868-1.05 1.206-.617.696.092.063-.345-.863-.889-.327-.66h-.478l-.295-.175-.64-.095-.133.768-.775-.15-.059-.483.595-.135.196-.86.59.244-.016.366. 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recent live album...","readMoreText":"Read More","viewLessText":"View Less"},"ratings":{"shouldDisplayRatings":true,"viewAllFanReviews":"View More Fan Reviews","viewFewerFanReviews":"View Fewer Fan Reviews","maxCommentsToDisplay":6,"ratingsHeadingText":"Fan Live Reviews","ratings":[{"name":"Rhonda","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":4.5,"comment":"I've been a fan for a long time and this was my first time seeing BNL live. I wish it hadn't been a double bill, but still loved the show. Watching Jim on the upright bass was awesome. He's an incredible musician, but then, they are all so talented. That's part of what makes them so durable. I hope I can make it to another show before too long!","venueName":"Pompano Beach Amphitheatre","venueUrl":"","venueLocation":"Pompano Beach, FL","venueCityUrl":"","date":"November 12th 2018","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"Linda","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":5,"comment":"This is the second time we've seen them in concert. Once again they were amazing. They do not disappoint. we will definitely see them again.","venueName":"Big Sky Brewing Company","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Missoula, MT","venueCityUrl":"","date":"June 8th 2018","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"Lorrie","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":5,"comment":"5 stars, for sure!! Excellent show. The Ladies never disappoint! It was their usual, incredible performance and I couldn’t have asked for more! They are a must-see. ","venueName":"Mystic Lake Casino Hotel","venueUrl":"","venueLocation":"Prior Lake, MN","venueCityUrl":"","date":"June 2nd 2018","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"Guin","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":4,"comment":"Awesome show! Wish we could have gotten them to play an encore. Would have traded that for the fireworks!","venueName":"Nathan Phillips Square","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Toronto, Canada","venueCityUrl":"","date":"June 20th 2017","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"Lorrie","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":5,"comment":"Couldn't ask for a better concert. They get the whole crowd engaged and you can tell they have a blast performing. Never boring when they play live. Their banter is quite funny. Not a band that goes onstage to perform their songs and only says a word or two to the crowd throughout the show. They chat about the city/state they are in, the things that recently happened to them, etc.; I love that about them. Their medleys of popular old and current songs from other artists are superb. The drummer comes out from his behind his drumkit to sing some songs while the lead singer/guitarists gets behind the drumkit. So awesome how talented they are. Even a little human beatbox goes on too! I could go on and on and on. Overall, BNL is a MUST see. You will find that other artist's concert are very dull after you see Barenaked Ladies, sorry, but it's true!!!","venueName":"Naperville Last Fling","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Naperville, IL","venueCityUrl":"","date":"June 18th 2017","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"Lorrie","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":5,"comment":"Excellent concert. Band was lively and having fun. You know they love doing what they do. The made up raps were amazing and the medley of songs at the end were awesome. Never a disappoint with these guys!","venueName":"Wittman Regional Airport","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Oshkosh, WI","venueCityUrl":"","date":"March 4th 2017","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"Bethany","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":5,"comment":"A great show as always with some of the nicest men in the music industry. Their talent and energy never ceases to amaze me.","venueName":"Lawrenceburg Event Center","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Lawrenceburg, IN","venueCityUrl":"","date":"February 14th 2017","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"Marci","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":3,"comment":"Was not aware that the lead singer Steven Page was no longer with the band and was a bit disappointed, but still a good show.","venueName":"Genesee Theatre","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Waukegan, IL","venueCityUrl":"","date":"January 18th 2017","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"Alex","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":3.5,"comment":"Great show but didn't know most of the music played. Mostly was there for boyfriend's experience since he's never been to a concert before. And he absolutely loved it!!","venueName":"Genesee Theatre","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Waukegan, IL","venueCityUrl":"","date":"January 6th 2017","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"user20562050","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":5,"comment":"It must have been great. Unfortunately, very unfortunately I couldn't get to gig. Hopefully The Ladies will come back to the UK. SOON. VERY SOON.","venueName":"Liverpool O2 Academy","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Liverpool, United Kingdom","venueCityUrl":"","date":"September 5th 2016","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"Scott","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":5,"comment":"An absolute blast! Great to see BNL, even without Steven Page. Howard Jones & OMD were just as much fun. Very little setup time between acts and the night lasted for more than 3.5 hours. Venue didn't hurt either...","venueName":"Red Butte Amphitheatre","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Salt Lake City, UT","venueCityUrl":"","date":"July 8th 2016","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"Rob","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":3.5,"comment":"The flashback to the 90's was good. Howard Jones and the synthesizers was the most dated while OMD was strong and BNL was very entertaining.","venueName":"TOYOTA OAKDALE THEATRE","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Wallingford, CT","venueCityUrl":"","date":"June 24th 2016","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"Richard","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":5,"comment":"this was the third year we have seen BNL at universal studios and this was hands down the best one. thanks to universal and BNL you made this a great V-DAY for the wife and i.","venueName":"Universal Studios","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Orlando, FL","venueCityUrl":"","date":"February 13th 2016","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"Griffin","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":5,"comment":"Absolutely exceeded expectations! I'm a huge Barenaked Ladies fan, but it was even better than I had thought it would be! Great show!","venueName":"Farm Bureau Insurance Lawn at White River State Park","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Indianapolis, IN","venueCityUrl":"","date":"February 1st 2016","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"User","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":5,"comment":"It was fantastic, perfect lineup and Alan Doyle and the Beautiful Gypsies who opened for them were absolutely fantastic","venueName":"Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Calgary, Canada","venueCityUrl":"","date":"October 29th 2015","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"Alison","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":5,"comment":"Barenaked Ladies always put on a brilliant show. If you go and see them you'll be singing, dancing and laughing all night. Go and see them for a night of guaranteed great music and fun.","venueName":"O2 ABC","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Glasgow, United Kingdom","venueCityUrl":"","date":"August 16th 2015","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"Jeannette","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":5,"comment":"Far and away the best concert experience I have had in 20 years! The combo of them and the Violent Femmes and Collin Hey was perfect. I want to go again!!!","venueName":"Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Grand Prairie, TX","venueCityUrl":"","date":"July 15th 2015","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"user16351535","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":3.5,"comment":"They were off to a great start, then the heavens opened up and soaked us. They kept it going until lightening struck a little too close.","venueName":"Stir Cove at Harrah's Council Bluffs","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Council Bluffs, IA","venueCityUrl":"","date":"May 16th 2015","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"Nate","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":4.5,"comment":"Awesome show. I just wish handicapped people could get better seats. What do they have against Wheelchairs?","venueName":"DTE Energy Music Theatre","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Clarkston, MI","venueCityUrl":"","date":"March 28th 2015","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"Rick","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":5,"comment":"These guys sound like they haven't aged in 25 years, excellent harmonies and power. The best show on a while.","venueName":"Snoqualmie Casino","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Snoqualmie, WA","venueCityUrl":"","date":"September 3rd 2014","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}},{"name":"Haras","userImageUrl":"","fallbackImageUrl":"","rating":5,"comment":"Best I've seen them play in *years*: great gig, a solid two hours, lots of their trademark improv... fantastic.","venueName":"The Institute","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Birmingham, United Kingdom","venueCityUrl":"","date":"November 28th 2013","viewMore":"View more","viewLess":"View less","starImages":{"teal":"","half":"","gray":""}}]},"detailedTicketList":{"headerText":"Barenaked Ladies Tickets In Saint Petersburg, FL","hasTickets":false,"displayDetailedTickets":false,"ticketList":[],"maxTicketsToDisplay":0,"tooManyTickets":false,"viewAllTickets":"View All Tickets"}},"footer":{"cities":[{"name":"Las Vegas, NV","href":""},{"name":"London, England","href":""},{"name":"New York, NY","href":""},{"name":"Paris, France","href":""},{"name":"San Francisco, CA","href":""},{"name":"Dallas, TX","href":""},{"name":"Chicago, IL","href":""},{"name":"Houston, TX","href":""},{"name":"Berlin, Germany","href":""},{"name":"Denver, CO","href":""},{"name":"Los Angeles, CA","href":""}],"socialMediaLinks":[{"src":"","href":""},{"src":"","href":""},{"src":"","href":""},{"src":"","href":""}],"languageSelector":{"selectedOption":"English","options":[{"name":"English","text":"English"},{"name":"Spanish","text":"Español"},{"name":"French","text":"Français"},{"name":"Portuguese","text":"Português"},{"name":"Japanese","text":"日本語"},{"name":"German","text":"Deutsch"},{"name":"Italian","text":"Italiano"}],"localizedUrlLookupTable":{"English":"","Spanish":"","French":"","Portuguese":"","Japanese":"","German":"","Italian":""}}},"appDownloadOverlay":{"topDescriptionText":"Get our app to <strong>RSVP</strong> to this event and get updates from <span>Barenaked Ladies</span>","artistImageUrl":"","artistFallbackImageUrl":"","bottomDescriptionText":"Discover new live music based on the music you already love. ✨","continueOnTheWebText":"Continue on the Web","getAppText":"RSVP in the App","artistName":"Barenaked Ladies","appDownloadImageUrl":""}},"jsonLdContainer":{"eventJsonLd":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicEvent","name":"Barenaked Ladies","startDate":"2018-11-11T19:00:24","endDate":"2018-11-11","url":"","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"RibFest - Vinoy Park ","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressCountry":"United States","addressRegion":"FL","addressLocality":"Saint Petersburg","streetAddress":"","postalCode":""},"geo":{"@type":"GeoCoordinates","latitude":27.7676008,"longitude":-82.64029149999999}},"performer":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"description":"Barenaked Ladies at RibFest - Vinoy Park 2018-11-11T19:00:24","image":""},"artistJsonLd":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"ratingsJsonLd":[{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"I've been a fan for a long time and this was my first time seeing BNL live. I wish it hadn't been a double bill, but still loved the show. Watching Jim on the upright bass was awesome. He's an incredible musician, but then, they are all so talented. That's part of what makes them so durable. I hope I can make it to another show before too long!","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":4.5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"This is the second time we've seen them in concert. Once again they were amazing. They do not disappoint. we will definitely see them again.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"5 stars, for sure!! Excellent show. The Ladies never disappoint! It was their usual, incredible performance and I couldn’t have asked for more! They are a must-see. ","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Awesome show! Wish we could have gotten them to play an encore. Would have traded that for the fireworks!","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":4,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Couldn't ask for a better concert. They get the whole crowd engaged and you can tell they have a blast performing. Never boring when they play live. Their banter is quite funny. Not a band that goes onstage to perform their songs and only says a word or two to the crowd throughout the show. They chat about the city/state they are in, the things that recently happened to them, etc.; I love that about them. Their medleys of popular old and current songs from other artists are superb. The drummer comes out from his behind his drumkit to sing some songs while the lead singer/guitarists gets behind the drumkit. So awesome how talented they are. Even a little human beatbox goes on too! I could go on and on and on. Overall, BNL is a MUST see. You will find that other artist's concert are very dull after you see Barenaked Ladies, sorry, but it's true!!!","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Excellent concert. Band was lively and having fun. You know they love doing what they do. The made up raps were amazing and the medley of songs at the end were awesome. Never a disappoint with these guys!","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"A great show as always with some of the nicest men in the music industry. Their talent and energy never ceases to amaze me.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Was not aware that the lead singer Steven Page was no longer with the band and was a bit disappointed, but still a good show.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":3,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Great show but didn't know most of the music played. Mostly was there for boyfriend's experience since he's never been to a concert before. And he absolutely loved it!!","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":3.5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"It must have been great. Unfortunately, very unfortunately I couldn't get to gig. Hopefully The Ladies will come back to the UK. SOON. VERY SOON.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"An absolute blast! Great to see BNL, even without Steven Page. Howard Jones & OMD were just as much fun. Very little setup time between acts and the night lasted for more than 3.5 hours. Venue didn't hurt either...","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"The flashback to the 90's was good. Howard Jones and the synthesizers was the most dated while OMD was strong and BNL was very entertaining.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":3.5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"this was the third year we have seen BNL at universal studios and this was hands down the best one. thanks to universal and BNL you made this a great V-DAY for the wife and i.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Absolutely exceeded expectations! I'm a huge Barenaked Ladies fan, but it was even better than I had thought it would be! Great show!","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"It was fantastic, perfect lineup and Alan Doyle and the Beautiful Gypsies who opened for them were absolutely fantastic","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Barenaked Ladies always put on a brilliant show. If you go and see them you'll be singing, dancing and laughing all night. Go and see them for a night of guaranteed great music and fun.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Far and away the best concert experience I have had in 20 years! The combo of them and the Violent Femmes and Collin Hey was perfect. I want to go again!!!","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"They were off to a great start, then the heavens opened up and soaked us. They kept it going until lightening struck a little too close.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":3.5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Awesome show. I just wish handicapped people could get better seats. What do they have against Wheelchairs?","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":4.5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"These guys sound like they haven't aged in 25 years, excellent harmonies and power. The best show on a while.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Best I've seen them play in *years*: great gig, a solid two hours, lots of their trademark improv... fantastic.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}}]},"metaTagsData":{"concertsbybit":{"datetimeIntContent":1541980824,"formattedDateContent":"Nov 11, 2018","formattedDateShortContent":"Nov 11","formattedLocationContent":"Saint Petersburg, FL","locationLatitudeContent":27.7676008,"locationLongitudeContent":-82.64029149999999,"venueNameContent":"RibFest - Vinoy Park "},"twitter":{"cardContent1":"app","cardContent2":"photo","appNameIphoneContent":"Bandsintown Concerts","appIdIphoneContent":"471394851","appUrlIphoneContent":"bitcon://deeplink?artist_name=Barenaked%20Ladies&amp;controller=EventDetailViewController&amp;artist_event_id=100148590","appNameIpadContent":"Bandsintown Concerts","appIdIpadContent":"471394851","appUrlIpadContent":"bitcon://deeplink?artist_name=Barenaked%20Ladies&amp;controller=EventDetailViewController&amp;artist_event_id=100148590","appNameGooglePlayContent":"Bandsintown Concerts","appIdGooglePlayContent":"com.bandsintown","appUrlGooglePlayContent":"bitintent://;artist_event_id=100148590","titleContent":"Barenaked Ladies @ RibFest - Vinoy Park - Saint Petersburg, FL - Nov 11, 2018","imageContent":""},"fb":{"appIdContent":"123966167614127"},"og":{"descriptionContent":"Nov 11, 2018 - Saint Petersburg, FL","imageContent":"","siteNameContent":"Bandsintown","titleContent":"Barenaked Ladies @ RibFest - Vinoy Park ","typeContent":"concertsbybit:event","urlContent":""},"al":{"iphoneAppNameContent":"Bandsintown Concerts","iphoneAppStoreIdContent":"471394851","iphoneUrlContent":"bitcon://deeplink?artist_name=Barenaked%20Ladies&amp;controller=EventDetailViewController&amp;artist_event_id=100148590","ipadAppNameContent":"Bandsintown Concerts","ipadAppStoreIdContent":"471394851","ipadUrlContent":"bitcon://deeplink?artist_name=Barenaked%20Ladies&amp;controller=EventDetailViewController&amp;artist_event_id=100148590","iosAppNameContent":"Bandsintown Concerts","iosAppStoreIdContent":"471394851","iosUrlContent":"bitcon://deeplink?artist_name=Barenaked%20Ladies&amp;controller=EventDetailViewController&amp;artist_event_id=100148590","androidAppNameContent":"Bandsintown Concerts","androidPackageContent":"com.bandsintown","androidUrlContent":"bitintent://;artist_event_id=100148590","webUrlContent":"","webShouldFallbackContent":"false"},"miscellaneous":{"descriptionContent":"Tickets and RSVP information for Barenaked Ladies's upcoming concert at RibFest - Vinoy Park in Saint Petersburg on Jan 12, 2019.","shortAppleItunesAppContent":"app-id=471394851","longAppleItunesAppContent":"app-id=471394851, app-argument=bitcon://deeplink?artist_name=Barenaked%20Ladies&amp;controller=ArtistDetailViewController","googlePlayAppContent":"app-id=com.bandsintown","canonicalLinkHref":"","appleTouchIconLinkHref":"//"}},"googleTagManagerVariables":{"pageType":"Event Page","artistName":"Barenaked Ladies","artistId":970,"eventId":100148590,"cameFromCode":"250","cameFromValue":"event-page-v3"},"initialState":{"rsvpState":"declined","facebookStatus":null,"searchBar":{"text":"","isFocused":false,"searchResults":{"artists":[]}},"appDownloadOverlay":{"appDownloadLink":null,"continueUrl":null,"showAppDownloadOverlay":false,"messageType":null,"closeOverlayRedirect":null},"livePhotoState":{"imageIsLoading":false,"currentPhotoIndex":null,"viewAllPhotosText":"View All Photos","livePhotosHeadingText":"Live Photos of Barenaked Ladies","photos":[{"artistName":"Barenaked Ladies","photoUrl":"","largePhotoUrl":"","name":"Rhonda","venue":"Pompano Beach Amphitheatre","venueUrl":"","venueLocation":"Pompano Beach, FL","venueLocationUrl":"","date":"November 12th 2018","credits":"Photo by Rhonda","chevronRightUrl":"","chevronLeftUrl":"","closeXUrl":"","imageAltText":"Barenaked Ladies at Pompano Beach, FL in Pompano Beach Amphitheatre 2018","loadingImageUrl":""},{"artistName":"Barenaked Ladies","photoUrl":"","largePhotoUrl":"","name":"Lorrie","venue":"Naperville Last Fling","venueUrl":null,"venueLocation":"Naperville, IL","venueLocationUrl":"","date":"June 18th 2017","credits":"Photo by Lorrie","chevronRightUrl":"","chevronLeftUrl":"","closeXUrl":"","imageAltText":"Barenaked Ladies at Naperville, IL in Naperville Last Fling 2017","loadingImageUrl":""},{"artistName":"Barenaked Ladies","photoUrl":"","largePhotoUrl":"","name":"Tim","venue":"J. 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class="artistAndEventInfo-967df305">Nov 11th 2018 @ RibFest - Vinoy Park </h2><a class="artistAndEventInfo-2304e027" href=";latitude=27.7676008&amp;longitude=-82.64029149999999&amp;location_name=Saint+Petersburg%2C+FL">Saint Petersburg, FL</a></div></div><div class="rsvpAndTicketsContainer-e8343db2"><div class="iWasThereButton-4fa9a8b3"><span class="iWasThereButton-b7f3637a">I Was There</span></div></div></div><div class="smallSideAd-42321455"></div><div class="artistBio-c3f98c6b"><div class="artistBio-168f829d"><div class="artistBio-d6b5de4a">About Barenaked Ladies</div><div class="artistBio-8e079212"><div class="artistBio-833c365c"><div class="artistBio-0b09b926">Genres: </div><div class="artistBio-9f2999c6">Pop, Alternative, Rock</div></div><div class="artistBio-5eb79950"><div class="artistBio-0b09b926">Hometown: </div><div class="artistBio-9f2999c6">Toronto, Ontario, Canada</div></div><div class="artistBio-860adf7e"><hr/></div><div class="artistBio-1aa9f390"><div class="artistBio-cdbd5bde">“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album...</div><div class="artistBio-322df114">Read More</div></div><div class="artistBio-392f5247"><div class="link-6edb4529"><div class="link-0d23bf13"><div class="link-ee78aa94"><svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15"><path fillRule="evenodd" d="M8.374.025L8.42 0l.063.035c.894.09 1.74.356 2.516.757l-.271.044-.737-.12-.523.381-.37.45-1.341.135-.555-.1-.378.653-1.106.07-.694-.22-.615.37-1.337.204L2.003 3H2c1.377-1.833 3.464-3 5.797-3 .194 0 .386.008.577.025zm5.395 3.752A7.36 7.36 0 0 1 15 7.865c0 3.462-2.372 6.359-5.562 7.135l.133-.486 1.247-.844.328-.9.863-.406.815-1.575-1.262-.752-.653-.752-.387-.045-.772-.21-.667-.105-.583.164-.357-.404-.357-.105.032-.542-.432.014-.246.286-.14-.6.564-.27.579.27h.312l.113-.467.868-1.05 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0 0 1-.234-.586V.837C0 .592.078.391.234.234A.816.816 0 0 1 .837 0h13.326c.223 0 .418.078.586.234A.787.787 0 0 1 15 .837z"/></svg></div><a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a></div></div><div class="link-6edb4529"><div class="link-1843fd8b"><div class="link-ee78aa94"><svg width="16" height="13" viewBox="0 0 16 13"><path fillRule="evenodd" d="M14.344 3.25c. 0 1.5-.365 2.948-1.094 4.344-.75 1.48-1.802 2.656-3.156 3.531C8.645 12.511 6.948 13 5.031 13c-1.833 0-3.51-.49-5.031-1.469. 1.521 0 2.886-.468 4.094-1.406-.73 0-1.37-.213-1.922-.64a3.263 3.263 0 0 1-1.14-1.61c.208.021.406.032.593.032.292 0 .584-.032.875-.094a3.306 3.306 0 0 1-1.875-1.157 3.146 3.146 0 0 1-.75-2.062v-.063c.459.271.948.417 1.469.438a3.64 3.64 0 0 1-1.063-1.188 3.152 3.152 0 0 1-.406-1.578c0-.573.156-1.12.469-1.64A9.048 9.048 0 0 0 4.109 3.03a9.083 9.083 0 0 0 3.766 1c-.042-.25-.063-.5-.063-.75 0-.583.146-1.13.438-1.64.292-.51.688-.912 1.188-1.204A3.17 3.17 0 0 1 11.062 0c.48 0 .922.094 1.329.281.406.188.765.438 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1-.268-.636.87.87 0 0 1 .268-.636.87.87 0 0 1 .636-.268.87.87 0 0 1 .636.268.87.87 0 0 1 .268.636zm2.545.904C14.989 5.011 15 6.05 15 7.5c0 1.45-.017 2.494-.05 3.13-.034.637-.129 1.19-.285 1.658a3.903 3.903 0 0 1-.92 1.456c-.414.413-.899.72-1.457.921-.469.156-1.021.251-1.657.285-.637.033-1.68.05-3.131.05-1.45 0-2.494-.017-3.13-.05-.637-.034-1.19-.14-1.658-.318a3.569 3.569 0 0 1-1.456-.888 3.903 3.903 0 0 1-.921-1.456C.179 11.819.084 11.267.05 10.63.017 9.994 0 8.95 0 7.5c0-1.45.017-2.494.05-3.13.034-.637.129-1.19.285-1.658.2-.558.508-1.043.92-1.456.414-.413.899-.72 1.457-.921C3.181.179 3.733.084 4.37.05 5.006.017 6.05 0 7.5 0c1.45 0 2.494.017 1.19.129 1.658.285.558.2 1.043.508 1.456.92.413.414.72.899.921 1.457.156.469.257 1.027.302 1.674zm-1.608 7.534c.134-.38.224-.982.268-1.808a48.85 48.85 0 0 0 .034-2.076V6.964c0-.915-.011-1.607-.034-2.076-.044-.848-.134-1.45-.268-1.808a2.416 2.416 0 0 0-1.44-1.44c-.357-.133-.96-.223-1.807-.267a48.85 48.85 0 0 0-2.076-.034H6.964c-.893 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1.978.373C2.549.214 3.89.102 6 .034L9 0l3 .034c2.11.068 3.45.18 4.022.338.396.113.736.316 1.05zM7.154 9.276L11.868 6.5 7.154 3.758v5.518z"/></svg> </div><a href="" target="_blank">YouTube</a></div></div><div class="link-6edb4529"><div class="link-cd35f8fe"><div class="link-ee78aa94"><svg width="13" height="13" viewBox="0 0 13 13"><path fillRule="evenodd" d="M11.99 5.89L9.55 8.33a3.45 3.45 0 0 1-4.88 0 3.434 3.434 0 0 1-.524-.696L5.28 6.5c.054-.054.12-.086.184-. 1.727 0 0 0 2.44 0l2.44-2.44a1.726 1.726 0 0 0 0-2.44 1.727 1.727 0 0 0-2.44 0l-.868.869a4.328 4.328 0 0 0-2.2-.24L7.11 1.011a3.451 3.451 0 0 1 4.88 4.88zM5.538 9.902l-.868.868a1.728 1.728 0 0 1-2.44 0 1.728 1.728 0 0 1 0-2.44l2.44-2.44a1.726 1.726 0 0 1 2.44 0c.21.21.347.464.426.731.064-.037.13-.067.184-.121l1.134-1.134a3.393 3.393 0 0 0-.524-.696 3.45 3.45 0 0 0-4.88 0L1.01 7.11a3.45 3.45 0 0 0 4.88 4.88l1.85-1.85a4.325 4.325 0 0 1-2.202-.238z"/></svg> </div><a href="" target="_blank">Other</a></div></div><div 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.484-.197.651.651 0 0 0 .212-.499.77.77 0 0 0-.393-.695c-.827-.464-1.794-.827-2.903-1.089a14.881 14.881 0 0 0-3.297-.363c-1.33 0-2.52.161-3.568.484a.708.708 0 0 0-.514.71.71.71 0 0 0 .196.5.651.651 0 0 0 .5.211c.08 0 .19-.02.332-.06l.06-.03c1.27-.343 2.722-.434 4.355-.272 1.694.16 3.075.554 4.143"/></svg> </div><a href="" target="_blank">Spotify</a></div></div><div class="link-6edb4529"><div class="link-cd35f8fe"><div class="link-ee78aa94"><svg width="13" height="13" viewBox="0 0 13 13"><path fillRule="evenodd" d="M11.99 5.89L9.55 8.33a3.45 3.45 0 0 1-4.88 0 3.434 3.434 0 0 1-.524-.696L5.28 6.5c.054-.054.12-.086.184-. 1.727 0 0 0 2.44 0l2.44-2.44a1.726 1.726 0 0 0 0-2.44 1.727 1.727 0 0 0-2.44 0l-.868.869a4.328 4.328 0 0 0-2.2-.24L7.11 1.011a3.451 3.451 0 0 1 4.88 4.88zM5.538 9.902l-.868.868a1.728 1.728 0 0 1-2.44 0 1.728 1.728 0 0 1 0-2.44l2.44-2.44a1.726 1.726 0 0 1 2.44 0c.21.21.347.464.426.731.064-.037.13-.067.184-.121l1.134-1.134a3.393 3.393 0 0 0-.524-.696 3.45 3.45 0 0 0-4.88 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class="artistBio-0524069a"><div class="artistBio-168f829d"><div class="artistBio-d6b5de4a">About Barenaked Ladies</div><div class="artistBio-8e079212"><div class="artistBio-833c365c"><div class="artistBio-0b09b926">Genres: </div><div class="artistBio-9f2999c6">Pop, Alternative, Rock</div></div><div class="artistBio-5eb79950"><div class="artistBio-0b09b926">Hometown: </div><div class="artistBio-9f2999c6">Toronto, Ontario, Canada</div></div><div class="artistBio-860adf7e"><hr/></div><div class="artistBio-1aa9f390"><div class="artistBio-cdbd5bde">“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album...</div><div class="artistBio-322df114">Read More</div></div><div class="artistBio-392f5247"><div class="link-6edb4529"><div class="link-0d23bf13"><div class="link-ee78aa94"><svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15"><path fillRule="evenodd" d="M8.374.025L8.42 0l.063.035c.894.09 1.74.356 2.516.757l-.271.044-.737-.12-.523.381-.37.45-1.341.135-.555-.1-.378.653-1.106.07-.694-.22-.615.37-1.337.204L2.003 3H2c1.377-1.833 3.464-3 5.797-3 .194 0 .386.008.577.025zm5.395 3.752A7.36 7.36 0 0 1 15 7.865c0 3.462-2.372 6.359-5.562 7.135l.133-.486 1.247-.844.328-.9.863-.406.815-1.575-1.262-.752-.653-.752-.387-.045-.772-.21-.667-.105-.583.164-.357-.404-.357-.105.032-.542-.432.014-.246.286-.14-.6.564-.27.579.27h.312l.113-.467.868-1.05 1.206-.617.696.092.063-.345-.863-.889-.327-.66h-.478l-.295-.175-.64-.095-.133.768-.775-.15-.059-.483.595-.135.196-.86.59.244-.016.366. 2l.685.135.579.525.178.466.136.436.921.841.238.075.325-.528 1.159-.102.217-.071zm-5.126 7.768S9 12.67 9 12.715c0 .042-.357 1.345-.357 1.345l.082.877a8.77 8.77 0 0 1-.974.063C3.471 15 0 11.759 0 7.765 0 6.433.393 5.19 1.066 4.119L1.622 4l-.559.411.439.27h.87l1.294-.216L4.48 5.7v1.156l1.11 1.406h.189v-.497l.429.837 1.007.564.976z"/></svg> </div><a href="" 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3.747 0 0 1-1.925.52 3.747 3.747 0 0 1-1.925-.52 3.862 3.862 0 0 1-1.406-1.406 3.747 3.747 0 0 1-.52-1.925c0-.692.174-1.334.52-1.925a3.862 3.862 0 0 1 1.406-1.406 3.747 3.747 0 0 1 1.925-.52zm0 6.361c.692 0 1.283-.245 1.775-.736A2.419 2.419 0 0 0 10.01 7.5c0-.692-.245-1.283-.736-1.775A2.419 2.419 0 0 0 7.5 4.99c-.692 0-1.283.245-1.775.736A2.419 2.419 0 0 0 4.99 7.5c0 .692.245 1.283.736 1.775a2.419 2.419 0 0 0 1.775.736zm4.922-6.529a1.043 1.043 0 0 1-.285.636.815.815 0 0 1-. 0 0 1-.635-.268.87.87 0 0 1-.268-.636.87.87 0 0 1 .268-.636.87.87 0 0 1 .636-.268.87.87 0 0 1 .636.268.87.87 0 0 1 .268.636zm2.545.904C14.989 5.011 15 6.05 15 7.5c0 1.45-.017 2.494-.05 3.13-.034.637-.129 1.19-.285 1.658a3.903 3.903 0 0 1-.92 1.456c-.414.413-.899.72-1.457.921-.469.156-1.021.251-1.657.285-.637.033-1.68.05-3.131.05-1.45 0-2.494-.017-3.13-.05-.637-.034-1.19-.14-1.658-.318a3.569 3.569 0 0 1-1.456-.888 3.903 3.903 0 0 1-.921-1.456C.179 11.819.084 11.267.05 10.63.017 9.994 0 8.95 0 7.5c0-1.45.017-2.494.05-3.13.034-.637.129-1.19.285-1.658.2-.558.508-1.043.92-1.456.414-.413.899-.72 1.457-.921C3.181.179 3.733.084 4.37.05 5.006.017 6.05 0 7.5 0c1.45 0 2.494.017 1.19.129 1.658.285.558.2 1.043.508 1.456.92.413.414.72.899.921 1.457.156.469.257 1.027.302 1.674zm-1.608 7.534c.134-.38.224-.982.268-1.808a48.85 48.85 0 0 0 .034-2.076V6.964c0-.915-.011-1.607-.034-2.076-.044-.848-.134-1.45-.268-1.808a2.416 2.416 0 0 0-1.44-1.44c-.357-.133-.96-.223-1.807-.267a48.85 48.85 0 0 0-2.076-.034H6.964c-.893 0-1.585.011-2.076.034-.826.044-1.428.134-1.808.268a2.416 2.416 0 0 0-1.44 1.44c-.133.357-.223.96-.267 1.807a48.85 48.85 0 0 0-.034 2.076v1.072c0 .893.011 1.585.034 1.428.268 1.808.29.692.77 1.172 1.44 1.44.379.133.981.223 1.807.267a48.85 48.85 0 0 0 2.076.034h1.072c.915 0 1.607-.011 2.076-.034.848-.044 1.45-.134 1.808-.268.692-.29 1.172-.77 1.44-1.44z"/></svg> </div><a href="" target="_blank">Instagram</a></div></div><div class="link-6edb4529"><div class="link-5749c07b"><div 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0l2.44-2.44a1.726 1.726 0 0 0 0-2.44 1.727 1.727 0 0 0-2.44 0l-.868.869a4.328 4.328 0 0 0-2.2-.24L7.11 1.011a3.451 3.451 0 0 1 4.88 4.88zM5.538 9.902l-.868.868a1.728 1.728 0 0 1-2.44 0 1.728 1.728 0 0 1 0-2.44l2.44-2.44a1.726 1.726 0 0 1 2.44 0c.21.21.347.464.426.731.064-.037.13-.067.184-.121l1.134-1.134a3.393 3.393 0 0 0-.524-.696 3.45 3.45 0 0 0-4.88 0L1.01 7.11a3.45 3.45 0 0 0 4.88 4.88l1.85-1.85a4.325 4.325 0 0 1-2.202-.238z"/></svg> </div><a href="" target="_blank">Other</a></div></div><div class="link-6edb4529"><div class="link-d027a88b"><div class="link-ee78aa94"><svg width="15" height="15" viewBox="0 0 15 15"><path fillRule="evenodd" d="M7.5 0c1.35 0 2.6.338 3.75 1.013a7.579 7.579 0 0 1 2.737 2.737A7.27 7.27 0 0 1 15 7.5c0 1.35-.338 2.6-1.013 3.75a7.579 7.579 0 0 1-2.737 2.737A7.27 7.27 0 0 1 7.5 15a7.27 7.27 0 0 1-3.75-1.013 7.579 7.579 0 0 1-2.737-2.737A7.27 7.27 0 0 1 0 7.5c0-1.35.338-2.6 1.013-3.75A7.579 7.579 0 0 1 3.75 1.013 7.27 7.27 0 0 1 7.5 0zm3.054 11.038a.435.435 0 0 0 .318-.136.453.453 0 0 0 .136-.332.515.515 0 0 0-.076-.303.742.742 0 0 0-.226-.196C8.77 8.92 6.38 8.659 3.538 9.284c-.262.06-.393.232-.393.514 0 . 0 .161-.01.302-.03l.06-.03c2.5-.525 4.587-.283 6.26.725. 0 0 0 .408-.166.555.555 0 0 0 .167-.408.676.676 0 0 0-.333-.605 9.287 9.287 0 0 0-2.51-1.013 11.8 11.8 0 0 0-2.873-.348c-.988 0-1.966.131-2.934.393-.322.101-.483.313-.483.635 0 . 0 .141-.01.242-.03l.121-.03c1.21-.343 2.49-.424 3.841-.243 1.27.182 2.39.555 3.357 1.12l.06.03c. 0 0 0 .484-.197.651.651 0 0 0 .212-.499.77.77 0 0 0-.393-.695c-.827-.464-1.794-.827-2.903-1.089a14.881 14.881 0 0 0-3.297-.363c-1.33 0-2.52.161-3.568.484a.708.708 0 0 0-.514.71.71.71 0 0 0 .196.5.651.651 0 0 0 .5.211c.08 0 .19-.02.332-.06l.06-.03c1.27-.343 2.722-.434 4.355-.272 1.694.16 3.075.554 4.143"/></svg> </div><a href="" target="_blank">Spotify</a></div></div><div class="link-6edb4529"><div class="link-cd35f8fe"><div class="link-ee78aa94"><svg width="13" height="13" viewBox="0 0 13 13"><path fillRule="evenodd" d="M11.99 5.89L9.55 8.33a3.45 3.45 0 0 1-4.88 0 3.434 3.434 0 0 1-.524-.696L5.28 6.5c.054-.054.12-.086.184-. 1.727 0 0 0 2.44 0l2.44-2.44a1.726 1.726 0 0 0 0-2.44 1.727 1.727 0 0 0-2.44 0l-.868.869a4.328 4.328 0 0 0-2.2-.24L7.11 1.011a3.451 3.451 0 0 1 4.88 4.88zM5.538 9.902l-.868.868a1.728 1.728 0 0 1-2.44 0 1.728 1.728 0 0 1 0-2.44l2.44-2.44a1.726 1.726 0 0 1 2.44 0c.21.21.347.464.426.731.064-.037.13-.067.184-.121l1.134-1.134a3.393 3.393 0 0 0-.524-.696 3.45 3.45 0 0 0-4.88 0L1.01 7.11a3.45 3.45 0 0 0 4.88 4.88l1.85-1.85a4.325 4.325 0 0 1-2.202-.238z"/></svg> </div><a href="" target="_blank">Other</a></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="livePhotos-744796b4" tabindex="0"><div class="livePhotos-83647ae0">Live Photos of Barenaked Ladies</div><div class="livePhotos-a470220d"><div class="livePhotos-24776cae"><div class="livePhotos-5b845b9c"><div class="livePhoto-86b321a9"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height:133px;width:133px"></div></div><div class="livePhoto-86b321a9"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height:133px;width:133px"></div></div><div class="livePhoto-86b321a9"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height:133px;width:133px"></div></div><div class="livePhoto-86b321a9"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height:133px;width:133px"></div></div><div class="livePhoto-86b321a9"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height:133px;width:133px"></div></div><div class="livePhoto-86b321a9"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height:133px;width:133px"></div></div><div class="livePhoto-86b321a9"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height:133px;width:133px"></div></div><div class="livePhoto-86b321a9"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height:133px;width:133px"></div></div><div class="livePhoto-86b321a9"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height:133px;width:133px"></div></div><div class="livePhoto-86b321a9"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height:133px;width:133px"></div></div><div class="livePhoto-86b321a9"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height:133px;width:133px"></div></div><div class="livePhoto-86b321a9"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height:133px;width:133px"></div></div><div class="livePhoto-86b321a9"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height:133px;width:133px"></div></div><div class="livePhoto-86b321a9"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height:133px;width:133px"></div></div><div class="livePhoto-86b321a9"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height:133px;width:133px"></div></div><div class="livePhoto-86b321a9"><div class="LazyLoad" style="height:133px;width:133px"></div></div></div></div><div class="livePhotos-323aefea"></div></div></div><div class="ratings-11346850"><div class="ratings-4e32f6aa">Fan Live Reviews</div><div class="ratings-b8089d4f"><div class="rating-9a37855b"><div class="rating-42f6cf46"><div class="rating-b21fbb44"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div><div class="rating-9efefff5"><div class="rating-c24b507d">Rhonda</div><a href="" class="rating-9dcb0533">Pompano Beach, FL</a><span>@</span><a href="" class="rating-1917f364">Pompano Beach Amphitheatre</a></div><div class="rating-cd63fc0b">November 12th 2018</div></div></div><div class="rating-097b209c"><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div></div><div class="rating-e5695298">I've been a fan for a long time and this was my first time seeing BNL live. I wish it hadn't been a double bill, but still loved the show. Watching Jim on the upright bass was awesome. He's an incredible musician, but then, they are all so talented. That's part of what makes them so durable. I hope I can make it to another show before too long!</div></div><div class="rating-9a37855b"><div class="rating-42f6cf46"><div class="rating-b21fbb44"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div><div class="rating-9efefff5"><div class="rating-c24b507d">Linda</div><a href="" class="rating-9dcb0533">Missoula, MT</a><span>@</span><div class="rating-1917f364">Big Sky Brewing Company</div></div><div class="rating-cd63fc0b">June 8th 2018</div></div></div><div class="rating-097b209c"><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div></div><div class="rating-e5695298">This is the second time we've seen them in concert. Once again they were amazing. They do not disappoint. we will definitely see them again.</div></div><div class="rating-9a37855b"><div class="rating-42f6cf46"><div class="rating-b21fbb44"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div><div class="rating-9efefff5"><div class="rating-c24b507d">Lorrie</div><a href="" class="rating-9dcb0533">Prior Lake, MN</a><span>@</span><a href="" class="rating-1917f364">Mystic Lake Casino Hotel</a></div><div class="rating-cd63fc0b">June 2nd 2018</div></div></div><div class="rating-097b209c"><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div></div><div class="rating-e5695298">5 stars, for sure!! Excellent show. The Ladies never disappoint! It was their usual, incredible performance and I couldn’t have asked for more! They are a must-see. </div></div><div class="rating-9a37855b"><div class="rating-42f6cf46"><div class="rating-b21fbb44"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div><div class="rating-9efefff5"><div class="rating-c24b507d">Guin</div><a href="" class="rating-9dcb0533">Toronto, Canada</a><span>@</span><div class="rating-1917f364">Nathan Phillips Square</div></div><div class="rating-cd63fc0b">June 20th 2017</div></div></div><div class="rating-097b209c"><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div></div><div class="rating-e5695298">Awesome show! Wish we could have gotten them to play an encore. Would have traded that for the fireworks!</div></div><div class="rating-9a37855b"><div class="rating-42f6cf46"><div class="rating-b21fbb44"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div><div class="rating-9efefff5"><div class="rating-c24b507d">Lorrie</div><a href="" class="rating-9dcb0533">Naperville, IL</a><span>@</span><div class="rating-1917f364">Naperville Last Fling</div></div><div class="rating-cd63fc0b">June 18th 2017</div></div></div><div class="rating-097b209c"><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div></div><div class="rating-e5695298">Couldn't ask for a better concert. They get the whole crowd engaged and you can tell they have a blast performing. Never boring when they play live. Their banter is quite funny. Not a band that goes onstage to perform their songs and only says a word or two to the crowd throughout the show. They chat about the city/state they are in, the things that recently happened to them, etc.; I love that about them. Their medleys of popular old and current songs from other artists are superb. The drummer comes out from his behind his drumkit to sing some songs while the lead singer/guitarists gets behind the drumkit. So awesome how talented they are. Even a little human beatbox goes on too! I could go on and on and on. Overall, BNL is a MUST see. You will find that other artist's concert are very dull after you see Barenaked Ladies, sorry, but it's true!!!</div></div><div class="rating-9a37855b"><div class="rating-42f6cf46"><div class="rating-b21fbb44"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div><div class="rating-9efefff5"><div class="rating-c24b507d">Lorrie</div><a href="" class="rating-9dcb0533">Oshkosh, WI</a><span>@</span><div class="rating-1917f364">Wittman Regional Airport</div></div><div class="rating-cd63fc0b">March 4th 2017</div></div></div><div class="rating-097b209c"><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div><div class="rating-71eb3491"><img src="" alt=""/></div></div><div class="rating-e5695298">Excellent concert. Band was lively and having fun. You know they love doing what they do. The made up raps were amazing and the medley of songs at the end were awesome. Never a disappoint with these guys!</div></div><div class="ratings-40bb222d">View More Fan Reviews</div></div></div></div></div></div><footer class="index-a51e56ea"><div class="index-ab476c5e"><div class="index-c8a3e2b3"><div class="index-16b50816">App Links</div><div class="index-ff587be6"><ul><li><a href="">Fans</a></li><li><a href=";ct=234&amp;mt=8">iPhone</a></li><li><a href=";referrer=utm_source%3D234%26utm_medium%3Dphone%26utm_campaign%3DEditorial">Android</a></li><li><a href="">Manager App</a></li></ul></div></div><div class="index-c8a3e2b3"><div class="index-479c2fce">About</div><div class="index-ff587be6"><ul><li><a href="">Corporate</a></li><li><a href="">Artists</a></li><li><a href="">Brands</a></li><li><a href="">Promoter</a></li><li><a href="">Careers</a></li><li><a href="">News + Press</a></li><li><a href="">Contact Us</a></li></ul></div></div><div class="index-c8a3e2b3"><div class="index-c684f964">Help</div><div class="index-ff587be6"><ul><li><a href="">Support</a></li><li><a href="">Terms of Use</a></li><li><a href="">Privacy Policy</a></li><li><a href=";utm_medium=bit_footer_link&amp;utm_campaign=Bandsintown%20footer">Promote Your Event</a></li></ul></div></div><div class="index-c8a3e2b3"><div class="index-11400730">Developers</div><div class="index-ff587be6"><ul><li><a href="">Widgets</a></li><li><a href="">Developer API</a></li></ul></div></div><div class="index-c8a3e2b3"><div class="index-f10df762">Cities</div><div class="index-ff587be6"><div><a class="cityLink-2bb99c38" href=";latitude=36.1699&amp;longitude=-115.1398&amp;location_name=Las+Vegas%2C+NV">Las Vegas, NV</a><a class="cityLink-2bb99c38" href=";latitude=51.5074&amp;longitude=-0.1278&amp;location_name=London%2C+England">London, England</a><a class="cityLink-2bb99c38" href=";latitude=40.7128&amp;longitude=-74.006&amp;location_name=New+York%2C+NY">New York, NY</a><a class="cityLink-2bb99c38" href=";latitude=48.8566&amp;longitude=2.3522&amp;location_name=Paris%2C+France">Paris, France</a><a class="cityLink-2bb99c38" href=";latitude=37.7749&amp;longitude=-122.4194&amp;location_name=San+Francisco%2C+CA">San Francisco, CA</a><a class="cityLink-2bb99c38" href=";latitude=32.7791&amp;longitude=-96.8003&amp;location_name=Dallas%2C+TX">Dallas, TX</a><a class="cityLink-2bb99c38" href=";latitude=41.8781&amp;longitude=-87.6298&amp;location_name=Chicago%2C+IL">Chicago, IL</a><a class="cityLink-2bb99c38" href=";latitude=29.7604&amp;longitude=-95.3698&amp;location_name=Houston%2C+TX">Houston, TX</a><a class="cityLink-2bb99c38" href=";latitude=52.52&amp;longitude=13.405&amp;location_name=Berlin%2C+Germany">Berlin, Germany</a><a class="cityLink-2bb99c38" href=";latitude=39.7392&amp;longitude=-104.9903&amp;location_name=Denver%2C+CO">Denver, CO</a><a class="cityLink-2bb99c38" href=";latitude=34.0522&amp;longitude=-118.2437&amp;location_name=Los+Angeles%2C+CA">Los Angeles, CA</a></div></div></div><div class="index-c8a3e2b3"><div class="index-804b83f5"><div class="index-5791192e"><select class="index-6c008028" aria-label="Language Selector"><option selected="" value="English">English</option><option value="Spanish">Español</option><option value="French">Français</option><option value="Portuguese">Português</option><option value="Japanese">日本語</option><option value="German">Deutsch</option><option value="Italian">Italiano</option></select></div></div><div class="index-ff587be6"><div class="index-c47a6536"><a class="socialMediaLink-2ce05d55" href=""><img src="" class="socialMediaLink-e9ebb799" alt="Social Media Link"/></a><a class="socialMediaLink-2ce05d55" href=""><img src="" class="socialMediaLink-e9ebb799" alt="Social Media Link"/></a><a class="socialMediaLink-2ce05d55" href=""><img src="" class="socialMediaLink-e9ebb799" alt="Social Media Link"/></a><a class="socialMediaLink-2ce05d55" href=""><img src="" class="socialMediaLink-e9ebb799" alt="Social Media Link"/></a></div></div><div class="index-37e60356"><div class="index-3a9b2a30">Bandsintown Inc. © <!-- -->2019<!-- -->.</div></div></div></div></footer></div></div></div> <script type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"}</script> <script type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"","@type":"MusicEvent","name":"Barenaked Ladies","startDate":"2018-11-11T19:00:24","endDate":"2018-11-11","url":"","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"RibFest - Vinoy Park ","address":{"@type":"PostalAddress","addressCountry":"United States","addressRegion":"FL","addressLocality":"Saint Petersburg","streetAddress":"","postalCode":""},"geo":{"@type":"GeoCoordinates","latitude":27.7676008,"longitude":-82.64029149999999}},"performer":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"description":"Barenaked Ladies at RibFest - Vinoy Park 2018-11-11T19:00:24","image":""}</script> <script type="application/ld+json">[{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"I've been a fan for a long time and this was my first time seeing BNL live. I wish it hadn't been a double bill, but still loved the show. Watching Jim on the upright bass was awesome. He's an incredible musician, but then, they are all so talented. That's part of what makes them so durable. I hope I can make it to another show before too long!","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":4.5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"This is the second time we've seen them in concert. Once again they were amazing. They do not disappoint. we will definitely see them again.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"5 stars, for sure!! Excellent show. The Ladies never disappoint! It was their usual, incredible performance and I couldn’t have asked for more! They are a must-see. ","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Awesome show! Wish we could have gotten them to play an encore. Would have traded that for the fireworks!","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":4,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Couldn't ask for a better concert. They get the whole crowd engaged and you can tell they have a blast performing. Never boring when they play live. Their banter is quite funny. Not a band that goes onstage to perform their songs and only says a word or two to the crowd throughout the show. They chat about the city/state they are in, the things that recently happened to them, etc.; I love that about them. Their medleys of popular old and current songs from other artists are superb. The drummer comes out from his behind his drumkit to sing some songs while the lead singer/guitarists gets behind the drumkit. So awesome how talented they are. Even a little human beatbox goes on too! I could go on and on and on. Overall, BNL is a MUST see. You will find that other artist's concert are very dull after you see Barenaked Ladies, sorry, but it's true!!!","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Excellent concert. Band was lively and having fun. You know they love doing what they do. The made up raps were amazing and the medley of songs at the end were awesome. Never a disappoint with these guys!","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"A great show as always with some of the nicest men in the music industry. Their talent and energy never ceases to amaze me.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Was not aware that the lead singer Steven Page was no longer with the band and was a bit disappointed, but still a good show.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":3,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Great show but didn't know most of the music played. Mostly was there for boyfriend's experience since he's never been to a concert before. And he absolutely loved it!!","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":3.5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"It must have been great. Unfortunately, very unfortunately I couldn't get to gig. Hopefully The Ladies will come back to the UK. SOON. VERY SOON.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"An absolute blast! Great to see BNL, even without Steven Page. Howard Jones & OMD were just as much fun. Very little setup time between acts and the night lasted for more than 3.5 hours. Venue didn't hurt either...","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"The flashback to the 90's was good. Howard Jones and the synthesizers was the most dated while OMD was strong and BNL was very entertaining.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":3.5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"this was the third year we have seen BNL at universal studios and this was hands down the best one. thanks to universal and BNL you made this a great V-DAY for the wife and i.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Absolutely exceeded expectations! I'm a huge Barenaked Ladies fan, but it was even better than I had thought it would be! Great show!","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"It was fantastic, perfect lineup and Alan Doyle and the Beautiful Gypsies who opened for them were absolutely fantastic","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Barenaked Ladies always put on a brilliant show. If you go and see them you'll be singing, dancing and laughing all night. Go and see them for a night of guaranteed great music and fun.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Far and away the best concert experience I have had in 20 years! The combo of them and the Violent Femmes and Collin Hey was perfect. I want to go again!!!","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"They were off to a great start, then the heavens opened up and soaked us. They kept it going until lightening struck a little too close.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":3.5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Awesome show. I just wish handicapped people could get better seats. What do they have against Wheelchairs?","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":4.5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"These guys sound like they haven't aged in 25 years, excellent harmonies and power. The best show on a while.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}},{"@context":"","@type":"Review","itemReviewed":{"@context":"","@type":"MusicGroup","name":"Barenaked Ladies","location":{"@type":"Place","name":"Toronto, Ontario, Canada"},"genre":"Pop","sameAs":"","description":"“Gotta see the show, ‘cause then you’ll know,” sings Ed Robertson on Barenaked Ladies’ chart-topping hit, “One Week,” a song featured on the band’s most recent live album BNL Rocks Red Rocks, recorded at the fabled Morrison, CO, Amphitheater on June 10, 2015 during the band’s Last Summer On Earth tour. That’s as good a description as any about seeing these rock icons in concert, an experience filled with the kind of energy, precision, finesse and outright celebration among its fans that is a tribute to Barenaked Ladies’ remarkable longevity. The band is still together after nearly three decades, producing 15 studio albums which have collectively sold more than 14 million copies, won eight Juno Awards, earned multiple Grammy nominations, a U.S. chart-topping single (“One Week”) and the theme song to one of TV’s most popular shows, The Big Bang Theory. “I don’t think there’s a secret,” Robertson explained to People magazine last year when asked how BNL managed to not just survive, but thrive, continuing to sell out venues wherever they go. “It’s work. You’ve got to respect each other, you got to give each other space, but you also have to support each other… This band learned early on to communicate, right from the beginning we didn’t want to burn out. We wanted to keep making music.” “We appreciate what we do more than ever,” explains Robertson. “We’re not looking for external validation. We’re enjoying working together and we’re doing some of the best shows of our entire career.” “I still love writing songs,” insists Robertson. “And it’s such a privilege to work with these guys. They have my back, and I have theirs. It’s pretty amazing to watch the crowd light up when we play a song we recorded 25 years ago, and then hear them sing along with something brand-new.” “Our fans have been on this journey with us, so we’ve kind of grown up together,” says Ed. “It’s a special relationship, within the band and between our fans. Every band says they have the best fans, but we actually do. And we know that because other bands tell us that.” “It’s not easy to be hyperactive, brooding and whimsical all at once,” the New York Times pop critic Jon Pareles once wrote about BNL. “But the Barenaked Ladies do just that.” Barenaked Ladies have most recently announced a very special collaboration with the legendary “Kings of A cappella” The Persuasions, with an album titled, Ladies And Gentlemen: Barenaked Ladies And The Persuasions to be released April 14, 2017. The album features 14 tracks re-imagined BNL’s award-winning catalogue and the classic ‘Good Times’. BNL recorded the album live off the floor with The Persuasions in the Fall of 2016 in Toronto. Fake Nudes is out now! #BNLFAKENUDES"},"reviewBody":"Best I've seen them play in *years*: great gig, a solid two hours, lots of their trademark improv... fantastic.","reviewRating":{"@type":"Rating","bestRating":5,"ratingValue":5,"worstRating":1},"author":{"@type":"Person"}}]</script> <script src=""></script> </body> </html>