G: Highland Rotary's 12th Annual Ribfest (August 13 & 14, 2016) by ...
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 01/24/2019 - 09:43
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<title>Highland Rotary’s 12th Annual Ribfest (August 13 & 14, 2016) by RadioRotary • A podcast on Anchor</title>
<meta name="description" content="RadioRotary interviews Highland Rotary Club’s Steve Laubach and Don Verity concerning the 12th annual Hudson Valley Ribfest, one of the major summer events in the Hudson Valley and voted one of the “must-go-to” festivals in the United States. It is also the primary fundraiser for the Highland Rotary Club. Income from the Ribfest to supports The Rotary Foundation, ShelterBox, and several local charitable causes. Each year the Ribfest brings the contest for the NYS championship in barbecue to the Ulster County Fairground in New Paltz, along with live music, other entertainment, and children’s activities—including a pork-chop cook-off. Specialty booths offer barbecue equipment and supplies, while the food includes chicken, pulled pork, and corn-on-the-cob as well as the featured ribs." />
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Located at the ARC Vocational Center in Poughkeepsie, Odyssey provides the all the services you expect from a Christian Church—a Sunday service at 10:00 a.m. that is filled with hymns and prayers, Bible study, even baptisms. Sermons are kept simple, focusing on a single topic.</p>\n<p>Much of the congregation is bussed in from group homes around the county. Members of the congregation participate in the organization in many ways. The church is also planning to partake in a celebration run by the Tim Tebow Foundation, called “A Night to Shine,” a prom night where every participant is a King or Queen of the Prom. Odyssey Church is part of the outreach from the Hopewell Reformed Church, a pillar of religion and good works in Dutchess Country that has been active since 1757.</p>\n<p>Learn more:</p>\n<p>Odyssey Church: http://www.odysseychurch.org/</p>\n<p>Hopewell Reformed Church: http://www.hrcrca.org/</p>\n<p>The ARC of Dutchess: https://arcdutchess.org/</p>\n<p>Tim Tebow Foundation Night to Shine:</p>\n<p>https://www.timtebowfoundation.org/ministries/night-to-shine</p>\n<p>CATEGORIES</p>\n<p>Developmentally Disabled</p>\n<p>Events</p>","descriptionPreview":"Pastor Steve Dambra visits RadioRotary to tell about the Odyssey Church, which serves the developmentally disabled community of Dutchess County (and others who choose to attend). Located at the ARC Vocational Center in Poughkeepsie, Odyssey provides the all the services you expect from a Christian Church—a Sunday service at 10:00 a.m. that is filled with hymns and prayers, Bible study, even baptisms. Sermons are kept simple, focusing on a single topic.\nMuch of the congregation is bussed in from group homes around the county. Members of the congregation participate in the organization in many ways. The church is also planning to partake in a celebration run by the Tim Tebow Foundation, called “A Night to Shine,” a prom night where every participant is a King or Queen of the Prom. Odyssey Church is part of the outreach from the Hopewell Reformed Church, a pillar of religion and good works in Dutchess Country that has been active since 1757.\nLearn more:\nOdyssey Church: http://www.odysseychurch.org/\nHopewell Reformed Church: http://www.hrcrca.org/\nThe ARC of Dutchess: https://arcdutchess.org/\nTim Tebow Foundation Night to Shine:\nhttps://www.timtebowfoundation.org/ministries/night-to-shine\nCATEGORIES\nDevelopmentally Disabled\nEvents","duration":1792917,"episodeId":"e30nq5","episodeImage":"https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_episode400/789394/789394-1548192678604-6fbf3052e4a8e.jpg","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Odyssey--a-Church-for-the-Developmentally-Disabled-Aired-On-December-29--30--2018-e30nq5","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Odyssey--a-Church-for-the-Developmentally-Disabled-Aired-On-December-29--30--2018-e30nq5","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Odyssey, a Church for the Developmentally Disabled (Aired On December 29 & 30, 2018)"},{"created":"2019-01-19T11:54:35.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1547898875,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2019-01-19T12:02:31.000Z","publishOn":"2019-01-19T12:02:22.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1547899342,"hourOffset":5,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"7243b2e1-a646-eeac-15f4-d472f991d214","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"<p>Seth Collegrave is a young composer and videographer who has been developing multimedia presentations of the history and prominent landmarks in the Hudson Valley. Having grown up in the lower Hudson Valley, he came to appreciate how important the region has been in US history. After studying composition and media at the Berkley School of Music in Boston and a brief period working in Los Angeles, Mr. Collegrave returned to his native territory where he formed Empire Explorer to produce short Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube features of the regions historic buildings. Listen as Sarah O’Connell-Claitor and Jonah Triebwasser interview Mr. Collegrave about his work and his explorations of the Hudson Valley.</p>\n<p><br /></p>\n<p>Learn more:</p>\n<p>Empire Explorer: http://www.empireexplorer.com/</p>\n<p>Empire Explorer on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/empireexplorer/</p>\n<p>Empire Explorer on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/empireexplorer/</p>\n<p>Empire Explorer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-G0SiKvvxTwNjwvuC17rhA</p>\n<p><br /></p>\n<p>CATEGORIES</p>\n<p>History</p>\n<p>Hudson Valley</p>\n<p>Travel</p>\n<p><br /></p>","descriptionPreview":"Seth Collegrave is a young composer and videographer who has been developing multimedia presentations of the history and prominent landmarks in the Hudson Valley. Having grown up in the lower Hudson Valley, he came to appreciate how important the region has been in US history. After studying composition and media at the Berkley School of Music in Boston and a brief period working in Los Angeles, Mr. Collegrave returned to his native territory where he formed Empire Explorer to produce short Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube features of the regions historic buildings. Listen as Sarah O’Connell-Claitor and Jonah Triebwasser interview Mr. Collegrave about his work and his explorations of the Hudson Valley.\n\nLearn more:\nEmpire Explorer: http://www.empireexplorer.com/\nEmpire Explorer on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/empireexplorer/\nEmpire Explorer on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/empireexplorer/\nEmpire Explorer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-G0SiKvvxTwNjwvuC17rhA\n\nCATEGORIES\nHistory\nHudson Valley\nTravel\n","duration":1799709,"episodeId":"e2vulv","episodeImage":"https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_episode400/789394/789394-1547899349063-9adcf8d3ac86d.jpg","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Video-Explorations-of-the-Hudson-Valley-Aired-On-January-12--13--2019-e2vulv","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Video-Explorations-of-the-Hudson-Valley-Aired-On-January-12--13--2019-e2vulv","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Video Explorations of the Hudson Valley (Aired On January 12 & 13, 2019)"},{"created":"2019-01-10T04:02:00.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1547092920,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2019-01-10T04:05:36.000Z","publishOn":"2019-01-10T04:05:27.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1547093127,"hourOffset":5,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b6ad21f6-23c5-149a-ef3b-c64a3134fb08","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"<p>Clarkstown-Sunrise Rotarians Past District Governor Nick Constantino and club President Alex Duenas tell RadioRotary about their visit to Neiva, Colombia, where the Huellas Fundación brings laughter into the lives of terminal ill children in four hospitals. In English, the Huellas Fundación is the Footprints Foundation with Meaning of Life. Teenagers and college students form the basis of the Foundation, dressing as clowns to amuse the children and, with the help of the Neiva Noches Plateñas Rotary and the Make-a-Wish Foundation, find ways to provide the children with last wishes. Constantino and Duenas joined in the entertainment dressed as clowns (Mr. Constantino in costume was given the name “Dr Cute,” which Rotarians in District 7210 will certainly endorse.) Listen to the heartwarming stories of the children and the good works of the participating Rotary clubs. </p>\n<p>Learn more:</p>\n<p>Clarkstown-Sunrise Rotary: <a href=\"https://www.clarkstownsunriserotary.com/\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.clarkstownsunriserotary.com/</a></p>\n<p>Huellas Foundation on Facebook: <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/FundacionHuellasConSentidoDeVida/\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.facebook.com/FundacionHuellasConSentidoDeVida/</a></p>\n<p>Neiva Noches Plateñas Rotary: <a href=\"https://rotary4281.org/clubes-en-huila/neiva-noches-platenas/\" target=\"_blank\">https://rotary4281.org/clubes-en-huila/neiva-noches-platenas/</a></p>\n<p>Make A Wish International: <a href=\"https://www.worldwish.org/en\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.worldwish.org/en</a></p>\n<p>CATEGORIES</p>\n<p>Children</p>\n<p>Health</p>\n<p>Rotary Club Projects</p>\n<p>Youth</p>\n<p>(photo by Jonah Triebwasser)</p>","descriptionPreview":"Clarkstown-Sunrise Rotarians Past District Governor Nick Constantino and club President Alex Duenas tell RadioRotary about their visit to Neiva, Colombia, where the Huellas Fundación brings laughter into the lives of terminal ill children in four hospitals. 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Listen to the heartwarming stories of the children and the good works of the participating Rotary clubs. \nLearn more:\nClarkstown-Sunrise Rotary: https://www.clarkstownsunriserotary.com/\nHuellas Foundation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FundacionHuellasConSentidoDeVida/\nNeiva Noches Plateñas Rotary: https://rotary4281.org/clubes-en-huila/neiva-noches-platenas/\nMake A Wish International: https://www.worldwish.org/en\nCATEGORIES\nChildren\nHealth\nRotary Club Projects\nYouth\n(photo by Jonah Triebwasser)","duration":1800493,"episodeId":"e2tqjj","episodeImage":"https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_episode400/789394/789394-1547093132970-c19a6493f2452.jpg","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Improves-Spirits-of-Ill-Children-Aired-on-February-5-and-6--2019-e2tqjj","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Improves-Spirits-of-Ill-Children-Aired-on-February-5-and-6--2019-e2tqjj","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Improves Spirits of Ill Children (Aired on February 5 and 6, 2019)"},{"created":"2019-01-02T18:37:32.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1546454252,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2019-01-02T19:03:41.000Z","publishOn":"2019-01-02T19:03:32.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1546455812,"hourOffset":5,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"13a5a4e4-8e49-8f60-00c0-37d5f548ce97","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"<p>Mental Health American Dutchess Country, which provides therapy and other mental-health needs, is now bringing the Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers (MARC) into its organization. Andrew O’Grady, Executive Director of the merging services, visits RadioRotary to tell about how the new relationship extends the reach of both organizations. Both are sponsors, along with People Inc. and Dutchess County, of the Stabilization Center at 230 North Road in Poughkeepsie, an urgent-care facility that is always open day or night to provide immediate therapy while helping the visitor decide appropriate next steps. A person ready to be helped can also call MARC’s Chemical Dependency Crisis Center at (845) 471-0310. Both services are free if not covered by insurance. </p>\n<p>Learn more:</p>\n<p>Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers (MARC): <a href=\"http://marc.us.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://marc.us.com/</a></p>\n<p>MARC Foundation: <a href=\"http://marc-foundation.org/\" target=\"_blank\">http://marc-foundation.org/</a></p>\n<p>Mental Health America of Dutchess County: <a href=\"https://mhadutchess.org/\" target=\"_blank\">https://mhadutchess.org/</a></p>\n<p>Dutchess Country Stabilization Center: <a href=\"http://dutchessny.gov/CountyGov/Departments/DBCH/27908.htm\" target=\"_blank\">http://dutchessny.gov/CountyGov/Departments/DBCH/27908.htm</a></p>\n<p>CATEGORIES</p>\n<p>Addiction Recovery</p>\n<p>Dutchess County</p>\n<p>Health</p>\n<p>Support Groups</p>","descriptionPreview":"Mental Health American Dutchess Country, which provides therapy and other mental-health needs, is now bringing the Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers (MARC) into its organization. Andrew O’Grady, Executive Director of the merging services, visits RadioRotary to tell about how the new relationship extends the reach of both organizations. Both are sponsors, along with People Inc. and Dutchess County, of the Stabilization Center at 230 North Road in Poughkeepsie, an urgent-care facility that is always open day or night to provide immediate therapy while helping the visitor decide appropriate next steps. A person ready to be helped can also call MARC’s Chemical Dependency Crisis Center at (845) 471-0310. Both services are free if not covered by insurance. \nLearn more:\nMid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers (MARC): http://marc.us.com/\nMARC Foundation: http://marc-foundation.org/\nMental Health America of Dutchess County: https://mhadutchess.org/\nDutchess Country Stabilization Center: http://dutchessny.gov/CountyGov/Departments/DBCH/27908.htm\nCATEGORIES\nAddiction Recovery\nDutchess County\nHealth\nSupport Groups","duration":1654207,"episodeId":"e2s9gu","episodeImage":"https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_episode400/789394/789394-1546454507407-055efeb0036af.jpg","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Mental-Health-America-Dutchess-Merges-with-MARC-Aired-on-December-22-and-23--2018-e2s9gu","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Mental-Health-America-Dutchess-Merges-with-MARC-Aired-on-December-22-and-23--2018-e2s9gu","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Mental Health America Dutchess Merges with MARC (Aired on December 22 and 23, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-12-28T01:46:40.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1545961600,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-12-28T01:56:49.000Z","publishOn":"2018-12-28T01:56:40.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1545962200,"hourOffset":5,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"e701c1fa-fb4c-da9e-1d6e-99e29dc6b7df","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"<p>Pleasant Valley Rotarians Dave and Kathy Kruger, well known to listeners to RadioRotary as producer and occasional substitute host, are also both on the Board of the Pleasant Valley Library, which suffered a terrible fire on November 6. The fire started with an electrical problem in the basement, collapsed the first floor of the building, moved up through hollow walls to the attic, and essentially destroyed the interior of the building. Quick work by the Pleasant Valley Fire Volunteers with help from eight other local fire departments, saved special items from the building and prevented complete collapse—the shell of the 150-year-old building is still intact, and plans are underway to create a new building that will maintain that façade. Listen to the show to hear the Krugers explain the plans for the library in the future and find out how you can help the rebuilding. </p>\n<p>Learn more:</p>\n<p>Pleasant Valley Library: <a href=\"http://pleasantvalleylibrary.org/\" target=\"_blank\">http://pleasantvalleylibrary.org/</a></p>\n<p>Pleasant Valley Library on Facebook: <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/pleasantvalleylibrary/\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.facebook.com/pleasantvalleylibrary/</a></p>\n<p>Mid-Hudson Library System Catalog: <a href=\"http://search.midhudsonlibraries.org/iii/encore/?lang=eng\" target=\"_blank\">http://search.midhudsonlibraries.org/iii/encore/?lang=eng</a></p>\n<p>Mid-Hudson Library System on Facebook: <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/MidHudsonLibrarySystem/\" target=\"_blank\">https://www.facebook.com/MidHudsonLibrarySystem/</a></p>\n<p>CATEGORIES</p>\n<p>Disaster Relief</p>\n<p>Literacy</p>","descriptionPreview":"Pleasant Valley Rotarians Dave and Kathy Kruger, well known to listeners to RadioRotary as producer and occasional substitute host, are also both on the Board of the Pleasant Valley Library, which suffered a terrible fire on November 6. The fire started with an electrical problem in the basement, collapsed the first floor of the building, moved up through hollow walls to the attic, and essentially destroyed the interior of the building. Quick work by the Pleasant Valley Fire Volunteers with help from eight other local fire departments, saved special items from the building and prevented complete collapse—the shell of the 150-year-old building is still intact, and plans are underway to create a new building that will maintain that façade. Listen to the show to hear the Krugers explain the plans for the library in the future and find out how you can help the rebuilding. \nLearn more:\nPleasant Valley Library: http://pleasantvalleylibrary.org/\nPleasant Valley Library on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pleasantvalleylibrary/\nMid-Hudson Library System Catalog: http://search.midhudsonlibraries.org/iii/encore/?lang=eng\nMid-Hudson Library System on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MidHudsonLibrarySystem/\nCATEGORIES\nDisaster Relief\nLiteracy","duration":1614109,"episodeId":"e2rcu0","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Library-after-the-Fire-Aired-On-December-29--30--2018-e2rcu0","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Library-after-the-Fire-Aired-On-December-29--30--2018-e2rcu0","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Pleasant Valley Library after the Fire (Aired On December 29 & 30, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-12-21T13:43:31.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1545399811,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-12-21T13:54:32.000Z","publishOn":"2018-12-21T13:54:23.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1545400463,"hourOffset":5,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"70cdaf86-a6db-e97d-82e2-9fa7c85cc4bb","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"<p>The ARC Westchester supports more than 2,000 children, teens, and adults who cope with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including (but not limited to) autism, cerebral palsy, and Down syndrome. Millie Gaines, one of the 800 or so employees who works with clients at The ARC Westchester, visits the RadioRotary studios to describe some of the programs, which range from testing infants and young children through to residential services for independent living. Programs can be grouped into six categories: early childhood, day services, career and employment, family support, staying healthy, and living at home. Some clients volunteer to help other charitable programs, while some volunteers become interns who help the clients. It is a fascinating story. </p>\n<p><br /></p>\n<p>Learn more:</p>\n<p>ARC of Westchester: https://www.arcwestchester.org/</p>\n<p>Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: https://report.nih.gov/nihfactsheets/ViewFactSheet.aspx?csid=100</p>\n<p>Autism: https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/autism-spectrum-disorders-asd/index.shtml</p>\n<p>Cerebral Palsy: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/cp/facts.html</p>\n<p>Down Syndrome: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/down-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20355977</p>\n<p><br /></p>\n<p>CATEGORIES</p>\n<p>Developmentally Disabled</p>\n<p>Service Organizations</p>\n<p>Vocational</p>\n<p><br /></p>","descriptionPreview":"The ARC Westchester supports more than 2,000 children, teens, and adults who cope with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including (but not limited to) autism, cerebral palsy, and Down syndrome. Millie Gaines, one of the 800 or so employees who works with clients at The ARC Westchester, visits the RadioRotary studios to describe some of the programs, which range from testing infants and young children through to residential services for independent living. Programs can be grouped into six categories: early childhood, day services, career and employment, family support, staying healthy, and living at home. Some clients volunteer to help other charitable programs, while some volunteers become interns who help the clients. It is a fascinating story. \n\nLearn more:\nARC of Westchester: https://www.arcwestchester.org/\nIntellectual and Developmental Disabilities: https://report.nih.gov/nihfactsheets/ViewFactSheet.aspx?csid=100\nAutism: https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/autism-spectrum-disorders-asd/index.shtml\nCerebral Palsy: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/cp/facts.html\nDown Syndrome: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/down-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20355977\n\nCATEGORIES\nDevelopmentally Disabled\nService Organizations\nVocational\n","duration":1781998,"episodeId":"e2qgft","episodeImage":"https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_episode400/789394/789394-1545400468123-873e79c26d9cf.jpg","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-ARC-Westchester-Aired-On-December-15--16--2018-e2qgft","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-ARC-Westchester-Aired-On-December-15--16--2018-e2qgft","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The ARC Westchester (Aired On December 15 & 16, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-12-16T17:58:41.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1544983121,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-12-16T17:59:30.000Z","publishOn":"2018-12-16T17:59:06.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1544983146,"hourOffset":5,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"512fd06c-4ff9-3f03-cbbd-85dae593c312","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) for Dutchess Country\nserves students from the 13 school districts in the County at its Salt Point\nTurnpike Campus with career and technical education, adult education, and\nspecial-needs education. It also provides an Alternative High School in an\nindustrial park off the Dutchess Turnpike. But all of that is scheduled to be\nimproved or changed after the December 11, 2018, vote in which 84% of\nDutchess voters supported a $36.8 million capital improvement plan, the first in\n50 years. In this RadioRotary program, BOCES District Superintendent Dr.\nRichard Hooley describes the current programs and plans for the future. Among\nother projects, BOCES will consolidate all its K-12 programs on one campus,\nimprove campus security, address compliance with the American Disabilities Act,\nand enhance the existing facilities. Listen to the program to find out about\neverything available from adult nursing education to welding training.\nLearn more:\nDutchess Country BOCES: https://dcboces.org/\nNew York State’s BOCES Programs: https://www.boces.org/\nCareer, Technical, and Adult Education:\nhttps://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ovae/index.html\nCATEGORIES\nDutchess County\nEducation\nLiteracy\nVocational","descriptionPreview":"The Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) for Dutchess Country\nserves students from the 13 school districts in the County at its Salt Point\nTurnpike Campus with career and technical education, adult education, and\nspecial-needs education. It also provides an Alternative High School in an\nindustrial park off the Dutchess Turnpike. But all of that is scheduled to be\nimproved or changed after the December 11, 2018, vote in which 84% of\nDutchess voters supported a $36.8 million capital improvement plan, the first in\n50 years. In this RadioRotary program, BOCES District Superintendent Dr.\nRichard Hooley describes the current programs and plans for the future. Among\nother projects, BOCES will consolidate all its K-12 programs on one campus,\nimprove campus security, address compliance with the American Disabilities Act,\nand enhance the existing facilities. Listen to the program to find out about\neverything available from adult nursing education to welding training.\nLearn more:\nDutchess Country BOCES: https://dcboces.org/\nNew York State’s BOCES Programs: https://www.boces.org/\nCareer, Technical, and Adult Education:\nhttps://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ovae/index.html\nCATEGORIES\nDutchess County\nEducation\nLiteracy\nVocational","duration":1798977,"episodeId":"e2pbdg","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-BOCES-Plans-and-Programs-Aired-On-December-8--9--2018-e2pbdg","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Dutchess-BOCES-Plans-and-Programs-Aired-On-December-8--9--2018-e2pbdg","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Dutchess BOCES Plans and Programs (Aired On December 8 & 9, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-12-09T00:22:19.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1544314939,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-12-09T00:23:20.000Z","publishOn":"2018-12-09T00:23:11.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1544314991,"hourOffset":5,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"1381a9fa-acce-2cce-00c0-f44318736051","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The guest on RadioRotary for this program is Lori Decker, who with her husband George formed Angels of Light of the Hudson Valley about 15 years ago when they learned of a family that was dealing with a young very ill daughter—and the busy holiday season was at hand. The Deckers took over providing presents and other help for the family, a practice that became the origin of a charity that does the same throughout the Hudson Valley for families who have a child with a life-threatening illness. Although Angels of Light is based in Millbrook, NY, many of the families are residents of Ronald MacDonald House in Valhalla, NY, or have children being treated at nearby Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital. Volunteers often donate presents for children or the charity provides them. Other volunteers wrap and deliver the gifts to the families. Many gifts are donated through “giving trees,” found in local businesses throughout the area. Funds for the 501(c)3 charity are also raised at events, such as a holiday brunch at Monte’s Local Kitchen in Amenia, NY. \n\nLearn more:\nAngels of Light of the Hudson Valley: http://www.angelsoflighthudsonvalley.org/\nFacebook: Angles of Light: https://www.facebook.com/angelsoflighthudsonvalley/\nRonald MacDonald House of the Greater Hudson Valley: https://rmh-ghv.org/\nMaria Fareri Children’s Hospital: https://www.mariafarerichildrens.org/\nMonte’s Local Kitchen and Tap Room: https://www.monteskitchen.com/\n\nCATEGORIES\nChildren\nEvents\nHealth\nHudson Valley\nSupport Groups","descriptionPreview":"The guest on RadioRotary for this program is Lori Decker, who with her husband George formed Angels of Light of the Hudson Valley about 15 years ago when they learned of a family that was dealing with a young very ill daughter—and the busy holiday season was at hand. The Deckers took over providing presents and other help for the family, a practice that became the origin of a charity that does the same throughout the Hudson Valley for families who have a child with a life-threatening illness. Although Angels of Light is based in Millbrook, NY, many of the families are residents of Ronald MacDonald House in Valhalla, NY, or have children being treated at nearby Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital. Volunteers often donate presents for children or the charity provides them. Other volunteers wrap and deliver the gifts to the families. Many gifts are donated through “giving trees,” found in local businesses throughout the area. Funds for the 501(c)3 charity are also raised at events, such as a holiday brunch at Monte’s Local Kitchen in Amenia, NY. \n\nLearn more:\nAngels of Light of the Hudson Valley: http://www.angelsoflighthudsonvalley.org/\nFacebook: Angles of Light: https://www.facebook.com/angelsoflighthudsonvalley/\nRonald MacDonald House of the Greater Hudson Valley: https://rmh-ghv.org/\nMaria Fareri Children’s Hospital: https://www.mariafarerichildrens.org/\nMonte’s Local Kitchen and Tap Room: https://www.monteskitchen.com/\n\nCATEGORIES\nChildren\nEvents\nHealth\nHudson Valley\nSupport Groups","duration":1800937,"episodeId":"e2np13","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Angels-of-Light-for-the-Holidays--Aired-On-December-1--2--2018-e2np13","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Angels-of-Light-for-the-Holidays--Aired-On-December-1--2--2018-e2np13","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Angels of Light for the Holidays (Aired On December 1 & 2, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-11-21T14:53:12.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1542811992,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-11-21T14:53:13.000Z","publishOn":"2018-11-21T14:53:03.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1542811983,"hourOffset":5,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"1b9f9053-b60a-ce1e-4966-35b5f33ca73e","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"For eighteen years, the Vassar-Haiti Project, started and still directed by Lila Meade and her husband Andrew, assistant dean of international students at Vassar College, has improved the lives of Haitians in the remote mountaintop village of Chermaitre and its surroundings. Vassar sophomore Mary McCarthy, publicity director of the project, and Lila Meade were the guests on RadioRotary for this show. Ms. McCarthy was inspired to work on the project by reading Mountains Beyond Mountains, a biography of Paul Farmer, founder of Partners in Health. As a result of the project, which raises funds primarily by selling Haitian paintings and crafts, Chermaitre and the surrounding area is served by a 250-student school, a clinic that treats 3,000 patients annually, and clean water, the last from a Rotary Global Grant sponsored by the Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotary. Vassar now has a Rotaract Club, which is seeking grant money from Rotary to provide the clinic with electricity. It is inspiring work. \n\nLearn more:\nThe Vassar Haiti Project: http://www.thehaitiproject.org/\nPoughkeepsie-Arlington Rotary: http://rotary7210.org/arlington/\nThe Rotary Foundation Global Grants: https://my.rotary.org/en/take-action/apply-grants/global-grants\nMountains Beyond Mountains: https://www.tracykidder.com/mountains-beyond-mountains.html\nPartners in Health: https://www.pih.org/\nRotaract: https://www.rotary.org/en/get-involved/rotaract-clubs\n\nCATEGORIES\nEducation\nHealth\nInternational Programs\nRotary Club Projects\nRotary Foundation\nWater Projects","descriptionPreview":"For eighteen years, the Vassar-Haiti Project, started and still directed by Lila Meade and her husband Andrew, assistant dean of international students at Vassar College, has improved the lives of Haitians in the remote mountaintop village of Chermaitre and its surroundings. Vassar sophomore Mary McCarthy, publicity director of the project, and Lila Meade were the guests on RadioRotary for this show. Ms. McCarthy was inspired to work on the project by reading Mountains Beyond Mountains, a biography of Paul Farmer, founder of Partners in Health. As a result of the project, which raises funds primarily by selling Haitian paintings and crafts, Chermaitre and the surrounding area is served by a 250-student school, a clinic that treats 3,000 patients annually, and clean water, the last from a Rotary Global Grant sponsored by the Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotary. Vassar now has a Rotaract Club, which is seeking grant money from Rotary to provide the clinic with electricity. It is inspiring work. \n\nLearn more:\nThe Vassar Haiti Project: http://www.thehaitiproject.org/\nPoughkeepsie-Arlington Rotary: http://rotary7210.org/arlington/\nThe Rotary Foundation Global Grants: https://my.rotary.org/en/take-action/apply-grants/global-grants\nMountains Beyond Mountains: https://www.tracykidder.com/mountains-beyond-mountains.html\nPartners in Health: https://www.pih.org/\nRotaract: https://www.rotary.org/en/get-involved/rotaract-clubs\n\nCATEGORIES\nEducation\nHealth\nInternational Programs\nRotary Club Projects\nRotary Foundation\nWater Projects","duration":1801590,"episodeId":"e2kch2","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Vassar-Haiti-Project-Aired-on-November-10-and-11--2018-e2kch2","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Vassar-Haiti-Project-Aired-on-November-10-and-11--2018-e2kch2","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Vassar-Haiti Project (Aired on November 10 and 11, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-10-23T13:18:01.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1540300681,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-10-23T13:18:01.000Z","publishOn":"2018-10-23T13:17:52.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1540300672,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"fccee18a-806a-4442-78c3-2252244fcc5b","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Nick Constantino (Clarkstown Sunrise Rotary Club) and Alexandra Duenas, president of Clarkstown Sunrise, are two of the Rotarians working in partnership with the Neiva Noches Plateñas Rotary to help terminally ill children in and around Neiva, Colombia. The project is called “Hearts, Dreams and Laughs,” because it mostly consists of hiring professional clowns and other entertainers to bring some smiles to the nearly 200 children in hospitals in and around Nieva who will probably live the rest of their young lives in the hospitals. Clarkston Sunrise hopes to raise enough money to fund the project for a year. Both Nick and Alexandria are also suitcases filled with toys, including Beanie Babies supplied by Spring Valley Rotary, as they visit the hospitals. The project is Rotary all the way, since Clarkston Sunrise learned of it from Alexandra’s cousin, who is in president of Neiva Noches Plateñas Rotary—and you can learn more about it by listening to the interview with Past District Governor Nick Constantino on RadioRotary—and learn a little about Nick as well. \n\nLearn more:\nNeiva Noches Plateñas Rotary Club: http://rotary4281.org/clubes-en-huila/neiva-noches-platenas/\nClarkstown Sunrise Rotary Club: https://www.clarkstownsunriserotary.com/\nClarkstown Sunrise Rotary on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=clarkstown sunrise rotary\nSpring Valley Rotary Club: http://www.springvalleyrotaryny.org/\n\nCATEGORIES\nChildren\nHumanitarian Service\nInternational Programs\nRotary Club Projects\n","descriptionPreview":"Nick Constantino (Clarkstown Sunrise Rotary Club) and Alexandra Duenas, president of Clarkstown Sunrise, are two of the Rotarians working in partnership with the Neiva Noches Plateñas Rotary to help terminally ill children in and around Neiva, Colombia. The project is called “Hearts, Dreams and Laughs,” because it mostly consists of hiring professional clowns and other entertainers to bring some smiles to the nearly 200 children in hospitals in and around Nieva who will probably live the rest of their young lives in the hospitals. Clarkston Sunrise hopes to raise enough money to fund the project for a year. Both Nick and Alexandria are also suitcases filled with toys, including Beanie Babies supplied by Spring Valley Rotary, as they visit the hospitals. The project is Rotary all the way, since Clarkston Sunrise learned of it from Alexandra’s cousin, who is in president of Neiva Noches Plateñas Rotary—and you can learn more about it by listening to the interview with Past District Governor Nick Constantino on RadioRotary—and learn a little about Nick as well. \n\nLearn more:\nNeiva Noches Plateñas Rotary Club: http://rotary4281.org/clubes-en-huila/neiva-noches-platenas/\nClarkstown Sunrise Rotary Club: https://www.clarkstownsunriserotary.com/\nClarkstown Sunrise Rotary on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=clarkstown sunrise rotary\nSpring Valley Rotary Club: http://www.springvalleyrotaryny.org/\n\nCATEGORIES\nChildren\nHumanitarian Service\nInternational Programs\nRotary Club Projects\n","duration":1800728,"episodeId":"e2f9cp","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Hearts--Dreams--and-Laughs-Aired-On-October-20--21--2018-e2f9cp","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Hearts--Dreams--and-Laughs-Aired-On-October-20--21--2018-e2f9cp","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Hearts, Dreams, and Laughs (Aired On October 20 & 21, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-10-23T12:18:50.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1540297130,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-10-23T12:18:50.000Z","publishOn":"2018-10-23T12:18:40.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1540297120,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"475a1d2a-69b4-3996-612f-30a044ae86a9","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"You may never have heard about canine discrimination, but you will learn a lot from this fascinating interview with Stacey Coleman and Nicole Juchem of the Animal Farm Foundation. The Foundation, which started in the 1980s as a refuse farm for horses, it now is a nationwide advocate for pit bulls and a trainer and supplier of service dogs. It specialized in training dogs for very specific tasks, such as opening doors. Among its programs are training K9 dogs for police departments, dogs that learn to detect drugs or hidden weapons. The Foundation works with inmates at Rikers Island Correctional Facility, where inmates socialize dogs and teach them basic canine manners. The dogs are recruited from animal shelters. If the dog turns out to be resistant to training, the Foundation finds a suitable family to adopt it. \n\nLearn more:\nAnimal Farm Foundation, Inc.: https://animalfarmfoundation.org/\nAnimal Farm on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/animalfarmfoundation/\nPit Bull Discrimination: https://www.aspca.org/about-us/aspca-policy-and-position-statements/position-statement-pit-bulls\nService Dogs and Emotional Support Animals: https://usaservicedogs.org/\n\nCATEGORIES\nAnimals\nHumanitarian Service\nQuality of Life\nService Organizations\n","descriptionPreview":"You may never have heard about canine discrimination, but you will learn a lot from this fascinating interview with Stacey Coleman and Nicole Juchem of the Animal Farm Foundation. The Foundation, which started in the 1980s as a refuse farm for horses, it now is a nationwide advocate for pit bulls and a trainer and supplier of service dogs. It specialized in training dogs for very specific tasks, such as opening doors. Among its programs are training K9 dogs for police departments, dogs that learn to detect drugs or hidden weapons. The Foundation works with inmates at Rikers Island Correctional Facility, where inmates socialize dogs and teach them basic canine manners. The dogs are recruited from animal shelters. If the dog turns out to be resistant to training, the Foundation finds a suitable family to adopt it. \n\nLearn more:\nAnimal Farm Foundation, Inc.: https://animalfarmfoundation.org/\nAnimal Farm on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/animalfarmfoundation/\nPit Bull Discrimination: https://www.aspca.org/about-us/aspca-policy-and-position-statements/position-statement-pit-bulls\nService Dogs and Emotional Support Animals: https://usaservicedogs.org/\n\nCATEGORIES\nAnimals\nHumanitarian Service\nQuality of Life\nService Organizations\n","duration":1800910,"episodeId":"e2f90b","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Animal-Farm-Foundation--Aired-On-October-13--14--2018-e2f90b","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Animal-Farm-Foundation--Aired-On-October-13--14--2018-e2f90b","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Animal Farm Foundation (Aired On October 13 & 14, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-10-23T12:01:11.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1540296071,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-10-23T12:01:11.000Z","publishOn":"2018-10-23T12:01:02.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1540296062,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"e4b16270-7256-a445-05c1-32d73f58018f","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Zach Kirshner of the Hudson Valley Veterans Alliance, an organization that bridges the gap between serving the nation and services available to veterans. Since 2016 the volunteers of the Veterans Alliance have connected veterans with housing, mental health assistance, physical health needs, financial aid, and other useful services. The volunteers themselves have come together to provide assistance on such tasks as installing water heaters or septic tanks. All of their services are free to veterans of any US war or their families. Veterans often have a difficult time making the transition to civilian life or may have special problems resulting from exposure to toxic agents or enemy fire during their service, so they may need the extra help the Veterans Alliance provides.\n\nLearn more:\nHudson Valley Veterans Alliance: https://www.hudsonvalleyveteransalliance.org/\nVet2Vet of Dutchess Country: https://mhadutchess.org/programs-for-veterans/ \nMy Brother Vinny: https://www.mybrothervinny.org/index.html \nDutchess Country Division of Veterans Services: http://www.co.dutchess.ny.us/CountyGov/Departments/VeteransAffairs/VAindex.htm\nVA Hudson Valley Health Care System: https://www.hudsonvalley.va.gov/\nHudson River Housing: http://hudsonriverhousing.org/\n\nCATEGORIES\nFinancial Aid\nHousing Assistance\nHudson Valley\nSupport Groups","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Zach Kirshner of the Hudson Valley Veterans Alliance, an organization that bridges the gap between serving the nation and services available to veterans. Since 2016 the volunteers of the Veterans Alliance have connected veterans with housing, mental health assistance, physical health needs, financial aid, and other useful services. The volunteers themselves have come together to provide assistance on such tasks as installing water heaters or septic tanks. All of their services are free to veterans of any US war or their families. Veterans often have a difficult time making the transition to civilian life or may have special problems resulting from exposure to toxic agents or enemy fire during their service, so they may need the extra help the Veterans Alliance provides.\n\nLearn more:\nHudson Valley Veterans Alliance: https://www.hudsonvalleyveteransalliance.org/\nVet2Vet of Dutchess Country: https://mhadutchess.org/programs-for-veterans/ \nMy Brother Vinny: https://www.mybrothervinny.org/index.html \nDutchess Country Division of Veterans Services: http://www.co.dutchess.ny.us/CountyGov/Departments/VeteransAffairs/VAindex.htm\nVA Hudson Valley Health Care System: https://www.hudsonvalley.va.gov/\nHudson River Housing: http://hudsonriverhousing.org/\n\nCATEGORIES\nFinancial Aid\nHousing Assistance\nHudson Valley\nSupport Groups","duration":1842445,"episodeId":"e2f8uj","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Hudson-Valley-Veterans-Alliance-Aired-On-October-6--7--2018-e2f8uj","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Hudson-Valley-Veterans-Alliance-Aired-On-October-6--7--2018-e2f8uj","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Hudson Valley Veterans Alliance (Aired On October 6 & 7, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-10-23T02:04:36.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1540260276,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-10-23T02:04:37.000Z","publishOn":"2018-10-23T02:04:28.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1540260268,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"981c0004-9855-1a7d-5a75-f18632e7f5b9","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The Hudson Valley has a rich heritage of Italian immigration, making Putnam, Dutchess, Orange, Ulster, and Rockland counties among those with the highest percentages of Italian-Americans in the entire nation. The annual Italian-American Festival on the Kingston Waterfront celebrates this heritage with food, music, and Italian-American-themed products—free admission and free parking. It is a project of the Ulster County Italian-American Foundation, whose president, Highland Rotarian Tony Marmo, is this week’s guest on RadioRotary along with Anna Brett, who is chair of the fourth annual festival. The Italian-American Foundation supports its legacy in part with a dozen annual scholarships to college for students with an Italian heritage. The festival not only features many popular Italian food items, but also a wide selection of Italian wines and beers, as well as a spaghetti-eating contest and lessons in pizza-dough tossing. \n\nLearn more:\nUlster Country Italian American Foundation: http://www.ucitalianamericanfoundation.org/\nKingston, NY, Waterfront: http://thekingstonwaterfront.com/\nAmerican Italian Heritage Museum: http://www.americanitalianmuseum.org/\nHighland Rotary: https://highlandrotaryclub.com/\n\nCATEGORIES\nEvents\nHudson Valley\nNutrition\n","descriptionPreview":"The Hudson Valley has a rich heritage of Italian immigration, making Putnam, Dutchess, Orange, Ulster, and Rockland counties among those with the highest percentages of Italian-Americans in the entire nation. The annual Italian-American Festival on the Kingston Waterfront celebrates this heritage with food, music, and Italian-American-themed products—free admission and free parking. It is a project of the Ulster County Italian-American Foundation, whose president, Highland Rotarian Tony Marmo, is this week’s guest on RadioRotary along with Anna Brett, who is chair of the fourth annual festival. The Italian-American Foundation supports its legacy in part with a dozen annual scholarships to college for students with an Italian heritage. The festival not only features many popular Italian food items, but also a wide selection of Italian wines and beers, as well as a spaghetti-eating contest and lessons in pizza-dough tossing. \n\nLearn more:\nUlster Country Italian American Foundation: http://www.ucitalianamericanfoundation.org/\nKingston, NY, Waterfront: http://thekingstonwaterfront.com/\nAmerican Italian Heritage Museum: http://www.americanitalianmuseum.org/\nHighland Rotary: https://highlandrotaryclub.com/\n\nCATEGORIES\nEvents\nHudson Valley\nNutrition\n","duration":1790200,"episodeId":"e2f721","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Ulster-Italian-American-Festival-Aired-On-September-29--30--2018-e2f721","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Ulster-Italian-American-Festival-Aired-On-September-29--30--2018-e2f721","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Ulster Italian-American Festival (Aired On September 29 & 30, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-09-25T09:23:10.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1537867390,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-09-25T09:23:10.000Z","publishOn":"2018-09-25T09:23:01.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1537867381,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b78f9e7c-df58-66d9-be1f-f5c2930adfa0","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Newburgh Rotarians Doug Sturomski and Andrew Ciccone visit RadioRotary to describe the club’s annual fundraiser, The Taste of Greater Newburgh, which takes place under a tent on the campus of Mount Saint Mary College, making it a rain-or-shine event. Over two-dozen food or drink vendors provide an all-you-can-eat-or-drink experience for a modest per-person fee. The money raised each year supports the numerous community activities of Newburgh Rotary, ranging from Meals on Wheels and school supplies for needy children to the Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra. Doug Sturomski is also active in the Peace Pole Project, helping install poles with the message “May peace prevail on Earth” in eight languages around the eight counties of Rotary District 7210. Andrew Ciccone in addition to Rotary duties is on the Board of the Clove Creek Dinner Theater in Fishkill, a frequent venue for charitable fundraisers. \n\nLearn more:\nThe Taste of Greater Newburgh: https://www.tasteofgreaternewburgh.com/","descriptionPreview":"Newburgh Rotarians Doug Sturomski and Andrew Ciccone visit RadioRotary to describe the club’s annual fundraiser, The Taste of Greater Newburgh, which takes place under a tent on the campus of Mount Saint Mary College, making it a rain-or-shine event. Over two-dozen food or drink vendors provide an all-you-can-eat-or-drink experience for a modest per-person fee. The money raised each year supports the numerous community activities of Newburgh Rotary, ranging from Meals on Wheels and school supplies for needy children to the Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra. Doug Sturomski is also active in the Peace Pole Project, helping install poles with the message “May peace prevail on Earth” in eight languages around the eight counties of Rotary District 7210. Andrew Ciccone in addition to Rotary duties is on the Board of the Clove Creek Dinner Theater in Fishkill, a frequent venue for charitable fundraisers. \n\nLearn more:\nThe Taste of Greater Newburgh: https://www.tasteofgreaternewburgh.com/","duration":1790279,"episodeId":"e29ljc","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Taste-of-Greater-Newburgh--September-22--23--2018-e29ljc","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Taste-of-Greater-Newburgh--September-22--23--2018-e29ljc","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Taste of Greater Newburgh (September 22 & 23, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-09-24T01:22:44.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1537752164,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-09-24T01:22:44.000Z","publishOn":"2018-09-24T01:22:34.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1537752154,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"32db7113-d672-d716-0455-202c92441784","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotarian Veronica McMillan, an attorney, and Janna Whearty, Executive Director of the Dutchess Country Bar Association, on the programs of the Country Bar, an organization of 548 attorneys practicing in Dutchess County and the Hudson Valley. The group is best known for evaluating candidates for judgeships, but it does much more. One of the useful services is based in the different specialties of lawyers; the Lawyer Referral Service directs persons in need of legal help to attorneys who specialize in the problem, whether it be patent law; wills, health-care proxies, or power of attorney; real-estate transactions; consumer issues; or criminal matters. The Bar Association is also involved in the continuous education required of licensed attorneys. Every May the Association sponsors the annual Law Day event. \n\nLearn more:\nDutchess Country Bar Association: http://dutchesscountybar.org/\n","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotarian Veronica McMillan, an attorney, and Janna Whearty, Executive Director of the Dutchess Country Bar Association, on the programs of the Country Bar, an organization of 548 attorneys practicing in Dutchess County and the Hudson Valley. The group is best known for evaluating candidates for judgeships, but it does much more. One of the useful services is based in the different specialties of lawyers; the Lawyer Referral Service directs persons in need of legal help to attorneys who specialize in the problem, whether it be patent law; wills, health-care proxies, or power of attorney; real-estate transactions; consumer issues; or criminal matters. The Bar Association is also involved in the continuous education required of licensed attorneys. Every May the Association sponsors the annual Law Day event. \n\nLearn more:\nDutchess Country Bar Association: http://dutchesscountybar.org/\n","duration":1800519,"episodeId":"e29f3n","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Helping-the-Public-with-Legal-Issues-Sept--15--16--2018-e29f3n","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Helping-the-Public-with-Legal-Issues-Sept--15--16--2018-e29f3n","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Helping the Public with Legal Issues (Sept. 15 & 16, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-09-17T19:54:25.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1537214065,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-09-17T19:54:25.000Z","publishOn":"2018-09-17T19:54:16.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1537214056,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a76d79da-81fe-ba1e-6817-64803313e694","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary co-hosts Sarah O’Connell-Claitor and Jonah Triebwasser interview two Patterson Rotarians, Billy Flash and Paul Toscana, about the Patterson Rotary’s annual Blues and BBQ Festival, a music-and-food tradition in Putnam County for the past seven years. Unlike most similar events, admission and parking are both free, which includes enjoying as many as nine different bands\nplaying blues, rock-and-roll, and jazz (over the two days of the festival). The only cost is for food and drink purchased directly from the Rotary Club, which smokes\nits own ribs and barbecues pulled-pork and even bakes the baguettes for sandwiches. They even take care to use a locally raised hog for the pork. In addition to the food, the music by local musicians and stars from the New York Blues Hall of Fame is a big attraction at the outdoor event.\n\nLearn more:\nPatterson Rotary Club: https://www.pattersonrotary.org/","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary co-hosts Sarah O’Connell-Claitor and Jonah Triebwasser interview two Patterson Rotarians, Billy Flash and Paul Toscana, about the Patterson Rotary’s annual Blues and BBQ Festival, a music-and-food tradition in Putnam County for the past seven years. Unlike most similar events, admission and parking are both free, which includes enjoying as many as nine different bands\nplaying blues, rock-and-roll, and jazz (over the two days of the festival). The only cost is for food and drink purchased directly from the Rotary Club, which smokes\nits own ribs and barbecues pulled-pork and even bakes the baguettes for sandwiches. They even take care to use a locally raised hog for the pork. In addition to the food, the music by local musicians and stars from the New York Blues Hall of Fame is a big attraction at the outdoor event.\n\nLearn more:\nPatterson Rotary Club: https://www.pattersonrotary.org/","duration":1801015,"episodeId":"e28bh8","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Patterson-Blues--BBQ-Festival-September-8-amp-9--2018-e28bh8","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Patterson-Blues--BBQ-Festival-September-8-amp-9--2018-e28bh8","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Patterson Blues & BBQ Festival (September 8 & 9, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-09-16T22:33:47.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1537137227,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-09-16T22:33:47.000Z","publishOn":"2018-09-16T22:33:37.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1537137217,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"0e6e02ec-6346-6968-6881-2729c66477a1","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"\nRadioRotary interviews Geoff Miller, Chair of the Steering Committee for the Reher Center for Immigrant Culture and History, a project of the Jewish Federation of Ulster County. The Center is a museum celebrating all the immigrants who settled the region, not just the Jews, and occupies a 19th-century Jewish bakery that primarily served the immigrants who streamed into America throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries. The museum aims to depict immigrant life of that period. The Reher Center, at 99-101 Broadway in the Historic Roundout waterfront of Kingston, New York, is located in the part of Kingston that was originally a small community on the Hudson, while Kingston itself occupied the bluff above the river. The Center is a work in progress, with the museum only open a few hours a week at present. Tours require special arrangements. \n\nLearn more:\nReher Center for Immigrant Culture and History: https://www.rehercenter.org/","descriptionPreview":"\nRadioRotary interviews Geoff Miller, Chair of the Steering Committee for the Reher Center for Immigrant Culture and History, a project of the Jewish Federation of Ulster County. The Center is a museum celebrating all the immigrants who settled the region, not just the Jews, and occupies a 19th-century Jewish bakery that primarily served the immigrants who streamed into America throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries. The museum aims to depict immigrant life of that period. The Reher Center, at 99-101 Broadway in the Historic Roundout waterfront of Kingston, New York, is located in the part of Kingston that was originally a small community on the Hudson, while Kingston itself occupied the bluff above the river. The Center is a work in progress, with the museum only open a few hours a week at present. Tours require special arrangements. \n\nLearn more:\nReher Center for Immigrant Culture and History: https://www.rehercenter.org/","duration":1800937,"episodeId":"e282ph","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Reher-Center-in-Roundout--Kingston--September-1--22--2018-e282ph","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Reher-Center-in-Roundout--Kingston--September-1--22--2018-e282ph","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Reher Center in Roundout, Kingston (September 1 & 22, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-09-15T19:25:46.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1537039546,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-09-15T19:25:46.000Z","publishOn":"2018-09-15T19:25:36.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1537039536,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"9a3c3f96-bfa4-313a-185d-a93c618ad6d6","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The Hudson Valley has a long history of ghosts and mysteries, but the most famous may be the Headless Horseman, a figure from Washington Irving’s short story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, loosely based on a legend from the American Revolution. RadioRotary interviews Jonathan Kruk and his wife, film-maker Andrea Sadler Kruk. It is Jonathan who tells the story of the Headless Horseman in Sleepy Hollow’s Old Dutch Church (among the oldest buildings in the Hudson Valley) every October, and Andrea who has filmed it. The two are both storytellers going well beyond the tale of the Headless Horseman. Jonathan regales audiences many local legends at schools and other venues around the Hudson Valley; Andrea makes documentary films, including The Sacred Run, which combines traditional stories of indigenous peoples from both North America and Japan. \n\nLearn more:\nJonathan Kruk: https://www.jonathankruk.com/\n","descriptionPreview":"The Hudson Valley has a long history of ghosts and mysteries, but the most famous may be the Headless Horseman, a figure from Washington Irving’s short story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, loosely based on a legend from the American Revolution. RadioRotary interviews Jonathan Kruk and his wife, film-maker Andrea Sadler Kruk. It is Jonathan who tells the story of the Headless Horseman in Sleepy Hollow’s Old Dutch Church (among the oldest buildings in the Hudson Valley) every October, and Andrea who has filmed it. The two are both storytellers going well beyond the tale of the Headless Horseman. Jonathan regales audiences many local legends at schools and other venues around the Hudson Valley; Andrea makes documentary films, including The Sacred Run, which combines traditional stories of indigenous peoples from both North America and Japan. \n\nLearn more:\nJonathan Kruk: https://www.jonathankruk.com/\n","duration":1800597,"episodeId":"e27u9t","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Local-Legends-Retold-and-More-August-25--26--2018-e27u9t","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Local-Legends-Retold-and-More-August-25--26--2018-e27u9t","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Local Legends Retold and More (August 25 & 26, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-09-15T00:37:37.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1536971857,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-09-15T00:37:37.000Z","publishOn":"2018-09-15T00:37:27.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1536971847,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f1078b64-c557-9bc7-b672-0bcfcb753980","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews President Mike Fick and Alicia Marcinkowski of the recently merged Kingston Rotary Club, which manages to be both the newest and oldest Rotary in District 7210 at the same time. It is newest because of the recent merger of the Kingston Sunshine Club with the original Kingston Rotary and the oldest as the original club originated in 1916, just 11 years after Rotary started in Chicago. The merged club has both breakfast and lunch meetings, alternating weekly. The club is responsible for Kingston Point Rotary Park, a site of barbecues (barbecue is very important to the club) and the annual Mutt Strutt.\n\nThe programs describes many of the activities and good works of the club, including support for the Patriots home for homeless veterans.\n\nLearn more:\nRotary Club of Kingston: https://portal.clubrunner.ca/2222 &\nhttp://www.kingstonnyrotary.org/\n","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews President Mike Fick and Alicia Marcinkowski of the recently merged Kingston Rotary Club, which manages to be both the newest and oldest Rotary in District 7210 at the same time. It is newest because of the recent merger of the Kingston Sunshine Club with the original Kingston Rotary and the oldest as the original club originated in 1916, just 11 years after Rotary started in Chicago. The merged club has both breakfast and lunch meetings, alternating weekly. The club is responsible for Kingston Point Rotary Park, a site of barbecues (barbecue is very important to the club) and the annual Mutt Strutt.\n\nThe programs describes many of the activities and good works of the club, including support for the Patriots home for homeless veterans.\n\nLearn more:\nRotary Club of Kingston: https://portal.clubrunner.ca/2222 &\nhttp://www.kingstonnyrotary.org/\n","duration":1873771,"episodeId":"e27rvb","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Kingston-Rotary--Oldest-in-District-August-18--19--2018-e27rvb","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Kingston-Rotary--Oldest-in-District-August-18--19--2018-e27rvb","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Kingston Rotary, Oldest in District (August 18 & 19, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-09-14T03:39:09.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1536896349,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-09-14T03:39:09.000Z","publishOn":"2018-09-14T03:39:00.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1536896340,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"eedb97d9-ca24-5fde-64d6-56af4da1dbfa","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Recorded live by RadioRotary at the Highland Rotary Club, Highland Rotarians Steve Laubach and Don Verity tell about the glories of eating barbecue (and listening to music) at the fourteenth annual Hudson Valley Ribfest, the biggest, best barbecue in New York State, which takes place every August at Ulster County Fairgrounds just outside New Paltz. In addition to great food and music by local performers, the Ribfest has many activities for children and some special events. The $7 admission (free parking) is waived on Friday night for holders of advance tickets. Features include the Chef Demonstration Tent, where local chefs provide cooking and decorating tips and also offer free samples of the foods being demonstrated. In Competition Alley, individual barbecue chefs compete for cash prizes and a grand prize of the State Championship and entry into the World Series of Barbecue in Kansas City. \n\nHudson Valley Ribfest: https://hudsonvalleyribfest.org/","descriptionPreview":"Recorded live by RadioRotary at the Highland Rotary Club, Highland Rotarians Steve Laubach and Don Verity tell about the glories of eating barbecue (and listening to music) at the fourteenth annual Hudson Valley Ribfest, the biggest, best barbecue in New York State, which takes place every August at Ulster County Fairgrounds just outside New Paltz. In addition to great food and music by local performers, the Ribfest has many activities for children and some special events. The $7 admission (free parking) is waived on Friday night for holders of advance tickets. Features include the Chef Demonstration Tent, where local chefs provide cooking and decorating tips and also offer free samples of the foods being demonstrated. In Competition Alley, individual barbecue chefs compete for cash prizes and a grand prize of the State Championship and entry into the World Series of Barbecue in Kansas City. \n\nHudson Valley Ribfest: https://hudsonvalleyribfest.org/","duration":1926742,"episodeId":"e275eh","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Biggest--Best-Barbecue-Aired-On-August-11--12--2018-e275eh","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Biggest--Best-Barbecue-Aired-On-August-11--12--2018-e275eh","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Biggest, Best Barbecue (Aired On August 11 & 12, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-08-08T13:09:14.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1533733754,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-08-08T13:09:14.000Z","publishOn":"2018-08-08T13:09:04.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1533733744,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"17b2b362-6afc-a976-5483-4b3c98dcfbfc","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews three distinguished Rotarians: Donna Gunn of the Lakeway/Lake Travis (Texas) Rotary Club, Peggy Rogers of Sebastopol (California) Rotary, and Rotary 2017-18 President Ian H.S. Riseley of the Sandringham (Australia) Club as all visit the International Convention in Toronto, Ontario. Ms. Gunn is Special Projects Chair of Rotary 3D Limbs, which proved 3D printed limbs, primarily legs, for children in need. The printed limbs not only cost less than 1% of hand-made and fitted limbs. They can be adjusted to make an exact fit for no extra cost and are adjustable in length so that they grow with the child. Ms. Rogers is representing the Family Safety Rotary Action Group (RAG), dedicated to breaking the cycle of domestic violence, which can affect men and children as well as women. RI President Riseley looks back at his tree-planting campaign and other hallmarks of his year, as well as outlining a path for the future of Rotary.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews three distinguished Rotarians: Donna Gunn of the Lakeway/Lake Travis (Texas) Rotary Club, Peggy Rogers of Sebastopol (California) Rotary, and Rotary 2017-18 President Ian H.S. Riseley of the Sandringham (Australia) Club as all visit the International Convention in Toronto, Ontario. Ms. Gunn is Special Projects Chair of Rotary 3D Limbs, which proved 3D printed limbs, primarily legs, for children in need. The printed limbs not only cost less than 1% of hand-made and fitted limbs. They can be adjusted to make an exact fit for no extra cost and are adjustable in length so that they grow with the child. Ms. Rogers is representing the Family Safety Rotary Action Group (RAG), dedicated to breaking the cycle of domestic violence, which can affect men and children as well as women. RI President Riseley looks back at his tree-planting campaign and other hallmarks of his year, as well as outlining a path for the future of Rotary.","duration":1521274,"episodeId":"e1vp8g","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Toronto-Rotary-Convention--Part-3-August-4--5--2018-e1vp8g","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Toronto-Rotary-Convention--Part-3-August-4--5--2018-e1vp8g","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Toronto Rotary Convention, Part 3 (August 4 & 5, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-08-01T16:49:07.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1533142147,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-08-01T16:49:09.000Z","publishOn":"2018-08-01T16:49:00.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1533142140,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"70d7bfae-57bb-0aeb-79bb-7074002f2fa9","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Mid-Hudson American Cancer Society (Aired on July 28 and 29, 2018)\nKristine Revelle of the American Cancer Society in the Mid-Hudson comes to RadioRotary to discuss the many ways that the Cancer Society is fighting the hundreds of diseases that we lump together as cancer.\n\nThe Society emphasizes education about the causes of cancer, advocacy for cancer issues with local and national governments, research on the causes and cures of cancer, and services for the victims of cancer. The Mid-Hudson Region has been at the forefront of cancer=prevent studies since 1959. Ms. Revelle tells listeners ways that they can reduce their risk of developing cancer and outlines resources from the Society to help in recovery. Events, such as the annual Breast Cancer Walk and the campaign “Real Men Wear Pink” help not only to raise money for the Society but also create awareness.","descriptionPreview":"Mid-Hudson American Cancer Society (Aired on July 28 and 29, 2018)\nKristine Revelle of the American Cancer Society in the Mid-Hudson comes to RadioRotary to discuss the many ways that the Cancer Society is fighting the hundreds of diseases that we lump together as cancer.\n\nThe Society emphasizes education about the causes of cancer, advocacy for cancer issues with local and national governments, research on the causes and cures of cancer, and services for the victims of cancer. The Mid-Hudson Region has been at the forefront of cancer=prevent studies since 1959. Ms. Revelle tells listeners ways that they can reduce their risk of developing cancer and outlines resources from the Society to help in recovery. Events, such as the annual Breast Cancer Walk and the campaign “Real Men Wear Pink” help not only to raise money for the Society but also create awareness.","duration":1798094,"episodeId":"e1u56u","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/American-Cancer-Society-July-28th-and-July-29th--2018-e1u56u","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/American-Cancer-Society-July-28th-and-July-29th--2018-e1u56u","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"American Cancer Society (July 28th and July 29th, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T23:15:47.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532906147,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T23:15:47.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T23:15:38.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532906138,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"11e77518-75db-f5dc-b609-80a236e9ac36","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Mary Albrecht of the Town of Pleasant Valley visits RadioRotary to describe the annual festival known as Pleasant Valley Week end, which has moved from its previous time in September to July. The event features three separate parades through the hamlet—a motorcycle parade on Friday, the big parade and fireworks on Saturday, and a parade of automobiles on Sunday. Most of the events and activities during the event are aimed at children (although Pleasant Valley Rotary runs a beer-and-wine tent), including a Ferris wheel and other rides, contests of various kinds, and a “Little Miss Pleasant Valley” pageant for girls 5 to 7 years old. But the whole family can enjoy the bands, the country music, and the typical carnival foods, as well as the race of plastic ducks down nearby Wappingers Creek.","descriptionPreview":"Mary Albrecht of the Town of Pleasant Valley visits RadioRotary to describe the annual festival known as Pleasant Valley Week end, which has moved from its previous time in September to July. The event features three separate parades through the hamlet—a motorcycle parade on Friday, the big parade and fireworks on Saturday, and a parade of automobiles on Sunday. Most of the events and activities during the event are aimed at children (although Pleasant Valley Rotary runs a beer-and-wine tent), including a Ferris wheel and other rides, contests of various kinds, and a “Little Miss Pleasant Valley” pageant for girls 5 to 7 years old. But the whole family can enjoy the bands, the country music, and the typical carnival foods, as well as the race of plastic ducks down nearby Wappingers Creek.","duration":1784824,"episodeId":"e1t96g","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Weekend-Fun-Aired-on-July-21-and-22--2018-e1t96g","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Weekend-Fun-Aired-on-July-21-and-22--2018-e1t96g","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Pleasant Valley Weekend Fun (Aired on July 21 and 22, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T22:54:22.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532904862,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T22:54:22.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T22:54:12.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532904852,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f2950da1-44de-ba0f-0882-9840a3d0bf7f","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Here are four more stories of people putting service before self from the 2018 Toronto Rotary International Convention. Sole 4 Souls not only distributes shoes and other clothing around the world, but also creates sustainable jobs in third-world nations. World Bicycle Relief does not provide relief for bicycles, but provides bicycles for relief of travel problems in places with bad roads or none. The specially designed bicycles are strong enough for bumpy rides and easy to\nrepair if needed. Rise Against Hunger recognizes that there is food enough for every person on the planet, but 815 million people, many of them children, go hungry because food is unequally distributed. The volunteers at Rise Against Hunger work on assembly lines to produce nourishing food packages; often the volunteers are Rotarians. Rotary is most known, however, for its steps to end polio now, which is discussed by Al Bonney of Traverse City Rotary. ","descriptionPreview":"Here are four more stories of people putting service before self from the 2018 Toronto Rotary International Convention. Sole 4 Souls not only distributes shoes and other clothing around the world, but also creates sustainable jobs in third-world nations. World Bicycle Relief does not provide relief for bicycles, but provides bicycles for relief of travel problems in places with bad roads or none. The specially designed bicycles are strong enough for bumpy rides and easy to\nrepair if needed. Rise Against Hunger recognizes that there is food enough for every person on the planet, but 815 million people, many of them children, go hungry because food is unequally distributed. The volunteers at Rise Against Hunger work on assembly lines to produce nourishing food packages; often the volunteers are Rotarians. Rotary is most known, however, for its steps to end polio now, which is discussed by Al Bonney of Traverse City Rotary. ","duration":1448602,"episodeId":"e1t928","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Toronto-Rotary-Convention--Part-2-July-14-and-15--2018-e1t928","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Toronto-Rotary-Convention--Part-2-July-14-and-15--2018-e1t928","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Toronto Rotary Convention, Part 2 (July 14 and 15, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T22:42:52.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532904172,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T22:42:52.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T22:42:43.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532904163,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ecaef1df-b000-8513-6742-21b1b3861ee0","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Each year RadioRotary takes its microphone to the Rotary International Convention, which in 2018 is in Toronto, Ontario. Some 24,000 Rotarians are in attendance and RadioRotary gets as many of the great stories as it can. One of the interviews in this show is with Ellen Haggerty, a Pleasant Valley Rotarian whose mission to improve hearing and make life easier for those who are hearing impaired takes her all over the world. Her organization, Rotarians for Hearing, is one of the many Rotary Action Groups, or RAGs, that deal with specific issues. One of the highlights of the RadioRotary interviews at the International Convention is the interview with the new president of Rotary International; for 2018-19, it is Barry Rassin from the Rotary Club of East Nassau in the Bahamas.","descriptionPreview":"Each year RadioRotary takes its microphone to the Rotary International Convention, which in 2018 is in Toronto, Ontario. Some 24,000 Rotarians are in attendance and RadioRotary gets as many of the great stories as it can. One of the interviews in this show is with Ellen Haggerty, a Pleasant Valley Rotarian whose mission to improve hearing and make life easier for those who are hearing impaired takes her all over the world. Her organization, Rotarians for Hearing, is one of the many Rotary Action Groups, or RAGs, that deal with specific issues. One of the highlights of the RadioRotary interviews at the International Convention is the interview with the new president of Rotary International; for 2018-19, it is Barry Rassin from the Rotary Club of East Nassau in the Bahamas.","duration":1386509,"episodeId":"e1t901","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Toronto-Rotary-Convention--Part-1-July-7--2018-e1t901","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Toronto-Rotary-Convention--Part-1-July-7--2018-e1t901","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Toronto Rotary Convention, Part 1 (July 7, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T22:30:08.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532903408,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T22:30:08.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T22:29:59.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532903399,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"eb9f5d30-02fb-b383-8c72-6724f7ca6b64","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Kimberly Kochen, Executive Director of The Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse, located in Poughkeepsie, N, the nonprofit agency dedicated to the reduction of child maltreatment since 1973. Among their programs are outreach to elementary schools for educating children and to PTAs\nand other groups for educating adults. Almost 17,000 children per year are\nserved, mostly through lessons in schools, ranging from puppet shows for younger children to more formal teaching though grade 6. Child abuse is a major problem but only about one in a thousand children will report it. Everyone who suspects child abuse should call the NYS Central Registry at 1(800) 342-3720 or in case of immediate harm, 911. Parents and others are urged to “trust your gut” if you suspect anything, and take action immediately. Abuse during childhood\noften affects the person abused for his or her entire life.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Kimberly Kochen, Executive Director of The Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse, located in Poughkeepsie, N, the nonprofit agency dedicated to the reduction of child maltreatment since 1973. Among their programs are outreach to elementary schools for educating children and to PTAs\nand other groups for educating adults. Almost 17,000 children per year are\nserved, mostly through lessons in schools, ranging from puppet shows for younger children to more formal teaching though grade 6. Child abuse is a major problem but only about one in a thousand children will report it. Everyone who suspects child abuse should call the NYS Central Registry at 1(800) 342-3720 or in case of immediate harm, 911. Parents and others are urged to “trust your gut” if you suspect anything, and take action immediately. Abuse during childhood\noften affects the person abused for his or her entire life.","duration":1575923,"episodeId":"e1t8tm","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Preventing-Child-Abuse-Aired-on-June-30th-and-July-1-2018-e1t8tm","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Preventing-Child-Abuse-Aired-on-June-30th-and-July-1-2018-e1t8tm","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Preventing Child Abuse (Aired on June 30th and July 1 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T22:10:16.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532902216,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T22:10:16.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T22:10:07.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532902207,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"8b79d848-a3ab-a184-ccb0-2bca90e6979e","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"District Governor 2018-19 Christine Giangrasso (Aired on June 23 and 24, 2018) A long-standing tradition of RadioRotary is the interview with each incoming District Governor (DG) of District 7210, the person who will lead the 55 clubs in 8 counties that make up the District. From July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2018, that person will be Christine (“Chrissy G.”) Giangrasso of the Highland Rotary Club. DG Giangrasso brings to the District an attitude of “We Can Do It,” inspired by World War II’s Rosy the Riveter, Sylvia Whitlock (first woman Rotarian in 1987), and the women of Rotary—but not leaving out the men of Rotary. Among her goals for the 2018-19 Rotary Year are revving up the fight against opioid addiction and engaging with the 46 Interact clubs of the District. As a member of Highland Rotary as well as DG, she will be involved in that club’s annual fundraiser, the August Ribfest at Ulster Fairgrounds.","descriptionPreview":"District Governor 2018-19 Christine Giangrasso (Aired on June 23 and 24, 2018) A long-standing tradition of RadioRotary is the interview with each incoming District Governor (DG) of District 7210, the person who will lead the 55 clubs in 8 counties that make up the District. From July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2018, that person will be Christine (“Chrissy G.”) Giangrasso of the Highland Rotary Club. DG Giangrasso brings to the District an attitude of “We Can Do It,” inspired by World War II’s Rosy the Riveter, Sylvia Whitlock (first woman Rotarian in 1987), and the women of Rotary—but not leaving out the men of Rotary. Among her goals for the 2018-19 Rotary Year are revving up the fight against opioid addiction and engaging with the 46 Interact clubs of the District. As a member of Highland Rotary as well as DG, she will be involved in that club’s annual fundraiser, the August Ribfest at Ulster Fairgrounds.","duration":1531488,"episodeId":"e1t8q6","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-fun-and-fellowship-of-Rotary-June-23rd--24th--2018-e1t8q6","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-fun-and-fellowship-of-Rotary-June-23rd--24th--2018-e1t8q6","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The fun and fellowship of Rotary (June 23rd & 24th, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T21:55:06.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532901306,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T21:55:06.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T21:54:57.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532901297,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"d255eb1e-db80-400f-8418-51594e2c7ae4","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Marjorie Nichols Keith, Executive Director of the Putnam Country Cornell Cooperative Extension, brings 4-H Club member Patrick Salerno to RadioRotary to help tell about the 47th annual Putnam County 4-H Fair at Veteran Memorial Park in Carmel. The Fair is a big family event with food booths, music, a Master Gardener plant sale, horse and dog shows, an auction, and activities such as Touch a Truck and a magic tent. There is free admission and free parking. Over 500 volunteers make the weekend event happen, ranging from Rotary clubs, Lions clubs, village officials, and of course 4-H clubs. If you are not in Putnam Country, you can check your county’s Cornell Cooperative Extension Website for the location and dates of the fair nearest you.","descriptionPreview":"Marjorie Nichols Keith, Executive Director of the Putnam Country Cornell Cooperative Extension, brings 4-H Club member Patrick Salerno to RadioRotary to help tell about the 47th annual Putnam County 4-H Fair at Veteran Memorial Park in Carmel. The Fair is a big family event with food booths, music, a Master Gardener plant sale, horse and dog shows, an auction, and activities such as Touch a Truck and a magic tent. There is free admission and free parking. Over 500 volunteers make the weekend event happen, ranging from Rotary clubs, Lions clubs, village officials, and of course 4-H clubs. If you are not in Putnam Country, you can check your county’s Cornell Cooperative Extension Website for the location and dates of the fair nearest you.","duration":1539142,"episodeId":"e1t8ne","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/PUTNAM-COUNTY-4-H-JUNE-16-AND-JUNE-17--2018-e1t8ne","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/PUTNAM-COUNTY-4-H-JUNE-16-AND-JUNE-17--2018-e1t8ne","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"PUTNAM COUNTY 4-H (JUNE 16 AND JUNE 17, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T21:43:49.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532900629,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T21:43:49.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T21:43:39.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532900619,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ec16709f-4513-c5cb-7832-0df9776dace2","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Total Transportation for Local Charities (Aired on June 9 and 10, 2018) RadioRotary interviews two employees of Total Transportation Corp., a business that goes out of its way to help local community organizations such as Rotary clubs. Vincent Marzello is the Regional Director of Operations, working out of Wappinger Falls, while MaryAnne Coe is the Location Manager in that office. Marzello and Coe describe how they loan out equipment, often with volunteer drivers (regular employees who volunteer their time), to chairitable organizations such as Pleasant Valley Rotary. The Rotary club regularly runs a “Stuff the Bus” campaign for the local food pantry, and Total Transportation provides the bus, which (festooned with a large sign) is parked in a supermarket lot until donors have filled it with food, which the bus then transmits to the food pantry. In some other recent charitable events, Total Transportation carried supplies for Puerto Rican victims of Hurricane Maria.","descriptionPreview":"Total Transportation for Local Charities (Aired on June 9 and 10, 2018) RadioRotary interviews two employees of Total Transportation Corp., a business that goes out of its way to help local community organizations such as Rotary clubs. Vincent Marzello is the Regional Director of Operations, working out of Wappinger Falls, while MaryAnne Coe is the Location Manager in that office. Marzello and Coe describe how they loan out equipment, often with volunteer drivers (regular employees who volunteer their time), to chairitable organizations such as Pleasant Valley Rotary. The Rotary club regularly runs a “Stuff the Bus” campaign for the local food pantry, and Total Transportation provides the bus, which (festooned with a large sign) is parked in a supermarket lot until donors have filled it with food, which the bus then transmits to the food pantry. In some other recent charitable events, Total Transportation carried supplies for Puerto Rican victims of Hurricane Maria.","duration":1566780,"episodeId":"e1t8lq","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Stuff-The-Bus-Aired-on-June-9th-and-June-10th-2018-e1t8lq","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Stuff-The-Bus-Aired-on-June-9th-and-June-10th-2018-e1t8lq","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Stuff The Bus (Aired on June 9th and June 10th 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T21:30:40.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532899840,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T21:30:41.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T21:30:32.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532899832,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"af185f23-b75e-b61d-d628-1cbb62235490","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotarians Gary Silver and Gary Siegel report to RadioRotary on an\nimportant program that they have been developing and monitoring, including their 16 trips to Haiti. Working with the Rotary Club deCap-Haïtien, the Liberty Club has distributed over a thousand two-bucket water filtration systems to families in Cap-Haïtien, a historic city of about 200,000 whose water supply is not potable (suitable for drinking). This effort began as a Rotary District 2710 grant but now is funded largely by a Rotary Foundation Global Grant, which pays about $105 per family, including the cost of technicians who install the system, teach the family how to use it, and monitor it twice a month thereafter. The Liberty Club is best known for providing and coordinating disaster relief after hurricanes Katrina on the Gulf Coast, Harvey in Houston, and Maria in Puerto Rico, although they also are involved in many local community projects.","descriptionPreview":"Rotarians Gary Silver and Gary Siegel report to RadioRotary on an\nimportant program that they have been developing and monitoring, including their 16 trips to Haiti. Working with the Rotary Club deCap-Haïtien, the Liberty Club has distributed over a thousand two-bucket water filtration systems to families in Cap-Haïtien, a historic city of about 200,000 whose water supply is not potable (suitable for drinking). This effort began as a Rotary District 2710 grant but now is funded largely by a Rotary Foundation Global Grant, which pays about $105 per family, including the cost of technicians who install the system, teach the family how to use it, and monitor it twice a month thereafter. The Liberty Club is best known for providing and coordinating disaster relief after hurricanes Katrina on the Gulf Coast, Harvey in Houston, and Maria in Puerto Rico, although they also are involved in many local community projects.","duration":1546665,"episodeId":"e1t8jg","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Haiti-Water-Project-Aired-on-June-2-and-June-3rd-2018-e1t8jg","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Haiti-Water-Project-Aired-on-June-2-and-June-3rd-2018-e1t8jg","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Haiti Water Project (Aired on June 2 and June 3rd 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T21:13:34.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532898814,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T21:13:34.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T21:13:24.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532898804,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b99eb190-3aab-0302-5080-dc8dbb926ae9","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"New Paltz Rotarian Toni Hokanson visits RadioRotary to promote the annual “Touch-a-Truck” fair at Ulster County Fairgrounds. While the basic attraction for kids are the trucks, with a chance to climb all over them and sound their horns, the inexpensive family outing includes much more in the way of free entertainment, ranging from the Hurd’s Family Cow Train (cars shaped like cars, pulled by a tractor) to the giant pile of mulch for young mountain-climbers to tackle. The only additional expense is for fair food or a helicopter ride. “Touch-a-Truck” is a major fundraiser for New Paltz Rotary, despite the low per person admission (truck exhibitors also support it with entrance fees), which helps support the good works of the club. These include a weekly food-backpack program for children in the New Paltz schools who would otherwise be food deprived and scholarships, including a new 2-year scholarship to SUNY Ulster College for students whose parents did not attend college. ","descriptionPreview":"New Paltz Rotarian Toni Hokanson visits RadioRotary to promote the annual “Touch-a-Truck” fair at Ulster County Fairgrounds. While the basic attraction for kids are the trucks, with a chance to climb all over them and sound their horns, the inexpensive family outing includes much more in the way of free entertainment, ranging from the Hurd’s Family Cow Train (cars shaped like cars, pulled by a tractor) to the giant pile of mulch for young mountain-climbers to tackle. The only additional expense is for fair food or a helicopter ride. “Touch-a-Truck” is a major fundraiser for New Paltz Rotary, despite the low per person admission (truck exhibitors also support it with entrance fees), which helps support the good works of the club. These include a weekly food-backpack program for children in the New Paltz schools who would otherwise be food deprived and scholarships, including a new 2-year scholarship to SUNY Ulster College for students whose parents did not attend college. ","duration":1439950,"episodeId":"e1t8gq","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Touch-A-Truck-Aired-on-May-26-and-May-27th--2018-e1t8gq","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Touch-A-Truck-Aired-on-May-26-and-May-27th--2018-e1t8gq","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Touch A Truck (Aired on May 26 and May 27th, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T20:43:59.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532897039,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T20:43:59.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T20:43:50.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532897030,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"4575d57c-b5e5-eb4b-9796-40bcf7a326c2","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"New Animal Shelter and Wildlife Rehab (Aired on May 19 and 20, 2018)\nJosephine Santoro and Carl Syslo visit RadioRotary to tell about the new Safe Haven Animal Shelter $ Wildlife Center, located in Stormville in southern Dutchess County (Town of Beekman). The first phase of their operation will be to provide a no-kill shelter for injured or orphaned dogs, which can be adopted after any necessary rehab. These dogs will be kept in kennels until adopted, but in the second phase a new building, specially designed for making dogs and cats feel\nat home (and not imprisoned) will take over. The original kennel building will be remade for wildlife rehab—Ms. Santoro is a certified wildlife rehabilitator. An important adjunct to the Stormville facility is the Thrift Shop specializing in reselling donated pet-related products and household items. On Saturdays the Thrift Shop houses a Pet-Food Pantry, supplying free pet food to low-income pet owners.","descriptionPreview":"New Animal Shelter and Wildlife Rehab (Aired on May 19 and 20, 2018)\nJosephine Santoro and Carl Syslo visit RadioRotary to tell about the new Safe Haven Animal Shelter $ Wildlife Center, located in Stormville in southern Dutchess County (Town of Beekman). The first phase of their operation will be to provide a no-kill shelter for injured or orphaned dogs, which can be adopted after any necessary rehab. These dogs will be kept in kennels until adopted, but in the second phase a new building, specially designed for making dogs and cats feel\nat home (and not imprisoned) will take over. The original kennel building will be remade for wildlife rehab—Ms. Santoro is a certified wildlife rehabilitator. An important adjunct to the Stormville facility is the Thrift Shop specializing in reselling donated pet-related products and household items. On Saturdays the Thrift Shop houses a Pet-Food Pantry, supplying free pet food to low-income pet owners.","duration":1473810,"episodeId":"e1t8cg","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Safe-Haven-Animal-Shelter--Wild-Life-Center-May-19--2018-e1t8cg","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Safe-Haven-Animal-Shelter--Wild-Life-Center-May-19--2018-e1t8cg","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Safe Haven Animal Shelter & Wild Life Center (May 19, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T20:30:15.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532896215,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T20:30:15.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T20:30:05.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532896205,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"5297600a-1d00-fced-3c1f-fe9323b13678","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Greater Newburgh Rotarian Doug Sturomski, the unofficial Peace Ambassador for Rotary District 7210, returns to RadioRotary to report on two projects related to his peace mission. In this interview, he announces that he recently has dedicated or planted 10 Peace Poles at local schools. The Peace Poles for Rotary District 7210 are 8-feet high, resemble the Washington Monument, and have the message “May Peace prevail upon the Earth” in 8 languages. Another District peace project that he describes is the “Walk for Peace and Polio” at the Walkway over the Hudson, which not only promoted peace but also raised money to support the eradication of polio, one of the main goals of The Rotary Foundation in recent years.","descriptionPreview":"Greater Newburgh Rotarian Doug Sturomski, the unofficial Peace Ambassador for Rotary District 7210, returns to RadioRotary to report on two projects related to his peace mission. In this interview, he announces that he recently has dedicated or planted 10 Peace Poles at local schools. The Peace Poles for Rotary District 7210 are 8-feet high, resemble the Washington Monument, and have the message “May Peace prevail upon the Earth” in 8 languages. Another District peace project that he describes is the “Walk for Peace and Polio” at the Walkway over the Hudson, which not only promoted peace but also raised money to support the eradication of polio, one of the main goals of The Rotary Foundation in recent years.","duration":1489431,"episodeId":"e1t89a","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Our-Rotary-Districts-Peace-Ambassador-Aired-on-May-12-and-13--2018-e1t89a","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Our-Rotary-Districts-Peace-Ambassador-Aired-on-May-12-and-13--2018-e1t89a","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Our Rotary District’s Peace Ambassador (Aired on May 12 and 13, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T19:58:18.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532894298,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T19:58:18.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T19:58:08.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532894288,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"5a1572bf-45ae-6538-13c6-02353d68b90e","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary visits Red Hook Rotary’s meeting to learn about some of the many activities of the Red Hook Club. Rotarian Dave Wright is in charge of the 2018 Apple Blossom Day, the street festival that traditionally kicks off the spring-summer season in Red Hook and Tivoli. In addition to dance and music performances on the stage, there are hundreds of food and craft vendors. Club president Tim Lynch describes the Aquabox, a box similar to the more familiar ShelterBox, and also designed for disaster relief, but focusing largely on water purification, a great need in many disasters. The Aquabox also contains dozens of other items that may be needed in a disaster in addition to the water purifier. Another guest on the show was the youth-exchange inbound person from Spain,Mercedes. She describes her experiences as a visitor in Red Hook, while Red Hook Rotarian Christine Chale describes Red Hook’s participation in youth exchange.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary visits Red Hook Rotary’s meeting to learn about some of the many activities of the Red Hook Club. Rotarian Dave Wright is in charge of the 2018 Apple Blossom Day, the street festival that traditionally kicks off the spring-summer season in Red Hook and Tivoli. In addition to dance and music performances on the stage, there are hundreds of food and craft vendors. Club president Tim Lynch describes the Aquabox, a box similar to the more familiar ShelterBox, and also designed for disaster relief, but focusing largely on water purification, a great need in many disasters. The Aquabox also contains dozens of other items that may be needed in a disaster in addition to the water purifier. Another guest on the show was the youth-exchange inbound person from Spain,Mercedes. She describes her experiences as a visitor in Red Hook, while Red Hook Rotarian Christine Chale describes Red Hook’s participation in youth exchange.","duration":1412161,"episodeId":"e1t855","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Red-Hook-Rotarys-2018-Projects-Aired-on-May-5-and-6--2018-e1t855","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Red-Hook-Rotarys-2018-Projects-Aired-on-May-5-and-6--2018-e1t855","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Red Hook Rotary’s 2018 Projects (Aired on May 5 and 6, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T19:38:51.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532893131,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T19:38:51.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T19:38:42.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532893122,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"317fb805-0818-48d9-3d2e-f0ccda6dafbb","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Pearl River Rotarians Dorothy Filoramo and Ryan O’Gorman join the RadioRotary team to tell about how a visit by Ryan to El Salvador led to a project to build a well and filtration system for three small villages in that country. Ryan observed that villagers needed to bring water in plastic bags to the site where they were working. Further checking revealed that the local well was not only running dry, but its water was not safe to drink in any case. He enlisted the help of his fellow Rotarian Dorothy and together they conceived of a project to help. As a starter, with the aid of the San Miguel El Salvador Rotary they helped the villagers by providing simple filtration systems to improve the little water they had locally. Since then, they have worked toward having a deeper well dug, one thatwould also produce safely filtered water. It is an expensive project (estimated at $80,000) and they are seeking help from other Rotary clubs.","descriptionPreview":"Pearl River Rotarians Dorothy Filoramo and Ryan O’Gorman join the RadioRotary team to tell about how a visit by Ryan to El Salvador led to a project to build a well and filtration system for three small villages in that country. Ryan observed that villagers needed to bring water in plastic bags to the site where they were working. Further checking revealed that the local well was not only running dry, but its water was not safe to drink in any case. He enlisted the help of his fellow Rotarian Dorothy and together they conceived of a project to help. As a starter, with the aid of the San Miguel El Salvador Rotary they helped the villagers by providing simple filtration systems to improve the little water they had locally. Since then, they have worked toward having a deeper well dug, one thatwould also produce safely filtered water. It is an expensive project (estimated at $80,000) and they are seeking help from other Rotary clubs.","duration":1451836,"episodeId":"e1t83o","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Clean-Water-Project-in-El-Salvador-Aired-on-April-28-and-29--2018-e1t83o","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Clean-Water-Project-in-El-Salvador-Aired-on-April-28-and-29--2018-e1t83o","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Clean Water Project in El Salvador (Aired on April 28 and 29, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T19:06:49.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532891209,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T19:06:49.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T19:06:40.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532891200,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"54878081-2ec9-f092-3fa2-64cd8b7af81d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Dinner Theater in Dutchess Country (Aired on April 21 and 22, 2018) Felicia DiNonno, founder of the Clove Creek Dinner Theater in Fishkill, NY, and Rotarian Andrew Ciccone (Newburgh) visit RadioRotary to tell about the many fundraising opportunities available using the facilities of the dinner theater. Of course, Clove Creek Dinner Theater features new comedy theater every month interspersed with audience-participation mysteries and other special evenings along with dinners prepared by Culinary Institute chefs. Nonprofit organizations can use the shows as fundraisers in several ways. Tickets can be purchased for an evening fundraiser at a reduced rate and then sold at the regular rate or higher, with the organization pocketing the difference. Clove Creek staff will help set up drawings or contests with prizes supplied by the dinner theater and organizations can run their own raffles or silent auctions, taking home all of the money earned. ","descriptionPreview":"Dinner Theater in Dutchess Country (Aired on April 21 and 22, 2018) Felicia DiNonno, founder of the Clove Creek Dinner Theater in Fishkill, NY, and Rotarian Andrew Ciccone (Newburgh) visit RadioRotary to tell about the many fundraising opportunities available using the facilities of the dinner theater. Of course, Clove Creek Dinner Theater features new comedy theater every month interspersed with audience-participation mysteries and other special evenings along with dinners prepared by Culinary Institute chefs. Nonprofit organizations can use the shows as fundraisers in several ways. Tickets can be purchased for an evening fundraiser at a reduced rate and then sold at the regular rate or higher, with the organization pocketing the difference. Clove Creek staff will help set up drawings or contests with prizes supplied by the dinner theater and organizations can run their own raffles or silent auctions, taking home all of the money earned. ","duration":1380265,"episodeId":"e1t7uj","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Clove-Creek-Dinner-Theater-Aired-on-April-21--2018-e1t7uj","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Clove-Creek-Dinner-Theater-Aired-on-April-21--2018-e1t7uj","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Clove Creek Dinner Theater (Aired on April 21, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T18:55:42.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532890542,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T18:55:42.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T18:55:33.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532890533,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"22aaa30c-a84b-6ace-0b1b-bffd09ee1700","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Andrew O’Grady, CEO of the Mid-Hudson Recovery Centers (MARC) and Executive Director of Mental Health America of Dutchess County (MHA) visits RadioRotary to tell about changes at MARC as it finds new ways to improve its mission of residential treatment for alcoholics and other addicts. MARC is now allied with MHA, extending the reach of both organizations. If a person in Dutchess or surrounding counties is sufferance from an addiction or mental crisis, he or she can get immediate help at the Stabilization Center at 230 North Road in Poughkeepsie, which is always open day or night and which will provide therapy up to 23 hours while helping the visitor decide what the appropriate next\nsteps, such a detox or other treatment, are for the specific circumstances. MARC manages nine beds in the Stabilization Center that focus on addiction and alcoholism problems. A person ready to be helped can also call MARC’s Chemical Dependency Crisis Center at (845) 471-0310. ","descriptionPreview":"Andrew O’Grady, CEO of the Mid-Hudson Recovery Centers (MARC) and Executive Director of Mental Health America of Dutchess County (MHA) visits RadioRotary to tell about changes at MARC as it finds new ways to improve its mission of residential treatment for alcoholics and other addicts. MARC is now allied with MHA, extending the reach of both organizations. If a person in Dutchess or surrounding counties is sufferance from an addiction or mental crisis, he or she can get immediate help at the Stabilization Center at 230 North Road in Poughkeepsie, which is always open day or night and which will provide therapy up to 23 hours while helping the visitor decide what the appropriate next\nsteps, such a detox or other treatment, are for the specific circumstances. MARC manages nine beds in the Stabilization Center that focus on addiction and alcoholism problems. A person ready to be helped can also call MARC’s Chemical Dependency Crisis Center at (845) 471-0310. ","duration":1477985,"episodeId":"e1t7tk","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Mid-Hudson-Addiction-Recovery-Centers-MARC-Aired-on-April-14-and-15--2018-e1t7tk","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Mid-Hudson-Addiction-Recovery-Centers-MARC-Aired-on-April-14-and-15--2018-e1t7tk","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers (MARC) (Aired on April 14 and 15, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T18:29:24.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532888964,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T18:29:24.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T18:29:15.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532888955,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"bcb8d3fb-cf13-e5c2-1066-6c589f1aaa99","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Red Hook Rotarian Susan Simon and Beth Jones, both of Third Eye Associates, Ltd, a fee-only registered investment advisory firm that provides financial life planning, financial transition planning, and wealth management services, with offices in Red Hook, New York City, and Washington, D.C. Their model is based on an hour-long initial interview in which Third Eye Associates determines the life goals of the client, which can be followed with five to seven sessions leading to specific recommendations for financial and life planning. One of their specialties is transitional planning, which deals with helping clients through significant life changes such as divorce or the death or serious illness of a spouse. Often this includes putting the client into a “no decision zone,” recognizing which steps are time sensitive and which are not.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Red Hook Rotarian Susan Simon and Beth Jones, both of Third Eye Associates, Ltd, a fee-only registered investment advisory firm that provides financial life planning, financial transition planning, and wealth management services, with offices in Red Hook, New York City, and Washington, D.C. Their model is based on an hour-long initial interview in which Third Eye Associates determines the life goals of the client, which can be followed with five to seven sessions leading to specific recommendations for financial and life planning. One of their specialties is transitional planning, which deals with helping clients through significant life changes such as divorce or the death or serious illness of a spouse. Often this includes putting the client into a “no decision zone,” recognizing which steps are time sensitive and which are not.","duration":1571529,"episodeId":"e1t7qs","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Eye-for-Financial-Planning-Aired-on-April-7-and-8--2018-e1t7qs","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Eye-for-Financial-Planning-Aired-on-April-7-and-8--2018-e1t7qs","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Eye for Financial Planning (Aired on April 7 and 8, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T17:48:26.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532886506,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T17:48:26.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T17:48:17.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532886497,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"bda05486-2e53-6476-0437-0c01e9838892","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Eliza Bozenski, Chief Development Officer of the Anderson Center for Autism, and the host of comes to the RadioRotary microphone to discuss the autism\nspectrum and how the Anderson Foundation’s several ways of outreach are making a difference for families that must cope with autism. Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability that ranges from what is commonly called Asperger Syndrome, which may be accompanied by high intelligence, to instances of autism that feature very low intelligence and serious disability. Early intervention makes a considerable difference in development; parents recognizing that a child may have a problem should not hesitate about taking the child to a physician for a diagnosis. The Anderson Foundation provides a range of autism services, including residential treatment and consultation with families. ","descriptionPreview":"Eliza Bozenski, Chief Development Officer of the Anderson Center for Autism, and the host of comes to the RadioRotary microphone to discuss the autism\nspectrum and how the Anderson Foundation’s several ways of outreach are making a difference for families that must cope with autism. Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability that ranges from what is commonly called Asperger Syndrome, which may be accompanied by high intelligence, to instances of autism that feature very low intelligence and serious disability. Early intervention makes a considerable difference in development; parents recognizing that a child may have a problem should not hesitate about taking the child to a physician for a diagnosis. The Anderson Foundation provides a range of autism services, including residential treatment and consultation with families. ","duration":1734329,"episodeId":"e1t7n3","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Anderson-Center-for-Autism-Aired-on-March-31--2018-e1t7n3","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Anderson-Center-for-Autism-Aired-on-March-31--2018-e1t7n3","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Anderson Center for Autism (Aired on March 31, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T17:33:03.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532885583,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T17:33:04.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T17:32:54.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532885574,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"10ba860f-1264-bc5f-a190-69b205a87a84","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Cara Mia Bacchiochi of Hope on a Mission HOAM returns to RadioRotary to describe her continuing effort to help Poughkeepsie women who are homeless, most of them addicted to drugs or alcohol. At the same street corner (Main and Clinton) every Saturday night, sometimes in rain or snow, Bacchiochi and volunteers distribute food, clothing, and personal care items to homeless women. Bacchiochi was herself a homeless addict before joining a recovery program in 1990. After a brief recurrence of her addiction, she accepted God’s role for her—founding a street-level outreach mission for homeless and addicted women. With the help of her church, she plans someday to acquire a building that would make it easier to carry out the mission. Hope on a Mission HOAM is financed by donations and staffed by volunteers. To donate or volunteer, you can phone (914) 456-2633 or visit its Facebook page: Hope on a Mission HOAM.\n\n ","descriptionPreview":"Cara Mia Bacchiochi of Hope on a Mission HOAM returns to RadioRotary to describe her continuing effort to help Poughkeepsie women who are homeless, most of them addicted to drugs or alcohol. At the same street corner (Main and Clinton) every Saturday night, sometimes in rain or snow, Bacchiochi and volunteers distribute food, clothing, and personal care items to homeless women. Bacchiochi was herself a homeless addict before joining a recovery program in 1990. After a brief recurrence of her addiction, she accepted God’s role for her—founding a street-level outreach mission for homeless and addicted women. With the help of her church, she plans someday to acquire a building that would make it easier to carry out the mission. Hope on a Mission HOAM is financed by donations and staffed by volunteers. To donate or volunteer, you can phone (914) 456-2633 or visit its Facebook page: Hope on a Mission HOAM.\n\n ","duration":1566910,"episodeId":"e1t7l3","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Hope-for-Homeless-and-Addicted-March-24-and-25--2018-e1t7l3","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Hope-for-Homeless-and-Addicted-March-24-and-25--2018-e1t7l3","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Hope for Homeless and Addicted (March 24 and 25, 2018) "},{"created":"2018-07-29T14:17:00.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532873820,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T14:17:00.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T14:16:51.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532873811,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"4cf22cc1-93c9-bce0-b322-3cc6aefc46d7","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Pleasant Valley Rotarian Rose Bonheur visits RadioRotary to tell about her seven (so far) medical missions to Puerto Rico, aided by her husband Roberto (also a Pleasant Valley Rotarian) and a host of volunteers. Dr. Bonheur is a Doctor of Nursing Practice and also a Nurse Practitioner, so in 2010, when a terrible earthquake struck Haiti where Rose was born, her husband suggested that they bring medical help to the devastated island. That year, and each year since, the Bonheurs have put together a team to provide primary care for a location in Haiti where such care has been lacking. Well in advance of their arrival, Haitians with such medical problems as untreated diabetes sign up for the visit, being given a number for efficiency. As a result of this kind of organization, Dr. Bonheur and her helpers are able to treat five to six hundred sick Haitians in a visit that is only about a week. The entire operation is funded by donations. ","descriptionPreview":"Pleasant Valley Rotarian Rose Bonheur visits RadioRotary to tell about her seven (so far) medical missions to Puerto Rico, aided by her husband Roberto (also a Pleasant Valley Rotarian) and a host of volunteers. Dr. Bonheur is a Doctor of Nursing Practice and also a Nurse Practitioner, so in 2010, when a terrible earthquake struck Haiti where Rose was born, her husband suggested that they bring medical help to the devastated island. That year, and each year since, the Bonheurs have put together a team to provide primary care for a location in Haiti where such care has been lacking. Well in advance of their arrival, Haitians with such medical problems as untreated diabetes sign up for the visit, being given a number for efficiency. As a result of this kind of organization, Dr. Bonheur and her helpers are able to treat five to six hundred sick Haitians in a visit that is only about a week. The entire operation is funded by donations. ","duration":1574194,"episodeId":"e1t778","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Medical-Missions-to-Haiti-Aired-on-March-17--18--2018-e1t778","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Medical-Missions-to-Haiti-Aired-on-March-17--18--2018-e1t778","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Medical Missions to Haiti (Aired on March 17 & 18, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T13:48:52.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532872132,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T13:48:53.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T13:48:43.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532872123,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f66375d5-52fd-01ab-0f1f-3faca7e92830","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Highland Rotarian Christine Giangrasso visits RadioRotary to talk primarily about the Hudson Valley Honor Flights, especially the one she participated in recently. Honor Flights are fully paid for visits to Washington, D.C. for veterans of World War II or the Korean or Vietnam conflicts. Volunteers (who pay their own way) pair with a veteran as they visit the war memorials in Washington and other important national sites such as the Capitol and Lincoln Memorial. The veterans are treated as true celebrities all along the way, from bands and flag wavers as they leave Stewart Airport to a welcome by Boy Scouts on their return. Ms. Giangrasso, who is also the incoming Rotary District 7210 Governor for 2018-19, also tells about some of the other activities of the Highland Rotary Club, including their famous Ribfest (3rd week in August). Listen for an emotional account of her experience accompanying a Korean War veteran on his big day.","descriptionPreview":"Highland Rotarian Christine Giangrasso visits RadioRotary to talk primarily about the Hudson Valley Honor Flights, especially the one she participated in recently. Honor Flights are fully paid for visits to Washington, D.C. for veterans of World War II or the Korean or Vietnam conflicts. Volunteers (who pay their own way) pair with a veteran as they visit the war memorials in Washington and other important national sites such as the Capitol and Lincoln Memorial. The veterans are treated as true celebrities all along the way, from bands and flag wavers as they leave Stewart Airport to a welcome by Boy Scouts on their return. Ms. Giangrasso, who is also the incoming Rotary District 7210 Governor for 2018-19, also tells about some of the other activities of the Highland Rotary Club, including their famous Ribfest (3rd week in August). Listen for an emotional account of her experience accompanying a Korean War veteran on his big day.","duration":1687596,"episodeId":"e1t73v","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Honor-Flight-Aired-on-March-10-and-March-11th-2018-e1t73v","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Honor-Flight-Aired-on-March-10-and-March-11th-2018-e1t73v","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Honor Flight (Aired on March 10 and March 11th 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T13:33:50.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532871230,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T13:33:51.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T13:33:42.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532871222,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f51e34b3-90f6-d739-67ad-2e35d9d36aec","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In this program, devoted to the close relationship between a Rotary Club and an important local resource, RadioRotary interviews New City Rotarians Madelon Burger, Robert Pitkofsky, and Jill Warner (executive director and CEO of Jawonio) along with Jerry Staller, director of educational and clinical services at Jawonio, which supplies lifespan services for persons with special needs primarily to Rockland County. Jawonio is a Native American word that means “independence,” representing the goal to help children and adults with special needs reach their full potential and helping them become as independent as possible. It is a unique residence and school resource that helps persons from as young as 2-months old to as old as 99 years. New City Rotary has been closely involved with Jawonio for over fifty years. As the facilities, started as a camp in 1947, have age, it has come time for new buildings, including new cabins for a summer program. ","descriptionPreview":"In this program, devoted to the close relationship between a Rotary Club and an important local resource, RadioRotary interviews New City Rotarians Madelon Burger, Robert Pitkofsky, and Jill Warner (executive director and CEO of Jawonio) along with Jerry Staller, director of educational and clinical services at Jawonio, which supplies lifespan services for persons with special needs primarily to Rockland County. Jawonio is a Native American word that means “independence,” representing the goal to help children and adults with special needs reach their full potential and helping them become as independent as possible. It is a unique residence and school resource that helps persons from as young as 2-months old to as old as 99 years. New City Rotary has been closely involved with Jawonio for over fifty years. As the facilities, started as a camp in 1947, have age, it has come time for new buildings, including new cabins for a summer program. ","duration":1681640,"episodeId":"e1t6so","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/New-City-Rotary-and-Jawonio-Aired-on-March-3--4--2018-e1t6so","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/New-City-Rotary-and-Jawonio-Aired-on-March-3--4--2018-e1t6so","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"New City Rotary and Jawonio (Aired on March 3 & 4, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T13:18:36.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532870316,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T13:18:36.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T13:18:27.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532870307,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"9cfe47fb-e72c-ac02-a80a-7733e4749de7","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Dr. Bobbie Davey of MOST (Millbrook Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy), which not only has facilities in Millbrook, NY, but also in nearby Rhinebeck and Hopewell.\n\nDr. Davey deals mainly with pain management from accidents, operations, and chronic conditions such as arthritis. Pain is nature’s way of telling you that something is not right with your body. Pain is now recognized as partly psychological and partly physical, so relief of stress is an important part of treatment. Although opioids and other medicines can relieve pain, they are at best a short-term solution to a pain event, while physical therapy is a non-addictive long-term approach to relief. Strength and flexibility training will relieve many pains in joints or the back or even headaches caused by tense muscles. Improvements in balance through physical therapy help avoid falls that can be a source of pain. ","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Dr. Bobbie Davey of MOST (Millbrook Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy), which not only has facilities in Millbrook, NY, but also in nearby Rhinebeck and Hopewell.\n\nDr. Davey deals mainly with pain management from accidents, operations, and chronic conditions such as arthritis. Pain is nature’s way of telling you that something is not right with your body. Pain is now recognized as partly psychological and partly physical, so relief of stress is an important part of treatment. Although opioids and other medicines can relieve pain, they are at best a short-term solution to a pain event, while physical therapy is a non-addictive long-term approach to relief. Strength and flexibility training will relieve many pains in joints or the back or even headaches caused by tense muscles. Improvements in balance through physical therapy help avoid falls that can be a source of pain. ","duration":1462159,"episodeId":"e1t6ru","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Pain-Management-with-Physical-Therapy-February-24--2018-e1t6ru","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Pain-Management-with-Physical-Therapy-February-24--2018-e1t6ru","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Pain Management with Physical Therapy (February 24, 2018) "},{"created":"2018-07-29T13:00:54.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532869254,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T13:00:54.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T13:00:44.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532869244,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"e4a5720f-3dc3-191b-e561-6332d2429a97","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Jonah Triebwasser, Sarah O’Connell, and Kathy Kruger interview several of the Rotarians bringing their projects furthering the goals of the Rotary Foundation to the Convention. The two Rotary Action Groups (RAGs) are each devoted to worldwide fights against chronic illnesses that not only are rampant in the United States but also are on the increase around the world. Hepatitis C, unrecognized until a few decades ago, is spread only by blood transfers (such as from contaminated needles) and in symptom free—but ultimately kills. There is now an effective cure, so the main emphasis of the RAG called “Hepatitis Zero” is in testing, which only requires a pin-prick blood sample. The other RAG is for knowledge, awareness, prevention, and treatment of diabetes. Diabetes Type II, caused largely by lifestyle, is a growing major health problem worldwide. Another interview on this program tells about skin banks, now mainly in India but needed elsewhere. ","descriptionPreview":"Jonah Triebwasser, Sarah O’Connell, and Kathy Kruger interview several of the Rotarians bringing their projects furthering the goals of the Rotary Foundation to the Convention. The two Rotary Action Groups (RAGs) are each devoted to worldwide fights against chronic illnesses that not only are rampant in the United States but also are on the increase around the world. Hepatitis C, unrecognized until a few decades ago, is spread only by blood transfers (such as from contaminated needles) and in symptom free—but ultimately kills. There is now an effective cure, so the main emphasis of the RAG called “Hepatitis Zero” is in testing, which only requires a pin-prick blood sample. The other RAG is for knowledge, awareness, prevention, and treatment of diabetes. Diabetes Type II, caused largely by lifestyle, is a growing major health problem worldwide. Another interview on this program tells about skin banks, now mainly in India but needed elsewhere. ","duration":1415479,"episodeId":"e1t6no","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-11-February-17--2018-e1t6no","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-11-February-17--2018-e1t6no","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Atlanta 2017 Rotary Convention, part 11 (February 17, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T12:50:39.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532868639,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T12:50:40.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T12:50:30.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532868630,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b87ca175-9f90-ccab-8279-fcca79fa1cdb","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Regular RadioRotary Co-host Sarah O’Connell turns guest for a show devoted to her own Rotary Club and its activities. The Rotary Club of Millbrook has been doing good in the world for more than 45 years now. The main way it funds its projects is by providing a service to Millbrook and the surrounding region with a Business Directory. The Directory contains much useful community information, but its real strength comes from the paid advertising, advertising that in turn supports the community as 100% of the profit from the ads is returned to the community. While Millbrook Rotary also has various social events, from weekly lunches with interesting speakers to evening parties, these are paid for by the members—in part by “fines” or “good/bad news” announcement paid for with dollars (and more) deposited in a plastic pig at each meeting. The Rotary Foundation, supported primarily by donations by Rotarians, also contributes to specific projects, recently one providing school supplies.","descriptionPreview":"Regular RadioRotary Co-host Sarah O’Connell turns guest for a show devoted to her own Rotary Club and its activities. The Rotary Club of Millbrook has been doing good in the world for more than 45 years now. The main way it funds its projects is by providing a service to Millbrook and the surrounding region with a Business Directory. The Directory contains much useful community information, but its real strength comes from the paid advertising, advertising that in turn supports the community as 100% of the profit from the ads is returned to the community. While Millbrook Rotary also has various social events, from weekly lunches with interesting speakers to evening parties, these are paid for by the members—in part by “fines” or “good/bad news” announcement paid for with dollars (and more) deposited in a plastic pig at each meeting. The Rotary Foundation, supported primarily by donations by Rotarians, also contributes to specific projects, recently one providing school supplies.","duration":1579501,"episodeId":"e1t6n9","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Rotary-Club-of-Millbrook-February-10--11--2018-e1t6n9","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Rotary-Club-of-Millbrook-February-10--11--2018-e1t6n9","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Rotary Club of Millbrook (February 10 & 11, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T12:40:32.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532868032,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T12:40:32.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T12:40:23.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532868023,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b7bfbb4e-0928-420a-1636-067a4298b921","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Once again RadioRotary brings listeners interviews with Rotarians attending the Convention who describe the Rotary programs that have brought them to Atlanta. Regular listeners to RadioRotary know about ShelterBox, but in this program they learn new ways the ShelterBox teams are helping disaster victim around the world. Also, listeners are probably familiar with Rotary’s role in polio eradication, but there is also a Rotarian Action Group (RAG) that helps survivors of polio, including those whose symptoms return many years afterward. Health professionals of all types can be part of the Fellowship of Rotarian Doctors and Health Professionals, which provides opportunities to help solve medical problems for disadvantaged people everywhere. Youth Exchange includes other Rotary programs, notably the one-school-year exchange of high-school students, part of Rotary’s goal of promoting peace.","descriptionPreview":"Once again RadioRotary brings listeners interviews with Rotarians attending the Convention who describe the Rotary programs that have brought them to Atlanta. Regular listeners to RadioRotary know about ShelterBox, but in this program they learn new ways the ShelterBox teams are helping disaster victim around the world. Also, listeners are probably familiar with Rotary’s role in polio eradication, but there is also a Rotarian Action Group (RAG) that helps survivors of polio, including those whose symptoms return many years afterward. Health professionals of all types can be part of the Fellowship of Rotarian Doctors and Health Professionals, which provides opportunities to help solve medical problems for disadvantaged people everywhere. Youth Exchange includes other Rotary programs, notably the one-school-year exchange of high-school students, part of Rotary’s goal of promoting peace.","duration":1429689,"episodeId":"e1t6lp","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Atlanta-GA-February-3--2018-Show--10-e1t6lp","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Atlanta-GA-February-3--2018-Show--10-e1t6lp","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Convention Atlanta GA (February 3, 2018) Show # 10"},{"created":"2018-07-29T12:31:35.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532867495,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T12:31:36.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T12:31:26.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532867486,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"51ac8eaa-0d9e-f2c2-dc9e-d9f8eb2e924d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rich Schiafo of the Hudson Valley Regional Council returns to RadioRotary to tell the listeners about the national problem of food waste. Of the many astonishing statistics Mr. Schiafo discusses, perhaps the most alarming is that 40% of all the food produced in the United States goes to waste, much of it landing in landfills where it contributes to the production of methane, a global-warming gas. Some of the food is left in the farmers’ fields, where it can be taken and used by gleaning—going through the field by hand and collecting the remaining food. Another waste is food that has been deemed imperfect or ugly in some way, but that is perfectly edible despite the flaws. Listeners will learn about the different interpretations of use-by or sell-by dates. There are many aspects to food recovery and prevention of food waste, with volunteers throughout the Hudson Valley making the effort to get otherwise disposable food into food pantries and shelters.","descriptionPreview":"Rich Schiafo of the Hudson Valley Regional Council returns to RadioRotary to tell the listeners about the national problem of food waste. Of the many astonishing statistics Mr. Schiafo discusses, perhaps the most alarming is that 40% of all the food produced in the United States goes to waste, much of it landing in landfills where it contributes to the production of methane, a global-warming gas. Some of the food is left in the farmers’ fields, where it can be taken and used by gleaning—going through the field by hand and collecting the remaining food. Another waste is food that has been deemed imperfect or ugly in some way, but that is perfectly edible despite the flaws. Listeners will learn about the different interpretations of use-by or sell-by dates. There are many aspects to food recovery and prevention of food waste, with volunteers throughout the Hudson Valley making the effort to get otherwise disposable food into food pantries and shelters.","duration":1606930,"episodeId":"e1t6l4","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Food-Recovery-Aired-on-January-27--28--2018-e1t6l4","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Food-Recovery-Aired-on-January-27--28--2018-e1t6l4","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Food Recovery (Aired on January 27 & 28, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T12:16:43.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532866603,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T12:16:44.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T12:16:34.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532866594,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"4f93ecd0-f681-d3ba-6941-c2bd83ed7c70","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotarian Mike Polasek (LaGrange) reports to the RadioRotary team about a major effort on the part of local Rotary Clubs (LaGrange, Millbrook, Fishkill) to obtain a grant from The Rotary Foundation to fund awareness and prevention programs in the Mid-Hudson Valley, although Mr. Polasek emphasizes that opioid addiction is a worldwide program that affects all ages and all classes. Opioid abuse often starts with an original prescription for pain relief from an injury or surgical procedure, but the drug becomes a necessity for the person addicted, a\nperson who then may seek out street drugs to replace the prescription. The result is not only the misery of addiction but often overdose and death. The grant from The Rotary Foundation, focusing on adolescents 15 to 10 years old, would support awareness through social media and prevention by working with agencies already in the field.","descriptionPreview":"Rotarian Mike Polasek (LaGrange) reports to the RadioRotary team about a major effort on the part of local Rotary Clubs (LaGrange, Millbrook, Fishkill) to obtain a grant from The Rotary Foundation to fund awareness and prevention programs in the Mid-Hudson Valley, although Mr. Polasek emphasizes that opioid addiction is a worldwide program that affects all ages and all classes. Opioid abuse often starts with an original prescription for pain relief from an injury or surgical procedure, but the drug becomes a necessity for the person addicted, a\nperson who then may seek out street drugs to replace the prescription. The result is not only the misery of addiction but often overdose and death. The grant from The Rotary Foundation, focusing on adolescents 15 to 10 years old, would support awareness through social media and prevention by working with agencies already in the field.","duration":1661056,"episodeId":"e1t6kg","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Opioid-Abuse-Awareness-and-Prevention-Aired-on-January-20th--21st--2018-e1t6kg","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Opioid-Abuse-Awareness-and-Prevention-Aired-on-January-20th--21st--2018-e1t6kg","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Opioid Abuse Awareness and Prevention (Aired on January 20th & 21st, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T12:05:42.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532865942,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T12:05:42.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T12:05:32.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532865932,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"c199c112-1b0c-8791-37e8-33f8fa498908","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The ninth compilation of interviews with humanitarians conducted by\nRadioRotary at the 2017 Rotary Convention in Atlanta focuses largely on\nRotarian Action Groups (RAGs) and their humanitarian aims, but it also includes a special interview with golf-great Jack Nicklaus. Rotarian Action Groups discussed include efforts to protect endangered species, prevention of all types of addiction from tobacco and gambling to heroin, encouragement for an increase in blood donations around the world, and training local communities in the method to correct clubfoot. Mr. Nicklaus tells why he is a Rotary Polio Ambassador, beginning with his own experience of polio at age 13.","descriptionPreview":"The ninth compilation of interviews with humanitarians conducted by\nRadioRotary at the 2017 Rotary Convention in Atlanta focuses largely on\nRotarian Action Groups (RAGs) and their humanitarian aims, but it also includes a special interview with golf-great Jack Nicklaus. Rotarian Action Groups discussed include efforts to protect endangered species, prevention of all types of addiction from tobacco and gambling to heroin, encouragement for an increase in blood donations around the world, and training local communities in the method to correct clubfoot. Mr. Nicklaus tells why he is a Rotary Polio Ambassador, beginning with his own experience of polio at age 13.","duration":1565369,"episodeId":"e1t6jd","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-9-January-13--2018-e1t6jd","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-9-January-13--2018-e1t6jd","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Atlanta 2017 Rotary Convention, part 9 (January 13, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T11:51:33.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532865093,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T11:51:33.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T11:51:24.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532865084,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f2c62330-5b79-cea3-b46b-dac4d00abb35","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Pleasant Valley Rotarian Ellen Haggerty returns to the RadioRotary microphone to tell about her latest efforts to improve hearing and communication around the world. Ms. Haggerty, who lost her own hearing at age 4, but has compensated with hearing aids and excellent lip reading, is the chair of the Rotarians for Hearing Rotary Action Group (RAG). In past projects she has helped provide solar hearing aids for impoverished Brazilians, spread the use of hearing loopsthat improve sound for hearing aids at gatherings, and persuaded the Rotary Annual Convention to have captioning for its main talks. Her newest project in based on the idea that speech for those with hearing loss is impaired unless very young children hear others speak. Tests exist that can detect hearing loss in infants before they learn to speak. These tests are being introduced in Guatemala through a Rotary Foundation Global Grant sponsored by Pleasant Valley and Folsom, California, Rotary clubs.","descriptionPreview":"Pleasant Valley Rotarian Ellen Haggerty returns to the RadioRotary microphone to tell about her latest efforts to improve hearing and communication around the world. Ms. Haggerty, who lost her own hearing at age 4, but has compensated with hearing aids and excellent lip reading, is the chair of the Rotarians for Hearing Rotary Action Group (RAG). In past projects she has helped provide solar hearing aids for impoverished Brazilians, spread the use of hearing loopsthat improve sound for hearing aids at gatherings, and persuaded the Rotary Annual Convention to have captioning for its main talks. Her newest project in based on the idea that speech for those with hearing loss is impaired unless very young children hear others speak. Tests exist that can detect hearing loss in infants before they learn to speak. These tests are being introduced in Guatemala through a Rotary Foundation Global Grant sponsored by Pleasant Valley and Folsom, California, Rotary clubs.","duration":1526734,"episodeId":"e1t6ih","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Ellen-Haggerty--Rotarys-Hearing-Hero-Aired-on-January-6-and-7--2018-e1t6ih","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Ellen-Haggerty--Rotarys-Hearing-Hero-Aired-on-January-6-and-7--2018-e1t6ih","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Ellen Haggerty, Rotary’s Hearing Hero (Aired on January 6 and 7, 2018)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T11:41:38.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532864498,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T11:41:39.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T11:41:29.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532864489,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"3bf82718-ca7e-6998-47a8-980d80fe4311","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rhinebeck Rotarians Mike Frazier and Mike Mazzarella tell RadioRotary producer Kathy Kruger about the program Rhinebeck Rotary has instituted to help senior citizens age in place. Many older Americans prefer to stay in their existing homes instead of moving into assisted-living communities or nursing homes. Sometimes the physical infirmities of aging mean that homes need to be modified for safer living; in other instances, simple tasks such as mounting storm windows in the fall have become too difficult for an aging homeowner. In Rhinebeck, NY, the Rhinebeck Community Committee on Aging recognized this problem and committee members who were also Rotarians asked their club to help. Today Rhinebeck Rotarians who are skilled in carpentry, plumbing, and electrical work volunteer to solve these problems for senior citizens at no cost for materials or labor. Grab bars are installed in bathrooms and railings on stairs as needed. ","descriptionPreview":"Rhinebeck Rotarians Mike Frazier and Mike Mazzarella tell RadioRotary producer Kathy Kruger about the program Rhinebeck Rotary has instituted to help senior citizens age in place. Many older Americans prefer to stay in their existing homes instead of moving into assisted-living communities or nursing homes. Sometimes the physical infirmities of aging mean that homes need to be modified for safer living; in other instances, simple tasks such as mounting storm windows in the fall have become too difficult for an aging homeowner. In Rhinebeck, NY, the Rhinebeck Community Committee on Aging recognized this problem and committee members who were also Rotarians asked their club to help. Today Rhinebeck Rotarians who are skilled in carpentry, plumbing, and electrical work volunteer to solve these problems for senior citizens at no cost for materials or labor. Grab bars are installed in bathrooms and railings on stairs as needed. ","duration":1621710,"episodeId":"e1t6hv","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Senior-Assistance-Aired-on-December-23--24--2017-e1t6hv","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Senior-Assistance-Aired-on-December-23--24--2017-e1t6hv","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Senior Assistance (Aired on December 23 & 24, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T11:12:44.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532862764,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T11:12:44.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T11:12:35.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532862755,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"e075d8c5-cba0-f08f-ca22-8fa01f84cb92","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Continuing its broadcasts from the Rotary International Convention in Atlanta, RadioRotary Co-Hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell interview representatives of several of the many exhibits featured at the Convention. “The One” Rotary Action Group presents an award of $100,000 to the International Humanitarian of the year along with $50,000 each to two runners-up, enabling these humanitarians to increase their work with the poor of the world. One effort to help the poor is Project Peanut Butter, which uses Rotary grants to manufacture and supply a specially formatted peanut butter that saves the lives of starving children, primarily in Africa. Another Rotary Action Group specializes in preventing blindness through improving maternal health, cataract surgery, and detection of macular degeneration. The “I Can Read” songs are taught to pre-school children, providing an easy way to learn reading easy, high-frequency words. ","descriptionPreview":"Continuing its broadcasts from the Rotary International Convention in Atlanta, RadioRotary Co-Hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell interview representatives of several of the many exhibits featured at the Convention. “The One” Rotary Action Group presents an award of $100,000 to the International Humanitarian of the year along with $50,000 each to two runners-up, enabling these humanitarians to increase their work with the poor of the world. One effort to help the poor is Project Peanut Butter, which uses Rotary grants to manufacture and supply a specially formatted peanut butter that saves the lives of starving children, primarily in Africa. Another Rotary Action Group specializes in preventing blindness through improving maternal health, cataract surgery, and detection of macular degeneration. The “I Can Read” songs are taught to pre-school children, providing an easy way to learn reading easy, high-frequency words. ","duration":1673359,"episodeId":"e1t6gt","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-7-December-16--2017-e1t6gt","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-7-December-16--2017-e1t6gt","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Atlanta 2017 Rotary Convention, part 7 (December 16, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T10:57:33.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532861853,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T10:57:33.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T10:57:24.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532861844,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"12f93d45-fde8-df0f-ba4b-4f84a794c124","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Felicia DiNonno, founder of the Clove Creek Dinner Theater in Fishkill, NY, is the guest on this week’s RadioRotary program.\n\nDinner Theater provides an evening (or afternoon matinee) that begins with a full meal, which is followed by a full theatrical performance—you don’t eat or drink while you watch as in a nightclub or cabaret. There have been a number of dinner theaters in nearby countries, but none here until a couple of years ago Ms. DiNonno took a space in a mall in Fishkill and opened Clove Creek. It is very much a local attraction.\nClove Creek hires chefs trained at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park to prepare the four entrees from which a ticket-holder may choose. Local actors audition for all the parts in the comedies that are featured. To learn more, listen to the interview.","descriptionPreview":"Felicia DiNonno, founder of the Clove Creek Dinner Theater in Fishkill, NY, is the guest on this week’s RadioRotary program.\n\nDinner Theater provides an evening (or afternoon matinee) that begins with a full meal, which is followed by a full theatrical performance—you don’t eat or drink while you watch as in a nightclub or cabaret. There have been a number of dinner theaters in nearby countries, but none here until a couple of years ago Ms. DiNonno took a space in a mall in Fishkill and opened Clove Creek. It is very much a local attraction.\nClove Creek hires chefs trained at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park to prepare the four entrees from which a ticket-holder may choose. Local actors audition for all the parts in the comedies that are featured. To learn more, listen to the interview.","duration":1462107,"episodeId":"e1t6gf","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Dinner-Theater-in-Dutchess-Aired-on-December-9--2017-e1t6gf","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Dinner-Theater-in-Dutchess-Aired-on-December-9--2017-e1t6gf","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Dinner Theater in Dutchess (Aired on December 9, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T10:48:04.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532861284,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T10:48:04.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T10:47:55.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532861275,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"3290eace-fde6-b255-6b45-de3f781c1f64","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Regular hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell along with producer Kathy Kruger and visiting host Dave Kruger interview some of the fascinating people at the Convention about their important projects related to the goals of the Rotary Foundation.\n\nOne of the many Rotary Action Groups is “Stop Mothers Dying,” a Collaborative Action in lowering Maternity Encountered Deaths (CALMED). This program helps physicians, nurses, and midwives learn to anticipate problems of childbirth. It is not just the mothers who are saved in Third World countries, since maternal deaths have been on the rise in the United States as well. Another Rotary-related group discussed is taking African women .sex workers, giving them sewing machines, and making them into entrepreneurs, producing shirts that are sold at Rotary conventions. Although not a Rotary program per se., the Gift of Life, which supplies hope to children with heart disease through pediatric cardiology, also was represented at the Convention.","descriptionPreview":"Regular hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell along with producer Kathy Kruger and visiting host Dave Kruger interview some of the fascinating people at the Convention about their important projects related to the goals of the Rotary Foundation.\n\nOne of the many Rotary Action Groups is “Stop Mothers Dying,” a Collaborative Action in lowering Maternity Encountered Deaths (CALMED). This program helps physicians, nurses, and midwives learn to anticipate problems of childbirth. It is not just the mothers who are saved in Third World countries, since maternal deaths have been on the rise in the United States as well. Another Rotary-related group discussed is taking African women .sex workers, giving them sewing machines, and making them into entrepreneurs, producing shirts that are sold at Rotary conventions. Although not a Rotary program per se., the Gift of Life, which supplies hope to children with heart disease through pediatric cardiology, also was represented at the Convention.","duration":1457196,"episodeId":"e1t6fu","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-6-December-2--2017-e1t6fu","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-6-December-2--2017-e1t6fu","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Atlanta 2017 Rotary Convention, part 6 (December 2, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T10:37:57.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532860677,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T10:37:57.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T10:37:48.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532860668,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"097e64fa-9024-dad5-ec6b-d9ff03a888cd","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotary Efforts to Deal with Climate Change (Aired on November 25 and 26, 2014) RadioRotary producer Kathy Kruger interviews Rotarian Bryan Bunch (Millbrook), a member of the Rotary District 7210 Environmental Action Committee, which has as its main mission this year promoting tree-planting, a major goal of 2017-18 Rotary International. RI President Ian H.S. Riseley has asked every one of the 1.5 million Rotarians to plant a tree as part of the effort to reduce the impact of global warming. Topics covered include the causes of climate change, the effects of climate change on the weather (especially hurricanes), effects on life forms such as coral reefs, sea-level rise, a history of changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide, and steps individuals can take to\nmitigate global warming.","descriptionPreview":"Rotary Efforts to Deal with Climate Change (Aired on November 25 and 26, 2014) RadioRotary producer Kathy Kruger interviews Rotarian Bryan Bunch (Millbrook), a member of the Rotary District 7210 Environmental Action Committee, which has as its main mission this year promoting tree-planting, a major goal of 2017-18 Rotary International. RI President Ian H.S. Riseley has asked every one of the 1.5 million Rotarians to plant a tree as part of the effort to reduce the impact of global warming. Topics covered include the causes of climate change, the effects of climate change on the weather (especially hurricanes), effects on life forms such as coral reefs, sea-level rise, a history of changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide, and steps individuals can take to\nmitigate global warming.","duration":1572788,"episodeId":"e1t6fd","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotarian-Bryan-Bunch-On-The-Environment-November-25--2017-e1t6fd","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotarian-Bryan-Bunch-On-The-Environment-November-25--2017-e1t6fd","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotarian Bryan Bunch On The Environment (November 25, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T10:25:28.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532859928,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T10:25:29.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T10:25:19.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532859919,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a43eafab-16fb-92ad-5792-94a8882649fc","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"his time RadioRotary interviews Rotarian Bill Philpotts (Fredericksburg Morning Club) on the project “It Takes a Toilet,” which brings girl’s toilet facilities to India; Rotarian Dr. Subrahmanyam Ganesh (Methyr Tydfil) Club) who tells about the inexpensive prosthetic known as the Jaipur Limb; Rotarian David C. Forward\n(Medford Sunrise Club) on the hundredth anniversary of The Rotary Foundation; Rotarian Ellen Haggerty (Pleasant Valley NY Club) about her project for improving hearing and its success in bringing captioning to the Convention; Artist Ashley Spitsnogle, who draws and sometimes is Josh the Otter, working to prevent child drowning and Regional Director of The Dollywood Foundation Pam Hunsaker, who tells about the Imagination Library that brings free books to preschoolers.","descriptionPreview":"his time RadioRotary interviews Rotarian Bill Philpotts (Fredericksburg Morning Club) on the project “It Takes a Toilet,” which brings girl’s toilet facilities to India; Rotarian Dr. Subrahmanyam Ganesh (Methyr Tydfil) Club) who tells about the inexpensive prosthetic known as the Jaipur Limb; Rotarian David C. Forward\n(Medford Sunrise Club) on the hundredth anniversary of The Rotary Foundation; Rotarian Ellen Haggerty (Pleasant Valley NY Club) about her project for improving hearing and its success in bringing captioning to the Convention; Artist Ashley Spitsnogle, who draws and sometimes is Josh the Otter, working to prevent child drowning and Regional Director of The Dollywood Foundation Pam Hunsaker, who tells about the Imagination Library that brings free books to preschoolers.","duration":1726989,"episodeId":"e1t6ep","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-5-November-18--2017-e1t6ep","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-5-November-18--2017-e1t6ep","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Atlanta 2017 Rotary Convention, part 5 (November 18, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T10:12:57.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532859177,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T10:12:57.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T10:12:47.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532859167,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"7b739902-bf7b-5062-cfea-60d5f5dea8c9","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Rhinebeck Rotarian Carolyn Bernitt and Brian Zeiden, both on the staff of the Brookmeade Community, a 75-acre, three-tiered facility in Rhinebeck that provides homes and care if necessary for our aging population. Sufficiently healthy seniors can opt for independent living at Arbor Ridge, an apartment complex that provides the amenities of a luxury hotel, including accessto fine dining and a heated pool. For those who need help with the tasks of personal care, The Terrace apartments provide assisted living arrangements. For older residents in need of close medical supervision. The community provides many field trips to events or locations in the area. Residents are active in community programs such as painting, singing, or exploring the sensory garden","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Rhinebeck Rotarian Carolyn Bernitt and Brian Zeiden, both on the staff of the Brookmeade Community, a 75-acre, three-tiered facility in Rhinebeck that provides homes and care if necessary for our aging population. Sufficiently healthy seniors can opt for independent living at Arbor Ridge, an apartment complex that provides the amenities of a luxury hotel, including accessto fine dining and a heated pool. For those who need help with the tasks of personal care, The Terrace apartments provide assisted living arrangements. For older residents in need of close medical supervision. The community provides many field trips to events or locations in the area. Residents are active in community programs such as painting, singing, or exploring the sensory garden","duration":1533317,"episodeId":"e1t6eb","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Aging-Care-in-Rhinebeck-Aired-on-November-4-and-5--2017-e1t6eb","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Aging-Care-in-Rhinebeck-Aired-on-November-4-and-5--2017-e1t6eb","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Aging Care in Rhinebeck (Aired on November 4 and 5, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T10:02:05.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532858525,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T10:02:05.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T10:01:55.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532858515,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"0a003a39-c08d-af58-8bdd-f070de8ca348","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Sprout Creek Farm is a 200-acre dairy farm \n\nstarted by two nuns who had begun to teach children and teenagers about farming and food at a farm in Greenwich, Connecticut. They were very lucky when the farm was donated to the Society of the Sacred Heart with the requirement that the land be used for education and that the farm be run as a nonprofit enterprise. In this RadioRotary interview, the farm’s Executive Director Mark Fredette, who is also the chef for the farm,describes the many educational programs run by the farm, including a sleepover camp, a day camp, and arrangements for schools to visit as field trips, often staying overnight. The farm’s cows and goats produce milk that is made into delicious cheeses that are sold locally and at the farm. The farm also sells many other farm products, including meat, eggs, and vegetables raised in the farm garden. ","descriptionPreview":"Sprout Creek Farm is a 200-acre dairy farm \n\nstarted by two nuns who had begun to teach children and teenagers about farming and food at a farm in Greenwich, Connecticut. They were very lucky when the farm was donated to the Society of the Sacred Heart with the requirement that the land be used for education and that the farm be run as a nonprofit enterprise. In this RadioRotary interview, the farm’s Executive Director Mark Fredette, who is also the chef for the farm,describes the many educational programs run by the farm, including a sleepover camp, a day camp, and arrangements for schools to visit as field trips, often staying overnight. The farm’s cows and goats produce milk that is made into delicious cheeses that are sold locally and at the farm. The farm also sells many other farm products, including meat, eggs, and vegetables raised in the farm garden. ","duration":1541128,"episodeId":"e1t6dn","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Sprout-Creek-Farm-Aired-on-October-28-and-October-29--2017-e1t6dn","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Sprout-Creek-Farm-Aired-on-October-28-and-October-29--2017-e1t6dn","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Sprout Creek Farm (Aired on October 28 and October 29, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T00:48:16.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532825296,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T00:48:16.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T00:48:06.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532825286,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"92914fb0-a316-287f-0f73-e464fd67d726","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Some 35,000 Rotarians from around the world came to the Atlanta Rotary Convention, but somehow the RadioRotary team of Jonah Triebwasser, Sarah O’Connell, and Kathy and Dave Kruger keep running into Rotarians from back home, including District 7210 Governor Jim Damiani and a Past President of Jonah’s Red Hook Club, Sue Simon. The RadioRotary team also learned of fascinating projects from other American Rotarians, including the prospect of even more collaboration between Rotary International and the U.S. Peace Corps and a vision screening projct for elementary schools undertaken by the Cincinnati\nRotary. The Chicago Far North Rotary is working to bring specialized water carriers, called hippos, from South Africa to places in Haiti that lack access to running water.","descriptionPreview":"Some 35,000 Rotarians from around the world came to the Atlanta Rotary Convention, but somehow the RadioRotary team of Jonah Triebwasser, Sarah O’Connell, and Kathy and Dave Kruger keep running into Rotarians from back home, including District 7210 Governor Jim Damiani and a Past President of Jonah’s Red Hook Club, Sue Simon. The RadioRotary team also learned of fascinating projects from other American Rotarians, including the prospect of even more collaboration between Rotary International and the U.S. Peace Corps and a vision screening projct for elementary schools undertaken by the Cincinnati\nRotary. The Chicago Far North Rotary is working to bring specialized water carriers, called hippos, from South Africa to places in Haiti that lack access to running water.","duration":1586502,"episodeId":"e1t5b4","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-4-Aired-on-October-21--22--2017-e1t5b4","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-4-Aired-on-October-21--22--2017-e1t5b4","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Atlanta 2017 Rotary Convention, part 4 (Aired on October 21 & 22, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T00:36:06.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532824566,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T00:36:06.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T00:35:57.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532824557,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b5237d9a-e9a0-0a75-a09f-11f1020a9be6","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Youth exchange (YEX) has long been a principal way that Rotary International promotes peach through friendship and cultural understanding. Rhinebeck Rotarian Mike Frazier is the coordinator for District 7210 of a new way for Rotary to support international youth exchanges, known as summer youth exchange or more formally as short-term youth exchange. In this program a family from one country exchanges for a few weeks or a month with a family from the other country. This is different from the regular school-year exchange in which the student who is incoming from another country or outgoing to one stays with three different host families; there is no reciprocal arrangement. The school-year exchange includes learning the language of the country visited, which is not a part of the short-term exchange. In both programs, a host Rotary Club must sponsor the exchange and the applicants are vetted both by the locals clubs and YEX officers from the District.","descriptionPreview":"Youth exchange (YEX) has long been a principal way that Rotary International promotes peach through friendship and cultural understanding. Rhinebeck Rotarian Mike Frazier is the coordinator for District 7210 of a new way for Rotary to support international youth exchanges, known as summer youth exchange or more formally as short-term youth exchange. In this program a family from one country exchanges for a few weeks or a month with a family from the other country. This is different from the regular school-year exchange in which the student who is incoming from another country or outgoing to one stays with three different host families; there is no reciprocal arrangement. The school-year exchange includes learning the language of the country visited, which is not a part of the short-term exchange. In both programs, a host Rotary Club must sponsor the exchange and the applicants are vetted both by the locals clubs and YEX officers from the District.","duration":1628324,"episodeId":"e1t5al","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Mike-Frazier---Rotary-Youth-Exchange-October-14--15--2017-e1t5al","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Mike-Frazier---Rotary-Youth-Exchange-October-14--15--2017-e1t5al","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Mike Frazier - Rotary Youth Exchange (October 14 & 15, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-29T00:23:53.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532823833,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-29T00:23:53.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-29T00:23:43.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532823823,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"8e653bdd-bff1-35ba-fe02-cd2ee11d4d3d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"More interviews with Rotarians from around the world about the great service projects that they are doing.","descriptionPreview":"More interviews with Rotarians from around the world about the great service projects that they are doing.","duration":1536891,"episodeId":"e1t587","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-Rotary-Convention--Part-3-Aired-on-October-7--2017-e1t587","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Atlanta-Rotary-Convention--Part-3-Aired-on-October-7--2017-e1t587","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Atlanta Rotary Convention, Part 3 (Aired on October 7, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T23:57:53.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532822273,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T23:57:53.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T23:57:44.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532822264,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"35d823af-24e9-91a4-0291-ac5a1ba6f27a","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotarian Tony Marmo (Highland Club) and Frank Faluotico visit RadioRotary to describe the Italian Festival in Kingston, NY, a fundraiser for Ulster County’s Italian American Foundation, an organization dedicated to promoting and preserving the Italian heritage of the country. Both were among the founders of the 501(c)3 nonprofit group in June 2015. The Foundation is similar to a Rotary Club in that it primarily raises money to give back to the community, especially in scholarships for Italian-American high-school students to attend college. The Festival features many vendors purveying Italian foods to eat on the spot or to take home as well as other goods. There is Italian music from folk songs to opera (not to mention Sinatra songs) and dances, such as the famous tarantella. The Italian Signor and Signora of the year are presented. Held in the historic Roundout section of Kingston, the many local restaurants also participate in the event.","descriptionPreview":"Rotarian Tony Marmo (Highland Club) and Frank Faluotico visit RadioRotary to describe the Italian Festival in Kingston, NY, a fundraiser for Ulster County’s Italian American Foundation, an organization dedicated to promoting and preserving the Italian heritage of the country. Both were among the founders of the 501(c)3 nonprofit group in June 2015. The Foundation is similar to a Rotary Club in that it primarily raises money to give back to the community, especially in scholarships for Italian-American high-school students to attend college. The Festival features many vendors purveying Italian foods to eat on the spot or to take home as well as other goods. There is Italian music from folk songs to opera (not to mention Sinatra songs) and dances, such as the famous tarantella. The Italian Signor and Signora of the year are presented. Held in the historic Roundout section of Kingston, the many local restaurants also participate in the event.","duration":1540945,"episodeId":"e1t55v","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Kingston-Italian-Festival-September-30--October-1--2017-e1t55v","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Kingston-Italian-Festival-September-30--October-1--2017-e1t55v","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Kingston Italian Festival (September 30 & October 1, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T23:37:04.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532821024,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T23:37:04.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T23:36:55.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532821015,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"8b2b3afa-16ac-9759-eb85-f1d45ceaddd6","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviewers at the 2017 International Rotary Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, interviewed several project leaders attending the convention. In this broadcast, you can learn about Project Chimps from Lindsay Vanderhoogt, the Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) from Rotarian Knut Johnsen (Greater Newburgh), the Russia-United States Intercountry Committee from Rotarian Charles Heberie; Rotaplast from Rotarian Donna Lee Young Rubin (PSG District 7930, Andover, MA), and the Rotarian Action Group for Hepatitis Eradication (a.k.a. Hepatitis Zero). Project Chimps put former laboratory chimpanzees into retirement in a wooded section of Georgia; RLI teaches Rotarians how to be better in their Rotary lives; the Russia-United State Intercountry Committee promotes peace between the two nations; Rotaplast provides plastic surgery to children (mainly) with cleft palate; and Hepatitis Zero is taking a specially equipped truck around the world to test individuals for hepatitis C.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviewers at the 2017 International Rotary Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, interviewed several project leaders attending the convention. In this broadcast, you can learn about Project Chimps from Lindsay Vanderhoogt, the Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) from Rotarian Knut Johnsen (Greater Newburgh), the Russia-United States Intercountry Committee from Rotarian Charles Heberie; Rotaplast from Rotarian Donna Lee Young Rubin (PSG District 7930, Andover, MA), and the Rotarian Action Group for Hepatitis Eradication (a.k.a. Hepatitis Zero). Project Chimps put former laboratory chimpanzees into retirement in a wooded section of Georgia; RLI teaches Rotarians how to be better in their Rotary lives; the Russia-United State Intercountry Committee promotes peace between the two nations; Rotaplast provides plastic surgery to children (mainly) with cleft palate; and Hepatitis Zero is taking a specially equipped truck around the world to test individuals for hepatitis C.","duration":1660768,"episodeId":"e1t51b","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-Rotary-Convention--Part-2-Aired-on-September-23-and-24--2017-e1t51b","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Atlanta-Rotary-Convention--Part-2-Aired-on-September-23-and-24--2017-e1t51b","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Atlanta Rotary Convention, Part 2 (Aired on September 23 and 24, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T23:23:45.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532820225,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T23:23:45.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T23:23:36.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532820216,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"69365a9a-3376-3480-2656-9a6ba87d56c7","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Body be Well Pilates founder Chelsea Streifeneder about the Pink Ribbon Program that uses Pilates exercises to help cancer victims prepare for or recover from the treatment of their disease. Pilates is a system of exercise developed by Joseph Pilates that uses springs and special equipment to promote overall health (although you can also do much of the program at home without the equipment). Ms. Streifeneder came to Pilates from a career as a dancer, and now runs Pilates studios in Kingston and Catskill, NY. The Pink Ribbon Program is primarily for coping with the ravages of breast cancer and its treatment, but because it enhances energy levels and decreases pain and stress, it is useful for all cancer patients. At Body be Well Pilates, each person has a program that is designed for the individual, based on health history, goals, and past exercise experience.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Body be Well Pilates founder Chelsea Streifeneder about the Pink Ribbon Program that uses Pilates exercises to help cancer victims prepare for or recover from the treatment of their disease. Pilates is a system of exercise developed by Joseph Pilates that uses springs and special equipment to promote overall health (although you can also do much of the program at home without the equipment). Ms. Streifeneder came to Pilates from a career as a dancer, and now runs Pilates studios in Kingston and Catskill, NY. The Pink Ribbon Program is primarily for coping with the ravages of breast cancer and its treatment, but because it enhances energy levels and decreases pain and stress, it is useful for all cancer patients. At Body be Well Pilates, each person has a program that is designed for the individual, based on health history, goals, and past exercise experience.","duration":1530888,"episodeId":"e1t50g","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Pink-Ribbon-Pilates-for-Cancer-Victims-September-16--2017-e1t50g","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Pink-Ribbon-Pilates-for-Cancer-Victims-September-16--2017-e1t50g","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Pink Ribbon Pilates for Cancer Victims (September 16, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T20:54:06.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532811246,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T20:54:07.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T20:53:57.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532811237,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"54c50773-2411-51f3-d04c-a846c2ab1333","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"For many years, the Town of Pleasant Valley has celebrated itself as a\ncommunity on a weekend in September. Recently the celebrations, known as “Pleasant Valley Weekend,” have been better than ever. Pleasant Valley Rotarian Carol Campbell revitalized the event when she was Town Supervisor in 2015, asking singer Johnny Dell to help get it organized. In this program RadioRotary interviews Ms. Campbell and Mr. Dell about the 2017 Pleasant Valley Weekend, which features three separate parades, many food and information booths at Cady Field (along Wappingers Creek just behind Town Hall), live music and dance, and a fireworks finale on Sunday. The Friday evening parade is vintage cars, the Saturday parade consists of over a hundred motorcycles, and on Sunday there is a traditional parade with fire engines, winners of the vintage car show, many marching groups, and a marching band. It is a great all-American event.","descriptionPreview":"For many years, the Town of Pleasant Valley has celebrated itself as a\ncommunity on a weekend in September. Recently the celebrations, known as “Pleasant Valley Weekend,” have been better than ever. Pleasant Valley Rotarian Carol Campbell revitalized the event when she was Town Supervisor in 2015, asking singer Johnny Dell to help get it organized. In this program RadioRotary interviews Ms. Campbell and Mr. Dell about the 2017 Pleasant Valley Weekend, which features three separate parades, many food and information booths at Cady Field (along Wappingers Creek just behind Town Hall), live music and dance, and a fireworks finale on Sunday. The Friday evening parade is vintage cars, the Saturday parade consists of over a hundred motorcycles, and on Sunday there is a traditional parade with fire engines, winners of the vintage car show, many marching groups, and a marching band. It is a great all-American event.","duration":1569026,"episodeId":"e1t4mi","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Weekend-September-9-and-September-10--2017-e1t4mi","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Weekend-September-9-and-September-10--2017-e1t4mi","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Pleasant Valley Weekend (September 9 and September 10, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T20:43:23.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532810603,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T20:43:23.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T20:43:13.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532810593,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"1a1dba3d-8da2-d3be-e4b7-7371c132c49f","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Tyler Miller, a Direct Support Professional with New Horizons Resources, Inc., is interviewed about the New Horizons program for group homes in Dutchess and Ulster counties. New Horizons maintains over thirty homes for older (over age 20) persons with developmental or intellectual disabilities. One or more Direct Service Professionals are present at all times to facilitate the person-centered family-like situations. Residents largely take care of themselves with the assistance of helpers like Tyler Miller. The Direct Support Professionals also aid residents in visiting or working at outside facilities or in participating in such events as the Special Olympics. Mr. Miller became involved in part because his whole family does service of one kind or another, including his mother’s work at Cardinal Hayes Home for Children and brother’s job at the Anderson Center for Autism. ","descriptionPreview":"Tyler Miller, a Direct Support Professional with New Horizons Resources, Inc., is interviewed about the New Horizons program for group homes in Dutchess and Ulster counties. New Horizons maintains over thirty homes for older (over age 20) persons with developmental or intellectual disabilities. One or more Direct Service Professionals are present at all times to facilitate the person-centered family-like situations. Residents largely take care of themselves with the assistance of helpers like Tyler Miller. The Direct Support Professionals also aid residents in visiting or working at outside facilities or in participating in such events as the Special Olympics. Mr. Miller became involved in part because his whole family does service of one kind or another, including his mother’s work at Cardinal Hayes Home for Children and brother’s job at the Anderson Center for Autism. ","duration":1595697,"episodeId":"e1t4lh","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Tyler-Miller-of-New-Horizons-September-2--2017-e1t4lh","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Tyler-Miller-of-New-Horizons-September-2--2017-e1t4lh","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Tyler Miller of New Horizons (September 2, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T20:29:04.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532809744,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T20:29:04.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T20:28:54.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532809734,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"3658c177-e76c-45f1-01fd-70822fe6d29d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviewers took advantage of the International Rotary Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, to interview some of the many humanitarian leaders who also attended the convention. In this broadcast, you can learn about how Destiny Rescue fights human trafficking and sex exploitation of children and youth all over the world; about the LifePump, which uses the Archimedean Screw to lift water from wells too deep for other pumps (and only needs human power, not\nelectricity or petroleum-based fuels); about the Rotary Dictionary Project, which supplies individual elementary and secondary school students with one of 8 different dictionaries in English or 22 in other languages; about the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is based in Atlanta; and about the goals of Rotary International President for 2016-17 John Germ and the projects that he sponsored during his year as president.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviewers took advantage of the International Rotary Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, to interview some of the many humanitarian leaders who also attended the convention. In this broadcast, you can learn about how Destiny Rescue fights human trafficking and sex exploitation of children and youth all over the world; about the LifePump, which uses the Archimedean Screw to lift water from wells too deep for other pumps (and only needs human power, not\nelectricity or petroleum-based fuels); about the Rotary Dictionary Project, which supplies individual elementary and secondary school students with one of 8 different dictionaries in English or 22 in other languages; about the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is based in Atlanta; and about the goals of Rotary International President for 2016-17 John Germ and the projects that he sponsored during his year as president.","duration":1583232,"episodeId":"e1t4k0","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Atlanta--1-August-26--2017-e1t4k0","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Atlanta--1-August-26--2017-e1t4k0","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Convention Atlanta # 1 (August 26, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T20:03:51.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532808231,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T20:03:51.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T20:03:42.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532808222,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ba01cd03-3878-c55b-8f43-66c04f8fbc09","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Kyle Irwin, who went from the Peace Corps and a career in microfinance to found FitFeet Adventures, a unique Rhinebeck-based corporation that focuses on the environment, philanthropy, and running and hiking for everyone from individuals to groups. Locally FitFeet runs 5K races, 10K races, and full and half marathons to support various local and national charities, including a 2017 walk-or-run at Vanderbilt Mansion in Hyde Park. The “adventures” part comes with specially designed tours of Peru, Chile, and Argentina, some incorporating major races in Patagonia. The Explore Peru Teen Adventure combines language immersion, volunteer work for charities, visits to cultural sites, and a multi-day trek through the Andes Mountains to Machu Picchu. By partnering with nonprofits such as Awamaki, which helps women and rural families in a Peruvian Village lift themselves out of poverty.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Kyle Irwin, who went from the Peace Corps and a career in microfinance to found FitFeet Adventures, a unique Rhinebeck-based corporation that focuses on the environment, philanthropy, and running and hiking for everyone from individuals to groups. Locally FitFeet runs 5K races, 10K races, and full and half marathons to support various local and national charities, including a 2017 walk-or-run at Vanderbilt Mansion in Hyde Park. The “adventures” part comes with specially designed tours of Peru, Chile, and Argentina, some incorporating major races in Patagonia. The Explore Peru Teen Adventure combines language immersion, volunteer work for charities, visits to cultural sites, and a multi-day trek through the Andes Mountains to Machu Picchu. By partnering with nonprofits such as Awamaki, which helps women and rural families in a Peruvian Village lift themselves out of poverty.","duration":1602275,"episodeId":"e1t4hu","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Fitfeet-Adventures-Aired-on-August-19--and-20--2017-e1t4hu","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Fitfeet-Adventures-Aired-on-August-19--and-20--2017-e1t4hu","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Fitfeet Adventures (Aired on August 19, and 20, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T19:35:56.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532806556,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T19:35:57.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T19:35:47.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532806547,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"3567e0ba-e84a-91c0-0517-fde5074c0fa3","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Steve Laubach and Don Verity, along with former Highland Rotarian\nJamie Anson, tell about the glories of eating barbecue (and listening to music) at the thirteenth annual Ribfest, Ulster County Fairgrounds just outside New Paltz. In addition to great food and music by local performers, the Ribfest has many activities for children and some special events. The $7 admission (free parking) allows you to spend time at the Chef Demonstration Tent, where not only do local chefs, the Culinary Institute of America, and other professionals provide cooking and decorating tips, but also there are free samples of the foods being demonstrated. Next door, local, vintners, brewers, and distillers allow you to sample their products as well. In Competition Alley, barbecue chefs compete for cash prizes and a grand prize of entry into the World Series of Barbecue in Kansas City.","descriptionPreview":"Steve Laubach and Don Verity, along with former Highland Rotarian\nJamie Anson, tell about the glories of eating barbecue (and listening to music) at the thirteenth annual Ribfest, Ulster County Fairgrounds just outside New Paltz. In addition to great food and music by local performers, the Ribfest has many activities for children and some special events. The $7 admission (free parking) allows you to spend time at the Chef Demonstration Tent, where not only do local chefs, the Culinary Institute of America, and other professionals provide cooking and decorating tips, but also there are free samples of the foods being demonstrated. Next door, local, vintners, brewers, and distillers allow you to sample their products as well. In Competition Alley, barbecue chefs compete for cash prizes and a grand prize of entry into the World Series of Barbecue in Kansas City.","duration":1578687,"episodeId":"e1t4g1","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Hudson-Valley-Ribfest-August-12-and-August-13-2017-e1t4g1","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Hudson-Valley-Ribfest-August-12-and-August-13-2017-e1t4g1","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Hudson Valley Ribfest (August 12 and August 13 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T19:06:03.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532804763,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T19:06:04.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T19:05:54.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532804754,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"dcf5c120-a269-fa48-54d1-2260f250da06","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary’s co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell call Youth Exchange Rotary’s “crown jewel.” District 7210 Youth Exchange Coordinator Nan Greenwood (District 7210 E-Club) joins the co-hosts as Youth Exchange students from Slovakia, France, Brazil, Japan, Taiwan, and Italy discuss their experiences as part of the Rotary Youth Exchange program, where “inbound” students from around the world spend nine months attending school in the United States (meanwhile “outbound” students make similar visits abroad). Each student lives with three different families during the school year so that there is a real taste of what American life is like. The visit is watched over by host Rotary clubs, for these students LaGrange Sunrise, Monticello, Port Jervis, Red Hook, Greenville, and Fishkill.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary’s co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell call Youth Exchange Rotary’s “crown jewel.” District 7210 Youth Exchange Coordinator Nan Greenwood (District 7210 E-Club) joins the co-hosts as Youth Exchange students from Slovakia, France, Brazil, Japan, Taiwan, and Italy discuss their experiences as part of the Rotary Youth Exchange program, where “inbound” students from around the world spend nine months attending school in the United States (meanwhile “outbound” students make similar visits abroad). Each student lives with three different families during the school year so that there is a real taste of what American life is like. The visit is watched over by host Rotary clubs, for these students LaGrange Sunrise, Monticello, Port Jervis, Red Hook, Greenville, and Fishkill.","duration":1618842,"episodeId":"e1t4dl","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/YEX-Students-at-Mohonk-August-5--2017-and-August-6--2017-e1t4dl","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/YEX-Students-at-Mohonk-August-5--2017-and-August-6--2017-e1t4dl","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"YEX Students at Mohonk (August 5, 2017 and August 6, 2017"},{"created":"2018-07-28T18:52:23.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532803943,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T18:52:23.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T18:52:13.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532803933,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a19b54f6-b636-69cc-f392-e52cec8035af","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"There’s a new destination in picturesque Rhinebeck, The Gallery @ Rhinebeck, a nonprofit organization currently consisting 71 members who are visual artists of various types—mainly painter but also photographers, sculptors, and crafts. Open for visitors since January 19, 2017, the Gallery @ Rhinebeck does not charge a commission on sales as commercial galleries do; the artist members pay fees to be exhibited but the gallery also needs tax-free donations from the\npublic to fulfill its mission.","descriptionPreview":"There’s a new destination in picturesque Rhinebeck, The Gallery @ Rhinebeck, a nonprofit organization currently consisting 71 members who are visual artists of various types—mainly painter but also photographers, sculptors, and crafts. Open for visitors since January 19, 2017, the Gallery @ Rhinebeck does not charge a commission on sales as commercial galleries do; the artist members pay fees to be exhibited but the gallery also needs tax-free donations from the\npublic to fulfill its mission.","duration":1532873,"episodeId":"e1t4cr","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rhinebeck-Art-Gallery-July-29-2017-and-July-30-2017-e1t4cr","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rhinebeck-Art-Gallery-July-29-2017-and-July-30-2017-e1t4cr","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rhinebeck Art Gallery (July 29 2017 and July 30 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T18:32:18.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532802738,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T18:32:18.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T18:32:09.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532802729,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"0410853e-f47a-a987-0f21-f6bade55aeac","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Rebbekah Smith Aldrich,\nCoordinator for Library Sustainability for the Mid-Hudson Library System, a group of 66 libraries in the five mid-Hudson counties that form the core of the RadioRotary listening area: Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Putnum, and Ulster—serving 2.5 million homes. Libraries today are a platform for all sorts of information, forming a cornerstone of democracy. They provide affordable access to services that really matter, including downloads of E-book and audiobooks in addition to the traditional printed material and human fonts of accurate information. Many offer shared community experiences, including talks, concerts, meeting centers, and always programs for children. This is a terrific show that ought to make the listener pull our his or her library card and head either for the library building or the computer/cellphone.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Rebbekah Smith Aldrich,\nCoordinator for Library Sustainability for the Mid-Hudson Library System, a group of 66 libraries in the five mid-Hudson counties that form the core of the RadioRotary listening area: Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Putnum, and Ulster—serving 2.5 million homes. Libraries today are a platform for all sorts of information, forming a cornerstone of democracy. They provide affordable access to services that really matter, including downloads of E-book and audiobooks in addition to the traditional printed material and human fonts of accurate information. Many offer shared community experiences, including talks, concerts, meeting centers, and always programs for children. This is a terrific show that ought to make the listener pull our his or her library card and head either for the library building or the computer/cellphone.","duration":1501630,"episodeId":"e1t4a3","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Mid-Hudson-Library-System-Aired-on-Jan-14-2017--Jan-15-2017-e1t4a3","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Mid-Hudson-Library-System-Aired-on-Jan-14-2017--Jan-15-2017-e1t4a3","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Mid-Hudson Library System (Aired on Jan 14 2017 & Jan 15 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T18:20:32.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532802032,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T18:20:32.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T18:20:22.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532802022,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"d6ecf368-6487-f55a-97d6-54f2108f5faf","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Marjorie Nichols Keith , Executive Director of the Putnam Country Cornell Cooperative Extension, brings 4-H Club member Grace Fisher (11 years old) to\nRadioRotary to help tell about 4-H programs and the annual Putnam County 4-H Fair in Veteran Memorial Park in Carmel. The 200-some 4-H members in the County, ages 5 through 19, are joined by as many as 300 other volunteers to produce the Fair. Although we often think of 4-H in terms of young people raising livestock, Grace explains that the club helps teach leadership and life skills —“it’s not all about cows and cooking.” The Fair is a big family event with food booths, music, a plant sale, horse and dog shows, an auction, and activities such as Touch a Truck and a fishing contest. Putnam Country Rotary Clubs often sponsor tents at the Fair.","descriptionPreview":"Marjorie Nichols Keith , Executive Director of the Putnam Country Cornell Cooperative Extension, brings 4-H Club member Grace Fisher (11 years old) to\nRadioRotary to help tell about 4-H programs and the annual Putnam County 4-H Fair in Veteran Memorial Park in Carmel. The 200-some 4-H members in the County, ages 5 through 19, are joined by as many as 300 other volunteers to produce the Fair. Although we often think of 4-H in terms of young people raising livestock, Grace explains that the club helps teach leadership and life skills —“it’s not all about cows and cooking.” The Fair is a big family event with food booths, music, a plant sale, horse and dog shows, an auction, and activities such as Touch a Truck and a fishing contest. Putnam Country Rotary Clubs often sponsor tents at the Fair.","duration":1543578,"episodeId":"e1t48o","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/4H-Fair-With-Marjorie-L--Nicholas-Keith-July-22--2017-e1t48o","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/4H-Fair-With-Marjorie-L--Nicholas-Keith-July-22--2017-e1t48o","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"4H Fair With Marjorie L. Nicholas Keith (July 22, 2017 )"},{"created":"2018-07-28T17:56:01.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532800561,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T17:56:01.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T17:55:51.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532800551,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"5a3bfa95-1874-64a5-3f0b-0704028548a3","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Camp Nooteeming in Pleasant Valley has been serving the scouting community for 91 years, but newly arrived Scout Executive/CEO for the Hudson Valley Council of the Boy Scouts of America, David Horton, recognized that the Camp is in serious need of renovation to become a resident camp. Volunteer Dave Petrovich has taken charge of the project. Together for a joint interview on RadioRotary, they describe plans to set up camping centers for specific topics, events, and skills, including centers devoted to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics); shooting sports; the environment; crafts; and more. Scouts, including Cub Scouts as young as age 5 and Girl Scouts, will use the renovated facilities along with other community groups. In an interesting sidelight, Program Co-Host Jonah Triebwasser tells about how Rotary and scouting have been linked since the earliest days of both service organizations.","descriptionPreview":"Camp Nooteeming in Pleasant Valley has been serving the scouting community for 91 years, but newly arrived Scout Executive/CEO for the Hudson Valley Council of the Boy Scouts of America, David Horton, recognized that the Camp is in serious need of renovation to become a resident camp. Volunteer Dave Petrovich has taken charge of the project. Together for a joint interview on RadioRotary, they describe plans to set up camping centers for specific topics, events, and skills, including centers devoted to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics); shooting sports; the environment; crafts; and more. Scouts, including Cub Scouts as young as age 5 and Girl Scouts, will use the renovated facilities along with other community groups. In an interesting sidelight, Program Co-Host Jonah Triebwasser tells about how Rotary and scouting have been linked since the earliest days of both service organizations.","duration":1655648,"episodeId":"e1t472","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Renewal-for-91-Year-Old-Scout-Camp-June-15-and-16--2017-e1t472","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Renewal-for-91-Year-Old-Scout-Camp-June-15-and-16--2017-e1t472","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Renewal for 91-Year-Old Scout Camp (June 15 and 16, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T17:45:36.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532799936,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T17:45:36.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T17:45:27.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532799927,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"26f53690-30d2-6186-4d24-c3c868822050","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Although Rhinebeck at Home is one more of than over 200 “aging in place” organizations, it has no age limit—current members range from 58 to 97 years young—and its roster of group activities include events for people of all ages. In\nthis RadioRotary program Rhinebeck at Home President\nNina Lynch and Vice-President Anne Brueckner tell about how the group was formed and how they work to achieve their goals. An all-volunteer membership organization that relies\non helping each other, the members provide transportation, referrals to community-service organizations, social activities, and help with household tasks. Various events are organized to encourage the members to network with each other, ranging from picnics to attending shows or museums together. Home for Rhinebeck at Home is wherever you choose and the only requirements for membership are residence in Rhinebeck, payment of nominal dues, and the ability to make your own decisions.","descriptionPreview":"Although Rhinebeck at Home is one more of than over 200 “aging in place” organizations, it has no age limit—current members range from 58 to 97 years young—and its roster of group activities include events for people of all ages. In\nthis RadioRotary program Rhinebeck at Home President\nNina Lynch and Vice-President Anne Brueckner tell about how the group was formed and how they work to achieve their goals. An all-volunteer membership organization that relies\non helping each other, the members provide transportation, referrals to community-service organizations, social activities, and help with household tasks. Various events are organized to encourage the members to network with each other, ranging from picnics to attending shows or museums together. Home for Rhinebeck at Home is wherever you choose and the only requirements for membership are residence in Rhinebeck, payment of nominal dues, and the ability to make your own decisions.","duration":1634280,"episodeId":"e1t46a","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Anne-Brueckner--Nina-Lynch--Rhinebeck--Home-July-8--2017-e1t46a","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Anne-Brueckner--Nina-Lynch--Rhinebeck--Home-July-8--2017-e1t46a","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Anne Brueckner & Nina Lynch, Rhinebeck @ Home (July 8, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T17:35:00.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532799300,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T17:35:01.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T17:34:51.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532799291,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"232a92ca-1d19-a9ac-8b57-263cfc75edd4","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"John Roger, who has a doctorate in physical therapy, visits RadioRotary with the message that physical therapy is often the right way to treat chronic or acute pain instead of or in addition to potentially addictive opioid medication. Beyond to the joint pains that we commonly think of when seeking physical therapy, the techniques are also useful for treating severe headaches, the chronic pain of fibromyalgia, and the pain from tendon, ligament, or muscle damage, which is often caused by sports injury. In many cases, the key to pain relief comes from\nposture improvement, stress relief, and lifestyle changes that are addressed by a doctor trained in physical therapy. A medical doctor may prescribe physical therapy, but a prescription is not necessary to obtain treatment.","descriptionPreview":"John Roger, who has a doctorate in physical therapy, visits RadioRotary with the message that physical therapy is often the right way to treat chronic or acute pain instead of or in addition to potentially addictive opioid medication. Beyond to the joint pains that we commonly think of when seeking physical therapy, the techniques are also useful for treating severe headaches, the chronic pain of fibromyalgia, and the pain from tendon, ligament, or muscle damage, which is often caused by sports injury. In many cases, the key to pain relief comes from\nposture improvement, stress relief, and lifestyle changes that are addressed by a doctor trained in physical therapy. A medical doctor may prescribe physical therapy, but a prescription is not necessary to obtain treatment.","duration":1594909,"episodeId":"e1t45h","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/John-Roger-and-Pain-Management-July-1-and-July-2-2017-e1t45h","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/John-Roger-and-Pain-Management-July-1-and-July-2-2017-e1t45h","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"John Roger and Pain Management (July 1 and July 2 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T16:05:54.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532793954,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T16:05:54.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T16:05:45.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532793945,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"30d85dc7-f8ec-b781-2cc1-96be5fc34b71","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"This is a repeat broadcast in honor of Bunnee Webb, who led District 7210’s campaign to eradicate polio, part of a worldwide effort that involved not only Rotary, but also the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, several United Nations organizations, and governments in the affected areas. Ms. Webb, a past District Governor of Rotary District 7210 (2000-01) and a member of the Congers-Valley Cottage Rotary Club, inspired all who knew her, especially for her dedication to polio eradication. She died on May 23, 2017, at the age of 89. By then the PolioPlus campaign was “this close” to polio eradication, with only 20 known cases of the disease in 2016—although Ms. Webb would never say “only.” When this 2010 show was originally broadcast, there were 349 total cases, down from 52,630 in 1980. The stories on this show are timeless, however, especially Ms. Webb’s account of her experience vaccinating children in India as part of a National Immunization Day.","descriptionPreview":"This is a repeat broadcast in honor of Bunnee Webb, who led District 7210’s campaign to eradicate polio, part of a worldwide effort that involved not only Rotary, but also the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, several United Nations organizations, and governments in the affected areas. Ms. Webb, a past District Governor of Rotary District 7210 (2000-01) and a member of the Congers-Valley Cottage Rotary Club, inspired all who knew her, especially for her dedication to polio eradication. She died on May 23, 2017, at the age of 89. By then the PolioPlus campaign was “this close” to polio eradication, with only 20 known cases of the disease in 2016—although Ms. Webb would never say “only.” When this 2010 show was originally broadcast, there were 349 total cases, down from 52,630 in 1980. The stories on this show are timeless, however, especially Ms. Webb’s account of her experience vaccinating children in India as part of a National Immunization Day.","duration":1603142,"episodeId":"e1t3ts","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Bunnee-Web-Tribute-Show-Aired-on-June-24--2017-and-June-25th--2017-e1t3ts","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Bunnee-Web-Tribute-Show-Aired-on-June-24--2017-and-June-25th--2017-e1t3ts","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Bunnee Web Tribute Show (Aired on June 24, 2017 and June 25th, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T16:02:09.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532793729,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T16:02:09.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T16:01:59.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532793719,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"0652ef28-abcb-aede-61d3-c61904607a73","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Charles G. Vetter, Jr. managing broker at the Lagrangeville Office of real-estate agency Houlihan Lawrence, tells RadioRotary about some of the many ways that his agency works with the local community on a number of humanitarian projects. Mr. Vetter is very much involved personally and through the agency with the Dutchess SPCA, making sure that dogs and cats are adopted, The agency’s concern for animal welfare extends to large creatures as well, supporting the Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue, including locating the farm where the rescue service is now located. Other charities supported by the Houlihan Lawrence staff include the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society through its “Light the Night” fundraiser and a scholarship program for baton twirlers. As part of the community involvement, the agency often partners with LaGrange Sunrise Rotary or with the Rotary Club of Pleasant Valley.","descriptionPreview":"Charles G. Vetter, Jr. managing broker at the Lagrangeville Office of real-estate agency Houlihan Lawrence, tells RadioRotary about some of the many ways that his agency works with the local community on a number of humanitarian projects. Mr. Vetter is very much involved personally and through the agency with the Dutchess SPCA, making sure that dogs and cats are adopted, The agency’s concern for animal welfare extends to large creatures as well, supporting the Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue, including locating the farm where the rescue service is now located. Other charities supported by the Houlihan Lawrence staff include the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society through its “Light the Night” fundraiser and a scholarship program for baton twirlers. As part of the community involvement, the agency often partners with LaGrange Sunrise Rotary or with the Rotary Club of Pleasant Valley.","duration":1530757,"episodeId":"e1t3tm","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Charles-G--Vetter-of-Houlihan-Lawrence-June-17-and-June-18-e1t3tm","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Charles-G--Vetter-of-Houlihan-Lawrence-June-17-and-June-18-e1t3tm","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Charles G. Vetter of Houlihan Lawrence (June 17 and June 18)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T15:55:47.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532793347,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T15:55:47.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T15:55:38.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532793338,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"7c585bea-1a51-646c-c0ff-8ccc19a291b4","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Eliza Bozenski, Director of the Anderson Foundation for Autism, comes to the RadioRotary microphone to discuss the autism spectrum and how the Anderson Foundation’s several ways of outreach are making a difference for families that must cope with autism. Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability that ranges from what is commonly called Asperger Syndrome, which may be accompanied by high intelligence, to instances of autism that feature very low intelligence and serious disability. Early intervention makes a considerable difference in development; parents recognizing that a child may have a problem should not hesitate about taking the child to a physician for diagnosis. The Anderson Foundation provides a range of autism services, including residential treatment and consultation with families. One program helps businesses develop an autism supportive environment that can modify practices so that persons on the autism spectrum can feel more comfortable.","descriptionPreview":"Eliza Bozenski, Director of the Anderson Foundation for Autism, comes to the RadioRotary microphone to discuss the autism spectrum and how the Anderson Foundation’s several ways of outreach are making a difference for families that must cope with autism. Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability that ranges from what is commonly called Asperger Syndrome, which may be accompanied by high intelligence, to instances of autism that feature very low intelligence and serious disability. Early intervention makes a considerable difference in development; parents recognizing that a child may have a problem should not hesitate about taking the child to a physician for diagnosis. The Anderson Foundation provides a range of autism services, including residential treatment and consultation with families. One program helps businesses develop an autism supportive environment that can modify practices so that persons on the autism spectrum can feel more comfortable.","duration":1678161,"episodeId":"e1t3t2","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Eliza-Bozenski-from-The-Anderson-Foundation-Aired-on-June-10th-2017-and-June-11th-2017-e1t3t2","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Eliza-Bozenski-from-The-Anderson-Foundation-Aired-on-June-10th-2017-and-June-11th-2017-e1t3t2","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Eliza Bozenski from The Anderson Foundation (Aired on June 10th 2017 and June 11th 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T15:46:26.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532792786,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T15:46:26.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T15:46:17.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532792777,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ba3a91ea-b3a2-557e-12c2-1b53313a082d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews librarian Amy Shapiro , who supervises the Mahopac Library Learning Lab, a multigenerational learning center focused on technical help for computers, smartphones, or other electronic devices. This lab, which is open five days a week, provides one-on-one individual help along with two classes each week on aid for resume preparation. The library not only has\ndesktop computers that patrons can use, but also offers Wi-Fi access for personal devices. The Lab is available for adults and for children either over fifth grade or with their parents—no library card needed. The Learning Lab is only one of the services of the Mahopac Library. In additions to books, DVDs, and computer access, there are summer programs for adults, for teens, and for children.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews librarian Amy Shapiro , who supervises the Mahopac Library Learning Lab, a multigenerational learning center focused on technical help for computers, smartphones, or other electronic devices. This lab, which is open five days a week, provides one-on-one individual help along with two classes each week on aid for resume preparation. The library not only has\ndesktop computers that patrons can use, but also offers Wi-Fi access for personal devices. The Lab is available for adults and for children either over fifth grade or with their parents—no library card needed. The Learning Lab is only one of the services of the Mahopac Library. In additions to books, DVDs, and computer access, there are summer programs for adults, for teens, and for children.","duration":1537967,"episodeId":"e1t3nd","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Learning-Lab-with-Amy-Shapiro-June-3-2016-and-4-2017-e1t3nd","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Learning-Lab-with-Amy-Shapiro-June-3-2016-and-4-2017-e1t3nd","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Learning Lab with Amy Shapiro (June 3 2016 and 4 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T14:12:35.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532787155,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T14:12:36.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T14:12:26.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532787146,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"441d88bb-d4d5-c041-15f3-6b333f6422c5","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The sixth annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, celebrated on June 16, 2017, is discussed on RadioRotary by Susan Davidson of Friends of Seniors and Dana Pavlock of Evercare. Elder abuse can be psychological, financial, sexual, physical, or simply neglectful. It is more of an issue today than in the past because people are living longer, but families no longer have several generations living in the same location. Isolated elders, many suffering from mild to serious dementia, can be easy prey for caregivers of various kinds. Friends of Seniors does not deal directly with elder abuse, but provides medical transportation, grocery shopping, caregiver respite, and similar services through trustworthy volunteers. Evercare is a certified home health care agency that also offers a managed long-term care plan through Medicaid as well as an adult social day program. T","descriptionPreview":"The sixth annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, celebrated on June 16, 2017, is discussed on RadioRotary by Susan Davidson of Friends of Seniors and Dana Pavlock of Evercare. Elder abuse can be psychological, financial, sexual, physical, or simply neglectful. It is more of an issue today than in the past because people are living longer, but families no longer have several generations living in the same location. Isolated elders, many suffering from mild to serious dementia, can be easy prey for caregivers of various kinds. Friends of Seniors does not deal directly with elder abuse, but provides medical transportation, grocery shopping, caregiver respite, and similar services through trustworthy volunteers. Evercare is a certified home health care agency that also offers a managed long-term care plan through Medicaid as well as an adult social day program. T","duration":1509310,"episodeId":"e1t38e","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Dana-Pavlock-on-Elder-Abuse-Aired-on-5-27-17--5-28-17-e1t38e","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Dana-Pavlock-on-Elder-Abuse-Aired-on-5-27-17--5-28-17-e1t38e","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Dana Pavlock on Elder Abuse (Aired on 5-27-17 & 5-28-17)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T13:22:58.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532784178,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T13:22:58.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T13:22:48.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532784168,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"92ee3343-b5b3-98fa-a2b9-1568bcf9089b","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Leah Feldman , Director of the Center for Victim Safety and Support at Family Services in Dutchess County, and volunteer Kathleen Paluso discuss the various ways the Center aids victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and other crimes. Two hot lines connect directly to assistance: (845)485-5550 for domestic violence and (845)452-7272 for victims of rape or other crimes. The Center can help a victim find shelter from an abuser or work with the courts in providing protection. Licensed counselors are available around the\nclock. Much of the RadioRotary program is concerned with the causes\nof domestic violence and ways that victims can cope.","descriptionPreview":"Leah Feldman , Director of the Center for Victim Safety and Support at Family Services in Dutchess County, and volunteer Kathleen Paluso discuss the various ways the Center aids victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and other crimes. Two hot lines connect directly to assistance: (845)485-5550 for domestic violence and (845)452-7272 for victims of rape or other crimes. The Center can help a victim find shelter from an abuser or work with the courts in providing protection. Licensed counselors are available around the\nclock. Much of the RadioRotary program is concerned with the causes\nof domestic violence and ways that victims can cope.","duration":1547758,"episodeId":"e1t35o","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Victim-SafetyDomestic-Abuse-Aired-May-20-and-May-21-2017-e1t35o","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Victim-SafetyDomestic-Abuse-Aired-May-20-and-May-21-2017-e1t35o","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Victim Safety/Domestic Abuse (Aired May 20 and May 21 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T12:46:38.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532781998,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T12:46:39.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T12:46:29.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532781989,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"591ab17c-7e51-1bd7-36c7-226839741f13","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Once again RadioRotary visits Red Hook Rotary’s club meeting to learn about Apple Blossom Day and other activities of the Red Hook Club. Rotarian Dave Wright is in charge of the 2017 Apple Blossom Day, the street festival that traditionally kicks off the spring-summer season of activity, as it has done for more than 30 years (the last 17 operated by Red Hook Rotary). In addition to several dance and music performances on the stage erected for this event, there are about a hundred craft vendors, very many food vendors, and—for the children—pony rides, a bouncy house, face painting, and a petting zoo. Rotarian Susan Simon is in charge of the hot-dog grill. The Rotary club does much more\nthen the annual Apple Blossom Day. Rotarian Linda Greenblatt speaks about the Red Hook Business Directory and about the Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA). Rotarian Christine Chale describes Red Hook’s participation in international Youth Exchange.","descriptionPreview":"Once again RadioRotary visits Red Hook Rotary’s club meeting to learn about Apple Blossom Day and other activities of the Red Hook Club. Rotarian Dave Wright is in charge of the 2017 Apple Blossom Day, the street festival that traditionally kicks off the spring-summer season of activity, as it has done for more than 30 years (the last 17 operated by Red Hook Rotary). In addition to several dance and music performances on the stage erected for this event, there are about a hundred craft vendors, very many food vendors, and—for the children—pony rides, a bouncy house, face painting, and a petting zoo. Rotarian Susan Simon is in charge of the hot-dog grill. The Rotary club does much more\nthen the annual Apple Blossom Day. Rotarian Linda Greenblatt speaks about the Red Hook Business Directory and about the Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA). Rotarian Christine Chale describes Red Hook’s participation in international Youth Exchange.","duration":1635399,"episodeId":"e1t33e","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Red-Hooks-2017-Apple-Blossom-Day-Aired-May-6-and-7--2017-e1t33e","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Red-Hooks-2017-Apple-Blossom-Day-Aired-May-6-and-7--2017-e1t33e","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Red Hook’s 2017 Apple Blossom Day (Aired May 6 and 7, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T11:58:05.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532779085,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T11:58:05.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T11:57:55.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532779075,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"7c950f40-be06-938a-61fd-1bbb5457a828","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Krista Jones returns to RadioRotary with exciting news about developments at Sparrow’s Nest, the charity that provides food to the families of persons who have cancer. Ms. Jones started the charity in 2009 when a good friend was dying of colon cancer, providing meals that Ms. Jones left at the doorstep; soon Ms. Jones learned of four other friends with cancer and began to cook for them as well. Seeing the need, she then formed Sparrow’s Nest with many volunteers helping in the mission. Today Sparrow’s Nest has moved from Ms. Jones’ kitchen to a professional kitchen and office in commercial space, feeding about 500 families—not just moms–in Dutchess and nearby counties. Drivers bring healthy food from the central kitchen in special coolers. Plans are underway to expand even farther, doubling the area covered and the number of families fed.","descriptionPreview":"Krista Jones returns to RadioRotary with exciting news about developments at Sparrow’s Nest, the charity that provides food to the families of persons who have cancer. Ms. Jones started the charity in 2009 when a good friend was dying of colon cancer, providing meals that Ms. Jones left at the doorstep; soon Ms. Jones learned of four other friends with cancer and began to cook for them as well. Seeing the need, she then formed Sparrow’s Nest with many volunteers helping in the mission. Today Sparrow’s Nest has moved from Ms. Jones’ kitchen to a professional kitchen and office in commercial space, feeding about 500 families—not just moms–in Dutchess and nearby counties. Drivers bring healthy food from the central kitchen in special coolers. Plans are underway to expand even farther, doubling the area covered and the number of families fed.","duration":1538150,"episodeId":"e1t314","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Sparrows-Nest-Aired-On-April-22nd-and-April-23rd--2017-e1t314","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Sparrows-Nest-Aired-On-April-22nd-and-April-23rd--2017-e1t314","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Sparrows Nest (Aired On April 22nd and April 23rd, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T11:47:35.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532778455,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T11:47:35.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T11:47:25.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532778445,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"6dfa6616-164d-21cb-9d56-4de039493619","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Richard Senato tells RadioRotary the inspiring story of Love Holds Life, a foundation whose mission is to pay all of the otherwise out-of-pocket expenses of a family with a child fighting cancer, a project that is sponsored in part by Patterson Rotary. It began when Mr. Senato became inspired to help an eleven-year-old child in a Patterson family. After covering over $73,000 in out-of-pocket expenses for his family, that child in now eighteen and cancer free. Since that start, Love Holds Life has helped finance cancer treatment for over twenty children, financed by donations from individuals, foundations, corporations, and local organizations, including Rotary. Donors have a choice of supporting the Family Medical Fund, 100% of that money going to the affected families, or the Legacy Fund that supports the operating costs of the foundation—sponsors can choose to support both, also. Weekly community outreach programs are a primary means of reaching donors.","descriptionPreview":"Richard Senato tells RadioRotary the inspiring story of Love Holds Life, a foundation whose mission is to pay all of the otherwise out-of-pocket expenses of a family with a child fighting cancer, a project that is sponsored in part by Patterson Rotary. It began when Mr. Senato became inspired to help an eleven-year-old child in a Patterson family. After covering over $73,000 in out-of-pocket expenses for his family, that child in now eighteen and cancer free. Since that start, Love Holds Life has helped finance cancer treatment for over twenty children, financed by donations from individuals, foundations, corporations, and local organizations, including Rotary. Donors have a choice of supporting the Family Medical Fund, 100% of that money going to the affected families, or the Legacy Fund that supports the operating costs of the foundation—sponsors can choose to support both, also. Weekly community outreach programs are a primary means of reaching donors.","duration":1538150,"episodeId":"e1t30i","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Love-Holds-Life-Aired-on-April-15--2017-and-April-16--2017-e1t30i","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Love-Holds-Life-Aired-on-April-15--2017-and-April-16--2017-e1t30i","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Love Holds Life (Aired on April 15, 2017 and April 16, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T11:35:41.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532777741,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T11:35:42.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T11:35:32.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532777732,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"7636ea04-270c-276f-728a-2548a2adcba5","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Service Clubs are all about community, partly because they are one of\nthe glues that hold communities together. This program features two of the clubs that serve the community of Pleasant Valley, NY—The Lions\nClub, represented by its current president, Mike Kessler , and Rotary,\nrepresented by RadioRotary producer and Pleasant Valley Rotarian\nKathy Kruger. Both local clubs are also part of international\norganizations with major programs such as elimination of river\nblindness and polio, but they work mostly on improving their local\ncommunities. Although most of the time the two organizations are\nindependent, they support several of the same causes, such as the\nlocal food bank and scholarships for students from the local high\nschool.","descriptionPreview":"Service Clubs are all about community, partly because they are one of\nthe glues that hold communities together. This program features two of the clubs that serve the community of Pleasant Valley, NY—The Lions\nClub, represented by its current president, Mike Kessler , and Rotary,\nrepresented by RadioRotary producer and Pleasant Valley Rotarian\nKathy Kruger. Both local clubs are also part of international\norganizations with major programs such as elimination of river\nblindness and polio, but they work mostly on improving their local\ncommunities. Although most of the time the two organizations are\nindependent, they support several of the same causes, such as the\nlocal food bank and scholarships for students from the local high\nschool.","duration":1607113,"episodeId":"e1t2vt","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Lions-Aired-April-8--2017--April-9--2017-e1t2vt","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Lions-Aired-April-8--2017--April-9--2017-e1t2vt","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Pleasant Valley Lions (Aired April 8, 2017 & April 9, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T11:23:03.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532776983,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T11:23:03.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T11:22:54.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532776974,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a72babac-c73f-b945-6fb4-fb5cbbaa29e7","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Vanderbilt Gardens volunteers Susanne Gillespie and Anita Whelan\ncome to the RadioRotary studio to discuss the beautiful gardens they \nhelp tend at the Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site in Hyde Park,\nNY.\n\n\n\nThe Vanderbilt Mansion was the impressive summer “cottage” of Frederick and Louise Vanderbilt. Frederick maintained and improved the formal gardens on the site in the early 20th century, but after Frederick died in 1938 there were no buyers for the property. President Franklin Roosevelt, a neighbor, arranged to have the estate made into a national historic site, but during World War II the site languished Although there was money to restore the brickwork for the formal gardens, the gardens themselves were not replanted until 1984, when\nthree volunteers approached the Park Service about taking it over.\nToday volunteers plant about 6,000 annual flowers each year and maintain the cherry trees. ","descriptionPreview":"Vanderbilt Gardens volunteers Susanne Gillespie and Anita Whelan\ncome to the RadioRotary studio to discuss the beautiful gardens they \nhelp tend at the Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site in Hyde Park,\nNY.\n\n\n\nThe Vanderbilt Mansion was the impressive summer “cottage” of Frederick and Louise Vanderbilt. Frederick maintained and improved the formal gardens on the site in the early 20th century, but after Frederick died in 1938 there were no buyers for the property. President Franklin Roosevelt, a neighbor, arranged to have the estate made into a national historic site, but during World War II the site languished Although there was money to restore the brickwork for the formal gardens, the gardens themselves were not replanted until 1984, when\nthree volunteers approached the Park Service about taking it over.\nToday volunteers plant about 6,000 annual flowers each year and maintain the cherry trees. ","duration":1580677,"episodeId":"e1t2vk","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Vanderbilt-Gardens-Aired-on-April-1st-and-April-2nd-2017-e1t2vk","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Vanderbilt-Gardens-Aired-on-April-1st-and-April-2nd-2017-e1t2vk","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Vanderbilt Gardens (Aired on April 1st and April 2nd 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T02:03:52.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532743432,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T02:03:52.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T02:03:42.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532743422,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"5e4d25be-1759-3dde-c15d-7b12af2fd489","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In 2010, Haiti suffered a devastating earthquake. Roberto Bonheur told his wife, Poughkeepsie Nurse Practitioner Rose Bonheur, that they had to do something to help; she had the skills, as a primary care specialist, to provide much needed medical help. Both Bonheurs had been born in Haiti, although they came to the United States as children. Rose was skeptical at first, but eventually organized a team of six volunteers and found a house in Haiti where they team could treat those in need. The need was immense, so every year since, Rose has found the donations, the medical supplies, and the volunteers to treat about 800 patients, moving to a different locality where there had previously been no medical care in the past. Recently, recognizing thatRotary handles projects like this all over the world, Rose has joined the Pleasant Valley Rotary Club. RadioRotary’s producer, registered nurse and Pleasant Valley Rotarian Kathy Kruger is excited to be among the volunteers .","descriptionPreview":"In 2010, Haiti suffered a devastating earthquake. Roberto Bonheur told his wife, Poughkeepsie Nurse Practitioner Rose Bonheur, that they had to do something to help; she had the skills, as a primary care specialist, to provide much needed medical help. Both Bonheurs had been born in Haiti, although they came to the United States as children. Rose was skeptical at first, but eventually organized a team of six volunteers and found a house in Haiti where they team could treat those in need. The need was immense, so every year since, Rose has found the donations, the medical supplies, and the volunteers to treat about 800 patients, moving to a different locality where there had previously been no medical care in the past. Recently, recognizing thatRotary handles projects like this all over the world, Rose has joined the Pleasant Valley Rotary Club. RadioRotary’s producer, registered nurse and Pleasant Valley Rotarian Kathy Kruger is excited to be among the volunteers .","duration":1577594,"episodeId":"e1t1m4","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Missionary-Rose-on-Haiti-Aired-3-25-17--3-26-17-e1t1m4","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Missionary-Rose-on-Haiti-Aired-3-25-17--3-26-17-e1t1m4","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Missionary Rose on Haiti (Aired 3-25-17 & 3-26-17)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T00:50:19.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532739019,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T00:50:20.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T00:50:10.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532739010,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"855779ee-ae11-a344-5710-296b77d82213","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Representing her Pleasant Valley Rotary Club, RadioRotary Producer Kathy Kruger is interviewed by Sarah O’Connell about the Rotary Club’s annual “Stuff the Bus” food drive. A full-sized School Bus, on loan for the day and decorated for the occasion, is parked at the Acme Supermarket in Pleasant Valley as the members of the Rotary Club encourage shoppers to “Stuff the Bus” with food donations for the local food pantry. The food pantry, located at the Methodist Church in Pleasant Valley, is run by volunteers from all four churches in the hamlet with help from the Boy and Girl Scouts, donations from the local senior citizens group, and financial assistance from the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley. Acme supermarket aids the operation by selling bags of healthy staples for $10 a bag, a real bargain. The bus is soon filled with those bags as well as with other food donations. ","descriptionPreview":"Representing her Pleasant Valley Rotary Club, RadioRotary Producer Kathy Kruger is interviewed by Sarah O’Connell about the Rotary Club’s annual “Stuff the Bus” food drive. A full-sized School Bus, on loan for the day and decorated for the occasion, is parked at the Acme Supermarket in Pleasant Valley as the members of the Rotary Club encourage shoppers to “Stuff the Bus” with food donations for the local food pantry. The food pantry, located at the Methodist Church in Pleasant Valley, is run by volunteers from all four churches in the hamlet with help from the Boy and Girl Scouts, donations from the local senior citizens group, and financial assistance from the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley. Acme supermarket aids the operation by selling bags of healthy staples for $10 a bag, a real bargain. The bus is soon filled with those bags as well as with other food donations. ","duration":1706927,"episodeId":"e1t1e6","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Stuff-The-Buss-Aired-on-3-18-17--3-19-17-e1t1e6","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Stuff-The-Buss-Aired-on-3-18-17--3-19-17-e1t1e6","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Stuff The Buss (Aired on 3-18-17 & 3-19-17)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T00:37:24.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532738244,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T00:37:24.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T00:37:14.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532738234,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"9de53b47-b6b6-2145-bbae-04161ca65d15","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The Hudson Valley is known throughout the United State as the home of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR). In this program the author and Rotarian (Greater Anderson Club, SC) Kathryn Smith tells about FDR’s longtime personal secretary, Missy LeHand, the subject of Ms. Smith’s new book The Gatekeeper: Missy LeHand, FDR, and the Untold Story of the Partnership that Defined a Presidency . 24-year-old Ms. LeHand joined FDR’s failed candidacy for Vice-President as a secretary in 1920\nand stayed with him through his career in business and law, his battle with polio, his New York State governorship (1928-32), and the first years of his presidency, only leaving him by dying in July 1944, nine months before Roosevelt also passed away. In addition to her role that amounted to being “chief of staff” when FDR was president, Ms. LeHand was his co-leader in making the polio rehabilitation center at Warm Springs, GA, a success. Listen to a fascinating interview.","descriptionPreview":"The Hudson Valley is known throughout the United State as the home of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR). In this program the author and Rotarian (Greater Anderson Club, SC) Kathryn Smith tells about FDR’s longtime personal secretary, Missy LeHand, the subject of Ms. Smith’s new book The Gatekeeper: Missy LeHand, FDR, and the Untold Story of the Partnership that Defined a Presidency . 24-year-old Ms. LeHand joined FDR’s failed candidacy for Vice-President as a secretary in 1920\nand stayed with him through his career in business and law, his battle with polio, his New York State governorship (1928-32), and the first years of his presidency, only leaving him by dying in July 1944, nine months before Roosevelt also passed away. In addition to her role that amounted to being “chief of staff” when FDR was president, Ms. LeHand was his co-leader in making the polio rehabilitation center at Warm Springs, GA, a success. Listen to a fascinating interview.","duration":1588749,"episodeId":"e1t1dh","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Author-Kathryn-Smith-on-The-Gatekeeper-3-11-17--3-12-17-e1t1dh","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Author-Kathryn-Smith-on-The-Gatekeeper-3-11-17--3-12-17-e1t1dh","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Author Kathryn Smith on The Gatekeeper (3-11-17 & 3-12-17)"},{"created":"2018-07-28T00:22:40.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532737360,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-28T00:22:40.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-28T00:22:30.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532737350,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ab38e16d-9a5d-d77a-3014-eb1e58fb793a","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary presents several interviews from the 2016 Rotary United Nations\nDay, this time centering on the activities of Rotary District 7210, the home of RadioRotary. Lou Turpin (Rhinebeck Rotary), the 2016-17 District Governor, starts the program off, emphasizing his view that the essence of Rotary can be summed up as “Do Good. Have Fun.” His interview is followed by chats with students from Red Hook Interact and Rhinebeck Interact clubs, along with Linda Greenblatt, a Rotarian advisor to the Red Hook Club. Interact Clubs in high schools are sponsored by, but run independently from, a local Rotary Club; their mission is the same as Mr. Turpin proposes, doing good and having fun. Another set of interviews brings Millbrook Rotarian Kim Sweck , who supervises Rotary Youth Exchange for Millbrook, and two of the students who have come from Italy and Brazil to spend a school year in the United States. ","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary presents several interviews from the 2016 Rotary United Nations\nDay, this time centering on the activities of Rotary District 7210, the home of RadioRotary. Lou Turpin (Rhinebeck Rotary), the 2016-17 District Governor, starts the program off, emphasizing his view that the essence of Rotary can be summed up as “Do Good. Have Fun.” His interview is followed by chats with students from Red Hook Interact and Rhinebeck Interact clubs, along with Linda Greenblatt, a Rotarian advisor to the Red Hook Club. Interact Clubs in high schools are sponsored by, but run independently from, a local Rotary Club; their mission is the same as Mr. Turpin proposes, doing good and having fun. Another set of interviews brings Millbrook Rotarian Kim Sweck , who supervises Rotary Youth Exchange for Millbrook, and two of the students who have come from Italy and Brazil to spend a school year in the United States. ","duration":1392047,"episodeId":"e1t1ca","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/United-Nations-Show-3-aired-on-3-4-17--3-5-17-e1t1ca","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/United-Nations-Show-3-aired-on-3-4-17--3-5-17-e1t1ca","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"United Nations Show 3 (aired on 3-4-17 & 3-5-17)"},{"created":"2018-07-27T23:59:09.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532735949,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-27T23:59:09.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-27T23:59:00.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532735940,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"1008831f-dcbe-642c-7773-4541f52622de","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interview Lieutenants Brett White and Thomas Frost of the\nCitizens Preparedness Corp of the New York State National Guard. Their task is to present programs encouraging people to become prepared for encountering a disaster, whether it is natural (such as floods, storms, or fires), criminal (such as a terrorist attack), or technological (such as a power blackout). Although the disasters vary widely, many of the same steps can be taken to minimize their negative impacts. The main element is to have a plan, one that includes a central meeting place for family members and a survival kit that includes not only food and water stored for household use, but also a “go bag” of necessary supplies to take with you if you need to flee. This is one of those programs that could someday save your live or the lives of your loved ones.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interview Lieutenants Brett White and Thomas Frost of the\nCitizens Preparedness Corp of the New York State National Guard. Their task is to present programs encouraging people to become prepared for encountering a disaster, whether it is natural (such as floods, storms, or fires), criminal (such as a terrorist attack), or technological (such as a power blackout). Although the disasters vary widely, many of the same steps can be taken to minimize their negative impacts. The main element is to have a plan, one that includes a central meeting place for family members and a survival kit that includes not only food and water stored for household use, but also a “go bag” of necessary supplies to take with you if you need to flee. This is one of those programs that could someday save your live or the lives of your loved ones.","duration":1454427,"episodeId":"e1t1a9","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Citizen-Preparedness-Aired-on-Feb-25--Feb-26-2017-e1t1a9","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Citizen-Preparedness-Aired-on-Feb-25--Feb-26-2017-e1t1a9","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Citizen Preparedness (Aired on Feb 25 & Feb 26 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-27T23:42:49.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532734969,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-27T23:42:49.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-27T23:42:40.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532734960,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"182ca53e-3734-0a47-5ed1-0123287f0986","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"ShelterBox is a major initiative for disaster relief that is affiliated with Rotary International. Simply put, a ShelterBox is a tent and necessary supplies for up to ten people, all packed into a waterproof one-meter plastic cube. That is a good thing, but what makes ShelterBox effective in disaster relief are trained teams that can bring the ShelterBox cubes to the site of a disaster and teach locals how to use them. Because most cities and towns around the world have Rotary clubs, the ShelterBox teams have connections even in remote sites, such as the mountains of Nepal or smaller cities in Haiti, which enables the team to get the equipment to the right place faster than practically any other relief organization. Many Rotary clubs in District 7210 provide the $1,000 per box it takes to assemble a ShelterBox.","descriptionPreview":"ShelterBox is a major initiative for disaster relief that is affiliated with Rotary International. Simply put, a ShelterBox is a tent and necessary supplies for up to ten people, all packed into a waterproof one-meter plastic cube. That is a good thing, but what makes ShelterBox effective in disaster relief are trained teams that can bring the ShelterBox cubes to the site of a disaster and teach locals how to use them. Because most cities and towns around the world have Rotary clubs, the ShelterBox teams have connections even in remote sites, such as the mountains of Nepal or smaller cities in Haiti, which enables the team to get the equipment to the right place faster than practically any other relief organization. Many Rotary clubs in District 7210 provide the $1,000 per box it takes to assemble a ShelterBox.","duration":1441941,"episodeId":"e1t184","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Talking-Shelterbox-Aired-on-Feb-18-and-19--2017-e1t184","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Talking-Shelterbox-Aired-on-Feb-18-and-19--2017-e1t184","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Talking Shelterbox (Aired on Feb 18 and 19, 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-27T23:29:59.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532734199,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-27T23:30:00.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-27T23:29:50.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532734190,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"72a9ef0a-819e-85b5-e6ed-e02b8177d472","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Once again, RadioRotary takes its microphone to Rotary Day at the United Nations for a series of interviews with persons from organizations “doing good in the world.” Lakeway/Lake Travis (TX) Rotarian Barker Keith discusses the Rotary 3D Limbs project, which is using 3D printing to produce prosthetics, especially new legs, for amputees, especially in Africa. Dr. Linda J. Stillman , who teaches at several colleges, is the founder and president of the Young Global Leadership Foundation, which guides aspiring youth leaders from around the world to become global citizens and democratic leaders towards a peaceful, prosperous and positive global society in the 21st Century, primarily through provision of volunteer mentors. ","descriptionPreview":"Once again, RadioRotary takes its microphone to Rotary Day at the United Nations for a series of interviews with persons from organizations “doing good in the world.” Lakeway/Lake Travis (TX) Rotarian Barker Keith discusses the Rotary 3D Limbs project, which is using 3D printing to produce prosthetics, especially new legs, for amputees, especially in Africa. Dr. Linda J. Stillman , who teaches at several colleges, is the founder and president of the Young Global Leadership Foundation, which guides aspiring youth leaders from around the world to become global citizens and democratic leaders towards a peaceful, prosperous and positive global society in the 21st Century, primarily through provision of volunteer mentors. ","duration":1536687,"episodeId":"e1t16q","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/UN-SHOW--2-Aired-on-Feb-4-and-Feb-5-2017-e1t16q","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/UN-SHOW--2-Aired-on-Feb-4-and-Feb-5-2017-e1t16q","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"UN SHOW # 2 (Aired on Feb 4 and Feb 5 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-26T21:49:12.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532641752,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-26T21:49:12.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-26T21:49:02.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532641742,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"8d0b2997-ea1d-c8c3-d512-a7cb40378d8a","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Millbrook Rotary 2016-17 President Rona Boyer worked around the world before settling in Millbrook, where she started using her sales and publishing and cooking experience to shore up The Millbrook Independent during its brief run as a weekly. Today she is at the helm of two different “micropublishing” monthly magazines— Living Millbrook and Living Rhinebeck . Micropublishing is a concept promoted by Best Version Media, which handles the production of the magazines, while Ms. Boyer supplies text, photos, and advertisers. The main idea is to focus on people and happenings within a half-hour of a specific village or town. Living Millbrook , delivered free to all Millbrook residents, often has featured cover stories on Millbrook Rotarians. As leader of Millbrook Rotary, Ms.\nBoyer has presided over the 2017 New Year’s Eve Millbrook and directed a major initiative to provide school supplies to needy student in Millbrook and nearby Webutuck. ","descriptionPreview":"Millbrook Rotary 2016-17 President Rona Boyer worked around the world before settling in Millbrook, where she started using her sales and publishing and cooking experience to shore up The Millbrook Independent during its brief run as a weekly. Today she is at the helm of two different “micropublishing” monthly magazines— Living Millbrook and Living Rhinebeck . Micropublishing is a concept promoted by Best Version Media, which handles the production of the magazines, while Ms. Boyer supplies text, photos, and advertisers. The main idea is to focus on people and happenings within a half-hour of a specific village or town. Living Millbrook , delivered free to all Millbrook residents, often has featured cover stories on Millbrook Rotarians. As leader of Millbrook Rotary, Ms.\nBoyer has presided over the 2017 New Year’s Eve Millbrook and directed a major initiative to provide school supplies to needy student in Millbrook and nearby Webutuck. ","duration":1510277,"episodeId":"e1sq3d","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Millbrook-Rotary-Aired-on-Jan-28-and-Jan-29-2017-e1sq3d","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Millbrook-Rotary-Aired-on-Jan-28-and-Jan-29-2017-e1sq3d","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Millbrook Rotary (Aired on Jan 28 and Jan 29 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-26T21:47:08.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532641628,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-26T21:47:08.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-26T21:46:59.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532641619,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"973eeb95-1450-f10d-f857-1d00fe077b39","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The annual Rotary Day at the United Nations each year brings together some\n1,500 Rotarians along with various youth groups and representatives of\nhumanitarian organizations who work with Rotarians. For this program,\nRadioRotary interviewed Mitch Kahn from ShelterBox; Rotarian Steve Goldsmith\n(Hawthorne LAX Lennox Rotary) and Prabha Sankaranarayan from Mediators Beyond Borders; and Rotarian-wannabe Anna Abraham representing The Gift of Life, Inc. ShelterBox, whose emphasis is disaster relief, is now a Rotary Project Partner. When Mediators Beyond Boarders looked at their members, who work for peace between individuals, tribes, and nations, they discovered that a quarter of its membership is Rotarians. The Gift of Life, which specialized in providing pediatric cardiac care to children in places where such help is scarce, frequently partners with Rotary clubs or districts in their work. ","descriptionPreview":"The annual Rotary Day at the United Nations each year brings together some\n1,500 Rotarians along with various youth groups and representatives of\nhumanitarian organizations who work with Rotarians. For this program,\nRadioRotary interviewed Mitch Kahn from ShelterBox; Rotarian Steve Goldsmith\n(Hawthorne LAX Lennox Rotary) and Prabha Sankaranarayan from Mediators Beyond Borders; and Rotarian-wannabe Anna Abraham representing The Gift of Life, Inc. ShelterBox, whose emphasis is disaster relief, is now a Rotary Project Partner. When Mediators Beyond Boarders looked at their members, who work for peace between individuals, tribes, and nations, they discovered that a quarter of its membership is Rotarians. The Gift of Life, which specialized in providing pediatric cardiac care to children in places where such help is scarce, frequently partners with Rotary clubs or districts in their work. ","duration":1294558,"episodeId":"e1sq2u","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/U-N--SHOW--1-Aired-on-Jan-21--Jan-22-e1sq2u","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/U-N--SHOW--1-Aired-on-Jan-21--Jan-22-e1sq2u","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"U.N. SHOW # 1 (Aired on Jan 21 & Jan 22)"},{"created":"2018-07-26T21:44:02.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532641442,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-26T21:44:02.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-26T21:43:53.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532641433,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"8117f935-eac0-be0f-ab30-30cda9a39a8c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Ambassadorial Scholarships are the oldest program of the Rotary Foundation, having provided the opportunity for graduate study to over 42,000 students who\nhave studied international relations in over 60 nations. Rotarian Susan Davis (Rotary District 7210 E-Club), who grew up in the swamps outside of New Orleans became one of the recipients and attended Oxford University in the UK in 1980-81, leading to a career in using nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to fight poverty in Bangladesh (with BRAC) and around the world. In this RadioRotary Interview, recorded live from West Point, where Ms. Davis appeared at the annual Rotary Foundation gala along with District 7210 Past-President Bill Bassett, she tells about her experience with Rotary and her work with microfinancing as a way to improve lives.","descriptionPreview":"Ambassadorial Scholarships are the oldest program of the Rotary Foundation, having provided the opportunity for graduate study to over 42,000 students who\nhave studied international relations in over 60 nations. Rotarian Susan Davis (Rotary District 7210 E-Club), who grew up in the swamps outside of New Orleans became one of the recipients and attended Oxford University in the UK in 1980-81, leading to a career in using nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to fight poverty in Bangladesh (with BRAC) and around the world. In this RadioRotary Interview, recorded live from West Point, where Ms. Davis appeared at the annual Rotary Foundation gala along with District 7210 Past-President Bill Bassett, she tells about her experience with Rotary and her work with microfinancing as a way to improve lives.","duration":1519446,"episodeId":"e1sq28","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotarian-Ambassadorial-Program-Aired-on-Jan-7-2017-and-Jan-8-2017-e1sq28","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotarian-Ambassadorial-Program-Aired-on-Jan-7-2017-and-Jan-8-2017-e1sq28","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotarian Ambassadorial Program (Aired on Jan 7 2017 and Jan 8 2017)"},{"created":"2018-07-26T21:40:14.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532641214,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-26T21:40:14.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-26T21:40:04.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532641204,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"96ce61c9-d545-7d91-1673-e2053aa37312","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Laurie Swartz and Rev. Lynda Carré about the Death Cafés they help run as part of Circle of Friends for the Dying in Ulster and Dutchess Counties. A Death Café is a gathering of a few people in a home, a church, a restaurant, or other venue where the conversation over tea or coffee and cake is all about dying. Our population is growing older every year and death will come to all of us—many who are not very old die as well—but few are prepared for it and many don’t even want to think or talk about it. The Death Café experience, often with a speaker, is offered about once a month at various locations around Ulster and Dutchess counties. A new project for the Circle of Friends for the Dying is a home in Kingston where a person who lives alone and is close to dying will be able to live with one or two others, which many would prefer to dying in a hospital or nursing home or dying alone at home.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Laurie Swartz and Rev. Lynda Carré about the Death Cafés they help run as part of Circle of Friends for the Dying in Ulster and Dutchess Counties. A Death Café is a gathering of a few people in a home, a church, a restaurant, or other venue where the conversation over tea or coffee and cake is all about dying. Our population is growing older every year and death will come to all of us—many who are not very old die as well—but few are prepared for it and many don’t even want to think or talk about it. The Death Café experience, often with a speaker, is offered about once a month at various locations around Ulster and Dutchess counties. A new project for the Circle of Friends for the Dying is a home in Kingston where a person who lives alone and is close to dying will be able to live with one or two others, which many would prefer to dying in a hospital or nursing home or dying alone at home.","duration":1465320,"episodeId":"e1sq1p","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Circle-of-Friends-for-the-Dying-Aired-on-December-31--2016-e1sq1p","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Circle-of-Friends-for-the-Dying-Aired-on-December-31--2016-e1sq1p","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Circle of Friends for the Dying (Aired on December 31, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-26T21:36:35.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532640995,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-26T21:36:36.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-26T21:36:26.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532640986,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"3a755b32-9aed-b41f-ec4f-ede21fe22f15","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotarian\nJoyce Heaton\n(Millbrook Rotary), who has chaired the annual\nevent New Year’s Eve Millbrook for 13 years, describes the family-friendly way that the Millbrook community and visitors celebrate the last day of each year—with music, puppets, circus and magic acts, and other entertainments. Many local foundations, businesses, and\nindividuals fund the free event, but it is run almost entirely by volunteers from Millbrook Rotary. Each year patrons can donate a small sum to obtain a lighted button that incorporates a design by a local student. The RadioRotary interview also describes some of the\nmany other activities of Millbrook Rotary, which range from annual publication of a business directory for Millbrook and the surrounding communities through provision of local school children with school supplies their families might be able to afford to donations of free\ndictionaries and other books to local schools. The club also helps fund local organizations and international projects.","descriptionPreview":"Rotarian\nJoyce Heaton\n(Millbrook Rotary), who has chaired the annual\nevent New Year’s Eve Millbrook for 13 years, describes the family-friendly way that the Millbrook community and visitors celebrate the last day of each year—with music, puppets, circus and magic acts, and other entertainments. Many local foundations, businesses, and\nindividuals fund the free event, but it is run almost entirely by volunteers from Millbrook Rotary. Each year patrons can donate a small sum to obtain a lighted button that incorporates a design by a local student. The RadioRotary interview also describes some of the\nmany other activities of Millbrook Rotary, which range from annual publication of a business directory for Millbrook and the surrounding communities through provision of local school children with school supplies their families might be able to afford to donations of free\ndictionaries and other books to local schools. The club also helps fund local organizations and international projects.","duration":747267,"episodeId":"e1sq17","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/New-Years-Eve-Millbrook-Aired-on-December-17-and-18--2016-e1sq17","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/New-Years-Eve-Millbrook-Aired-on-December-17-and-18--2016-e1sq17","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"New Year’s Eve Millbrook (Aired on December 17 and 18, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-26T21:29:57.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532640597,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-26T21:29:57.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-26T21:29:48.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532640588,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"13190a7f-8434-b8ef-a41d-5625e5a752b1","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Heather Iannucci and her family recognized in 1993 that their collection of animals was of interest to children and many adults as well, so they formed the Two by Two Zoo to be a traveling petting experience. Soon they began to acquire other animals, often pets that their owners could no longer care for, but also animals rescued by agencies such as the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA), which also registers the traveling zoo. Today the zoo is run by Heather and her daughter Jennifer (Mr. Iannucci works at a regular job) and concentrates on providing petting experiences as schools, libraries, and similar institutions in the Hudson Valley. For the RadioRotary interview, Mrs. Iannucci was accompanied by Sydney, a young kangaroo who said little during the program.","descriptionPreview":"Heather Iannucci and her family recognized in 1993 that their collection of animals was of interest to children and many adults as well, so they formed the Two by Two Zoo to be a traveling petting experience. Soon they began to acquire other animals, often pets that their owners could no longer care for, but also animals rescued by agencies such as the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA), which also registers the traveling zoo. Today the zoo is run by Heather and her daughter Jennifer (Mr. Iannucci works at a regular job) and concentrates on providing petting experiences as schools, libraries, and similar institutions in the Hudson Valley. For the RadioRotary interview, Mrs. Iannucci was accompanied by Sydney, a young kangaroo who said little during the program.","duration":1491051,"episodeId":"e1sq04","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Two-by-Two-Zoo-Aired-on-November-19-and-20--2016-e1sq04","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Two-by-Two-Zoo-Aired-on-November-19-and-20--2016-e1sq04","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Two by Two Zoo (Aired on November 19 and 20, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-26T21:26:37.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532640397,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-26T21:26:38.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-26T21:26:28.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532640388,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"adcb10c5-ea20-cafc-4763-75670b95e348","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"New York State Senator Sue Serino, chair of the Aging Committee, spoke to RadioRotary about telephone and Internet scams aimed at seniors, and how to avoid them. One of the most common recently in her district has been a phone call pretending to be from the IRS. The caller says that the person receiving the call is delinquent on back taxes and must pay immediately or will be sent to jail. Such a call is always a scam—the IRS does not phone delinquent payers. Another common phone scam aimed at the elderly is for the caller to pretend to be a grandchild in trouble. One clue is that the caller asks for money to be sent as a prepaid card or wired to an address that can be a drop-off. Many more scams, and how to avoid them, are discussed.","descriptionPreview":"New York State Senator Sue Serino, chair of the Aging Committee, spoke to RadioRotary about telephone and Internet scams aimed at seniors, and how to avoid them. One of the most common recently in her district has been a phone call pretending to be from the IRS. The caller says that the person receiving the call is delinquent on back taxes and must pay immediately or will be sent to jail. Such a call is always a scam—the IRS does not phone delinquent payers. Another common phone scam aimed at the elderly is for the caller to pretend to be a grandchild in trouble. One clue is that the caller asks for money to be sent as a prepaid card or wired to an address that can be a drop-off. Many more scams, and how to avoid them, are discussed.","duration":1458999,"episodeId":"e1spve","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Senator-Sue-Serino-Senior-Scams-Aired-on-November-12--2016-e1spve","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Senator-Sue-Serino-Senior-Scams-Aired-on-November-12--2016-e1spve","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Senator Sue Serino: Senior Scams (Aired on November 12, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-26T21:23:03.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532640183,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-26T21:23:05.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-26T21:22:55.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532640175,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"901c747e-99b4-8e5d-586b-4952296eea5c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Holly Gaiman, Development Coordinator at InFlight, Inc., which supplies residential facilities, including group homes and apartments, for people with developmental disabilities. Its mission is to ensure the people it supports reach their highest level of independence and inclusion into the community while living in a home setting. InFlight operates throughout much of the mid-Hudson region, providing not only a home but also vocational services, art and music programs, activities of many kinds, and even the Can Do Café in Catskill, where residents meet to prepare the food. The residents served must be 22 years old or older and may be on the autism spectrum, have been born intellectually disabled, or suffer from brain damage. InFlight is supported by New York State’s Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Holly Gaiman, Development Coordinator at InFlight, Inc., which supplies residential facilities, including group homes and apartments, for people with developmental disabilities. Its mission is to ensure the people it supports reach their highest level of independence and inclusion into the community while living in a home setting. InFlight operates throughout much of the mid-Hudson region, providing not only a home but also vocational services, art and music programs, activities of many kinds, and even the Can Do Café in Catskill, where residents meet to prepare the food. The residents served must be 22 years old or older and may be on the autism spectrum, have been born intellectually disabled, or suffer from brain damage. InFlight is supported by New York State’s Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).","duration":1365532,"episodeId":"e1spuo","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Help-for-Adult-Developmentally-Disabled-Aired-on-November-4-and-5--2016-e1spuo","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Help-for-Adult-Developmentally-Disabled-Aired-on-November-4-and-5--2016-e1spuo","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Help for Adult Developmentally Disabled (Aired on November 4 and 5, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T22:51:45.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532559105,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T22:51:46.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T22:51:36.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532559096,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"3c858aa6-1b5b-f88a-778d-dd3e410bc525","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Vassar-Haiti Project Update (Aired on October 26 and 27, 2016)\nIn response to the September 11, 2001, attack Andrew Meade, director of\ninternational students at Vassar College, and his wife Lila wanted to start a\nproject that would do good in the world. Both had family ties to Haiti, the poorest\nnation in the Western Hemisphere, so that is where their impulse took them. For\nfifteen years, the Vassar-Haiti project the started and still direct has improved the\nlives of Haitians in the remote village of Chermaitre, starting with building and\nstaffing a school. Today Chermaitre and the surrounding area is also served by a clinic that is part of the project. Vassar junior Clairiola Etienne, who is the director of the health initiative, and Lila Meade are the guests on RadioRotary for this program. The Vassar-Haiti project is now working to provide clean water for Chermaitre thanks to a global grant of $55,000 from The Rotary Foundation,\nsponsored locally by the Poughkeepsie-Arlington and Pe","descriptionPreview":"Vassar-Haiti Project Update (Aired on October 26 and 27, 2016)\nIn response to the September 11, 2001, attack Andrew Meade, director of\ninternational students at Vassar College, and his wife Lila wanted to start a\nproject that would do good in the world. Both had family ties to Haiti, the poorest\nnation in the Western Hemisphere, so that is where their impulse took them. For\nfifteen years, the Vassar-Haiti project the started and still direct has improved the\nlives of Haitians in the remote village of Chermaitre, starting with building and\nstaffing a school. Today Chermaitre and the surrounding area is also served by a clinic that is part of the project. Vassar junior Clairiola Etienne, who is the director of the health initiative, and Lila Meade are the guests on RadioRotary for this program. The Vassar-Haiti project is now working to provide clean water for Chermaitre thanks to a global grant of $55,000 from The Rotary Foundation,\nsponsored locally by the Poughkeepsie-Arlington and Pe","duration":1405547,"episodeId":"e1sieb","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Vassar-Haiti-Project-Aired-on-10-26-16--10-27-16-e1sieb","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Vassar-Haiti-Project-Aired-on-10-26-16--10-27-16-e1sieb","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Vassar Haiti Project (Aired on 10-26-16 & 10-27-16)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T21:56:03.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532555763,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T21:56:04.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T21:55:54.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532555754,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a46c328a-a8ee-233a-f261-1eea9e2a6435","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Pleasant Valley Rotarian Kathy Kruger is not only the producer of RadioRotary, but she is also a registered nurse. In this interview, Ms. Kruger tells our regular co-hosts the facts about how Rotary, working the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations Foundation, the World Health Organization, and UNICEF, has reduced the incidence of the paralyzing disease polio from an annual toll of about 1,000 cases a day to fewer than 75 per year. At the time of this broadcast, as a result of a vaccination program carried out largely by Rotarian volunteers polio had been eliminated everywhere but for two nations: Pakistan and Afghanistan. But, Ms. Kruger warns, until Rotary and its partners complete the task of complete elimination—now just “this close”—the disease could be just an airplane ride away from where you are.","descriptionPreview":"Pleasant Valley Rotarian Kathy Kruger is not only the producer of RadioRotary, but she is also a registered nurse. In this interview, Ms. Kruger tells our regular co-hosts the facts about how Rotary, working the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations Foundation, the World Health Organization, and UNICEF, has reduced the incidence of the paralyzing disease polio from an annual toll of about 1,000 cases a day to fewer than 75 per year. At the time of this broadcast, as a result of a vaccination program carried out largely by Rotarian volunteers polio had been eliminated everywhere but for two nations: Pakistan and Afghanistan. But, Ms. Kruger warns, until Rotary and its partners complete the task of complete elimination—now just “this close”—the disease could be just an airplane ride away from where you are.","duration":1443769,"episodeId":"e1si4h","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Talking-about-Polio-Aired-on-October-22-and-23-2016-e1si4h","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Talking-about-Polio-Aired-on-October-22-and-23-2016-e1si4h","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Talking about Polio (Aired on October 22 and 23 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T21:51:56.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532555516,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T21:51:58.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T21:51:48.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532555508,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a40acba6-9ef2-ebc9-caea-2871118d4728","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Jonah Triebwasser and RadioRotary Producer Kathy Kruger interview Police Chief Daniel Waage of the Town of Lloyd in Ulster County about his program of community policing. Community policing is a law-enforcement philosophy that involves the systematic use of community partnerships to address proactively the conditions that give rise to crime, social disorder, or fear of police. Chief Waage has followed this philosophy from the 2012 start of his work in Lloyd, focusing especially on helping children (and their parents) and senior citizens. The Lloyd Police, working on their own time, produce or participate in fundraising events for local needs. Chief Waage has also instituted programs such as Project CARE, which checks daily on the status of enrolled senior citizens. Educational outreach is provided through classes in such topics as active shooter response training and forums and classes dealing with narcotics abuse. Community involvement includes a Lloyd police sergeant who is a member ","descriptionPreview":"Jonah Triebwasser and RadioRotary Producer Kathy Kruger interview Police Chief Daniel Waage of the Town of Lloyd in Ulster County about his program of community policing. Community policing is a law-enforcement philosophy that involves the systematic use of community partnerships to address proactively the conditions that give rise to crime, social disorder, or fear of police. Chief Waage has followed this philosophy from the 2012 start of his work in Lloyd, focusing especially on helping children (and their parents) and senior citizens. The Lloyd Police, working on their own time, produce or participate in fundraising events for local needs. Chief Waage has also instituted programs such as Project CARE, which checks daily on the status of enrolled senior citizens. Educational outreach is provided through classes in such topics as active shooter response training and forums and classes dealing with narcotics abuse. Community involvement includes a Lloyd police sergeant who is a member ","duration":1396670,"episodeId":"e1si3r","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Community-Policing-in-the-Town-of-Lloyd-October-8--2016-e1si3r","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Community-Policing-in-the-Town-of-Lloyd-October-8--2016-e1si3r","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Community Policing in the Town of Lloyd (October 8, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T21:46:57.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532555217,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T21:46:58.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T21:46:48.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532555208,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"4a6ded48-669a-3837-6ba0-c0fb44762f62","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Margot Schulman, manager of The Lunch Box for Dutchess Outreach, and Rich Schiafo, deputy executive director of the Hudson Valley Regional Council, tell RadioRotary about efforts to prevent food insecurity in the Hudson Valley, starting with an event at the Walkway Over the Hudson for which a number of local agencies are providing a free meal entirely made from “recused food.” Rescued food may be food prepared for an event that was not utilized, food gleaned from farms after harvest, unserved restaurant food, or food removed from grocery shelves for one reason or another. Estimates are that 20% of food is wasted in the United States, while in Poughkeepsie more than half the students in elementary or high school are at a poverty level that makes them eligible for free lunches. Also in Poughkeepsie, The Lunch Box, which supplies free lunches and dinners, has many needy clients daily. Rescued healthy food can help the effort to reduce food insecurity.","descriptionPreview":"Margot Schulman, manager of The Lunch Box for Dutchess Outreach, and Rich Schiafo, deputy executive director of the Hudson Valley Regional Council, tell RadioRotary about efforts to prevent food insecurity in the Hudson Valley, starting with an event at the Walkway Over the Hudson for which a number of local agencies are providing a free meal entirely made from “recused food.” Rescued food may be food prepared for an event that was not utilized, food gleaned from farms after harvest, unserved restaurant food, or food removed from grocery shelves for one reason or another. Estimates are that 20% of food is wasted in the United States, while in Poughkeepsie more than half the students in elementary or high school are at a poverty level that makes them eligible for free lunches. Also in Poughkeepsie, The Lunch Box, which supplies free lunches and dinners, has many needy clients daily. Rescued healthy food can help the effort to reduce food insecurity.","duration":1523260,"episodeId":"e1si30","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Feeding-the-Hudson-Valley-Aired-on-October-1-and-2--2016-e1si30","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Feeding-the-Hudson-Valley-Aired-on-October-1-and-2--2016-e1si30","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Feeding the Hudson Valley (Aired on October 1 and 2, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T21:41:05.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532554865,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T21:41:05.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T21:40:56.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532554856,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b073aed2-cfa7-ef9a-44a4-ac9144ce8245","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Jonah Triebwasser interviews Cary Institute disease ecologist Shannon LaDeau on the recently recognized dangers from the Zika virus and on the mosquitoes that carry it from human to human. Zika has been known in the Old World since the 1940s but did not reach the Western Hemisphere until 2014, when travelers brought it to Brazil. It has since spread widely through South America, the Caribbean, and some neighborhoods in Florida. Zika is carried from person to person primarily by two species of tropical and subtropical mosquitoes that are daytime biters and to a lesser degree by sexual relations. About 80% of humans infected show mild symptoms or none, but the disease can cause severe damage to an unborn child if the mother is infected. The main concern has been microcephaly, which results in an abnormally small skull and likely brain damage.","descriptionPreview":"Jonah Triebwasser interviews Cary Institute disease ecologist Shannon LaDeau on the recently recognized dangers from the Zika virus and on the mosquitoes that carry it from human to human. Zika has been known in the Old World since the 1940s but did not reach the Western Hemisphere until 2014, when travelers brought it to Brazil. It has since spread widely through South America, the Caribbean, and some neighborhoods in Florida. Zika is carried from person to person primarily by two species of tropical and subtropical mosquitoes that are daytime biters and to a lesser degree by sexual relations. About 80% of humans infected show mild symptoms or none, but the disease can cause severe damage to an unborn child if the mother is infected. The main concern has been microcephaly, which results in an abnormally small skull and likely brain damage.","duration":1354665,"episodeId":"e1si21","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Zika-Virus-Update-Aired-on-September-24-and-25--2016-e1si21","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Zika-Virus-Update-Aired-on-September-24-and-25--2016-e1si21","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Zika Virus Update (Aired on September 24 and 25, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T21:32:39.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532554359,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T21:32:39.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T21:32:30.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532554350,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"768e6e05-c45d-6b74-37f5-f78eec17e9eb","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Robert Hawk Storm Birch, known primarily by his Native American name, Hawk Storm, given to him by his grandfather when he was five. The Schaghticoke Native Americans are struggling to win Federal recognition, although they have one of the oldest reservations in the U.S., located in Kent, Connecticut, just over the border from Dover, New York. The Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs only recognizes about 560 of the approximately a thousand indigenous tribes, which prevent the unrecognized from obtaining many services. Hawk Storm is working on improving the Schaghticoke Reservation in Kent with a cultural center, but he also is devoting time to helping the United Nations efforts on climate change and discrimination issues.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Robert Hawk Storm Birch, known primarily by his Native American name, Hawk Storm, given to him by his grandfather when he was five. The Schaghticoke Native Americans are struggling to win Federal recognition, although they have one of the oldest reservations in the U.S., located in Kent, Connecticut, just over the border from Dover, New York. The Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs only recognizes about 560 of the approximately a thousand indigenous tribes, which prevent the unrecognized from obtaining many services. Hawk Storm is working on improving the Schaghticoke Reservation in Kent with a cultural center, but he also is devoting time to helping the United Nations efforts on climate change and discrimination issues.","duration":1480341,"episodeId":"e1si0l","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Sachem-Hawk-Storm-of-Schaghticokes-September-17--2016-e1si0l","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Sachem-Hawk-Storm-of-Schaghticokes-September-17--2016-e1si0l","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Sachem Hawk Storm of Schaghticokes (September 17, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T21:14:09.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532553249,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T21:14:09.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T21:14:00.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532553240,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"421f3a8a-409b-b2d6-aa89-833d7408bc60","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Patterson Rotarian Bill Flash is interviewed about his club’s activities. The Patterson Club holds a number of fundraisers annually that have become much anticipated events for the residents of Putnam County and beyond. The Blues and BBQ event provides great music from local bands and nationally known musicians along with food prepared by the great cooks of Patterson Rotary–ribs, brats, burgers, and more. A recent program featured both guitarist Dylan Doyle and the band Fade to Blues. Admission is free, although donations are encouraged ($10 suggested). Other events include Touch a Truck for Heroes and a semiannual community giveaway. In the spring, the main event is Men Who Cook, a contest that has run for over twenty years. If you are local to the Patterson area and are a Comcast subscriber, you can check out Bill Flash on Channel 8.","descriptionPreview":"Patterson Rotarian Bill Flash is interviewed about his club’s activities. The Patterson Club holds a number of fundraisers annually that have become much anticipated events for the residents of Putnam County and beyond. The Blues and BBQ event provides great music from local bands and nationally known musicians along with food prepared by the great cooks of Patterson Rotary–ribs, brats, burgers, and more. A recent program featured both guitarist Dylan Doyle and the band Fade to Blues. Admission is free, although donations are encouraged ($10 suggested). Other events include Touch a Truck for Heroes and a semiannual community giveaway. In the spring, the main event is Men Who Cook, a contest that has run for over twenty years. If you are local to the Patterson area and are a Comcast subscriber, you can check out Bill Flash on Channel 8.","duration":1523338,"episodeId":"e1sht6","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Patterson-Rotary-Events-Aired-on-September-10--11--2016-e1sht6","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Patterson-Rotary-Events-Aired-on-September-10--11--2016-e1sht6","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Patterson Rotary Events (Aired on September 10 & 11, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T21:03:17.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532552597,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T21:03:18.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T21:03:08.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532552588,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a9857b21-14ae-6b38-9dee-a8dbef356caa","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Many of the villages and hamlets in Dutchess County choose a day or weekend in the fall to celebrate local organizations and to entertain their residents and visitors. These include Hardscrabble Days in Red Hook and Community Day in Millbrook. For about forty years, one of these celebrations has been Pleasant Valley Weekend in the hamlet and town of Pleasant Valley. In this interview, Pleasant Valley Rotarian (and RadioRotary producer) Kathy Kruger tells about the Pleasant Valley Weekend of 2016. This was the 20th anniversary of the Rotary rubber-duck race in Wappingers Creek, a popular fundraiser. Pleasant Valley Rotary also runs the beer tent, one of the many sources of food and drink at the Friday through Sunday festival. There are carnival rides, several parades, community booths of all kinds, and fireworks at the end, all accompanied by music by several local bands. The town comes out each year in large numbers to enjoy a great weekend and celebrate their community.","descriptionPreview":"Many of the villages and hamlets in Dutchess County choose a day or weekend in the fall to celebrate local organizations and to entertain their residents and visitors. These include Hardscrabble Days in Red Hook and Community Day in Millbrook. For about forty years, one of these celebrations has been Pleasant Valley Weekend in the hamlet and town of Pleasant Valley. In this interview, Pleasant Valley Rotarian (and RadioRotary producer) Kathy Kruger tells about the Pleasant Valley Weekend of 2016. This was the 20th anniversary of the Rotary rubber-duck race in Wappingers Creek, a popular fundraiser. Pleasant Valley Rotary also runs the beer tent, one of the many sources of food and drink at the Friday through Sunday festival. There are carnival rides, several parades, community booths of all kinds, and fireworks at the end, all accompanied by music by several local bands. The town comes out each year in large numbers to enjoy a great weekend and celebrate their community.","duration":1457510,"episodeId":"e1shpi","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Weekend-September-3-and-4--2016-e1shpi","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Weekend-September-3-and-4--2016-e1shpi","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Pleasant Valley Weekend (September 3 and 4, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T20:57:22.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532552242,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T20:57:22.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T20:57:12.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532552232,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"feb69943-1c7e-d290-44ab-c7fa9df28a40","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Pleasant Valley Rotarian Ellen Haggerty is the guest on RadioRotary, discussing Rotarian Action Groups (RAGs) and Rotary Fellowship Groups with special emphasis on the RAG Rotarians for Hearing, an action group started by Ms. Haggerty. Rotarians for Hearing has a grant from the Rotary Foundation that covers hearing tests for newborns in Guatemala. An electronic device checks the baby’s ears to see if they are working properly; babies with difficulties are sent to Guatemala City for brain scans that reveal hearing problems in detail. It is important to get to children before the age of six, because older children who have never heard language then fail to learn it. There is much more of interest on this program—how Ms. Haggerty became involved in hearing about how she has traveled the world as a member of the Travel and Hosting Rotary Fellowship.","descriptionPreview":"Pleasant Valley Rotarian Ellen Haggerty is the guest on RadioRotary, discussing Rotarian Action Groups (RAGs) and Rotary Fellowship Groups with special emphasis on the RAG Rotarians for Hearing, an action group started by Ms. Haggerty. Rotarians for Hearing has a grant from the Rotary Foundation that covers hearing tests for newborns in Guatemala. An electronic device checks the baby’s ears to see if they are working properly; babies with difficulties are sent to Guatemala City for brain scans that reveal hearing problems in detail. It is important to get to children before the age of six, because older children who have never heard language then fail to learn it. There is much more of interest on this program—how Ms. Haggerty became involved in hearing about how she has traveled the world as a member of the Travel and Hosting Rotary Fellowship.","duration":1435771,"episodeId":"e1shok","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Action-Groups-Aired-on-August-20--21--2016-e1shok","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Action-Groups-Aired-on-August-20--21--2016-e1shok","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Action Groups (Aired on August 20 & 21, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T20:45:04.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532551504,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T20:45:04.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T20:44:54.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532551494,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"30d7de34-02a9-2dc5-0e30-e1bfecc6563f","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Highland Rotary Club’s Steve Laubach and Don Verity concerning the 12th annual Hudson Valley Ribfest, one of the major summer events in the Hudson Valley and voted one of the “must-go-to” festivals in the United States. It is also the primary fundraiser for the Highland Rotary Club. Income from the Ribfest to supports The Rotary Foundation, ShelterBox, and several local charitable causes. Each year the Ribfest brings the contest for the NYS championship in barbecue to the Ulster County Fairground in New Paltz, along with live music, other entertainment, and children’s activities—including a pork-chop cook-off. Specialty booths offer barbecue equipment and supplies, while the food includes chicken, pulled pork, and corn-on-the-cob as well as the featured ribs.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Highland Rotary Club’s Steve Laubach and Don Verity concerning the 12th annual Hudson Valley Ribfest, one of the major summer events in the Hudson Valley and voted one of the “must-go-to” festivals in the United States. It is also the primary fundraiser for the Highland Rotary Club. Income from the Ribfest to supports The Rotary Foundation, ShelterBox, and several local charitable causes. Each year the Ribfest brings the contest for the NYS championship in barbecue to the Ulster County Fairground in New Paltz, along with live music, other entertainment, and children’s activities—including a pork-chop cook-off. Specialty booths offer barbecue equipment and supplies, while the food includes chicken, pulled pork, and corn-on-the-cob as well as the featured ribs.","duration":1467541,"episodeId":"e1shm7","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Highland-Rotarys-12th-Annual-Ribfest-August-13--14--2016-e1shm7","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Highland-Rotarys-12th-Annual-Ribfest-August-13--14--2016-e1shm7","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Highland Rotary’s 12th Annual Ribfest (August 13 & 14, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T20:41:28.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532551288,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T20:41:28.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T20:41:19.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532551279,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"e7db0387-281d-8d9d-ad2c-bf1c5ecbadf0","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Sarah O’Connell and Dave Kruger interview Millbrook Rotarian Ellie Savoy, author of the International Best-Seller Stop Dieting, Start Living: 5 Foundations for your Health to Permanently Lose Weight Without Dieting, Starvation, or Suffering in Silence, as well as portions of other self-help books. Ms. Savoy is a Board Certified Holistic Health Coach who not only coaches individuals, but also offers short courses. Her life took a turn for the better in 2011, when—30 pounds overweight—she face possible surgery, but decided to practice healthy eating and a better lifestyle instead. She has a lot of common-sense advice, which most of us would do well to follow. The basic program is to stop dieting and make the best choices in food and lifestyle. Exercise and sleep are also important, but should be routine rather than taking a special effort. Good health is everyone’s number-one asset in life, so make your own body your first priority.","descriptionPreview":"Sarah O’Connell and Dave Kruger interview Millbrook Rotarian Ellie Savoy, author of the International Best-Seller Stop Dieting, Start Living: 5 Foundations for your Health to Permanently Lose Weight Without Dieting, Starvation, or Suffering in Silence, as well as portions of other self-help books. Ms. Savoy is a Board Certified Holistic Health Coach who not only coaches individuals, but also offers short courses. Her life took a turn for the better in 2011, when—30 pounds overweight—she face possible surgery, but decided to practice healthy eating and a better lifestyle instead. She has a lot of common-sense advice, which most of us would do well to follow. The basic program is to stop dieting and make the best choices in food and lifestyle. Exercise and sleep are also important, but should be routine rather than taking a special effort. Good health is everyone’s number-one asset in life, so make your own body your first priority.","duration":1570698,"episodeId":"e1shlc","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Stop-Dieting-and-Start-Living-August-6--2016-e1shlc","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Stop-Dieting-and-Start-Living-August-6--2016-e1shlc","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Stop Dieting and Start Living (August 6, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T20:37:41.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532551061,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T20:37:41.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T20:37:31.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532551051,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b11ae9ec-87b8-9c79-6888-2cde70c23b6d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Kinderhook Tri-Village Rotarian, Dr. Tam Mustapha, who has held a number of positions supporting The Rotary Foundation, the charitable arm of Rotary International. The motto of The Rotary Foundation, “Doing Good in the World,” describes its main mission, which focuses on improving peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, saving mothers and children, supporting education and literacy, and growing local economies. In 2017 The Rotary Foundation will have been achieving these goals for a hundred years. Anyone can contribute money to The Rotary Foundation, secure in the knowledge that their contribution will be used for work in the focus areas described above, since there is almost no administrative costs to an organization that employs volunteer Rotarians, and what little costs occur are largely paid for with interest on the contributed money.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Kinderhook Tri-Village Rotarian, Dr. Tam Mustapha, who has held a number of positions supporting The Rotary Foundation, the charitable arm of Rotary International. The motto of The Rotary Foundation, “Doing Good in the World,” describes its main mission, which focuses on improving peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, saving mothers and children, supporting education and literacy, and growing local economies. In 2017 The Rotary Foundation will have been achieving these goals for a hundred years. Anyone can contribute money to The Rotary Foundation, secure in the knowledge that their contribution will be used for work in the focus areas described above, since there is almost no administrative costs to an organization that employs volunteer Rotarians, and what little costs occur are largely paid for with interest on the contributed money.","duration":1456151,"episodeId":"e1shjq","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Foundation-Doing-Good-in-the-World-July-30--2016-e1shjq","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Foundation-Doing-Good-in-the-World-July-30--2016-e1shjq","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Foundation-Doing Good in the World (July 30, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T20:33:12.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532550792,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T20:33:12.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T20:33:02.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532550782,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"c5365a36-fd2e-7351-2954-d1259e76196f","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Carmel Rotarian Marjorie Keith and recent Mahopac High School student Robert Solerno about the role of the 4-H Club of Putnam Country. Keith is the Executive Director of Putnam County’s branch of the Cornell Cooperative Extension, which sponsors 4-H clubs, while Solerno is not only an enthusiastic member of 4-H, but also a former member of the Mahopac High School Interact Club. Although we think of 4-H (which stands for Head, Heart, Hands, and Health) primarily as rural, the club thrives in Putnam County, which is not rural, with programs or divisions devoted to pet care, media, crafts, the environment, and leadership. A major event is the annual Putnam Country 40H Fair in Kent, NY, that features many local booths devoted to 4-H-related activities and activities that interest children as well as a famous chicken dinner on Saturday night of the Fair.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Carmel Rotarian Marjorie Keith and recent Mahopac High School student Robert Solerno about the role of the 4-H Club of Putnam Country. Keith is the Executive Director of Putnam County’s branch of the Cornell Cooperative Extension, which sponsors 4-H clubs, while Solerno is not only an enthusiastic member of 4-H, but also a former member of the Mahopac High School Interact Club. Although we think of 4-H (which stands for Head, Heart, Hands, and Health) primarily as rural, the club thrives in Putnam County, which is not rural, with programs or divisions devoted to pet care, media, crafts, the environment, and leadership. A major event is the annual Putnam Country 40H Fair in Kent, NY, that features many local booths devoted to 4-H-related activities and activities that interest children as well as a famous chicken dinner on Saturday night of the Fair.","duration":1549225,"episodeId":"e1shiu","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/4-H-in-Putnam-Country-Aired-on-July-16--17--2016-e1shiu","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/4-H-in-Putnam-Country-Aired-on-July-16--17--2016-e1shiu","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"4-H in Putnam Country (Aired on July 16 & 17, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T20:25:19.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532550319,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T20:25:19.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T20:25:10.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532550310,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"3ac01f33-5d6f-abb1-fbbc-1437fdb7e29e","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"We explore the Rotary aim of “Doing Good, Having Fun.” ","descriptionPreview":"We explore the Rotary aim of “Doing Good, Having Fun.” ","duration":1767766,"episodeId":"e1shhl","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-District-7210-in-2016-17-Aired-on-July-9--10--2016-e1shhl","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-District-7210-in-2016-17-Aired-on-July-9--10--2016-e1shhl","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary District 7210 in 2016-17 (Aired on July 9 & 10, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T20:18:43.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532549923,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T20:18:43.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T20:18:33.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532549913,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a28d668c-666d-5107-0680-5485dc876362","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The Community at Brookmeade, located on 75 country acres just outside the Village of Rhinebeck, is a senior-living retirement community serving the Hudson Valley and surrounding areas. It consists of three connected facilities: Arbor Ridge offers independent living; The Terraces offers assisted living; and The Baptist Home provides long term care, sub-acute rehabilitation, palliative care and Out-Patient Rehabilitation Services. In this informative program, Rhinebeck Rotarians Carolyn Bernitt, president of the Brookmeade Community Foundation, and Brian Zeiden, Brookmeade’s Director of Development, describe the many programs available, including short-term rehabilitation and palliative care at The Baptist Home as well as activities available, such as an art show featuring residents’ art.","descriptionPreview":"The Community at Brookmeade, located on 75 country acres just outside the Village of Rhinebeck, is a senior-living retirement community serving the Hudson Valley and surrounding areas. It consists of three connected facilities: Arbor Ridge offers independent living; The Terraces offers assisted living; and The Baptist Home provides long term care, sub-acute rehabilitation, palliative care and Out-Patient Rehabilitation Services. In this informative program, Rhinebeck Rotarians Carolyn Bernitt, president of the Brookmeade Community Foundation, and Brian Zeiden, Brookmeade’s Director of Development, describe the many programs available, including short-term rehabilitation and palliative care at The Baptist Home as well as activities available, such as an art show featuring residents’ art.","duration":1514169,"episodeId":"e1shgg","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Community-at-Brookmeade-Aired-on-June-25--26--2016-e1shgg","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Community-at-Brookmeade-Aired-on-June-25--26--2016-e1shgg","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Community at Brookmeade (Aired on June 25 & 26, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T20:13:36.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532549616,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T20:13:36.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T20:13:26.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532549606,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b69a88e5-46dc-8a61-82db-6bedb713b101","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Shayna Micucci and Kasandra Quednau, founders of the Rt. 212 Coalition, which aids persons and families facing addiction problems. Micucci is a trained addiction specialist and Quednau has personal experience with addiction in the past. The Coalition’s name comes from New York State Route 212, which runs through Ulster Country from Saugerties to Woodstock and beyond. Its mission is to bridge gaps in substance-abuse services by linking resources, providing support, building awareness, and collaborating with other organizations in Ulster County. Micucci and Quednau envision a community free from the stigma associated with addiction, which they work to achieve by supporting accessible substance-abuse prevention, education, and treatment services. The Coalition works with PAARI, the Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative to provide scholarships that enable addicts to obtain treatment and also provides regular support meetings in Woodstock.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Shayna Micucci and Kasandra Quednau, founders of the Rt. 212 Coalition, which aids persons and families facing addiction problems. Micucci is a trained addiction specialist and Quednau has personal experience with addiction in the past. The Coalition’s name comes from New York State Route 212, which runs through Ulster Country from Saugerties to Woodstock and beyond. Its mission is to bridge gaps in substance-abuse services by linking resources, providing support, building awareness, and collaborating with other organizations in Ulster County. Micucci and Quednau envision a community free from the stigma associated with addiction, which they work to achieve by supporting accessible substance-abuse prevention, education, and treatment services. The Coalition works with PAARI, the Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative to provide scholarships that enable addicts to obtain treatment and also provides regular support meetings in Woodstock.","duration":1549043,"episodeId":"e1shfg","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rt--212-Coalition-Helps-Fight-Addiction--June-18--2016-e1shfg","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rt--212-Coalition-Helps-Fight-Addiction--June-18--2016-e1shfg","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rt. 212 Coalition Helps Fight Addiction ( June 18, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T20:08:25.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532549305,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T20:08:26.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T20:08:16.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532549296,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a23738f8-902a-756e-ae70-61b2f782bfc0","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Kathy Smith, who is on the board of the Friends of the Walkway Over the Hudson about the some of the many activities that not only involve using the great bridge but also raise money for its upkeep and improvement. Walkway Over the Hudson is a free New York State Historic Park that opening in October 2009 and today has half a million users each year. It was a railroad bridge from 1888 to 1974—the first bridge of any kind across the Hudson between New York City and Albany–but has been reconstructed as a 1.2-mile pedestrian bridge. Although the main purpose of the Walkway is to provide a stirring experience and views, there are many annual events, such as the races associated with the marathon, the Fourth of July Fireworks, and moon walks and sunrise strolls. Among the improvements funded by the Friends of the Walkway, the most notable is a dramatic elevator, a short distance from the Poughkeepsie Railroad Station.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Kathy Smith, who is on the board of the Friends of the Walkway Over the Hudson about the some of the many activities that not only involve using the great bridge but also raise money for its upkeep and improvement. Walkway Over the Hudson is a free New York State Historic Park that opening in October 2009 and today has half a million users each year. It was a railroad bridge from 1888 to 1974—the first bridge of any kind across the Hudson between New York City and Albany–but has been reconstructed as a 1.2-mile pedestrian bridge. Although the main purpose of the Walkway is to provide a stirring experience and views, there are many annual events, such as the races associated with the marathon, the Fourth of July Fireworks, and moon walks and sunrise strolls. Among the improvements funded by the Friends of the Walkway, the most notable is a dramatic elevator, a short distance from the Poughkeepsie Railroad Station.","duration":1455315,"episodeId":"e1shef","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Walkway-Over-the-Hudson-Race-Days-Aired-on-June-4--5--2016-e1shef","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Walkway-Over-the-Hudson-Race-Days-Aired-on-June-4--5--2016-e1shef","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Walkway Over the Hudson Race Days (Aired on June 4 & 5, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T19:37:46.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532547466,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T19:37:47.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T19:37:37.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532547457,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"0d434a59-4ebc-9bdf-5719-8eff84c28455","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Goshen Rotarians Nan Gill-Wilson and David P. Wilson are professionals in several branches of show business. The have brought their own talents and performing knowledge to the aid of their Rotary Club in a number of ways. Goshen Rotary manages to have at least one major event every month of the year. One of these fundraisers is “Goshen’s Got Talent,” a show based on local amateur performers—although David and Nan have found amateurs with professional chops. While “Goshen’s Got Talent” benefits the community service of Goshen Rotary—which includes dictionaries for elementary school, disaster relief, scouting, and the Braeside-Museum Village project—Nan and David also have developed “Once More Frankly!” which supports The Rotary Foundation. Their involvement in Willy Gilly Productions, the Acting Anyone Academy, and The Academy of Film Television Stage and Performing Arts also manages to entail Rotary connections in various ways.","descriptionPreview":"Goshen Rotarians Nan Gill-Wilson and David P. Wilson are professionals in several branches of show business. The have brought their own talents and performing knowledge to the aid of their Rotary Club in a number of ways. Goshen Rotary manages to have at least one major event every month of the year. One of these fundraisers is “Goshen’s Got Talent,” a show based on local amateur performers—although David and Nan have found amateurs with professional chops. While “Goshen’s Got Talent” benefits the community service of Goshen Rotary—which includes dictionaries for elementary school, disaster relief, scouting, and the Braeside-Museum Village project—Nan and David also have developed “Once More Frankly!” which supports The Rotary Foundation. Their involvement in Willy Gilly Productions, the Acting Anyone Academy, and The Academy of Film Television Stage and Performing Arts also manages to entail Rotary connections in various ways.","duration":1531849,"episodeId":"e1sh8d","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Goshens-Got-Talent-Aired-on-May-28--29--2016-e1sh8d","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Goshens-Got-Talent-Aired-on-May-28--29--2016-e1sh8d","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Goshen’s Got Talent (Aired on May 28 & 29, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T19:12:10.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532545930,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T19:12:10.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T19:12:01.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532545921,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"5538410f-a63c-c47c-5dca-1b1ca134bc25","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In a live show at Millbrook Rotary RadioRotary interviews George Ouimet, this year’s president of the Millbrook High Interact Club, and Luisa Pereira, this year’s incoming Youth Exchange (YEX) student to Millbrook Rotary. Ouimet describes recent projects of Interact, including two canned food drives, two recent blood drives, the Purple Pinkie Project, and the Scott Meyer Memorial 5K Run. George joined Interact in his sophomore year because he wanted to give back to his community. Luisa Pereira competed with 180 other students to become a YEX representative from Brazil. Being a YEX student and living with three families in the Millbrook School District for a whole school year is not the entire exchange experience. She has traveled to Vermont, Connecticut, and New Jersey, and visited New York City several times. Luisa strongly recommends the YEX experience—the best year of her life so far.","descriptionPreview":"In a live show at Millbrook Rotary RadioRotary interviews George Ouimet, this year’s president of the Millbrook High Interact Club, and Luisa Pereira, this year’s incoming Youth Exchange (YEX) student to Millbrook Rotary. Ouimet describes recent projects of Interact, including two canned food drives, two recent blood drives, the Purple Pinkie Project, and the Scott Meyer Memorial 5K Run. George joined Interact in his sophomore year because he wanted to give back to his community. Luisa Pereira competed with 180 other students to become a YEX representative from Brazil. Being a YEX student and living with three families in the Millbrook School District for a whole school year is not the entire exchange experience. She has traveled to Vermont, Connecticut, and New Jersey, and visited New York City several times. Luisa strongly recommends the YEX experience—the best year of her life so far.","duration":1390897,"episodeId":"e1sgpd","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Youth-Interact--Youth-Exchange-May-21--22--2016-e1sgpd","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Youth-Interact--Youth-Exchange-May-21--22--2016-e1sgpd","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Youth: Interact & Youth Exchange (May 21 & 22, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T19:05:41.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532545541,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T19:05:41.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T19:05:32.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532545532,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"6e2c638b-394d-6cdb-5bb9-c166d2e9e510","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary is visited by Newburgh Rotarians Allie Sacks, Bob McCury, and Debbie Johnson on the occasion of the ninth annual “Taste of Greater Newburgh” festival of food, drink, music, automobiles, and art. Local restaurants and other food and drink suppliers form the foundation of this annual fundraiser, but a local band supplies music and in 2016 the festival featured both an automobile show and works by local artists. The money raised by the event is used by Newburgh Rotary to help fund fifteen community nonprofits, including the Salvation Army, services for senior citizens, and Peace Poles, physical reminders of the important Rotary goal of peace throughout the world.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary is visited by Newburgh Rotarians Allie Sacks, Bob McCury, and Debbie Johnson on the occasion of the ninth annual “Taste of Greater Newburgh” festival of food, drink, music, automobiles, and art. Local restaurants and other food and drink suppliers form the foundation of this annual fundraiser, but a local band supplies music and in 2016 the festival featured both an automobile show and works by local artists. The money raised by the event is used by Newburgh Rotary to help fund fifteen community nonprofits, including the Salvation Army, services for senior citizens, and Peace Poles, physical reminders of the important Rotary goal of peace throughout the world.","duration":1421774,"episodeId":"e1sgnm","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Taste-of-Greater-Newburgh-Aired-on-May-14--15--2016-e1sgnm","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Taste-of-Greater-Newburgh-Aired-on-May-14--15--2016-e1sgnm","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Taste of Greater Newburgh (Aired on May 14 & 15, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T19:01:45.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532545305,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T19:01:46.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T19:01:36.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532545296,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a1b7224e-55de-1265-0b7e-3833ca6243ff","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Kingston Rotarians Donna Miller and Georgiana Pangborn about the 100th anniversary of their club, the oldest Rotary club in the Hudson Valley. Rotary was only eleven years old itself when the Kingston Club was chartered by the Association of Rotary Clubs (which became Rotary International six years later). By then Rotary was active in Great Britain, Canada, and had its first non-English-speaking club in Havana, Cuba. The Kingston Rotary also became one of the first to admit women as members, beginning with Nuise Bhityakul and two other women in February 1988. Nuise is still an active member and brings many benefits from her association with Thailand to the club. Kingston Rotary meets each week for lunch, but for those who cannot attend a lunch, the Kingston Sunrise Club meets weekly for breakfast.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Kingston Rotarians Donna Miller and Georgiana Pangborn about the 100th anniversary of their club, the oldest Rotary club in the Hudson Valley. Rotary was only eleven years old itself when the Kingston Club was chartered by the Association of Rotary Clubs (which became Rotary International six years later). By then Rotary was active in Great Britain, Canada, and had its first non-English-speaking club in Havana, Cuba. The Kingston Rotary also became one of the first to admit women as members, beginning with Nuise Bhityakul and two other women in February 1988. Nuise is still an active member and brings many benefits from her association with Thailand to the club. Kingston Rotary meets each week for lunch, but for those who cannot attend a lunch, the Kingston Sunrise Club meets weekly for breakfast.","duration":1434992,"episodeId":"e1sgmt","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Kingston-Rotary-Celebrates-100th-Anniversary-May-7--2016-e1sgmt","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Kingston-Rotary-Celebrates-100th-Anniversary-May-7--2016-e1sgmt","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Kingston Rotary Celebrates 100th Anniversary (May 7, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T18:57:21.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532545041,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T18:57:21.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T18:57:12.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532545032,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"3ec39698-9b26-d67b-222d-7a606eee944f","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Once again RadioRotary travels to the Red Hook Rotary Club for a live broadcast from the Bread and Bottle Bakery and Wine Bar. Red Hook Rotary for the past fifteen years has been the sponsor of the great spring festival, Apple Blossom Day, which has taken place in the village for over thirty years. Co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sara O’Connell interview Red Hook Rotary president (and hot-dog cook) Susan Simon along with chair of this year’s Apple Blossom Day Dave Wright about the event that features music, dance, food, and crafts. An addition to the event this year is the Red Hook Film Festival. Robert George, producer of the Film Festival is on hand to tell about the showings, culled from about 700 short-film entries, with one full-length production on the Rhinebeck Aerodrome a special feature this year.","descriptionPreview":"Once again RadioRotary travels to the Red Hook Rotary Club for a live broadcast from the Bread and Bottle Bakery and Wine Bar. Red Hook Rotary for the past fifteen years has been the sponsor of the great spring festival, Apple Blossom Day, which has taken place in the village for over thirty years. Co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sara O’Connell interview Red Hook Rotary president (and hot-dog cook) Susan Simon along with chair of this year’s Apple Blossom Day Dave Wright about the event that features music, dance, food, and crafts. An addition to the event this year is the Red Hook Film Festival. Robert George, producer of the Film Festival is on hand to tell about the showings, culled from about 700 short-film entries, with one full-length production on the Rhinebeck Aerodrome a special feature this year.","duration":1613434,"episodeId":"e1sgm1","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Apple-Blossom-Day-in-Red-Hook-Aired-on-April-30--May-1--2016-e1sgm1","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Apple-Blossom-Day-in-Red-Hook-Aired-on-April-30--May-1--2016-e1sgm1","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Apple Blossom Day in Red Hook (Aired on April 30 & May 1, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T18:52:36.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532544756,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T18:52:36.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T18:52:27.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532544747,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"775b0f92-fc66-85bd-bb29-0603bdf09649","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Millbrook Rotary hosted a broadcast of RadioRotary with guests Steve Pressman, Executive Director of the Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers, Inc. (MARC) and Laurie Quinn (Philmont Rotary Club), a director of the MARC Foundation. A main problem facing MARC and the entire nation is the heroin and opiate epidemic. Currently in the United States 129 persons each day die from a heroin or opiate overdose. MARC is a residential program that both sends persons with addiction to other appropriate facilities as needed and houses and treats the addicted in several ways—A Crisis Center, three residential treatment centers, and nearly 30 sober housing apartments. Ms. Quinn is trying to help erase the stigma of drug addiction by shining a light on the problem. She tells the story of her son Eric: About a year ago he showed his mother needle tracks on his arms and said he needed help. At that point, despite holding down two jobs, he was using ten bags of heroin daily. ","descriptionPreview":"Millbrook Rotary hosted a broadcast of RadioRotary with guests Steve Pressman, Executive Director of the Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers, Inc. (MARC) and Laurie Quinn (Philmont Rotary Club), a director of the MARC Foundation. A main problem facing MARC and the entire nation is the heroin and opiate epidemic. Currently in the United States 129 persons each day die from a heroin or opiate overdose. MARC is a residential program that both sends persons with addiction to other appropriate facilities as needed and houses and treats the addicted in several ways—A Crisis Center, three residential treatment centers, and nearly 30 sober housing apartments. Ms. Quinn is trying to help erase the stigma of drug addiction by shining a light on the problem. She tells the story of her son Eric: About a year ago he showed his mother needle tracks on his arms and said he needed help. At that point, despite holding down two jobs, he was using ten bags of heroin daily. ","duration":1643397,"episodeId":"e1sgla","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Road-Back-from-Addiction-Aired-on-April-23--24--2016-e1sgla","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Road-Back-from-Addiction-Aired-on-April-23--24--2016-e1sgla","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Road Back from Addiction (Aired on April 23 & 24, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T18:48:04.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532544484,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T18:48:08.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T18:47:58.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532544478,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b2af7238-0a00-d0c8-a0bd-b23215f68014","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Crystal Snow-Hebel is one of the co-founders of Faith House (Linda Arzu is the other), a proposed maternity home for 18- to 24-year old girls and their newborn children. This would be a refuge for girls who otherwise would be homeless, in abusive relationships, or living in poverty. The idea is to provide for spiritual and emotional needs in a real family environment. Many volunteers are already working on this project, which is still in a fundraising stage. In addition to providing parenting skills, there would also be prenatal care and skills and educational development for when the girl and her child re-enters society.","descriptionPreview":"Crystal Snow-Hebel is one of the co-founders of Faith House (Linda Arzu is the other), a proposed maternity home for 18- to 24-year old girls and their newborn children. This would be a refuge for girls who otherwise would be homeless, in abusive relationships, or living in poverty. The idea is to provide for spiritual and emotional needs in a real family environment. Many volunteers are already working on this project, which is still in a fundraising stage. In addition to providing parenting skills, there would also be prenatal care and skills and educational development for when the girl and her child re-enters society.","duration":1394607,"episodeId":"e1sgke","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Faith-House-to-Help-Pregnant-Girls-April-16--17--2016-e1sgke","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Faith-House-to-Help-Pregnant-Girls-April-16--17--2016-e1sgke","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Faith House to Help Pregnant Girls (April 16 & 17, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T18:39:20.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532543960,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T18:39:20.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T18:39:11.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532543951,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"98c7c97d-6dc6-85f4-bf48-5cb8a571fed9","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Patterson Rotarian Mike Ingber about his club’s exciting fundraiser, Men Who Cook. Ingber is not only one of the organizers for the 20th installment of the popular event, but also one of the cooks, specializing in smoked salmon or ribs. This edition of Men Who Cook honors the Honorable James Reitz, judge of the family court in Carmel, NY, and of a drug court that helps addicts become rehabilitated rather than prisoners. Men Who Cook has about 15 professional chefs from local restaurants and about the same number of amateur foodies who man stations at the Star Ridge Banquet Center in Brewster. For a $70 entrance fee, you can patronize all of the stations featuring a variety of ethnic foods and American classics—but bring your own drinks and stemware. Everything else for a grand meal is provided. Patterson Rotarian Rich Parente, Owner/chef of the Clocktower Grill does a whole hog, which is spectacular.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Patterson Rotarian Mike Ingber about his club’s exciting fundraiser, Men Who Cook. Ingber is not only one of the organizers for the 20th installment of the popular event, but also one of the cooks, specializing in smoked salmon or ribs. This edition of Men Who Cook honors the Honorable James Reitz, judge of the family court in Carmel, NY, and of a drug court that helps addicts become rehabilitated rather than prisoners. Men Who Cook has about 15 professional chefs from local restaurants and about the same number of amateur foodies who man stations at the Star Ridge Banquet Center in Brewster. For a $70 entrance fee, you can patronize all of the stations featuring a variety of ethnic foods and American classics—but bring your own drinks and stemware. Everything else for a grand meal is provided. Patterson Rotarian Rich Parente, Owner/chef of the Clocktower Grill does a whole hog, which is spectacular.","duration":1468115,"episodeId":"e1sgik","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Men-Who-Cook-Aired-on-April-9--10--2016-e1sgik","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Men-Who-Cook-Aired-on-April-9--10--2016-e1sgik","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Men Who Cook (Aired on April 9 & 10, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T18:35:33.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532543733,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T18:35:33.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T18:35:24.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532543724,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"37e51442-6fd7-9fb1-a783-dea5950e49f9","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Broadcasting from the Red Hook Rotary meeting, the RadioRotary cohosts interview Kimberly McGrath, Executive Editor of the Red Hook Area Chamber of Commerce. The Red Hook Area Chamber has more than 280 active members representing 170 businesses and is still growing. Primarily it acts to promote local businesses with its weekly newsletter and to help local business persons meet and get to know each other, the latter with breakfasts or mixers every month. The Chamber also has several annual events: the Summer Camp Fair to help parents and children find the summer camp that fits best; a golf tournament in cooperation with the Rhinebeck Chamber that is a fundraiser; the Community Arts Network (CAN) to promote every form of art in the Red Hook Area; and, in cooperation with other local organizations, the annual Chocolate Festival.","descriptionPreview":"Broadcasting from the Red Hook Rotary meeting, the RadioRotary cohosts interview Kimberly McGrath, Executive Editor of the Red Hook Area Chamber of Commerce. The Red Hook Area Chamber has more than 280 active members representing 170 businesses and is still growing. Primarily it acts to promote local businesses with its weekly newsletter and to help local business persons meet and get to know each other, the latter with breakfasts or mixers every month. The Chamber also has several annual events: the Summer Camp Fair to help parents and children find the summer camp that fits best; a golf tournament in cooperation with the Rhinebeck Chamber that is a fundraiser; the Community Arts Network (CAN) to promote every form of art in the Red Hook Area; and, in cooperation with other local organizations, the annual Chocolate Festival.","duration":1513751,"episodeId":"e1sgh9","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Red-Hook-Area-Chamber-of-Commerce-Aired-on-April-2--3--2016-e1sgh9","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Red-Hook-Area-Chamber-of-Commerce-Aired-on-April-2--3--2016-e1sgh9","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Red Hook Area Chamber of Commerce (Aired on April 2 & 3, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T18:30:54.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532543454,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T18:30:55.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T18:30:45.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532543445,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b2cb8b29-d4dd-5a5b-281f-1d65c3bfbb2e","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rhinebeck Rotarian Bob Phillips, along with 23 other Rotarians from around the United States (and some from Canada and the United Kingdom) went to Côte d’Ivoire in West Africa in the summer of 2015—mission, prevent polio. As he told the RadioRotary co-hosts, the ten-day trip was the most memorable experience of his life, from the West African Fair to actually administering the two drops of polio vaccine to infants under five years old, the target group. Of course, this was part of Rotary’s PolioPlus project, which since 1988 has worked with UNICEF, the World Health Organization, and the CDC to eradicate the disease, which was causing a thousand cases a week when they started. As a result of this effort, there were only 70 instances in all in 2015, all of them in Pakistan and Afghanistan, with the disease essentially eliminated from the rest of the world.","descriptionPreview":"Rhinebeck Rotarian Bob Phillips, along with 23 other Rotarians from around the United States (and some from Canada and the United Kingdom) went to Côte d’Ivoire in West Africa in the summer of 2015—mission, prevent polio. As he told the RadioRotary co-hosts, the ten-day trip was the most memorable experience of his life, from the West African Fair to actually administering the two drops of polio vaccine to infants under five years old, the target group. Of course, this was part of Rotary’s PolioPlus project, which since 1988 has worked with UNICEF, the World Health Organization, and the CDC to eradicate the disease, which was causing a thousand cases a week when they started. As a result of this effort, there were only 70 instances in all in 2015, all of them in Pakistan and Afghanistan, with the disease essentially eliminated from the rest of the world.","duration":1539168,"episodeId":"e1sggg","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Polio-Vaccinating-in-West-Africa-March-26--27--2016-e1sggg","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Polio-Vaccinating-in-West-Africa-March-26--27--2016-e1sggg","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Polio Vaccinating in West Africa (March 26 & 27, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T18:21:20.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532542880,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T18:21:20.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T18:21:10.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532542870,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b0af143f-bcc3-88f0-f5d6-2b05e1a5808d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Pleasant Valley Rotarian, registered nurse, and RadioRotary producer Kathy Kruger is on the other side of the microphone as co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell interview her about the Rotaplast program to correct cleft lip or palate, burn scarring, and other deformities. Cleft lip or palate causes many health problems as well as affecting speech, impairing ability to eat, and causing social rejection. Kruger has personal experience with the program as a participant in a mission to the Philippines but she also has been the principal representative from Rotaplast to District 7210. A typical Rotaplast team of about 15 medical professionals and 15 nonmedical volunteers, often Rotarians, travels to a locations where few facilities exist for repair of these defects, then over a couple of weeks treats hundreds of patients, mostly children but some adults as well.","descriptionPreview":"Pleasant Valley Rotarian, registered nurse, and RadioRotary producer Kathy Kruger is on the other side of the microphone as co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell interview her about the Rotaplast program to correct cleft lip or palate, burn scarring, and other deformities. Cleft lip or palate causes many health problems as well as affecting speech, impairing ability to eat, and causing social rejection. Kruger has personal experience with the program as a participant in a mission to the Philippines but she also has been the principal representative from Rotaplast to District 7210. A typical Rotaplast team of about 15 medical professionals and 15 nonmedical volunteers, often Rotarians, travels to a locations where few facilities exist for repair of these defects, then over a couple of weeks treats hundreds of patients, mostly children but some adults as well.","duration":1570568,"episodeId":"e1sged","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Improving-Lives-with-Plastic-Surgery-March-19--20--2016-e1sged","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Improving-Lives-with-Plastic-Surgery-March-19--20--2016-e1sged","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Improving Lives with Plastic Surgery (March 19 & 20, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T18:14:47.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532542487,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T18:14:47.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T18:14:38.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532542478,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a9ce7ac4-4505-5334-b55f-8d09f4e14833","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Michael Christophides, Chief Inspector and Laboratory Director of Granit Inspection Group, joins co-host Sarah O’Connell and guest co-host and physicist David Kruger to describe the hazards of the gas radon, which can accumulate in buildings or in well water. Radon is an odorless radioactive gas that is released from rocks of all kinds, but especially from granite or dark shales found in the Hudson Valley. Radon in the air is the second leading cause of lung cancer (and adds to the risk of cancer in smokers), while radon in water can increase the risk of stomach cancer and may also be released into the air. Testing is the only way that you can tell whether or not radon is present in dangerous levels. Mr. Christophides recommends testing every two years, since levels can change based on seismic activity, changes in structures, or other factors. If a test reveals excess radon, remediation usually consists of suctioning air away before it can enter the house.","descriptionPreview":"Michael Christophides, Chief Inspector and Laboratory Director of Granit Inspection Group, joins co-host Sarah O’Connell and guest co-host and physicist David Kruger to describe the hazards of the gas radon, which can accumulate in buildings or in well water. Radon is an odorless radioactive gas that is released from rocks of all kinds, but especially from granite or dark shales found in the Hudson Valley. Radon in the air is the second leading cause of lung cancer (and adds to the risk of cancer in smokers), while radon in water can increase the risk of stomach cancer and may also be released into the air. Testing is the only way that you can tell whether or not radon is present in dangerous levels. Mr. Christophides recommends testing every two years, since levels can change based on seismic activity, changes in structures, or other factors. If a test reveals excess radon, remediation usually consists of suctioning air away before it can enter the house.","duration":1635064,"episodeId":"e1sgd1","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Radon-Danger-in-Your-Home-Aired-on-March-12--13--2016-e1sgd1","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Radon-Danger-in-Your-Home-Aired-on-March-12--13--2016-e1sgd1","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Radon Danger in Your Home (Aired on March 12 & 13, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T18:10:06.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532542206,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T18:10:06.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T18:09:56.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532542196,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b82fbd9a-060b-d861-6759-c7f3bbdabd20","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Maggie Kwet, the Aging Information Services Specialist at the Dutchess County Office of the Aging, on the many services provided for seniors in the County, which deal with health, the law, transportation, home care, food, energy and heating, grandparenting, and more. The Office of the Aging (845-486-2555) conducts group and individual help with Medicare. It offers programs to improve movement and health for seniors such as “A Matter of Balance” and regular exercise groups. Legal services include living wills, health-care proxies, and advice on bankruptcies. Nearly every problem confronting a senior has a friendly staffer of the Office for the Aging ready to help solve.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Maggie Kwet, the Aging Information Services Specialist at the Dutchess County Office of the Aging, on the many services provided for seniors in the County, which deal with health, the law, transportation, home care, food, energy and heating, grandparenting, and more. The Office of the Aging (845-486-2555) conducts group and individual help with Medicare. It offers programs to improve movement and health for seniors such as “A Matter of Balance” and regular exercise groups. Legal services include living wills, health-care proxies, and advice on bankruptcies. Nearly every problem confronting a senior has a friendly staffer of the Office for the Aging ready to help solve.","duration":1591622,"episodeId":"e1sgbv","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-Office-of-the-Aging-Aired-on-March-5--6--2016-e1sgbv","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Dutchess-Office-of-the-Aging-Aired-on-March-5--6--2016-e1sgbv","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Dutchess Office of the Aging (Aired on March 5 & 6, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T18:06:04.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532541964,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T18:06:04.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T18:05:55.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532541955,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"630c876f-958e-1728-811c-e0949953905b","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Kayo Iwama, Associate Director of the Graduate Vocal Arts Program at Bard College, about music education at the college and the performances open to the public. Bard has an unusual undergraduate degree program in music because each student must also obtain a degree in another subject, such as mathematics or political science. The Graduate Vocal Arts Program owes its existence to the renowned soprano Dawn Upshaw, who developed and directs it. Performances by students, faculty, and guest artists occur throughout the year at Bard, some of them free and many at the famed Fisher Center designed by Frank Gehry. Every two years, the Vocal Arts Program mounts an opera for the public, complete with a full orchestra accompaniment. Bard actually hosts three orchestras, including the American Symphony Orchestra conducted by Leon Botstein.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Kayo Iwama, Associate Director of the Graduate Vocal Arts Program at Bard College, about music education at the college and the performances open to the public. Bard has an unusual undergraduate degree program in music because each student must also obtain a degree in another subject, such as mathematics or political science. The Graduate Vocal Arts Program owes its existence to the renowned soprano Dawn Upshaw, who developed and directs it. Performances by students, faculty, and guest artists occur throughout the year at Bard, some of them free and many at the famed Fisher Center designed by Frank Gehry. Every two years, the Vocal Arts Program mounts an opera for the public, complete with a full orchestra accompaniment. Bard actually hosts three orchestras, including the American Symphony Orchestra conducted by Leon Botstein.","duration":1503041,"episodeId":"e1sgau","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Vocal-Music-at-Bard-College-February-27--28--2016-e1sgau","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Vocal-Music-at-Bard-College-February-27--28--2016-e1sgau","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Vocal Music at Bard College (February 27 & 28, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T18:00:10.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532541610,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T18:00:11.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T18:00:02.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532541602,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"0303fe6f-e5d9-91d2-32eb-de86ef5e5e95","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotary Foundation's motto of “Doing Good in the World” is the subject of this show. ","descriptionPreview":"Rotary Foundation's motto of “Doing Good in the World” is the subject of this show. ","duration":1602981,"episodeId":"e1sg9p","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotarians-Doing-Good-in-the-World-February-20--21--2016-e1sg9p","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotarians-Doing-Good-in-the-World-February-20--21--2016-e1sg9p","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotarians Doing Good in the World (February 20 & 21, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T17:33:01.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532539981,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T17:33:02.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T17:32:52.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532539972,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"36d2126b-c6fd-671c-5bb9-d35f7abbabb1","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rhinebeck Rotarian Lou Trapani, Artistic and Managing Director of The Center for the Performing Arts at Rhinebeck, returns to RadioRotary to discuss some of the upcoming performances at the big red barn on Route 308. Also in the interview, Mr. Trapani describes the education program at the Center, which includes a touring company that performs The Wizard of Oz, Rip Van Winkle, and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow at local schools. These fit will with the Center’s theme for 2016, which is “All-Americana,” featuring plays by American authors such as Kaufman and Hart, Tony Kushner, and Arthur Laurents. Among the unusual attractions will be a new opera (Godfather Death) and pairing the Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival’s Romeo and Juliet with West Side Story.","descriptionPreview":"Rhinebeck Rotarian Lou Trapani, Artistic and Managing Director of The Center for the Performing Arts at Rhinebeck, returns to RadioRotary to discuss some of the upcoming performances at the big red barn on Route 308. Also in the interview, Mr. Trapani describes the education program at the Center, which includes a touring company that performs The Wizard of Oz, Rip Van Winkle, and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow at local schools. These fit will with the Center’s theme for 2016, which is “All-Americana,” featuring plays by American authors such as Kaufman and Hart, Tony Kushner, and Arthur Laurents. Among the unusual attractions will be a new opera (Godfather Death) and pairing the Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival’s Romeo and Juliet with West Side Story.","duration":1509754,"episodeId":"e1sg4c","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Center-for-Performing-Arts-All-Americana-in-2016-Aired-on-February-13--14--2016-e1sg4c","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Center-for-Performing-Arts-All-Americana-in-2016-Aired-on-February-13--14--2016-e1sg4c","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Center for Performing Arts: All-Americana in 2016 (Aired on February 13 & 14, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T17:28:37.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532539717,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T17:28:37.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T17:28:28.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532539708,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"45f45a13-1d2c-6c44-ac58-94372d617085","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews New York State Senator Sue Serino on efforts to reduce Lyme Disease in the Hudson Valley and to free physicians to treat chronic Lyme Disease with longer courses of intravenous antibiotics. Lyme Disease is one of several tick-borne illnesses that are widespread in the Hudson Valley. Many believe that when it fails to be cured either by no treatment or inadequate treatment, it becomes chronic Lyme Disease. Chronic Lyme Disease, which is not recognized by the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), may affect those afflicted years after the initial infection. Symptoms can include arthritis, fatigue, mental fogginess, and impaired vision. The black-legged ticks that carry the disease from other mammals, such as deer and white-footed mice, often attach themselves to human hosts in the nymph stage, when they are about the size of a sesame seed. In about a quarter of the infections, a characteristic “bulls-eye” rash forms at the site of the infection.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews New York State Senator Sue Serino on efforts to reduce Lyme Disease in the Hudson Valley and to free physicians to treat chronic Lyme Disease with longer courses of intravenous antibiotics. Lyme Disease is one of several tick-borne illnesses that are widespread in the Hudson Valley. Many believe that when it fails to be cured either by no treatment or inadequate treatment, it becomes chronic Lyme Disease. Chronic Lyme Disease, which is not recognized by the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), may affect those afflicted years after the initial infection. Symptoms can include arthritis, fatigue, mental fogginess, and impaired vision. The black-legged ticks that carry the disease from other mammals, such as deer and white-footed mice, often attach themselves to human hosts in the nymph stage, when they are about the size of a sesame seed. In about a quarter of the infections, a characteristic “bulls-eye” rash forms at the site of the infection.","duration":1525350,"episodeId":"e1sg2l","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Senator-Serino-on-Lyme-Disease-Aired-on-January-30--2016-e1sg2l","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Senator-Serino-on-Lyme-Disease-Aired-on-January-30--2016-e1sg2l","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Senator Serino on Lyme Disease (Aired on January 30, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T17:24:51.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532539491,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T17:24:52.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T17:24:42.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532539482,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"4dafeae1-f387-3fc9-0fe5-a9100cbd707e","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Sue Puett, Executive Director of Warwick Reformed Church’s Backpack Snack Attack program, and Warwick Valley Rotarian Stan Martin about this effective approach to making sure that children who receive free lunches at school during the week do not go hungry on weekends. The program started in 2009 by Warwick Reformed Church with a financial assist from a Rotary District Grant arranged by Warwick Rotary and now feeds more than 300 school children in the Town of Warwick, NY. The Backpack Snack Attack provides 13 to 14 non-refrigerated individual-sized food items such as pudding cups, cheese-and-crackers, and fresh fruit to children identified by school guidance counselors as in need. There is also a summer program of weekly food distribution.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Sue Puett, Executive Director of Warwick Reformed Church’s Backpack Snack Attack program, and Warwick Valley Rotarian Stan Martin about this effective approach to making sure that children who receive free lunches at school during the week do not go hungry on weekends. The program started in 2009 by Warwick Reformed Church with a financial assist from a Rotary District Grant arranged by Warwick Rotary and now feeds more than 300 school children in the Town of Warwick, NY. The Backpack Snack Attack provides 13 to 14 non-refrigerated individual-sized food items such as pudding cups, cheese-and-crackers, and fresh fruit to children identified by school guidance counselors as in need. There is also a summer program of weekly food distribution.","duration":1538541,"episodeId":"e1sg1m","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Backpack-Snack-Attack-Aired-on-January-23--24--2016-e1sg1m","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Backpack-Snack-Attack-Aired-on-January-23--24--2016-e1sg1m","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Backpack Snack Attack (Aired on January 23 & 24, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T17:15:14.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532538914,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T17:15:14.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T17:15:05.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532538905,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"5888fc26-3d07-ed95-81f6-f8b4254ad023","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews recovering addict Cara Mia Bacchiochi about her street ministry called Hope on a Mission HOAM, a volunteer effort to help women who are homeless because of addiction to drugs or alcohol. Working in the city of Poughkeepsie, Bacchiochi and volunteer helpers distribute water and such personal care items as baby wipes to homeless women on a weekly basis. As with other parts of the United States, Poughkeepsie is undergoing a wave of addiction spurred by the introduction of powerful opiate pain relievers and the availability of cheap heroin. In the late 1980s, Bacchiochi was herself an addict, but in 1990 she entered recovery programs. With the help of her church, she hope someday to open a storefront that would make it easier to carry out her mission. In the meantime, Hope on a Mission HOAM could use help in the form of donations and volunteers. See its Facebook page for information on how to help.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews recovering addict Cara Mia Bacchiochi about her street ministry called Hope on a Mission HOAM, a volunteer effort to help women who are homeless because of addiction to drugs or alcohol. Working in the city of Poughkeepsie, Bacchiochi and volunteer helpers distribute water and such personal care items as baby wipes to homeless women on a weekly basis. As with other parts of the United States, Poughkeepsie is undergoing a wave of addiction spurred by the introduction of powerful opiate pain relievers and the availability of cheap heroin. In the late 1980s, Bacchiochi was herself an addict, but in 1990 she entered recovery programs. With the help of her church, she hope someday to open a storefront that would make it easier to carry out her mission. In the meantime, Hope on a Mission HOAM could use help in the form of donations and volunteers. See its Facebook page for information on how to help.","duration":1518114,"episodeId":"e1sfvn","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Hope-on-a-Mission-HOAM-Aired-on-January-16--17--2016-e1sfvn","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Hope-on-a-Mission-HOAM-Aired-on-January-16--17--2016-e1sfvn","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Hope on a Mission HOAM (Aired on January 16 & 17, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T17:11:20.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532538680,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T17:11:22.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T17:11:12.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532538672,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"21aa5a53-cc29-1bb3-8bb4-86582a691e85","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Eliza Bozenski is the development director for the Anderson Center for Autism, a nonprofit educational and therapeutic organization that includes day and residential programs for children and adults as well as diagnostics, training, and consultation for families or schools. Its hundred-acre walkable campus on the Hudson, where autistic students learn in classes with 6 or fewer other students, is just the most obvious part of the organization. It also encompasses 21 group homes, three life-learning centers, a clinic, and consulting arrangements with local schools. This compelling RadioRotary interview tells the listener much about autism and the important place of the Anderson Center in its management.","descriptionPreview":"Eliza Bozenski is the development director for the Anderson Center for Autism, a nonprofit educational and therapeutic organization that includes day and residential programs for children and adults as well as diagnostics, training, and consultation for families or schools. Its hundred-acre walkable campus on the Hudson, where autistic students learn in classes with 6 or fewer other students, is just the most obvious part of the organization. It also encompasses 21 group homes, three life-learning centers, a clinic, and consulting arrangements with local schools. This compelling RadioRotary interview tells the listener much about autism and the important place of the Anderson Center in its management.","duration":1492409,"episodeId":"e1sfv3","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Anderson-Center-for-Autism-Aired-on-January-9--10--2016-e1sfv3","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Anderson-Center-for-Autism-Aired-on-January-9--10--2016-e1sfv3","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Anderson Center for Autism (Aired on January 9 & 10, 2016)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T17:03:56.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532538236,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T17:03:56.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T17:03:47.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532538227,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"244c83b5-990b-d5b5-98f8-a53f6c8cff42","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Zamir Hassan, founder of The Hunger Van, a volunteer effort to bring food to the hungry homeless. In 2000, Hassan chaperoned a school trip to a local food pantry and was astonished by how many were going hungry in his prosperous New Jersey community. He says that in his tradition, you are not supposed to go to sleep if your neighbor is hungry, so he began to work on ways to alleviate the problem. As he traveled from place to place around the United States, helping to set up food pantries, he realized that many of the hungry homeless lack transportation to get to the food pantries, so he created a volunteer program that would bring healthy food to where the homeless lived, beneath bridges or in doorways. Hunger Vans now operate in cities all over the United States. Hassan was in the Hudson Valley to help inaugurate the Hunger Van program in Poughkeepsie.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Zamir Hassan, founder of The Hunger Van, a volunteer effort to bring food to the hungry homeless. In 2000, Hassan chaperoned a school trip to a local food pantry and was astonished by how many were going hungry in his prosperous New Jersey community. He says that in his tradition, you are not supposed to go to sleep if your neighbor is hungry, so he began to work on ways to alleviate the problem. As he traveled from place to place around the United States, helping to set up food pantries, he realized that many of the hungry homeless lack transportation to get to the food pantries, so he created a volunteer program that would bring healthy food to where the homeless lived, beneath bridges or in doorways. Hunger Vans now operate in cities all over the United States. Hassan was in the Hudson Valley to help inaugurate the Hunger Van program in Poughkeepsie.","duration":1520987,"episodeId":"e1sfu2","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Hunger-Van-Comes-to-Poughkeepsie-Dec--26--27--2015-e1sfu2","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Hunger-Van-Comes-to-Poughkeepsie-Dec--26--27--2015-e1sfu2","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Hunger Van Comes to Poughkeepsie (Dec. 26 & 27, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T16:59:53.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532537993,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T16:59:53.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T16:59:44.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532537984,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"981c61a2-280e-018a-e311-1b53f9b27ef0","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Millbrook Rotarian Joyce Heaton describes this year’s New Year’s Eve Millbrook a community event that is family friendly and alcohol free. Twelve years earlier, the Rotary Club of Millbrook was seeking a way to help bring the village and environs together as a community. In October of that year, Joyce—who was aware of First Night Celebrations in Boston and elsewhere—proposed that the club sponsor a New Year’s Eve celebration of music and events directed at children. That December saw the first celebration. Some of the music acts from that first occasion—jazz pianist Larry Ham and the Handman Family strings—have been featured every year since, while other popular favorites such as the Bindlestiff Family Cirkus, Metropolitan Klezmer, and ragtime-and-blues piano scholar Peter Muir, have been present many times. A popular feature of New Year’s Eve Millbrook are the lighted buttons designed by local students. ","descriptionPreview":"Millbrook Rotarian Joyce Heaton describes this year’s New Year’s Eve Millbrook a community event that is family friendly and alcohol free. Twelve years earlier, the Rotary Club of Millbrook was seeking a way to help bring the village and environs together as a community. In October of that year, Joyce—who was aware of First Night Celebrations in Boston and elsewhere—proposed that the club sponsor a New Year’s Eve celebration of music and events directed at children. That December saw the first celebration. Some of the music acts from that first occasion—jazz pianist Larry Ham and the Handman Family strings—have been featured every year since, while other popular favorites such as the Bindlestiff Family Cirkus, Metropolitan Klezmer, and ragtime-and-blues piano scholar Peter Muir, have been present many times. A popular feature of New Year’s Eve Millbrook are the lighted buttons designed by local students. ","duration":1526316,"episodeId":"e1sft8","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/New-Years-Eve-Millbrook-Aired-on-December-19--20--2015-e1sft8","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/New-Years-Eve-Millbrook-Aired-on-December-19--20--2015-e1sft8","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"New Year’s Eve Millbrook (Aired on December 19 & 20, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T16:50:16.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532537416,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T16:50:17.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T16:50:07.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532537407,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a0ce0341-c369-ff70-46a5-9234793c8a6e","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotary has had a unique role in the United Nations starting even before the UN was founded. Each year the United Nations invites more than a thousand Rotarians, members of associated groups such as Rotaract and Interact, and students participating in Rotary international Youth Exchange to come to UN headquarters in New York for panel discussions with Rotary leadership, UN ambassadors, and heads of international nongovernmental organizations. Also each year since 2009 the RadioRotary team has been there to interview some of the participants. This is the first set of interviews from 2015.","descriptionPreview":"Rotary has had a unique role in the United Nations starting even before the UN was founded. Each year the United Nations invites more than a thousand Rotarians, members of associated groups such as Rotaract and Interact, and students participating in Rotary international Youth Exchange to come to UN headquarters in New York for panel discussions with Rotary leadership, UN ambassadors, and heads of international nongovernmental organizations. Also each year since 2009 the RadioRotary team has been there to interview some of the participants. This is the first set of interviews from 2015.","duration":1510068,"episodeId":"e1sfrd","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/UN-Rotary-Day-2015Part-One-Aired-on-December-12--13--2015-e1sfrd","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/UN-Rotary-Day-2015Part-One-Aired-on-December-12--13--2015-e1sfrd","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"UN Rotary Day 2015—Part One (Aired on December 12 & 13, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T16:45:56.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532537156,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T16:45:56.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T16:45:46.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532537146,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"5230e20c-1e18-b5f4-a509-1a5c44d28826","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a Federal program that operates on a country level, providing vocational training for low-income persons age 55 or older. In Dutchess County the SCSEP office is part of PathStone, located in Wappingers Falls. SCSEP counselors Cheryl George, Patsy Kimbrew, Sheila Rock, and Marlene Fredericks describe the program, which provides training in such skills as handling interviews and writing resumes. Retired seniors are placed in jobs that reflect their previous work life or that are based on training received in the program.","descriptionPreview":"The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a Federal program that operates on a country level, providing vocational training for low-income persons age 55 or older. In Dutchess County the SCSEP office is part of PathStone, located in Wappingers Falls. SCSEP counselors Cheryl George, Patsy Kimbrew, Sheila Rock, and Marlene Fredericks describe the program, which provides training in such skills as handling interviews and writing resumes. Retired seniors are placed in jobs that reflect their previous work life or that are based on training received in the program.","duration":1481699,"episodeId":"e1sfqh","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Vocational-Education-for-Senior-Citizens-Dec--5--6--2015-e1sfqh","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Vocational-Education-for-Senior-Citizens-Dec--5--6--2015-e1sfqh","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Vocational Education for Senior Citizens (Dec. 5 & 6, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T16:41:43.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532536903,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T16:41:43.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T16:41:34.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532536894,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"524e407a-f12a-523d-e88b-b9bfd3d3dd1e","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Pleasant Valley Rotarian, and 2015 winner of the Jeffrey Keahon Foundation Award, David Kruger describes the work of The Rotary Foundation, the part of Rotary that not only does good in the world away from our communities, but also helps fund many local projects. While its most notable success has been the worldwide reduction of polio to a handful of cases in two countries—with complete elimination on the horizon—The Rotary Foundation may have saved even more lives with its projects for clean water, maternal and child health, and peace. It is also the most effective charity because nearly all of every dollar given to The Rotary Foundation is used for its work instead of spent on administration or fundraising.","descriptionPreview":"Pleasant Valley Rotarian, and 2015 winner of the Jeffrey Keahon Foundation Award, David Kruger describes the work of The Rotary Foundation, the part of Rotary that not only does good in the world away from our communities, but also helps fund many local projects. While its most notable success has been the worldwide reduction of polio to a handful of cases in two countries—with complete elimination on the horizon—The Rotary Foundation may have saved even more lives with its projects for clean water, maternal and child health, and peace. It is also the most effective charity because nearly all of every dollar given to The Rotary Foundation is used for its work instead of spent on administration or fundraising.","duration":1398520,"episodeId":"e1sfpj","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Foundation---Doing-Good-in-the-World-Nov--28--2015-e1sfpj","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Foundation---Doing-Good-in-the-World-Nov--28--2015-e1sfpj","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Foundation - Doing Good in the World (Nov. 28, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T16:25:50.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532535950,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T16:25:50.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T16:25:41.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532535941,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ffc32b61-231b-7340-034b-14473ffd458a","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Salvation Army Captains Sam and Jenny Alarcon visit RadioRotary to describe some of the many ways that The Salvation Army works to solve problems in Poughkeepsie and the Hudson Valley. The Salvation Army, founded in London by William Booth in 1865, is a worldwide Christian church that is organized along military lines. Its mission includes meeting human needs without discrimination. From its first days it has focused on helping the homeless, addicts and alcoholics, and the hungry. Many may know it from collecting money outside store entrances at holiday time—the bell ringers in uniform are Salvationists, while many others are volunteers. The Alarcons describe various Salvation Army projects from after school for children to centers for seniors.","descriptionPreview":"Salvation Army Captains Sam and Jenny Alarcon visit RadioRotary to describe some of the many ways that The Salvation Army works to solve problems in Poughkeepsie and the Hudson Valley. The Salvation Army, founded in London by William Booth in 1865, is a worldwide Christian church that is organized along military lines. Its mission includes meeting human needs without discrimination. From its first days it has focused on helping the homeless, addicts and alcoholics, and the hungry. Many may know it from collecting money outside store entrances at holiday time—the bell ringers in uniform are Salvationists, while many others are volunteers. The Alarcons describe various Salvation Army projects from after school for children to centers for seniors.","duration":1521875,"episodeId":"e1sfmn","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Salvation-Army-Helps-Homeless--More-November-21--2015-e1sfmn","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Salvation-Army-Helps-Homeless--More-November-21--2015-e1sfmn","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Salvation Army Helps Homeless & More (November 21, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T16:16:44.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532535404,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T16:16:44.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T16:16:35.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532535395,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"bbcf5fd7-90c8-d370-23d9-1a9dfa2247ba","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Cancer survivor Holly VanDerbeck tells about her experiences with Stage 3 melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer. Originally detected as a change in a mole, her cancer showed up later in lymph nodes, but was arrested by a combination of surgery and interferon, a drug that stimulates the immune system to attack cancer. A basic step to avoid skin cancers is to protect your skin from the ultraviolet components of sunlight and from artificial tanning—hats and other clothing on sunny days and application of sunscreen before exposure are the first lines of defense. Changes in moles, persistent bleeding, and “floaters” in vision are among the signs that need medical attention. There is a lot of important information in this interview.","descriptionPreview":"Cancer survivor Holly VanDerbeck tells about her experiences with Stage 3 melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer. Originally detected as a change in a mole, her cancer showed up later in lymph nodes, but was arrested by a combination of surgery and interferon, a drug that stimulates the immune system to attack cancer. A basic step to avoid skin cancers is to protect your skin from the ultraviolet components of sunlight and from artificial tanning—hats and other clothing on sunny days and application of sunscreen before exposure are the first lines of defense. Changes in moles, persistent bleeding, and “floaters” in vision are among the signs that need medical attention. There is a lot of important information in this interview.","duration":1422140,"episodeId":"e1sfkv","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Tips-to-Avoid-Deadly-Melanoma-Aired-on-November-14--2015-e1sfkv","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Tips-to-Avoid-Deadly-Melanoma-Aired-on-November-14--2015-e1sfkv","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Tips to Avoid Deadly Melanoma (Aired on November 14, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T16:12:40.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532535160,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T16:12:40.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T16:12:31.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532535151,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"148e8670-052c-c9f5-e5f9-3cc34e00922d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Red Hook Rotarian Gale Wolfe is interviewed about her participation in a medical mission to Tibet for this “live from the meeting” RadioRotary interview, recorded during a regular meeting of the Red Hook Rotary Club. Gale accompanied her husband, Dr. Dean Bloch, an obstetrician-gynecologist, and various other medical personnel on a mission to bring aid to a remote village in Tibet. Their whole family took part, as the 14-year-old brought eyeglasses, the 17-year old organized the Tibetan patients, and the 19-year-old and Gale both helped out in the dental clinic, where hundreds of teeth were pulled. The team, housed in a Tibetan nunnery as arranged by a monk from the Red Hook Buddhist center, helped nearly a thousand Tibetans during the week-long mission.","descriptionPreview":"Red Hook Rotarian Gale Wolfe is interviewed about her participation in a medical mission to Tibet for this “live from the meeting” RadioRotary interview, recorded during a regular meeting of the Red Hook Rotary Club. Gale accompanied her husband, Dr. Dean Bloch, an obstetrician-gynecologist, and various other medical personnel on a mission to bring aid to a remote village in Tibet. Their whole family took part, as the 14-year-old brought eyeglasses, the 17-year old organized the Tibetan patients, and the 19-year-old and Gale both helped out in the dental clinic, where hundreds of teeth were pulled. The team, housed in a Tibetan nunnery as arranged by a monk from the Red Hook Buddhist center, helped nearly a thousand Tibetans during the week-long mission.","duration":1444762,"episodeId":"e1sfh3","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Medical-Mission-to-Tibet-Aired-on-November-7--8--2015-e1sfh3","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Medical-Mission-to-Tibet-Aired-on-November-7--8--2015-e1sfh3","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Medical Mission to Tibet (Aired on November 7 & 8, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T15:48:50.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532533730,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T15:48:51.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T15:48:41.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532533721,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"3e00c3b1-d2a2-d570-6a2a-2d4fd75adeab","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotary District 7210 Past District Governor Bill Bassett (Walkill East Rotary Club) describes the history and current success of the effort, started by Rotary in 1979, to completely eradicate the terrible disease poliomyelitis, commonly called polio. Polio has a long history as a human disease that often causes lifetime paralysis or even death. In the early 1980s a thousand persons per day contracted it and it was endemic in 125 nations. As a result of a partnership led by Rotary, but including the World Health Organization, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and UNICEF, the number of cases has been reduced to about 150 per year and it is endemic only in Pakistan and Afghanistan. This effort has been aided by hundreds of millions of dollars from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation put forth as matching challenges for The Rotary Foundation, currently a two-for-one match to every Rotary dollar up to $35 million per year.","descriptionPreview":"Rotary District 7210 Past District Governor Bill Bassett (Walkill East Rotary Club) describes the history and current success of the effort, started by Rotary in 1979, to completely eradicate the terrible disease poliomyelitis, commonly called polio. Polio has a long history as a human disease that often causes lifetime paralysis or even death. In the early 1980s a thousand persons per day contracted it and it was endemic in 125 nations. As a result of a partnership led by Rotary, but including the World Health Organization, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and UNICEF, the number of cases has been reduced to about 150 per year and it is endemic only in Pakistan and Afghanistan. This effort has been aided by hundreds of millions of dollars from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation put forth as matching challenges for The Rotary Foundation, currently a two-for-one match to every Rotary dollar up to $35 million per year.","duration":1505392,"episodeId":"e1sfaq","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Fights-to-Eradicate-Polio-Aired-on-October-31--2015-e1sfaq","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Fights-to-Eradicate-Polio-Aired-on-October-31--2015-e1sfaq","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Fights to Eradicate Polio (Aired on October 31, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T15:41:29.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532533289,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T15:41:30.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T15:41:20.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532533280,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b7afa8a8-21e2-92a5-2534-7154f85661b7","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Abby Nathanson, Director and Co-Founder of EPIC; Carleton Harris, consultant from the Youth Arts Group; and Evelyn Garzetta, Director of Latino Outreach at Millbrook, NY, Grade Episcopal Church describe new and old programs inspired by Rural and Migrant Ministry that focus on Northeastern Dutchess County. EPIC (Engaging People in Change) gathers high-school students from around NE Dutchess and holds weekly meetings that focus on social justice and leadership skills. Carleton Harris started with the summer camp run by the Rural and Migrant Ministry, leading him to become involved with the Youth Arts Group, which has much the same mission as the newly formed EPIC. Grace Latino Outreach (GLO) has for the past decade offered programs in English as Second Language as well as aid of all kinds for the immigrant population.","descriptionPreview":"Abby Nathanson, Director and Co-Founder of EPIC; Carleton Harris, consultant from the Youth Arts Group; and Evelyn Garzetta, Director of Latino Outreach at Millbrook, NY, Grade Episcopal Church describe new and old programs inspired by Rural and Migrant Ministry that focus on Northeastern Dutchess County. EPIC (Engaging People in Change) gathers high-school students from around NE Dutchess and holds weekly meetings that focus on social justice and leadership skills. Carleton Harris started with the summer camp run by the Rural and Migrant Ministry, leading him to become involved with the Youth Arts Group, which has much the same mission as the newly formed EPIC. Grace Latino Outreach (GLO) has for the past decade offered programs in English as Second Language as well as aid of all kinds for the immigrant population.","duration":1650319,"episodeId":"e1sf9b","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Youth-and-Immigrant-Programs-October-24--2015-e1sf9b","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Youth-and-Immigrant-Programs-October-24--2015-e1sf9b","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Youth and Immigrant Programs (October 24, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T15:30:54.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532532654,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T15:30:55.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T15:30:46.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532532646,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a134ea65-e8ec-608a-728b-183c42c2690c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma care cancers of the blood cells. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society funds research that has greatly reduced the death rate from these cancers, and the Society also provides education and support for patients as well as advocacy for better treatments and services. One way that you can help fund the Society and also increase awareness is to participate in one of the several Light the Light Walks in the Hudson Valley or Connecticut. Amanda Harley, a campaign assistant for the Society, visits RadioRotary to describe the walks and provide information about cancers of the blood. The walks, which take place at various locations around 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the fall, are only a mile or two, and provide a chance for friends, families, and others to act as a community while raising money for research.","descriptionPreview":"Leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma care cancers of the blood cells. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society funds research that has greatly reduced the death rate from these cancers, and the Society also provides education and support for patients as well as advocacy for better treatments and services. One way that you can help fund the Society and also increase awareness is to participate in one of the several Light the Light Walks in the Hudson Valley or Connecticut. Amanda Harley, a campaign assistant for the Society, visits RadioRotary to describe the walks and provide information about cancers of the blood. The walks, which take place at various locations around 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the fall, are only a mile or two, and provide a chance for friends, families, and others to act as a community while raising money for research.","duration":1568478,"episodeId":"e1sf7k","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Light-the-Night-walks-Aired-on-October-17--18--2015-e1sf7k","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Light-the-Night-walks-Aired-on-October-17--18--2015-e1sf7k","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Light the Night walks (Aired on October 17 & 18, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T15:22:46.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532532166,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T15:22:47.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T15:22:37.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532532157,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f9cf16b8-a8f6-da61-0089-cdfa851b3e73","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The name “Dutchess Outreach” does not tell much about the organization’s mission, which is to meet the basic needs of low-income people when no other resources are readily available. To this end Dutchess Outreach runs the major food pantry in Dutchess County; a traveling “green market” for fresh fruits and vegetables; the Lunch Box, which provides healthy hot lunches and dinners; and a winter coat drive. RadioRotary gets the details from Joe Conti, President of the Board of Directors, and Brian Riddell, Executive Director of Dutchess Outreach. Also on the show, Ken Moody, Chairman of the Dutchess Interfaith Crop Walk. tells how that annual event supports the local food pantries and soup kitchens.","descriptionPreview":"The name “Dutchess Outreach” does not tell much about the organization’s mission, which is to meet the basic needs of low-income people when no other resources are readily available. To this end Dutchess Outreach runs the major food pantry in Dutchess County; a traveling “green market” for fresh fruits and vegetables; the Lunch Box, which provides healthy hot lunches and dinners; and a winter coat drive. RadioRotary gets the details from Joe Conti, President of the Board of Directors, and Brian Riddell, Executive Director of Dutchess Outreach. Also on the show, Ken Moody, Chairman of the Dutchess Interfaith Crop Walk. tells how that annual event supports the local food pantries and soup kitchens.","duration":1554581,"episodeId":"e1sf5r","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-Outreach-Fighting-Hunger-and-Cold-Aired-on-October-10--11--2015-e1sf5r","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Dutchess-Outreach-Fighting-Hunger-and-Cold-Aired-on-October-10--11--2015-e1sf5r","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Dutchess Outreach: Fighting Hunger and Cold (Aired on October 10 & 11, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T15:04:51.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532531091,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T15:04:51.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T15:04:42.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532531082,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"d3bc1464-acdc-d46e-00cf-1dd349db9feb","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Vietnam vets and Spring Valley Rotarians Howard Goldin and Ed Frank return to RadioRotary with news of the latest developments for Schools to End Poverty (S.T.E.P), the organization they founded after their 2005 visit to Vietnam, where they lunched with the former opposition and developed a plan for helping Vietnamese children by building a school. Elsewhere in Vietnam, they have built two more schools, and they have embarked on programs in Jamaica, Honduras, and Ghana as well. Today the schools they built in Vietnam have more than 500 students in grades K-6 and, with the help of Rotary District 7210, they are working toward expanding the original school to take in another 500. The expansion of the original school is estimated to cost $82,000, a sum that 7210 District Governor Nick Constantino has vowed to raise.","descriptionPreview":"Vietnam vets and Spring Valley Rotarians Howard Goldin and Ed Frank return to RadioRotary with news of the latest developments for Schools to End Poverty (S.T.E.P), the organization they founded after their 2005 visit to Vietnam, where they lunched with the former opposition and developed a plan for helping Vietnamese children by building a school. Elsewhere in Vietnam, they have built two more schools, and they have embarked on programs in Jamaica, Honduras, and Ghana as well. Today the schools they built in Vietnam have more than 500 students in grades K-6 and, with the help of Rotary District 7210, they are working toward expanding the original school to take in another 500. The expansion of the original school is estimated to cost $82,000, a sum that 7210 District Governor Nick Constantino has vowed to raise.","duration":1536608,"episodeId":"e1sf08","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Schools-to-End-Poverty-Aired-on-October-3--4--2015-e1sf08","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Schools-to-End-Poverty-Aired-on-October-3--4--2015-e1sf08","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Schools to End Poverty (Aired on October 3 & 4, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T12:57:10.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532523430,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T12:57:10.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T12:57:01.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532523421,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"46048904-2e03-cb12-e772-ea8788253292","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Christina Novak, Communications and Development Coordinator of the Dutchess Country SPCA, visits the RadioRotary studio to describe the work of her organization, which is much more diverse than most persons realize. While the letters SPCA stand for Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals, most people think of the Dutchess County SPCA largely in terms of pet adoptions (and they do handle this for all kinds of pets, including birds, rabbits, rats, and Guinea pigs, as well as dogs and cats), but there are many other services. A low-cost clinic, open to the public, provides routine veterinarian care for all sorts of pets. There is outreach to schools, humane law enforcement, a pet cemetery and crematorium, and a lost and found service. There is even a Pet Pantry, a food bank for pet food. Learn about this and more, as well as how to become one of the more than 200 volunteers that make the Dutchess SPCA work.","descriptionPreview":"Christina Novak, Communications and Development Coordinator of the Dutchess Country SPCA, visits the RadioRotary studio to describe the work of her organization, which is much more diverse than most persons realize. While the letters SPCA stand for Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals, most people think of the Dutchess County SPCA largely in terms of pet adoptions (and they do handle this for all kinds of pets, including birds, rabbits, rats, and Guinea pigs, as well as dogs and cats), but there are many other services. A low-cost clinic, open to the public, provides routine veterinarian care for all sorts of pets. There is outreach to schools, humane law enforcement, a pet cemetery and crematorium, and a lost and found service. There is even a Pet Pantry, a food bank for pet food. Learn about this and more, as well as how to become one of the more than 200 volunteers that make the Dutchess SPCA work.","duration":1612755,"episodeId":"e1se7k","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-County-SPCA-Aired-on-September-26--27--2015-e1se7k","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Dutchess-County-SPCA-Aired-on-September-26--27--2015-e1se7k","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Dutchess County SPCA (Aired on September 26 & 27, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T12:42:34.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532522554,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T12:42:34.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T12:42:25.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532522545,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a499c324-9df2-8eae-8310-88760a7ac75b","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rhinebeck Rotarian David Ives is the Executive Director of the Albert Schweitzer Institute, but that is just the tip of the iceberg for Ives’ many activities promoting worldwide peace and health. When he was 16, Ives took a trip to Latin America, where he was devastated by the poverty he encountered, and Ives determined to devote his life to helping others. After a stint in the Peace Corps in Nicaragua, he mixed an academic career with work for nonprofits, including Rotary International. A polio victim himself, he has volunteered to administer vaccine in Africa. He has worked with Rotary to organized peace forums in ten countries around the world. From his Nicaragua connection, he helped start the major commitment that Rhinebeck’s Interact Club has made to schools, pure water, and other improvements in rural León Province. A truly remarkable Rotarian.","descriptionPreview":"Rhinebeck Rotarian David Ives is the Executive Director of the Albert Schweitzer Institute, but that is just the tip of the iceberg for Ives’ many activities promoting worldwide peace and health. When he was 16, Ives took a trip to Latin America, where he was devastated by the poverty he encountered, and Ives determined to devote his life to helping others. After a stint in the Peace Corps in Nicaragua, he mixed an academic career with work for nonprofits, including Rotary International. A polio victim himself, he has volunteered to administer vaccine in Africa. He has worked with Rotary to organized peace forums in ten countries around the world. From his Nicaragua connection, he helped start the major commitment that Rhinebeck’s Interact Club has made to schools, pure water, and other improvements in rural León Province. A truly remarkable Rotarian.","duration":1658652,"episodeId":"e1se5a","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Working-for-Peace-and-Health-Aired-on-September-19--2015-e1se5a","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Working-for-Peace-and-Health-Aired-on-September-19--2015-e1se5a","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Working for Peace and Health (Aired on September 19, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T12:31:08.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532521868,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T12:31:09.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T12:30:59.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532521859,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"95256aff-a0b3-65ff-7b25-1b1465405b09","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In recent years, the proliferation of prescription opiate painkillers, such as Percocet, Oxycontin, Vicodin, and others, has spurred an increase in opiate addiction. When addicts can no longer obtain their pills, they often turn to heroin, a cheaper street opiate—in fact, it is so cheap that many who could still purchase prescription pills also switch to heroin. Among the many problems caused by using either kind of opiate is overdose, which frequently leads to death. Susan Salomone’s son Justin, who struggled with opiate addiction for ten years, was among those who died from an overdose, leading Mrs. Salomone to start “Drug Crisis in Our Backyard,” a community action organization that provides resources for dealing with addiction. In this RadioRotary interview, Mrs. Salomone tells Justin’s story and presents the facts about opiate addiction.","descriptionPreview":"In recent years, the proliferation of prescription opiate painkillers, such as Percocet, Oxycontin, Vicodin, and others, has spurred an increase in opiate addiction. When addicts can no longer obtain their pills, they often turn to heroin, a cheaper street opiate—in fact, it is so cheap that many who could still purchase prescription pills also switch to heroin. Among the many problems caused by using either kind of opiate is overdose, which frequently leads to death. Susan Salomone’s son Justin, who struggled with opiate addiction for ten years, was among those who died from an overdose, leading Mrs. Salomone to start “Drug Crisis in Our Backyard,” a community action organization that provides resources for dealing with addiction. In this RadioRotary interview, Mrs. Salomone tells Justin’s story and presents the facts about opiate addiction.","duration":1558969,"episodeId":"e1se3c","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Drug-Crisis-in-Our-Backyard-Aired-on-September-12--13--2015-e1se3c","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Drug-Crisis-in-Our-Backyard-Aired-on-September-12--13--2015-e1se3c","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Drug Crisis in Our Backyard (Aired on September 12 & 13, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T12:20:08.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532521208,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T12:20:08.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T12:19:59.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532521199,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"0698ce33-e0dd-dcb2-12e5-cefd0b93f6c9","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Marisol Rodriguez, Executive Director of Literacy Connections of the Hudson Valley, a nonprofit using local volunteers to help people to read, write, and reach their potential. One in five Americans are functionally illiterate, which means that their reading and writing skills are at a sixth-grade level or lower. Literacy Connections trained volunteers work one-on-one with the functionally illiterate to teach them the specific skills they need for a given goal, such as passing a driver’s test. They also can teach English as a Second Language (ESL). Before a learner enters the program—which is free—they are evaluated by certified testers to determine the specific source of their difficulties. In a separate program called “Book Buddies,” volunteers read to children in schools. Volunteers for either program can be anyone who is able to read and write comfortably.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Marisol Rodriguez, Executive Director of Literacy Connections of the Hudson Valley, a nonprofit using local volunteers to help people to read, write, and reach their potential. One in five Americans are functionally illiterate, which means that their reading and writing skills are at a sixth-grade level or lower. Literacy Connections trained volunteers work one-on-one with the functionally illiterate to teach them the specific skills they need for a given goal, such as passing a driver’s test. They also can teach English as a Second Language (ESL). Before a learner enters the program—which is free—they are evaluated by certified testers to determine the specific source of their difficulties. In a separate program called “Book Buddies,” volunteers read to children in schools. Volunteers for either program can be anyone who is able to read and write comfortably.","duration":1630728,"episodeId":"e1se19","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Reading-and-Writing-Help-Aired-on-September-5--6--2015-e1se19","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Reading-and-Writing-Help-Aired-on-September-5--6--2015-e1se19","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Reading and Writing Help (Aired on September 5 & 6, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T12:05:18.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532520318,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T12:05:18.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T12:05:08.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532520308,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"8ce9b93c-669a-ff17-401d-b0a1f4947a00","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Rhinebeck Interact’s Grace Steele and Morgan Rakow, two of the 23 participants in the 2015 edition of that Interact Club’s “Nicaragua Project.” Interact is the high-school service organization sponsored by Rotary. Each year members of the Rhinebeck Interact Club, some adults (mostly Rhinebeck Rotarians), and some college students travel to the León department of Nicaragua where they work for a week on building and improving schools in impoverished rural villages. Under the supervision of a local foreman, the students bend rebar, mix cement, lay bricks, paint, and perform other basic construction tasks. Local workers continue the process. This is the second school that Rhinebeck Interact students have help build. Listen to these two enthusiastic girls tell about their work and their other Nicaraguan adventures.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Rhinebeck Interact’s Grace Steele and Morgan Rakow, two of the 23 participants in the 2015 edition of that Interact Club’s “Nicaragua Project.” Interact is the high-school service organization sponsored by Rotary. Each year members of the Rhinebeck Interact Club, some adults (mostly Rhinebeck Rotarians), and some college students travel to the León department of Nicaragua where they work for a week on building and improving schools in impoverished rural villages. Under the supervision of a local foreman, the students bend rebar, mix cement, lay bricks, paint, and perform other basic construction tasks. Local workers continue the process. This is the second school that Rhinebeck Interact students have help build. Listen to these two enthusiastic girls tell about their work and their other Nicaraguan adventures.","duration":1610195,"episodeId":"e1sdut","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rhinebeck-Interacts-Nicaragua-Project-August-29--2015-e1sdut","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rhinebeck-Interacts-Nicaragua-Project-August-29--2015-e1sdut","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rhinebeck Interact’s Nicaragua Project (August 29, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T11:49:04.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532519344,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T11:49:04.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T11:48:55.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532519335,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"c4722f4c-7107-b95b-77f7-2897f80f9d99","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Newburgh Rotarian Doug Sturomski is the unofficial Peace Ambassador for Rotary District 7210, which encompasses the eight counties in the Mid-Hudson Region. One of his several projects related to peace is building and placing Peace Poles in parks, high schools, colleges, and various public places around the region. The Peace Poles that Mr. Sturomski builds are 8-feet high, resembling the Washington Monument, and have the message “May Peace prevail upon the Earth” in 80 languages. Another project is the Peace Bell, related to the Peace Bell permanently placed in Hiroshima, Japan. Rotary, which has Peace as one of its six areas of service, has over 500 different ways to symbolize Peace, and among the examples are over 200,000 Peace Poles worldwide.","descriptionPreview":"Newburgh Rotarian Doug Sturomski is the unofficial Peace Ambassador for Rotary District 7210, which encompasses the eight counties in the Mid-Hudson Region. One of his several projects related to peace is building and placing Peace Poles in parks, high schools, colleges, and various public places around the region. The Peace Poles that Mr. Sturomski builds are 8-feet high, resembling the Washington Monument, and have the message “May Peace prevail upon the Earth” in 80 languages. Another project is the Peace Bell, related to the Peace Bell permanently placed in Hiroshima, Japan. Rotary, which has Peace as one of its six areas of service, has over 500 different ways to symbolize Peace, and among the examples are over 200,000 Peace Poles worldwide.","duration":1606199,"episodeId":"e1sdsa","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Our-Rotary-Districts-Peace-Ambassador-Aired-on-August-22--23--2015-e1sdsa","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Our-Rotary-Districts-Peace-Ambassador-Aired-on-August-22--23--2015-e1sdsa","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Our Rotary District’s Peace Ambassador (Aired on August 22 & 23, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T11:30:04.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532518204,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T11:30:04.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T11:29:54.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532518194,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a024f735-a208-94de-30ce-c31fb16014cb","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Highland Rotary Club’s Charter Member Steve Laubach and Don Verity, the Highland Rotarian who manages PAMAL Radio, the network for RadioRotary, describe the 11th annual Hudson Valley Ribfest, one of the major summer events in the Hudson Valley and primary fundraiser for their Rotary Club. They use their part of the income from the Ribfest to support The Rotary Foundation, ShelterBox, and several local charitable causes, including defibrillators for various locations around Highland (one of which saved a customer having a heart attack at the diner where the Rotary meets). Each year the Ribfest brings the best in barbecue to the Ulster County Fairground in New Paltz, along with children’s activities and specialty booths of all kinds.","descriptionPreview":"Highland Rotary Club’s Charter Member Steve Laubach and Don Verity, the Highland Rotarian who manages PAMAL Radio, the network for RadioRotary, describe the 11th annual Hudson Valley Ribfest, one of the major summer events in the Hudson Valley and primary fundraiser for their Rotary Club. They use their part of the income from the Ribfest to support The Rotary Foundation, ShelterBox, and several local charitable causes, including defibrillators for various locations around Highland (one of which saved a customer having a heart attack at the diner where the Rotary meets). Each year the Ribfest brings the best in barbecue to the Ulster County Fairground in New Paltz, along with children’s activities and specialty booths of all kinds.","duration":1650554,"episodeId":"e1sdpb","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Highland-Rotarys-Annual-Ribfest-Aired-on-August-8--9--2015-e1sdpb","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Highland-Rotarys-Annual-Ribfest-Aired-on-August-8--9--2015-e1sdpb","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Highland Rotary’s Annual Ribfest (Aired on August 8 & 9, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-25T11:17:14.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532517434,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-25T11:17:14.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-25T11:17:04.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532517424,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"581cc7fb-6130-b993-b696-7743a131f225","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"When Red Hook High School Student Abby Romm was 15, she decided that she wanted to spend a year abroad. She had learned of the Rotary Youth Exchange program and applied, listing Spain as her first choice, since she had already studied Spanish; but she was happy to learn she would be going to Italy, a country she had visited 8 years earlier and loved. Somewhere in the process, she told her parents, who hesitated at first but then approved and now agree with Abby that it was one of the best things she could do. Her father, Bard College Professor Dr. James Romm, briefly joins the RadioRotary interview with Ms. Ram and reports that now Abby is a citizen of the world as a result of the Youth Exchange experience. Listen to the show for her account of her exciting exchange year.","descriptionPreview":"When Red Hook High School Student Abby Romm was 15, she decided that she wanted to spend a year abroad. She had learned of the Rotary Youth Exchange program and applied, listing Spain as her first choice, since she had already studied Spanish; but she was happy to learn she would be going to Italy, a country she had visited 8 years earlier and loved. Somewhere in the process, she told her parents, who hesitated at first but then approved and now agree with Abby that it was one of the best things she could do. Her father, Bard College Professor Dr. James Romm, briefly joins the RadioRotary interview with Ms. Ram and reports that now Abby is a citizen of the world as a result of the Youth Exchange experience. Listen to the show for her account of her exciting exchange year.","duration":1596324,"episodeId":"e1sdni","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Youth-Exchange---Red-Hook-to-Italy-Aired-on-August-1--2015-e1sdni","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Youth-Exchange---Red-Hook-to-Italy-Aired-on-August-1--2015-e1sdni","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Youth Exchange - Red Hook to Italy (Aired on August 1, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T20:45:53.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532465153,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T20:45:53.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T20:45:43.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532465143,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"d63ab521-cea9-48b8-182a-e9253a6abc89","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Although deaths from drunk driving have been reduced nationally in recent years, there are still 1,200 to 1,500 persons killed or injured by drunk drivers in the Hudson Valley each year. In 1981 Wappingers Falls Rotarian Nick Johnson and his wife Josephine, a severely damaged victim of a drunk driver, decided to do what they could to reduce the drunk-driving toll, starting Dutchess Country RID (Remove Intoxicated Drivers), a chapter of RID-USA. On this program Mr. Johnson and RID volunteer Rich Silva describe tools used to keep intoxicated drivers from repeating their crime and ways that parents can reduce the risk that their children will be perpetrators or victims. They also describe the annual events that Dutchess RID sponsors as memorials to victims, as well as a fundraiser featuring antique automobiles.","descriptionPreview":"Although deaths from drunk driving have been reduced nationally in recent years, there are still 1,200 to 1,500 persons killed or injured by drunk drivers in the Hudson Valley each year. In 1981 Wappingers Falls Rotarian Nick Johnson and his wife Josephine, a severely damaged victim of a drunk driver, decided to do what they could to reduce the drunk-driving toll, starting Dutchess Country RID (Remove Intoxicated Drivers), a chapter of RID-USA. On this program Mr. Johnson and RID volunteer Rich Silva describe tools used to keep intoxicated drivers from repeating their crime and ways that parents can reduce the risk that their children will be perpetrators or victims. They also describe the annual events that Dutchess RID sponsors as memorials to victims, as well as a fundraiser featuring antique automobiles.","duration":1550636,"episodeId":"e1s75e","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Ridding-Intoxicated-Drivers-from-our-Roads-Aired-on-July-25--26--2015-e1s75e","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Ridding-Intoxicated-Drivers-from-our-Roads-Aired-on-July-25--26--2015-e1s75e","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Ridding Intoxicated Drivers from our Roads (Aired on July 25 & 26, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T20:40:20.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532464820,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T20:40:20.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T20:40:11.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532464811,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"e24cdcac-abf1-b92f-1e29-2d4336df7034","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Radio Rotary Interviews Certified Holistic Health Coach and Millbrook Rotarian Ellie Savoy, author of Stop Dieting Start Living: 5 Foundations for Your Health, to Permanently Lose Weight Without Dieting, Starvation or Suffering in Silence. Ms. Savoy argues that dieting does not work because it has a beginning and an end. Instead, we should stop living on autopilot and become aware of our own body. Her best-selling book tells how she did that for herself and how the reader can do the same. The key is to invest in yourself by eating real food.","descriptionPreview":"Radio Rotary Interviews Certified Holistic Health Coach and Millbrook Rotarian Ellie Savoy, author of Stop Dieting Start Living: 5 Foundations for Your Health, to Permanently Lose Weight Without Dieting, Starvation or Suffering in Silence. Ms. Savoy argues that dieting does not work because it has a beginning and an end. Instead, we should stop living on autopilot and become aware of our own body. Her best-selling book tells how she did that for herself and how the reader can do the same. The key is to invest in yourself by eating real food.","duration":1700265,"episodeId":"e1s73k","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Stop-Dieting-and-Start-Living-Aired-on-July-16--17--2015-e1s73k","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Stop-Dieting-and-Start-Living-Aired-on-July-16--17--2015-e1s73k","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Stop Dieting and Start Living (Aired on July 16 & 17, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T20:22:58.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532463778,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T20:22:58.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T20:22:49.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532463769,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ad639ea0-6953-9774-4d21-a7c3666639e3","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Just-graduated high-school student Mannion O’Conner and Carmel Rotarian Marjorie Nichols Keith, Executive Director of the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Putnam County (CCE-Putnam), tell about the activities of 4-H in the county, with a special focus on the 44th annual Putnam Country 4-H Fair. The Fair, run by 4-H clubs with the help of many volunteers, including the Rotary Clubs of Carmel, Brewster, Patterson, and Lake Mahopac, is on July 24-26 this year (2015). CCE-Putnam is the sponsor of all the 4-H groups in the county. Manion has been involved with 4-H for years, although she is into community service (the Teen Action Group TAG) and puppeteering, not animal husbandry. The Fair will have 4-H-raised animals, however, as well as lots of food, with 4-H lemonade one of the specialties.","descriptionPreview":"Just-graduated high-school student Mannion O’Conner and Carmel Rotarian Marjorie Nichols Keith, Executive Director of the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Putnam County (CCE-Putnam), tell about the activities of 4-H in the county, with a special focus on the 44th annual Putnam Country 4-H Fair. The Fair, run by 4-H clubs with the help of many volunteers, including the Rotary Clubs of Carmel, Brewster, Patterson, and Lake Mahopac, is on July 24-26 this year (2015). CCE-Putnam is the sponsor of all the 4-H groups in the county. Manion has been involved with 4-H for years, although she is into community service (the Teen Action Group TAG) and puppeteering, not animal husbandry. The Fair will have 4-H-raised animals, however, as well as lots of food, with 4-H lemonade one of the specialties.","duration":1561007,"episodeId":"e1s6v9","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-4-H-Fair-in-Putnam-County-Aired-on-July-11--12--2015-e1s6v9","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-4-H-Fair-in-Putnam-County-Aired-on-July-11--12--2015-e1s6v9","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The 4-H Fair in Putnam County (Aired on July 11 & 12, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T20:08:31.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532462911,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T20:08:31.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T20:08:21.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532462901,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"6dbca52b-799c-722f-615c-06f416b431b3","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Mediation is a process in which parties with differences meet with a neutral professional to resolve differences. In this program, Attorney Betsy Shequine explains why mediation is a cheaper, faster, and more successful way to end a marriage than litigation for divorce. Trained mediators, such as Ms. Shequine, teach the participants how to speak to each other as they resolve the complications of division of finances, care of children, and financial support after divorce. Mediators who handle divorce are usually lawyers themselves, while other trained mediators who deal with issues such as property disputes may be psychologists or social workers. A phone call to 845-471-6167 costs nothing and provides a way for the process to be explained. For later sessions, including the initial consultation meeting, the parties are charged on a per-session basis.","descriptionPreview":"Mediation is a process in which parties with differences meet with a neutral professional to resolve differences. In this program, Attorney Betsy Shequine explains why mediation is a cheaper, faster, and more successful way to end a marriage than litigation for divorce. Trained mediators, such as Ms. Shequine, teach the participants how to speak to each other as they resolve the complications of division of finances, care of children, and financial support after divorce. Mediators who handle divorce are usually lawyers themselves, while other trained mediators who deal with issues such as property disputes may be psychologists or social workers. A phone call to 845-471-6167 costs nothing and provides a way for the process to be explained. For later sessions, including the initial consultation meeting, the parties are charged on a per-session basis.","duration":1629025,"episodeId":"e1s6rf","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Solving-Marital-Problems-with-Mediation-July-4--5--2015-e1s6rf","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Solving-Marital-Problems-with-Mediation-July-4--5--2015-e1s6rf","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Solving Marital Problems with Mediation (July 4 & 5, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T19:57:09.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532462229,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T19:57:09.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T19:57:00.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532462220,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"744f6e56-54b9-2618-21d5-527b44c8fdd2","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Even before devastating earthquakes hit Nepal and surrounding territory in April and May of 2015, the plight of numerous children in that Himalayan nation was desperate. Many young children were being sold by their parents to work in Indian factories; young girls were often forced into prostitution. The Blue Butterfly Foundation, created by Lauren Yanks, has helped save over 2,000 children from trafficking, the use of force or fraud to cause humans to provide labor or sex against their will. In this radio interview, Ms. Yanks tells the powerful story of how the Blue Butterfly Foundation was founded and named. She urges listeners to become aware that their pursuit of evermore inexpensive items and food is contributing to this international tragedy.","descriptionPreview":"Even before devastating earthquakes hit Nepal and surrounding territory in April and May of 2015, the plight of numerous children in that Himalayan nation was desperate. Many young children were being sold by their parents to work in Indian factories; young girls were often forced into prostitution. The Blue Butterfly Foundation, created by Lauren Yanks, has helped save over 2,000 children from trafficking, the use of force or fraud to cause humans to provide labor or sex against their will. In this radio interview, Ms. Yanks tells the powerful story of how the Blue Butterfly Foundation was founded and named. She urges listeners to become aware that their pursuit of evermore inexpensive items and food is contributing to this international tragedy.","duration":1663768,"episodeId":"e1s6oj","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Saving-Children-in-Nepal-Aired-on-June-27--28--2015-e1s6oj","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Saving-Children-in-Nepal-Aired-on-June-27--28--2015-e1s6oj","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Saving Children in Nepal (Aired on June 27 & 28, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T19:42:12.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532461332,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T19:42:12.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T19:42:03.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532461323,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ee80bb56-422c-367e-9eee-df733066041a","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The ongoing Vassar project for improving education, health, women’s economy, water purity, and forests in Chermaitre, Haiti, is described by the Co-Founder and Artistic Director of the Vassar-Haiti Project, Lila Meade, and Vassar student Sarah Oliver. Andrew and Lila Meade founded the project in 2001, partly in a response to the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. Its original goal was simply a lunch project at a school in poverty-stricken Chermaitre, but it has evolved greatly. So far more than 350 Vassar students have been involved. The project has also attracted the attention and considerable help from the Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotary Club. One of the major sources of funding is an annual art show and auction featuring work by native Haitian artists.","descriptionPreview":"The ongoing Vassar project for improving education, health, women’s economy, water purity, and forests in Chermaitre, Haiti, is described by the Co-Founder and Artistic Director of the Vassar-Haiti Project, Lila Meade, and Vassar student Sarah Oliver. Andrew and Lila Meade founded the project in 2001, partly in a response to the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. Its original goal was simply a lunch project at a school in poverty-stricken Chermaitre, but it has evolved greatly. So far more than 350 Vassar students have been involved. The project has also attracted the attention and considerable help from the Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotary Club. One of the major sources of funding is an annual art show and auction featuring work by native Haitian artists.","duration":1557271,"episodeId":"e1s6km","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Vassar-Haiti-Project-Aired-on-June-20--21--2015-e1s6km","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Vassar-Haiti-Project-Aired-on-June-20--21--2015-e1s6km","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Vassar-Haiti Project (Aired on June 20 & 21, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T19:25:14.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532460314,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T19:25:18.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T19:25:08.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532460308,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"182116dd-e21d-a9fa-616b-6c9651dd4196","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Licensed Nutritionist Rufia Payman from Northern Dutchess Hospital in Rhinebeck describes the ravages of type 2 diabetes and steps to take to prevent the disease. Her primary approach is to put her patients on the Mediterranean diet (mainly fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, olive oil, and nuts) and regular exercise. Ms. Payman runs a free 16-week diabetes protection at Northern Dutchess that helps participants lose weigh and avoid the metabolic syndrome that often precedes type 2 diabetes. Meditation and other stress-reducing activities are also promoted. Often a person who has already crossed the line into diabetes can avoid insulin shots with a suitable lifestyle.","descriptionPreview":"Licensed Nutritionist Rufia Payman from Northern Dutchess Hospital in Rhinebeck describes the ravages of type 2 diabetes and steps to take to prevent the disease. Her primary approach is to put her patients on the Mediterranean diet (mainly fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, olive oil, and nuts) and regular exercise. Ms. Payman runs a free 16-week diabetes protection at Northern Dutchess that helps participants lose weigh and avoid the metabolic syndrome that often precedes type 2 diabetes. Meditation and other stress-reducing activities are also promoted. Often a person who has already crossed the line into diabetes can avoid insulin shots with a suitable lifestyle.","duration":1593294,"episodeId":"e1s6g8","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Prevent-Type-2-Diabetes-Aired-on-June-13--14--2015-e1s6g8","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Prevent-Type-2-Diabetes-Aired-on-June-13--14--2015-e1s6g8","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Prevent Type 2 Diabetes (Aired on June 13 & 14, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T19:11:49.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532459509,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T19:11:49.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T19:11:39.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532459499,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"e5e2f613-63c4-6f5a-46cb-dea0e445beec","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rhinebeck Rotarian Lou Trapani, Artistic and Managing Director of The Center for the Performing Arts at Rhinebeck, returns to RadioRotary to discuss some of the upcoming performances at this hub for theater and related events, including the summer arts day camp, which brings many courses in theater-arts. Among other upcoming productions discussed on the show will be The Me That Nobody Knows; Seussical, the Musical; Rip, a new play about Rip Van Winkle; Singing in the Rain, and Carousel. On August 21-23 the Center will have a terrific weekend, beginning with a magic show (pay what you think it is worth), continuing with a gal performance by Alice Ripley, and winding up with The Tempest brought to Rhinebeck free by the Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival.","descriptionPreview":"Rhinebeck Rotarian Lou Trapani, Artistic and Managing Director of The Center for the Performing Arts at Rhinebeck, returns to RadioRotary to discuss some of the upcoming performances at this hub for theater and related events, including the summer arts day camp, which brings many courses in theater-arts. Among other upcoming productions discussed on the show will be The Me That Nobody Knows; Seussical, the Musical; Rip, a new play about Rip Van Winkle; Singing in the Rain, and Carousel. On August 21-23 the Center will have a terrific weekend, beginning with a magic show (pay what you think it is worth), continuing with a gal performance by Alice Ripley, and winding up with The Tempest brought to Rhinebeck free by the Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival.","duration":1541750,"episodeId":"e1s6bf","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Center-for-Performing-Arts-2015-Season-June-6--7--2015-e1s6bf","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Center-for-Performing-Arts-2015-Season-June-6--7--2015-e1s6bf","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Center for Performing Arts 2015 Season (June 6 & 7, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T18:42:05.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532457725,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T18:42:05.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T18:41:56.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532457716,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"00960afa-5432-ca29-27ea-5c7eb1b96da1","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser and producer Kathy Kruger interview the man who conceived and launched RadioRotary: Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotarian Roger Risko. Mr. Risko, who is about to retire after many years of teaching at Dutchess County’s BOCES (Bureau of Co-operative Services), not only started RadioRotary but also has been instrumental in forming and helping grow several Rotaract and Interact clubs, organizations for youth—respectively college-age and high-school age—in the Hudson Valley. Inspired by a question from the mother of an Interact student, Mr. Risko created the first Rotary-oriented service organization for senior citizens, Elderact. As he moves his base of operations to Florida, he plans to introduce Elderact to that state.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser and producer Kathy Kruger interview the man who conceived and launched RadioRotary: Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotarian Roger Risko. Mr. Risko, who is about to retire after many years of teaching at Dutchess County’s BOCES (Bureau of Co-operative Services), not only started RadioRotary but also has been instrumental in forming and helping grow several Rotaract and Interact clubs, organizations for youth—respectively college-age and high-school age—in the Hudson Valley. Inspired by a question from the mother of an Interact student, Mr. Risko created the first Rotary-oriented service organization for senior citizens, Elderact. As he moves his base of operations to Florida, he plans to introduce Elderact to that state.","duration":1475299,"episodeId":"e1s65h","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-for-Young--Old--and-In-Between-Aired-on-May-30--31--2015-e1s65h","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-for-Young--Old--and-In-Between-Aired-on-May-30--31--2015-e1s65h","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary for Young, Old, and In-Between (Aired on May 30 & 31, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T18:35:26.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532457326,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T18:35:26.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T18:35:17.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532457317,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"8ff39ebb-4c72-b155-a25f-d7c1c3ac23fa","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Gloria De Pietro is the author of Abandoned: The Story of Boys Forgotten, the tales of four boys who received art therapy from her while they lived in a residential treatment center. Ms. Di Pietro first encountered art when she suffered a near fatal illness as a child; the nurses at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York City had set up an art corner for their young patients. She determined then to become a visual artist, which became her career until September 11, 2001. After the World Trade Center collapse, witnessed by many children, there was a call for art therapists to help these children recover. Ms. De Pietro went back to school and became an art therapist, someone who uses art to help subjects uncover and understand their own problems. Her book chronicles what she learned from four of the boys who had been abandoned by their own families as she worked with them.","descriptionPreview":"Gloria De Pietro is the author of Abandoned: The Story of Boys Forgotten, the tales of four boys who received art therapy from her while they lived in a residential treatment center. Ms. Di Pietro first encountered art when she suffered a near fatal illness as a child; the nurses at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York City had set up an art corner for their young patients. She determined then to become a visual artist, which became her career until September 11, 2001. After the World Trade Center collapse, witnessed by many children, there was a call for art therapists to help these children recover. Ms. De Pietro went back to school and became an art therapist, someone who uses art to help subjects uncover and understand their own problems. Her book chronicles what she learned from four of the boys who had been abandoned by their own families as she worked with them.","duration":1591465,"episodeId":"e1s63s","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Art-Therapy-for-Abandoned-Boys-May-23--24--2015-e1s63s","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Art-Therapy-for-Abandoned-Boys-May-23--24--2015-e1s63s","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Art Therapy for Abandoned Boys (May 23 & 24, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T18:28:16.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532456896,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T18:28:16.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T18:28:06.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532456886,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"43da8ee0-0e62-1295-c384-f18a56e5bb31","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Authors Bryan Bunch (Millbrook Rotary), and Tim Tocher discuss the seventh annual Millbrook Literary Festival with co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sara O’Connell. The Festival features several talks by journalists and authors as well as panel discussions on historical fiction, mysteries, cookbooks, journalism, history, and getting published. Books for younger readers featured include picture books and young-adult novels. Younger writers also have a chance to participate with their short works published in a special booklet distributed at the event. Some 50 authors will be part of the Festival, with all signing copies of their books. The Festival will take place on May 30, 2015 in the Millbrook Village at the Millbrook Library.","descriptionPreview":"Authors Bryan Bunch (Millbrook Rotary), and Tim Tocher discuss the seventh annual Millbrook Literary Festival with co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sara O’Connell. The Festival features several talks by journalists and authors as well as panel discussions on historical fiction, mysteries, cookbooks, journalism, history, and getting published. Books for younger readers featured include picture books and young-adult novels. Younger writers also have a chance to participate with their short works published in a special booklet distributed at the event. Some 50 authors will be part of the Festival, with all signing copies of their books. The Festival will take place on May 30, 2015 in the Millbrook Village at the Millbrook Library.","duration":1628220,"episodeId":"e1s62h","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/7th-Annual-Millbrook-Literary-Festival-May-16--17--2015-e1s62h","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/7th-Annual-Millbrook-Literary-Festival-May-16--17--2015-e1s62h","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"7th Annual Millbrook Literary Festival (May 16 & 17, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T18:19:06.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532456346,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T18:19:06.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T18:18:57.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532456337,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"1d561e0c-60bc-0237-d46f-5c11f4aa6c24","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rich Silva, Founder and President of Pain Point IT Solutions Inc., describes some of the complications concerning health information privacy and accountability rules. Before 1996, most hospital and other medical records were kept on paper and were easily available to persons other than a patient’s doctor and the patient. As part of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA) and its later extensions, the privacy of medical information is assured and kept in electronic form. Pain Point IT Solutions as part of its services helps medical providers and their business associates follow the rules, which are enforced by a 164-point audit by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources. One problem of special significance is disaster recovery of information; even though all information has been backed up, without help it may require days to restore it.","descriptionPreview":"Rich Silva, Founder and President of Pain Point IT Solutions Inc., describes some of the complications concerning health information privacy and accountability rules. Before 1996, most hospital and other medical records were kept on paper and were easily available to persons other than a patient’s doctor and the patient. As part of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA) and its later extensions, the privacy of medical information is assured and kept in electronic form. Pain Point IT Solutions as part of its services helps medical providers and their business associates follow the rules, which are enforced by a 164-point audit by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources. One problem of special significance is disaster recovery of information; even though all information has been backed up, without help it may require days to restore it.","duration":1522006,"episodeId":"e1s5sk","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Health-Information-Privacy-and-Portability-May-9--2015-e1s5sk","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Health-Information-Privacy-and-Portability-May-9--2015-e1s5sk","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Health Information Privacy and Portability (May 9, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T18:12:16.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532455936,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T18:12:16.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T18:12:06.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532455926,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"0e82bbbf-cfa5-cd3b-9bc0-682580e437c8","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Co-Hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell travel to the regular meeting of the Red Hook Rotary as it plans for the annual Red Hook Apple Blossom Festival, a village-wide celebration of the coming of summer that features food booths, sales in local stores, entertainment, political candidates, baby animals, face painting, balloons, and more. Red Hook Rotarians Susan Simon and Linda Greenblatt describe some of the highlights of the free festival, including the bands McKenna and the Stringmasters as well as a dance troupe. Also on the program Gail Wolf and Tim Lynch describe how the Rotary Youth Exchange program has changed the lives of both the high-school students who travel to distant lands to live with local families and the families that host them.","descriptionPreview":"Co-Hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell travel to the regular meeting of the Red Hook Rotary as it plans for the annual Red Hook Apple Blossom Festival, a village-wide celebration of the coming of summer that features food booths, sales in local stores, entertainment, political candidates, baby animals, face painting, balloons, and more. Red Hook Rotarians Susan Simon and Linda Greenblatt describe some of the highlights of the free festival, including the bands McKenna and the Stringmasters as well as a dance troupe. Also on the program Gail Wolf and Tim Lynch describe how the Rotary Youth Exchange program has changed the lives of both the high-school students who travel to distant lands to live with local families and the families that host them.","duration":1670716,"episodeId":"e1s5r4","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Red-Hooks-Apple-Blossom-Festival-Aired-on-May-2--3--2015-e1s5r4","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Red-Hooks-Apple-Blossom-Festival-Aired-on-May-2--3--2015-e1s5r4","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Red Hook’s Apple Blossom Festival (Aired on May 2 & 3, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T17:48:13.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532454493,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T17:48:13.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T17:48:04.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532454484,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"c5c707fd-a073-e89a-feb6-83efe83ba881","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The Rural and Migrant Ministry, a group that started with one person in a van about 50 years ago, is now a major force for empowerment for migrant farm workers in much of upstate New York. In this interview, Ruth Faircloth, the Director of the Overnight Leadership Camp and the Women’s Conference, describes how the Ministry works for justice for workers in New York State by lobbying Albany on migrant issues. In New York State there is no requirement for a day off, so most workers labor for seven days each week during the harvest season. In addition to lobbying, the Ministry provides a one-week overnight camp for children of migrant workers as well as a youth art program and a conference for women workers.","descriptionPreview":"The Rural and Migrant Ministry, a group that started with one person in a van about 50 years ago, is now a major force for empowerment for migrant farm workers in much of upstate New York. In this interview, Ruth Faircloth, the Director of the Overnight Leadership Camp and the Women’s Conference, describes how the Ministry works for justice for workers in New York State by lobbying Albany on migrant issues. In New York State there is no requirement for a day off, so most workers labor for seven days each week during the harvest season. In addition to lobbying, the Ministry provides a one-week overnight camp for children of migrant workers as well as a youth art program and a conference for women workers.","duration":1510847,"episodeId":"e1s5m0","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rural-and-Migrant-Ministry-Aired-on-April-25--26--2015-e1s5m0","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rural-and-Migrant-Ministry-Aired-on-April-25--26--2015-e1s5m0","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rural and Migrant Ministry (Aired on April 25 & 26, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T15:37:28.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532446648,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T15:37:28.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T15:37:19.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532446639,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"46446e5c-88ca-c87a-075f-e2f3d084e7e0","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary is visited by Gabriella Scull, the community manager for Relay for Life, an affiliate of the American Cancer Society. Each year there are 5,200 Relay-for-Life events in the United State, including many in the Hudson Valley as well as events in 20 different nations. The event is an organized fundraising walk around a track. It last all night and the participants camp out, although individual participants don’t have to be there for the whole time. A principal feature of the Relay is the Luminaria Ceremony, which candles or glow sticks are lit inside of personalized bags, which are then are place around the track as tributes to those who died from cancer. The events celebrate survivors, remember those who have died, and also raises funds for the American Cancer Society.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary is visited by Gabriella Scull, the community manager for Relay for Life, an affiliate of the American Cancer Society. Each year there are 5,200 Relay-for-Life events in the United State, including many in the Hudson Valley as well as events in 20 different nations. The event is an organized fundraising walk around a track. It last all night and the participants camp out, although individual participants don’t have to be there for the whole time. A principal feature of the Relay is the Luminaria Ceremony, which candles or glow sticks are lit inside of personalized bags, which are then are place around the track as tributes to those who died from cancer. The events celebrate survivors, remember those who have died, and also raises funds for the American Cancer Society.","duration":1513986,"episodeId":"e1s4is","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Relay-for-Life-Aired-on-April-18--19--2015-e1s4is","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Relay-for-Life-Aired-on-April-18--19--2015-e1s4is","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Relay for Life (Aired on April 18 & 19, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T15:33:17.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532446397,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T15:33:18.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T15:33:08.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532446388,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"6b15e6da-51dd-701c-d9c0-a43b418241fa","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Melissa McCoy, Chief Advancement Officer for Abilities First describes this seven-county program that serves developmentally disabled children and adults in the Hudson Valley. Staring with pre-school, Abilities First supplies educational programs that replace the regular special-education classes in twenty different facilities (one facility, in Red Hook, is in the same building as the regular school). When children reach age 21, they are transferred from the educational system to the New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities. From that point, Abilities First provides a sheltered workshop, job shadowing programs, and supportive or supervised housing. The focus is on helping individuals do as much for themselves as possible.","descriptionPreview":"Melissa McCoy, Chief Advancement Officer for Abilities First describes this seven-county program that serves developmentally disabled children and adults in the Hudson Valley. Staring with pre-school, Abilities First supplies educational programs that replace the regular special-education classes in twenty different facilities (one facility, in Red Hook, is in the same building as the regular school). When children reach age 21, they are transferred from the educational system to the New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities. From that point, Abilities First provides a sheltered workshop, job shadowing programs, and supportive or supervised housing. The focus is on helping individuals do as much for themselves as possible.","duration":1538045,"episodeId":"e1s4hh","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Abilities-First-Education-and-Training-April-11--2015-e1s4hh","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Abilities-First-Education-and-Training-April-11--2015-e1s4hh","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Abilities First: Education and Training (April 11, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T15:27:48.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532446068,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T15:27:48.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T15:27:38.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532446058,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"eff0c7ca-5ed9-040c-e2a6-29f56ee35277","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Pleasant Valley Library Director Daniela Pulice and Barbara Shapley, president of the Friends of the Pleasant Valley Library, discuss their local library, the Mid-Hudson Library System, of which it is a part, and the status of community libraries today. The Pleasant Valley Free Library is situated in a Dutchess County town of about 10,000 and is one of 21 libraries in the Mid-Hudson System. The Friends of the Library do fundraising, notably a giant book sale once or twice a year, to support such added library benefits as free tickets to the Children’s Museum, movie night, educational programs, signs, and computers. Today’s libraries are not quiet places, but instead are the central place in the community where people meet as well as where they borrow books, audio books, movies, e-book readers, and other materials and use computers, the library’s or free Wi-Fi. Circulation of all items has continued to increase in the 21st century.","descriptionPreview":"Pleasant Valley Library Director Daniela Pulice and Barbara Shapley, president of the Friends of the Pleasant Valley Library, discuss their local library, the Mid-Hudson Library System, of which it is a part, and the status of community libraries today. The Pleasant Valley Free Library is situated in a Dutchess County town of about 10,000 and is one of 21 libraries in the Mid-Hudson System. The Friends of the Library do fundraising, notably a giant book sale once or twice a year, to support such added library benefits as free tickets to the Children’s Museum, movie night, educational programs, signs, and computers. Today’s libraries are not quiet places, but instead are the central place in the community where people meet as well as where they borrow books, audio books, movies, e-book readers, and other materials and use computers, the library’s or free Wi-Fi. Circulation of all items has continued to increase in the 21st century.","duration":1569288,"episodeId":"e1s4gc","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Libraries-in-the-21st-Century-Aired-on-April-4--2015-e1s4gc","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Libraries-in-the-21st-Century-Aired-on-April-4--2015-e1s4gc","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Libraries in the 21st Century (Aired on April 4, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T15:22:01.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532445721,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T15:22:01.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T15:21:52.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532445712,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"8c943382-b694-2898-eb87-7603268c93b9","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Susanne O’Neill, Program and Events Manager for Walkway over the Hudson, talks about the history and coming events at the longest, highest pedestrian bridge in the world, Poughkeepsie and Highland’s Walkway over the Hudson. This former railway connection between Dutchess and Ulster counties ceased operation after a fire in 1974, but in 2009, in connection with the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson’s historic first sail up the river, the bridge, now reconstructed as a pedestrian (and bicycle and rollerblade) walkway, opened to the public. It was an instant success with 50,000 visitors in the first week, and now draws about 500,000 per year. The Walkway is 1.28 miles long from gate to gate, and in addition to level entrances from each end, it is served by a 212-foot elevator a short walk from the Poughkeepsie Train Station.","descriptionPreview":"Susanne O’Neill, Program and Events Manager for Walkway over the Hudson, talks about the history and coming events at the longest, highest pedestrian bridge in the world, Poughkeepsie and Highland’s Walkway over the Hudson. This former railway connection between Dutchess and Ulster counties ceased operation after a fire in 1974, but in 2009, in connection with the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson’s historic first sail up the river, the bridge, now reconstructed as a pedestrian (and bicycle and rollerblade) walkway, opened to the public. It was an instant success with 50,000 visitors in the first week, and now draws about 500,000 per year. The Walkway is 1.28 miles long from gate to gate, and in addition to level entrances from each end, it is served by a 212-foot elevator a short walk from the Poughkeepsie Train Station.","duration":1519916,"episodeId":"e1s4f0","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Walkway-over-the-Hudson-Aired-on-March-28--March-29--2015-e1s4f0","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Walkway-over-the-Hudson-Aired-on-March-28--March-29--2015-e1s4f0","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Walkway over the Hudson (Aired on March 28 & March 29, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T15:05:32.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532444732,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T15:05:32.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T15:05:23.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532444723,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"c1811f81-16b8-ee14-9d41-b0ed6c0dfaea","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary hosts a discussion of Rotary in the Hudson Valley featuring District Governor (DG) 2014-15 Penny Byron (Patterson Rotary), Past District Governor (PDG) 2009-10 David Green (New Windsor-Cornwall Rotary), and District Governor Elect (DGE) 2015-16 Nick Constantino (Walkill East Rotary). DGE Constantino had just returned from training for his post in San Diego along with 531 other District-Governors-Elect. DG Byron tells that she has completed an obligatory visit to each of the 62 Rotary Clubs in District 7210, the district covering the Mid-Hudson Valley, including its E-Club, which has international membership. PDG Green tells of his plans for the District Convention in April. All three describe some of the ways Rotary International fulfills its mission of “doing good in the world.”","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary hosts a discussion of Rotary in the Hudson Valley featuring District Governor (DG) 2014-15 Penny Byron (Patterson Rotary), Past District Governor (PDG) 2009-10 David Green (New Windsor-Cornwall Rotary), and District Governor Elect (DGE) 2015-16 Nick Constantino (Walkill East Rotary). DGE Constantino had just returned from training for his post in San Diego along with 531 other District-Governors-Elect. DG Byron tells that she has completed an obligatory visit to each of the 62 Rotary Clubs in District 7210, the district covering the Mid-Hudson Valley, including its E-Club, which has international membership. PDG Green tells of his plans for the District Convention in April. All three describe some of the ways Rotary International fulfills its mission of “doing good in the world.”","duration":1593007,"episodeId":"e1s3fm","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-in-the-Hudson-Valley-Aired-on-March-21--22--2015-e1s3fm","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-in-the-Hudson-Valley-Aired-on-March-21--22--2015-e1s3fm","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary in the Hudson Valley (Aired on March 21 & 22, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T14:56:20.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532444180,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T14:56:20.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T14:56:11.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532444171,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"d1735eb0-3ede-cbde-48e6-e3820095d240","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Dr. Teresa Foster, a family practitioner and osteopath with offices in Woodstock and Boiceville visits the RadioRotary studio to help clarify issues in health and wellness. A family practitioner sees patients of all ages and types—and Dr. Foster even makes house calls. The recent uptick in measles has caused people to take a closer look at immunization. Dr. Foster emphasizes that measles is incredible contagious and one in four persons who contracts the disease ends up in the hospital, so immunization, which does NOT cause autism, is vital. Other issues discussed include the causes of cancer, the need in the U.S. for more health workers of all kinds, and what steps are necessary to produce good health.","descriptionPreview":"Dr. Teresa Foster, a family practitioner and osteopath with offices in Woodstock and Boiceville visits the RadioRotary studio to help clarify issues in health and wellness. A family practitioner sees patients of all ages and types—and Dr. Foster even makes house calls. The recent uptick in measles has caused people to take a closer look at immunization. Dr. Foster emphasizes that measles is incredible contagious and one in four persons who contracts the disease ends up in the hospital, so immunization, which does NOT cause autism, is vital. Other issues discussed include the causes of cancer, the need in the U.S. for more health workers of all kinds, and what steps are necessary to produce good health.","duration":1490763,"episodeId":"e1s3cq","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Immunization-Facts-and-Other-Health-Topics-March-14--2015-e1s3cq","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Immunization-Facts-and-Other-Health-Topics-March-14--2015-e1s3cq","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Immunization Facts and Other Health Topics (March 14, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T14:50:26.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532443826,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T14:50:27.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T14:50:17.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532443817,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"9dcebe34-0e18-8d53-ae85-08664a052d29","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum, near the edge of the Hudson in Poughkeepsie, is one of the great destinations for parents and children in the Hudson Valley. Lara Litchfield-Kimber, Executive Director of the museum, and Sara Capozzoli, Director of Public, Media and Corporate Relations, visit RadioRotary to tell about the many hands-on exhibits and programs designed for children from age 0 to 6. Since 1989 the museum has provided a first-class learning-through-play experience. Although there are fees most days, every third Saturday is a free day, so all can enjoy it. Now, as an added attraction, the elevator to the Walkway over the Hudson is just steps away. A new exhibit, “Early Learning Junction,” with a railroad theme, joins the ”WonderDome,” “Imagination Playground,” RiverTown, and other delights.","descriptionPreview":"The Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum, near the edge of the Hudson in Poughkeepsie, is one of the great destinations for parents and children in the Hudson Valley. Lara Litchfield-Kimber, Executive Director of the museum, and Sara Capozzoli, Director of Public, Media and Corporate Relations, visit RadioRotary to tell about the many hands-on exhibits and programs designed for children from age 0 to 6. Since 1989 the museum has provided a first-class learning-through-play experience. Although there are fees most days, every third Saturday is a free day, so all can enjoy it. Now, as an added attraction, the elevator to the Walkway over the Hudson is just steps away. A new exhibit, “Early Learning Junction,” with a railroad theme, joins the ”WonderDome,” “Imagination Playground,” RiverTown, and other delights.","duration":1497869,"episodeId":"e1s3b6","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Mid-Hudson-Childrens-Museum-Aired-On-March-7--8--2015-e1s3b6","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Mid-Hudson-Childrens-Museum-Aired-On-March-7--8--2015-e1s3b6","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum (Aired On March 7 & 8, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T14:39:24.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532443164,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T14:39:27.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T14:39:17.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532443157,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"1384ca13-81a0-9910-58b8-6ee1e8970663","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotarians Barbara Blas and Barbara Cohen of the Kingston Sunrise Rotary Club visit RadioRotary to tell about the developing Reher Center for Immigration and Culture in the Roundout section of Kingston, NY. The project began when the Jewish Federation of Ulster County came into possession of the large building that previously housed the Reher Bakery, famous for its rolls, the only intact historical building in the Roundout. With help from state, federal, and local funding, the building has been stabilized and will soon have a permanent display of the history of immigrants in Kingston as well as other rooms for exhibits and lectures. The original bakery kitchen is also intact and will be able to be visited. The two Barbara’s also describe exhibits housed in the Stockade part of Kingston dealing with immigrant history in the city as well as several projects of the Sunrise club.","descriptionPreview":"Rotarians Barbara Blas and Barbara Cohen of the Kingston Sunrise Rotary Club visit RadioRotary to tell about the developing Reher Center for Immigration and Culture in the Roundout section of Kingston, NY. The project began when the Jewish Federation of Ulster County came into possession of the large building that previously housed the Reher Bakery, famous for its rolls, the only intact historical building in the Roundout. With help from state, federal, and local funding, the building has been stabilized and will soon have a permanent display of the history of immigrants in Kingston as well as other rooms for exhibits and lectures. The original bakery kitchen is also intact and will be able to be visited. The two Barbara’s also describe exhibits housed in the Stockade part of Kingston dealing with immigrant history in the city as well as several projects of the Sunrise club.","duration":1702716,"episodeId":"e1s38l","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Kingstons-Center-for-Immigrant-Culture-February-28--2015-e1s38l","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Kingstons-Center-for-Immigrant-Culture-February-28--2015-e1s38l","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Kingston’s Center for Immigrant Culture (February 28, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T14:21:33.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532442093,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T14:21:33.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T14:21:24.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532442084,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"2a09f454-1c99-887b-8c4a-3d025cca8e04","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Co-host Jonah Triebwasser and producer Kathy Kruger interview Michele Polluck-Rich, Executive Director at Grace Smith House, the principal organization in Dutchess County for aid to victims of domestic abuse. Victims of either sex can be helped; the hotline is (845) 471-3033. About 90% of the abused are women, who can be removed from their domestic situation to one of two secretly located residences for stays of 90 days. There are also arrangements for men. The clients are provided with a family advocate to help get through the legal arrangements necessary for orders of protection or for finding permanent housing. Not all abuse is physical—victims of psychological or financial abuse can also get help. Services are free and confidential. Since one in three of adolescents have been affected by partner violence, Grace Smith House supports an important outreach program of teenagers working with other teenagers, The Peace Group. Evening support groups meet weekly as well.","descriptionPreview":"Co-host Jonah Triebwasser and producer Kathy Kruger interview Michele Polluck-Rich, Executive Director at Grace Smith House, the principal organization in Dutchess County for aid to victims of domestic abuse. Victims of either sex can be helped; the hotline is (845) 471-3033. About 90% of the abused are women, who can be removed from their domestic situation to one of two secretly located residences for stays of 90 days. There are also arrangements for men. The clients are provided with a family advocate to help get through the legal arrangements necessary for orders of protection or for finding permanent housing. Not all abuse is physical—victims of psychological or financial abuse can also get help. Services are free and confidential. Since one in three of adolescents have been affected by partner violence, Grace Smith House supports an important outreach program of teenagers working with other teenagers, The Peace Group. Evening support groups meet weekly as well.","duration":1595776,"episodeId":"e1s319","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Grace-Smith-Domestic-Violence-Assistance-Feb--21--2015-e1s319","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Grace-Smith-Domestic-Violence-Assistance-Feb--21--2015-e1s319","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Grace Smith Domestic-Violence Assistance (Feb. 21, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T14:13:14.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532441594,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T14:13:14.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T14:13:05.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532441585,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"06fc160c-6def-2027-a79b-bf859b4749e7","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary Co-host Jonah Triebwasser interviewed Marietta Allen about her current Outreach program at St. Mary’s Parish in Newburgh. Newburgh suffers from high poverty and crime rates. Each of the four Roman Catholic churches has a program to help alleviate the city’s problems. Among the components of the St. Mary’s Outreach are the provision of emergency food and toiletries for immediate needs; a program that delivers food and other supplies to homebound veterans; a program to provide food and other aid to the elderly in their homes; as well as several similar outreaches. Perhaps the most dramatic aid comes with Giving Day, every 3rd Friday of the month. Those in need can visit a large area filled with tables of food—fresh, meat, and canned; supplies and toys for children; clothing; furniture; and other items not covered by food stamps. Giving Day also features a nurse for minor medical needs, legal services, and representatives of community departments.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary Co-host Jonah Triebwasser interviewed Marietta Allen about her current Outreach program at St. Mary’s Parish in Newburgh. Newburgh suffers from high poverty and crime rates. Each of the four Roman Catholic churches has a program to help alleviate the city’s problems. Among the components of the St. Mary’s Outreach are the provision of emergency food and toiletries for immediate needs; a program that delivers food and other supplies to homebound veterans; a program to provide food and other aid to the elderly in their homes; as well as several similar outreaches. Perhaps the most dramatic aid comes with Giving Day, every 3rd Friday of the month. Those in need can visit a large area filled with tables of food—fresh, meat, and canned; supplies and toys for children; clothing; furniture; and other items not covered by food stamps. Giving Day also features a nurse for minor medical needs, legal services, and representatives of community departments.","duration":1663590,"episodeId":"e1s2u5","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Community-Outreach-in-Newburgh-Aired-on-February-14--2015-e1s2u5","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Community-Outreach-in-Newburgh-Aired-on-February-14--2015-e1s2u5","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Community Outreach in Newburgh (Aired on February 14, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-24T13:58:08.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532440688,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-24T13:58:08.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-24T13:57:59.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532440679,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"811553e9-be35-ed08-6baa-e25096c1481a","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Deanna Mancuso tells the story of how her grandfather’s gift to her of an abused horse when she was 12, gradually led her create the Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue farm, which now hosts 43 formerly abused, neglected, or abandoned horses. Today these horses are not only living out the remainder of their lives (which can be as long as about 50 years), but also they are providing significant equine-assisted therapy to humans in need of help—it is people helping horses helping people. Dutchess County currently has a horse population of about 42,500 horses, but abused horses from all over the country are also welcomed to the Lucky Orphan’s farm. Volunteers, some of whom are doing community service, provide all the work on the farm.","descriptionPreview":"Deanna Mancuso tells the story of how her grandfather’s gift to her of an abused horse when she was 12, gradually led her create the Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue farm, which now hosts 43 formerly abused, neglected, or abandoned horses. Today these horses are not only living out the remainder of their lives (which can be as long as about 50 years), but also they are providing significant equine-assisted therapy to humans in need of help—it is people helping horses helping people. Dutchess County currently has a horse population of about 42,500 horses, but abused horses from all over the country are also welcomed to the Lucky Orphan’s farm. Volunteers, some of whom are doing community service, provide all the work on the farm.","duration":1572474,"episodeId":"e1s2qi","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Lucky-Orphans-Horse-Rescue-Aired-on-February-7--8--2015-e1s2qi","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Lucky-Orphans-Horse-Rescue-Aired-on-February-7--8--2015-e1s2qi","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue (Aired on February 7 & 8, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-22T00:32:42.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532219562,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-22T00:32:43.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-22T00:32:33.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532219553,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"1d056e72-d036-a0c5-5d0f-1add4f717390","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Tessa Edick, author of Hudson Valley Food and Farming: Why Didn’t Anyone Ever Tell Me That?, an introduction to the Local foods in the RadioRotary listening area, filled with photographs of local farms. Ms. Edick started the FarmOn! Foundation to promote dining on local foods at home and in restaurants. Among the local products discussed are the dairy products produced by the farm cooperative Hudson Valley Fresh and also raw milk from Ronnybrook Farm. Too many people swap convenience for nutrition. Locavores—people who get 70% of their food from local sources—not only eat healthier, but also support the local farming economy.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Tessa Edick, author of Hudson Valley Food and Farming: Why Didn’t Anyone Ever Tell Me That?, an introduction to the Local foods in the RadioRotary listening area, filled with photographs of local farms. Ms. Edick started the FarmOn! Foundation to promote dining on local foods at home and in restaurants. Among the local products discussed are the dairy products produced by the farm cooperative Hudson Valley Fresh and also raw milk from Ronnybrook Farm. Too many people swap convenience for nutrition. Locavores—people who get 70% of their food from local sources—not only eat healthier, but also support the local farming economy.","duration":1663302,"episodeId":"e1ra3j","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Farm-Fresh-Food-Aired-on-January-24--25--2015-e1ra3j","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Farm-Fresh-Food-Aired-on-January-24--25--2015-e1ra3j","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Farm Fresh Food (Aired on January 24 & 25, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T22:00:49.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532210449,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T22:00:49.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T22:00:40.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532210440,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f8db1c1d-0b27-275d-af00-1b9d6b648f18","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The RadioRotary co-hosts interview author and motivational speaker Jesse Saperstein about his new book: Getting a Life with Asperger’s: Lessons Learned on the Bumpy road to Adulthood, a guide to leaving “the road to loserville” written by someone who has experienced the problems of a person with Asperger’s as he made important life transitions. Mr. Saperstein was diagnosed with Asperger’s at age 14, just two years after psychologists formally recognized the condition. Despite bullying by others and failing at the first two professions he tried (described in his first book, Atypical), he learned how to manage his condition and in this book offers his advice. The interview also deals with his hopes for introducing a muppet with Asperger’s into the Sesame Street cast.","descriptionPreview":"The RadioRotary co-hosts interview author and motivational speaker Jesse Saperstein about his new book: Getting a Life with Asperger’s: Lessons Learned on the Bumpy road to Adulthood, a guide to leaving “the road to loserville” written by someone who has experienced the problems of a person with Asperger’s as he made important life transitions. Mr. Saperstein was diagnosed with Asperger’s at age 14, just two years after psychologists formally recognized the condition. Despite bullying by others and failing at the first two professions he tried (described in his first book, Atypical), he learned how to manage his condition and in this book offers his advice. The interview also deals with his hopes for introducing a muppet with Asperger’s into the Sesame Street cast.","duration":1617536,"episodeId":"e1r9pv","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Getting-a-Life-with-Aspergers-Aired-on-January-17--18--2015-e1r9pv","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Getting-a-Life-with-Aspergers-Aired-on-January-17--18--2015-e1r9pv","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Getting a Life with Asperger’s (Aired on January 17 & 18, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T21:50:33.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532209833,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T21:50:33.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T21:50:24.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532209824,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"615732c4-a61d-3f3b-509d-7ec27d1c4610","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Brewster Rotarian and 2015-16 Rotary District Literacy Chair Jenny Hinsman learned about buildOn from the best-selling book Walk in Their Shoes: Can One Person Change the World? (Jim Ziolkowski with James S. Hirsh) and has started her club working with Ziolkowski’s buildOn organization on its mission of breaking the cycles of poverty, illiteracy, and low expectations through service and education. On this program she and buildOn Chapter Manager for the East Coast and Midwest Jenn Lishansky describe how buildOn works with urban youth in the U.S.A. to build schools throughout the areas of the world where illiteracy and poverty are endemic—Haiti, Mali, Nicaragua, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Malawi, and Nepal. Among other activities, buildOn has built 674 schools in these nations, schools that serve boys and girls equally, often along with their parents and grandparents.","descriptionPreview":"Brewster Rotarian and 2015-16 Rotary District Literacy Chair Jenny Hinsman learned about buildOn from the best-selling book Walk in Their Shoes: Can One Person Change the World? (Jim Ziolkowski with James S. Hirsh) and has started her club working with Ziolkowski’s buildOn organization on its mission of breaking the cycles of poverty, illiteracy, and low expectations through service and education. On this program she and buildOn Chapter Manager for the East Coast and Midwest Jenn Lishansky describe how buildOn works with urban youth in the U.S.A. to build schools throughout the areas of the world where illiteracy and poverty are endemic—Haiti, Mali, Nicaragua, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Malawi, and Nepal. Among other activities, buildOn has built 674 schools in these nations, schools that serve boys and girls equally, often along with their parents and grandparents.","duration":1566179,"episodeId":"e1r9p5","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/buildOn-Aired-on-January-10--11--2015-e1r9p5","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/buildOn-Aired-on-January-10--11--2015-e1r9p5","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"buildOn (Aired on January 10 & 11, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T21:39:29.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532209169,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T21:39:29.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T21:39:19.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532209159,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"61af46f1-e40c-73b4-3725-f323c6a6e263","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Co-host Jonah Triebwasser and producer Kathy Kruger interview Mike Green and Matt Cruz about Hyde Park Rotary’s Little Free Library in the Stop & Shop Plaza in the Hyde Park Mall, the Rotary Club operates in conjunction with the Hyde Park Free Library. The movement to install Little Free Libraries has been spreading from town to town, and Rotarians are often behind the installation. In a Little Free Library, a small number of books (40 in the case of Hyde Park) are available for anyone to borrow—no library cards or check-out needed. Borrowers may return the book when they desire or replace it with another book—and keep the one they took—or return it to the Hyde Park Library. Books are donated through the Hyde Park Library, which maintains the collection. Hyde Park Rotary maintains the physical library, which was built as a model of the Hyde Park Free Library building.\nLiteracy is one of the main areas of Rotary activity. In addition to the mini-library, ","descriptionPreview":"Co-host Jonah Triebwasser and producer Kathy Kruger interview Mike Green and Matt Cruz about Hyde Park Rotary’s Little Free Library in the Stop & Shop Plaza in the Hyde Park Mall, the Rotary Club operates in conjunction with the Hyde Park Free Library. The movement to install Little Free Libraries has been spreading from town to town, and Rotarians are often behind the installation. In a Little Free Library, a small number of books (40 in the case of Hyde Park) are available for anyone to borrow—no library cards or check-out needed. Borrowers may return the book when they desire or replace it with another book—and keep the one they took—or return it to the Hyde Park Library. Books are donated through the Hyde Park Library, which maintains the collection. Hyde Park Rotary maintains the physical library, which was built as a model of the Hyde Park Free Library building.\nLiteracy is one of the main areas of Rotary activity. In addition to the mini-library, ","duration":1500163,"episodeId":"e1r9oe","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Mini-Library--Madagascar-Library-Aired-on-January-3--4--2015-e1r9oe","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Mini-Library--Madagascar-Library-Aired-on-January-3--4--2015-e1r9oe","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Mini-Library & Madagascar Library (Aired on January 3 & 4, 2015)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T21:13:12.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532207592,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T21:13:12.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T21:13:03.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532207583,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"064aa8f7-83f6-a3ae-82fb-2d982c9e8d5a","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Jonah Triebwasser and RadioRotary Producer Kathy Kruger interview Gabriella Fryer, Executive Director of Stringendo, a nonprofit music education and performance program for youth in the Hudson Valley. Stringendo allows elementary and high-school students to play in six different orchestras, depending on skill level, and four different fiddler groups. The all-violin ensembles are knows as the Strawberry Hill Fiddlers, while the six Stringendo Orchestras have music-associated names ranging from “Prelude” for the beginners to “Vivace” for the most skilled. The “Vivace” orchestra has won many awards, most notably the 2009 Grand Champion of the National String Orchestra Festival. In addition to the orchestras and fiddlers, Stringendo offers Summer Strings, a day camp where children from 3rd through 10th grades learn fiddle tunes by ear as well as participating in traditional camp activities.","descriptionPreview":"Jonah Triebwasser and RadioRotary Producer Kathy Kruger interview Gabriella Fryer, Executive Director of Stringendo, a nonprofit music education and performance program for youth in the Hudson Valley. Stringendo allows elementary and high-school students to play in six different orchestras, depending on skill level, and four different fiddler groups. The all-violin ensembles are knows as the Strawberry Hill Fiddlers, while the six Stringendo Orchestras have music-associated names ranging from “Prelude” for the beginners to “Vivace” for the most skilled. The “Vivace” orchestra has won many awards, most notably the 2009 Grand Champion of the National String Orchestra Festival. In addition to the orchestras and fiddlers, Stringendo offers Summer Strings, a day camp where children from 3rd through 10th grades learn fiddle tunes by ear as well as participating in traditional camp activities.","duration":1570568,"episodeId":"e1r9g2","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Stringendo-Music-in-Hudson-Valley-Aired-on-Dec--27--2014-e1r9g2","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Stringendo-Music-in-Hudson-Valley-Aired-on-Dec--27--2014-e1r9g2","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Stringendo: Music in Hudson Valley (Aired on Dec. 27, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T20:51:58.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532206318,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T20:51:58.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T20:51:49.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532206309,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"e69eb4c9-9c35-dae3-c735-c6c0946cc3a4","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Southern Ulster Rotarian B.N. Mikkelsen about available trips by rail or sea to exotic places around the world. Mikkwelsen, a native of Denmark, operated a travel agency for more than a decade before turning to his present occupation of representing companies that take travelers to interesting destinations. Among his favorite trips are rail tours on the Trans-Siberian Railway, the Silk Road, Namibia, Turkey, and Australia. Many of these are by private train compartments, although for some you travel by train but stay in local hotels. He also facilitates cruises along rivers in Asia and is especially excited about a small ship, the Ocean Diamond, that will tour the coasts of Iceland and Greenland.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Southern Ulster Rotarian B.N. Mikkelsen about available trips by rail or sea to exotic places around the world. Mikkwelsen, a native of Denmark, operated a travel agency for more than a decade before turning to his present occupation of representing companies that take travelers to interesting destinations. Among his favorite trips are rail tours on the Trans-Siberian Railway, the Silk Road, Namibia, Turkey, and Australia. Many of these are by private train compartments, although for some you travel by train but stay in local hotels. He also facilitates cruises along rivers in Asia and is especially excited about a small ship, the Ocean Diamond, that will tour the coasts of Iceland and Greenland.","duration":1608968,"episodeId":"e1r9ec","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Exciting-Travel-Options-Aired-on-December-20--21--2014-e1r9ec","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Exciting-Travel-Options-Aired-on-December-20--21--2014-e1r9ec","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Exciting Travel Options (Aired on December 20 & 21, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T20:34:44.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532205284,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T20:34:44.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T20:34:35.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532205275,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b43067db-ee76-2d14-19de-7459327b8e51","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Michael Weitzman in this RadioRotary interview reveals that he has long suffered from a common form of mental illness—bipolar disorder (once known as manic-depressive state), although he was not diagnosed with the disease until age 40. Today he emphasizes the basic triangle for handling a mental illness—a psychiatrist to diagnose, medicine to alleviate, and therapy to help with coping. The depressive side of bipolar disorder tends to isolate a person in what Weitzman calls the “Cave of Hell,” where the person becomes nonfunctioning, while the manic side makes a person overly active and optimistic. In addition to the basic triangle, it helps to cope by masking a daily list of activities to prevent nonfunctioning and actually doing what is on the list; but mental recovery activities such as journaling and meditation; and by joining a support group for the disorder.","descriptionPreview":"Michael Weitzman in this RadioRotary interview reveals that he has long suffered from a common form of mental illness—bipolar disorder (once known as manic-depressive state), although he was not diagnosed with the disease until age 40. Today he emphasizes the basic triangle for handling a mental illness—a psychiatrist to diagnose, medicine to alleviate, and therapy to help with coping. The depressive side of bipolar disorder tends to isolate a person in what Weitzman calls the “Cave of Hell,” where the person becomes nonfunctioning, while the manic side makes a person overly active and optimistic. In addition to the basic triangle, it helps to cope by masking a daily list of activities to prevent nonfunctioning and actually doing what is on the list; but mental recovery activities such as journaling and meditation; and by joining a support group for the disorder.","duration":1633810,"episodeId":"e1r9cu","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Coping-with-Bipolar-Disorder-Aired-on-December-13--2014-e1r9cu","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Coping-with-Bipolar-Disorder-Aired-on-December-13--2014-e1r9cu","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Coping with Bipolar Disorder (Aired on December 13, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T20:19:52.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532204392,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T20:19:53.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T20:19:43.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532204383,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"137c2c95-f0b7-6f51-387e-28104d5624df","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Richard Tracino, President and Chief Executive for Hudson Valley Hospice (HVH) and Hudson Valley Hospice Foundation, and Kim Warner, Director of Psychosocial Services for HVH. Hospice serves people of all ages who have terminal illnesses, although hospice focuses on the entire family, not just the dying individual, helping them deal with medical, emotional, spiritual, and family issues during the last six months of life. HVH at any given time helps from 100 to 130 patients in Dutchess and Ulster Counties, guiding them to palliative care, offering programs such as music therapy, and even continuing to aid families after the death of the patient.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Richard Tracino, President and Chief Executive for Hudson Valley Hospice (HVH) and Hudson Valley Hospice Foundation, and Kim Warner, Director of Psychosocial Services for HVH. Hospice serves people of all ages who have terminal illnesses, although hospice focuses on the entire family, not just the dying individual, helping them deal with medical, emotional, spiritual, and family issues during the last six months of life. HVH at any given time helps from 100 to 130 patients in Dutchess and Ulster Counties, guiding them to palliative care, offering programs such as music therapy, and even continuing to aid families after the death of the patient.","duration":1636631,"episodeId":"e1r9bo","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Hudson-Valley-Hospice-Aired-on-December-6--7--2014-e1r9bo","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Hudson-Valley-Hospice-Aired-on-December-6--7--2014-e1r9bo","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Hudson Valley Hospice (Aired on December 6 & 7, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T19:50:55.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532202655,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T19:50:55.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T19:50:46.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532202646,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"74f272ad-ec2a-39fa-264a-f26b2501af90","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Casey MacDonald, who survived her own bout with cancer nearly 20 years ago only to confront cancers that attacked her husband, father, and best friend, has devoted her life to helping others navigate their way through the medical, financial, and lifestyle challenges of the disease. She founded The Hudson Valley Cancer Resource Center, which—with the help of many volunteers—serves nine counties in the Hudson Valley. They provide a kit of information for those newly diagnosed with the disease, and then offer information on available financial assistance, prescription help, lodging and transportation, and legal and insurance counseling. This RadioRotary interview describes these services and more, as well as telling Ms. MacDonald’s own cancer stories.","descriptionPreview":"Casey MacDonald, who survived her own bout with cancer nearly 20 years ago only to confront cancers that attacked her husband, father, and best friend, has devoted her life to helping others navigate their way through the medical, financial, and lifestyle challenges of the disease. She founded The Hudson Valley Cancer Resource Center, which—with the help of many volunteers—serves nine counties in the Hudson Valley. They provide a kit of information for those newly diagnosed with the disease, and then offer information on available financial assistance, prescription help, lodging and transportation, and legal and insurance counseling. This RadioRotary interview describes these services and more, as well as telling Ms. MacDonald’s own cancer stories.","duration":1601209,"episodeId":"e1r999","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Help-for-Persons-Facing-Cancer-Aired-on-November-29--30--2014-e1r999","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Help-for-Persons-Facing-Cancer-Aired-on-November-29--30--2014-e1r999","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Help for Persons Facing Cancer (Aired on November 29 & 30, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T19:36:33.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532201793,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T19:36:33.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T19:36:24.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532201784,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"688d969c-941c-9fcd-9080-7138ed8bbb07","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell interview Rotarians Pat Green and Gail Dejmal of the Monroe-Woodbury club about their participation in Project Amigo and about the humanitarian activities of their Rotary club. Project Amigo consists of a number of ways that Rotarians and others can improve the lives of the rural poor in Colima State, Mexico, many of them migrant workers. It began informally in 2984 when California Rotarian Tom Rose lost his way in Colima and came upon the small village of Cofradía de Suchitlàn. Recognizing the unmet needs of the villagers, Rose and his wife Susan Hill began to provide assistance, which eventually blossomed into Project Amigo, which today brings volunteers from the United States, Canada, and Mexico to Colima to help with literacy projects, health projects, and more. One way volunteers, such as Pat Green and Gail Dejmal had helped is participating in “work weeks,” that are devoted to eye care or literacy. Also discussed on the p","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell interview Rotarians Pat Green and Gail Dejmal of the Monroe-Woodbury club about their participation in Project Amigo and about the humanitarian activities of their Rotary club. Project Amigo consists of a number of ways that Rotarians and others can improve the lives of the rural poor in Colima State, Mexico, many of them migrant workers. It began informally in 2984 when California Rotarian Tom Rose lost his way in Colima and came upon the small village of Cofradía de Suchitlàn. Recognizing the unmet needs of the villagers, Rose and his wife Susan Hill began to provide assistance, which eventually blossomed into Project Amigo, which today brings volunteers from the United States, Canada, and Mexico to Colima to help with literacy projects, health projects, and more. One way volunteers, such as Pat Green and Gail Dejmal had helped is participating in “work weeks,” that are devoted to eye care or literacy. Also discussed on the p","duration":1544262,"episodeId":"e1r988","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Project-Amigo-Aired-on-November-22--23--2014-e1r988","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Project-Amigo-Aired-on-November-22--23--2014-e1r988","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Project Amigo (Aired on November 22 & 23, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T19:17:39.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532200659,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T19:17:39.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T19:17:30.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532200650,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"6c058bb8-604b-8547-78f9-7a34766f3516","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser, in Sydney, interviews Rotarians from the United States who are also visiting the Convention and others who work with Rotary. Kurt Johnsen from the New Windsor-Cornwall Rotary in Orange County, New York, describes the Rotary Foundation and its progress in the fight to eradicate polio. His wife, Ana Johansen, talks about E-Club 7210, which—although based in District 7210 has members from around the world—provides credits for a Rotary meeting via the Internet as well as doing community service. Past District Governor Ernie Montane, from the Tucson Sunrise Club in Arizona recounts how a visit to West Africa some years ago led to 88 Rotary clubs working together to provide clean water and other services in Togo and Niger. Montane was at the Convention a day early to participate in WASRAG (the Water and Sanitation Rotary Action Group). Liz Odell was representing ShelterBox, the compact box that supplies tents and supplies in disasters. ","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser, in Sydney, interviews Rotarians from the United States who are also visiting the Convention and others who work with Rotary. Kurt Johnsen from the New Windsor-Cornwall Rotary in Orange County, New York, describes the Rotary Foundation and its progress in the fight to eradicate polio. His wife, Ana Johansen, talks about E-Club 7210, which—although based in District 7210 has members from around the world—provides credits for a Rotary meeting via the Internet as well as doing community service. Past District Governor Ernie Montane, from the Tucson Sunrise Club in Arizona recounts how a visit to West Africa some years ago led to 88 Rotary clubs working together to provide clean water and other services in Togo and Niger. Montane was at the Convention a day early to participate in WASRAG (the Water and Sanitation Rotary Action Group). Liz Odell was representing ShelterBox, the compact box that supplies tents and supplies in disasters. ","duration":1435854,"episodeId":"e1r96u","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-7-Aired-on-November-15--16--2014-e1r96u","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-7-Aired-on-November-15--16--2014-e1r96u","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"RI Convention in Sydney, Australia, Part 7 (Aired on November 15 & 16, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T18:49:58.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532198998,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T18:49:58.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T18:49:49.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532198989,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"e9bf9e01-6668-a4b6-fd3d-b69f37ba9365","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Elizabeth Spira, the Chief Executive Officer of the Community Action Partnership of Dutchess County describes how this legacy program of the War on Poverty has for 50 years provided financial, energy, pharmaceutical, and food assistance to those in need. Similar agencies exist in every country in New York State. Some of the programs that the Dutchess agency maintains include “Dress for Success,” a program that provides suitable clothing to women applying for jobs, and the “Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP),” which provides help with financial counseling, youth mentoring, and emergency preparedness.","descriptionPreview":"Elizabeth Spira, the Chief Executive Officer of the Community Action Partnership of Dutchess County describes how this legacy program of the War on Poverty has for 50 years provided financial, energy, pharmaceutical, and food assistance to those in need. Similar agencies exist in every country in New York State. Some of the programs that the Dutchess agency maintains include “Dress for Success,” a program that provides suitable clothing to women applying for jobs, and the “Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP),” which provides help with financial counseling, youth mentoring, and emergency preparedness.","duration":1557977,"episodeId":"e1r94s","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Community-Action-Partnership-Aired-on-November-1--2--2014-e1r94s","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Community-Action-Partnership-Aired-on-November-1--2--2014-e1r94s","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Community Action Partnership (Aired on November 1 & 2, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T17:50:35.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532195435,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T17:50:35.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T17:50:26.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532195426,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"2767beae-b939-e0e8-9f9c-c41528d41f3e","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews Dr. Dan Freedman, Dean of the School of Science and Engineering at SUNY-New Paltz, who leads both the Digital Design and Fabrication curriculum at the school and the Hudson Valley Advanced Manufacturing Center, specialists in the art of printing solid objects, known as 3-D printing. The first 3-D printers became available in 1986. They create objects, usually by laying down layers of plastic that build up to produce a solid plastic object (sometimes other materials are used). Each layer is formed in essentially the same way as an ink-jet printer reproduces a computerized image on paper, but plastic is used instead of ink. A computer program written with computer-assisted design (CAD), directs the process, so any object once designed can be printed as often as one likes. Among the triumphs of the process is the ability to print organs, including a plastic hand that actually grasps under control of the muscles in the arm.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews Dr. Dan Freedman, Dean of the School of Science and Engineering at SUNY-New Paltz, who leads both the Digital Design and Fabrication curriculum at the school and the Hudson Valley Advanced Manufacturing Center, specialists in the art of printing solid objects, known as 3-D printing. The first 3-D printers became available in 1986. They create objects, usually by laying down layers of plastic that build up to produce a solid plastic object (sometimes other materials are used). Each layer is formed in essentially the same way as an ink-jet printer reproduces a computerized image on paper, but plastic is used instead of ink. A computer program written with computer-assisted design (CAD), directs the process, so any object once designed can be printed as often as one likes. Among the triumphs of the process is the ability to print organs, including a plastic hand that actually grasps under control of the muscles in the arm.","duration":1594078,"episodeId":"e1r8ss","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Three-Dimensional-Printing-Aired-on-October-25--26--2014-e1r8ss","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Three-Dimensional-Printing-Aired-on-October-25--26--2014-e1r8ss","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Three-Dimensional Printing (Aired on October 25 & 26, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T17:37:40.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532194660,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T17:37:40.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T17:37:31.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532194651,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"5554cf64-0f23-f0bb-083f-d8ac7f3b0e7e","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"n January of 2011 retired Saugerties (NY) English teacher Nancy Lanni visited Haiti, with a construction team helping repair the damage. While there, she was invited to teach as a substitute, where she observed first-hand the emotional as well as physical damage to the young children on the remote island of La Gonáve, a primitive land where people still live in stone huts and use donkeys for transportation and farming. Schools in Haiti are not free, so only about 50% of children attend one in this impoverished land. Ms. Lanni decided to continue teaching in Haiti, learning Creole, the language of Haiti, and also began raising money for a school on La Gonáve where currently all six grades are taught in one room of a community church. Using local labor and materials paid for by money Ms. Lanni raised in the U.S., a new, earthquake-resistant, six-room schoolhouse is about to open at the start of 2015. ","descriptionPreview":"n January of 2011 retired Saugerties (NY) English teacher Nancy Lanni visited Haiti, with a construction team helping repair the damage. While there, she was invited to teach as a substitute, where she observed first-hand the emotional as well as physical damage to the young children on the remote island of La Gonáve, a primitive land where people still live in stone huts and use donkeys for transportation and farming. Schools in Haiti are not free, so only about 50% of children attend one in this impoverished land. Ms. Lanni decided to continue teaching in Haiti, learning Creole, the language of Haiti, and also began raising money for a school on La Gonáve where currently all six grades are taught in one room of a community church. Using local labor and materials paid for by money Ms. Lanni raised in the U.S., a new, earthquake-resistant, six-room schoolhouse is about to open at the start of 2015. ","duration":1557114,"episodeId":"e1r8s4","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/A-School-for-Haiti-Aired-on-October-18--19--2014-e1r8s4","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/A-School-for-Haiti-Aired-on-October-18--19--2014-e1r8s4","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"A School for Haiti (Aired on October 18 & 19, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T17:26:29.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532193989,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T17:26:29.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T17:26:19.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532193979,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"43df1056-086d-3c29-cac1-21a6bea46d27","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Volunteer Neil Isabelle discusses the Catskill Mountain Railroad, two different scenic trips on vintage rail cars through the picturesque Esopus Creek valley in Ulster Country, NY, and through the historic city of Kingston, NY. Special rides in the fall showcase the autumn foliage and in winter there is the Polar Express. Summer rides are also available in July and August that are timed for the full moon. These rides, and some others, also feature music or other entertainment. Isabelle became interested in the trains by volunteering at the Empire State Railway Museum in Phoenicia, NY, another tourist attraction in Ulster County.","descriptionPreview":"Volunteer Neil Isabelle discusses the Catskill Mountain Railroad, two different scenic trips on vintage rail cars through the picturesque Esopus Creek valley in Ulster Country, NY, and through the historic city of Kingston, NY. Special rides in the fall showcase the autumn foliage and in winter there is the Polar Express. Summer rides are also available in July and August that are timed for the full moon. These rides, and some others, also feature music or other entertainment. Isabelle became interested in the trains by volunteering at the Empire State Railway Museum in Phoenicia, NY, another tourist attraction in Ulster County.","duration":1546012,"episodeId":"e1r8r9","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Catskill-Mountain-Railroad-Aired-on-October-11--2014-e1r8r9","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Catskill-Mountain-Railroad-Aired-on-October-11--2014-e1r8r9","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Catskill Mountain Railroad (Aired on October 11, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T17:15:42.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532193342,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T17:15:42.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T17:15:32.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532193332,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f1c4af09-d98a-0a76-255d-1b684055aa75","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Newburgh Rotarian Doug Martin Sturomski, the recently appointed Peace Chair of Rotary District 7210, is interviewed about his efforts to help reach the peace goal of Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation through Peace Bells and Peace Poles. His Peace Bell Foundation, started in 2009, emphasizes the connection between ringing bells and freedom and peace, while he has become one of the most enthusiastic promoter of the Peace Pole. A Peace Pole is a large pole that carries the message “may peace prevail on Earth” in eight languages. In addition to the interview, listeners can also hear Doug play a little Beethoven on the bells.","descriptionPreview":"Newburgh Rotarian Doug Martin Sturomski, the recently appointed Peace Chair of Rotary District 7210, is interviewed about his efforts to help reach the peace goal of Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation through Peace Bells and Peace Poles. His Peace Bell Foundation, started in 2009, emphasizes the connection between ringing bells and freedom and peace, while he has become one of the most enthusiastic promoter of the Peace Pole. A Peace Pole is a large pole that carries the message “may peace prevail on Earth” in eight languages. In addition to the interview, listeners can also hear Doug play a little Beethoven on the bells.","duration":1534127,"episodeId":"e1r8q8","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Bells-and-Poles-for-Peace-Aired-on-October-4--5--2014-e1r8q8","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Bells-and-Poles-for-Peace-Aired-on-October-4--5--2014-e1r8q8","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Bells and Poles for Peace (Aired on October 4 & 5, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T17:02:00.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532192520,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T17:02:00.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T17:01:51.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532192511,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"7b9b1027-45b2-0bda-8b42-2983732504e2","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Jeffrey Urbin, Education Specialist at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, tells the RadioRotary audience about the history and recent renovations of the Library, which was the first presidential library in the United States, having been designed by Roosevelt himself in 1941. The new Library features new technology to make history come alive better for today’s visitors. Another change is that the Library now takes on the controversial issues of Roosevelt’s four terms, such as the development of the first nuclear weapons and FDR’s health issues. The program also features comments about the National Park Service building visitors can visit—Springwood, Top Cottage, and Val-Kill.","descriptionPreview":"Jeffrey Urbin, Education Specialist at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, tells the RadioRotary audience about the history and recent renovations of the Library, which was the first presidential library in the United States, having been designed by Roosevelt himself in 1941. The new Library features new technology to make history come alive better for today’s visitors. Another change is that the Library now takes on the controversial issues of Roosevelt’s four terms, such as the development of the first nuclear weapons and FDR’s health issues. The program also features comments about the National Park Service building visitors can visit—Springwood, Top Cottage, and Val-Kill.","duration":1571639,"episodeId":"e1r8p8","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-New-FDR-Library-Aired-on-September-27--28--2014-e1r8p8","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-New-FDR-Library-Aired-on-September-27--28--2014-e1r8p8","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The New FDR Library (Aired on September 27 & 28, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T16:45:07.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532191507,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T16:45:08.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T16:44:58.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532191498,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"6d0065d2-6962-aaab-36c9-9e267d86097e","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary host Jonah Triebwasser interviews Maureen Roche, Program Director for 4-H Youth Development at Cornell Cooperative Extension in Dutchess County. The 4-H organization officially set up by the US Department of Agriculture in 1914, although built on a number of youth organizations from around the turn of the 19th century into the 20th. The name stands for Head – Hearth – Hands – Health. Although best known for members raising animals and competing with them at county fairs, 4-H today goes beyond agriculture with programs emphasizing public speaking, robotics, college preparation, photography, arts and crafts, and community service. Dutchess Country has an active 4-H program that includes, among other projects, “Agriculture Literacy Week,” in which volunteers read stories based in agriculture to 2nd graders; “College Planning 101,” and drives to provide food, coats, and toys for the needy.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary host Jonah Triebwasser interviews Maureen Roche, Program Director for 4-H Youth Development at Cornell Cooperative Extension in Dutchess County. The 4-H organization officially set up by the US Department of Agriculture in 1914, although built on a number of youth organizations from around the turn of the 19th century into the 20th. The name stands for Head – Hearth – Hands – Health. Although best known for members raising animals and competing with them at county fairs, 4-H today goes beyond agriculture with programs emphasizing public speaking, robotics, college preparation, photography, arts and crafts, and community service. Dutchess Country has an active 4-H program that includes, among other projects, “Agriculture Literacy Week,” in which volunteers read stories based in agriculture to 2nd graders; “College Planning 101,” and drives to provide food, coats, and toys for the needy.","duration":1466234,"episodeId":"e1r8o0","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/4-H--Its-More-Than-Raising-Animals-Sept--20--21--2014-e1r8o0","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/4-H--Its-More-Than-Raising-Animals-Sept--20--21--2014-e1r8o0","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"4-H – It’s More Than Raising Animals (Sept. 20 & 21, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T15:52:26.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532188346,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T15:52:26.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T15:52:16.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532188336,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"c68a5335-f4e5-913a-093f-e15d397b835d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary interviews four members of Rhinebeck Rotary at the historic Beekman Arms during the Club’s regular Monday lunch: David Albahary, Nat Charny, Club President Phil Meltzer, and Barbara Markell. One of the main projects sponsored by the Club is improving a school near León, Nicaragua. The main workers in Nicaragua each year are about 20 Interact students from the local high school, aided by school counselors and adult chaperones. The students mix concrete, dig trenches, and otherwise work all day during their visit to site, while during the rest of the year they raise from $10,000 to $20,000 for the project. Locally, Rhinebeck Rotary is proud of the work of the Community Service Committee, which handles projects that Rhinebeck residents are unable to deal with themselves, ranging from plumbing to carpentry. Rhinebeck is also one of the Clubs in the District that participates annually in the Youth Exchange Program, bringing one or two students from abroad each year.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary interviews four members of Rhinebeck Rotary at the historic Beekman Arms during the Club’s regular Monday lunch: David Albahary, Nat Charny, Club President Phil Meltzer, and Barbara Markell. One of the main projects sponsored by the Club is improving a school near León, Nicaragua. The main workers in Nicaragua each year are about 20 Interact students from the local high school, aided by school counselors and adult chaperones. The students mix concrete, dig trenches, and otherwise work all day during their visit to site, while during the rest of the year they raise from $10,000 to $20,000 for the project. Locally, Rhinebeck Rotary is proud of the work of the Community Service Committee, which handles projects that Rhinebeck residents are unable to deal with themselves, ranging from plumbing to carpentry. Rhinebeck is also one of the Clubs in the District that participates annually in the Youth Exchange Program, bringing one or two students from abroad each year.","duration":1647942,"episodeId":"e1r8jv","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rhinebeck-Rotary-Doing-Good-in-the-World-Sept--13--2014-e1r8jv","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rhinebeck-Rotary-Doing-Good-in-the-World-Sept--13--2014-e1r8jv","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rhinebeck Rotary: Doing Good in the World (Sept. 13, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T15:38:12.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532187492,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T15:38:13.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T15:38:03.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532187483,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"5d0a8238-69f5-3189-7e71-0096db59d1ef","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Once again Rotarian Lou Trapani (Rhinebeck), Artistic and Managing Director of The Center for the Performing Arts at Rhinebeck, returns to RadioRotary to discuss some of the upcoming performances at this hub for theater and related events, including the summer arts day camp, which brings many courses in theater-arts taught by the professionals who put on the shows in Rhinebeck. Trapani tells how his experience as a child watching old movies on television steered him into his theatrical career. Among other upcoming productions discussed on the show will be Peter Pan, which uses the services of a company that specializes in safely flying actors.","descriptionPreview":"Once again Rotarian Lou Trapani (Rhinebeck), Artistic and Managing Director of The Center for the Performing Arts at Rhinebeck, returns to RadioRotary to discuss some of the upcoming performances at this hub for theater and related events, including the summer arts day camp, which brings many courses in theater-arts taught by the professionals who put on the shows in Rhinebeck. Trapani tells how his experience as a child watching old movies on television steered him into his theatrical career. Among other upcoming productions discussed on the show will be Peter Pan, which uses the services of a company that specializes in safely flying actors.","duration":1563018,"episodeId":"e1r8in","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Center-for-Performing-Arts-Aired-on-September-6--2014-e1r8in","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Center-for-Performing-Arts-Aired-on-September-6--2014-e1r8in","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Center for Performing Arts (Aired on September 6, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T15:09:39.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532185779,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T15:09:39.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T15:09:30.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532185770,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"87fc8c7b-f018-0e5f-acf2-b08dd47cf50d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"This series of interviews from the RI Convention in Sydney begins with the young—two Youth Exchange students who are having the adventure of their lives as they spend a year in Australia, away from homes in Finland and Denmark. Then we learn about the versatile Backpack Bed, which becomes a fireproof mattress with screens and a hidden, lockable pocket; these are distributed to homeless people who would otherwise sleep on concrete or the ground. Lynne Aldridge represents Mediators Beyond Borders, an organization that uses mediation to resolve international disputes and bring peace. Celeste Mergens describes Days for Girls, an international intervention she founded that provides washable hygiene produces for female teenagers and adults in Third World settings. Although Dolly Parton was not at the Convention, her Imagination Library—free books for children from birth to age five—was represented. Finally RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser talks to incoming Rotary International President","descriptionPreview":"This series of interviews from the RI Convention in Sydney begins with the young—two Youth Exchange students who are having the adventure of their lives as they spend a year in Australia, away from homes in Finland and Denmark. Then we learn about the versatile Backpack Bed, which becomes a fireproof mattress with screens and a hidden, lockable pocket; these are distributed to homeless people who would otherwise sleep on concrete or the ground. Lynne Aldridge represents Mediators Beyond Borders, an organization that uses mediation to resolve international disputes and bring peace. Celeste Mergens describes Days for Girls, an international intervention she founded that provides washable hygiene produces for female teenagers and adults in Third World settings. Although Dolly Parton was not at the Convention, her Imagination Library—free books for children from birth to age five—was represented. Finally RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser talks to incoming Rotary International President","duration":1618528,"episodeId":"e1r8g8","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-6-August-30--2014-e1r8g8","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-6-August-30--2014-e1r8g8","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"RI Convention in Sydney, Australia, Part 6 (August 30, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T14:58:14.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532185094,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T14:58:15.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T14:58:05.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532185085,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"20a1e6ef-e681-6d42-01b7-a2ce9e4af793","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Every day it seems we are learning more and more about the dangers of distracted driving. Michael Weitzman in this RadioRotary interview tell about his efforts to make people more aware of the problem and its remedy, which he abbreviates as EMH for “Anytime you do not have your Eyes on the road, your Mind on your driving, and your Hands on the wheel” you are in danger of causing an accident lime the one that seriously injured his daughter and started him on his crusade. There are 15,000 auto accidents a day, many caused because they think they can use a cellphone to text, read email, or speak over while they are behind the wheel. One help would be to put your phone in the glove department before you start the car.","descriptionPreview":"Every day it seems we are learning more and more about the dangers of distracted driving. Michael Weitzman in this RadioRotary interview tell about his efforts to make people more aware of the problem and its remedy, which he abbreviates as EMH for “Anytime you do not have your Eyes on the road, your Mind on your driving, and your Hands on the wheel” you are in danger of causing an accident lime the one that seriously injured his daughter and started him on his crusade. There are 15,000 auto accidents a day, many caused because they think they can use a cellphone to text, read email, or speak over while they are behind the wheel. One help would be to put your phone in the glove department before you start the car.","duration":1688432,"episodeId":"e1r8f2","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Distracted-Driving-Aired-on-August-23--24--2014-e1r8f2","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Distracted-Driving-Aired-on-August-23--24--2014-e1r8f2","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Distracted Driving (Aired on August 23 & 24, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T14:32:21.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532183541,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T14:32:22.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T14:32:13.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532183533,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"bbc37ab5-3943-a0e5-3057-23069aac2cc3","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Here are five more fascinating interviews recorded by Jonah Triebwasser at the 2014 Rotary International Convention. Dr. Peter Linz, Chief International Medical Officer at Mercy Ships, tells about how their large hospital ship—6 operating rooms, 25 beds—travels from country to country in West Africa, bringing modern surgery of all kinds to people who would have no other access. Rotary International now partners with Mercy Ships and Rotary Foundation vocational training teams are among the volunteers who bring medical and dental assistance to the region. Teresa Mitchell Patterson, nutritional advisor, discusses Bowel Cancer Australia, discusses a diet that will help prevent bowel cancers (also known as colorectal cancers). Sharon Turner, from Scholastic, describes how Rotarians at the Convention are building a Wall of Books, donating books that will be given to poor and indigenous children in Australia. ","descriptionPreview":"Here are five more fascinating interviews recorded by Jonah Triebwasser at the 2014 Rotary International Convention. Dr. Peter Linz, Chief International Medical Officer at Mercy Ships, tells about how their large hospital ship—6 operating rooms, 25 beds—travels from country to country in West Africa, bringing modern surgery of all kinds to people who would have no other access. Rotary International now partners with Mercy Ships and Rotary Foundation vocational training teams are among the volunteers who bring medical and dental assistance to the region. Teresa Mitchell Patterson, nutritional advisor, discusses Bowel Cancer Australia, discusses a diet that will help prevent bowel cancers (also known as colorectal cancers). Sharon Turner, from Scholastic, describes how Rotarians at the Convention are building a Wall of Books, donating books that will be given to poor and indigenous children in Australia. ","duration":1468011,"episodeId":"e1r8cq","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-5-Aired-on-August-16--17--2014-e1r8cq","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-5-Aired-on-August-16--17--2014-e1r8cq","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"RI Convention in Sydney, Australia, Part 5 (Aired on August 16 & 17, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T13:53:20.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532181200,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T13:53:21.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T13:53:11.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532181191,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"bac47589-375c-0f7e-29e7-c35965621dc1","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"This week’s show was broadcast from the regular meeting of the Highland Rotary Club, sponsors of the Tenth Annual Hudson Valley Ribfest, a three-day event at the Ulster Country Fairgrounds in New Paltz, NY, featuring barbecue (and many other foods) as well as a number of country-music concerts and a stage in the national contest for best Barbecue. Highland Rotary President Steve Laubach and Highland Rotarian Don Verity, CEO of Pamal Radio, which broadcasts RadioRotary, are interviewed by Jonah Triebwasser. Proceeds from the Ribfest support both the charitable work of Highland Rotary, such as the installation of nineteen defibrillators around the village, and also the many nonprofits that supply volunteers for the annual event.","descriptionPreview":"This week’s show was broadcast from the regular meeting of the Highland Rotary Club, sponsors of the Tenth Annual Hudson Valley Ribfest, a three-day event at the Ulster Country Fairgrounds in New Paltz, NY, featuring barbecue (and many other foods) as well as a number of country-music concerts and a stage in the national contest for best Barbecue. Highland Rotary President Steve Laubach and Highland Rotarian Don Verity, CEO of Pamal Radio, which broadcasts RadioRotary, are interviewed by Jonah Triebwasser. Proceeds from the Ribfest support both the charitable work of Highland Rotary, such as the installation of nineteen defibrillators around the village, and also the many nonprofits that supply volunteers for the annual event.","duration":1545725,"episodeId":"e1r89u","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Hudson-Valley-Ribfest-Aired-on-August-9--10--2014-e1r89u","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Hudson-Valley-Ribfest-Aired-on-August-9--10--2014-e1r89u","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Hudson Valley Ribfest (Aired on August 9 & 10, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-21T13:38:49.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532180329,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-21T13:38:50.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-21T13:38:40.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532180320,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"60d024b2-96b6-cc3c-60f5-4eec9d005ef5","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Jonah Triebwasser interviews five people who are working to do good in the world in different ways. Jenny Da Rin, Assistant Director General for the Education and Health Branch of AusAID, an Australian government program with many of the same goals as the Rotary Foundation. Rotarian Tam Mustapha (Kinderhook Tri-Village Clun, NY), attending the convention, tells Jonah about the expansion of the Rotary Learning Institute (RLI), which now teaches Rotary knowledge and leadership on all continents except Antarctica. Claire Munroe from Rotary International tells of the success—99% complete—in eliminating polio. Chicago-area Rotarian Margarita Hewko discuss the Water and Sanitation Rotary Action Group (WASRAG), which is building hundreds of projects such as well and water filtration around the world. Kathy Putz tells Jonah about Room to Read, which promotes girl’s literacy in Bangladesh, India, Cambodia, Laos, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Vietnam, and South Africa. ","descriptionPreview":"Jonah Triebwasser interviews five people who are working to do good in the world in different ways. Jenny Da Rin, Assistant Director General for the Education and Health Branch of AusAID, an Australian government program with many of the same goals as the Rotary Foundation. Rotarian Tam Mustapha (Kinderhook Tri-Village Clun, NY), attending the convention, tells Jonah about the expansion of the Rotary Learning Institute (RLI), which now teaches Rotary knowledge and leadership on all continents except Antarctica. Claire Munroe from Rotary International tells of the success—99% complete—in eliminating polio. Chicago-area Rotarian Margarita Hewko discuss the Water and Sanitation Rotary Action Group (WASRAG), which is building hundreds of projects such as well and water filtration around the world. Kathy Putz tells Jonah about Room to Read, which promotes girl’s literacy in Bangladesh, India, Cambodia, Laos, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Vietnam, and South Africa. ","duration":1616237,"episodeId":"e1r89a","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-4-Aired-on-August-2--3--2014-e1r89a","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-4-Aired-on-August-2--3--2014-e1r89a","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"RI Convention in Sydney, Australia, Part 4 (Aired on August 2 & 3, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-20T11:10:54.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532085054,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-20T11:10:54.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-20T11:10:44.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532085044,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"7e504f39-dc11-2656-23f9-45b4b2803885","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Jonah Triebwasser interviews seven Rotarians from Australia, England, the United States, and Papua New Guinea about international projects that include Our Rainbow House, which educated orphans and other vulnerable children in Zambia; the Guilford Eye Project, which helps prevent and cure eye diseases in India and Nigeria; the Asia-Pacific Center for Neuromodulation, which employs deep-brain stimulation to combat Parkinson’s disease and other brain illnesses; Crutches 4 Africa; the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia; Project Peanut Butter, which supplies ready-to-use therapeutic food to famine-struck regions; and Rotarians Against Malaria (PNG), which distributes treated mosquito netting in Papua New Guinea.","descriptionPreview":"Jonah Triebwasser interviews seven Rotarians from Australia, England, the United States, and Papua New Guinea about international projects that include Our Rainbow House, which educated orphans and other vulnerable children in Zambia; the Guilford Eye Project, which helps prevent and cure eye diseases in India and Nigeria; the Asia-Pacific Center for Neuromodulation, which employs deep-brain stimulation to combat Parkinson’s disease and other brain illnesses; Crutches 4 Africa; the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia; Project Peanut Butter, which supplies ready-to-use therapeutic food to famine-struck regions; and Rotarians Against Malaria (PNG), which distributes treated mosquito netting in Papua New Guinea.","duration":1568817,"episodeId":"e1r3i9","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-3-Aired-on-July-19--20--2014-e1r3i9","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-3-Aired-on-July-19--20--2014-e1r3i9","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"RI Convention in Sydney, Australia, Part 3 (Aired on July 19 & 20, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-20T10:56:55.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532084215,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-20T10:56:55.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-20T10:56:45.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532084205,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"1da17bac-1d72-6f11-0d9f-c803b71734f0","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The guest on this week’s show was Pleasant Valley Rotary President and RN Kathy Kruger, who describes Rotaplast (Rotary + Plastic Surgery), a program that heals children with cleft palate or cleft lip around the world. Cleft palate is literally a hole in the roof of the mouth and cleft lip is one or two splits in the lip, which may extend all the way up a child’s face. A Rotaplast team of usually 15 professional surgeons, dentists, and nurses supported by another 15 nonprofessional volunteers travels to a third-world country where they are supported by a local Rotary club as they perform the operations over a 2- to 3-week period. Kathy tells also of her experience from a 2007 trip to the Philippines where she was a nurse volunteer, and concludes the interview by reading a remarkable thank-you letter from one the children served.","descriptionPreview":"The guest on this week’s show was Pleasant Valley Rotary President and RN Kathy Kruger, who describes Rotaplast (Rotary + Plastic Surgery), a program that heals children with cleft palate or cleft lip around the world. Cleft palate is literally a hole in the roof of the mouth and cleft lip is one or two splits in the lip, which may extend all the way up a child’s face. A Rotaplast team of usually 15 professional surgeons, dentists, and nurses supported by another 15 nonprofessional volunteers travels to a third-world country where they are supported by a local Rotary club as they perform the operations over a 2- to 3-week period. Kathy tells also of her experience from a 2007 trip to the Philippines where she was a nurse volunteer, and concludes the interview by reading a remarkable thank-you letter from one the children served.","duration":1642509,"episodeId":"e1r3h5","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Saving-Children-with-Surgery-Aired-on-July-12--13--2014-e1r3h5","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Saving-Children-with-Surgery-Aired-on-July-12--13--2014-e1r3h5","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Saving Children with Surgery (Aired on July 12 & 13, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-20T10:44:21.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532083461,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-20T10:44:21.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-20T10:44:12.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532083452,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"acc4a653-ae4f-27f8-980c-9e156e86cc57","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Past Rotary International President Bill Boyd tells Radio Rotary Co-Host Jonah Triebwasser about WASRAG, the Water and Sanitation Rotary Action Group. Securing an adequate supply of drinkable water is one of six Rotary areas of focus that affects all the rest—fighting disease, saving mothers and children, growing local economies, promoting peace (wars have been fought over water), even literacy, since the time that young girls need to spend fetching water, often from miles away, keeps them out of school. PP Boyd noted that although sanitation is not glamorous, it is one of the easies ways for Rotarians to do good in the world—by providing latrines. In other interviews, Kerry Kornhauser describes the organization Women in Rotary and her work with Violence Free Families; Mark McNally discusses the Thousand Smiles Foundation, now in its 29th year of doing surgery to correct cleft lips an palates and also improving dental hygiene; while John Sweet and his group provides vaccinations.","descriptionPreview":"Past Rotary International President Bill Boyd tells Radio Rotary Co-Host Jonah Triebwasser about WASRAG, the Water and Sanitation Rotary Action Group. Securing an adequate supply of drinkable water is one of six Rotary areas of focus that affects all the rest—fighting disease, saving mothers and children, growing local economies, promoting peace (wars have been fought over water), even literacy, since the time that young girls need to spend fetching water, often from miles away, keeps them out of school. PP Boyd noted that although sanitation is not glamorous, it is one of the easies ways for Rotarians to do good in the world—by providing latrines. In other interviews, Kerry Kornhauser describes the organization Women in Rotary and her work with Violence Free Families; Mark McNally discusses the Thousand Smiles Foundation, now in its 29th year of doing surgery to correct cleft lips an palates and also improving dental hygiene; while John Sweet and his group provides vaccinations.","duration":1416602,"episodeId":"e1r3ge","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-2-Aired-on-July-5--6--2014-e1r3ge","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-2-Aired-on-July-5--6--2014-e1r3ge","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"RI Convention in Sydney, Australia, Part 2 (Aired on July 5 & 6, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T20:58:03.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532033883,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T20:58:03.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T20:57:53.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532033873,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"c0ea05e3-557d-1529-9297-2b6e0a078434","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The RadioRotary co-hosts interview Hudson Solar Project Manager Christina Bagen about home solar-power installations. Solar panels used today capture energy from the sun and convert it to direct-current electricity; a device called an inverter then changes the power to alternating current for household or commercial use. Today solar panels are relatively inexpensive because of government grants and tax breaks; they pay for themselves by reducing or eliminating electric bills within seven to ten years. Ms. Bagen describes the process a homeowner can use to get estimates or to have installations of solar power.","descriptionPreview":"The RadioRotary co-hosts interview Hudson Solar Project Manager Christina Bagen about home solar-power installations. Solar panels used today capture energy from the sun and convert it to direct-current electricity; a device called an inverter then changes the power to alternating current for household or commercial use. Today solar panels are relatively inexpensive because of government grants and tax breaks; they pay for themselves by reducing or eliminating electric bills within seven to ten years. Ms. Bagen describes the process a homeowner can use to get estimates or to have installations of solar power.","duration":1559257,"episodeId":"e1r15j","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Solar-Power-Solutions-Aired-on-June-28--29--2014-e1r15j","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Solar-Power-Solutions-Aired-on-June-28--29--2014-e1r15j","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Solar Power Solutions (Aired on June 28 & 29, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T20:52:04.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532033524,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T20:52:04.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T20:51:55.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532033515,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"c01a482b-f42e-36b0-9697-f3087e0c0f0e","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Co-Host, Jonah Triebwasser traveled to Sydney, Australia, for the Rotary International Annual Convention, where he taped many interesting interviews. For a starter, here are five of the subjects: Rotarian D. Bob Scott, chair of Rotary’s, describes how this campaign, in conjunction with WHO, UNICEF, the CDC, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has reduced the number of countries where polio is endemic from 125 to 3. California Rotarian Sheila Hurst tells about the Kenya Smiles Rotary Internationals Global Grant that is improving oral health of children in Kenya. The president of the Monroe-Woodbury Rotary Club, Patricia Green, describes Project Amigo, which is providing scholarships for students in Colimas State, Mexico, and also other activities of the Monroe-Woodbury Club. Two Interact students from San Jose, California, describe that club’s many activities. And Dr. Subrahmanyam Ganesh reports on the Jaipur Limb.","descriptionPreview":"Co-Host, Jonah Triebwasser traveled to Sydney, Australia, for the Rotary International Annual Convention, where he taped many interesting interviews. For a starter, here are five of the subjects: Rotarian D. Bob Scott, chair of Rotary’s, describes how this campaign, in conjunction with WHO, UNICEF, the CDC, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has reduced the number of countries where polio is endemic from 125 to 3. California Rotarian Sheila Hurst tells about the Kenya Smiles Rotary Internationals Global Grant that is improving oral health of children in Kenya. The president of the Monroe-Woodbury Rotary Club, Patricia Green, describes Project Amigo, which is providing scholarships for students in Colimas State, Mexico, and also other activities of the Monroe-Woodbury Club. Two Interact students from San Jose, California, describe that club’s many activities. And Dr. Subrahmanyam Ganesh reports on the Jaipur Limb.","duration":1336354,"episodeId":"e1r151","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-1-June-21--2014-e1r151","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-1-June-21--2014-e1r151","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"RI Convention in Sydney, Australia, Part 1 (June 21, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T20:49:53.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532033393,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T20:49:54.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T20:49:45.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532033385,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"69645e37-2bcd-5ed2-fb48-994cea630c4c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Jackie Rose, executive director of Dutchess County SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) describes the facilities and activities of this nonprofit corporation. Located in Hyde Park, the DCSPCA provides humane law enforcement for the Country and a shelter for about 250 pets, including not only dogs and cats but also “pocket pets” such as hamsters, guinea pigs, or ferrets. The shelter houses homeless, abandoned, or abused animals, or animals donated by owners who can no longer care for them, and seeks to have the animals matched with appropriate families that can provide a “forever home.” In addition to the shelter, DCSPCA also provides low-cost medical services, as well as a cemetery and a crematorium. Primarily funded by donations, DCSPCA also runs a gold tournament annually and a “canine circus” called Paws in the Park Petwalk.","descriptionPreview":"Jackie Rose, executive director of Dutchess County SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) describes the facilities and activities of this nonprofit corporation. Located in Hyde Park, the DCSPCA provides humane law enforcement for the Country and a shelter for about 250 pets, including not only dogs and cats but also “pocket pets” such as hamsters, guinea pigs, or ferrets. The shelter houses homeless, abandoned, or abused animals, or animals donated by owners who can no longer care for them, and seeks to have the animals matched with appropriate families that can provide a “forever home.” In addition to the shelter, DCSPCA also provides low-cost medical services, as well as a cemetery and a crematorium. Primarily funded by donations, DCSPCA also runs a gold tournament annually and a “canine circus” called Paws in the Park Petwalk.","duration":1559100,"episodeId":"e1r14s","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Animal-Rescue-from-DCSPCA-Aired-on-June-14--15--2014-e1r14s","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Animal-Rescue-from-DCSPCA-Aired-on-June-14--15--2014-e1r14s","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Animal Rescue from DCSPCA (Aired on June 14 & 15, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T20:47:13.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532033233,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T20:47:13.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T20:47:03.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532033223,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"d0590cfc-697f-a68f-5931-d27a9147d196","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary co-host Sarah O’Connell interviews Attorney Kyle Steller of Legal Services of the Hudson Valley and Kathy Sheehan, a social worker from the Mediation Center of Dutchess County about the Coalition on Elder Abuse in Dutchess County. The Mediation Center started the Coalition, which melds social services, local churches, Country law enforcement and health services, other law enforcement agencies, and several banks. The Mediation Center obtained a grant from Dutchess County to coordinate and put together this coalition. The coalition is using grant funds to support outreach to groups to raise awareness of issue and of resources available. When a call comes in to one of the agencies to report an elder-abuse problem, Steller and Sheehan confer on the best way to handle the problem, then provide the caller with the appropriate agency to contact. For example, the Legal Services can revoke powers of attorney, recover money for small claims, and provide similar help.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary co-host Sarah O’Connell interviews Attorney Kyle Steller of Legal Services of the Hudson Valley and Kathy Sheehan, a social worker from the Mediation Center of Dutchess County about the Coalition on Elder Abuse in Dutchess County. The Mediation Center started the Coalition, which melds social services, local churches, Country law enforcement and health services, other law enforcement agencies, and several banks. The Mediation Center obtained a grant from Dutchess County to coordinate and put together this coalition. The coalition is using grant funds to support outreach to groups to raise awareness of issue and of resources available. When a call comes in to one of the agencies to report an elder-abuse problem, Steller and Sheehan confer on the best way to handle the problem, then provide the caller with the appropriate agency to contact. For example, the Legal Services can revoke powers of attorney, recover money for small claims, and provide similar help.","duration":1520857,"episodeId":"e1r14m","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Coalition-on-Elder-Abuse-Aired-on-June-7--June-8--2014-e1r14m","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Coalition-on-Elder-Abuse-Aired-on-June-7--June-8--2014-e1r14m","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Coalition on Elder Abuse (Aired on June 7 & June 8, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T20:44:01.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532033041,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T20:44:01.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T20:43:51.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532033031,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"d7cb7d43-76ed-2332-7d78-f56a572f2861","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Authors Bryan Bunch (Millbrook Rotary), Jim Holmgren, and Evan Pritchard discuss the sixth Millbrook Literary Festival with host Jonah Triebwasser. Holmgren, a novelist whose future fiction novel describes the world in 2076, will host a panel of mystery writers under the heading “Who Did It? We did it!” Even Pritichard, poet and historian, who has been declared “king of the poets” for the Festival, will not only lead a panel discussion pitting nature poets against city poets, but also will be part of a “Poet’s Corner” at the Millbrook Library, where poets will read or recite through the festival. Other highlights include an illustration workshop for children at Merritt Books and Toys, panel discussions on historical fiction, journalism, creation of a book, and the history of the Hudson Valley. ","descriptionPreview":"Authors Bryan Bunch (Millbrook Rotary), Jim Holmgren, and Evan Pritchard discuss the sixth Millbrook Literary Festival with host Jonah Triebwasser. Holmgren, a novelist whose future fiction novel describes the world in 2076, will host a panel of mystery writers under the heading “Who Did It? We did it!” Even Pritichard, poet and historian, who has been declared “king of the poets” for the Festival, will not only lead a panel discussion pitting nature poets against city poets, but also will be part of a “Poet’s Corner” at the Millbrook Library, where poets will read or recite through the festival. Other highlights include an illustration workshop for children at Merritt Books and Toys, panel discussions on historical fiction, journalism, creation of a book, and the history of the Hudson Valley. ","duration":1570850,"episodeId":"e1r147","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Millbrook-Literary-Festival-Aired-on-May-31--June-1--2014-e1r147","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Millbrook-Literary-Festival-Aired-on-May-31--June-1--2014-e1r147","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Millbrook Literary Festival (Aired on May 31 & June 1, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T20:37:11.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532032631,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T20:37:11.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T20:37:02.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532032622,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"60b992b0-bda9-cc70-ec35-8df904c4cec7","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Dr. Frank Bourke, executive director of the PTSD Research and Recognition Project, explains the diagnosis and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a curable mental illness that is best known for affecting veterans of brutal wars, but also can change the lives of people who experience any kind of serious trauma from sources such as auto accidents or crimes. The principal symptoms are terrifying nightmares and flashbacks brought on by experiences that resemble the initial trauma. PTSD cannot be cured by drugs and ordinary therapy is only effective about 35% of the time. The Research and Recognition Project has developed a technique Dr. Bourke calls “reconsolidation of traumatic memories,” which is based on disconnecting the traumatic memory from its emotional response.","descriptionPreview":"Dr. Frank Bourke, executive director of the PTSD Research and Recognition Project, explains the diagnosis and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a curable mental illness that is best known for affecting veterans of brutal wars, but also can change the lives of people who experience any kind of serious trauma from sources such as auto accidents or crimes. The principal symptoms are terrifying nightmares and flashbacks brought on by experiences that resemble the initial trauma. PTSD cannot be cured by drugs and ordinary therapy is only effective about 35% of the time. The Research and Recognition Project has developed a technique Dr. Bourke calls “reconsolidation of traumatic memories,” which is based on disconnecting the traumatic memory from its emotional response.","duration":1537360,"episodeId":"e1r12u","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Hidden-Problem-of-Veterans-May-24--25--2014-e1r12u","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Hidden-Problem-of-Veterans-May-24--25--2014-e1r12u","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Hidden Problem of Veterans (May 24 & 25, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T20:34:45.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532032485,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T20:34:46.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T20:34:36.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532032476,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"54801487-2054-cc5f-e171-42a713f3968c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotarian Lou Trapani (Rhinebeck), Artistic and Managing Director of The Center for the Performing Arts, located a short distance east of Rhinebeck, NY, is interviewed by co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell, both former performers themselves. The Center began as a project of the Rhinebeck Theater Society and was first (1994) housed in a tent, with the permanent building, known as “the Barn,” opening in 1998. It is now open 360 days a year and houses productions of several theater companies as well as a summer arts day camp and a teen musical theater called “Kids on Stage.” Other productions include a choreographer’s showcase and a jazz weekend.","descriptionPreview":"Rotarian Lou Trapani (Rhinebeck), Artistic and Managing Director of The Center for the Performing Arts, located a short distance east of Rhinebeck, NY, is interviewed by co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell, both former performers themselves. The Center began as a project of the Rhinebeck Theater Society and was first (1994) housed in a tent, with the permanent building, known as “the Barn,” opening in 1998. It is now open 360 days a year and houses productions of several theater companies as well as a summer arts day camp and a teen musical theater called “Kids on Stage.” Other productions include a choreographer’s showcase and a jazz weekend.","duration":1496197,"episodeId":"e1r12l","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Center-for-the-Performing-Arts-Aired-on-May-17--18--2014-e1r12l","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Center-for-the-Performing-Arts-Aired-on-May-17--18--2014-e1r12l","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Center for the Performing Arts (Aired on May 17 & 18, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T20:32:24.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532032344,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T20:32:24.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T20:32:15.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532032335,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b43ddbeb-a83b-594c-9cdb-daf86d14f2e3","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Author and columnist Anthony Musso returns to the RadioRotary microphones to discuss volume 2 of his Hidden Treasures of the Hudson Valley, a treasury of 55 sites in the 8-country mid-Hudson region. Here are a few of the sites covered: The Beekman Arms, oldest continuing restaurant; the world’s largest church pipe organ at the Cadet Chapel at West Point; St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Amenia, with two Tiffany windows; Troutbeck, where the NAACP was founded; Dapplemere Farm, the home of presidential candidate Thomas Dewey; the Elephant Hotel, where the American circus got its start; and Harvest Homestead Farm, the secret distillery run by gangster Dutch Schultz. Each of the sites is illustrated with contemporary photography and the essential information about locations, hours, and entrance fees (if any—most are free) is provided in the book.","descriptionPreview":"Author and columnist Anthony Musso returns to the RadioRotary microphones to discuss volume 2 of his Hidden Treasures of the Hudson Valley, a treasury of 55 sites in the 8-country mid-Hudson region. Here are a few of the sites covered: The Beekman Arms, oldest continuing restaurant; the world’s largest church pipe organ at the Cadet Chapel at West Point; St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Amenia, with two Tiffany windows; Troutbeck, where the NAACP was founded; Dapplemere Farm, the home of presidential candidate Thomas Dewey; the Elephant Hotel, where the American circus got its start; and Harvest Homestead Farm, the secret distillery run by gangster Dutch Schultz. Each of the sites is illustrated with contemporary photography and the essential information about locations, hours, and entrance fees (if any—most are free) is provided in the book.","duration":1600243,"episodeId":"e1r12f","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Hidden-Treasures-of-the-Hudson-Valley-May-10--11--2014-e1r12f","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Hidden-Treasures-of-the-Hudson-Valley-May-10--11--2014-e1r12f","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Hidden Treasures of the Hudson Valley (May 10 & 11, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T20:29:31.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532032171,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T20:29:31.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T20:29:22.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532032162,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"19b92584-1749-3d27-1a9c-a62d6161bdce","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotarian Colleen Mountford (Kingston Sunrise Club) describes the Patriot’s Project that will house homeless veterans in a renovated mansion in Kingston starting in July. Both the Kingston Sunrise and Kingston Noontime clubs as well as contributions from all Rotary clubs in Ulster County have supported the project. It began in 2012 when Ulster County Executive Mike Hein proposed turning a former group home into transitional housing for veterans. The project required, and got, legislation passed by New York State to make it feasible, then began to raise money from the Country’s sale of the SUNY Ulster President’s home and various private sources. When complete, the facility will provide temporary housing of three to six months for homeless veterans as well as counseling on acquiring a job and a path through the paperwork needed to obtain further assistance if needed. Donations are still needed.","descriptionPreview":"Rotarian Colleen Mountford (Kingston Sunrise Club) describes the Patriot’s Project that will house homeless veterans in a renovated mansion in Kingston starting in July. Both the Kingston Sunrise and Kingston Noontime clubs as well as contributions from all Rotary clubs in Ulster County have supported the project. It began in 2012 when Ulster County Executive Mike Hein proposed turning a former group home into transitional housing for veterans. The project required, and got, legislation passed by New York State to make it feasible, then began to raise money from the Country’s sale of the SUNY Ulster President’s home and various private sources. When complete, the facility will provide temporary housing of three to six months for homeless veterans as well as counseling on acquiring a job and a path through the paperwork needed to obtain further assistance if needed. Donations are still needed.","duration":1579789,"episodeId":"e1r126","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Patriots-Project-Aids-Vets-Aired-on-May-3--4--2014-e1r126","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Patriots-Project-Aids-Vets-Aired-on-May-3--4--2014-e1r126","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Patriot’s Project Aids Vets (Aired on May 3 & 4, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T20:26:46.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532032006,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T20:26:46.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T20:26:37.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532031997,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"634b3900-d159-7087-0eb8-b931d1867cf1","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary co-hosts interview incoming District Governor Penny Byron (Rotary Year 2014-15), who describes her work with District 7210, which includes 62 clubs at various locations in the eight Mid-Hudson counties that make up the District—Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, and Ulster. District 7210 actually extends beyond the Mid-Hudson, however, for one of the 62 clubs is the E-Club, the first in Rotary International; its members can be located anywhere in the world and several are international members, although most live here in the Hudson Valley but attend meetings online. Another distinction for the District is that one of its past District Governors, Knut Johnsen, occupies Rotary’s seat at the United Nations. RadioRotary itself is a third unique asset of the District. Ms. Byron, whose home club is Patterson, began her journey toward District Governor in 4H, then moved on to Rotary where she has been active at both the Club and District levels.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary co-hosts interview incoming District Governor Penny Byron (Rotary Year 2014-15), who describes her work with District 7210, which includes 62 clubs at various locations in the eight Mid-Hudson counties that make up the District—Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, and Ulster. District 7210 actually extends beyond the Mid-Hudson, however, for one of the 62 clubs is the E-Club, the first in Rotary International; its members can be located anywhere in the world and several are international members, although most live here in the Hudson Valley but attend meetings online. Another distinction for the District is that one of its past District Governors, Knut Johnsen, occupies Rotary’s seat at the United Nations. RadioRotary itself is a third unique asset of the District. Ms. Byron, whose home club is Patterson, began her journey toward District Governor in 4H, then moved on to Rotary where she has been active at both the Club and District levels.","duration":1589114,"episodeId":"e1r11v","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-District-7210-in-2014-15-April-26--27--2014-e1r11v","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-District-7210-in-2014-15-April-26--27--2014-e1r11v","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary District 7210 in 2014-15 (April 26 & 27, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T20:24:21.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532031861,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T20:24:21.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T20:24:12.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532031852,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"4588dfc0-08a5-fd8c-2c8d-64c62adcfeb2","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Terry Laibach, an environmental specialist concerned largely with solid waste who works with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, discusses the economics and environmental impact of the 3Rs—Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. While the United States has 4 percent of the world’s population, it produces 25% of the world’s solid waste. At one time, the solution to this waste burden was to burn it, with poor consequences for the environment. Today about 80 percent of such waste can be eliminated, and in this program Ms. Laibach gives a number of tips on ways to do just that.","descriptionPreview":"Terry Laibach, an environmental specialist concerned largely with solid waste who works with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, discusses the economics and environmental impact of the 3Rs—Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. While the United States has 4 percent of the world’s population, it produces 25% of the world’s solid waste. At one time, the solution to this waste burden was to burn it, with poor consequences for the environment. Today about 80 percent of such waste can be eliminated, and in this program Ms. Laibach gives a number of tips on ways to do just that.","duration":1526839,"episodeId":"e1r11o","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Joy-of-Recycling-Aired-on-April-19--20--2014-e1r11o","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Joy-of-Recycling-Aired-on-April-19--20--2014-e1r11o","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Joy of Recycling (Aired on April 19 & 20, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T20:20:53.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532031653,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T20:20:53.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T20:20:44.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532031644,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"2313d829-f864-2d25-3716-8b73307538aa","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Dr. David A Crenshaw, a child psychologist who is Clinical Director of the Children’s Home of Poughkeepsie, explains why children often need aid in getting though such emotional difficulties as psychosomatic symptoms, depression, difficulty controlling impulses, and behavioral problems in school; frequently intellectual or cognitive maturity precedes emotional maturity. Young children may lack language skills, but the natural expression of children is through play or art, which can be used to help them through emotional problems. Dr. Crenshaw has been involved in trying to get New York State to pass a law that would allow therapy dogs help emotionally impaired witnesses (not only children) handle courtroom trials. The law is known as “Rosie’s Law” after the first case in New York that permitted a dog to be used in this way.","descriptionPreview":"Dr. David A Crenshaw, a child psychologist who is Clinical Director of the Children’s Home of Poughkeepsie, explains why children often need aid in getting though such emotional difficulties as psychosomatic symptoms, depression, difficulty controlling impulses, and behavioral problems in school; frequently intellectual or cognitive maturity precedes emotional maturity. Young children may lack language skills, but the natural expression of children is through play or art, which can be used to help them through emotional problems. Dr. Crenshaw has been involved in trying to get New York State to pass a law that would allow therapy dogs help emotionally impaired witnesses (not only children) handle courtroom trials. The law is known as “Rosie’s Law” after the first case in New York that permitted a dog to be used in this way.","duration":1483815,"episodeId":"e1r11a","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Child-Therapy-and-Rosies-Law-Aired-on-April-13--14--2014-e1r11a","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Child-Therapy-and-Rosies-Law-Aired-on-April-13--14--2014-e1r11a","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Child Therapy and Rosie’s Law (Aired on April 13 & 14, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T20:16:57.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532031417,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T20:16:58.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T20:16:49.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532031409,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"596e4ceb-575a-22d3-bdc9-a816f52a0442","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The RadioRotary co-hosts interview Jody Miller, Executive Director of the Mediation Center of Dutchess Country, and Registered Nurse Carolynn Frankell, who, along with Lindsey Goldstein, chairs the third annual Anti-Bullying Walkathon. Since 1981 New York State has had a program of Alternative Dispute Resolution, which includes mediation and arbitration, with centers in every county. Mediation is a process that helps people talk about decisions and resolve conflicts. Volunteers do most of the mediation after training. The center handles small claims, landlord-tenant issues, consumer issues, divorces, caregiving problems, and workplace disputes. The Center also works with other agencies on issues such as elder abuse and bullying, a problem in many schools. Its serves can be free but some require fee payments, and mediated agreements are enforceable by the courts.","descriptionPreview":"The RadioRotary co-hosts interview Jody Miller, Executive Director of the Mediation Center of Dutchess Country, and Registered Nurse Carolynn Frankell, who, along with Lindsey Goldstein, chairs the third annual Anti-Bullying Walkathon. Since 1981 New York State has had a program of Alternative Dispute Resolution, which includes mediation and arbitration, with centers in every county. Mediation is a process that helps people talk about decisions and resolve conflicts. Volunteers do most of the mediation after training. The center handles small claims, landlord-tenant issues, consumer issues, divorces, caregiving problems, and workplace disputes. The Center also works with other agencies on issues such as elder abuse and bullying, a problem in many schools. Its serves can be free but some require fee payments, and mediated agreements are enforceable by the courts.","duration":1597552,"episodeId":"e1r10q","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Mediation-Center-of-Dutchess-County-April-5--2014-e1r10q","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Mediation-Center-of-Dutchess-County-April-5--2014-e1r10q","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Mediation Center of Dutchess County (April 5, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T20:00:59.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532030459,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T20:01:00.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T20:00:50.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532030450,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"cdd8372d-60b9-6bbf-ce97-bdf828480520","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Libraries today are far more than places to borrow books for a couple of weeks according to Red Hook Public Library Director Erica Freudenberger and Mid-Hudson Library System Assistant Director Merribeth Advocate. Libraries are an important local source in obtaining jobs or improving skills, using the public-access computers in libraries or access to library information from home computers. And, while there is a lot of information on the Internet, not all of it is correct; libraries vet information and establish its relevance. Also, in addition to various audiovisual media that can be loaned, libraries today offer “free” access to e-books—although nothing from libraries is actually “free” as it is paid for by local, state, and national taxes—primarily local sources of funding. Studies have shown that every dollar invested in libraries produces seven dollars in the economy of the community.","descriptionPreview":"Libraries today are far more than places to borrow books for a couple of weeks according to Red Hook Public Library Director Erica Freudenberger and Mid-Hudson Library System Assistant Director Merribeth Advocate. Libraries are an important local source in obtaining jobs or improving skills, using the public-access computers in libraries or access to library information from home computers. And, while there is a lot of information on the Internet, not all of it is correct; libraries vet information and establish its relevance. Also, in addition to various audiovisual media that can be loaned, libraries today offer “free” access to e-books—although nothing from libraries is actually “free” as it is paid for by local, state, and national taxes—primarily local sources of funding. Studies have shown that every dollar invested in libraries produces seven dollars in the economy of the community.","duration":1461010,"episodeId":"e1r0vp","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Libraries-in-the-21st-Century-Mar--30--2014-e1r0vp","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Libraries-in-the-21st-Century-Mar--30--2014-e1r0vp","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Libraries in the 21st Century (Mar. 30, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T19:58:43.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532030323,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T19:58:43.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T19:58:34.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532030314,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"c600e29b-f7e5-09ff-4a40-a238e311fc0a","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Linda Marston-Reid, Executive Director of Art Mid-Hudson (formerly The Dutchess Country Arts Council), and Paul Tesoro, Chairperson of the Board, discuss the many ways that Arts Mid-Hudson re-grants New York State funds and local donations to local artists in Dutchess, Ulster, and Orange counties. Grants aid visual arts, theater, arts education, music, performances of the written word, and community events. All grant proposals receive a peer review, which is helpful even to projects that do not get funded. The proposals supported also become one of the reasons for visitors to come to the Mid-Hudson region, where the arts are among the attractions.","descriptionPreview":"Linda Marston-Reid, Executive Director of Art Mid-Hudson (formerly The Dutchess Country Arts Council), and Paul Tesoro, Chairperson of the Board, discuss the many ways that Arts Mid-Hudson re-grants New York State funds and local donations to local artists in Dutchess, Ulster, and Orange counties. Grants aid visual arts, theater, arts education, music, performances of the written word, and community events. All grant proposals receive a peer review, which is helpful even to projects that do not get funded. The proposals supported also become one of the reasons for visitors to come to the Mid-Hudson region, where the arts are among the attractions.","duration":1445049,"episodeId":"e1r0vh","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Arts-Mid-Hudson-Aired-on-AM-on-Mar--21--on-FM-on-Mar--23-e1r0vh","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Arts-Mid-Hudson-Aired-on-AM-on-Mar--21--on-FM-on-Mar--23-e1r0vh","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Arts Mid-Hudson (Aired on AM on Mar. 21 & on FM on Mar. 23)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T19:56:44.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532030204,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T19:56:45.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T19:56:35.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532030195,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"9d8a0496-7682-cfa4-6f34-c25c8dc8a36f","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"A couple of years ago Krista Jones from Hopewell Junction, NY, experienced the death of a good friend from cancer and the realization that four other mothers she knew also had cancer. Krista had been helping her friend, who had three children, by leaving food at her door. She recognized that cancer was sapping the energy and budgets of all these mothers, which led her to found Sparrow’s Nest, dedicated to providing two trays of homemade food each week to the suffering families. Although in the beginning Krista used her own money to set up the charitable organization, she now relies on many donors to provide the expense of serving 15 to 18 moms each week and to expand the operation. For now, Krista herself does all the cooking herself, although volunteers help deliver the food.","descriptionPreview":"A couple of years ago Krista Jones from Hopewell Junction, NY, experienced the death of a good friend from cancer and the realization that four other mothers she knew also had cancer. Krista had been helping her friend, who had three children, by leaving food at her door. She recognized that cancer was sapping the energy and budgets of all these mothers, which led her to found Sparrow’s Nest, dedicated to providing two trays of homemade food each week to the suffering families. Although in the beginning Krista used her own money to set up the charitable organization, she now relies on many donors to provide the expense of serving 15 to 18 moms each week and to expand the operation. For now, Krista herself does all the cooking herself, although volunteers help deliver the food.","duration":1526786,"episodeId":"e1r0ve","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Helping-Moms-Who-Have-Cancer-Mar--14--2014-e1r0ve","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Helping-Moms-Who-Have-Cancer-Mar--14--2014-e1r0ve","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Helping Moms Who Have Cancer (Mar. 14, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T19:46:39.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532029599,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T19:46:39.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T19:46:29.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532029589,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"355b7dd0-1b2d-cbf7-dec7-f4e01ab5890c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Legal Services of the Hudson Valley provides free legal help to the needy who require assistance in civil cases—mortgage problems, divorces, educational issues, domestic violence, and similar difficulties. In this interview Pro Bono Director Lillian Krusz Welby and staff attorney Jill Faber discuss all these topics and more. Legal Services of the Hudson Valley has eight offices, ranging from White Plains to Kingston. Their staff attorneys and also volunteer attorneys handle child advocacy, orders of protection, foreclosures, trusts and estates, and disabled and veteran’s issues—but they are not Public Defenders, who deal with criminal cases.","descriptionPreview":"Legal Services of the Hudson Valley provides free legal help to the needy who require assistance in civil cases—mortgage problems, divorces, educational issues, domestic violence, and similar difficulties. In this interview Pro Bono Director Lillian Krusz Welby and staff attorney Jill Faber discuss all these topics and more. Legal Services of the Hudson Valley has eight offices, ranging from White Plains to Kingston. Their staff attorneys and also volunteer attorneys handle child advocacy, orders of protection, foreclosures, trusts and estates, and disabled and veteran’s issues—but they are not Public Defenders, who deal with criminal cases.","duration":1536347,"episodeId":"e1r0ud","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Legal-Help-for-Civil-Cases-Aired-on-AM-on-Mar--7--2014-e1r0ud","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Legal-Help-for-Civil-Cases-Aired-on-AM-on-Mar--7--2014-e1r0ud","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Legal Help for Civil Cases (Aired on AM on Mar. 7, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T19:27:22.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532028442,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T19:27:22.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T19:27:13.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532028433,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"936657b8-b30e-adac-c456-a07de9f0c1f5","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In this on-site interview from the Annual Meeting of the New York State Bar Association, Bar Past -President A. Thomas Levin and Chair of the Law, Youth and Citizenship committee Rich Bader discuss some of the statewide programs that the Bar Association supports in New York State schools. These include Mock Trials in secondary schools in which students argue a case based on data supplied by the Bar Association before a real judge; this is a competition among teams trying the case. Another program is “We the People,” in which both elementary- and secondary-school compete in mock congressional hearings and develop questions based upon the U.S. Constitution or specific laws.","descriptionPreview":"In this on-site interview from the Annual Meeting of the New York State Bar Association, Bar Past -President A. Thomas Levin and Chair of the Law, Youth and Citizenship committee Rich Bader discuss some of the statewide programs that the Bar Association supports in New York State schools. These include Mock Trials in secondary schools in which students argue a case based on data supplied by the Bar Association before a real judge; this is a competition among teams trying the case. Another program is “We the People,” in which both elementary- and secondary-school compete in mock congressional hearings and develop questions based upon the U.S. Constitution or specific laws.","duration":1423154,"episodeId":"e1r0sf","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Education-for-Citizenship-Feb--14--2014-e1r0sf","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Education-for-Citizenship-Feb--14--2014-e1r0sf","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Education for Citizenship (Feb. 14, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T19:25:16.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532028316,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T19:25:16.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T19:25:07.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532028307,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"c8e3e8ca-b200-1c2b-b121-af6fe96fc340","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In this show, co-host Sarah O’Connell interviews the co-leaders of the Center for Healthy Aging at Northern Dutchess Hospital in Rhinebeck—social worker Allison Gould and geriatrician Dr. Jodi Friedman. The purpose of the Center is to help people 65 and over remain healthy and active as they age. Friedman handles the medical issues, while Gould works with social issues such as life transitions, including retirement and dealing with losses. The focus is more on prevention than remediation Most of the clients have been referred to the Center by primary-care physicians who recognize problems of aging in individual patients. In addition to working with individuals, the Center provides free community lecture programs on topics related to healthy aging.","descriptionPreview":"In this show, co-host Sarah O’Connell interviews the co-leaders of the Center for Healthy Aging at Northern Dutchess Hospital in Rhinebeck—social worker Allison Gould and geriatrician Dr. Jodi Friedman. The purpose of the Center is to help people 65 and over remain healthy and active as they age. Friedman handles the medical issues, while Gould works with social issues such as life transitions, including retirement and dealing with losses. The focus is more on prevention than remediation Most of the clients have been referred to the Center by primary-care physicians who recognize problems of aging in individual patients. In addition to working with individuals, the Center provides free community lecture programs on topics related to healthy aging.","duration":1691985,"episodeId":"e1r0sb","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Healthy-Aging-Aired-on-AM-on-Feb--7--on-FM-on-Feb--9--2014-e1r0sb","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Healthy-Aging-Aired-on-AM-on-Feb--7--on-FM-on-Feb--9--2014-e1r0sb","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Healthy Aging (Aired on AM on Feb. 7 & on FM on Feb. 9, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T19:19:40.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532027980,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T19:19:40.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T19:19:30.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532027970,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"8b0db9ca-f7d6-4cc0-1ce1-fba7c25f88fa","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In March 2009 Reverend Betsy Fisher of St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Amenia learned of a big need for food for the working poor in Amenia that was not being met by the nearest local Food Bank, so she started Food of Life. This program details how that works and the needs that it fills today. The pantry (at 40 Leedsville Road in Amenia), supplies supplemental food, primarily to the working poor, and is open from 3 to 5 p.m. every Friday; it has sometimes had as many as 301 customers and gave out 2400 meals in a single day. Food of Life stresses nutrition, offering as much as possible organic produce, milk, and meat. They also teach catering to women in their still-to-be-completed kitchen as part of a Woman’s Vocational Center.","descriptionPreview":"In March 2009 Reverend Betsy Fisher of St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Amenia learned of a big need for food for the working poor in Amenia that was not being met by the nearest local Food Bank, so she started Food of Life. This program details how that works and the needs that it fills today. The pantry (at 40 Leedsville Road in Amenia), supplies supplemental food, primarily to the working poor, and is open from 3 to 5 p.m. every Friday; it has sometimes had as many as 301 customers and gave out 2400 meals in a single day. Food of Life stresses nutrition, offering as much as possible organic produce, milk, and meat. They also teach catering to women in their still-to-be-completed kitchen as part of a Woman’s Vocational Center.","duration":1510852,"episodeId":"e1r0rn","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Food-of-Life-Aired-on-AM-on-Jan--31--2014-e1r0rn","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Food-of-Life-Aired-on-AM-on-Jan--31--2014-e1r0rn","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Food of Life (Aired on AM on Jan. 31, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T19:17:21.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532027841,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T19:17:21.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T19:17:12.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532027832,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"0196a821-6df7-e9ba-7d77-b0daa4ae6cbb","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Jeffery Fox, executive director of Abilities First, and Serene Morrero, director of development, describe this Dutchess-County-based program that serves all developmentally disabled children and adults. The organization has thirty different facilities in Dutchess County, which began with its original “Little Red Schoolhouse” in Poughkeepsie, and now goes from preschool to adult services. Since then, the emphasis in helping the developmentally disabled–who may be on the autism spectrum, have down syndrome , or suffer other forms of intellectual disability–has often been on “mainstreaming” students into regular classrooms, but Abilities First helps handle students not able to be integrated into ordinary schoolrooms. At the adult level, Abilities First provides help with ways to use community resources and currently aids sixty who have regular employment as well as those who are not able to work.","descriptionPreview":"Jeffery Fox, executive director of Abilities First, and Serene Morrero, director of development, describe this Dutchess-County-based program that serves all developmentally disabled children and adults. The organization has thirty different facilities in Dutchess County, which began with its original “Little Red Schoolhouse” in Poughkeepsie, and now goes from preschool to adult services. Since then, the emphasis in helping the developmentally disabled–who may be on the autism spectrum, have down syndrome , or suffer other forms of intellectual disability–has often been on “mainstreaming” students into regular classrooms, but Abilities First helps handle students not able to be integrated into ordinary schoolrooms. At the adult level, Abilities First provides help with ways to use community resources and currently aids sixty who have regular employment as well as those who are not able to work.","duration":1461342,"episodeId":"e1r0rj","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Abilities-First-Jan--24--2014--on-FM-on-Jan--26-e1r0rj","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Abilities-First-Jan--24--2014--on-FM-on-Jan--26-e1r0rj","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Abilities First (Jan. 24, 2014) & on FM on Jan. 26)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T19:15:37.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532027737,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T19:15:37.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T19:15:28.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532027728,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ee31db38-1c97-3cbc-762d-44af65c3cf31","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Elian Trumpetto, Executive Director of the Council on Addiction Prevention of Dutchess County, and Mike Hill director of the Drinking Driver Program at Dutchess Community College, discuss the program “Alive at 25,” which is sponsored by the National Safety Council. Alive at 25 is a 4-hour educational program aimed at 16- to 24-year-olds to heighten their awareness of the hazards of driving drunk, drugged, or distracted. New York State has rules for young drivers about who the other occupants of a car may be, since research has shown that other young people are a principle distraction.","descriptionPreview":"Elian Trumpetto, Executive Director of the Council on Addiction Prevention of Dutchess County, and Mike Hill director of the Drinking Driver Program at Dutchess Community College, discuss the program “Alive at 25,” which is sponsored by the National Safety Council. Alive at 25 is a 4-hour educational program aimed at 16- to 24-year-olds to heighten their awareness of the hazards of driving drunk, drugged, or distracted. New York State has rules for young drivers about who the other occupants of a car may be, since research has shown that other young people are a principle distraction.","duration":1659820,"episodeId":"e1r0re","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Alive-at-25-Aired-on-AM-on-Jan--17--2014-e1r0re","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Alive-at-25-Aired-on-AM-on-Jan--17--2014-e1r0re","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Alive at 25 (Aired on AM on Jan. 17, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T19:14:18.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532027658,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T19:14:19.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T19:14:09.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532027649,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"bf695f61-a555-c876-afd3-6833eeefe885","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Preventing relocation stress syndrome is a main goal of Moving Generations, a downsizing and moving supervision service for the elderly provided by Red Hook Rotarian Susan Goodman Goldstein, a social worker who grew up in a family moving business, and Dena Crane, a long-time family mediator specializing in senior decision making. Moving Generations serves the entire Hudson Valley and points beyond. Services include a free consultation for senior citizens who are downsizing from a large home into smaller quarters, help in setting up auctions for some furniture and sale of other items, handling donations of items where appropriate, and supervising the actual move, including unpacking and making sure everything is in place when the seniors arrive at their new home.","descriptionPreview":"Preventing relocation stress syndrome is a main goal of Moving Generations, a downsizing and moving supervision service for the elderly provided by Red Hook Rotarian Susan Goodman Goldstein, a social worker who grew up in a family moving business, and Dena Crane, a long-time family mediator specializing in senior decision making. Moving Generations serves the entire Hudson Valley and points beyond. Services include a free consultation for senior citizens who are downsizing from a large home into smaller quarters, help in setting up auctions for some furniture and sale of other items, handling donations of items where appropriate, and supervising the actual move, including unpacking and making sure everything is in place when the seniors arrive at their new home.","duration":1491173,"episodeId":"e1r0r6","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Moving-Generations-Jan--10--2014-e1r0r6","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Moving-Generations-Jan--10--2014-e1r0r6","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Moving Generations (Jan. 10, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T19:12:11.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532027531,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T19:12:11.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T19:12:02.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532027522,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"184f4614-9b04-5c19-872c-5e7157ab1b1d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Center of Compassion volunteers Julie Gregory, Executive Coordinator, and Karen Finnerty, Community Outreach Coordinator, discuss this complex of humanitarian activities that has been located in Dover Plains for the past eleven years. Founded by Sister Maureen of the Westchester’s Sisters of the Divine Compassion, The Center of Compassion runs a food bank, a weekly community lunch, a backpack program of food for school children, emergency meals for the home-bound, and a thrift store at 7 Market Street in Dover Plains. All the meals they provide are homemade by volunteers. The backpack program, one of their newer outreaches, provides about 50 to 80 children identified by the school system as in need with a Friday backpack filled with six well-balanced meals; the children return the empty backpack to the school on Monday. Mostly funded by local donors, The Center of Compassion also operated with a grant from the Regional Food Bank of the Hudson Valley.","descriptionPreview":"Center of Compassion volunteers Julie Gregory, Executive Coordinator, and Karen Finnerty, Community Outreach Coordinator, discuss this complex of humanitarian activities that has been located in Dover Plains for the past eleven years. Founded by Sister Maureen of the Westchester’s Sisters of the Divine Compassion, The Center of Compassion runs a food bank, a weekly community lunch, a backpack program of food for school children, emergency meals for the home-bound, and a thrift store at 7 Market Street in Dover Plains. All the meals they provide are homemade by volunteers. The backpack program, one of their newer outreaches, provides about 50 to 80 children identified by the school system as in need with a Friday backpack filled with six well-balanced meals; the children return the empty backpack to the school on Monday. Mostly funded by local donors, The Center of Compassion also operated with a grant from the Regional Food Bank of the Hudson Valley.","duration":1579493,"episodeId":"e1r0r3","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Center-of-Compassion-Jan--3--2014-e1r0r3","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Center-of-Compassion-Jan--3--2014-e1r0r3","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Center of Compassion (Jan. 3, 2014)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T19:10:37.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532027437,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T19:10:37.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T19:10:28.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532027428,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f5437fb4-179b-18ea-efdb-54fdcc2ccf5f","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Each year on Rotary UN Day, which celebrates the role Rotary had in founding the UN and their continuing relationship, RadioRotary conducts onsite interviews with Rotarians and others attending the event. In this program, the interviews included deal with water purification and desalination, developing a new generation of leaders around the world, the Rotary youth exchange program, and dealing with technological obsolescence. The final interview in the series is with Rotary International President for Rotary year 2013-14 Ron Burton, whose motto—“Engage Rotary, Change Lives”—sums up how Rotarians and the United Nations work together.","descriptionPreview":"Each year on Rotary UN Day, which celebrates the role Rotary had in founding the UN and their continuing relationship, RadioRotary conducts onsite interviews with Rotarians and others attending the event. In this program, the interviews included deal with water purification and desalination, developing a new generation of leaders around the world, the Rotary youth exchange program, and dealing with technological obsolescence. The final interview in the series is with Rotary International President for Rotary year 2013-14 Ron Burton, whose motto—“Engage Rotary, Change Lives”—sums up how Rotarians and the United Nations work together.","duration":1392692,"episodeId":"e1r0qs","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-UN-Day--Part-2-Dec--27--2013-e1r0qs","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-UN-Day--Part-2-Dec--27--2013-e1r0qs","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary UN Day- Part 2 (Dec. 27, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T19:08:28.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532027308,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T19:08:28.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T19:08:19.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532027299,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"9171d7c1-7be5-100d-2492-181f4c31b194","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In a program recorded live at the regular Red Hook Rotary meeting, insurance agents and Rotarians Carl and Bill Dowden discuss the Affordable Care Act (or ACA, sometimes called “Obamacare”), Cyber-Liability Insurance, and Long-Term Care Insurance. They explain how ACA relies on individual insurance companies instead of having a government-run single-payer plan, such as Medicare. While the ACA requires that insurers provide consumer protections and some benefits, its primary goal is to insure the currently uninsured, so people with satisfactory insurance now do not need to register. Cyber-Liability Insurance primarily protects companies and nonprofits from data breaches if their computer system is hacked or a device with private information is lost or stolen. The Dowden brothers also explain the differences between long-term care insurance and long-term disability insurance as well as the differences between homeowner’s insurance and flood insurance.","descriptionPreview":"In a program recorded live at the regular Red Hook Rotary meeting, insurance agents and Rotarians Carl and Bill Dowden discuss the Affordable Care Act (or ACA, sometimes called “Obamacare”), Cyber-Liability Insurance, and Long-Term Care Insurance. They explain how ACA relies on individual insurance companies instead of having a government-run single-payer plan, such as Medicare. While the ACA requires that insurers provide consumer protections and some benefits, its primary goal is to insure the currently uninsured, so people with satisfactory insurance now do not need to register. Cyber-Liability Insurance primarily protects companies and nonprofits from data breaches if their computer system is hacked or a device with private information is lost or stolen. The Dowden brothers also explain the differences between long-term care insurance and long-term disability insurance as well as the differences between homeowner’s insurance and flood insurance.","duration":1569959,"episodeId":"e1r0ql","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Current-Insurance-Issues-Dec--20--2013-e1r0ql","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Current-Insurance-Issues-Dec--20--2013-e1r0ql","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Current Insurance Issues (Dec. 20, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T19:07:10.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532027230,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T19:07:10.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T19:07:01.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532027221,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"0914f067-99db-bac7-6ab8-5824de8dc6f4","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotary Day at the United Nations celebrates the important role Rotary had in founding the UN and the continuing relationship. Each year on Rotary UN Day, RadioRotary hosts attend and record interviews with attendees. This year the interviews included Freddie Lee Kaplan discussing the Gift of Life, which is the second largest Rotary Foundation program (after PolioPlus). Gift of Life works to fix congenital heart disorders in children from all over the world. We hear about ShelterBox, an international effort allied with Rotary that brings shelter and necessities to people facing disasters, whether storms, earthquakes, floods, or other calamities. Todd Horvath discusses a program that brings free prosthetic hands that can grip objects and that resemble real hands; more than 16,000 have been helped with these hands. On a more local level, Jaina Diaz-Kelly and Michelle Eggink tell about how the Rotarian youth organization Interact has changed their lives .","descriptionPreview":"Rotary Day at the United Nations celebrates the important role Rotary had in founding the UN and the continuing relationship. Each year on Rotary UN Day, RadioRotary hosts attend and record interviews with attendees. This year the interviews included Freddie Lee Kaplan discussing the Gift of Life, which is the second largest Rotary Foundation program (after PolioPlus). Gift of Life works to fix congenital heart disorders in children from all over the world. We hear about ShelterBox, an international effort allied with Rotary that brings shelter and necessities to people facing disasters, whether storms, earthquakes, floods, or other calamities. Todd Horvath discusses a program that brings free prosthetic hands that can grip objects and that resemble real hands; more than 16,000 have been helped with these hands. On a more local level, Jaina Diaz-Kelly and Michelle Eggink tell about how the Rotarian youth organization Interact has changed their lives .","duration":1445511,"episodeId":"e1r0qi","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-UN-Day-2013-Aired-on-AM-on-Dec--13-2013-e1r0qi","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-UN-Day-2013-Aired-on-AM-on-Dec--13-2013-e1r0qi","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary UN Day 2013 (Aired on AM on Dec. 13,2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T19:05:34.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532027134,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T19:05:34.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T19:05:25.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532027125,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"774a42a7-95c4-4553-1a19-e77dd20e6c5a","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Norah Merritt (Executive Director of Educational Programs), Barbara Cesario (Coordinator of Related Services), and Leah Pollack (Administrator of the PEACCE program) about the scope of BOCES and its special services. BOCES supplies “solutions, services, and savings” for K-12 students and beyond through three main centers in Poughkeepsie as well as itinerant teachers who work as visitors in all of the County’s school districts. Although many local residents think primarily of BOCES Career and Technical Institute or the Adult Learning Institute, this program focuses mainly on programs for the deaf and hearing impaired and for the autism spectrum disorder, especially the PEACCE (Providing an Education for Autistic and Communication-Impaired Children Effectively) program.","descriptionPreview":"Norah Merritt (Executive Director of Educational Programs), Barbara Cesario (Coordinator of Related Services), and Leah Pollack (Administrator of the PEACCE program) about the scope of BOCES and its special services. BOCES supplies “solutions, services, and savings” for K-12 students and beyond through three main centers in Poughkeepsie as well as itinerant teachers who work as visitors in all of the County’s school districts. Although many local residents think primarily of BOCES Career and Technical Institute or the Adult Learning Institute, this program focuses mainly on programs for the deaf and hearing impaired and for the autism spectrum disorder, especially the PEACCE (Providing an Education for Autistic and Communication-Impaired Children Effectively) program.","duration":1686987,"episodeId":"e1r0qg","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-Country-BOCES-Dec--6--2013-e1r0qg","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Dutchess-Country-BOCES-Dec--6--2013-e1r0qg","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Dutchess Country BOCES (Dec. 6, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T19:02:49.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532026969,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T19:02:49.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T19:02:39.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532026959,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a4f087e6-2e8a-b655-dab3-56185db6f400","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"This is the last edition in a series of seven inspiring broadcasts taped at Rotary International’s 2013 Lisbon Convention, where in June thousands of Rotarians from around the world convened to discuss their humanitarian work. In each of the seven broadcasts, Jonah Triebwasser, co-host of RadioRotary, interviewed humanitarian leaders whose organizations save lives through various forms of medical and nutritional support. In this last broadcast from Lisbon, interviews include representatives from Walking for Water, Anti-Prostitution, Rotary Rhinos, and the Jaipur Limb Project (inexpensive artificial legs, developed at the Mahaveer hospital in Jaipur, India, especially providing help for those suffering amputations resulting from our turbulent world). The bonus in this last broadcast is the interview with Rotary International’s 2013-14 President, Ron Burton, whose motto for this Rotary year is: Engage Rotary. Change Lives.","descriptionPreview":"This is the last edition in a series of seven inspiring broadcasts taped at Rotary International’s 2013 Lisbon Convention, where in June thousands of Rotarians from around the world convened to discuss their humanitarian work. In each of the seven broadcasts, Jonah Triebwasser, co-host of RadioRotary, interviewed humanitarian leaders whose organizations save lives through various forms of medical and nutritional support. In this last broadcast from Lisbon, interviews include representatives from Walking for Water, Anti-Prostitution, Rotary Rhinos, and the Jaipur Limb Project (inexpensive artificial legs, developed at the Mahaveer hospital in Jaipur, India, especially providing help for those suffering amputations resulting from our turbulent world). The bonus in this last broadcast is the interview with Rotary International’s 2013-14 President, Ron Burton, whose motto for this Rotary year is: Engage Rotary. Change Lives.","duration":1396480,"episodeId":"e1r0q5","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Part-VII-Lisbon-2013-Nov--29--2013-e1r0q5","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Part-VII-Lisbon-2013-Nov--29--2013-e1r0q5","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Convention Part VII: Lisbon 2013 (Nov. 29, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T18:55:05.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532026505,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T18:55:06.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T18:54:56.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532026496,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"86037b64-f380-78f4-ecc9-c77d310914ff","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"While hunting, Ronald Jeffrey Callahan fell from a tree-stand and became a quadriplegic with paralysis from the neck down. Widely known in the Hudson Valley as an avid outdoorsman before and after his injury, today Mr. Callahan is an advocate for personal safety in the outdoors, teaching the next generation of hunters about the fundamentals that will keep them safe. In addition, he is a motivational speaker at events, inspiring those who suffer traumatic injuries. For those with such injuries, he stresses the need for various kinds of support from family and friends and the need for quality care that depends heavily on government services, which are dwindling in this economic environment. He has brought Outdoorsmen Helping Others (OHO) to the Hudson Valley; OHO is a nonprofit organization based on the principle that anyone, regardless of physical capability, should have the opportunity to enjoy the outdoor. ","descriptionPreview":"While hunting, Ronald Jeffrey Callahan fell from a tree-stand and became a quadriplegic with paralysis from the neck down. Widely known in the Hudson Valley as an avid outdoorsman before and after his injury, today Mr. Callahan is an advocate for personal safety in the outdoors, teaching the next generation of hunters about the fundamentals that will keep them safe. In addition, he is a motivational speaker at events, inspiring those who suffer traumatic injuries. For those with such injuries, he stresses the need for various kinds of support from family and friends and the need for quality care that depends heavily on government services, which are dwindling in this economic environment. He has brought Outdoorsmen Helping Others (OHO) to the Hudson Valley; OHO is a nonprofit organization based on the principle that anyone, regardless of physical capability, should have the opportunity to enjoy the outdoor. ","duration":1598720,"episodeId":"e1r0p5","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Outdoorsmen-Helping-Others-Aired-on-AM-on-Nov--22--on-FM-on-Nov--24-e1r0p5","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Outdoorsmen-Helping-Others-Aired-on-AM-on-Nov--22--on-FM-on-Nov--24-e1r0p5","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Outdoorsmen Helping Others (Aired on AM on Nov. 22 & on FM on Nov. 24)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T18:52:36.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532026356,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T18:52:36.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T18:52:27.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532026347,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"971cfd7e-ae80-29d9-940e-93ae4ffae680","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Additional brief updates about the work of many humanitarian organizations with Rotary connections around the world, including Crutches 4 Africa, Hydrotherapy, Project Peanut Butter addressing malnutrition, and more. This program also includes an interview with several Rotary district governors.","descriptionPreview":"Additional brief updates about the work of many humanitarian organizations with Rotary connections around the world, including Crutches 4 Africa, Hydrotherapy, Project Peanut Butter addressing malnutrition, and more. This program also includes an interview with several Rotary district governors.","duration":1520143,"episodeId":"e1r0oq","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Part-VI-Lisbon-2013-Nov--15--2013-e1r0oq","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Part-VI-Lisbon-2013-Nov--15--2013-e1r0oq","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Convention Part VI Lisbon 2013 (Nov. 15, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T18:51:02.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532026262,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T18:51:02.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T18:50:52.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532026252,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"58361d42-faee-984a-bfc0-5df759a2f58d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Millbrook Rotarian Ellie Savoy, who has studied nutrition for decades, discusses the importance of eating healthy today as a way to avoid ill health tomorrow. Using many powerful comparisons, such as making eating healthy “an investment” in the future, Ms. Savoy explains the chemicalized production of much food today and describes ways to eat and enjoy healthy foods in today’s food environment. She offers many tips to do this and provides several websites identifying local farms and health-oriented restaurants in the Hudson Valley. It’s easier (and less expensive) than you think to make your health a priority.","descriptionPreview":"Millbrook Rotarian Ellie Savoy, who has studied nutrition for decades, discusses the importance of eating healthy today as a way to avoid ill health tomorrow. Using many powerful comparisons, such as making eating healthy “an investment” in the future, Ms. Savoy explains the chemicalized production of much food today and describes ways to eat and enjoy healthy foods in today’s food environment. She offers many tips to do this and provides several websites identifying local farms and health-oriented restaurants in the Hudson Valley. It’s easier (and less expensive) than you think to make your health a priority.","duration":1581374,"episodeId":"e1r0om","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Making-Your-Health-a-Priority-Nov--8--2013-e1r0om","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Making-Your-Health-a-Priority-Nov--8--2013-e1r0om","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Making Your Health a Priority Nov. 8, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T18:48:24.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532026104,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T18:48:25.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T18:48:15.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532026095,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"28b32bfc-b85d-c0ce-b29a-84eade9e6475","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Founded in 1947 by the Ross family when Dr. Barney Ross bought a farm called Green Chimneys, the Green Chimneys School today has become widely recognized as a superior residential and day center providing high-level treatment for children ages 5–18 with special needs. The school’s goal is to keep children out of psychiatric hospitals and to help them lead healthy, productive lives. Using 400 animals–including camels!–as part of the therapy, children learn new paths to avoid problematic behavior. The Green Chimneys’ Paul C. Kupchok Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, featuring birds of prey, is a well known Hudson Valley tourist attraction, and the center, open to the public on weekends from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., receives about 20,000 visitors a year. You won’t want to miss this interview with Executive Director Joseph Whalen (Lions) and Clinical Psychologist Dr. Martin Vigdor (Rotary, Assistant Governor).","descriptionPreview":"Founded in 1947 by the Ross family when Dr. Barney Ross bought a farm called Green Chimneys, the Green Chimneys School today has become widely recognized as a superior residential and day center providing high-level treatment for children ages 5–18 with special needs. The school’s goal is to keep children out of psychiatric hospitals and to help them lead healthy, productive lives. Using 400 animals–including camels!–as part of the therapy, children learn new paths to avoid problematic behavior. The Green Chimneys’ Paul C. Kupchok Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, featuring birds of prey, is a well known Hudson Valley tourist attraction, and the center, open to the public on weekends from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., receives about 20,000 visitors a year. You won’t want to miss this interview with Executive Director Joseph Whalen (Lions) and Clinical Psychologist Dr. Martin Vigdor (Rotary, Assistant Governor).","duration":1619278,"episodeId":"e1r0o5","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Green-Chimneys-Aired-on-AM-on-Nov--1--on-FM-on-Nov--3-e1r0o5","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Green-Chimneys-Aired-on-AM-on-Nov--1--on-FM-on-Nov--3-e1r0o5","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Green Chimneys (Aired on AM on Nov. 1 & on FM on Nov. 3)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T18:40:52.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532025652,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T18:40:53.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T18:40:43.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532025643,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"e9659ecf-6086-5e7a-3e99-dfd3c4a24e7f","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"More brief updates about the work of many humanitarian organizations around the world and their efforts addressing population and development, child slavery, literacy, Alliance of Smiles (medical missions that save lives through cleft lip and palate surgery), and Wheelchairs for Africa (a Rotary and Lions partnership).","descriptionPreview":"More brief updates about the work of many humanitarian organizations around the world and their efforts addressing population and development, child slavery, literacy, Alliance of Smiles (medical missions that save lives through cleft lip and palate surgery), and Wheelchairs for Africa (a Rotary and Lions partnership).","duration":1473645,"episodeId":"e1r0n9","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-convention-Part-V-Lisbon-2013-Oct--25--2013-e1r0n9","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-convention-Part-V-Lisbon-2013-Oct--25--2013-e1r0n9","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary convention Part V Lisbon 2013 (Oct. 25, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T18:38:57.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532025537,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T18:38:58.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T18:38:48.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532025528,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"7da99cdb-5a37-71c7-7bee-c2066354a06f","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Under the leadership of Vonnie Hubbard, President of Abraham’s Table, an “army” of volunteers provided 23,000 nutritious lunches and 8,000 breakfasts for the children of Newburgh, NY, during the summer of 2013 after school closedt This totals about 1,000 lunches a day distributed throughout the city at public sites such as recreational facilities and pools. Volunteers come from service organizations and faith based community congregations. Tom Woodhull, a Newburgh School District Board member and the organization’s treasurer, became a volunteer after hearing Ms. Hubbard speak at his New Windsor-Cornwall Rotary club three years ago. Since then, the nonprofit organization has grown from 11,000 lunches at only 7 sites to today’s totals.","descriptionPreview":"Under the leadership of Vonnie Hubbard, President of Abraham’s Table, an “army” of volunteers provided 23,000 nutritious lunches and 8,000 breakfasts for the children of Newburgh, NY, during the summer of 2013 after school closedt This totals about 1,000 lunches a day distributed throughout the city at public sites such as recreational facilities and pools. Volunteers come from service organizations and faith based community congregations. Tom Woodhull, a Newburgh School District Board member and the organization’s treasurer, became a volunteer after hearing Ms. Hubbard speak at his New Windsor-Cornwall Rotary club three years ago. Since then, the nonprofit organization has grown from 11,000 lunches at only 7 sites to today’s totals.","duration":1572440,"episodeId":"e1r0mt","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Abrahams-Table-Oct--18--2013-e1r0mt","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Abrahams-Table-Oct--18--2013-e1r0mt","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Abraham’s Table (Oct. 18, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T18:36:53.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532025413,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T18:36:53.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T18:36:44.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532025404,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f4a34289-5d35-6967-048a-9d1df3896bb9","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"John Moon, NEADS’ Director of Programs and Communications , describes the organization’s efforts to improve the lives of the hearing impaired and the disabled with service dogs. Started in 1974, NEADS provides specialized training depending on a recipient’s circumstances, such as for hurricane alerts in some parts of the U.S. Service dogs are trained to assist wounded veterans, those with spinal cord injuries, autistic children, and more. Pups begin training at 8 weeks and are selected for temperament as well as intelligence. Inmates from several correctional facilities in the northeast volunteer to train NEADS service dogs, and over the years NEADS’ specialists have matched dogs and owners with 99% success. Vests labeled “service assist dog” are placed on service dogs, giving them the legal right to enter public buildings and vehicles where other dogs (such as therapy dogs or comfort dogs) are not permitted.","descriptionPreview":"John Moon, NEADS’ Director of Programs and Communications , describes the organization’s efforts to improve the lives of the hearing impaired and the disabled with service dogs. Started in 1974, NEADS provides specialized training depending on a recipient’s circumstances, such as for hurricane alerts in some parts of the U.S. Service dogs are trained to assist wounded veterans, those with spinal cord injuries, autistic children, and more. Pups begin training at 8 weeks and are selected for temperament as well as intelligence. Inmates from several correctional facilities in the northeast volunteer to train NEADS service dogs, and over the years NEADS’ specialists have matched dogs and owners with 99% success. Vests labeled “service assist dog” are placed on service dogs, giving them the legal right to enter public buildings and vehicles where other dogs (such as therapy dogs or comfort dogs) are not permitted.","duration":1614837,"episodeId":"e1r0mn","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Dogs-for-Deaf-and-Disabled-Americans-Oct--11--2013-e1r0mn","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Dogs-for-Deaf-and-Disabled-Americans-Oct--11--2013-e1r0mn","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans (Oct. 11, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T18:35:29.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532025329,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T18:35:30.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T18:35:20.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532025320,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"85c366e6-5a56-8461-8d99-423cb9e726a9","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"More brief updates about the work of many humanitarian organizations around the world, including their efforts related to International Youth Exchange for developing global friendships, Incubators for Africa, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), ShelterBox, the Hiroshima Peace Project, and Human Rights.","descriptionPreview":"More brief updates about the work of many humanitarian organizations around the world, including their efforts related to International Youth Exchange for developing global friendships, Incubators for Africa, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), ShelterBox, the Hiroshima Peace Project, and Human Rights.","duration":1414400,"episodeId":"e1r0mf","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Part-IV-Lisbon-2013-Oct--4--2013-e1r0mf","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Part-IV-Lisbon-2013-Oct--4--2013-e1r0mf","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Convention Part IV Lisbon 2013 (Oct. 4, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T18:33:17.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532025197,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T18:33:17.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T18:33:08.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532025188,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"3c76eb3a-575e-ce69-9fbf-204c6e08c3d5","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The nonprofit XP Society provides families with support and information needed to help their children suffering from Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP) or other life-threatening sun-sensitivity disorders. XP easily causes skin and eye cancers so families must be very careful about lighting. Caren Mahar, Executive Director and Co-founder with husband Dan of the Society, describes the special accommodations needed, including tinted windows and dimmed incandescent lighting, because even sunlight hitting a white wall can cause severe third-degree burns. Ms. Mahar, whose daughter suffers from this disease, explains how families struggle, under great hardship, to provide their children with normal lives: to go to school, travel, shop, and meet friends like themselves. ","descriptionPreview":"The nonprofit XP Society provides families with support and information needed to help their children suffering from Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP) or other life-threatening sun-sensitivity disorders. XP easily causes skin and eye cancers so families must be very careful about lighting. Caren Mahar, Executive Director and Co-founder with husband Dan of the Society, describes the special accommodations needed, including tinted windows and dimmed incandescent lighting, because even sunlight hitting a white wall can cause severe third-degree burns. Ms. Mahar, whose daughter suffers from this disease, explains how families struggle, under great hardship, to provide their children with normal lives: to go to school, travel, shop, and meet friends like themselves. ","duration":1576437,"episodeId":"e1r0jt","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Camp-Sundown-for-XP-Families-Aired-on-AM-on-Sept--27--on-FM-on-Sept--29--2013-e1r0jt","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Camp-Sundown-for-XP-Families-Aired-on-AM-on-Sept--27--on-FM-on-Sept--29--2013-e1r0jt","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Camp Sundown for XP Families (Aired on AM on Sept. 27 & on FM on Sept. 29, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T18:31:55.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532025115,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T18:31:55.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T18:31:46.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532025106,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"6ffb6456-dd29-2132-008f-04f8083976d5","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"More brief updates about the work of many humanitarian organizations around the world and their efforts related to defeating Malaria, providing clean water, sharing value of Youth Exchange, encouraging support for blood banks, describing how Solar Ovens improve lives, and emphasizing the importance of Rotary Peace Fellows.","descriptionPreview":"More brief updates about the work of many humanitarian organizations around the world and their efforts related to defeating Malaria, providing clean water, sharing value of Youth Exchange, encouraging support for blood banks, describing how Solar Ovens improve lives, and emphasizing the importance of Rotary Peace Fellows.","duration":1597231,"episodeId":"e1r0jp","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Part-III-Lisbon-2013-on-Sept--20--2013-e1r0jp","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Part-III-Lisbon-2013-on-Sept--20--2013-e1r0jp","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Convention Part III Lisbon 2013 (on Sept. 20, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T18:30:32.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532025032,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T18:30:32.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T18:30:22.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532025022,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ae0aa57a-ef34-0fa7-460b-147186d78d70","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The New York State Broadcasters Association presented its 2013 Award of Excellence in Broadcasting in the category of Public Affairs Program/Series to RadioRotary for “Puppies behind Bars.” RadioRotary also won in this category in 2012.\n\nCarl Rotans, Senior Instructor of Puppies behind Bars, teaches inmates to train service dogs. These unique dogs greatly assist the disabled, especially veterans, in a multitude of ways: taking dishes from the table, dialing 911 if necessary, turning lights on or off. The dogs are trained to respond to more than 90 commands. In this heavily monitored program, inmates are prescreened, go through a long and intensive selective process, and if selected, live day and night with their 8-week-old puppy as it grows and learns for the next two years.","descriptionPreview":"The New York State Broadcasters Association presented its 2013 Award of Excellence in Broadcasting in the category of Public Affairs Program/Series to RadioRotary for “Puppies behind Bars.” RadioRotary also won in this category in 2012.\n\nCarl Rotans, Senior Instructor of Puppies behind Bars, teaches inmates to train service dogs. These unique dogs greatly assist the disabled, especially veterans, in a multitude of ways: taking dishes from the table, dialing 911 if necessary, turning lights on or off. The dogs are trained to respond to more than 90 commands. In this heavily monitored program, inmates are prescreened, go through a long and intensive selective process, and if selected, live day and night with their 8-week-old puppy as it grows and learns for the next two years.","duration":1631242,"episodeId":"e1r0ji","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Our-2013-Award-winning-Puppies-behind-Bars-Aired-on-AM-on-Sept--13--on-FM-on-Sept--15--2013-e1r0ji","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Our-2013-Award-winning-Puppies-behind-Bars-Aired-on-AM-on-Sept--13--on-FM-on-Sept--15--2013-e1r0ji","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Our 2013 Award-winning “Puppies behind Bars” (Aired on AM on Sept. 13 & on FM on Sept. 15, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T18:29:09.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532024949,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T18:29:10.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T18:29:01.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532024941,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"1519f866-1976-fe4f-5a40-b63a06a39635","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rhinebeck Interact, a Rotary-sponsored high-school service organization, provides hands-on support in Nicaragua, building classrooms in that Central American nation during Rhinebeck school breaks. Two New York Rhinebeck High School students in Interact, Addie Crenshaw and Emily McGettrick, epitomize our next generation of humanitarians as they discuss how, working in the co-operation with a Nicaragua Rotary Club, they use “rebar” to reinforce structures, implement water systems, lay bricks, mix cement for a foundation, and do much, much more. On their trip south to Nicaragua, they fill their baggage with shoes (shoes are a requirement to attend school in Nicaragua. Rhinebeck Interact also supports several projects in the Hudson Valley, such as local soup kitchens, and they implement various fundraising activities for these projects.","descriptionPreview":"Rhinebeck Interact, a Rotary-sponsored high-school service organization, provides hands-on support in Nicaragua, building classrooms in that Central American nation during Rhinebeck school breaks. Two New York Rhinebeck High School students in Interact, Addie Crenshaw and Emily McGettrick, epitomize our next generation of humanitarians as they discuss how, working in the co-operation with a Nicaragua Rotary Club, they use “rebar” to reinforce structures, implement water systems, lay bricks, mix cement for a foundation, and do much, much more. On their trip south to Nicaragua, they fill their baggage with shoes (shoes are a requirement to attend school in Nicaragua. Rhinebeck Interact also supports several projects in the Hudson Valley, such as local soup kitchens, and they implement various fundraising activities for these projects.","duration":1511000,"episodeId":"e1r0jc","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Planting-the-Seeds-of-Service-Sept--6--2013-e1r0jc","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Planting-the-Seeds-of-Service-Sept--6--2013-e1r0jc","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Planting the Seeds of Service (Sept. 6, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T18:25:22.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532024722,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T18:25:23.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T18:25:13.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532024713,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"3a175c00-f679-8d87-f8b7-f41772ffc8be","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"More brief updates about the work of humanitarian organizations around the world: Prevention of Child Abuse, Stop Hunger Now, Interact (Rotary supported high school service organization), Maternal Mortality, Rotary Leadership Institute, and Rotary Family Health Days.","descriptionPreview":"More brief updates about the work of humanitarian organizations around the world: Prevention of Child Abuse, Stop Hunger Now, Interact (Rotary supported high school service organization), Maternal Mortality, Rotary Leadership Institute, and Rotary Family Health Days.","duration":1397472,"episodeId":"e1r0j0","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-COnvention-II-Lisbon-2013-Aug--30--2013-e1r0j0","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-COnvention-II-Lisbon-2013-Aug--30--2013-e1r0j0","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary COnvention II: Lisbon 2013 (Aug. 30, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T18:22:57.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532024577,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T18:22:57.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T18:22:48.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532024568,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"1e0acd17-6db8-c703-d69a-7e7ebe7eb7c5","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Latest episode of RadioRotary","descriptionPreview":"Latest episode of RadioRotary","duration":1427095,"episodeId":"e1r0hq","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Reaching-Potential-Despite-Hearing-Loss-Aug--23--2013-e1r0hq","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Reaching-Potential-Despite-Hearing-Loss-Aug--23--2013-e1r0hq","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Reaching Potential Despite Hearing Loss (Aug. 23, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T18:21:15.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532024475,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T18:21:16.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T18:21:06.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532024466,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f0ba8117-f1e4-ec1a-ad01-a17dcc24d1b7","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Andy Imperati, General Manager of the Dutchess County Fair, and Red Hook Rotary President and Fair Volunteer Niki Weaver talk about the fun events, new ones and those back-by-popular demand, at this year’s 168th Dutchess County Fair. Besides sharing fascinating statistics about various elements of the Fair, Mr. Imperati discusses volunteer positions and the details involved in organizing this huge yearly event, which has become an international attraction. Ms. Weaver also describes Red Hook Rotary’s humanitarian contributions locally and worldwide.","descriptionPreview":"Andy Imperati, General Manager of the Dutchess County Fair, and Red Hook Rotary President and Fair Volunteer Niki Weaver talk about the fun events, new ones and those back-by-popular demand, at this year’s 168th Dutchess County Fair. Besides sharing fascinating statistics about various elements of the Fair, Mr. Imperati discusses volunteer positions and the details involved in organizing this huge yearly event, which has become an international attraction. Ms. Weaver also describes Red Hook Rotary’s humanitarian contributions locally and worldwide.","duration":1560111,"episodeId":"e1r0hg","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/World-Famous-Dutchess-County-Fair-August-16--2013-e1r0hg","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/World-Famous-Dutchess-County-Fair-August-16--2013-e1r0hg","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"World Famous Dutchess County Fair (August 16, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T18:19:52.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532024392,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T18:19:53.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T18:19:44.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532024384,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"c35bc311-e442-d9a3-2207-26de8091ae98","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Two members of the Highland Rotary Club describe the enormous success of their club’s now-famous Hudson Valley RibFest. Steve Laubach, District 7210 Secretary, and Don Verity, Station Manager for radio stations in the Hudson Valley, discuss the exhibits, cooking demonstrations by professional chefs, a sanctioned Barbecue Contest where winners advance to National Finals in Kansas City, and more–all of which attract 15,000 visitors of all ages from the Hudson Valley and around the world and benefit numerous humanitarian efforts here and abroad. New this year: a kickoff concert before the start of the Ribfest and a sightseer train around the Fairgrounds to view it all.","descriptionPreview":"Two members of the Highland Rotary Club describe the enormous success of their club’s now-famous Hudson Valley RibFest. Steve Laubach, District 7210 Secretary, and Don Verity, Station Manager for radio stations in the Hudson Valley, discuss the exhibits, cooking demonstrations by professional chefs, a sanctioned Barbecue Contest where winners advance to National Finals in Kansas City, and more–all of which attract 15,000 visitors of all ages from the Hudson Valley and around the world and benefit numerous humanitarian efforts here and abroad. New this year: a kickoff concert before the start of the Ribfest and a sightseer train around the Fairgrounds to view it all.","duration":1476519,"episodeId":"e1r0h9","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Famous-Hudson-Valley-RibFest-Aired-on-AM-on-August-9--on-FM-on-August-11--2013-e1r0h9","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Famous-Hudson-Valley-RibFest-Aired-on-AM-on-August-9--on-FM-on-August-11--2013-e1r0h9","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Famous Hudson Valley RibFest (Aired on AM on August 9 & on FM on August 11, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T18:18:23.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532024303,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T18:18:23.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T18:18:14.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532024294,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"94866294-349f-2e16-759d-d15e94a5f7f8","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In this highly informative interview, Karen Preuss, Marketing Director of Hawthorne Valley Farm in central Columbia County, NY, describes the Farm’s commitment to organic farming practices based on the Rudolf Steiner philosophy about effective agriculture to sustain the earth. Throughout the year, the Farm invites children to participate in experiential learning (i.e., milking cows) so that they learn about nature and witness a working farm based on recycling. Ms. Preuss discusses topics such as raw milk, pasteurized versus non-pasteurized milk, sauerkraut’s benefits, the definition of “organic,” and how the consumer can identify products that are certified “organic.” The Farm offers various classes for all ages, including a class on cheese-making. The Farm’s store, open to the public, is interesting in itself, especially the produce department.","descriptionPreview":"In this highly informative interview, Karen Preuss, Marketing Director of Hawthorne Valley Farm in central Columbia County, NY, describes the Farm’s commitment to organic farming practices based on the Rudolf Steiner philosophy about effective agriculture to sustain the earth. Throughout the year, the Farm invites children to participate in experiential learning (i.e., milking cows) so that they learn about nature and witness a working farm based on recycling. Ms. Preuss discusses topics such as raw milk, pasteurized versus non-pasteurized milk, sauerkraut’s benefits, the definition of “organic,” and how the consumer can identify products that are certified “organic.” The Farm offers various classes for all ages, including a class on cheese-making. The Farm’s store, open to the public, is interesting in itself, especially the produce department.","duration":1542243,"episodeId":"e1r0h3","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Organic-Farming-August-2--2013-e1r0h3","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Organic-Farming-August-2--2013-e1r0h3","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Organic Farming (August 2, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T18:07:33.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532023653,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T18:07:33.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T18:07:24.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532023644,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"1db5e1f9-eb87-b062-df0c-b7409a778565","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Fascinating set of short interviews recorded at the 2013 Rotary International Convention in Lisbon, Portugal. Humanitarians from around the world discuss topics that address global issues: medical concerns including Alzheimer’s disease, polio eradication, better vision services; literacy needs; and problems facing the environment. Especially interesting is a fabulous interview with anthropologist and U.N. Messenger for Peace, Dame Jane Goodall.","descriptionPreview":"Fascinating set of short interviews recorded at the 2013 Rotary International Convention in Lisbon, Portugal. Humanitarians from around the world discuss topics that address global issues: medical concerns including Alzheimer’s disease, polio eradication, better vision services; literacy needs; and problems facing the environment. Especially interesting is a fabulous interview with anthropologist and U.N. Messenger for Peace, Dame Jane Goodall.","duration":1422654,"episodeId":"e1r0fu","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Humanitarians-Around-the-World-Lisbon-2013-July-26--2013-e1r0fu","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Humanitarians-Around-the-World-Lisbon-2013-July-26--2013-e1r0fu","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Humanitarians Around the World: Lisbon 2013 (July 26, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T18:05:22.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532023522,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T18:05:22.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T18:05:12.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532023512,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"4a8ca531-d40d-2fcc-5d6a-781e2a4effec","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotary eClub 7210’s Past President Ana Johnsen and current President Richard Wilson discuss the need for eClubs, a nontraditional approach to encourage membership in service organizations such as Rotary that may be losing members due to rigid attendance requirements. Maintaining membership is vital for the survival of service organizations, but recruitment is often difficult because work and family obligations as well as health issues may prevent people from attending ordinary meetings. To address this problem, Rotary created eClubs. These require members to provide humanitarian service of their choice and to pay basic dues, but do not require attendance at meetings. Chartered in 2012, Rotary eClub 7210 includes members from several countries (including Sweden, Nigeria, India, and Turkey) and U.S. states. Members communicate mainly through email, considering that time zones make it difficult to meet any other way.","descriptionPreview":"Rotary eClub 7210’s Past President Ana Johnsen and current President Richard Wilson discuss the need for eClubs, a nontraditional approach to encourage membership in service organizations such as Rotary that may be losing members due to rigid attendance requirements. Maintaining membership is vital for the survival of service organizations, but recruitment is often difficult because work and family obligations as well as health issues may prevent people from attending ordinary meetings. To address this problem, Rotary created eClubs. These require members to provide humanitarian service of their choice and to pay basic dues, but do not require attendance at meetings. Chartered in 2012, Rotary eClub 7210 includes members from several countries (including Sweden, Nigeria, India, and Turkey) and U.S. states. Members communicate mainly through email, considering that time zones make it difficult to meet any other way.","duration":1432816,"episodeId":"e1r0fp","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/21st-Century-Rotary-and-the-eClub-concept-July-19--2013-e1r0fp","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/21st-Century-Rotary-and-the-eClub-concept-July-19--2013-e1r0fp","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"21st Century Rotary and the eClub concept (July 19, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T17:32:31.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532021551,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T17:32:31.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T17:32:22.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532021542,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b3704473-6fe5-9f06-d07e-235898025392","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Marion Licchiello, author of Anyone Can! Live a Happier Life, describes one of the major elements needed to live a happier life: changing thoughts from the negative to the positive. Ms. Licchiello once spent nine months in bed as a result of a severe case of Lyme disease, during which time she learned that thinking positively led her to happiness. Using additional examples, including more from her own life, the author points out that people’s stories vary considerably in how they turned their life around through their thought-changing process that can ultimately make the world a better place.","descriptionPreview":"Marion Licchiello, author of Anyone Can! Live a Happier Life, describes one of the major elements needed to live a happier life: changing thoughts from the negative to the positive. Ms. Licchiello once spent nine months in bed as a result of a severe case of Lyme disease, during which time she learned that thinking positively led her to happiness. Using additional examples, including more from her own life, the author points out that people’s stories vary considerably in how they turned their life around through their thought-changing process that can ultimately make the world a better place.","duration":1372499,"episodeId":"e1r0d5","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Living-a-Happier-Life-July-12--2013-e1r0d5","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Living-a-Happier-Life-July-12--2013-e1r0d5","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Living a Happier Life (July 12, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T17:30:24.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532021424,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T17:30:24.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T17:30:15.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532021415,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a1ebd5ad-76ab-9f15-ab87-5b3d4730ff1f","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"awling Rotary President, Patty Moore, who is the Executive Director of the Pauling Resource Center, discusses the various forms of support that the Center provides for the community: transportation to medical appointments, a food pantry, an extensive medical loan supply with equipment such as hospital beds, information and referrals to other agencies that can provide what the Center cannot, as well as occasional services such as gift baskets at holidays. An important part of the interview discusses the surprising number of people in all communities, even those that seem well off, who are in various stages of need in today’s difficult economic environment. Ms. Moore tells many heartfelt stories about how the Center’s more than 75 volunteers have helped folks in need over the years.","descriptionPreview":"awling Rotary President, Patty Moore, who is the Executive Director of the Pauling Resource Center, discusses the various forms of support that the Center provides for the community: transportation to medical appointments, a food pantry, an extensive medical loan supply with equipment such as hospital beds, information and referrals to other agencies that can provide what the Center cannot, as well as occasional services such as gift baskets at holidays. An important part of the interview discusses the surprising number of people in all communities, even those that seem well off, who are in various stages of need in today’s difficult economic environment. Ms. Moore tells many heartfelt stories about how the Center’s more than 75 volunteers have helped folks in need over the years.","duration":1384751,"episodeId":"e1r0ct","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Pawling-Resource-Center-July-5--2013-e1r0ct","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Pawling-Resource-Center-July-5--2013-e1r0ct","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Pawling Resource Center (July 5, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T17:25:17.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532021117,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T17:25:17.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T17:25:07.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532021107,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"5bb58e94-d1a7-d65e-22c4-b968de5e442f","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"New City Rotarian and Appalachian Trail expert Larry Luxenberg has enjoyed educating people about the joys of outdoor adventure for over 30 years. Author of Walking the Appalachian Trail, called the “classic of the genre,” and featured in the May 2013 edition of The Rotarian magazine, Mr. Luxenberg has also established and is CEO of the Appalachian Trail Museum in Pennsylvania, with over 20,000 visitors since 2010. Working many years to protect the environment around the trail from pollution, pipelines, and other environmental hazards, Mr. Luxenberg is an example of a Rotarian who has used his own skills and volunteer efforts to make the world a better place. Here he shares interesting stories and such fascinating statistics as the length of the trail is over 2,000 miles.","descriptionPreview":"New City Rotarian and Appalachian Trail expert Larry Luxenberg has enjoyed educating people about the joys of outdoor adventure for over 30 years. Author of Walking the Appalachian Trail, called the “classic of the genre,” and featured in the May 2013 edition of The Rotarian magazine, Mr. Luxenberg has also established and is CEO of the Appalachian Trail Museum in Pennsylvania, with over 20,000 visitors since 2010. Working many years to protect the environment around the trail from pollution, pipelines, and other environmental hazards, Mr. Luxenberg is an example of a Rotarian who has used his own skills and volunteer efforts to make the world a better place. Here he shares interesting stories and such fascinating statistics as the length of the trail is over 2,000 miles.","duration":1401704,"episodeId":"e1r0c1","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Appalachian-Trail-and-Trail-Museum-June-28--2013-e1r0c1","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Appalachian-Trail-and-Trail-Museum-June-28--2013-e1r0c1","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Appalachian Trail and Trail Museum (June 28, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T17:22:10.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532020930,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T17:22:10.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T17:22:01.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532020921,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"01ee71fd-3b1f-cf4f-6dbb-3f064ddf9dc1","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"A ShelterBox Ambassador was interviewed “live” at a meeting of the Red Hook Rotary at the Bread and Bottle Restaurant in Red Hook. ShelterBox is a program that provides disaster relief in the form of a specially designed tent that can hold an entire family and also the tools, food, cookware, and water filtration needed to support that family for up to half a year. Before deploying the ShelterBoxes, which resemble trunk-sized Tupperware boxes, a highly trained team of SRT’s (Shelterbox Relief Team members) performs reconnaissance of the disaster and its needs.","descriptionPreview":"A ShelterBox Ambassador was interviewed “live” at a meeting of the Red Hook Rotary at the Bread and Bottle Restaurant in Red Hook. ShelterBox is a program that provides disaster relief in the form of a specially designed tent that can hold an entire family and also the tools, food, cookware, and water filtration needed to support that family for up to half a year. Before deploying the ShelterBoxes, which resemble trunk-sized Tupperware boxes, a highly trained team of SRT’s (Shelterbox Relief Team members) performs reconnaissance of the disaster and its needs.","duration":1432920,"episodeId":"e1r0bp","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/ShelterBox-Rotarys-Disaster-Relief-Program-Aired-on-AM-on-June-21--on-FM-on-June-23--2013-e1r0bp","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/ShelterBox-Rotarys-Disaster-Relief-Program-Aired-on-AM-on-June-21--on-FM-on-June-23--2013-e1r0bp","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"ShelterBox: Rotary’s Disaster Relief Program (Aired on AM on June 21 & on FM on June 23, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T17:20:58.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532020858,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T17:20:58.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T17:20:48.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532020848,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ccb2a2a4-8089-9f54-3614-ed7da0f34274","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Brian Doyle, CEO for Family Services in Poughkeepsie, describes the enormous scope of his organization such as Youth Services, Comprehensive Crime Victim services (and Forensics), Domestic Violence Service, and Substance Abuse Prevention and Family Education. The Family Partnership Center, a centerpiece of Family Services, collaborates with several other organizations for a unified approach to human services and building community. With over 43,000 clients last year, this extraordinary organization responds to societal ills that threaten families and seeks ways to prevent those problems, with a focus on youth activities (athletics, homework support, etc.) and programs to help young people grow to be caring and effective parents. Although Family Service in Poughkeepsie is located in the Hudson Valley, similar centers operate in neighboring counties, and the Hudson Valley organization can provide contact information for them.","descriptionPreview":"Brian Doyle, CEO for Family Services in Poughkeepsie, describes the enormous scope of his organization such as Youth Services, Comprehensive Crime Victim services (and Forensics), Domestic Violence Service, and Substance Abuse Prevention and Family Education. The Family Partnership Center, a centerpiece of Family Services, collaborates with several other organizations for a unified approach to human services and building community. With over 43,000 clients last year, this extraordinary organization responds to societal ills that threaten families and seeks ways to prevent those problems, with a focus on youth activities (athletics, homework support, etc.) and programs to help young people grow to be caring and effective parents. Although Family Service in Poughkeepsie is located in the Hudson Valley, similar centers operate in neighboring counties, and the Hudson Valley organization can provide contact information for them.","duration":1492506,"episodeId":"e1r0bk","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Family-Services-in-the-Hudson-Valley-June-14--2013-e1r0bk","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Family-Services-in-the-Hudson-Valley-June-14--2013-e1r0bk","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Family Services in the Hudson Valley (June 14, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T17:17:52.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532020672,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T17:17:52.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T17:17:43.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532020663,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"22684181-104b-10a5-9fc6-d9753dd32722","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Loads of fun at this on-site interview with two sets of high school Rotary Youth Exchange students: Inbound students from all over the world who have spent a year in the Hudson Valley and Outbound Hudson Valley students who will be leaving to spend a year abroad. The students are endearing, charming, and at times very funny. Inbound students describe the foods they enjoyed (for example—the Thailand student’s favorite is lasagna), the difference in schooling here and at home, and what they learned from their experiences. Outbound students describe why they decided to participate in an exchange program and what they hope to learn.","descriptionPreview":"Loads of fun at this on-site interview with two sets of high school Rotary Youth Exchange students: Inbound students from all over the world who have spent a year in the Hudson Valley and Outbound Hudson Valley students who will be leaving to spend a year abroad. The students are endearing, charming, and at times very funny. Inbound students describe the foods they enjoyed (for example—the Thailand student’s favorite is lasagna), the difference in schooling here and at home, and what they learned from their experiences. Outbound students describe why they decided to participate in an exchange program and what they hope to learn.","duration":1384777,"episodeId":"e1r0b7","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Youth-Exchange-Building-Global-Friendships-June-7--2013-e1r0b7","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Youth-Exchange-Building-Global-Friendships-June-7--2013-e1r0b7","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Youth Exchange: Building Global Friendships (June 7, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T15:08:29.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532012909,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T15:08:29.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T15:08:19.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532012899,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"48e6eedc-5eda-5506-cae4-1609f7158d95","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Walden Rotarian Brian Maher is Chairman of Hudson Valley Honor Flight, an organization that brings World War II veterans from Montgomery, New York, to the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. At Montgomery, the veterans are escorted by 100 Rolling Thunder motorcycle riders to Stewart Airport where hundreds of appreciative citizens waving American flags greet them with cheers. The Honor Flight Network program now has over 70 chapters throughout the United States, and 2013 marks their ninth year running. They have transported over 81,000 veterans. The interview contains lots more interesting information, including what happens on the return flight back to Stewart. Mr. Maher is mayor of Walden, re-elected since his first campaign at the age of 23.","descriptionPreview":"Walden Rotarian Brian Maher is Chairman of Hudson Valley Honor Flight, an organization that brings World War II veterans from Montgomery, New York, to the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. At Montgomery, the veterans are escorted by 100 Rolling Thunder motorcycle riders to Stewart Airport where hundreds of appreciative citizens waving American flags greet them with cheers. The Honor Flight Network program now has over 70 chapters throughout the United States, and 2013 marks their ninth year running. They have transported over 81,000 veterans. The interview contains lots more interesting information, including what happens on the return flight back to Stewart. Mr. Maher is mayor of Walden, re-elected since his first campaign at the age of 23.","duration":1494491,"episodeId":"e1qvtm","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Honor-Flight-Honoring-World-War-II-Veterans-May-31-2013-e1qvtm","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Honor-Flight-Honoring-World-War-II-Veterans-May-31-2013-e1qvtm","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Honor Flight: Honoring World War II Veterans (May 31 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T14:57:48.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532012268,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T14:57:49.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T14:57:39.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532012259,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"d77647b3-64de-5c1e-f9d2-c2bc06b1522a","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"David Violante, Assistant Director of Emergency Medical Services in the Arlington Fire Department and Director of Disaster Preparedness and Training for NYC Medics, describes his experiences during 20 years of training medics here and abroad. Training paramedics to care for people in emergency situations includes not only teaching them how to deal with basic emergencies such as delivering babies, but also how to provide emergency aid while awaiting transport of a patient to a location with more complete medical services. Mr. Violante studied under Rockland County’s Dr. Martha “Bobbie” MacGuffie, who founded SHARE Africa, an organization which provides public health services in Africa and which has been supported by Rotary clubs over the years. This subsequently led to his work in Kenya where he trained local paramedics, empowering them to help the public in their own communities. ","descriptionPreview":"David Violante, Assistant Director of Emergency Medical Services in the Arlington Fire Department and Director of Disaster Preparedness and Training for NYC Medics, describes his experiences during 20 years of training medics here and abroad. Training paramedics to care for people in emergency situations includes not only teaching them how to deal with basic emergencies such as delivering babies, but also how to provide emergency aid while awaiting transport of a patient to a location with more complete medical services. Mr. Violante studied under Rockland County’s Dr. Martha “Bobbie” MacGuffie, who founded SHARE Africa, an organization which provides public health services in Africa and which has been supported by Rotary clubs over the years. This subsequently led to his work in Kenya where he trained local paramedics, empowering them to help the public in their own communities. ","duration":1499402,"episodeId":"e1qvsr","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Emergency-Medical-Services-aired-on-AM-on-May-24--2013-e1qvsr","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Emergency-Medical-Services-aired-on-AM-on-May-24--2013-e1qvsr","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Emergency Medical Services (aired on AM on May 24, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T14:47:22.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532011642,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T14:47:22.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T14:47:13.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532011633,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"2a18aa0c-cdee-940d-65cd-ff30a2845379","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Cindy Fung, a member of the Vassar Rotaract club and co-founders of the Vassar Haiti Project, Lila and Andrew Meade, discuss how promoting Haiti’s varied and unique art forms has improved Haitian lives (Rotaract is a college service club sponsored by Rotary). Andrew Meade, Vassar’s Director of International Services, and his wife Lila, lived in Haiti at different times when young and are familiar with its problems. The Vassar Haiti Project (VHP) works with the Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotary Club to implement the projects they have developed to solve some of these problems. The VHP has raised funds for a health clinic, a school, and clean water projects in rural mountain areas. VHP plans additional clean water projects in the future. The project’s members emphasize the Haitian people’s strong spirit of optimism in spite of recent devastation and hardships.","descriptionPreview":"Cindy Fung, a member of the Vassar Rotaract club and co-founders of the Vassar Haiti Project, Lila and Andrew Meade, discuss how promoting Haiti’s varied and unique art forms has improved Haitian lives (Rotaract is a college service club sponsored by Rotary). Andrew Meade, Vassar’s Director of International Services, and his wife Lila, lived in Haiti at different times when young and are familiar with its problems. The Vassar Haiti Project (VHP) works with the Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotary Club to implement the projects they have developed to solve some of these problems. The VHP has raised funds for a health clinic, a school, and clean water projects in rural mountain areas. VHP plans additional clean water projects in the future. The project’s members emphasize the Haitian people’s strong spirit of optimism in spite of recent devastation and hardships.","duration":1437988,"episodeId":"e1qvqs","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Vassar-Haiti-Project-Aired-on-AM-May-17--2013-e1qvqs","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Vassar-Haiti-Project-Aired-on-AM-May-17--2013-e1qvqs","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Vassar Haiti Project (Aired on AM May 17, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T14:27:28.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532010448,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T14:27:28.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T14:27:19.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532010439,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"55ac08ee-5fbd-a91b-5247-efa75c6c5183","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"wo past Rotary 7210 District Governors, Tam Mustapha (1999-2000), IMRF President, and Knut Johnsen (2003-2004), discuss their involvement in the International Relief Medical Foundation (IMRF), founded by Dr. Hrusi Parida from Rotary District 7210’s Middletown Club. The IMRF, a nonprofit, nonpolitical organization collects surplus medical supplies and equipment for distribution to poor areas in need in developing countries around the world and in the United States. Perfectly sound equipment, gently used but slightly outdated, is tested by IMRF and shipped. Rotarians in recipient countries receive each shipment and assure effective distribution. No medications are exported, but almost all other medical supplies, even Band Aides, are welcome. Listeners were encouraged to ask their doctors and dentists about discarded equipment that could be donated. Each area around the country houses the donated equipment until it is ready for shipping. In the Hudson Valley, Guardian Storage volunteers i","descriptionPreview":"wo past Rotary 7210 District Governors, Tam Mustapha (1999-2000), IMRF President, and Knut Johnsen (2003-2004), discuss their involvement in the International Relief Medical Foundation (IMRF), founded by Dr. Hrusi Parida from Rotary District 7210’s Middletown Club. The IMRF, a nonprofit, nonpolitical organization collects surplus medical supplies and equipment for distribution to poor areas in need in developing countries around the world and in the United States. Perfectly sound equipment, gently used but slightly outdated, is tested by IMRF and shipped. Rotarians in recipient countries receive each shipment and assure effective distribution. No medications are exported, but almost all other medical supplies, even Band Aides, are welcome. Listeners were encouraged to ask their doctors and dentists about discarded equipment that could be donated. Each area around the country houses the donated equipment until it is ready for shipping. In the Hudson Valley, Guardian Storage volunteers i","duration":1446817,"episodeId":"e1qvoq","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/IMRF-Turning-Leftovers-into-Lifesavers-May-10--2013-e1qvoq","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/IMRF-Turning-Leftovers-into-Lifesavers-May-10--2013-e1qvoq","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"IMRF: Turning Leftovers into Lifesavers (May 10, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-19T14:18:09.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1532009889,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-19T14:18:09.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-19T14:18:00.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1532009880,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"9d4cc0d8-5989-b0d0-c1ef-06af31dfa2b5","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"A good example of how a Rotary club works on the local level can be found in this Club Close-up interview featuring the Red Hook Rotary Club, which emphasizes two of its many local projects. Niki Weaver, Past President, describes her Therapy Dogs project, including the training required and the dogs’ successes, especially with stroke victims. Red Hook Rotarians, including Dave Wright and Bruce Martin, also describe the club’s yearly signature project, the Apple Blossom Festival. The Festival, this year held on May 11, is a strong community event involving a multitude of activities, such as food booths, craft vendors, live entertainment, a petting zoo, and church-run flea markets. Red Hook Interact (the high school service club sponsored by Red Hook Rotary) also describes its fundraiser, which will bring clean water wells to Africa.","descriptionPreview":"A good example of how a Rotary club works on the local level can be found in this Club Close-up interview featuring the Red Hook Rotary Club, which emphasizes two of its many local projects. Niki Weaver, Past President, describes her Therapy Dogs project, including the training required and the dogs’ successes, especially with stroke victims. Red Hook Rotarians, including Dave Wright and Bruce Martin, also describe the club’s yearly signature project, the Apple Blossom Festival. The Festival, this year held on May 11, is a strong community event involving a multitude of activities, such as food booths, craft vendors, live entertainment, a petting zoo, and church-run flea markets. Red Hook Interact (the high school service club sponsored by Red Hook Rotary) also describes its fundraiser, which will bring clean water wells to Africa.","duration":1531036,"episodeId":"e1qvo2","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Red-Hook-Rotarys-Local-Projects-May-3--2013-e1qvo2","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Red-Hook-Rotarys-Local-Projects-May-3--2013-e1qvo2","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Red Hook Rotary’s Local Projects (May 3, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T22:44:45.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531953885,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T22:44:45.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T22:44:36.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531953876,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"58e3926a-aa72-291a-2669-76d4724d1d9c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"District Governor Elect Drew Kessler (North Rockland Rotary) describes his vision for Rotary District 7210 during his tenure as District Governor (July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014). His emphasis will be on integrating Rotary into 21st century life. Mr. Kessler describes what he calls the “trilogy of life”: family, work, and service. Bringing the family into service events to help the younger generation recognize the rewards of service is one important way to accomplish this integration. DGE Drew Kessler also describes creative ways that many Rotary clubs can meet more conveniently for its members: cocktail clubs that would meet after a business day, early morning breakfast clubs, meetings centered solely around a service project, and eClubs for members around the world. Mr. Kessler ended his interview with heartfelt words to explain why folks should join Rotary.","descriptionPreview":"District Governor Elect Drew Kessler (North Rockland Rotary) describes his vision for Rotary District 7210 during his tenure as District Governor (July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014). His emphasis will be on integrating Rotary into 21st century life. Mr. Kessler describes what he calls the “trilogy of life”: family, work, and service. Bringing the family into service events to help the younger generation recognize the rewards of service is one important way to accomplish this integration. DGE Drew Kessler also describes creative ways that many Rotary clubs can meet more conveniently for its members: cocktail clubs that would meet after a business day, early morning breakfast clubs, meetings centered solely around a service project, and eClubs for members around the world. Mr. Kessler ended his interview with heartfelt words to explain why folks should join Rotary.","duration":1427226,"episodeId":"e1qt1c","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/DGE-Kessler-Shares-Plans-for-2013-14-Aired-April-26--2013-e1qt1c","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/DGE-Kessler-Shares-Plans-for-2013-14-Aired-April-26--2013-e1qt1c","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"DGE Kessler Shares Plans for 2013-14 (Aired April 26, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T22:41:24.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531953684,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T22:41:24.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T22:41:15.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531953675,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"03144cab-1bbc-b77b-cce4-647efafa3c55","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotary 7210 District Governor Bill Bassett (Wallkill East Rotary Club) introduces one of Rotary International’s major focus initiatives: improving literacy around the world. He provides important statistics about the high rate of functional illiteracy in the U.S. and therefore the need for all forms of literacy programs such as World Book Night and tutoring services. Margie Menard, Director of Kingston Library, and Cassandra Beam, CEO of the Ulster Literacy Association, both Kingston Rotary Club members, discuss the multitude of reasons for current illiteracy in the U.S. They facilitate tutoring programs and the yearly international project called World Book Night held on April 23 (Shakespeare’s birth and death date). During World Book Night some 80,000 volunteers around the world give millions of books to folks who find it difficult to gain access to books, with 25,000 distributed in the U.S. alone. This person-to-person approach has made for the yearly success of this initiative.","descriptionPreview":"Rotary 7210 District Governor Bill Bassett (Wallkill East Rotary Club) introduces one of Rotary International’s major focus initiatives: improving literacy around the world. He provides important statistics about the high rate of functional illiteracy in the U.S. and therefore the need for all forms of literacy programs such as World Book Night and tutoring services. Margie Menard, Director of Kingston Library, and Cassandra Beam, CEO of the Ulster Literacy Association, both Kingston Rotary Club members, discuss the multitude of reasons for current illiteracy in the U.S. They facilitate tutoring programs and the yearly international project called World Book Night held on April 23 (Shakespeare’s birth and death date). During World Book Night some 80,000 volunteers around the world give millions of books to folks who find it difficult to gain access to books, with 25,000 distributed in the U.S. alone. This person-to-person approach has made for the yearly success of this initiative.","duration":1496267,"episodeId":"e1qt15","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Literacy-and-World-Book-Night-Aired-April-19--2013--on-FM-e1qt15","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Literacy-and-World-Book-Night-Aired-April-19--2013--on-FM-e1qt15","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Literacy and World Book Night (Aired April 19, 2013, on FM)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T22:37:50.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531953470,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T22:37:50.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T22:37:40.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531953460,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f041a927-dd60-432b-ea09-fbfa6fd1d145","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"District Governor Bonnie Sirower (Rotary District 7490 in New Jersey) describes the lasting effects of Hurricane Sandy, one of the worst tropical cyclones in the history of New Jersey and New York. Many still do not have power or heat and are living in tents. Access to power, phones, roads, and other transportation was often lost. Businesses and homes have been destroyed. Ms. Sirower became the “command center” after gaining access to electric power, and when word went out, Rotary clubs and organizations from the U.S. and all over the world (including Australia, Russian, and Turkey) responded with donations. The website established by District 7490 identified what was most needed. Rotary District 7210 in thr Hudson Valley supplying the most vital initial donations: nearly 30 generators for use in New Jersey and on Long Island. Warehouses collected food and building materials, which ten were sent in convoys of trucks traveling from places such as Vancouver and Florida.","descriptionPreview":"District Governor Bonnie Sirower (Rotary District 7490 in New Jersey) describes the lasting effects of Hurricane Sandy, one of the worst tropical cyclones in the history of New Jersey and New York. Many still do not have power or heat and are living in tents. Access to power, phones, roads, and other transportation was often lost. Businesses and homes have been destroyed. Ms. Sirower became the “command center” after gaining access to electric power, and when word went out, Rotary clubs and organizations from the U.S. and all over the world (including Australia, Russian, and Turkey) responded with donations. The website established by District 7490 identified what was most needed. Rotary District 7210 in thr Hudson Valley supplying the most vital initial donations: nearly 30 generators for use in New Jersey and on Long Island. Warehouses collected food and building materials, which ten were sent in convoys of trucks traveling from places such as Vancouver and Florida.","duration":1496502,"episodeId":"e1qt0t","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Hurricane-Sandy-Remaining-Devastation-Aired-April-12-on-AM--14-on-FM--2013-e1qt0t","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Hurricane-Sandy-Remaining-Devastation-Aired-April-12-on-AM--14-on-FM--2013-e1qt0t","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Hurricane Sandy: Remaining Devastation (Aired April 12 on AM & 14 on FM, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T22:34:09.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531953249,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T22:34:09.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T22:34:00.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531953240,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"7c5841b0-5c3e-0fbe-2270-f09155a3f291","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Laurie Rich, Esq., Foundation Director of Spectrum Services Foundation, discusses the autism spectrum and the schools in the Hudson Valley that provide education and special help for children on the spectrum. The autism spectrum spans disorders ranging from profoundly autistic who often cannot speak to Asperger’s Syndrome, with those in the latter category often particularly skilled in science and the arts. The schools involved encompass 14 counties in 55 school districts, with students referred by local public schools. Students enrolled in the program work on social skills to assure that their talents can easily be absorbed into the work force. Early intervention is more likely to promote greater improvement.\n\n ","descriptionPreview":"Laurie Rich, Esq., Foundation Director of Spectrum Services Foundation, discusses the autism spectrum and the schools in the Hudson Valley that provide education and special help for children on the spectrum. The autism spectrum spans disorders ranging from profoundly autistic who often cannot speak to Asperger’s Syndrome, with those in the latter category often particularly skilled in science and the arts. The schools involved encompass 14 counties in 55 school districts, with students referred by local public schools. Students enrolled in the program work on social skills to assure that their talents can easily be absorbed into the work force. Early intervention is more likely to promote greater improvement.\n\n ","duration":1442899,"episodeId":"e1qt0b","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Autism-Spectrum-Aired-April-5--2013-e1qt0b","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Autism-Spectrum-Aired-April-5--2013-e1qt0b","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Autism Spectrum (Aired April 5, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T22:27:41.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531952861,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T22:27:41.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T22:27:32.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531952852,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"8503a446-a279-ec09-7590-53474cca6a8d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Assistant Governor Skip Rottkamp (Rotary District 7210) from Fishkill Rotary discusses project Operation Warm. Mr. Rottkamp, an educator, observed children get off school buses during winter months in T-shirts and spring jackets because they had nothing else to wear. Realizing the need, Mr. Rottkamp organized 17 clubs in Rotary District 7210 to join the nationwide program Operation Warm. Rotarians work with school nurses in the Hudson Valley to select children in need. Then they distribute new winter coats to those children through elementary schools and other local agencies. Ever since the project began a few years ago, the need has increased. Some of the effective results are improved attendance, which can lead to better grades.","descriptionPreview":"Assistant Governor Skip Rottkamp (Rotary District 7210) from Fishkill Rotary discusses project Operation Warm. Mr. Rottkamp, an educator, observed children get off school buses during winter months in T-shirts and spring jackets because they had nothing else to wear. Realizing the need, Mr. Rottkamp organized 17 clubs in Rotary District 7210 to join the nationwide program Operation Warm. Rotarians work with school nurses in the Hudson Valley to select children in need. Then they distribute new winter coats to those children through elementary schools and other local agencies. Ever since the project began a few years ago, the need has increased. Some of the effective results are improved attendance, which can lead to better grades.","duration":1438589,"episodeId":"e1qsvq","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Operation-Warm-Aired-March-29-on-AM-and-March-31--2013--on-FM-e1qsvq","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Operation-Warm-Aired-March-29-on-AM-and-March-31--2013--on-FM-e1qsvq","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Operation Warm (Aired March 29 on AM and March 31, 2013, on FM)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T22:23:21.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531952601,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T22:23:22.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T22:23:13.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531952593,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"59d90657-3799-c293-c795-59177acbdb10","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Nanuet Rotarians Kevin Muir (owner of Nanuet Collision Center whose slogan is “The Collision Physicians”) and Donna Lennane (club President) discuss Recycled Rides, a national program that repairs and donates recycled vehicles to those in need (i.e., disabled veterans). Recipients are identified through a collaboration with local charitable agencies to help people get on with their life. Cars are donated by insurance companies, body shops, or individuals, and after much work by professional volunteers (up to a year, in some cases), they are absolutely good as new. The program is supported by volunteer labor and donations (i.e., paint companies and parts companies) and funding by service organizations such as Nanuet Rotary. President Lennane describes her club’s strong support of Recycled Rides as well as other humanitarian projects that save and repair lives.","descriptionPreview":"Nanuet Rotarians Kevin Muir (owner of Nanuet Collision Center whose slogan is “The Collision Physicians”) and Donna Lennane (club President) discuss Recycled Rides, a national program that repairs and donates recycled vehicles to those in need (i.e., disabled veterans). Recipients are identified through a collaboration with local charitable agencies to help people get on with their life. Cars are donated by insurance companies, body shops, or individuals, and after much work by professional volunteers (up to a year, in some cases), they are absolutely good as new. The program is supported by volunteer labor and donations (i.e., paint companies and parts companies) and funding by service organizations such as Nanuet Rotary. President Lennane describes her club’s strong support of Recycled Rides as well as other humanitarian projects that save and repair lives.","duration":1456613,"episodeId":"e1qsvf","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Recycled-Rides-Repairing-Lives-Aired-on-March-22--2013--on-AM-and-March-24--2013--on-FM-e1qsvf","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Recycled-Rides-Repairing-Lives-Aired-on-March-22--2013--on-AM-and-March-24--2013--on-FM-e1qsvf","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Recycled Rides: Repairing Lives (Aired on March 22, 2013, on AM and March 24, 2013, on FM)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T22:19:07.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531952347,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T22:19:07.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T22:18:58.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531952338,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"43faf72d-5e72-2f30-9712-7ff708448529","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Executive Director for Columbia County Habitat for Humanity, Brenda Adams, discusses Habitat, the international nonprofit organization that provides affordable housing for families while producing income for communities. Ms. Adams describes the extensive selective process for a family to receive a home. A family of four having a maximum income of $40,000 must show over several interviews their ability to assume the challenges of home ownership; their willingness to take various courses such as budgeting; and a donation of 300 hours of work on their home prior to moving in. Ms. Adams also discusses “passive houses” with energy-efficiency elements that don’t rely on air-furnaces or air conditioners to heat and cool a home. Ms. Adams points out that volunteers for Habitat, like Rotarians, enjoy the fellowship and work that so clearly improves lives.","descriptionPreview":"Executive Director for Columbia County Habitat for Humanity, Brenda Adams, discusses Habitat, the international nonprofit organization that provides affordable housing for families while producing income for communities. Ms. Adams describes the extensive selective process for a family to receive a home. A family of four having a maximum income of $40,000 must show over several interviews their ability to assume the challenges of home ownership; their willingness to take various courses such as budgeting; and a donation of 300 hours of work on their home prior to moving in. Ms. Adams also discusses “passive houses” with energy-efficiency elements that don’t rely on air-furnaces or air conditioners to heat and cool a home. Ms. Adams points out that volunteers for Habitat, like Rotarians, enjoy the fellowship and work that so clearly improves lives.","duration":1444571,"episodeId":"e1qsuu","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Todays-Habitat-for-Humanity-Aired-on-March-15-on-AM-and-March-17--2013--on-FM-e1qsuu","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Todays-Habitat-for-Humanity-Aired-on-March-15-on-AM-and-March-17--2013--on-FM-e1qsuu","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Today’s Habitat for Humanity (Aired on March 15 on AM and March 17, 2013, on FM)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T22:14:25.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531952065,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T22:14:25.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T22:14:15.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531952055,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"e84ea7a9-e28c-5b7f-c2cd-25c44d1151a6","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Here is an interview with poet and retired opera singer Roger Roloff that will surprise those who “don’t like” poetry. Mr. Roloff, who has just published his fifth book of poetry, thoroughly entertains his audience, showing how poetry, like music, enhances our life. Reciting a few samples from his own poems, which make us laugh at ourselves, he gives some easy advice about how we can better understand poetry, and he encourages people to try writing poems themselves. Roger Roloff, famous baritone on the world’s opera and concert stages for 21 years but always a poet, retired with his wife Barbara in 1996 to the rural life in the Hudson Valley to continue writing poetry full time.","descriptionPreview":"Here is an interview with poet and retired opera singer Roger Roloff that will surprise those who “don’t like” poetry. Mr. Roloff, who has just published his fifth book of poetry, thoroughly entertains his audience, showing how poetry, like music, enhances our life. Reciting a few samples from his own poems, which make us laugh at ourselves, he gives some easy advice about how we can better understand poetry, and he encourages people to try writing poems themselves. Roger Roloff, famous baritone on the world’s opera and concert stages for 21 years but always a poet, retired with his wife Barbara in 1996 to the rural life in the Hudson Valley to continue writing poetry full time.","duration":1433652,"episodeId":"e1qsug","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Another-way-of-singing-Aired-March-8--2013-e1qsug","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Another-way-of-singing-Aired-March-8--2013-e1qsug","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Another way of singing (Aired March 8, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T22:02:21.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531951341,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T22:02:21.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T22:02:12.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531951332,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"17e808e8-6079-b615-0d24-f0441be894a7","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Journalist and author Anthony Musso discusses his fourth published book, which is filled with detailed research that will motivate people to seek more information about local structures that they pass every day without realizing their historical significance. Featuring 55 sites, and not necessarily buildings, the book details not only the history but the stories, many of them personal to past owners, behind the sites. Facts abound in the interview. For example, the Borden Factory in Wassaic supplied the army with milk for the entire Revolutionary War, and Matthew Vassar made his money in a company brewing beer before founding Vassar College. Most sites are free and make for wonderful visits with the family.","descriptionPreview":"Journalist and author Anthony Musso discusses his fourth published book, which is filled with detailed research that will motivate people to seek more information about local structures that they pass every day without realizing their historical significance. Featuring 55 sites, and not necessarily buildings, the book details not only the history but the stories, many of them personal to past owners, behind the sites. Facts abound in the interview. For example, the Borden Factory in Wassaic supplied the army with milk for the entire Revolutionary War, and Matthew Vassar made his money in a company brewing beer before founding Vassar College. Most sites are free and make for wonderful visits with the family.","duration":1435402,"episodeId":"e1qst4","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Hidden-Treasures-of-the-Hudson-Valley-March-1--2013-e1qst4","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Hidden-Treasures-of-the-Hudson-Valley-March-1--2013-e1qst4","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Hidden Treasures of the Hudson Valley (March 1, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T21:58:43.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531951123,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T21:58:43.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T21:58:34.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531951114,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"73404d21-1dd0-3d39-c9c4-0b0ceb9ee20c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Dr. Felicia LeClere, a Principal Research Scientist with the National Opinion Research Center (NORC), describes her work. NORC is a nonprofit research organization that collects data and does analysis of America’s attitudes toward social and health issues; it does not do political polling. The survey results are distributed to the parts of the federal government, such as Congress or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, that need such information to make informed decisions and to better serve the public interest. Each question posed to the public gives people the opportunity to respond negatively or positively. The intention is to improve public policy in fields such as health, education, economics, crime, justice, energy, security, and the environment.","descriptionPreview":"Dr. Felicia LeClere, a Principal Research Scientist with the National Opinion Research Center (NORC), describes her work. NORC is a nonprofit research organization that collects data and does analysis of America’s attitudes toward social and health issues; it does not do political polling. The survey results are distributed to the parts of the federal government, such as Congress or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, that need such information to make informed decisions and to better serve the public interest. Each question posed to the public gives people the opportunity to respond negatively or positively. The intention is to improve public policy in fields such as health, education, economics, crime, justice, energy, security, and the environment.","duration":1446191,"episodeId":"e1qssj","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Taking-the-pulse-of-the-country-Aired-on-February-22--2013-e1qssj","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Taking-the-pulse-of-the-country-Aired-on-February-22--2013-e1qssj","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Taking the pulse of the country (Aired on February 22, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T21:54:12.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531950852,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T21:54:12.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T21:54:03.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531950843,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a4b6fdca-948a-8978-a529-9fd7da130f46","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Carl Rotans, Senior Instructor of Puppies behind Bars, teaches inmates to train service dogs. These unique dogs greatly assist the disabled, especially veterans, in a multitude of ways: taking dishes from the table, dialing 911 if necessary, turning lights on or off. The dogs are trained to respond to more than 90 commands. In this heavily monitored program, inmates are prescreened, go through a long and intensive selective process, and if selected, live day and night with their 8-week-old puppy as it grows and learns for the next two years. The process not only results in trained animals that improve the lives of their disabled owners, but also helps the prisoners learn disciple and other skills that will be helpful when they return to life outside the prison walls. Parting is “bittersweet,” with many inmates opting for a new puppy when the first training period ends.","descriptionPreview":"Carl Rotans, Senior Instructor of Puppies behind Bars, teaches inmates to train service dogs. These unique dogs greatly assist the disabled, especially veterans, in a multitude of ways: taking dishes from the table, dialing 911 if necessary, turning lights on or off. The dogs are trained to respond to more than 90 commands. In this heavily monitored program, inmates are prescreened, go through a long and intensive selective process, and if selected, live day and night with their 8-week-old puppy as it grows and learns for the next two years. The process not only results in trained animals that improve the lives of their disabled owners, but also helps the prisoners learn disciple and other skills that will be helpful when they return to life outside the prison walls. Parting is “bittersweet,” with many inmates opting for a new puppy when the first training period ends.","duration":1434801,"episodeId":"e1qss2","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Puppies-behind-Bars-Aired-on-February-15--2013-e1qss2","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Puppies-behind-Bars-Aired-on-February-15--2013-e1qss2","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Puppies behind Bars (Aired on February 15, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T21:50:51.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531950651,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T21:50:51.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T21:50:42.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531950642,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"d5b10b87-29b7-f80a-c2f7-20a1a12f553a","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Mario Johnson, Program Coordinator for Poughkeepsie’s Nubian Directions II YouthBuild/AmeriCorps, describes how dedicated young adults collected nearly 2,000 new and slightly used shoes, sneakers, and boots in one month for victims of Hurricane Sandy, with shipments going to Long Island and New Jersey. Organized in partnership with LaGrange Sunrise Rotary and the Freedom Plains Presbyterian Church of Lagrangeville, the project was affiliated with the charitable organization called Soles4Souls and was a successful response to National Make a Difference Day. Participants of Nubian Directions II, ages 16-24, are also members of Rotaract. Mr. Johnson shares many heartwarming stories of success, including his own.\n\nLearn More:","descriptionPreview":"Mario Johnson, Program Coordinator for Poughkeepsie’s Nubian Directions II YouthBuild/AmeriCorps, describes how dedicated young adults collected nearly 2,000 new and slightly used shoes, sneakers, and boots in one month for victims of Hurricane Sandy, with shipments going to Long Island and New Jersey. Organized in partnership with LaGrange Sunrise Rotary and the Freedom Plains Presbyterian Church of Lagrangeville, the project was affiliated with the charitable organization called Soles4Souls and was a successful response to National Make a Difference Day. Participants of Nubian Directions II, ages 16-24, are also members of Rotaract. Mr. Johnson shares many heartwarming stories of success, including his own.\n\nLearn More:","duration":1439111,"episodeId":"e1qsro","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Soles4Souls-and-Nubian-Directions-II-February-8--2013-e1qsro","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Soles4Souls-and-Nubian-Directions-II-February-8--2013-e1qsro","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Soles4Souls and Nubian Directions II (February 8, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T21:47:07.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531950427,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T21:47:07.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T21:46:58.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531950418,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"6fb5fec2-1a9f-54a3-e088-58e00d2a3e07","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Gail Piazza, a professional food consultant, and her daughter Laura, who suffers from chronic Lyme disease, discuss their award-winning book, Recipes for Repair: A Lyme Disease Cookbook. The book, which applies to everyone, not only those with Lyme, was a 2012 USA Best Books selection. People often have inflammation in their body without realizing it, and some foods make the inflammation worse. Therefore, the authors emphasize the need to identify one’s personal hidden sensitivities and ways to conduct a self-assessment to determine foods that might be a detriment to your own health. Also discussed are the telltale signs of Lyme (besides the bull’s eye rash), Lyme prevention tips, inflammation in our body, and a lot more.","descriptionPreview":"Gail Piazza, a professional food consultant, and her daughter Laura, who suffers from chronic Lyme disease, discuss their award-winning book, Recipes for Repair: A Lyme Disease Cookbook. The book, which applies to everyone, not only those with Lyme, was a 2012 USA Best Books selection. People often have inflammation in their body without realizing it, and some foods make the inflammation worse. Therefore, the authors emphasize the need to identify one’s personal hidden sensitivities and ways to conduct a self-assessment to determine foods that might be a detriment to your own health. Also discussed are the telltale signs of Lyme (besides the bull’s eye rash), Lyme prevention tips, inflammation in our body, and a lot more.","duration":1442533,"episodeId":"e1qsrb","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Recipes-for-Repair-Aired-on-February-1--2013-e1qsrb","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Recipes-for-Repair-Aired-on-February-1--2013-e1qsrb","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Recipes for Repair (Aired on February 1, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T21:34:41.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531949681,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T21:34:41.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T21:34:32.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531949672,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"551d0597-34e7-25f2-986b-19920206ab09","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"This interview tells a complex story of romance, success against great odds, and unexpected disaster. The children of two Hyde Park Rotarians met as young adults at a function, fell in love, married, and together joined the Peace Corps in Madagascar. The Rotarian in-laws, Sue Osterhoudt, Pompey Delafield, and spouses, visited the Madagascar village and asked what was most needed. The simple answer of “books” led to amazing results: building a library, creating a manual (by Ms. Osterhoudt, a former librarian) about how to set up a library, villagers young and old wanting to read both in English and in Malagasy (the language of Madagascar), volunteers teaching villagers to read, peer tutoring to expand the reading population in the village, literacy improvement in which the village moved from last place in Madagascar to first place, a business selling vanilla beans to support the project, and more. Then a Class 3 cyclone hit the village. ","descriptionPreview":"This interview tells a complex story of romance, success against great odds, and unexpected disaster. The children of two Hyde Park Rotarians met as young adults at a function, fell in love, married, and together joined the Peace Corps in Madagascar. The Rotarian in-laws, Sue Osterhoudt, Pompey Delafield, and spouses, visited the Madagascar village and asked what was most needed. The simple answer of “books” led to amazing results: building a library, creating a manual (by Ms. Osterhoudt, a former librarian) about how to set up a library, villagers young and old wanting to read both in English and in Malagasy (the language of Madagascar), volunteers teaching villagers to read, peer tutoring to expand the reading population in the village, literacy improvement in which the village moved from last place in Madagascar to first place, a business selling vanilla beans to support the project, and more. Then a Class 3 cyclone hit the village. ","duration":1440705,"episodeId":"e1qsq3","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Making-the-world-better-January-25--2013-e1qsq3","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Making-the-world-better-January-25--2013-e1qsq3","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Making the world better (January 25, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T21:25:39.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531949139,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T21:25:39.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T21:25:30.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531949130,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"855b43af-e9d2-835b-2664-1dcc10afb39a","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In this interview about her experiences with hospice patients, Ms. Suzanne O’Brien, R.N, shares her holistic model to end of life care. Hospice is a program to relieve the suffering of those in the last few months on life. In her frank discussion, Ms. O’Brien, a Registered Nurse, provides important practical advice to patients and their families to make the end of life peaceful and beautiful. Her book, Life, Love, and Transition, includes her personal stories at the bedside of hospice patients and the valuable lessons she has learned over the years. In describing the history of hospice, Ms. O’Brien conveys many interesting statistics, examples of patient decisions, and information about the improved quality of care we offer today, especially about pain management.","descriptionPreview":"In this interview about her experiences with hospice patients, Ms. Suzanne O’Brien, R.N, shares her holistic model to end of life care. Hospice is a program to relieve the suffering of those in the last few months on life. In her frank discussion, Ms. O’Brien, a Registered Nurse, provides important practical advice to patients and their families to make the end of life peaceful and beautiful. Her book, Life, Love, and Transition, includes her personal stories at the bedside of hospice patients and the valuable lessons she has learned over the years. In describing the history of hospice, Ms. O’Brien conveys many interesting statistics, examples of patient decisions, and information about the improved quality of care we offer today, especially about pain management.","duration":1435376,"episodeId":"e1qsph","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Life-Lessons-from-a-Hospice-Nurse-Aired-on-January-18--2013-e1qsph","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Life-Lessons-from-a-Hospice-Nurse-Aired-on-January-18--2013-e1qsph","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Life Lessons from a Hospice Nurse (Aired on January 18, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T21:19:27.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531948767,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T21:19:27.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T21:19:18.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531948758,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"20738ab1-4e4e-4596-5e20-8e16b0a22c12","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Larry Palant (Suffern Rotary), Disaster Response Chair for Rotary District 7210, discusses the District’s immediate and generous response to helping victims of Hurricane Sandy. Previously the Rotary District in 2005 provided quick relief to victims of Hurricane Katrina, and Mr. Palant learned from that experience. This time, with generous donations from District 7210 and neighboring Rotary districts, Mr. Palant was able to buy 47 electrical generators, extension cords, gasoline containers, and other necessary items. As with Katrina, only with great difficulty was Mr. Palant able to locate generators, eventually finding them in Chester, New York. A volunteer donated his time and tractor trailer to deliver the supplies to the affected areas in New York and New Jersey, starting with police and fire departments. Mr. Palant also describes a “Go Bag” suggested by experts that people should have ready for immediate evacuation. Much more needs to be done to help those who lost everything. ","descriptionPreview":"Larry Palant (Suffern Rotary), Disaster Response Chair for Rotary District 7210, discusses the District’s immediate and generous response to helping victims of Hurricane Sandy. Previously the Rotary District in 2005 provided quick relief to victims of Hurricane Katrina, and Mr. Palant learned from that experience. This time, with generous donations from District 7210 and neighboring Rotary districts, Mr. Palant was able to buy 47 electrical generators, extension cords, gasoline containers, and other necessary items. As with Katrina, only with great difficulty was Mr. Palant able to locate generators, eventually finding them in Chester, New York. A volunteer donated his time and tractor trailer to deliver the supplies to the affected areas in New York and New Jersey, starting with police and fire departments. Mr. Palant also describes a “Go Bag” suggested by experts that people should have ready for immediate evacuation. Much more needs to be done to help those who lost everything. ","duration":1440365,"episodeId":"e1qsnn","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-District-7210s-Response-to-Hurricane-Sandy-Aired-January-11--2013-e1qsnn","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-District-7210s-Response-to-Hurricane-Sandy-Aired-January-11--2013-e1qsnn","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary District 7210’s Response to Hurricane Sandy (Aired January 11, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T21:14:20.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531948460,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T21:14:20.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T21:14:11.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531948451,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"4aa1350d-bf2a-a8c1-a756-a77f88044db7","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Stephanie Fitzpatrick, a Red Hook Rotarian and Executive Director of the nonprofit Hidden Hollow Farm Riding Center, discusses how riding and grooming the farm’s docile horses encourage growth in those with a broad range of disabilities. In addition to horseback riding, the farm supports “petting as healing,” using miniature horses, goats, and pigs also living on the Farm. The animals also help restore health to crime victims and those in the “hero” category: veterans, police, EMS, fire fighters, and their families.There is no fee for these heroes. Ms. Fitzpatrick’s heartfelt stories are very moving and powerful, such as her description of people of various ages who speak for the first time in their lives at the Center. Ms. Fitzpatrick is also a coach for the Special Olympics.","descriptionPreview":"Stephanie Fitzpatrick, a Red Hook Rotarian and Executive Director of the nonprofit Hidden Hollow Farm Riding Center, discusses how riding and grooming the farm’s docile horses encourage growth in those with a broad range of disabilities. In addition to horseback riding, the farm supports “petting as healing,” using miniature horses, goats, and pigs also living on the Farm. The animals also help restore health to crime victims and those in the “hero” category: veterans, police, EMS, fire fighters, and their families.There is no fee for these heroes. Ms. Fitzpatrick’s heartfelt stories are very moving and powerful, such as her description of people of various ages who speak for the first time in their lives at the Center. Ms. Fitzpatrick is also a coach for the Special Olympics.","duration":1440365,"episodeId":"e1qsna","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Healing-Power-of-Horses-Aired-on-January-4--2013-e1qsna","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Healing-Power-of-Horses-Aired-on-January-4--2013-e1qsna","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Healing Power of Horses (Aired on January 4, 2013)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T21:10:44.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531948244,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T21:10:44.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T21:10:34.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531948234,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"7fd4a383-bfc1-34c0-6edd-e53899c9d7a0","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Wendy Maragh Taylor, a social worker, became an instrument of change by helping an impoverished Liberian community build a church that also doubles as a school. Working with her husband, a civil engineer and architect who was born in Liberia and attended college in America, the two used their own savings and fundraised at their bike riding club, their church in the United States, and their workplace, telling the story of the village’s need. The journey of this endeavor, from beginning to end, is extremely powerful and heartwarming, starting with a visit to Mr. Taylor’s grandmother, still living in his birthplace after fourteen years of civil war in Liberia. Ms. Taylor’s interview includes many unique experiences in Liberia. The story about their journey is told in Ms. Taylor’s book called This Part of the Sky: Building in Liberia, with a percentage of the proceeds going toward a playground and school building separate from the church.","descriptionPreview":"Wendy Maragh Taylor, a social worker, became an instrument of change by helping an impoverished Liberian community build a church that also doubles as a school. Working with her husband, a civil engineer and architect who was born in Liberia and attended college in America, the two used their own savings and fundraised at their bike riding club, their church in the United States, and their workplace, telling the story of the village’s need. The journey of this endeavor, from beginning to end, is extremely powerful and heartwarming, starting with a visit to Mr. Taylor’s grandmother, still living in his birthplace after fourteen years of civil war in Liberia. Ms. Taylor’s interview includes many unique experiences in Liberia. The story about their journey is told in Ms. Taylor’s book called This Part of the Sky: Building in Liberia, with a percentage of the proceeds going toward a playground and school building separate from the church.","duration":1417795,"episodeId":"e1qsn1","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Power-of-a-Volunteer-Aired-on-December-28--2012-e1qsn1","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Power-of-a-Volunteer-Aired-on-December-28--2012-e1qsn1","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Power of a Volunteer (Aired on December 28, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T21:06:37.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531947997,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T21:06:37.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T21:06:27.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531947987,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"6027b995-a937-d389-39fd-e6c4df4b9d0b","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Not to be missed, this highly informative on-site interview with pediatrician and child psychologist, Rotarian Dr. Abraham Nussbaum, covers vital information about vaccinations against communicable diseases, especially for children. Dr. Nussbaum discusses the progress toward polio eradication worldwide, information about the influenza and shingles vaccinations, and our successes in childhood vaccinations starting in the mid 20th century. He reports the truth about a study linking vaccinations with autism, now admitted to be totally false and thoroughly recanted.","descriptionPreview":"Not to be missed, this highly informative on-site interview with pediatrician and child psychologist, Rotarian Dr. Abraham Nussbaum, covers vital information about vaccinations against communicable diseases, especially for children. Dr. Nussbaum discusses the progress toward polio eradication worldwide, information about the influenza and shingles vaccinations, and our successes in childhood vaccinations starting in the mid 20th century. He reports the truth about a study linking vaccinations with autism, now admitted to be totally false and thoroughly recanted.","duration":1486236,"episodeId":"e1qsmn","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Correcting-Vaccine-Misinformation-December-21--2012-e1qsmn","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Correcting-Vaccine-Misinformation-December-21--2012-e1qsmn","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Correcting Vaccine Misinformation (December 21, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T21:02:48.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531947768,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T21:02:48.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T21:02:39.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531947759,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ffb9c3d6-43fc-b1b8-8643-d49fc9186f45","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"The program features on-site interviews during Rotary’s United Nations Day on November 3, 2012, with Rotary International President Sakuji Tanaka (2012-13) and other humanitarian leaders from around the world who discuss how their service projects save lives and create goodwill. Rotary and the United Nations have a long history of working together and sharing similar visions for a more peaceful world. Each year at Rotary UN Day more than 1,300 Rotarians come together at UN Headquarters in New York. The program is designed to inspire and educate all participants as well as provide insight into the relationship between Rotary and the United Nations. These interviews tell us what the world is doing in its efforts to encourage peace and understanding through humanitarian service.","descriptionPreview":"The program features on-site interviews during Rotary’s United Nations Day on November 3, 2012, with Rotary International President Sakuji Tanaka (2012-13) and other humanitarian leaders from around the world who discuss how their service projects save lives and create goodwill. Rotary and the United Nations have a long history of working together and sharing similar visions for a more peaceful world. Each year at Rotary UN Day more than 1,300 Rotarians come together at UN Headquarters in New York. The program is designed to inspire and educate all participants as well as provide insight into the relationship between Rotary and the United Nations. These interviews tell us what the world is doing in its efforts to encourage peace and understanding through humanitarian service.","duration":1565884,"episodeId":"e1qsmb","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-UN-Day-2012-Aired-on-December-14--2012-e1qsmb","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-UN-Day-2012-Aired-on-December-14--2012-e1qsmb","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary UN Day 2012 (Aired on December 14, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T18:45:56.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531939556,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T18:45:56.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T18:45:46.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531939546,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"fa562d11-0640-2048-24d5-621b61f328bf","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Jeri Miller, a high school guidance counselor who suffers from Type I diabetes, has been on insulin for 15 years, injecting herself four or five times a day. She discusses how children and adults in her situation can benefit from a Diabetes Alert Dog such as her Morgan. A half hour before her meter tells her that she must take her medication Morgan alerts her to the need, working every hour of every day. Ms. Miller describes in great detail how Service Dogs like Morgan alert their companions from a mile away, obey commands to get a test kit or juice, and dial 911 when needed. These special dogs start their training at 13 weeks old, and they can work with children as young as two years old.","descriptionPreview":"Jeri Miller, a high school guidance counselor who suffers from Type I diabetes, has been on insulin for 15 years, injecting herself four or five times a day. She discusses how children and adults in her situation can benefit from a Diabetes Alert Dog such as her Morgan. A half hour before her meter tells her that she must take her medication Morgan alerts her to the need, working every hour of every day. Ms. Miller describes in great detail how Service Dogs like Morgan alert their companions from a mile away, obey commands to get a test kit or juice, and dial 911 when needed. These special dogs start their training at 13 weeks old, and they can work with children as young as two years old.","duration":1319235,"episodeId":"e1qs73","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Morgan--The-Diabetes-Alert-Dog-Aired-on-December-7--2012-e1qs73","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Morgan--The-Diabetes-Alert-Dog-Aired-on-December-7--2012-e1qs73","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Morgan, The Diabetes Alert Dog (Aired on December 7, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T18:17:11.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531937831,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T18:17:11.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T18:17:01.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531937821,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"97fec372-563a-9b8d-0a0f-9609ed02a2d2","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Union Vale’s Dog Control Officer Valerie Cote describes her role as Dog Warden, mainly finding stray dogs running loose and enforcing licensing regulations. She explains the dangers of dogs on the loose, the best way to help ensure their safe return, and what happens to unclaimed dogs. Providing helpful information about what owners should do when their pets go missing, she corrects misinformation along the way—answering questions such as such as “Do old dogs really wander away to die?”. Ms. Cote emphasizes the “reputable rescue” aspect of her work and her hope that more people will consider adopting pets now living in shelters.","descriptionPreview":"Union Vale’s Dog Control Officer Valerie Cote describes her role as Dog Warden, mainly finding stray dogs running loose and enforcing licensing regulations. She explains the dangers of dogs on the loose, the best way to help ensure their safe return, and what happens to unclaimed dogs. Providing helpful information about what owners should do when their pets go missing, she corrects misinformation along the way—answering questions such as such as “Do old dogs really wander away to die?”. Ms. Cote emphasizes the “reputable rescue” aspect of her work and her hope that more people will consider adopting pets now living in shelters.","duration":1390001,"episodeId":"e1qs2n","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Dog-Warden-Story-Aired-on-November-30--2012-e1qs2n","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Dog-Warden-Story-Aired-on-November-30--2012-e1qs2n","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Dog Warden Story (Aired on November 30, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T18:11:31.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531937491,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T18:11:31.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T18:11:21.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531937481,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"4465889a-6b67-f733-fc85-68fdde77dc33","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Margaret Bryngelson (Kingston Rotarian) describes her experience as a non-medical volunteer in a recent mission to Venezuela where she assisted a medical team of doctors and nurses operating on children with cleft lip and palate disfigurations. Rotaplast (“Rotary” + “plastic surgery”), heavily supported by Rotary districts and clubs around the world, was started by doctors in the Rotary Club of San Francisco in 1992 to provide such services. Such reconstructive surgery is difficult to obtain in poor undeveloped countries. Venezuela’s Cumana Rotary arranged for 3 operating rooms in a local hospital to be available to the medical team. Over 10 days the team performed 99 surgeries on patients selected from among hundreds of families; many had traveled very far to reach the clinic in order to give their loved ones a chance for a better life. The immediate transformation after an operation is powerful to witness, as children can suddenly hear, speak, eat, and drink. ","descriptionPreview":"Margaret Bryngelson (Kingston Rotarian) describes her experience as a non-medical volunteer in a recent mission to Venezuela where she assisted a medical team of doctors and nurses operating on children with cleft lip and palate disfigurations. Rotaplast (“Rotary” + “plastic surgery”), heavily supported by Rotary districts and clubs around the world, was started by doctors in the Rotary Club of San Francisco in 1992 to provide such services. Such reconstructive surgery is difficult to obtain in poor undeveloped countries. Venezuela’s Cumana Rotary arranged for 3 operating rooms in a local hospital to be available to the medical team. Over 10 days the team performed 99 surgeries on patients selected from among hundreds of families; many had traveled very far to reach the clinic in order to give their loved ones a chance for a better life. The immediate transformation after an operation is powerful to witness, as children can suddenly hear, speak, eat, and drink. ","duration":1425632,"episodeId":"e1qs20","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotaplast-Restoring-Lives-Aired-on-November-23--2012-e1qs20","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotaplast-Restoring-Lives-Aired-on-November-23--2012-e1qs20","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotaplast: Restoring Lives (Aired on November 23, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T18:08:06.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531937286,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T18:08:06.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T18:07:56.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531937276,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"6360056d-0389-70e1-3f0b-f6e1a07c3df9","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"What is the current condition of the Hudson River and how will it affect you? Dr. David Strayer, Freshwater Ecologist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New York and author of The Hudson River Primer – The Ecology of an Iconic River, discusses the positive effects of the federal Clean Water Act and other government regulations. Together these make Hudson much cleaner today than years ago, with most of the Hudson today now safe for swimming. However, Hudson River fish are still contaminated with chemical compounds (PCBs), limiting food fish to those that spend most of their lives at sea. Furthermore, alien species, often carried on ships entering the Hudson River from foreign lands, disrupt the Hudson’s ecosystem. Dr. Strayer also discusses future Hudson Valley prospects in the face of climate change, such as the effect of sea level rises on the Hudson River.","descriptionPreview":"What is the current condition of the Hudson River and how will it affect you? Dr. David Strayer, Freshwater Ecologist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New York and author of The Hudson River Primer – The Ecology of an Iconic River, discusses the positive effects of the federal Clean Water Act and other government regulations. Together these make Hudson much cleaner today than years ago, with most of the Hudson today now safe for swimming. However, Hudson River fish are still contaminated with chemical compounds (PCBs), limiting food fish to those that spend most of their lives at sea. Furthermore, alien species, often carried on ships entering the Hudson River from foreign lands, disrupt the Hudson’s ecosystem. Dr. Strayer also discusses future Hudson Valley prospects in the face of climate change, such as the effect of sea level rises on the Hudson River.","duration":1408888,"episodeId":"e1qs1o","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Hudson-River-Today-Aired-on-November-16--2012-e1qs1o","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Hudson-River-Today-Aired-on-November-16--2012-e1qs1o","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Hudson River Today (Aired on November 16, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T17:59:27.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531936767,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T17:59:27.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T17:59:17.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531936757,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ebd9344d-f632-841c-0467-e4d14325f458","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Dana Gavin, Director for the Center of Prevention of Child Abuse in Dutchess County, shares the latest information and statistics about child abuse that are at times surprising. Ms. Gavin began her career with the Center as a volunteer several years ago. Today, involved heavily in Public Relations, she speaks to organizations about the Center’s many programs that teach children and adults important ways to prevent child abuse. These include educating children in school systems in an age-appropriate Puppet People program and providing families with contacts that help them stop an abuse before it starts. Ms. Gavin explains some factors contributing to an increase in child abuse since 2005, such as the economy that places stress on parents and a rise in reporting abuse cases by those who suspect abuse, such as teachers, coaches, and doctors.","descriptionPreview":"Dana Gavin, Director for the Center of Prevention of Child Abuse in Dutchess County, shares the latest information and statistics about child abuse that are at times surprising. Ms. Gavin began her career with the Center as a volunteer several years ago. Today, involved heavily in Public Relations, she speaks to organizations about the Center’s many programs that teach children and adults important ways to prevent child abuse. These include educating children in school systems in an age-appropriate Puppet People program and providing families with contacts that help them stop an abuse before it starts. Ms. Gavin explains some factors contributing to an increase in child abuse since 2005, such as the economy that places stress on parents and a rise in reporting abuse cases by those who suspect abuse, such as teachers, coaches, and doctors.","duration":1471320,"episodeId":"e1qs0t","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Preventing-Child-Abuse-Aired-on-November-9--2012-e1qs0t","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Preventing-Child-Abuse-Aired-on-November-9--2012-e1qs0t","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Preventing Child Abuse (Aired on November 9, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T17:52:08.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531936328,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T17:52:09.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T17:51:59.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531936319,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"bcd89d2e-afba-f2f4-bdc4-c5865d6e6c6a","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Past Rotary International President (2000-2001) Frank Devlyn, author and humanitarian, discusses how our world becomes a better place to live in through Rotary, giving specific examples. He also describes his personal humanitarian work through his family business, Devlyn Optical Group of Mexico. His extraordinary initiatives include pairing patients with free used-but-restored eyeglasses. He created the largest used eyeglass bank in Mexico, which today serves as a model in different countries. Devlyn says: “It’s an honor and opportunity to serve the world of Rotary in our quest to serve mankind…As the needs of communities change, Rotary will work to meet those needs” for the next century.","descriptionPreview":"Past Rotary International President (2000-2001) Frank Devlyn, author and humanitarian, discusses how our world becomes a better place to live in through Rotary, giving specific examples. He also describes his personal humanitarian work through his family business, Devlyn Optical Group of Mexico. His extraordinary initiatives include pairing patients with free used-but-restored eyeglasses. He created the largest used eyeglass bank in Mexico, which today serves as a model in different countries. Devlyn says: “It’s an honor and opportunity to serve the world of Rotary in our quest to serve mankind…As the needs of communities change, Rotary will work to meet those needs” for the next century.","duration":1564003,"episodeId":"e1qs01","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Past-Rotary-International-President-Oct--26--2012-e1qs01","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Past-Rotary-International-President-Oct--26--2012-e1qs01","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Past Rotary International President (Oct. 26, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T17:37:16.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531935436,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T17:37:17.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T17:37:08.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531935428,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"4c8fe6d5-914f-c20d-3392-ba48a836ffb9","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rachel Swanson, Director of Volunteer and Community Partnerships for the U.S. Fund for UNICEF and Ananda Grant, Deputy Director of Office of Strategic Partnerships for UNICEF, discuss the work that this extraordinary global humanitarian relief organization does in over 150 countries. UNICEF’s projects include children’s health care and immunizations, clean water, nutrition and food security, education, emergency relief, and more. The two directors emphasize UNICEF’s longstanding partnership with Rotary International in addressing the same areas of global concern, especially eradicating polio and improving the lives of children. UNICEF shares Rotary’s objective of peace and understanding and the belief that such initiatives in health and education contribute to achieving that objective.","descriptionPreview":"Rachel Swanson, Director of Volunteer and Community Partnerships for the U.S. Fund for UNICEF and Ananda Grant, Deputy Director of Office of Strategic Partnerships for UNICEF, discuss the work that this extraordinary global humanitarian relief organization does in over 150 countries. UNICEF’s projects include children’s health care and immunizations, clean water, nutrition and food security, education, emergency relief, and more. The two directors emphasize UNICEF’s longstanding partnership with Rotary International in addressing the same areas of global concern, especially eradicating polio and improving the lives of children. UNICEF shares Rotary’s objective of peace and understanding and the belief that such initiatives in health and education contribute to achieving that objective.","duration":1514736,"episodeId":"e1qrug","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/UNICEF-and-Rotary-Aired-on-October-19--2012-e1qrug","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/UNICEF-and-Rotary-Aired-on-October-19--2012-e1qrug","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"UNICEF and Rotary (Aired on October 19, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T17:13:51.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531934031,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T17:13:51.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T17:13:42.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531934022,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"c7236b3d-4b63-155d-944e-8f88c4073d3c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Dr. Barbara Chatr-aryamontri, Medical Director of the Sleep Center at Northern Dutchess Hospital, but known to her patients as Dr. Chatr, discusses the nature and treatment of sleep disorders. She focuses especially on the common condition of sleep apnea, which people may not even know they have. Co-host Jonah Triebwasser has suffered from this problem, and he describes how treatment improved his quality of life. Dr. Chatr discusses many other sleep disorders and urges those who suspect they are affected to seek treatment because some are not benign.","descriptionPreview":"Dr. Barbara Chatr-aryamontri, Medical Director of the Sleep Center at Northern Dutchess Hospital, but known to her patients as Dr. Chatr, discusses the nature and treatment of sleep disorders. She focuses especially on the common condition of sleep apnea, which people may not even know they have. Co-host Jonah Triebwasser has suffered from this problem, and he describes how treatment improved his quality of life. Dr. Chatr discusses many other sleep disorders and urges those who suspect they are affected to seek treatment because some are not benign.","duration":1483676,"episodeId":"e1qrse","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Sleep-Disorders-and-How-to-Treat-Them-October-12--2012-e1qrse","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Sleep-Disorders-and-How-to-Treat-Them-October-12--2012-e1qrse","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Sleep Disorders and How to Treat Them (October 12, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T17:02:38.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531933358,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T17:02:38.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T17:02:29.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531933349,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"64555527-6eb0-e6c7-f564-150f96f0a34e","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Interact clubs are service organizations for teenagers (and sometimes younger students) sponsored by local Rotary clubs. The Interact Club of Pawling is sponsored by Pawling Rotary Club and the Pawling Recreation Department. Teens in the club enjoy volunteering to work on community and humanitarian projects, from fundraising to implementation. So say the two Pawling Interact Club members who were interviewed with their Advisor, Robyn Woolley, Assistant Recreation Director for the Town of Pawling and Advisor to the Pawling Interact Club. Unlike most Interact clubs, which are affiliated with a specific school, this Interact club is community-based and open to all teens (grades 5-12) in the Pawling area. The club meets after school. Its activities include a strong summer day camp program for ages 3-14 and representation of the club at Rotary International Day at the U.N.","descriptionPreview":"Interact clubs are service organizations for teenagers (and sometimes younger students) sponsored by local Rotary clubs. The Interact Club of Pawling is sponsored by Pawling Rotary Club and the Pawling Recreation Department. Teens in the club enjoy volunteering to work on community and humanitarian projects, from fundraising to implementation. So say the two Pawling Interact Club members who were interviewed with their Advisor, Robyn Woolley, Assistant Recreation Director for the Town of Pawling and Advisor to the Pawling Interact Club. Unlike most Interact clubs, which are affiliated with a specific school, this Interact club is community-based and open to all teens (grades 5-12) in the Pawling area. The club meets after school. Its activities include a strong summer day camp program for ages 3-14 and representation of the club at Rotary International Day at the U.N.","duration":1454654,"episodeId":"e1qrrb","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Interact-Club-of-Pawling-Aired-on-October-5--2012-e1qrrb","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Interact-Club-of-Pawling-Aired-on-October-5--2012-e1qrrb","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Interact Club of Pawling (Aired on October 5, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T15:49:41.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531928981,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T15:49:41.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T15:49:31.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531928971,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"31c009b4-e297-fa5b-f94a-67436855cd01","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Catherine Forbes, Dutchess County SPCA Director of Development, discusses the no-kill Hyde Park shelter with a 141-year history of providing shelter and services for unwanted, abused, abandoned, or neglected animals. SPCA Adoption Counselors are trained to match families with pets, now called “companion animals.” Using a rescued puppy as an example, Ms. Forbes describes the medical attention veterinarians provide that finally allows a rescued companion to live a happy life in a good home. She offers many suggestions for protecting pets, such as a microchip (small as a grain of rice) injected under the skin for easy identification. The Hyde Park’s yearly Annual Petwalk, a unique and well-known county fair for dogs now in its 18th year, includes activities such as competitions in catch-a-ball, racing, tail wagging, singing, speaking, begging, tricks, and so forth, as well as unusual activities like “paw reading.”","descriptionPreview":"Catherine Forbes, Dutchess County SPCA Director of Development, discusses the no-kill Hyde Park shelter with a 141-year history of providing shelter and services for unwanted, abused, abandoned, or neglected animals. SPCA Adoption Counselors are trained to match families with pets, now called “companion animals.” Using a rescued puppy as an example, Ms. Forbes describes the medical attention veterinarians provide that finally allows a rescued companion to live a happy life in a good home. She offers many suggestions for protecting pets, such as a microchip (small as a grain of rice) injected under the skin for easy identification. The Hyde Park’s yearly Annual Petwalk, a unique and well-known county fair for dogs now in its 18th year, includes activities such as competitions in catch-a-ball, racing, tail wagging, singing, speaking, begging, tricks, and so forth, as well as unusual activities like “paw reading.”","duration":1410298,"episodeId":"e1qrkk","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/How-SPCA-Protects-Companion-Animals-September-28--2012-e1qrkk","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/How-SPCA-Protects-Companion-Animals-September-28--2012-e1qrkk","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"How SPCA Protects Companion Animals (September 28, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T15:38:17.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531928297,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T15:38:17.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T15:38:07.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531928287,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"0cc8a1ea-15a0-6a5f-b272-e4536e8a1cdf","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotarian Doug Martin Sturomski discusses the Worldwide Peace Bells Foundation and the work it does to promote peace. Mr. Sturomski believes strongly in Rotary’s message of achieving peace through service. His Peace Bells across the Hudson this year, where symbolically people on two sides of the bridge will meet in the middle, is a fund raiser supporting Family Promise, a non-profit organization that helps families in economic distress. Discussing the historical significance of the bell symbol in most countries around the world, Mr. Sturomski shares his belief that “peace is on the move” and will soon overshadow the preference for conflict. His website asks visitors to commit acts of peace and gives many examples of how to do so.","descriptionPreview":"Rotarian Doug Martin Sturomski discusses the Worldwide Peace Bells Foundation and the work it does to promote peace. Mr. Sturomski believes strongly in Rotary’s message of achieving peace through service. His Peace Bells across the Hudson this year, where symbolically people on two sides of the bridge will meet in the middle, is a fund raiser supporting Family Promise, a non-profit organization that helps families in economic distress. Discussing the historical significance of the bell symbol in most countries around the world, Mr. Sturomski shares his belief that “peace is on the move” and will soon overshadow the preference for conflict. His website asks visitors to commit acts of peace and gives many examples of how to do so.","duration":1631843,"episodeId":"e1qrge","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Peace-Bells-across-the-Hudson-Aired-on-September-21--2012-e1qrge","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Peace-Bells-across-the-Hudson-Aired-on-September-21--2012-e1qrge","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Peace Bells across the Hudson (Aired on September 21, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T15:30:33.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531927833,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T15:30:33.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T15:30:24.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531927824,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"4fdbb4f3-0025-e5ee-a299-d9f5663d737f","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Pleasant Valley Rotarian Dave Kruger, Chair of District 7210’s Vocational Training Team, a professional exchange program, discusses how this program promotes international goodwill and understanding. Mr. Kruger describes Rotary’s positive impact in the world with its various successful humanitarian programs throughout its 100+ year history, starting with Rotary’s influence in the formation of the United Nations. Some of these programs include ShelterBox, Polio eradication worldwide, Peace and Ambassadorial Scholarhips, and more. Mr. Kruger says he always finds it “inspirational” how Rotarians meet major critical challenges in the world by working together in service to others “to further the greater good.”","descriptionPreview":"Pleasant Valley Rotarian Dave Kruger, Chair of District 7210’s Vocational Training Team, a professional exchange program, discusses how this program promotes international goodwill and understanding. Mr. Kruger describes Rotary’s positive impact in the world with its various successful humanitarian programs throughout its 100+ year history, starting with Rotary’s influence in the formation of the United Nations. Some of these programs include ShelterBox, Polio eradication worldwide, Peace and Ambassadorial Scholarhips, and more. Mr. Kruger says he always finds it “inspirational” how Rotarians meet major critical challenges in the world by working together in service to others “to further the greater good.”","duration":1459226,"episodeId":"e1qrfo","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Vocational-Training-Aired-on-September-14--2012-e1qrfo","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Vocational-Training-Aired-on-September-14--2012-e1qrfo","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Vocational Training (Aired on September 14, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T15:26:42.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531927602,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T15:26:43.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T15:26:33.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531927593,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"cc9f847d-97ce-2228-2797-521dd50024c9","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Carolyn Klocker, Senior Water Resource Educator for Cornell Cooperative Extension in Dutchess County (CCEDC), discusses important updates about our water supply, describing and emphasizing watersheds and their importance. She provides easy methods that will conserve and protect our water supply and corrects misinformation about our knowledge of water. Ms. Klocker also describes the vital work of the CCEDC, which strives to extend the educational resources of Cornell Univerity and the NYS Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Human Ecology, Veterinary Medicine, etc. In addition, Ms. Klocker explains the program called “No Child Left Inside,” a movement in the United States that seeks to encourage environmental literacy for students between kindergarten and 12th grade. Ms. Klocker says: “Water will be the next oil. The more we conserve it, the better off we’ll be.”","descriptionPreview":"Carolyn Klocker, Senior Water Resource Educator for Cornell Cooperative Extension in Dutchess County (CCEDC), discusses important updates about our water supply, describing and emphasizing watersheds and their importance. She provides easy methods that will conserve and protect our water supply and corrects misinformation about our knowledge of water. Ms. Klocker also describes the vital work of the CCEDC, which strives to extend the educational resources of Cornell Univerity and the NYS Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Human Ecology, Veterinary Medicine, etc. In addition, Ms. Klocker explains the program called “No Child Left Inside,” a movement in the United States that seeks to encourage environmental literacy for students between kindergarten and 12th grade. Ms. Klocker says: “Water will be the next oil. The more we conserve it, the better off we’ll be.”","duration":1510713,"episodeId":"e1qrf8","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Protecting-our-Water-Supply-Aired-on-September-7--2012-e1qrf8","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Protecting-our-Water-Supply-Aired-on-September-7--2012-e1qrf8","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Protecting our Water Supply (Aired on September 7, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T15:23:13.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531927393,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T15:23:14.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T15:23:04.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531927384,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"9fee580d-0df4-331e-4e4f-56a0b6dd42af","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Girl Scout Leader Kristen Reid and two teenage Ambassador Level Girl Scouts from Troop 10452 of the Millbrook Service Unit, Heart of Hudson Council, discuss its mission: to provide leadership training to girls, empowering them to connect with others in making the world a better place. Today’s girl scouting experience retains many traditional programs, such as badges, Silver Award, Gold Award, and community services while adding contemporary programs that address current issues, such as financial literacy; Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) programs; self-esteem programs; and multi-cultural appreciation.","descriptionPreview":"Girl Scout Leader Kristen Reid and two teenage Ambassador Level Girl Scouts from Troop 10452 of the Millbrook Service Unit, Heart of Hudson Council, discuss its mission: to provide leadership training to girls, empowering them to connect with others in making the world a better place. Today’s girl scouting experience retains many traditional programs, such as badges, Silver Award, Gold Award, and community services while adding contemporary programs that address current issues, such as financial literacy; Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) programs; self-esteem programs; and multi-cultural appreciation.","duration":1367875,"episodeId":"e1qrej","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Girl-Scouts-Today-Aired-on-August-31--2012-e1qrej","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Girl-Scouts-Today-Aired-on-August-31--2012-e1qrej","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Girl Scouts Today (Aired on August 31, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T15:19:09.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531927149,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T15:19:09.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T15:19:00.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531927140,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"2e90fff7-6346-cc75-4b00-b105c0200c0c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"West Point-Highland Falls Rotarian John Willis discusses his position as Director of Research Operations at the Institute for Innovation and Development at West Point’s U.S. Military Academy. A retired Lieutenant Colonel, Mr. Willis describes several of the 37 research centers and programs as well as his family’s history of three generations in the military. Pointing out that West Point is not only a training center for tomorrow’s officers but also a highly respected four year college, Mr. Willis reviews the admissions process in some detail. He also identifies West Point’s many additional activities open to the public, such as its tours, concerts, and theater, which attracts top talents.","descriptionPreview":"West Point-Highland Falls Rotarian John Willis discusses his position as Director of Research Operations at the Institute for Innovation and Development at West Point’s U.S. Military Academy. A retired Lieutenant Colonel, Mr. Willis describes several of the 37 research centers and programs as well as his family’s history of three generations in the military. Pointing out that West Point is not only a training center for tomorrow’s officers but also a highly respected four year college, Mr. Willis reviews the admissions process in some detail. He also identifies West Point’s many additional activities open to the public, such as its tours, concerts, and theater, which attracts top talents.","duration":1400659,"episodeId":"e1qre2","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/West-Point-Innovation-and-Development-August-24--2012-e1qre2","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/West-Point-Innovation-and-Development-August-24--2012-e1qre2","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"West Point: Innovation and Development (August 24, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T15:15:54.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531926954,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T15:15:54.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T15:15:45.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531926945,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"9b4a26b8-d849-36b4-55c5-883bc944487d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In an on-site interview at the Apple a Day Diner where Red Hook Rotary meets weekly, Dutchess County Fair Board member Lou Ruge and Fair Operations Manager Andy Imperati describe exciting events at the world famous Dutchess County Fair (Aug. 21-26, 2012). Of special interest are the new exhibits devoted to local agriculture and to educational programs showing how food gets from local farms to our kitchen table. The categories of shows are best described by the Fair’s various buildings (horticulture, poultry), arenas (horse), pavilions (livestock, sheep), and tents (canine, entertainment). Fair favorites in food, gifts, demonstrations, competitions, the petting zoo, and more all return this year. Now in its 167th year, the Fair attracts visitors worldwide!","descriptionPreview":"In an on-site interview at the Apple a Day Diner where Red Hook Rotary meets weekly, Dutchess County Fair Board member Lou Ruge and Fair Operations Manager Andy Imperati describe exciting events at the world famous Dutchess County Fair (Aug. 21-26, 2012). Of special interest are the new exhibits devoted to local agriculture and to educational programs showing how food gets from local farms to our kitchen table. The categories of shows are best described by the Fair’s various buildings (horticulture, poultry), arenas (horse), pavilions (livestock, sheep), and tents (canine, entertainment). Fair favorites in food, gifts, demonstrations, competitions, the petting zoo, and more all return this year. Now in its 167th year, the Fair attracts visitors worldwide!","duration":1551934,"episodeId":"e1qrdq","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/World-Famous-Dutchess-County-Fair-Aired-August-17--2012-e1qrdq","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/World-Famous-Dutchess-County-Fair-Aired-August-17--2012-e1qrdq","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"World Famous Dutchess County Fair (Aired August 17, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T15:09:46.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531926586,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T15:09:46.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T15:09:36.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531926576,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"1764a99f-2bd6-a6fd-09b0-836d31f27f8d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Highland Rotarian Don Verity discusses this year’s events at Hudson Valley’s annual celebrated RibFest on August 18-19, now in its 8th year. The RibFest is the region’s largest and most unique food event, attracting people from around the country. Visitors enjoy delicious culinary experiences, cooking demonstrations and competitions, popular music, and various entertainment for the entire family. Proceeds benefit charitable organizations, including Rotary’s global polio eradication program, local food pantries, literacy groups, and more.","descriptionPreview":"Highland Rotarian Don Verity discusses this year’s events at Hudson Valley’s annual celebrated RibFest on August 18-19, now in its 8th year. The RibFest is the region’s largest and most unique food event, attracting people from around the country. Visitors enjoy delicious culinary experiences, cooking demonstrations and competitions, popular music, and various entertainment for the entire family. Proceeds benefit charitable organizations, including Rotary’s global polio eradication program, local food pantries, literacy groups, and more.","duration":1481247,"episodeId":"e1qrd5","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Highland-Rotarys-Famous-RibFest-Aired-August-10--2012-e1qrd5","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Highland-Rotarys-Famous-RibFest-Aired-August-10--2012-e1qrd5","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Highland Rotary’s Famous RibFest (Aired August 10, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T15:00:13.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531926013,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T15:00:13.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T15:00:03.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531926003,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"bc299791-4d49-6276-7247-1a5f8dc8b994","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Sara-Elizabeth Clark’s interview was selected in June, 2012, by the New York State Broadcasters Association to receive the prestigious Broadcasting Award for Excellence in the category of Public Affairs in a Program/Series. In Sara-Elizabeth’s interview, which aired in October, 2011, she discusses her life with epilepsy and how at age 16 she has developed her philosophy: “I will not let my epilepsy define me. It’s what I have, not who I am.” Sara describes the many misunderstandings and misinformation among the public that add to the burden of those with this neurological condition and describes the support available to those with epilepsy. Sara helps support research by major epilepsy organizations with Sara’s Strikes for Seizures, a bowling afternoon that raises money for the cause.","descriptionPreview":"Sara-Elizabeth Clark’s interview was selected in June, 2012, by the New York State Broadcasters Association to receive the prestigious Broadcasting Award for Excellence in the category of Public Affairs in a Program/Series. In Sara-Elizabeth’s interview, which aired in October, 2011, she discusses her life with epilepsy and how at age 16 she has developed her philosophy: “I will not let my epilepsy define me. It’s what I have, not who I am.” Sara describes the many misunderstandings and misinformation among the public that add to the burden of those with this neurological condition and describes the support available to those with epilepsy. Sara helps support research by major epilepsy organizations with Sara’s Strikes for Seizures, a bowling afternoon that raises money for the cause.","duration":1395069,"episodeId":"e1qrc8","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Award-Winning-RadioRotary-ProgramAugust-3--2012-e1qrc8","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Award-Winning-RadioRotary-ProgramAugust-3--2012-e1qrc8","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Award-Winning RadioRotary Program(August 3, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T12:14:50.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531916090,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T12:14:51.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T12:14:41.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531916081,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"dd60e7bf-e7a5-ba5c-0a7e-82a44515b59d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Giorgio Balestrieri, a Rotary UN Representative in the International Service Division, epitomizes Rotary’s passion for peace through service. He discusses examples of Rotary’s effectiveness in worldwide efforts such as polio eradication and clean water. In one very emotional segment, he describes how Rotary’s efforts brought peace and understanding between Armenians and Turks in 2005.","descriptionPreview":"Giorgio Balestrieri, a Rotary UN Representative in the International Service Division, epitomizes Rotary’s passion for peace through service. He discusses examples of Rotary’s effectiveness in worldwide efforts such as polio eradication and clean water. In one very emotional segment, he describes how Rotary’s efforts brought peace and understanding between Armenians and Turks in 2005.","duration":1490416,"episodeId":"e1qqc7","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-and-the-United-Nations-Aired-on-July-27--2012-e1qqc7","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-and-the-United-Nations-Aired-on-July-27--2012-e1qqc7","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary and the United Nations (Aired on July 27, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T12:05:27.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531915527,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T12:05:27.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T12:05:18.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531915518,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"99846511-5923-d9c1-9e9f-ef3df70d52dc","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Penny Hickman, Distribution Coordinator for the humanitarian organization Hunters Helping the Hungry, discusses the process by which this program brings thousands of pounds of game (venison and birds) to soup kitchens, churches, food pantries, and other food distribution sites. She describes how the local deer population would breed themselves out of existence without controlled hunting. Volunteer hunters collect the food, bring it to a processing plant donated and staffed by hunters, cut up and vacuum-pack the meat, freeze it, and distribute it–58,000 pounds distributed since 1993! For young people involved in hunting and fishing, Ms. Hickman describes various ways to help the next generation learn about conservation and the outdoors, such as hunter safety courses, conservation programs, and summer camps. Ms. Hickman urges hunters to wear blaze orange, also known as safety orange, instead of camouflage for safer hunting. Hunting permits include Ms. Hickman’s contact information.","descriptionPreview":"Penny Hickman, Distribution Coordinator for the humanitarian organization Hunters Helping the Hungry, discusses the process by which this program brings thousands of pounds of game (venison and birds) to soup kitchens, churches, food pantries, and other food distribution sites. She describes how the local deer population would breed themselves out of existence without controlled hunting. Volunteer hunters collect the food, bring it to a processing plant donated and staffed by hunters, cut up and vacuum-pack the meat, freeze it, and distribute it–58,000 pounds distributed since 1993! For young people involved in hunting and fishing, Ms. Hickman describes various ways to help the next generation learn about conservation and the outdoors, such as hunter safety courses, conservation programs, and summer camps. Ms. Hickman urges hunters to wear blaze orange, also known as safety orange, instead of camouflage for safer hunting. Hunting permits include Ms. Hickman’s contact information.","duration":1393371,"episodeId":"e1qqbj","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Hunters-Helping-the-Hungry-Aired-on-July-20--2012-e1qqbj","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Hunters-Helping-the-Hungry-Aired-on-July-20--2012-e1qqbj","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Hunters Helping the Hungry (Aired on July 20, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T11:55:52.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531914952,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T11:55:52.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T11:55:43.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531914943,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ee14a1b3-388d-ad25-38c1-2b3f6a51774a","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"William BreMiller and John Roger, physical therapists with extensive medical and academic credentials, discuss the benefits of physical therapy, especially orthopedic therapy. Therapy is commonly used for treating movement disorders caused by aging, arthritis, injuries, and so forth. But there are also a wide variety of conditions that physical therapy addresses, including post-trauma rehabilitation, surgery follow up, sports injuries, and even headache management. The interview covers tips to prevent conditions from becoming chronic as well as the ways that modern therapy strategies speed recovery. There are many reasons why more people today are seeking physical therapy, especially young athletes.","descriptionPreview":"William BreMiller and John Roger, physical therapists with extensive medical and academic credentials, discuss the benefits of physical therapy, especially orthopedic therapy. Therapy is commonly used for treating movement disorders caused by aging, arthritis, injuries, and so forth. But there are also a wide variety of conditions that physical therapy addresses, including post-trauma rehabilitation, surgery follow up, sports injuries, and even headache management. The interview covers tips to prevent conditions from becoming chronic as well as the ways that modern therapy strategies speed recovery. There are many reasons why more people today are seeking physical therapy, especially young athletes.","duration":1399457,"episodeId":"e1qqb0","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Benefits-of-Physical-Therapy-Aired-on-July-13--2012-e1qqb0","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Benefits-of-Physical-Therapy-Aired-on-July-13--2012-e1qqb0","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Benefits of Physical Therapy (Aired on July 13, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T11:35:48.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531913748,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T11:35:48.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T11:35:39.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531913739,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"16855ed0-8dd7-2b35-ac3f-2bf415f78624","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotary International’s long-term Youth Exchange Program provides students ages 15-19 with the opportunity to live in a different country for a full school year. Enjoy this lively interview with current Inbound and next year’s outbound students participating under the direction of Rotary District 7210’s Inbound Co-Chairs Nan and David Greenwood and Outbound Chair Donna Bemiss. Inbound students describe their experiences–including their food preferences–living with Hudson Valley host families and attending local public schools. Outbound students discuss why they look forward to living abroad. Through Youth Exchange, which began in the 1920s, students learn firsthand about life in another country, planting the seeds for a lifetime of international understanding. Students applying for the program do not have to have family affiliated with Rotary.","descriptionPreview":"Rotary International’s long-term Youth Exchange Program provides students ages 15-19 with the opportunity to live in a different country for a full school year. Enjoy this lively interview with current Inbound and next year’s outbound students participating under the direction of Rotary District 7210’s Inbound Co-Chairs Nan and David Greenwood and Outbound Chair Donna Bemiss. Inbound students describe their experiences–including their food preferences–living with Hudson Valley host families and attending local public schools. Outbound students discuss why they look forward to living abroad. Through Youth Exchange, which began in the 1920s, students learn firsthand about life in another country, planting the seeds for a lifetime of international understanding. Students applying for the program do not have to have family affiliated with Rotary.","duration":1494256,"episodeId":"e1qqa1","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Youth-Exchange-A-Unique-Opportunity-July-6--2012-e1qqa1","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Youth-Exchange-A-Unique-Opportunity-July-6--2012-e1qqa1","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Youth Exchange: A Unique Opportunity (July 6, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T11:23:13.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531912993,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T11:23:13.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T11:23:03.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531912983,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"8f8755fe-d28a-0a44-9a1d-8aaca0666091","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotarian Stan Martin (Warwick Valley Rotary) describes a highly successful humanitarian initiative of his Rotary club working with the Warwick Reformed Church to provide weekend food to needy families. Called the Backpack Snack Attack, the program originally served the needs of one school district and 20 student families. Today, in these harsh economic times and supported by a Rotary district grant, it has expanded to serving several districts and 200 families. Elementary schools identify the families in need and send students home each Friday with backpacks filled with food. Students return the backpacks on Monday. This year, students also received winter jackets from the Rotary Club of Warwick. Each week, over 300 volunteers organize food donations, food collections, food purchases, fundraising, and backpack packing, paying attention to restrictive diets, allergies, and so forth. Today this program is a model for other efforts like it in the Hudson Valley and beyond.","descriptionPreview":"Rotarian Stan Martin (Warwick Valley Rotary) describes a highly successful humanitarian initiative of his Rotary club working with the Warwick Reformed Church to provide weekend food to needy families. Called the Backpack Snack Attack, the program originally served the needs of one school district and 20 student families. Today, in these harsh economic times and supported by a Rotary district grant, it has expanded to serving several districts and 200 families. Elementary schools identify the families in need and send students home each Friday with backpacks filled with food. Students return the backpacks on Monday. This year, students also received winter jackets from the Rotary Club of Warwick. Each week, over 300 volunteers organize food donations, food collections, food purchases, fundraising, and backpack packing, paying attention to restrictive diets, allergies, and so forth. Today this program is a model for other efforts like it in the Hudson Valley and beyond.","duration":1459983,"episodeId":"e1qq97","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Backpack-Snack-Attack-Food-for-the-Needy-June-29--2012-e1qq97","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Backpack-Snack-Attack-Food-for-the-Needy-June-29--2012-e1qq97","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Backpack Snack Attack: Food for the Needy (June 29, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T11:07:00.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531912020,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T11:07:01.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T11:06:51.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531912011,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"431e73db-11da-b164-fcab-c53757689217","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In this week’s program, Millbrook Rotarian Rona Boyer, Food Editor of The Millbrook Independent, offers gourmet cooking tips and, as an added bonus, easy-to-follow delicious, healthy gourmet recipes. Here is an example: to prepare a tasty and tender chicken dish marinate chicken parts in the refrigerator skin-side down in equal amounts of peanut oil (or other light oil) and lemon juice from 45 minutes to 4 hours; pour out 2/3 of marinade and bake skin-side up at 350° until juices run clear. Listen for more examples, such as an easy and fabulous gourmet dessert, Roasted Strawberries.","descriptionPreview":"In this week’s program, Millbrook Rotarian Rona Boyer, Food Editor of The Millbrook Independent, offers gourmet cooking tips and, as an added bonus, easy-to-follow delicious, healthy gourmet recipes. Here is an example: to prepare a tasty and tender chicken dish marinate chicken parts in the refrigerator skin-side down in equal amounts of peanut oil (or other light oil) and lemon juice from 45 minutes to 4 hours; pour out 2/3 of marinade and bake skin-side up at 350° until juices run clear. Listen for more examples, such as an easy and fabulous gourmet dessert, Roasted Strawberries.","duration":1467062,"episodeId":"e1qq8f","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Gourmet-Cooking-for-Novices-Aired-on-June-22--2012-e1qq8f","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Gourmet-Cooking-for-Novices-Aired-on-June-22--2012-e1qq8f","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Gourmet Cooking for Novices (Aired on June 22, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T10:57:36.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531911456,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T10:57:37.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T10:57:27.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531911447,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"0b618321-6e9d-35e2-198d-bc159d422661","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Lynne Versaci, Community Director of the March of Dimes, Northern Metro Division, describes the original purpose of the organization in 1938, which was to eradicate polio in America, and its current mission today. Now The March of Dimes focuses on ways to improve the health of mothers and babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. Using her own personal history of giving birth to premature babies and how one was saved as examples, she discusses ways premature infants today can be helped to breathe on their own. The charity needs both volunteers and fundraising efforts to maintain its success.","descriptionPreview":"Lynne Versaci, Community Director of the March of Dimes, Northern Metro Division, describes the original purpose of the organization in 1938, which was to eradicate polio in America, and its current mission today. Now The March of Dimes focuses on ways to improve the health of mothers and babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. Using her own personal history of giving birth to premature babies and how one was saved as examples, she discusses ways premature infants today can be helped to breathe on their own. The charity needs both volunteers and fundraising efforts to maintain its success.","duration":1521815,"episodeId":"e1qq74","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/March-of-Dimes-Then-and-Now-Aired-on-June-15--2012-e1qq74","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/March-of-Dimes-Then-and-Now-Aired-on-June-15--2012-e1qq74","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"March of Dimes: Then and Now (Aired on June 15, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T10:45:37.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531910737,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T10:45:37.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T10:45:27.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531910727,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"3ea0da85-2a91-b94a-e892-693473eea0bd","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Louise Quartuccio, Director of Social Work at Elant, a nursing facility that provides housing for seniors, and Roger Risko, Rotary District 7210’s Elderact Chair, discuss Elderact, a Rotary-connected club for senior citizens similar to Rotaract for young adults and Interact for high-school students. The Elderact club is an example of how society benefits from humanitarian efforts by its senior citizens. The span of knowledge and skills among seniors is often overlooked but are clearly recognized when seniors implement important work in their local community and beyond, such as Elant’s humanitarian projects that support the military, battered women’s shelters, students, local animal shelters, and the needy. The Elderact model is currently being expanded to other senior facilities in District 7210.","descriptionPreview":"Louise Quartuccio, Director of Social Work at Elant, a nursing facility that provides housing for seniors, and Roger Risko, Rotary District 7210’s Elderact Chair, discuss Elderact, a Rotary-connected club for senior citizens similar to Rotaract for young adults and Interact for high-school students. The Elderact club is an example of how society benefits from humanitarian efforts by its senior citizens. The span of knowledge and skills among seniors is often overlooked but are clearly recognized when seniors implement important work in their local community and beyond, such as Elant’s humanitarian projects that support the military, battered women’s shelters, students, local animal shelters, and the needy. The Elderact model is currently being expanded to other senior facilities in District 7210.","duration":1427121,"episodeId":"e1qq6g","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Humanitarian-Work-by-Seniors-Aired-on-June-8--2012-e1qq6g","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Humanitarian-Work-by-Seniors-Aired-on-June-8--2012-e1qq6g","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Humanitarian Work by Seniors (Aired on June 8, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-18T10:35:05.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531910105,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-18T10:35:05.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-18T10:34:55.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531910095,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"d053420e-04ad-64b8-ae88-cca3fca0cbf4","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Don Fleming, Vice President and Public Relations Manager of Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome, famous for its air shows, discusses the history of the airport and the fabulous entertainment available to the public in the shows featuring antique aircraft. Mr. Fleming describes the necessary expertise of the pilots who fly the older planes and his own experience with airplanes. Besides the air shows (from June through mid October), visitors can enjoy a guided tour at the museum to view the unique collection of airplanes, largely from WWI.","descriptionPreview":"Don Fleming, Vice President and Public Relations Manager of Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome, famous for its air shows, discusses the history of the airport and the fabulous entertainment available to the public in the shows featuring antique aircraft. Mr. Fleming describes the necessary expertise of the pilots who fly the older planes and his own experience with airplanes. Besides the air shows (from June through mid October), visitors can enjoy a guided tour at the museum to view the unique collection of airplanes, largely from WWI.","duration":1543941,"episodeId":"e1qq1d","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Family-Entertainment-Old-Rhinebeck-Aerodrome-June-1--2012-e1qq1d","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Family-Entertainment-Old-Rhinebeck-Aerodrome-June-1--2012-e1qq1d","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Family Entertainment Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome (June 1, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-17T21:14:20.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531862060,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-17T21:14:21.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-17T21:14:11.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531862051,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"736c205e-975f-7cbc-6925-17676d3a6175","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Joe Ryan, Outreach Coordinator for the Division of Aging Services, provides many interesting statistics and other facts about the many ways this agency assists seniors. Approximately 57,000 seniors, defined as anyone over 60 years old, live in Dutchess County, and residents between 40 and 60 years old total about 90,000. Other Hudson Valley counties provide similar services, which include help with legal issues (wills, trusts, etc.), transportation (for medical purposes especially, but for other purposes such as grocery shopping), medical information (long term care, levels of living), free exercise programs, the Brain Games program, and loads more. They also provide assistance to caretakers for the aging. The agency receives about 39,000 calls per year asking for help. The agency’s goal is to keep seniors living independently and at home as long as possible because studies show that seniors live longer in their own environment.","descriptionPreview":"Joe Ryan, Outreach Coordinator for the Division of Aging Services, provides many interesting statistics and other facts about the many ways this agency assists seniors. Approximately 57,000 seniors, defined as anyone over 60 years old, live in Dutchess County, and residents between 40 and 60 years old total about 90,000. Other Hudson Valley counties provide similar services, which include help with legal issues (wills, trusts, etc.), transportation (for medical purposes especially, but for other purposes such as grocery shopping), medical information (long term care, levels of living), free exercise programs, the Brain Games program, and loads more. They also provide assistance to caretakers for the aging. The agency receives about 39,000 calls per year asking for help. The agency’s goal is to keep seniors living independently and at home as long as possible because studies show that seniors live longer in their own environment.","duration":1540519,"episodeId":"e1qnb5","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-Countys-Division-of-Aging-Services-Aired-on-May-25--2012-e1qnb5","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Dutchess-Countys-Division-of-Aging-Services-Aired-on-May-25--2012-e1qnb5","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Dutchess County’s Division of Aging Services (Aired on May 25, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-17T21:09:41.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531861781,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-17T21:09:41.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-17T21:09:31.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531861771,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"3b527729-dd3d-ebbd-6618-5485fccd0f5c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Executives from PARC (Putnam Achieve, Reach, Connect), Nancy Miringoff, Associate Executive Director, and Pepi Diaz-Salazar, Director of Day Habilitation, discuss PARC’s many services to children and adults with developmental disabilities and brain injuries. Based in Putnam County but covering a huge geographical area beyond, PARC provides a variety of services, including preschool for children with autism, residential homes, day habilitation and vocational training, and support groups for those suffering from brain injuries. Day habilitation is assistance in a non-residential setting with self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills. Day habilitation at PARC focuses on socialization and cognitive skills necessary for community-based jobs and volunteer services such as delivering meals for Meals on Wheels. PARC also provides extensive, life-long services to more than 650 people each year after they have aged out of the school system. ","descriptionPreview":"Executives from PARC (Putnam Achieve, Reach, Connect), Nancy Miringoff, Associate Executive Director, and Pepi Diaz-Salazar, Director of Day Habilitation, discuss PARC’s many services to children and adults with developmental disabilities and brain injuries. Based in Putnam County but covering a huge geographical area beyond, PARC provides a variety of services, including preschool for children with autism, residential homes, day habilitation and vocational training, and support groups for those suffering from brain injuries. Day habilitation is assistance in a non-residential setting with self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills. Day habilitation at PARC focuses on socialization and cognitive skills necessary for community-based jobs and volunteer services such as delivering meals for Meals on Wheels. PARC also provides extensive, life-long services to more than 650 people each year after they have aged out of the school system. ","duration":1562801,"episodeId":"e1qnac","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Services-for-Special-Needs-Aired-on-May-18--2012-e1qnac","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Services-for-Special-Needs-Aired-on-May-18--2012-e1qnac","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Services for Special-Needs (Aired on May 18, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-17T21:05:40.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531861540,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-17T21:05:41.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-17T21:05:31.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531861531,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"d31d5501-cfab-629d-6b20-fe497815fb1d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Award winning producer and host of a new program called Vets Chat Show Trent Love, retired U.S. Army Captain, brings veterans and the community together to address the needs of returning veterans and their families. The intent is to help listeners become aware of the veterans’ problems and about the ways they can help, sometimes as simple as telling a vet: “Thank you for serving.” Mr. Love discusses the many resources and services now available to returning veterans and points out the shortage of publicity, which means that veterans must reach out to each other. A poet in his spare time, Mr. Love shares the values of Rotary, wanting to give back to his community and his country. His 9/11 experience as a First Responder resulted in a multi-media exhibition, “United We Stood,” a month long multi-media photo exhibition, showcasing 10 original photos taken by Trent Love at various locations around New York. Contact: vetschatshow@gmail.com","descriptionPreview":"Award winning producer and host of a new program called Vets Chat Show Trent Love, retired U.S. Army Captain, brings veterans and the community together to address the needs of returning veterans and their families. The intent is to help listeners become aware of the veterans’ problems and about the ways they can help, sometimes as simple as telling a vet: “Thank you for serving.” Mr. Love discusses the many resources and services now available to returning veterans and points out the shortage of publicity, which means that veterans must reach out to each other. A poet in his spare time, Mr. Love shares the values of Rotary, wanting to give back to his community and his country. His 9/11 experience as a First Responder resulted in a multi-media exhibition, “United We Stood,” a month long multi-media photo exhibition, showcasing 10 original photos taken by Trent Love at various locations around New York. Contact: vetschatshow@gmail.com","duration":1497077,"episodeId":"e1qna3","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Support-for-Our-Veterans-Aired-on-May-11--2012-e1qna3","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Support-for-Our-Veterans-Aired-on-May-11--2012-e1qna3","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Support for Our Veterans (Aired on May 11, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-17T20:53:40.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531860820,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-17T20:53:40.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-17T20:53:30.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531860810,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"63e6c2e0-df4d-e3ef-7603-532a265cf272","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotarian Eben Yager (Poughkeepsie-Arlington) discusses the Renegades baseball team, now in its 19th season. General Manager Yager describes the many reasons for the team’s enormous and growing popularity, which includes the enthusiastic energy of the players and the extensive forms of family entertainment available at each game. In addition, the raccoon mascots are loads of fun: Rookie (dad), Renee (mom), and Rascal (their child). Furthermore, the cost of tickets and food is reasonable, there are no “bad” seats, and the food is varied and delicious. There are also many special activities, such as Bed & Breakfast Night, Scout Night, and so forth.","descriptionPreview":"Rotarian Eben Yager (Poughkeepsie-Arlington) discusses the Renegades baseball team, now in its 19th season. General Manager Yager describes the many reasons for the team’s enormous and growing popularity, which includes the enthusiastic energy of the players and the extensive forms of family entertainment available at each game. In addition, the raccoon mascots are loads of fun: Rookie (dad), Renee (mom), and Rascal (their child). Furthermore, the cost of tickets and food is reasonable, there are no “bad” seats, and the food is varied and delicious. There are also many special activities, such as Bed & Breakfast Night, Scout Night, and so forth.","duration":1544594,"episodeId":"e1qn6d","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Hudson-Valley-Renegades-Aired-on-May-4--2012-e1qn6d","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Hudson-Valley-Renegades-Aired-on-May-4--2012-e1qn6d","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Hudson Valley Renegades (Aired on May 4, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-17T20:48:51.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531860531,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-17T20:48:51.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-17T20:48:41.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531860521,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"68c34a08-0bab-ed53-f2c4-d230e5f0b8c7","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Bill Bassett shares his goals for his year as District Governor, which will start July 1, 2012, and describes the intense training that Rotary provides for district governors. He plans to focus on supporting local literacy projects. The district exists to support its more than 60 clubs; these know the needs of their communities and meet them through local humanitarian projects. District clubs also can join with each other and with clubs around the world to facilitate major global projects, such as polio eradication, that save lives and improve the quality of life. Mr. Bassett discusses Rotary International’s theme this year of “Peace through Service” and, in light of this, Rotary’s Peace Fellowship program, an all-expense-paid program that provides a master’s degree or certification in Peace and Conflict Resolution at one of several Peace Centers around the world.","descriptionPreview":"Bill Bassett shares his goals for his year as District Governor, which will start July 1, 2012, and describes the intense training that Rotary provides for district governors. He plans to focus on supporting local literacy projects. The district exists to support its more than 60 clubs; these know the needs of their communities and meet them through local humanitarian projects. District clubs also can join with each other and with clubs around the world to facilitate major global projects, such as polio eradication, that save lives and improve the quality of life. Mr. Bassett discusses Rotary International’s theme this year of “Peace through Service” and, in light of this, Rotary’s Peace Fellowship program, an all-expense-paid program that provides a master’s degree or certification in Peace and Conflict Resolution at one of several Peace Centers around the world.","duration":1569306,"episodeId":"e1qn5p","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Governor-Elect-Speaks-about-Rotary-April-27--2012-e1qn5p","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Governor-Elect-Speaks-about-Rotary-April-27--2012-e1qn5p","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Governor-Elect Speaks about Rotary (April 27, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-17T20:44:59.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531860299,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-17T20:45:00.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-17T20:44:50.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531860290,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a4e4b352-3344-5de3-943d-244564e09ac3","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Ed Hengel, District co-Chair for the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), discusses the significant effects on the lives of young adults selected for this unique program. Students acquire self-confidence as they learn about the fundamentals and ethics of positive leadership during several days together at the RYLA workshop. Groups are assigned tasks. As they work together on these projects, they learn problem solving, conflict management, and something about themselves. During the workshop, participants have access to guest speakers who represent different forms of leadership in a variety of professions. Most activities are run by young adults who themselves have gone through this program, which contributes to the success of this Rotary-funded program.","descriptionPreview":"Ed Hengel, District co-Chair for the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), discusses the significant effects on the lives of young adults selected for this unique program. Students acquire self-confidence as they learn about the fundamentals and ethics of positive leadership during several days together at the RYLA workshop. Groups are assigned tasks. As they work together on these projects, they learn problem solving, conflict management, and something about themselves. During the workshop, participants have access to guest speakers who represent different forms of leadership in a variety of professions. Most activities are run by young adults who themselves have gone through this program, which contributes to the success of this Rotary-funded program.","duration":1578396,"episodeId":"e1qn5d","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Youth-Leadership-Awards-Aired-on-April-20--2012-e1qn5d","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Youth-Leadership-Awards-Aired-on-April-20--2012-e1qn5d","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (Aired on April 20, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-17T20:39:48.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531859988,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-17T20:39:48.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-17T20:39:39.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531859979,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"0ee8fa89-6723-a6a9-82a0-477a674eb34c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotarian Lenny Nathan, President and Founder of HealthSav, a training center for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), discusses the need for public awareness about how to save a life when faced with someone who suddenly goes into cardiac arrest. Mr. Nathan describes the difference between a heart attack, when blood flow through the heart is blocked, and cardiac arrest, when the heart stops beating. He explains the reason why some cities (such as Seattle) can save up to 50% of people who go into sudden cardiac arrest when they are not in a hospital while other cities and towns, including those in New York State, save only about 4%. You can learn more surprising statistics and information about the heart in this fascinating interview.","descriptionPreview":"Rotarian Lenny Nathan, President and Founder of HealthSav, a training center for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), discusses the need for public awareness about how to save a life when faced with someone who suddenly goes into cardiac arrest. Mr. Nathan describes the difference between a heart attack, when blood flow through the heart is blocked, and cardiac arrest, when the heart stops beating. He explains the reason why some cities (such as Seattle) can save up to 50% of people who go into sudden cardiac arrest when they are not in a hospital while other cities and towns, including those in New York State, save only about 4%. You can learn more surprising statistics and information about the heart in this fascinating interview.","duration":1610762,"episodeId":"e1qn4h","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/How-You-Can-Save-a-Life-Aired-on-April-13--2012-e1qn4h","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/How-You-Can-Save-a-Life-Aired-on-April-13--2012-e1qn4h","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"How You Can Save a Life (Aired on April 13, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-17T20:35:51.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531859751,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-17T20:35:52.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-17T20:35:42.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531859742,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"477fc7bb-e753-d2e7-aa44-5158f8562e85","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Steven Pressman, Executive Director of Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers, Inc. (MARC), discusses residential treatment and recovery services for individuals and families in recovery from alcoholism and other drug addictions. Few addicts can stop drinking or using on their own, so nearly all need help both to stop and also to re-enter normal life. MARC’s services include a Crisis Center, halfway houses for long-term recovery, and sober apartments. Mr. Pressman outlines various programs that have helped former addicts reclaim their lives to become successful, productive citizens and parents. In addition, Mr. Pressman discusses how to prevent teens today from secretly accessing prescriptive drugs other family members ","descriptionPreview":"Steven Pressman, Executive Director of Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers, Inc. (MARC), discusses residential treatment and recovery services for individuals and families in recovery from alcoholism and other drug addictions. Few addicts can stop drinking or using on their own, so nearly all need help both to stop and also to re-enter normal life. MARC’s services include a Crisis Center, halfway houses for long-term recovery, and sober apartments. Mr. Pressman outlines various programs that have helped former addicts reclaim their lives to become successful, productive citizens and parents. In addition, Mr. Pressman discusses how to prevent teens today from secretly accessing prescriptive drugs other family members ","duration":1469126,"episodeId":"e1qn3u","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Treating-Alcoholism-and-Other-Addictions-April-6--2012-e1qn3u","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Treating-Alcoholism-and-Other-Addictions-April-6--2012-e1qn3u","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Treating Alcoholism and Other Addictions (April 6, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-17T20:28:36.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531859316,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-17T20:28:37.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-17T20:28:27.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531859307,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"2afc5f22-babc-645b-86b4-e51918615211","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Chris Silva, Executive Director of the Bardavon since 1994, discusses the Bardavon’s upcoming programs and its fascinating history in the Hudson Valley. Many legendary performers have graced its stage in the past, including Mark Twain, Sarah Bernhardt, Frank Sinatra, and Houdini. When the Bardavon fell on hard times in the 1970s, citizens rallied to restore it. Its dramatic growth since then can be attributed to Mr. Silva’s excellent efforts such as overseeing the rescue (and management) of the Hudson Valley Philharmonic and daytime children’s programming. Recently performers have included Itzhak Perlman, Al Pacino, Patti LaBelle, Tony Bennett, and Bob Dylan, as well as classic motion pictures.\n\nLearn More:","descriptionPreview":"Chris Silva, Executive Director of the Bardavon since 1994, discusses the Bardavon’s upcoming programs and its fascinating history in the Hudson Valley. Many legendary performers have graced its stage in the past, including Mark Twain, Sarah Bernhardt, Frank Sinatra, and Houdini. When the Bardavon fell on hard times in the 1970s, citizens rallied to restore it. Its dramatic growth since then can be attributed to Mr. Silva’s excellent efforts such as overseeing the rescue (and management) of the Hudson Valley Philharmonic and daytime children’s programming. Recently performers have included Itzhak Perlman, Al Pacino, Patti LaBelle, Tony Bennett, and Bob Dylan, as well as classic motion pictures.\n\nLearn More:","duration":1473123,"episodeId":"e1qn2e","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Bardavon-Historic-Theater-Aired-on-March-30--2012-e1qn2e","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Bardavon-Historic-Theater-Aired-on-March-30--2012-e1qn2e","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Bardavon Historic Theater (Aired on March 30, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-17T20:12:35.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531858355,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-17T20:12:36.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-17T20:12:26.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531858346,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"61bd4a88-9926-5afa-3605-3ba8bf41b99d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Dr. Gary Lovett, Senior Scientist at Millbrook’s Cary Institute, discusses the forests of the Hudson Valley and the problems they face now and will face in the future. During the interview, Dr. Lovett answers questions about the effects of acid rain, how climate change affects the forests, the problems that arise from invasive insects new to our region (notably the emerald ash borer), and lots more.","descriptionPreview":"Dr. Gary Lovett, Senior Scientist at Millbrook’s Cary Institute, discusses the forests of the Hudson Valley and the problems they face now and will face in the future. During the interview, Dr. Lovett answers questions about the effects of acid rain, how climate change affects the forests, the problems that arise from invasive insects new to our region (notably the emerald ash borer), and lots more.","duration":1446844,"episodeId":"e1qn0m","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Challenges-to-Forests-of-the-Hudson-Valley-March-23--2012-e1qn0m","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Challenges-to-Forests-of-the-Hudson-Valley-March-23--2012-e1qn0m","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Challenges to Forests of the Hudson Valley (March 23, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-17T20:08:26.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531858106,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-17T20:08:26.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-17T20:08:16.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531858096,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"e931047c-84a5-2898-5d72-7e571ade8bc5","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Professional caregiver advocate, Rotarian Christine Sotmary, Executive Director of Caregiver Access, considers the rarely- discussed topic of caring for the caregivers, the people who help the ill or disabled in their own homes. People live longer today, so more families are involved in such situations. The caregivers live under enormous pressure caregiving and need support themselves. Ms. Sotmary shares her years of research into every aspect of caregiving, and provides important information about documents and programs that inform or aid caregivers. Caregiver Access also introduces student volunteers to careers in the medical, legal, and financial fields.","descriptionPreview":"Professional caregiver advocate, Rotarian Christine Sotmary, Executive Director of Caregiver Access, considers the rarely- discussed topic of caring for the caregivers, the people who help the ill or disabled in their own homes. People live longer today, so more families are involved in such situations. The caregivers live under enormous pressure caregiving and need support themselves. Ms. Sotmary shares her years of research into every aspect of caregiving, and provides important information about documents and programs that inform or aid caregivers. Caregiver Access also introduces student volunteers to careers in the medical, legal, and financial fields.","duration":1475657,"episodeId":"e1qn06","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Taking-Care-of-the-Caregiver-Aired-on-March-16--2012-e1qn06","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Taking-Care-of-the-Caregiver-Aired-on-March-16--2012-e1qn06","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Taking Care of the Caregiver (Aired on March 16, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-17T20:00:14.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531857614,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-17T20:00:14.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-17T20:00:05.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531857605,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"40651505-3b87-6b01-c388-39043eec44f4","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Barbara Kohlhausen, CEO of Meals on Wheels Programs & Services of Rockland, and Pearl River Rotary President Carol McGrath, discuss how their Rotary club and other Rockland Rotarians work with volunteers to deliver lunch and dinner–about 1,000 meals a day, customizing meals for special diets as needed. Listeners will be in awe at the enormity of the services this organization offers, not only to the elderly, but also to others who are homebound, including transportation to and from senior centers.","descriptionPreview":"Barbara Kohlhausen, CEO of Meals on Wheels Programs & Services of Rockland, and Pearl River Rotary President Carol McGrath, discuss how their Rotary club and other Rockland Rotarians work with volunteers to deliver lunch and dinner–about 1,000 meals a day, customizing meals for special diets as needed. Listeners will be in awe at the enormity of the services this organization offers, not only to the elderly, but also to others who are homebound, including transportation to and from senior centers.","duration":1529260,"episodeId":"e1qmvc","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Meals-on-Wheels-Aired-on-March-9--2012-e1qmvc","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Meals-on-Wheels-Aired-on-March-9--2012-e1qmvc","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Meals on Wheels (Aired on March 9, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-17T19:51:21.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531857081,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-17T19:51:22.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-17T19:51:12.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531857072,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"86cf27a6-af1c-90e4-fc65-4e7ff8ec9410","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Founder and Executive Director of Touching Bases, Bob Baird, describes this unique baseball league. This league is for adults of all ages with disabilities. They follow modified rules, which create a safe environment for players to socialize with each other and to succeed in a game they love. Listeners will enjoy Mr. Baird’s description of games in which the spectators have as much fun as the players. Mr. Baird has helped other communities replicate Touching Bases, now in its 10th year, including folks in the Erie County/Buffalo area and in Richmond, Virginia.","descriptionPreview":"Founder and Executive Director of Touching Bases, Bob Baird, describes this unique baseball league. This league is for adults of all ages with disabilities. They follow modified rules, which create a safe environment for players to socialize with each other and to succeed in a game they love. Listeners will enjoy Mr. Baird’s description of games in which the spectators have as much fun as the players. Mr. Baird has helped other communities replicate Touching Bases, now in its 10th year, including folks in the Erie County/Buffalo area and in Richmond, Virginia.","duration":1562148,"episodeId":"e1qmui","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Touching-Bases-Aired-on-March-2--2012-e1qmui","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Touching-Bases-Aired-on-March-2--2012-e1qmui","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Touching Bases (Aired on March 2, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-17T13:55:06.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531835706,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-17T13:55:06.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-17T13:54:57.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531835697,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"cf1bc312-9151-936e-bd6d-ee8ec7bff074","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Sister Margo Morris, Executive Director and Founder of Sprout Creek Farm, discusses how this working farm helps foster a better understanding of our place in the natural world, thus encouraging responsibility for the future of our environment. Sr. Margo Morris emphasizes her preference to educate young people about “from soil to table” at the beginning of learning, not in the middle. Education is implemented at the farm with projects, such as involving students in the farm’s successful cheese production. Students come from all over the Hudson Valley to attend summer camp and visits throughout the year. Aluimni of the program can enter careers in veterinary, environmental law, and other related professions.","descriptionPreview":"Sister Margo Morris, Executive Director and Founder of Sprout Creek Farm, discusses how this working farm helps foster a better understanding of our place in the natural world, thus encouraging responsibility for the future of our environment. Sr. Margo Morris emphasizes her preference to educate young people about “from soil to table” at the beginning of learning, not in the middle. Education is implemented at the farm with projects, such as involving students in the farm’s successful cheese production. Students come from all over the Hudson Valley to attend summer camp and visits throughout the year. Aluimni of the program can enter careers in veterinary, environmental law, and other related professions.","duration":1500499,"episodeId":"e1ql41","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Connecting-education-and-the-environment-February-24--2012-e1ql41","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Connecting-education-and-the-environment-February-24--2012-e1ql41","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Connecting education and the environment (February 24, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-17T13:49:21.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531835361,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-17T13:49:21.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-17T13:49:12.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531835352,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"430e970d-ef52-1193-8e30-9d636a5de538","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"When Executive Director and Founder of Tri-County Crisis Center (TCCC), Maria DiBari, realized how difficult it was for victims of domestic violence to get all the help they needed, she created TCCC, which supports victims and families of victims of domestic violence. In this moving interview, Ms. DiBari describes the personal journey that led her to create this life-saving organization. Jackie Axt, TCCC Board Member, emphasizes the need for the Center by describing the murder of her sister, which could have been prevented if she had had access to the many services that the Crisis Center provides.","descriptionPreview":"When Executive Director and Founder of Tri-County Crisis Center (TCCC), Maria DiBari, realized how difficult it was for victims of domestic violence to get all the help they needed, she created TCCC, which supports victims and families of victims of domestic violence. In this moving interview, Ms. DiBari describes the personal journey that led her to create this life-saving organization. Jackie Axt, TCCC Board Member, emphasizes the need for the Center by describing the murder of her sister, which could have been prevented if she had had access to the many services that the Crisis Center provides.","duration":1455072,"episodeId":"e1ql3b","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Tri-County-Crisis-Center--Inc--Aired-on-Feb--17--2012-e1ql3b","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Tri-County-Crisis-Center--Inc--Aired-on-Feb--17--2012-e1ql3b","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Tri-County Crisis Center, Inc. (Aired on Feb. 17, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-17T13:36:36.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531834596,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-17T13:36:36.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-17T13:36:26.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531834586,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"37900706-866c-d4b5-4945-e06bd47b1c19","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Nicholas Gati, composer/guitarist/pianist, and actor Anthony Avella, both professionally trained entertainers, discuss the song they created for Rotary Day at the United Nations. Written in 2011, “We Come Together,” is a moving tribute that is played during the interview. Mr. Gati and Mr. Avella describe the process of their successful collaborations over the years, each having skills that enhance the other’s talents.","descriptionPreview":"Nicholas Gati, composer/guitarist/pianist, and actor Anthony Avella, both professionally trained entertainers, discuss the song they created for Rotary Day at the United Nations. Written in 2011, “We Come Together,” is a moving tribute that is played during the interview. Mr. Gati and Mr. Avella describe the process of their successful collaborations over the years, each having skills that enhance the other’s talents.","duration":1475317,"episodeId":"e1ql2a","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/A-Song-for-Rotary-U-N--Day-Aired-on-Feb--10--2012-e1ql2a","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/A-Song-for-Rotary-U-N--Day-Aired-on-Feb--10--2012-e1ql2a","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"A Song for Rotary U.N. Day (Aired on Feb. 10, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-17T13:32:49.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531834369,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-17T13:32:49.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-17T13:32:40.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531834360,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"d34f56fc-be9c-4a85-900f-b8d6ab408f08","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Ron Van Warmer, Associate Director of the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley, discusses this important organization’s dedication to alleviating hunger while preventing the waste of wholesome food. Providing some astonishing statistics about hunger in our midst in today’s poor economy, Mr. Van Warmer describes the current profile of people who are hungry, how Food Banks are vital in helping them, and several heartfelt stories. He explains where the food comes from, the difference between a Food Bank and a Food Pantry, and how the public can help.","descriptionPreview":"Ron Van Warmer, Associate Director of the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley, discusses this important organization’s dedication to alleviating hunger while preventing the waste of wholesome food. Providing some astonishing statistics about hunger in our midst in today’s poor economy, Mr. Van Warmer describes the current profile of people who are hungry, how Food Banks are vital in helping them, and several heartfelt stories. He explains where the food comes from, the difference between a Food Bank and a Food Pantry, and how the public can help.","duration":1475186,"episodeId":"e1ql1o","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Food-Banks-of-the-Hudson-Valley-Aired-February-3--2012-e1ql1o","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Food-Banks-of-the-Hudson-Valley-Aired-February-3--2012-e1ql1o","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Food Banks of the Hudson Valley (Aired February 3, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T23:30:27.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531783827,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T23:30:27.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T23:30:17.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531783817,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"5abc2be4-52d1-3aa4-e88c-0d815c20f642","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Chris Colby, Principal of Spire Architecture & Design, provides an overview of how architecture impacts our quality of life and the importance today of “green” architecture—building to save energy and recycle materials. Mr. Colby outlines different steps to take to make a home more energy efficient. This includes solar and geothermal heating or electricity as well as basics such as sealing leaks and whole-home insulation. Mr. Colby offers suggestions for inexpensive ways to improve efficiency in new and older homes, as well as current information about wind power, shingle solar panels, and other energy systems. He also discusses the cost of implementing such “green” home improvements.","descriptionPreview":"Chris Colby, Principal of Spire Architecture & Design, provides an overview of how architecture impacts our quality of life and the importance today of “green” architecture—building to save energy and recycle materials. Mr. Colby outlines different steps to take to make a home more energy efficient. This includes solar and geothermal heating or electricity as well as basics such as sealing leaks and whole-home insulation. Mr. Colby offers suggestions for inexpensive ways to improve efficiency in new and older homes, as well as current information about wind power, shingle solar panels, and other energy systems. He also discusses the cost of implementing such “green” home improvements.","duration":1519177,"episodeId":"e1qi73","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Green-Architecture-Aired-January-27--2012-e1qi73","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Green-Architecture-Aired-January-27--2012-e1qi73","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"“Green” Architecture (Aired January 27, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T23:19:56.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531783196,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T23:19:56.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T23:19:47.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531783187,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"35c41f3a-80c5-9883-a798-69c4d0cf0631","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In this candid interview about male breast cancer, Nyack Rotarian Dr. Arnold Roufa, a retired OB/GYN, describes his own experience with breast cancer, detected in 1994. It is not nearly as prevalent as among women, but breast cancer affects about 2,000 men each year. Dr. Roufa describes the signs and the treatment, effective especially if the cancer has been detected early. Since the topic has not been part of a typical male’s medical concerns, it is more difficult to encourage men to take the same precautions as women, such as self-examination and an annual physical, which includes examination for breast cancer.","descriptionPreview":"In this candid interview about male breast cancer, Nyack Rotarian Dr. Arnold Roufa, a retired OB/GYN, describes his own experience with breast cancer, detected in 1994. It is not nearly as prevalent as among women, but breast cancer affects about 2,000 men each year. Dr. Roufa describes the signs and the treatment, effective especially if the cancer has been detected early. Since the topic has not been part of a typical male’s medical concerns, it is more difficult to encourage men to take the same precautions as women, such as self-examination and an annual physical, which includes examination for breast cancer.","duration":1414373,"episodeId":"e1qi6b","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Male-Breast-Cancer-Aired-on-January-20--2012-e1qi6b","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Male-Breast-Cancer-Aired-on-January-20--2012-e1qi6b","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Male Breast Cancer (Aired on January 20, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T23:08:45.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531782525,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T23:08:46.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T23:08:36.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531782516,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"db926216-fc47-9053-820f-637883d4304f","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Helen LiMarzi, Director of Literacy Volunteers of Putnam County and Rotary District 7210’s Literacy Chair, discusses literacy—the ability to read with understanding–in the 21st century and the impact of electronic books on reading. Illiteracy still exists, but service organizations such as Rotary and Literacy Volunteers have developed programs that teach reading and encourage reading among reluctant readers. People may visit a local library for specific information about all kinds of literacy support. With heartfelt emotion, Ms. LiMarzi describes the joy of teaching a child to read or improving the quality of life of an adult who reads to his or her child for the first time.\n","descriptionPreview":"Helen LiMarzi, Director of Literacy Volunteers of Putnam County and Rotary District 7210’s Literacy Chair, discusses literacy—the ability to read with understanding–in the 21st century and the impact of electronic books on reading. Illiteracy still exists, but service organizations such as Rotary and Literacy Volunteers have developed programs that teach reading and encourage reading among reluctant readers. People may visit a local library for specific information about all kinds of literacy support. With heartfelt emotion, Ms. LiMarzi describes the joy of teaching a child to read or improving the quality of life of an adult who reads to his or her child for the first time.\n","duration":1456352,"episodeId":"e1qi5a","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Literacy-in-the-21st-Century-Aired-January-13--2012-e1qi5a","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Literacy-in-the-21st-Century-Aired-January-13--2012-e1qi5a","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Literacy in the 21st Century (Aired January 13, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T22:57:13.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531781833,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T22:57:13.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T22:57:03.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531781823,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"12d31347-504f-1cfd-53ee-14c8d4f1495c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Certified Tai Chi instructor and World Tai Chi member Scott Grimes explains the health benefits, both physical and mental, of the martial art called tai chi, which can be practiced by people of all ages. In addition to describing the interesting history of tai chi, Mr. Grimes discusses several simple behaviors that people can do in their daily life to reduce stress.","descriptionPreview":"Certified Tai Chi instructor and World Tai Chi member Scott Grimes explains the health benefits, both physical and mental, of the martial art called tai chi, which can be practiced by people of all ages. In addition to describing the interesting history of tai chi, Mr. Grimes discusses several simple behaviors that people can do in their daily life to reduce stress.","duration":1508675,"episodeId":"e1qi4c","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Benefits-of-Tai-Chi-Aired-on-January-6--2012-e1qi4c","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Benefits-of-Tai-Chi-Aired-on-January-6--2012-e1qi4c","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Benefits of Tai Chi (Aired on January 6, 2012)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T20:39:48.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531773588,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T20:39:49.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T20:39:39.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531773579,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b2b63911-d940-9bbf-b434-de5587a5af03","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"This program was pre-recorded. We dedicate the December 30 show in memory of an outstanding Rotarian, Chet Sawyer.\n\nRotary District 7210’s Past District Governor Chet Sawyer (1990-91), President of the IMRF (International Medical Relief Foundation) and one of its founders, discusses how his organization turns “leftovers into life savers.” It collects gently used or new but outdated medical equipment that has been discarded in this country by hospitals and doctors but will be treasured in other parts of the world. Chet says both his military career in three wars from 1944-69 and his post-military profession in finance prepared him for international service.","descriptionPreview":"This program was pre-recorded. We dedicate the December 30 show in memory of an outstanding Rotarian, Chet Sawyer.\n\nRotary District 7210’s Past District Governor Chet Sawyer (1990-91), President of the IMRF (International Medical Relief Foundation) and one of its founders, discusses how his organization turns “leftovers into life savers.” It collects gently used or new but outdated medical equipment that has been discarded in this country by hospitals and doctors but will be treasured in other parts of the world. Chet says both his military career in three wars from 1944-69 and his post-military profession in finance prepared him for international service.","duration":1693283,"episodeId":"e1qhar","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/International-Medical-Relief-Foundation-December-30--2011-e1qhar","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/International-Medical-Relief-Foundation-December-30--2011-e1qhar","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"International Medical Relief Foundation (December 30, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T20:37:26.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531773446,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T20:37:26.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T20:37:17.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531773437,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"0ccd6603-ae80-efc8-083c-fba7c62426b7","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Vocations improve our lives and strengthen our communities. Rotary District 7210’s Vocational Service Advisor Tamton Mustapha (Past District Governor 1999-2000), and Rotarian Penny Byron, District Vocational Service Chair, discuss vocational training initiatives for young people, including shadowing, mentoring, and Career Days. Rotary’s emphasis is on high ethical standards in all vocations, and Rotarians have the responsibility to lead by example. Rotary clubs honor people from all vocations in their community who reflect Rotary’s high ethical standards, based on the Declaration of Rotarians in Business and Professions and on Rotary’s Four-Way Test, the first two ways of which are: “Is it the truth?” and “Is it fair to all concerned?”","descriptionPreview":"Vocations improve our lives and strengthen our communities. Rotary District 7210’s Vocational Service Advisor Tamton Mustapha (Past District Governor 1999-2000), and Rotarian Penny Byron, District Vocational Service Chair, discuss vocational training initiatives for young people, including shadowing, mentoring, and Career Days. Rotary’s emphasis is on high ethical standards in all vocations, and Rotarians have the responsibility to lead by example. Rotary clubs honor people from all vocations in their community who reflect Rotary’s high ethical standards, based on the Declaration of Rotarians in Business and Professions and on Rotary’s Four-Way Test, the first two ways of which are: “Is it the truth?” and “Is it fair to all concerned?”","duration":1536209,"episodeId":"e1qhae","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Vocational-Service-and-Rotary-Aired-December-23--2011-e1qhae","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Vocational-Service-and-Rotary-Aired-December-23--2011-e1qhae","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Vocational Service and Rotary (Aired December 23, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T20:36:09.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531773369,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T20:36:10.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T20:36:00.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531773360,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f459484f-2a35-acbd-8606-84f470836f07","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotarian Roger Lane, Organ Donor Advisor for Rotary District 7210, and Registered Nurse Sarah Wilbur, Peritoneal Dialysis Nurse Manager/CKD Educator, discuss current medical improvements in the areas of dialysis and transplants as well as dietary suggestions (that may be surprising to some) to avoid kidney problems. Mr. Lane allays fears related to dialysis and relates his experience as a transplant recipient.","descriptionPreview":"Rotarian Roger Lane, Organ Donor Advisor for Rotary District 7210, and Registered Nurse Sarah Wilbur, Peritoneal Dialysis Nurse Manager/CKD Educator, discuss current medical improvements in the areas of dialysis and transplants as well as dietary suggestions (that may be surprising to some) to avoid kidney problems. Mr. Lane allays fears related to dialysis and relates his experience as a transplant recipient.","duration":1466122,"episodeId":"e1qh9v","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Medical-Advances-in-Dialysis-and-Transplants-Dec--16--2011-e1qh9v","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Medical-Advances-in-Dialysis-and-Transplants-Dec--16--2011-e1qh9v","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Medical Advances in Dialysis and Transplants (Dec. 16, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T20:34:26.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531773266,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T20:34:26.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T20:34:16.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531773256,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"26ff7123-ec0f-d7a5-8353-c8d6b07eb79d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"John Harper, Chief Executive Officer of H.O.N.O.R (Helping Others Needing Our Resources—also known as Honor Ehg, Inc.), and Rotary District 7210’s Secretary and H.O.N.O.R Board Member Nick Constantino, discuss several ways this organization helps the neediest in New York’s Orange County. H.O.N.O.R programs include vocational training, which prepares clients for the job market, as well as shelter provisions and counseling. Clients young and old include runaway children, people with disabilities, the homeless, families in crisis, abuse victims, and more.","descriptionPreview":"John Harper, Chief Executive Officer of H.O.N.O.R (Helping Others Needing Our Resources—also known as Honor Ehg, Inc.), and Rotary District 7210’s Secretary and H.O.N.O.R Board Member Nick Constantino, discuss several ways this organization helps the neediest in New York’s Orange County. H.O.N.O.R programs include vocational training, which prepares clients for the job market, as well as shelter provisions and counseling. Clients young and old include runaway children, people with disabilities, the homeless, families in crisis, abuse victims, and more.","duration":1525498,"episodeId":"e1qh9d","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/H-O-N-O-R-Escaping-Poverty-and-Homelessness-Dec--9--2011-e1qh9d","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/H-O-N-O-R-Escaping-Poverty-and-Homelessness-Dec--9--2011-e1qh9d","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"H.O.N.O.R: Escaping Poverty and Homelessness (Dec. 9, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T20:31:16.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531773076,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T20:31:16.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T20:31:07.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531773067,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"4ca1f49f-f2b8-f367-9fde-e62c476d9d70","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Interact clubs for high school students, sponsored by local Rotary clubs, provide young people with an opportunity to participate in meaningful service to the community, the nation, and the world and thus learn about the many rewards of service. Rotaract clubs for college-age students, including community-based clubs, and Elderact clubs for senior citizens, especially those living in assisted living communities, also further this initiative of expanding Rotary service opportunities. In this interview, Rotarian Roger Risko, (Poughkeepsie-Arlington) creator of RadioRotary in 2008, describes how traditional Rotary clubs sponsor these other forms of Rotary service and the beneficial effects of the clubs for young and old. Over the years, Mr. Risko has been District Chair and Advisor to this initiative, expanding such clubs in the Hudson Valley. Elderact, like RadioRotary, was one of Mr. Risko’s innovations.","descriptionPreview":"Interact clubs for high school students, sponsored by local Rotary clubs, provide young people with an opportunity to participate in meaningful service to the community, the nation, and the world and thus learn about the many rewards of service. Rotaract clubs for college-age students, including community-based clubs, and Elderact clubs for senior citizens, especially those living in assisted living communities, also further this initiative of expanding Rotary service opportunities. In this interview, Rotarian Roger Risko, (Poughkeepsie-Arlington) creator of RadioRotary in 2008, describes how traditional Rotary clubs sponsor these other forms of Rotary service and the beneficial effects of the clubs for young and old. Over the years, Mr. Risko has been District Chair and Advisor to this initiative, expanding such clubs in the Hudson Valley. Elderact, like RadioRotary, was one of Mr. Risko’s innovations.","duration":1466357,"episodeId":"e1qh8r","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Service-Opportunities-Are-for-Everyone-Dec-2--2011-e1qh8r","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Service-Opportunities-Are-for-Everyone-Dec-2--2011-e1qh8r","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Service Opportunities Are for Everyone (Dec 2, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T20:26:34.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531772794,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T20:26:34.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T20:26:24.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531772784,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"78399429-6cc2-8b02-41d6-4c25c0c9abbf","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In this information-packed interview, Executive Director at Pure Water for the World, Rotarian Carolyn Meub, discusses how water filters of various kinds prevent disease. Safe water preserves an enormous number of lives in all parts of the world, especially the lives of children. Ms. Meub corrects many common misunderstandings about water. Fresh water seems to be in plentiful supply in most—but not all–parts of America but is in limited supply elsewhere. Water and sanitation projects are one of the six main areas with which The Rotary Foundation works to improve world health and welfare.","descriptionPreview":"In this information-packed interview, Executive Director at Pure Water for the World, Rotarian Carolyn Meub, discusses how water filters of various kinds prevent disease. Safe water preserves an enormous number of lives in all parts of the world, especially the lives of children. Ms. Meub corrects many common misunderstandings about water. Fresh water seems to be in plentiful supply in most—but not all–parts of America but is in limited supply elsewhere. Water and sanitation projects are one of the six main areas with which The Rotary Foundation works to improve world health and welfare.","duration":1522155,"episodeId":"e1qh83","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Pure-Water-for-the-World-Aired-November-25--2011-e1qh83","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Pure-Water-for-the-World-Aired-November-25--2011-e1qh83","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Pure Water for the World (Aired November 25, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T20:24:37.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531772677,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T20:24:39.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T20:24:29.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531772669,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ed564570-62d1-0b21-1407-8058fa3c2faf","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Poughkeepsie Journal reporter Larry Hertz describes his professional career, discussing his newspaper accounts of humanitarian volunteers in the Hudson Valley as well as major criminal cases he has covered, the stories and their trials. Regular readers of the newspaper are familiar with his byline from his column as well as on major local stories. One issue of importance covered in the interview is what should and should not be shared with the public when covering a trial, taking into account the public’s right to know without jeopardizing the rights of a defendant.","descriptionPreview":"Poughkeepsie Journal reporter Larry Hertz describes his professional career, discussing his newspaper accounts of humanitarian volunteers in the Hudson Valley as well as major criminal cases he has covered, the stories and their trials. Regular readers of the newspaper are familiar with his byline from his column as well as on major local stories. One issue of importance covered in the interview is what should and should not be shared with the public when covering a trial, taking into account the public’s right to know without jeopardizing the rights of a defendant.","duration":1486942,"episodeId":"e1qh7k","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Poughkeepsie-Journal-on-Crime--Volunteerism-Nov-18--2011-e1qh7k","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Poughkeepsie-Journal-on-Crime--Volunteerism-Nov-18--2011-e1qh7k","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Poughkeepsie Journal on Crime & Volunteerism (Nov 18, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T20:22:56.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531772576,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T20:22:57.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T20:22:47.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531772567,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ec0daa27-fc9e-1f50-3382-7d1526804900","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In this extraordinary interview, Shane Hobel, aka Shane “White Feather” Hobel, informs the listeners of the survival skills needed when lost in the woods or otherwise cut off from civilization. These techniques can to be used for everyone of every age when in need of them. Mr. Hobel, founder of the Mountain Scout Survival School in Beacon, New York, is a professional tracker and a member of a Search and Forensic Investigation (SFI) team. He assists in the search and recovery of lost individuals, especially those lost in the mountains of the Hudson Valley.","descriptionPreview":"In this extraordinary interview, Shane Hobel, aka Shane “White Feather” Hobel, informs the listeners of the survival skills needed when lost in the woods or otherwise cut off from civilization. These techniques can to be used for everyone of every age when in need of them. Mr. Hobel, founder of the Mountain Scout Survival School in Beacon, New York, is a professional tracker and a member of a Search and Forensic Investigation (SFI) team. He assists in the search and recovery of lost individuals, especially those lost in the mountains of the Hudson Valley.","duration":1415941,"episodeId":"e1qh79","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Shane-Hobel-Wilderness-Survival-Aired-November-11--2011-e1qh79","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Shane-Hobel-Wilderness-Survival-Aired-November-11--2011-e1qh79","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Shane Hobel: Wilderness Survival (Aired November 11, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T20:18:45.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531772325,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T20:18:45.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T20:18:35.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531772315,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"73febe4c-162e-ca3c-4037-9e79a3b29ce4","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Interviews with Rotarians from around the world at the New Orleans Rotary International Convention include representatives from Don’t Meth with Us (drug prevention), Rotarian Action Group of Dental Volunteers (providing surgery worldwide), Malaria elimination, Thousand Smiles, promoting blood donations, and more.","descriptionPreview":"Interviews with Rotarians from around the world at the New Orleans Rotary International Convention include representatives from Don’t Meth with Us (drug prevention), Rotarian Action Group of Dental Volunteers (providing surgery worldwide), Malaria elimination, Thousand Smiles, promoting blood donations, and more.","duration":1469152,"episodeId":"e1qh6i","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-VI-Aired-Nov--4--2011-e1qh6i","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-VI-Aired-Nov--4--2011-e1qh6i","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"New Orleans Rotary Convention Part VI (Aired Nov. 4, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T20:16:21.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531772181,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T20:16:21.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T20:16:11.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531772171,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"76c66f4c-089d-b395-c842-f3b21bcb801c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Sara-Elizabeth Clark, age 16, discusses her life with epilepsy and how she has developed her philosophy: “I will not let my epilepsy define me. It’s what I have, not who I am.” Sara describes the many misunderstandings and misinformation among the public that add to the burden of those with this neurological condition and describes the support available to those with epilepsy. Sara helps support research by major epilepsy organizations with Sara’s Strikes for Seizures, a bowling afternoon that raises money for the cause.","descriptionPreview":"Sara-Elizabeth Clark, age 16, discusses her life with epilepsy and how she has developed her philosophy: “I will not let my epilepsy define me. It’s what I have, not who I am.” Sara describes the many misunderstandings and misinformation among the public that add to the burden of those with this neurological condition and describes the support available to those with epilepsy. Sara helps support research by major epilepsy organizations with Sara’s Strikes for Seizures, a bowling afternoon that raises money for the cause.","duration":1469152,"episodeId":"e1qh64","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/An-Extraordinary-Teenager-and-Epilepsy-October-28--2011-e1qh64","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/An-Extraordinary-Teenager-and-Epilepsy-October-28--2011-e1qh64","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"An Extraordinary Teenager and Epilepsy (October 28, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T20:12:23.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531771943,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T20:12:23.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T20:12:14.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531771934,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"07eaf7a4-adc8-64c4-dea7-8d77f690d380","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In these on-site interviews with Rotarians from around the world at the New Orleans Rotary International Convention in 2011, co-hosts Sarah O’Connell and Jonah Triebwasser interview representatives from Brain Game for Babies, Blindness Prevention, Sewing Projects around the world, Dollywood, Shoes for Orphans, and more.","descriptionPreview":"In these on-site interviews with Rotarians from around the world at the New Orleans Rotary International Convention in 2011, co-hosts Sarah O’Connell and Jonah Triebwasser interview representatives from Brain Game for Babies, Blindness Prevention, Sewing Projects around the world, Dollywood, Shoes for Orphans, and more.","duration":1543392,"episodeId":"e1qh5a","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-V-Aired-Oct--21--2011-e1qh5a","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-V-Aired-Oct--21--2011-e1qh5a","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"New Orleans Rotary Convention Part V (Aired Oct. 21, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T20:10:39.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531771839,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T20:10:39.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T20:10:30.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531771830,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"80d1f3fb-46b3-f2cb-49a3-b90e063116f1","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Suffern Rotarian Larry Palant, Disaster Response Chair and ShelterBox Representative for Rotary District 7210, discusses how he came to be a ShelterBox Representative as a result of helping provide relief for Hurricane Katrina victims. He describes what each Box contains that help people survive disasters. Founded by Tom Henderson, a Rotarian and former Royal Navy search and rescue diver, ShelterBox has provided relief across the globe since 2000. Mr. Henderson realized that the most needed aid after most disasters was for food, medicine, and shelter. He developed ShelterBox, a package containing these necessities that would last for at least six months for up to ten persons per box. The boxes are prepacked and can be delivered immediately, usually with the help of Rotary clubs near the site of the disaster. Mr. Palant identifies the most recent locations supplied with ShelterBoxes at the time of his interview–Japan after a tsunami, Arkansas after a tornado, and Columbia after mudslide","descriptionPreview":"Suffern Rotarian Larry Palant, Disaster Response Chair and ShelterBox Representative for Rotary District 7210, discusses how he came to be a ShelterBox Representative as a result of helping provide relief for Hurricane Katrina victims. He describes what each Box contains that help people survive disasters. Founded by Tom Henderson, a Rotarian and former Royal Navy search and rescue diver, ShelterBox has provided relief across the globe since 2000. Mr. Henderson realized that the most needed aid after most disasters was for food, medicine, and shelter. He developed ShelterBox, a package containing these necessities that would last for at least six months for up to ten persons per box. The boxes are prepacked and can be delivered immediately, usually with the help of Rotary clubs near the site of the disaster. Mr. Palant identifies the most recent locations supplied with ShelterBoxes at the time of his interview–Japan after a tsunami, Arkansas after a tornado, and Columbia after mudslide","duration":1462909,"episodeId":"e1qh51","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/ShelterBox-Aired-on-October-14--2011-e1qh51","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/ShelterBox-Aired-on-October-14--2011-e1qh51","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"ShelterBox (Aired on October 14, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T20:00:17.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531771217,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T20:00:18.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T20:00:08.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531771208,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"80fadf4f-f4cb-4490-8dbd-aa8edc1efa88","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"This lively interview features husband and wife Rotarians Ken and Doris Obremski, both Past District Governors of District 7210 (Ken 1993-94, Doris 2005-06). They describe the enormous accomplishments of The Rotary Foundation, with Doris sharing her personal story of how she became a convert, dedicated to the Foundation. Both are Major Donors to the Foundation, and Ken is the recipient of the Regional “Service Award for a Polio Free World,” awarded to very few. The interview ends when they surprise Jay Verzi, the Technical Engineer in the studio, with the Paul Harris Fellow award because of his extensive work for RadioRotary, exemplifying Rotary’s motto of “service above self.”","descriptionPreview":"This lively interview features husband and wife Rotarians Ken and Doris Obremski, both Past District Governors of District 7210 (Ken 1993-94, Doris 2005-06). They describe the enormous accomplishments of The Rotary Foundation, with Doris sharing her personal story of how she became a convert, dedicated to the Foundation. Both are Major Donors to the Foundation, and Ken is the recipient of the Regional “Service Award for a Polio Free World,” awarded to very few. The interview ends when they surprise Jay Verzi, the Technical Engineer in the studio, with the Paul Harris Fellow award because of his extensive work for RadioRotary, exemplifying Rotary’s motto of “service above self.”","duration":1540440,"episodeId":"e1qh2q","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Rotary-Foundation--a-Surprise-Aired-October-7--2011-e1qh2q","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Rotary-Foundation--a-Surprise-Aired-October-7--2011-e1qh2q","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Rotary Foundation & a Surprise (Aired October 7, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T19:49:53.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531770593,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T19:57:16.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T19:57:06.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531771026,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"70854bb7-ccc3-d797-2961-1707673da10c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Jo Hausam discusses her personal journey through life with Post-Polio Syndrome (PPS) and the extent of its impact on her life–therapy, surgeries, and medical support since she was three years old. She also details her recent research into PPS. Ms Hausam emphasizes the need for public awareness because children everywhere, including those in the United States, are still at risk, and she praises Rotary’s efforts to eradicate polio.","descriptionPreview":"Jo Hausam discusses her personal journey through life with Post-Polio Syndrome (PPS) and the extent of its impact on her life–therapy, surgeries, and medical support since she was three years old. She also details her recent research into PPS. Ms Hausam emphasizes the need for public awareness because children everywhere, including those in the United States, are still at risk, and she praises Rotary’s efforts to eradicate polio.","duration":1515807,"episodeId":"e1qh0i","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Post-Polio-Syndrome-Aired-on-September-30--2011-e1qh0i","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Post-Polio-Syndrome-Aired-on-September-30--2011-e1qh0i","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Post-Polio Syndrome (Aired on September 30, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T19:42:22.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531770142,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T19:42:22.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T19:42:12.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531770132,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"9479a0e6-6376-9e25-069d-4012dbf55845","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In these on-site interviews at the New Orleans Rotary International Convention in May, 2011, Rotarians from around the world discuss various initiatives and action groups. Some of the topics are: the Dictionary Project in America to encourage literacy, clean water projects around the world that save countless lives, Interact clubs for young adults in secondary schools where students learn about the rewards of service, Rotary’s global history (RGHF), and more.","descriptionPreview":"In these on-site interviews at the New Orleans Rotary International Convention in May, 2011, Rotarians from around the world discuss various initiatives and action groups. Some of the topics are: the Dictionary Project in America to encourage literacy, clean water projects around the world that save countless lives, Interact clubs for young adults in secondary schools where students learn about the rewards of service, Rotary’s global history (RGHF), and more.","duration":1360770,"episodeId":"e1qgu6","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-IV-Sept-23--2011-e1qgu6","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-IV-Sept-23--2011-e1qgu6","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"New Orleans Rotary Convention Part IV (Sept 23, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T19:41:16.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531770076,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T19:41:16.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T19:41:06.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531770066,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"8db86a75-cfe0-0dce-d20c-7157c1395ef3","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Lou DiPaolo (American) and Jim Morita (Japanese), both veterans of World War II, describe a remarkable coincidence involving two members of the same Rotary Club (New York Rotary). Lou, Jim, & Noriko Morita, Jim’s wife, explain what happened 65 years after the discovery of a letter. The odyssey of the letter will make listeners question the pieces of history they might have unwittingly stored away, or are about to throw out, unaware of their importance to families and to others as historical documents.","descriptionPreview":"Lou DiPaolo (American) and Jim Morita (Japanese), both veterans of World War II, describe a remarkable coincidence involving two members of the same Rotary Club (New York Rotary). Lou, Jim, & Noriko Morita, Jim’s wife, explain what happened 65 years after the discovery of a letter. The odyssey of the letter will make listeners question the pieces of history they might have unwittingly stored away, or are about to throw out, unaware of their importance to families and to others as historical documents.","duration":1531062,"episodeId":"e1qgtk","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/A-Rotary-Story-of-Coincidence-Aired-on-September-16--2011-e1qgtk","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/A-Rotary-Story-of-Coincidence-Aired-on-September-16--2011-e1qgtk","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"A Rotary Story of Coincidence (Aired on September 16, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T19:39:02.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531769942,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T19:39:02.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T19:38:52.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531769932,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"76080c46-c88a-adfb-a557-c61f3c34d529","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Carol Ann Armstrong, President of Philmont Rotary Club, describes her club’s journey, starting in 2002, to honor those who died on September 11—the victims, their families, and the rescue workers who saved so many lives. American flags are distributed to all visitors coming from all over the Hudson Valley, and many stay for snacks afterwards to share the unity and fellowship of this day of remembrance. The Philmont Rotary club invites local community organizations and individuals to participate in memorial services and tributes in Claverack Town Park. The interview includes a close-up on Philmont Rotary Club’s many other humanitarian activities.","descriptionPreview":"Carol Ann Armstrong, President of Philmont Rotary Club, describes her club’s journey, starting in 2002, to honor those who died on September 11—the victims, their families, and the rescue workers who saved so many lives. American flags are distributed to all visitors coming from all over the Hudson Valley, and many stay for snacks afterwards to share the unity and fellowship of this day of remembrance. The Philmont Rotary club invites local community organizations and individuals to participate in memorial services and tributes in Claverack Town Park. The interview includes a close-up on Philmont Rotary Club’s many other humanitarian activities.","duration":1580120,"episodeId":"e1qgqb","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Philmont-911-Memorial-Services-Aired-on-September-9--2011-e1qgqb","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Philmont-911-Memorial-Services-Aired-on-September-9--2011-e1qgqb","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Philmont 9/11 Memorial Services (Aired on September 9, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T19:36:09.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531769769,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T19:36:10.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T19:36:00.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531769760,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f068704d-3274-c775-4a93-b8dc9ee030e6","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Paula Zwillinger, Founder and Executive Director of Semper Fi Parents of Hudson Valley, NY, discusses ways the organization supports parents of military troops and the troops themselves, both deployed and stateside. Semper Fi Parents raises funds to offset the cost of shipping packages to troops. They also educate parents about the many services available to them and to their children in the military, provide scholarships for those recently discharged, and work in many other ways to help.","descriptionPreview":"Paula Zwillinger, Founder and Executive Director of Semper Fi Parents of Hudson Valley, NY, discusses ways the organization supports parents of military troops and the troops themselves, both deployed and stateside. Semper Fi Parents raises funds to offset the cost of shipping packages to troops. They also educate parents about the many services available to them and to their children in the military, provide scholarships for those recently discharged, and work in many other ways to help.","duration":1454132,"episodeId":"e1qgpr","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Semper-Fi-Parents-Aired-on-September-2--2011-e1qgpr","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Semper-Fi-Parents-Aired-on-September-2--2011-e1qgpr","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Semper Fi Parents (Aired on September 2, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T18:53:45.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531767225,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T18:53:45.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T18:53:36.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531767216,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"7c926e8d-f74f-eb90-3340-aa394cf8e56b","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In an interview that includes music made with with bells, Rotarian Douglas Martin Sturomski (Southern Dutchess Rotary), Executive Director of the Peace Bell Foundation, describes the work of this unique organization and its successful Walk for Peace project. The purpose of the Peace Bell Foundation is to ring in awareness that we can live in harmony and love. Through our most universal language, music, and the metaphor of the bell, the Foundation aspires to build strong, flexible bridges of understanding that strengthen the unity in community. All peoples around the world are welcome to join.","descriptionPreview":"In an interview that includes music made with with bells, Rotarian Douglas Martin Sturomski (Southern Dutchess Rotary), Executive Director of the Peace Bell Foundation, describes the work of this unique organization and its successful Walk for Peace project. The purpose of the Peace Bell Foundation is to ring in awareness that we can live in harmony and love. Through our most universal language, music, and the metaphor of the bell, the Foundation aspires to build strong, flexible bridges of understanding that strengthen the unity in community. All peoples around the world are welcome to join.","duration":1402566,"episodeId":"e1qgi2","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Bells-for-Peace-Aired-on-August-26--2011-e1qgi2","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Bells-for-Peace-Aired-on-August-26--2011-e1qgi2","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Bells for Peace (Aired on August 26, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T18:50:36.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531767036,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T18:50:37.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T18:50:27.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531767027,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"49573f49-d221-51a0-5379-fa01cdccf52b","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Bob Grems, General Manager of the famous Dutchess County Fair, discusses the unique features of this year’s Fair. For six days, about half a million visitors will enjoy, entertainment by big name talent, constant free shows and attractions, an Antiques Museum Village featuring story-tellers in costume describing our history, a carnival, thousands of farm animals on display, food for every taste, vendors displaying their crafts, and loads of beautiful gardens within the Fairgrounds. This is recognized as one of the great old-time fairs in New York State.","descriptionPreview":"Bob Grems, General Manager of the famous Dutchess County Fair, discusses the unique features of this year’s Fair. For six days, about half a million visitors will enjoy, entertainment by big name talent, constant free shows and attractions, an Antiques Museum Village featuring story-tellers in costume describing our history, a carnival, thousands of farm animals on display, food for every taste, vendors displaying their crafts, and loads of beautiful gardens within the Fairgrounds. This is recognized as one of the great old-time fairs in New York State.","duration":1440209,"episodeId":"e1qghb","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/This-Years-Dutchess-County-Fair-Aired-on-August-19--2011-e1qghb","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/This-Years-Dutchess-County-Fair-Aired-on-August-19--2011-e1qghb","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"This Year’s Dutchess County Fair (Aired on August 19, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T18:35:06.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531766106,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T18:35:06.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T18:34:57.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531766097,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"e82942e5-f451-7a3d-327e-e240939eb030","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Summer is RibFest time, thanks to the Rotary Club of Highland, New York, and Rotarian Don Verity discusses this year’s exciting RibFest events. Held this year on August 20-21, the Highland RibFest at the Ulster County Fairgroundsis now in its seventh year. This year’s RibFest promises adults and children a wealth of joy, with the festivities including delicious food competitions, demonstrations by famous chefs, vendors displaying the tools we need to make our own gourmet barbeques, and loads of entertainment.","descriptionPreview":"Summer is RibFest time, thanks to the Rotary Club of Highland, New York, and Rotarian Don Verity discusses this year’s exciting RibFest events. Held this year on August 20-21, the Highland RibFest at the Ulster County Fairgroundsis now in its seventh year. This year’s RibFest promises adults and children a wealth of joy, with the festivities including delicious food competitions, demonstrations by famous chefs, vendors displaying the tools we need to make our own gourmet barbeques, and loads of entertainment.","duration":1410403,"episodeId":"e1qge2","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Hudson-Valleys-Famous-RibFest-Aired-August-12--2011-e1qge2","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Hudson-Valleys-Famous-RibFest-Aired-August-12--2011-e1qge2","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Hudson Valley’s Famous RibFest (Aired August 12, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T18:15:21.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531764921,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T18:15:22.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T18:15:12.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531764912,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"5f6ec7bb-284b-5037-eef7-10f24c755606","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In this interview from the New Orleans Rotary International Convention, Louisiana environmentalist Windell Curole (Golden Meadow Rotary) discusses the effects of the recent Mississippi River flooding. Mr. Curole is the General Manager of South LaFourche Levee District and one of Louisiana’s leading coastal environment experts. Mr. Curole has testified before the U.S. Congress after Katrina, providing information about the successful levees he established in his part of the Gulf. Last year he was a member of and consultant to Louisiana’s official clean-up team during the BP spill.","descriptionPreview":"In this interview from the New Orleans Rotary International Convention, Louisiana environmentalist Windell Curole (Golden Meadow Rotary) discusses the effects of the recent Mississippi River flooding. Mr. Curole is the General Manager of South LaFourche Levee District and one of Louisiana’s leading coastal environment experts. Mr. Curole has testified before the U.S. Congress after Katrina, providing information about the successful levees he established in his part of the Gulf. Last year he was a member of and consultant to Louisiana’s official clean-up team during the BP spill.","duration":1501936,"episodeId":"e1qg94","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Flood-Impacts-in-Louisiana-Aired-August-5--2011-e1qg94","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Flood-Impacts-in-Louisiana-Aired-August-5--2011-e1qg94","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Flood Impacts in Louisiana (Aired August 5, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T16:15:17.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531757717,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T16:15:17.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T16:15:07.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531757707,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"e804bb8f-1b27-2f02-ffe0-941c34114cf9","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"This program features a powerful discussion of teenage eating disorders and one parent’s journey to help her daughter. The principal eating disorders are anorexia nervosa (self-starvation) and bulimia (binges followed by purging). The interview ranges from the early signs of the illness to the difficulties of finding effective cures. Included in the discussion are the painful effects of the illness on the child and on all family members. Most important, this remarkable parent shares her success in finding help.","descriptionPreview":"This program features a powerful discussion of teenage eating disorders and one parent’s journey to help her daughter. The principal eating disorders are anorexia nervosa (self-starvation) and bulimia (binges followed by purging). The interview ranges from the early signs of the illness to the difficulties of finding effective cures. Included in the discussion are the painful effects of the illness on the child and on all family members. Most important, this remarkable parent shares her success in finding help.","duration":1442272,"episodeId":"e1qfgc","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Teenage-Eating-Disorders-Aired-July-29--2011-e1qfgc","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Teenage-Eating-Disorders-Aired-July-29--2011-e1qfgc","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Teenage Eating Disorders (Aired July 29, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T16:02:49.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531756969,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T16:02:50.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T16:02:40.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531756960,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"01a47ca4-60c8-9bba-4dfa-77fc92be88cc","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Enjoy interviews with students participating in Rotary International’s Youth Exchange Program, including current Inbound and next year’s Outbound students. Rotary’s Youth Exchange program began in the 1920s, enabling students to learn firsthand about life in another country, while planting the seeds for a lifetime of international understanding and gaining a deeper understanding of themselves. These programs are directed for Rotary District 7210 by Inbound Co-Chairs Nan and David Greenwood and Outbound Chair, Donna Bemiss, who are also interviewed on the program. Students applying to the program do not have to have family affiliated with Rotary.","descriptionPreview":"Enjoy interviews with students participating in Rotary International’s Youth Exchange Program, including current Inbound and next year’s Outbound students. Rotary’s Youth Exchange program began in the 1920s, enabling students to learn firsthand about life in another country, while planting the seeds for a lifetime of international understanding and gaining a deeper understanding of themselves. These programs are directed for Rotary District 7210 by Inbound Co-Chairs Nan and David Greenwood and Outbound Chair, Donna Bemiss, who are also interviewed on the program. Students applying to the program do not have to have family affiliated with Rotary.","duration":1474037,"episodeId":"e1qfct","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/InboundOutbound-Youth-Exchange-Aired-July-22--2011-e1qfct","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/InboundOutbound-Youth-Exchange-Aired-July-22--2011-e1qfct","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Inbound/Outbound Youth Exchange (Aired July 22, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T15:55:12.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531756512,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T15:55:13.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T15:55:03.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531756503,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b27a3856-0478-7c64-299c-bad63eeabc37","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"On-site interviews at the 2011 New Orleans Rotary International Convention include Rotarians from around the world and discussions with representatives from PolioPlus (explaining the existing threat), ShelterBox (describing tents and equipment for survival after a disaster), Diveheart (Jim Elliott, Founder and President, explaining therapeutic diving and snorkeling experiences for everyone, especially those with disabilities), and Single Rotarians (meeting like-minded humanitarians).","descriptionPreview":"On-site interviews at the 2011 New Orleans Rotary International Convention include Rotarians from around the world and discussions with representatives from PolioPlus (explaining the existing threat), ShelterBox (describing tents and equipment for survival after a disaster), Diveheart (Jim Elliott, Founder and President, explaining therapeutic diving and snorkeling experiences for everyone, especially those with disabilities), and Single Rotarians (meeting like-minded humanitarians).","duration":1435454,"episodeId":"e1qfb7","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-III--July-15--2011-e1qfb7","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-III--July-15--2011-e1qfb7","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"New Orleans Rotary Convention Part III ( July 15, 2011) "},{"created":"2018-07-16T15:37:53.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531755473,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T15:37:53.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T15:37:44.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531755464,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"43cd05e8-458b-f2a6-4c48-37859aaa4757","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotary Foundation Chair for District 7210 Knut Johnsen (past District Governor 2003-04) explains the work of The Rotary Foundation, describing it as the “engine that drives the work of the clubs.” He provides many examples of describe the plight of those being helped by the Foundation and the aid it provides. For example, the Foundation’s humanitarian and education projects include medical centers staffed by volunteer Rotarian doctors, dentists, and surgeons who perform cataract surgery. In addition, he describes the work done to eradicate polio so that the world is no longer at risk. Mr. Johnsen finally said it this way: the folks we see here in our Soup Kitchens would be considered quite rich by those being helped by the Foundation.","descriptionPreview":"Rotary Foundation Chair for District 7210 Knut Johnsen (past District Governor 2003-04) explains the work of The Rotary Foundation, describing it as the “engine that drives the work of the clubs.” He provides many examples of describe the plight of those being helped by the Foundation and the aid it provides. For example, the Foundation’s humanitarian and education projects include medical centers staffed by volunteer Rotarian doctors, dentists, and surgeons who perform cataract surgery. In addition, he describes the work done to eradicate polio so that the world is no longer at risk. Mr. Johnsen finally said it this way: the folks we see here in our Soup Kitchens would be considered quite rich by those being helped by the Foundation.","duration":1464737,"episodeId":"e1qf82","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Knut-Johnsen-Discusses-The-Rotary-Foundation-Aired-July-8--2011-e1qf82","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Knut-Johnsen-Discusses-The-Rotary-Foundation-Aired-July-8--2011-e1qf82","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Knut Johnsen Discusses The Rotary Foundation (Aired July 8, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T15:07:37.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531753657,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T15:07:37.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T15:07:28.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531753648,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"49cc8e74-bd42-499c-9116-a3bab1343506","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotary International President Ray Klinginsmith, known for his “Cowboy Logic” philosophy, discusses his next pursuits (you’ll laugh at one of them). Other interviews include the Rotarian Action Group for Diabetics; Microcredit, which provides small loans to families worldwide to achieve economic independence; and the Learn/Grow project, which meets the challenge of food shortages through diverse food plants conducive to different environments.","descriptionPreview":"Rotary International President Ray Klinginsmith, known for his “Cowboy Logic” philosophy, discusses his next pursuits (you’ll laugh at one of them). Other interviews include the Rotarian Action Group for Diabetics; Microcredit, which provides small loans to families worldwide to achieve economic independence; and the Learn/Grow project, which meets the challenge of food shortages through diverse food plants conducive to different environments.","duration":1485557,"episodeId":"e1qf2d","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-II-July-1--2011-e1qf2d","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-II-July-1--2011-e1qf2d","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"New Orleans Rotary Convention Part II (July 1, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T14:27:25.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531751245,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T14:27:25.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T14:27:15.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531751235,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"589125dc-a334-3a09-3225-9c10dcbc6e14","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotary District 7210 Scholarship Chair Bill Bassett (District Governor Nominee for 2012-13) discusses the various scholarships supported by the Rotary Foundation that are available to the public on both the graduate and undergraduate level, either locally or abroad. Depending on the degree sought, students can undertake programs in the areas of focus supported by Rotary International, such as peace and conflict resolution, disease prevention and treatment, water and sanitation, maternal and child health, basic education and literacy, economic and community development, or other suitable subject matter.","descriptionPreview":"Rotary District 7210 Scholarship Chair Bill Bassett (District Governor Nominee for 2012-13) discusses the various scholarships supported by the Rotary Foundation that are available to the public on both the graduate and undergraduate level, either locally or abroad. Depending on the degree sought, students can undertake programs in the areas of focus supported by Rotary International, such as peace and conflict resolution, disease prevention and treatment, water and sanitation, maternal and child health, basic education and literacy, economic and community development, or other suitable subject matter.","duration":1423151,"episodeId":"e1qeq5","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-College-and-University-Scholarships-June-24--2011-e1qeq5","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-College-and-University-Scholarships-June-24--2011-e1qeq5","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary College and University Scholarships (June 24, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T14:15:41.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531750541,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T14:15:42.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T14:15:33.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531750533,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"0da16159-542c-09ce-8f9d-9bcd932adad1","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"n this first broadcast of on-site interviews at Rotary International’s Convention, co-hosts Sarah O’Connell and Jonah Triebwasser talk to Rotaracters and other humanitarians from around the world who are working on projects such as Guitars for Troops, maternal health, mercy ships, and artificial limbs.","descriptionPreview":"n this first broadcast of on-site interviews at Rotary International’s Convention, co-hosts Sarah O’Connell and Jonah Triebwasser talk to Rotaracters and other humanitarians from around the world who are working on projects such as Guitars for Troops, maternal health, mercy ships, and artificial limbs.","duration":1471216,"episodeId":"e1qeo5","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-1-June-17--2011-e1qeo5","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-1-June-17--2011-e1qeo5","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"New Orleans Rotary Convention Part 1 (June 17, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T13:57:14.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531749434,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T13:57:15.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T13:57:05.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531749425,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"014dd274-5e88-93ef-2d22-1cc1a9a681dc","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Peter Muir is the Director of the Institute of Music and Health, a nationally recognized center pioneering in the use of music for well-being, especially for people with disabilities. Although he grew up in England, Dr. Muir has become an acknowledged authority on American jazz and ragtime music, authoring numerous scholarly articles and the book Long Lost Blues: Popular Blues in America 1850-1920. His passion for American jazz and ragtime inspired him to move to the United States.","descriptionPreview":"Peter Muir is the Director of the Institute of Music and Health, a nationally recognized center pioneering in the use of music for well-being, especially for people with disabilities. Although he grew up in England, Dr. Muir has become an acknowledged authority on American jazz and ragtime music, authoring numerous scholarly articles and the book Long Lost Blues: Popular Blues in America 1850-1920. His passion for American jazz and ragtime inspired him to move to the United States.","duration":1413381,"episodeId":"e1qekq","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Music-A-Road-to-Good-Health-Aired-June-10--2011-e1qekq","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Music-A-Road-to-Good-Health-Aired-June-10--2011-e1qekq","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Music: A Road to Good Health (Aired June 10, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T13:34:31.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531748071,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T13:34:31.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T13:34:21.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531748061,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f9287493-21aa-572c-3fb0-e500666b7c23","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Vivian Hardison, Membership Chair of Rotary District 7250 and member of Glen Cove Rotary on Long Island, NY, discusses the benefits for people of all ages of joining a Rotary club. Among her personal reasons for joining Rotary, Ms. Hardison emphasizes how she found soulmates who share her passion for humanitarianism. Ms. Hardison also tells of the issues potential members should consider before deciding to join a Rotary club.","descriptionPreview":"Vivian Hardison, Membership Chair of Rotary District 7250 and member of Glen Cove Rotary on Long Island, NY, discusses the benefits for people of all ages of joining a Rotary club. Among her personal reasons for joining Rotary, Ms. Hardison emphasizes how she found soulmates who share her passion for humanitarianism. Ms. Hardison also tells of the issues potential members should consider before deciding to join a Rotary club.","duration":1490155,"episodeId":"e1qege","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Benefits-of-Joining-Rotary-Aired-June-3--2011-e1qege","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Benefits-of-Joining-Rotary-Aired-June-3--2011-e1qege","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Benefits of Joining Rotary (Aired June 3, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T13:01:15.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531746075,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T13:01:16.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T13:01:07.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531746067,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"5eb3aaae-c2d1-1d20-bfca-ad9944bc487e","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Dr. Richard Ostfeld discusses the results of his extensive research on Lyme disease. Dr. Ostfeld is a Senior Scientist at Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, NY. In addition to debunking long held myths about Lyme, Dr. Ostfeld tells how to prevent Lyme disease, how to reduce the tick numbers in the environment, the role of white-footed mice, and much more. His book, Lyme Disease: The Ecology of a Complex System, is available for more detailed information.","descriptionPreview":"Dr. Richard Ostfeld discusses the results of his extensive research on Lyme disease. Dr. Ostfeld is a Senior Scientist at Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, NY. In addition to debunking long held myths about Lyme, Dr. Ostfeld tells how to prevent Lyme disease, how to reduce the tick numbers in the environment, the role of white-footed mice, and much more. His book, Lyme Disease: The Ecology of a Complex System, is available for more detailed information.","duration":1452303,"episodeId":"e1qe7p","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Lyme-Disease-Prevention-and-Myths-Aired-May-27--2011-e1qe7p","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Lyme-Disease-Prevention-and-Myths-Aired-May-27--2011-e1qe7p","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Lyme Disease Prevention and Myths (Aired May 27, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T12:41:59.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531744919,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T12:41:59.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T12:41:50.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531744910,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"a411d12a-5e2b-cc64-ca2e-587189b16214","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Dr. Sherre Wesley describes various education and job programs provided by Dutchess Bureau of Cooperative Services (BOCES) for adults. The literacy program helps adults get their GED (high school equivalency diploma), and ESL (English as a second language) classes help adults improve their proficiency in English. The career program, which consists of hands-on training on state-of-the-art equipment in numerous fields, helps those seeking a new career. Students leave BOCES prepared for jobs in the work force.","descriptionPreview":"Dr. Sherre Wesley describes various education and job programs provided by Dutchess Bureau of Cooperative Services (BOCES) for adults. The literacy program helps adults get their GED (high school equivalency diploma), and ESL (English as a second language) classes help adults improve their proficiency in English. The career program, which consists of hands-on training on state-of-the-art equipment in numerous fields, helps those seeking a new career. Students leave BOCES prepared for jobs in the work force.","duration":1573407,"episodeId":"e1qe4i","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/BOCES-Adult-and-Continuing-Education-Aired-May-20--2011-e1qe4i","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/BOCES-Adult-and-Continuing-Education-Aired-May-20--2011-e1qe4i","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"BOCES Adult and Continuing Education (Aired May 20, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T12:31:50.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531744310,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T12:31:50.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T12:31:40.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531744300,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"da705917-38e2-7f78-7a4c-88cdceebfd6e","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Principal Mitchell Shron discusses the Dutchess Board of Cooperative Education Services (BOCES, pronounced “BOH-sees”), a cost-effective education solution unique to New York State. BOCES programs provide career and technical education, special and alternative education, and professional development. The Career and Technical Institute (CTI) is for students, mainly in 11th and 12th grades, to learn occupations that have a strong job potential, such as plumbing, welding, auto mechanics, electrical programs, communication technology, and health. After graduation, students are prepared to enter the work force or to attend college.","descriptionPreview":"Principal Mitchell Shron discusses the Dutchess Board of Cooperative Education Services (BOCES, pronounced “BOH-sees”), a cost-effective education solution unique to New York State. BOCES programs provide career and technical education, special and alternative education, and professional development. The Career and Technical Institute (CTI) is for students, mainly in 11th and 12th grades, to learn occupations that have a strong job potential, such as plumbing, welding, auto mechanics, electrical programs, communication technology, and health. After graduation, students are prepared to enter the work force or to attend college.","duration":1455020,"episodeId":"e1qe2q","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-BOCES-Career-and-Technical-Institute-May-13--2011-e1qe2q","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Dutchess-BOCES-Career-and-Technical-Institute-May-13--2011-e1qe2q","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Dutchess BOCES Career and Technical Institute (May 13, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T12:21:32.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531743692,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T12:21:32.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T12:21:23.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531743683,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"8a93ab99-22ea-7b98-cd43-2d44590b4352","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In this club close-up of the Rotary Club of Red Hook, club representatives tell how Red Hook Rotary exemplifies the autonomous and unique character of an individual Rotary Club while yet maintaining the humanitarian goals of other clubs around the world. Past President Niki Weaver describes her club’s support of Therapy Dogs, a program that helps patients in hospitals as well as students with special needs. Current President David Wright discusses various ways his club supports community needs and Rotary International’s worldwide projects.","descriptionPreview":"In this club close-up of the Rotary Club of Red Hook, club representatives tell how Red Hook Rotary exemplifies the autonomous and unique character of an individual Rotary Club while yet maintaining the humanitarian goals of other clubs around the world. Past President Niki Weaver describes her club’s support of Therapy Dogs, a program that helps patients in hospitals as well as students with special needs. Current President David Wright discusses various ways his club supports community needs and Rotary International’s worldwide projects.","duration":1596708,"episodeId":"e1qe1c","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Close-up-on-Red-Hook-Rotary-Club-Aired-May-6--2011-e1qe1c","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Close-up-on-Red-Hook-Rotary-Club-Aired-May-6--2011-e1qe1c","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Close-up on Red Hook Rotary Club (Aired May 6, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T12:07:29.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531742849,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T12:07:30.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T12:07:20.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531742840,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"d41735d9-d146-db63-3967-d59c6c6eab95","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Greg Pikor describes Hudson Valley Homes for Heroes, a company that provides discounted real estate to those “who work every day to make our communities better places to live.” “Heroes” include military personnel, firefighters, law enforcement officers, emergency medical technicians, and other every day heroes. Created in Minnesota after the tragic events of 9/11 as a “Thank you” to the heroes who serve our nation and its communities, Homes for Heroes affiliates with realtors and other real estate personnel to provide substantial rebates and discounts when buying a home. In addition, a not-for-profit foundation is also available to help a Hero in need in the program.","descriptionPreview":"Greg Pikor describes Hudson Valley Homes for Heroes, a company that provides discounted real estate to those “who work every day to make our communities better places to live.” “Heroes” include military personnel, firefighters, law enforcement officers, emergency medical technicians, and other every day heroes. Created in Minnesota after the tragic events of 9/11 as a “Thank you” to the heroes who serve our nation and its communities, Homes for Heroes affiliates with realtors and other real estate personnel to provide substantial rebates and discounts when buying a home. In addition, a not-for-profit foundation is also available to help a Hero in need in the program.","duration":1487569,"episodeId":"e1qdup","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Homes-for-Heroes-Aired-April-29--2011-e1qdup","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Homes-for-Heroes-Aired-April-29--2011-e1qdup","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Homes for Heroes (Aired April 29, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T11:57:37.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531742257,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T11:57:37.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T11:57:28.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531742248,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"63db8cec-0352-e501-5b99-94ccb50a99b3","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In an on-site interview at the Millbrook Rotary Club, Rotary District 7210’s Past District Governor (2005-06), Doris Obremski (Goshen Rotary), tells how she became a supporter of The Rotary Foundation. Ms. Obremski emphasized the Foundation’s efforts to eradicate polio worldwide, giving specific statistics about the number of lives spared from polio by Millbrook Rotary’s financial contributions alone. As a result of global contributions by Rotarians and others polio is nearly eradicated. Professionally, Ms. Obremski is a marketing expert, fundraiser, and journalist and holds several positions in Rotary District 7210 and Rotary International.","descriptionPreview":"In an on-site interview at the Millbrook Rotary Club, Rotary District 7210’s Past District Governor (2005-06), Doris Obremski (Goshen Rotary), tells how she became a supporter of The Rotary Foundation. Ms. Obremski emphasized the Foundation’s efforts to eradicate polio worldwide, giving specific statistics about the number of lives spared from polio by Millbrook Rotary’s financial contributions alone. As a result of global contributions by Rotarians and others polio is nearly eradicated. Professionally, Ms. Obremski is a marketing expert, fundraiser, and journalist and holds several positions in Rotary District 7210 and Rotary International.","duration":1556401,"episodeId":"e1qdt6","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Live-Report-on-The-Rotary-Foundation-Aired-April-22--2011-e1qdt6","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Live-Report-on-The-Rotary-Foundation-Aired-April-22--2011-e1qdt6","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Live Report on The Rotary Foundation (Aired April 22, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T11:50:09.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531741809,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T11:50:09.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T11:49:59.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531741799,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"c77b482d-98a6-6381-08e7-c1fcaaecc2f4","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotary District 7210’s District Governor Elect (2011-12), Tansukh Dorawala (Poughkeepsie/Arlington Rotary), discusses how Rotary International prepares all 531 District Governors worldwide with the leadership and specific knowledge necessary to change lives. Mr. Dorawala, a chemical engineer by profession, describes his personal reasons for his strong dedication to one of Rotary International’s major efforts: providing clean water and sanitation to developing countries.","descriptionPreview":"Rotary District 7210’s District Governor Elect (2011-12), Tansukh Dorawala (Poughkeepsie/Arlington Rotary), discusses how Rotary International prepares all 531 District Governors worldwide with the leadership and specific knowledge necessary to change lives. Mr. Dorawala, a chemical engineer by profession, describes his personal reasons for his strong dedication to one of Rotary International’s major efforts: providing clean water and sanitation to developing countries.","duration":1500786,"episodeId":"e1qds1","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Saving-Lives-with-Water-Filters-Aired-April-15--2011-e1qds1","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Saving-Lives-with-Water-Filters-Aired-April-15--2011-e1qds1","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Saving Lives with Water Filters (Aired April 15, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T11:40:18.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531741218,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T11:40:18.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T11:40:09.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531741209,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"58fd3274-74ba-a94b-0c83-f8c9e29c835a","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Millbrook Rotary President (2010-11) Ellie Savoy discusses her background, her Rotary training, and her personal philosophy of commitment, compassion, understanding, thoughtfulness, ability to plan, attention to details, and flexibility. Together these help Ellie lead her club in its many humanitarian activities. Millbrook Rotarians annually publish a free directory of businesses and services in the immediate area, a vital resource to residents and a boost to businesses. The club’s literacy program provides dictionaries for all third graders and a book of choice to all eighth grade graduates. Millbrook’s international exchange programs include high school students and professional adults. Members embark on road clean-ups four times a year and contribute to food pantries and soup kitchens.","descriptionPreview":"Millbrook Rotary President (2010-11) Ellie Savoy discusses her background, her Rotary training, and her personal philosophy of commitment, compassion, understanding, thoughtfulness, ability to plan, attention to details, and flexibility. Together these help Ellie lead her club in its many humanitarian activities. Millbrook Rotarians annually publish a free directory of businesses and services in the immediate area, a vital resource to residents and a boost to businesses. The club’s literacy program provides dictionaries for all third graders and a book of choice to all eighth grade graduates. Millbrook’s international exchange programs include high school students and professional adults. Members embark on road clean-ups four times a year and contribute to food pantries and soup kitchens.","duration":1546161,"episodeId":"e1qdqb","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Close-up-on-a-Rotary-Club-President-Aired-April-8--2011-e1qdqb","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Close-up-on-a-Rotary-Club-President-Aired-April-8--2011-e1qdqb","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Close-up on a Rotary Club President (Aired April 8, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-16T11:32:49.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531740769,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-16T11:32:49.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-16T11:32:40.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531740760,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ca320cf8-e910-55d3-d689-b4c982bcb5a6","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In this heartwarming interview, Peekskill Rotary President and District 7230 Director of Gift of Life Joe Lippolis takes the listener through the steps that saved a 2-year-old’s life. Jostyn Baque, diagnosed in Ecuador as having a congenital heart problem that could not be corrected in his country, would have died within a few years had not Peekskill Rotary and another Rotary club teamed to sponsor Jostyn’s heart operation by a pediatric surgeon in Westchester. Several other groups, including American Airlines workers who generously donated their miles and the Ecuador community in Westchester County, joined to make a difference!","descriptionPreview":"In this heartwarming interview, Peekskill Rotary President and District 7230 Director of Gift of Life Joe Lippolis takes the listener through the steps that saved a 2-year-old’s life. Jostyn Baque, diagnosed in Ecuador as having a congenital heart problem that could not be corrected in his country, would have died within a few years had not Peekskill Rotary and another Rotary club teamed to sponsor Jostyn’s heart operation by a pediatric surgeon in Westchester. Several other groups, including American Airlines workers who generously donated their miles and the Ecuador community in Westchester County, joined to make a difference!","duration":1522207,"episodeId":"e1qdp2","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Gift-of-Life-for-Children-Aired-April-1--2011-e1qdp2","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Gift-of-Life-for-Children-Aired-April-1--2011-e1qdp2","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Gift of Life for Children (Aired April 1, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T23:03:20.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531695800,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T23:03:20.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T23:03:11.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531695791,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"85b10ad7-f244-e1c2-d42c-7d002e856c40","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Ambassadorial Scholar Dr. Christine Guedri Giacalone and DGN Dr. William Bassett, Scholarship Committee Chair and District 7210 Governor for 2012-13, discuss the Ambassadorial Scholarship, which promotes international understanding and goodwill through study in country different from the scholar’s own. Dr. Giacolone describes her experiences in Jordan, both as a student learning Arabic and as a professor teaching language. Her professional background teaching language to cadets in West Point for several years, plus her initial study in Arabic here in the United States, prepared her for her work in Jordan.","descriptionPreview":"Ambassadorial Scholar Dr. Christine Guedri Giacalone and DGN Dr. William Bassett, Scholarship Committee Chair and District 7210 Governor for 2012-13, discuss the Ambassadorial Scholarship, which promotes international understanding and goodwill through study in country different from the scholar’s own. Dr. Giacolone describes her experiences in Jordan, both as a student learning Arabic and as a professor teaching language. Her professional background teaching language to cadets in West Point for several years, plus her initial study in Arabic here in the United States, prepared her for her work in Jordan.","duration":1542400,"episodeId":"e1qahq","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Ambassador-in-the-Middle-East-Aired-Mar--25--2011-e1qahq","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Ambassador-in-the-Middle-East-Aired-Mar--25--2011-e1qahq","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary “Ambassador” in the Middle East (Aired Mar. 25, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T22:52:22.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531695142,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T22:52:22.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T22:52:13.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531695133,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"80d7c3c5-e0bd-1d2c-b8f6-e353477c0260","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Red Hook Rotarian Rob Latimer, Executive Vice President of Northern Dutchess Paramedic Emergency Medical Services, discusses his experiences as a paramedic in the Hudson Valley. As a paramedic, Mr. Latimer has had over 2,000 hours of technical medical training. His emotional stories cover delivering babies and saving lives in extraordinary circumstances. Ambulance service continually needs volunteer support, so he encourages others to enter this rewarding profession.","descriptionPreview":"Red Hook Rotarian Rob Latimer, Executive Vice President of Northern Dutchess Paramedic Emergency Medical Services, discusses his experiences as a paramedic in the Hudson Valley. As a paramedic, Mr. Latimer has had over 2,000 hours of technical medical training. His emotional stories cover delivering babies and saving lives in extraordinary circumstances. Ambulance service continually needs volunteer support, so he encourages others to enter this rewarding profession.","duration":1497469,"episodeId":"e1qagn","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Paramedic-Services-Rewards-of-a-Profession-Mar--18--2011-e1qagn","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Paramedic-Services-Rewards-of-a-Profession-Mar--18--2011-e1qagn","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Paramedic Services: Rewards of a Profession (Mar. 18, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T22:41:24.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531694484,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T22:41:24.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T22:41:15.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531694475,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"9ce7e6cb-9121-d50d-6d35-ac153ccbb2b7","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Kingston Sunrise Rotary Co-President Jeanine Lindhorst, Coordinator for Cooking Matters in the Hudson Valley, discusses her organization’s nutritional education program for people on a limited budget. Volunteer culinary and nutrition experts teach Cooking Matters course participants how to select nutritious and low-cost ingredients and how to prepare them in ways that provide the best nourishment.","descriptionPreview":"Kingston Sunrise Rotary Co-President Jeanine Lindhorst, Coordinator for Cooking Matters in the Hudson Valley, discusses her organization’s nutritional education program for people on a limited budget. Volunteer culinary and nutrition experts teach Cooking Matters course participants how to select nutritious and low-cost ingredients and how to prepare them in ways that provide the best nourishment.","duration":1561495,"episodeId":"e1qafo","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Cooking-Matters-Nutrition-at-Low-Cost-Aired-Mar--11--2011-e1qafo","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Cooking-Matters-Nutrition-at-Low-Cost-Aired-Mar--11--2011-e1qafo","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Cooking Matters: Nutrition at Low Cost (Aired Mar. 11, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T22:31:33.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531693893,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T22:31:33.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T22:31:24.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531693884,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"64ba7b79-41a9-49bc-0438-d14458f8d54e","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Two financial experts, both Red Hook Rotarians, discuss today’s economic environment and the effects of recent world turmoil on investing. In this on-site interview at a Red Hook Rotary meeting Glenn Goldstein, Managing Director of Portfolio Management at Focused Wealth Management, and Susan Simon, Registered Life Planner and Vice-President of Third Eye Associates, Ltd., give their opinions about what to consider when investing for retirement and about the changes investors should make in the current market.","descriptionPreview":"Two financial experts, both Red Hook Rotarians, discuss today’s economic environment and the effects of recent world turmoil on investing. In this on-site interview at a Red Hook Rotary meeting Glenn Goldstein, Managing Director of Portfolio Management at Focused Wealth Management, and Susan Simon, Registered Life Planner and Vice-President of Third Eye Associates, Ltd., give their opinions about what to consider when investing for retirement and about the changes investors should make in the current market.","duration":1533022,"episodeId":"e1qael","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Investing-in-Todays-Environment-Aired-Mar--4--2011-e1qael","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Investing-in-Todays-Environment-Aired-Mar--4--2011-e1qael","stationId":"54d1b88","title":" Investing in Today’s Environment (Aired Mar. 4, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T22:14:28.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531692868,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T22:14:29.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T22:14:19.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531692859,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"9981f9dc-b85c-508e-a7e0-1be5f8510742","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Leah Feldman, Project Coordinator of Universal Response to Domestic Violence, and Kathy Graham, Director of Battered Women’s Services of Family Services, Inc., discuss the Family Service agency’s 24/7 free domestic violence crisis intervention program. This program includes a hotline, counseling, advocacy, support groups, childcare, emergency transportation, youth domestic violence prevention education, community outreach, and education. Their agency provides services primarily in Dutchess County, but similar agencies with these services are available in all counties in the Hudson Valley and beyond.","descriptionPreview":"Leah Feldman, Project Coordinator of Universal Response to Domestic Violence, and Kathy Graham, Director of Battered Women’s Services of Family Services, Inc., discuss the Family Service agency’s 24/7 free domestic violence crisis intervention program. This program includes a hotline, counseling, advocacy, support groups, childcare, emergency transportation, youth domestic violence prevention education, community outreach, and education. Their agency provides services primarily in Dutchess County, but similar agencies with these services are available in all counties in the Hudson Valley and beyond.","duration":1448385,"episodeId":"e1qad3","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Addressing-Domestic-Violence-Aired-Feb--25--2011-e1qad3","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Addressing-Domestic-Violence-Aired-Feb--25--2011-e1qad3","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Addressing Domestic Violence (Aired Feb. 25, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T22:06:57.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531692417,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T22:06:57.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T22:06:48.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531692408,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f50e1af4-844d-5627-4ea8-65251e4296f2","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Prominent attorney and Rotarian Charles Goldberger, Esq. (White Plains Rotary) shares his experiences teaching in law schools around the world, including those in Eastern European countries. Mr. Goldberger, who has visited more than 75 countries, discusses the differences in law between America and the developing countries and the progress towards constitutional law that these countries are making.","descriptionPreview":"Prominent attorney and Rotarian Charles Goldberger, Esq. (White Plains Rotary) shares his experiences teaching in law schools around the world, including those in Eastern European countries. Mr. Goldberger, who has visited more than 75 countries, discusses the differences in law between America and the developing countries and the progress towards constitutional law that these countries are making.","duration":1513116,"episodeId":"e1qaca","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Teaching-Law-around-the-World-Aired-Feb--18--2011-e1qaca","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Teaching-Law-around-the-World-Aired-Feb--18--2011-e1qaca","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Teaching Law around the World (Aired Feb. 18, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T21:58:18.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531691898,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T21:58:18.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T21:58:09.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531691889,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"3255b695-28a4-2082-a454-91ecd66dc03b","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotarian Lenny Nathan (Congers/Valley Cottage Rotary), Chief Executive Officer of HealthSav, explains how easy it is to learn the mechanics needed to help save a life through cardiopulmonary resuscitation, better known as CPR. He describes how methods for performing this life-saving function have been updated by the American Heart Association. He also discusses why more schools should teach CPR to all students and the importance of administering aid in the first four minutes when the heart stops. In the program, station manager Don Verity and the co-hosts also celebrate RadioRotary’s second anniversary on the Hudson Valley Talk Radio Network.","descriptionPreview":"Rotarian Lenny Nathan (Congers/Valley Cottage Rotary), Chief Executive Officer of HealthSav, explains how easy it is to learn the mechanics needed to help save a life through cardiopulmonary resuscitation, better known as CPR. He describes how methods for performing this life-saving function have been updated by the American Heart Association. He also discusses why more schools should teach CPR to all students and the importance of administering aid in the first four minutes when the heart stops. In the program, station manager Don Verity and the co-hosts also celebrate RadioRotary’s second anniversary on the Hudson Valley Talk Radio Network.","duration":1335562,"episodeId":"e1qabk","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/How-to-Save-a-Life-Aired-Feb--11--2011-e1qabk","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/How-to-Save-a-Life-Aired-Feb--11--2011-e1qabk","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"How to Save a Life (Aired Feb. 11, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T21:50:07.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531691407,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T21:50:07.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T21:49:58.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531691398,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"3b1d4bb6-86e5-e8d6-1cb0-812a5fe50e8f","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Sal Gambino, Carmel Rotary President, Carmel Rotarian George Knoechel, Food Bank Project Coordinator, and Judy Callahan, Executive Director of Putnam Community Action Program, one of four Food Bank programs supported by the Carmel Rotary project, discuss how Carmel Rotary has in a few years raised about $100,000 worth of food to benefit those in need. Another $50,000 worth of food is expected in 2011. This successful humanitarian Rotary project, which has helped thousands of families, began when the club partnered with the local ShopRite. From there, the club developed publicity for the Food Banks, collection methods, and distribution teams. They helped conduct research into the four Food Banks that the project serves. The details involved in making this Food Bank project a success, from start to finish, can be duplicated anywhere but — we won’t kid you — with much effort. It’s worth it!","descriptionPreview":"Sal Gambino, Carmel Rotary President, Carmel Rotarian George Knoechel, Food Bank Project Coordinator, and Judy Callahan, Executive Director of Putnam Community Action Program, one of four Food Bank programs supported by the Carmel Rotary project, discuss how Carmel Rotary has in a few years raised about $100,000 worth of food to benefit those in need. Another $50,000 worth of food is expected in 2011. This successful humanitarian Rotary project, which has helped thousands of families, began when the club partnered with the local ShopRite. From there, the club developed publicity for the Food Banks, collection methods, and distribution teams. They helped conduct research into the four Food Banks that the project serves. The details involved in making this Food Bank project a success, from start to finish, can be duplicated anywhere but — we won’t kid you — with much effort. It’s worth it!","duration":1534406,"episodeId":"e1qaav","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Successful-Food-Bank-Helping-Thousands-Feb--4--2011-e1qaav","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Successful-Food-Bank-Helping-Thousands-Feb--4--2011-e1qaav","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Successful Food Bank Helping Thousands (Feb. 4, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T21:35:01.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531690501,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T21:35:01.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T21:34:52.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531690492,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"36672558-8d9f-64aa-f4e7-420214d72f04","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Thom Johnson, author and historian, discusses the fascinating history of Bannerman’s Castle, a dramatic ruin located on an island in the Hudson River in the Hudson Highlands State Park. Travelers on Hudson Line trains are familiar with the view of the remaining portions of the imitation Scottish castle, built in 1901. The nonprofit Bannerman Castle Trust, Inc. is restoring the castle as well as its exquisite original gardens. The Trust is dedicated to preserving Bannerman Castle as an educational, cultural, historical, and recreational facility that promotes heritage tourism in the Hudson Valley. Several ports along the river provide enjoyable, informative cruise tours to the castle by kayak or passenger boat. Mr. Johnson relates many interesting little known facts about the history of it island and castle as well as bonus information about the Catskill Mountain Railroad.","descriptionPreview":"Thom Johnson, author and historian, discusses the fascinating history of Bannerman’s Castle, a dramatic ruin located on an island in the Hudson River in the Hudson Highlands State Park. Travelers on Hudson Line trains are familiar with the view of the remaining portions of the imitation Scottish castle, built in 1901. The nonprofit Bannerman Castle Trust, Inc. is restoring the castle as well as its exquisite original gardens. The Trust is dedicated to preserving Bannerman Castle as an educational, cultural, historical, and recreational facility that promotes heritage tourism in the Hudson Valley. Several ports along the river provide enjoyable, informative cruise tours to the castle by kayak or passenger boat. Mr. Johnson relates many interesting little known facts about the history of it island and castle as well as bonus information about the Catskill Mountain Railroad.","duration":1457684,"episodeId":"e1qa9p","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Thom-Johnson--Bannerman-Castle-Restoration-Jan--28--2011-e1qa9p","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Thom-Johnson--Bannerman-Castle-Restoration-Jan--28--2011-e1qa9p","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Thom Johnson, Bannerman Castle Restoration (Jan. 28, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T21:10:38.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531689038,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T21:10:38.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T21:10:29.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531689029,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"18e7093d-a4f3-f695-a48b-5e8fb7d4e303","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Sharon Irving and Lisa-Marie Birdsall of Cortlandt Manor Rotary (District 7230) discuss their club’s sponsorship of a Rotary Community Corps (RCC) at the Keon center in Peeksill, NY. A Rotary Community Corps is an organization for non-Rotarian men and women who share Rotary’s commitment to service. Although the Cortlandt Manor Rotary is less than a year old, with Sharon Irving as its founder and first president, it has been able to start the RCC at Keon. Cortlandt Manor Rotary and the RCC of Keon work on projects together. For example, Ms. Birdsall discusses how the RCC team helps her rescue-dog adoption program, which has placed over 1,600 dogs in 18 months, and Ms. Irving discusses how the RCC helps the Salvation Army with food distribution.","descriptionPreview":"Sharon Irving and Lisa-Marie Birdsall of Cortlandt Manor Rotary (District 7230) discuss their club’s sponsorship of a Rotary Community Corps (RCC) at the Keon center in Peeksill, NY. A Rotary Community Corps is an organization for non-Rotarian men and women who share Rotary’s commitment to service. Although the Cortlandt Manor Rotary is less than a year old, with Sharon Irving as its founder and first president, it has been able to start the RCC at Keon. Cortlandt Manor Rotary and the RCC of Keon work on projects together. For example, Ms. Birdsall discusses how the RCC team helps her rescue-dog adoption program, which has placed over 1,600 dogs in 18 months, and Ms. Irving discusses how the RCC helps the Salvation Army with food distribution.","duration":1448019,"episodeId":"e1qa7n","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Community-Corps-Aired-Jan--21--2011-e1qa7n","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Community-Corps-Aired-Jan--21--2011-e1qa7n","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Community Corps (Aired Jan. 21, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T21:01:22.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531688482,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T21:01:23.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T21:01:13.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531688473,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"957b1adf-5bfe-9f81-492d-82b63b61d36d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Habitat for Humanity builds and restores homes for low-income families. Steve Biolsi, Project Manager of Putnam County’s Habitat for Humanity, tells of how the organization is supported by local Rotary clubs and other community organizations. Mr. Biolsi also corrects misinformation about Habitat for Humanity. Their projects are not free handouts but help low-income families build, own, and maintain simple, decent, affordable homes–families pay for their homes with zero-interest mortgages and hours of sweat equity.","descriptionPreview":"Habitat for Humanity builds and restores homes for low-income families. Steve Biolsi, Project Manager of Putnam County’s Habitat for Humanity, tells of how the organization is supported by local Rotary clubs and other community organizations. Mr. Biolsi also corrects misinformation about Habitat for Humanity. Their projects are not free handouts but help low-income families build, own, and maintain simple, decent, affordable homes–families pay for their homes with zero-interest mortgages and hours of sweat equity.","duration":1506560,"episodeId":"e1qa6k","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Habitat-for-Humanity-and-Rotary-Aired-Jan--7--2011-e1qa6k","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Habitat-for-Humanity-and-Rotary-Aired-Jan--7--2011-e1qa6k","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Habitat for Humanity and Rotary (Aired Jan. 7, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T18:18:32.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531678712,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T18:18:32.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T18:18:23.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531678703,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"6bb78d11-776c-b552-4d95-1a8b076cb14b","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Dr. Manoj Abraham (plastic surgeon) with Dana Buffin (New Milford, CT Rotary), Executive Director of Healing the Children, and Kathy Kruger, RN, (Rotary District 7210’s Rotaplast Chair, Pleasant Valley Rotary tell the uplifting stories of how children and adults are helped by corrective surgery, performed by volunteers who donate their time, skills, and finances. These medical teams set up an operating room abroad or in the United States where they can correct cleft palates and other disfiguring conditions in children as young as 2 months old and people as old as 70+ who either don’t have access to or cannot afford treatment.","descriptionPreview":"Dr. Manoj Abraham (plastic surgeon) with Dana Buffin (New Milford, CT Rotary), Executive Director of Healing the Children, and Kathy Kruger, RN, (Rotary District 7210’s Rotaplast Chair, Pleasant Valley Rotary tell the uplifting stories of how children and adults are helped by corrective surgery, performed by volunteers who donate their time, skills, and finances. These medical teams set up an operating room abroad or in the United States where they can correct cleft palates and other disfiguring conditions in children as young as 2 months old and people as old as 70+ who either don’t have access to or cannot afford treatment.","duration":1529626,"episodeId":"e1q9eo","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Healing-the-Children-and-Rotaplast-Aired-123110-e1q9eo","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Healing-the-Children-and-Rotaplast-Aired-123110-e1q9eo","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Healing the Children and Rotaplast (Aired 12/31/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T18:07:14.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531678034,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T18:07:14.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T18:07:05.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531678025,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b4ef2fd2-004f-c456-57ea-7549f620f0d0","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Martha Underwood discusses the enormous benefits to everyone, not only those with special needs, that she has witnessed during her years as a riding instructor with the non-profit Winslow Therapeutic Center located since 1974 in Warwick, New York. Ms. Underwood describes how horseback riding improves the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional well being of children and adults when working with the Center’s well trained, caring staff and volunteers.","descriptionPreview":"Martha Underwood discusses the enormous benefits to everyone, not only those with special needs, that she has witnessed during her years as a riding instructor with the non-profit Winslow Therapeutic Center located since 1974 in Warwick, New York. Ms. Underwood describes how horseback riding improves the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional well being of children and adults when working with the Center’s well trained, caring staff and volunteers.","duration":1426364,"episodeId":"e1q9d4","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Martha-Underwood-Healing-with-Horses-Aired-122410-e1q9d4","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Martha-Underwood-Healing-with-Horses-Aired-122410-e1q9d4","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Martha Underwood “Healing with Horses” (Aired 12/24/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T17:54:03.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531677243,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T17:54:03.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T17:53:54.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531677234,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"921e5587-944f-d1f3-3742-16fd0251d77c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotary District 7210’s PolioPlus Chair, Bunnee Webb (Congers/Valley Cottage Rotary Club), provides us with the most current detailed information about progress by Rotary and the United Nations in eradicating polio worldwide. She also discusses her personal heartfelt experiences inoculating children against polio in India, and she ends with a very moving poem about Rotary’s promise to the children of the world. A special interview, for sure!","descriptionPreview":"Rotary District 7210’s PolioPlus Chair, Bunnee Webb (Congers/Valley Cottage Rotary Club), provides us with the most current detailed information about progress by Rotary and the United Nations in eradicating polio worldwide. She also discusses her personal heartfelt experiences inoculating children against polio in India, and she ends with a very moving poem about Rotary’s promise to the children of the world. A special interview, for sure!","duration":1598929,"episodeId":"e1q9b9","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Polio-Eradication-Worldwide-121710-e1q9b9","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Polio-Eradication-Worldwide-121710-e1q9b9","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Polio Eradication Worldwide (12/17/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T17:40:25.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531676425,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T17:40:25.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T17:40:16.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531676416,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"5ef290ec-4285-d35e-7b1e-a4a9fcedc289","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Two of Rotary District 7210’s Past District Governors, Jim Yarmus and Jeffrey Keahon, describe recent successful clean water projects implemented by District 7210 clubs in Central America. These are already saving countless lives from water-borne diseases. They discuss how Rotarians provide on-site technical expertise with professional engineers, such as Dr. Yarmus, and actively facilitate other projects, such as a school roof project, to improve the quality of life in communities around the world.","descriptionPreview":"Two of Rotary District 7210’s Past District Governors, Jim Yarmus and Jeffrey Keahon, describe recent successful clean water projects implemented by District 7210 clubs in Central America. These are already saving countless lives from water-borne diseases. They discuss how Rotarians provide on-site technical expertise with professional engineers, such as Dr. Yarmus, and actively facilitate other projects, such as a school roof project, to improve the quality of life in communities around the world.","duration":1518445,"episodeId":"e1q99h","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Field-Experiences-in-Honduras-and-Dominican-Republic-121010-e1q99h","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Field-Experiences-in-Honduras-and-Dominican-Republic-121010-e1q99h","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Field Experiences in Honduras and Dominican Republic (12/10/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T17:29:02.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531675742,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T17:29:03.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T17:28:53.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531675733,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"823e85a7-a22d-f719-f97f-39146ba39d13","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Ms. Fredlee Ann Kaplan (Chairman’s Council, Gift of Life International) and Mr. Bill Currie (International President, Gift of Life International), both members of The Rotary Club of New York, discuss how Gift of Life has saved more than ten thousand children’s lives by addressing the medical needs of children who suffer from congenital heart defects and other similar conditions. Starting with heart surgery on one girl from Uganda in 1975, supported by the Rotary Club of Manhasset in New York, the program grew to become Gift of Life International in 2003. The Gift of Life International is still largely run through the efforts of Rotary clubs throughout the world, such as The Rotary Club of New York, with help from humanitarian foundations and much of the worldwide medical community.","descriptionPreview":"Ms. Fredlee Ann Kaplan (Chairman’s Council, Gift of Life International) and Mr. Bill Currie (International President, Gift of Life International), both members of The Rotary Club of New York, discuss how Gift of Life has saved more than ten thousand children’s lives by addressing the medical needs of children who suffer from congenital heart defects and other similar conditions. Starting with heart surgery on one girl from Uganda in 1975, supported by the Rotary Club of Manhasset in New York, the program grew to become Gift of Life International in 2003. The Gift of Life International is still largely run through the efforts of Rotary clubs throughout the world, such as The Rotary Club of New York, with help from humanitarian foundations and much of the worldwide medical community.","duration":1478034,"episodeId":"e1q97n","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-and-Gift-of-Life-Aired-12310-e1q97n","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-and-Gift-of-Life-Aired-12310-e1q97n","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary and Gift of Life (Aired 12/3/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T17:16:10.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531674970,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T17:16:11.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T17:16:01.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531674961,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"88543b46-ed9f-99b6-c6de-d33d8fd31ef4","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary host Jonah Triebwasser interviews Rotary’s humanitarians from around the world at Rotary International’s 2010 Convention in Montreal, Canada. Among the many featured guests are Rotarians from the Jaipur Limb Project, which provides inexpensive and long-lasting leg prostheses, and ShelterBox Founder Rotarian Tom Henderson.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary host Jonah Triebwasser interviews Rotary’s humanitarians from around the world at Rotary International’s 2010 Convention in Montreal, Canada. Among the many featured guests are Rotarians from the Jaipur Limb Project, which provides inexpensive and long-lasting leg prostheses, and ShelterBox Founder Rotarian Tom Henderson.","duration":1688555,"episodeId":"e1q961","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/2010-Montreal-Convention--Part-3-Aired-112610-e1q961","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/2010-Montreal-Convention--Part-3-Aired-112610-e1q961","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"2010 Montreal Convention, Part 3 (Aired 11/26/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T17:01:53.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531674113,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T17:01:53.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T17:01:44.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531674104,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"dc61c419-a22d-cada-4976-a9335eabafb5","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Eva Corredor, Emeritus Professor of French and German and a Rotarian since 1989, discusses how her involvement in Rotary’s international service programs provides an opportunity to work towards world peace and understanding. A member of The Rotary Club of New York, Professor Corredor explains why she joined Rotary and describes the many international projects with which she has been engaged, including Youth Exchange, Group Study Exchange, and Gift of Life.","descriptionPreview":"Eva Corredor, Emeritus Professor of French and German and a Rotarian since 1989, discusses how her involvement in Rotary’s international service programs provides an opportunity to work towards world peace and understanding. A member of The Rotary Club of New York, Professor Corredor explains why she joined Rotary and describes the many international projects with which she has been engaged, including Youth Exchange, Group Study Exchange, and Gift of Life.","duration":1493263,"episodeId":"e1q943","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Eva-Corredor--Rotarys-International-Programs-Aired-111910-e1q943","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Eva-Corredor--Rotarys-International-Programs-Aired-111910-e1q943","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Eva Corredor & Rotary’s International Programs (Aired 11/19/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T16:51:46.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531673506,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T16:51:46.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T16:51:37.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531673497,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"acee9b10-fdb9-f0c8-05bc-d94122293880","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Manuela Roosevelt discusses the humanitarian organization called Soroptimist International, a worldwide organization for women in management and professions, who work through service projects to advance human rights and the status of women. Most recently, Soroptimist International has placed special emphasis on clean water projects, a Rotary International effort as well.","descriptionPreview":"Manuela Roosevelt discusses the humanitarian organization called Soroptimist International, a worldwide organization for women in management and professions, who work through service projects to advance human rights and the status of women. Most recently, Soroptimist International has placed special emphasis on clean water projects, a Rotary International effort as well.","duration":1407190,"episodeId":"e1q92f","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Manuela-Roosevelt-and-Soroptimist-International-Aired-111210-e1q92f","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Manuela-Roosevelt-and-Soroptimist-International-Aired-111210-e1q92f","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Manuela Roosevelt and Soroptimist International (Aired 11/12/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T16:42:10.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531672930,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T16:42:10.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T16:42:01.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531672921,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"cd9851fb-80a1-4d23-af96-9d2c2dc4f530","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Kevin Voisin, an 8th generation Louisiana oysterman and Terrebonne Parish Councilman, discusses current events concerning the Gulf oil-spill and fishing situation, false impressions about the Gulf and its seafood, and his optimism about the future, despite the setback caused by the man-made spill.","descriptionPreview":"Kevin Voisin, an 8th generation Louisiana oysterman and Terrebonne Parish Councilman, discusses current events concerning the Gulf oil-spill and fishing situation, false impressions about the Gulf and its seafood, and his optimism about the future, despite the setback caused by the man-made spill.","duration":1486315,"episodeId":"e1q91a","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Kevin-Voisin--Louisiana-Oysterman-Aired-on-11510-e1q91a","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Kevin-Voisin--Louisiana-Oysterman-Aired-on-11510-e1q91a","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Kevin Voisin, Louisiana Oysterman (Aired on 11/5/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T16:24:28.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531671868,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T16:24:29.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T16:24:19.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531671859,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b83fc5df-1999-3483-ac08-dd6be9bc0839","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"This year’s Rotary International President Ray Klinginsmith (Kirksville, Missouri, Rotary Club) covers a broad range of Rotary topics. Here are just three:\n– The significance of his early experience as a student in Cape Town, South Africa, as part of Rotary’s Scholarship Program;\n– The positive (and uplifting) statistics about polio eradication; and\n– The meaning of President Ray’s theme for this year (“Building Communities, Bridging Continents”): Encouraging Rotarians to take pride in what they accomplish and acquainting non-Rotarians with Rotary’s work on both local and international levels.","descriptionPreview":"This year’s Rotary International President Ray Klinginsmith (Kirksville, Missouri, Rotary Club) covers a broad range of Rotary topics. Here are just three:\n– The significance of his early experience as a student in Cape Town, South Africa, as part of Rotary’s Scholarship Program;\n– The positive (and uplifting) statistics about polio eradication; and\n– The meaning of President Ray’s theme for this year (“Building Communities, Bridging Continents”): Encouraging Rotarians to take pride in what they accomplish and acquainting non-Rotarians with Rotary’s work on both local and international levels.","duration":1442063,"episodeId":"e1q8uq","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Prez-Ray-Klinginsmith-Rotary-a-Way-of-Life-102910-e1q8uq","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Prez-Ray-Klinginsmith-Rotary-a-Way-of-Life-102910-e1q8uq","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Prez Ray Klinginsmith: Rotary a Way of Life 10/29/10"},{"created":"2018-07-15T16:14:06.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531671246,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T16:14:07.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T16:13:57.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531671237,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"8aca344a-9cc7-331b-2fd0-fbb8b5ead35a","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Author Barbara Allen, mother of four young sons, discusses her book, Front Toward Enemy, about her husband’s murder by a fellow soldier in Iraq and how the military court allowed the killer to escape punishment. Snowball Express, an organization founded by Rotarians in California and supported by Rotary clubs all over the country, provides unique support to children of fallen soldiers and has been and continues to be supportive of Ms. Allen and her children during their recovery process. Ms. Allen and two of her sisters are former Youth Exchange students. Her parents, Doris and Ken Obremski, are both past Rotary District Governors.","descriptionPreview":"Author Barbara Allen, mother of four young sons, discusses her book, Front Toward Enemy, about her husband’s murder by a fellow soldier in Iraq and how the military court allowed the killer to escape punishment. Snowball Express, an organization founded by Rotarians in California and supported by Rotary clubs all over the country, provides unique support to children of fallen soldiers and has been and continues to be supportive of Ms. Allen and her children during their recovery process. Ms. Allen and two of her sisters are former Youth Exchange students. Her parents, Doris and Ken Obremski, are both past Rotary District Governors.","duration":1307062,"episodeId":"e1q8t4","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Barbara-Allen-A-Murdered-Soldiers-Widow-Aired-on-102210-e1q8t4","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Barbara-Allen-A-Murdered-Soldiers-Widow-Aired-on-102210-e1q8t4","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Barbara Allen: A Murdered Soldier’s Widow (Aired on 10/22/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T15:58:21.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531670301,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T15:58:21.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T15:58:11.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531670291,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"2b536bef-7228-371e-a572-1ee20d3c3bb7","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rhinebeck’s Interact Club (high school Rotary) students who participated in the Nicaragua Project — Sarah Turpin, Sean Phelan, and Anna Katomski — discuss their humanitarian work in Nicaragua. The project took a year to plan and was implemented this summer, 2010, primarily by Rhinebeck Interact students who helped build a classroom, provided clothing and school supplies, brought clean water treatment, and established gardens in a Nicaraguan community in need.","descriptionPreview":"Rhinebeck’s Interact Club (high school Rotary) students who participated in the Nicaragua Project — Sarah Turpin, Sean Phelan, and Anna Katomski — discuss their humanitarian work in Nicaragua. The project took a year to plan and was implemented this summer, 2010, primarily by Rhinebeck Interact students who helped build a classroom, provided clothing and school supplies, brought clean water treatment, and established gardens in a Nicaraguan community in need.","duration":1422027,"episodeId":"e1q8qs","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rhinebeck-Rotary--Interact-Nicaragua-2010-Project-101510-e1q8qs","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rhinebeck-Rotary--Interact-Nicaragua-2010-Project-101510-e1q8qs","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rhinebeck Rotary & Interact Nicaragua 2010 Project 10/15/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T15:48:21.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531669701,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T15:48:21.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T15:48:12.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531669692,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"973e0e8f-fd82-1c56-d043-016dc80e1c54","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Louisiana professionals from several fields provide the latest information on the Gulf oil spill and reactions from the residents of Grand Isle, called “The Sportsman’s Paradise.” Environmental expert Windell Curole (Golden Meadow Rotary), General Manager of South LaFourche Levee District, discusses the most recent regional events. Richard Augustin (Grand Isle Rotary), Principal of the Grand Isle School System, discusses the effects of the oil spill disaster on the schools, his students, and their families. Carroll Allemand (President, Grand Isle Rotary) corrects some of the common misinformation about the oil’s effects on Grand Isle and explains the concerns of Grand Isle residents after BP leaves the area. Grand Isle is located in Jefferson Parish at the southern tip of LA. Hwy 1. Located on the Gulf of Mexico, the primary businesses for island residents are tourism, the seafood industry, and oilfield related professions. ","descriptionPreview":"Louisiana professionals from several fields provide the latest information on the Gulf oil spill and reactions from the residents of Grand Isle, called “The Sportsman’s Paradise.” Environmental expert Windell Curole (Golden Meadow Rotary), General Manager of South LaFourche Levee District, discusses the most recent regional events. Richard Augustin (Grand Isle Rotary), Principal of the Grand Isle School System, discusses the effects of the oil spill disaster on the schools, his students, and their families. Carroll Allemand (President, Grand Isle Rotary) corrects some of the common misinformation about the oil’s effects on Grand Isle and explains the concerns of Grand Isle residents after BP leaves the area. Grand Isle is located in Jefferson Parish at the southern tip of LA. Hwy 1. Located on the Gulf of Mexico, the primary businesses for island residents are tourism, the seafood industry, and oilfield related professions. ","duration":1667056,"episodeId":"e1q8op","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Updates-from-the-Gulf-Aired-on-10810-e1q8op","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Updates-from-the-Gulf-Aired-on-10810-e1q8op","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Updates from the Gulf (Aired on 10/8/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T15:32:45.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531668765,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T15:32:45.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T15:32:36.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531668756,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"2b941d5f-732a-78f2-59f7-5acb3f44000f","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Terry Laibach, Recycling Coordinator of New York State’s Department of Environmental Conservation, discusses the latest information about waste reduction and recycling, the state’s new solid waste plan and electronics recycling law, single stream/dual stream recycling, personal responsibility, and loads more.","descriptionPreview":"Terry Laibach, Recycling Coordinator of New York State’s Department of Environmental Conservation, discusses the latest information about waste reduction and recycling, the state’s new solid waste plan and electronics recycling law, single stream/dual stream recycling, personal responsibility, and loads more.","duration":1384202,"episodeId":"e1q8m2","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Terry-Laibach--Recycling-Coordinator-Aired-on-92410-e1q8m2","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Terry-Laibach--Recycling-Coordinator-Aired-on-92410-e1q8m2","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Terry Laibach, Recycling Coordinator (Aired on 9/24/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T14:21:19.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531664479,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T14:21:19.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T14:21:10.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531664470,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"d8a00f70-be5c-1372-493d-a67bbb234406","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In the second set of on-site interviews at Rotary International’s 101st convention, RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser interviews humanitarians from around the world, including Rotarians from Arkansas’ Medical Supplies Network and New Mexico’s drug prevention program . Very moving interviews. “Let There Be Peace on Earth,” sung by the Rotary World Choir at the end of the interviews, will bring tears to your eyes.","descriptionPreview":"In the second set of on-site interviews at Rotary International’s 101st convention, RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser interviews humanitarians from around the world, including Rotarians from Arkansas’ Medical Supplies Network and New Mexico’s drug prevention program . Very moving interviews. “Let There Be Peace on Earth,” sung by the Rotary World Choir at the end of the interviews, will bring tears to your eyes.","duration":1598171,"episodeId":"e1q87e","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/2010-Rotary-Convention-in-Montreal-Part-2---91710-e1q87e","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/2010-Rotary-Convention-in-Montreal-Part-2---91710-e1q87e","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"2010 Rotary Convention in Montreal Part 2 - 9/17/10"},{"created":"2018-07-15T14:10:21.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531663821,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T14:10:21.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T14:10:12.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531663812,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"880ec046-39c7-5f69-7aea-44f5de82bfb7","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"John Lyons, President and CEO of MetroPool, discusses this unique organization, which provides employers and commuters with free services to encourage transportation options –car/vanpooling, walking/biking, bus/train/ferry travel, telecommuting, compressed work weeks and pre-tax commuter benefits. MetroPool’s services are available in New York City and Westchester, Rockland, Orange, Putnam, Dutchess, and Ulster Counties in New York. Services are provided under contract to New York State Department of Transportation.","descriptionPreview":"John Lyons, President and CEO of MetroPool, discusses this unique organization, which provides employers and commuters with free services to encourage transportation options –car/vanpooling, walking/biking, bus/train/ferry travel, telecommuting, compressed work weeks and pre-tax commuter benefits. MetroPool’s services are available in New York City and Westchester, Rockland, Orange, Putnam, Dutchess, and Ulster Counties in New York. Services are provided under contract to New York State Department of Transportation.","duration":1595533,"episodeId":"e1q868","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/John-Lyons--President-and-CEO-of-MetroPool-Aired-91010-e1q868","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/John-Lyons--President-and-CEO-of-MetroPool-Aired-91010-e1q868","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"John Lyons, President and CEO of MetroPool (Aired 9/10/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T13:59:05.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531663145,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T13:59:06.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T13:58:56.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531663136,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b8766276-af0c-c3bc-6a36-625d9fc07141","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Louisiana Gulf experts from two Louisiana Parishes are featured in Part 2 of the Gulf Series on RadioRotary: Windell Curole (Golden Meadow Rotary), General Manager of South LaFourche Levee District; Terrebonne Parish President Michel Claudet (Houma Rotary); and Michael Ferdinand (Houma Rotary), CEO of Economic Development. Topics discussed include correcting public misinformation about the spill, the spill’s impact on business, the impact of the Moritorium, and much more.","descriptionPreview":"Louisiana Gulf experts from two Louisiana Parishes are featured in Part 2 of the Gulf Series on RadioRotary: Windell Curole (Golden Meadow Rotary), General Manager of South LaFourche Levee District; Terrebonne Parish President Michel Claudet (Houma Rotary); and Michael Ferdinand (Houma Rotary), CEO of Economic Development. Topics discussed include correcting public misinformation about the spill, the spill’s impact on business, the impact of the Moritorium, and much more.","duration":1681214,"episodeId":"e1q84t","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Current-Updates-by-Louisiana-Rotarians-9310-e1q84t","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Current-Updates-by-Louisiana-Rotarians-9310-e1q84t","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Current Updates by Louisiana Rotarians 9/3/10"},{"created":"2018-07-15T13:55:15.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531662915,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T13:55:16.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T13:55:06.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531662906,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"8a7102f5-c5ae-7ef8-6dca-e3b9fe5ee874","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Deborah Gruendle, Supervisor of Volunteer Resources, at Vassar Brothers Medical Center, discusses volunteer opportunities for friendly, caring individuals in several capacities, including greeters, patient and family support, gift shop help, and tons more.","descriptionPreview":"Deborah Gruendle, Supervisor of Volunteer Resources, at Vassar Brothers Medical Center, discusses volunteer opportunities for friendly, caring individuals in several capacities, including greeters, patient and family support, gift shop help, and tons more.","duration":1524793,"episodeId":"e1q84g","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Deborah-Gruendle-Volunteers-at-Vassar-82710-e1q84g","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Deborah-Gruendle-Volunteers-at-Vassar-82710-e1q84g","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Deborah Gruendle: Volunteers at Vassar 8/27/10"},{"created":"2018-07-15T13:40:26.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531662026,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T13:40:26.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T13:40:17.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531662017,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"69b73dd6-ad80-8740-0cb3-d583ea532eaf","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Everyone at the station had a rollicking good time with Don Verity, Station Manager of Hudson Valley Talk Radio (Pamal Broadcasting). Don, a Highland Rotarian, discusses Highland Rotary’s now famous Ribfest with vendors from all over the country competing in food competitions, as well as lots of inside info about talk radio.","descriptionPreview":"Everyone at the station had a rollicking good time with Don Verity, Station Manager of Hudson Valley Talk Radio (Pamal Broadcasting). Don, a Highland Rotarian, discusses Highland Rotary’s now famous Ribfest with vendors from all over the country competing in food competitions, as well as lots of inside info about talk radio.","duration":1516852,"episodeId":"e1q82i","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Don-Verity--Station-Manager-of-Pamal-Radio-82010-e1q82i","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Don-Verity--Station-Manager-of-Pamal-Radio-82010-e1q82i","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Don Verity, Station Manager of Pamal Radio 8/20/10"},{"created":"2018-07-15T13:28:41.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531661321,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T13:28:41.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T13:28:31.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531661311,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"d7b96ade-dd94-7490-ab3d-031a17541b4c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Dr. William H. Schlesinger, Biochemist and President of Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, discusses current environmental problems facing the Hudson River Valley, including global warming impacts, urban sprawl, and the changing water quality of the Hudson River.","descriptionPreview":"Dr. William H. Schlesinger, Biochemist and President of Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, discusses current environmental problems facing the Hudson River Valley, including global warming impacts, urban sprawl, and the changing water quality of the Hudson River.","duration":1564917,"episodeId":"e1q80r","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Dr--William-H--Schlesinger--Environmental-Problems-81310-e1q80r","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Dr--William-H--Schlesinger--Environmental-Problems-81310-e1q80r","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Dr. William H. Schlesinger – Environmental Problems 8/13/10"},{"created":"2018-07-15T13:17:21.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531660641,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T13:17:21.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T13:17:11.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531660631,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ebbeb95c-1431-e45b-918e-05aa15e03902","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Fred Schaeffer was the catalyst for the unique and popular park and trail attraction in the Hudson Valley called Walkway over the Hudson. In his interview, he discusses his 7 years as chairman of this project and his work today to develop the full potential of the Walkway as a “way of life.” Mr. Schaeffer received the 2009-10 Rotary District 7210 Vocational Service Award to a non-Rotarian.","descriptionPreview":"Fred Schaeffer was the catalyst for the unique and popular park and trail attraction in the Hudson Valley called Walkway over the Hudson. In his interview, he discusses his 7 years as chairman of this project and his work today to develop the full potential of the Walkway as a “way of life.” Mr. Schaeffer received the 2009-10 Rotary District 7210 Vocational Service Award to a non-Rotarian.","duration":1526778,"episodeId":"e1q7v4","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Fred-Schaeffer-Walkway-over-the-Hudson-Aired-on-8610-e1q7v4","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Fred-Schaeffer-Walkway-over-the-Hudson-Aired-on-8610-e1q7v4","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Fred Schaeffer: Walkway over the Hudson (Aired on 8/6/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T13:02:16.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531659736,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T13:02:16.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T13:02:07.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531659727,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"5a324872-6a15-cfd1-8de8-f8de32e174c8","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In a series of on-site interviews at Rotary International’s 101st convention, RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser interviews humanitarians from around the world. Some examples in this first broadcast: Dollywood Foundation (Ontario Rotary), Mercy Ships (Texas Rotary), End Polio Now (all Rotary clubs around the world, with Guersey Rotary, Great Britain, as an example), Diabetes Awareness (Florida Rotary), Sleeping Children around the World (Ontario Rotary club), much more.","descriptionPreview":"In a series of on-site interviews at Rotary International’s 101st convention, RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser interviews humanitarians from around the world. Some examples in this first broadcast: Dollywood Foundation (Ontario Rotary), Mercy Ships (Texas Rotary), End Polio Now (all Rotary clubs around the world, with Guersey Rotary, Great Britain, as an example), Diabetes Awareness (Florida Rotary), Sleeping Children around the World (Ontario Rotary club), much more.","duration":1531089,"episodeId":"e1q7nv","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/2010-Rotary-International-Convention-in-Montreal-73010-e1q7nv","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/2010-Rotary-International-Convention-in-Montreal-73010-e1q7nv","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"2010 Rotary International Convention in Montreal (7/30/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T12:51:38.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531659098,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T12:51:39.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T12:51:29.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531659089,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b8b54576-737e-79e1-8ab6-639698f35488","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"International professionals from the Hudson Valley and Taiwan describe their experiences after participating in Rotary International’s exciting professional exchange program, called Group Study Exchange (GSE), in 2010. The program was taped on site at Rotary District 7210’s annual Conference in May, 2010 in front of an audience of Conference attendees. Rotary International’s GSE program pairs Rotary districts around the world and provides all travel expenses for a team of non-Rotarians (with a Rotarian Team Leader) from a variety of vocations. Rotarian hosts organize a four to six week itinerary of educational, vocational, and cultural points of interest, and participants learn how their profession is practiced in other countries. Since 1965, more than 52,000 individuals (almost 12,000 teams) from 102 countries have participated. With the exception of the Team Leader, each participant must be between the ages of 25 and 40 and have at least two year’s experience in his/her profession.","descriptionPreview":"International professionals from the Hudson Valley and Taiwan describe their experiences after participating in Rotary International’s exciting professional exchange program, called Group Study Exchange (GSE), in 2010. The program was taped on site at Rotary District 7210’s annual Conference in May, 2010 in front of an audience of Conference attendees. Rotary International’s GSE program pairs Rotary districts around the world and provides all travel expenses for a team of non-Rotarians (with a Rotarian Team Leader) from a variety of vocations. Rotarian hosts organize a four to six week itinerary of educational, vocational, and cultural points of interest, and participants learn how their profession is practiced in other countries. Since 1965, more than 52,000 individuals (almost 12,000 teams) from 102 countries have participated. With the exception of the Team Leader, each participant must be between the ages of 25 and 40 and have at least two year’s experience in his/her profession.","duration":1589002,"episodeId":"e1q7mt","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Group-Study-Exchange-Professionals-Aired-on-72310-e1q7mt","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Group-Study-Exchange-Professionals-Aired-on-72310-e1q7mt","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Group Study Exchange Professionals (Aired on 7/23/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T12:43:50.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531658630,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T12:43:50.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T12:43:41.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531658621,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"99d4eda0-e414-e247-81df-48cf7bdefc01","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Windell Curole (Golden Meadow Rotary) is General Manager of South Lafourche Levee District. He is one of Louisiana’s leading coastal environmental experts and currently is a member of and consultant to Louisiana’s official clean-up team. In his interview, he provides the latest updates.","descriptionPreview":"Windell Curole (Golden Meadow Rotary) is General Manager of South Lafourche Levee District. He is one of Louisiana’s leading coastal environmental experts and currently is a member of and consultant to Louisiana’s official clean-up team. In his interview, he provides the latest updates.","duration":1585475,"episodeId":"e1q7lv","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Windell-Curole--The-New-Orleans-Flood-71610-e1q7lv","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Windell-Curole--The-New-Orleans-Flood-71610-e1q7lv","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Windell Curole, The New Orleans Flood 7/16/10"},{"created":"2018-07-15T12:34:53.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531658093,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T12:34:53.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T12:34:44.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531658084,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"c8ec68a2-c7dc-5c35-c400-b3e9037b186d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"A Director at the Mid-Hudson Workshop for the Disabled, Bill Del Tosta discusses his organization’s important purpose: to offer meaningful work for Hudson Valley’s physically and medically handicapped.","descriptionPreview":"A Director at the Mid-Hudson Workshop for the Disabled, Bill Del Tosta discusses his organization’s important purpose: to offer meaningful work for Hudson Valley’s physically and medically handicapped.","duration":1496737,"episodeId":"e1q7ks","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Bill-Del-Tosta--Mid-Hudson-Workshop-for-the-Disabled-7910-e1q7ks","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Bill-Del-Tosta--Mid-Hudson-Workshop-for-the-Disabled-7910-e1q7ks","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Bill Del Tosta, Mid-Hudson Workshop for the Disabled 7/9/10"},{"created":"2018-07-15T12:29:32.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531657772,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T12:29:32.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T12:29:23.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531657763,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"22628381-185b-4a6e-b56e-77036002e1b6","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotary clubs in Region One (Cairo, Catskill, Coxsackie-Athens, Greenville, Hudson, Northern Columbia, Philmont, Windham) share their humanitarian projects with the audience. Some topics include the 4H group, the work of the Cairo/Durham Interact group, and the way Rotary clubs in Region One meet local needs.","descriptionPreview":"Rotary clubs in Region One (Cairo, Catskill, Coxsackie-Athens, Greenville, Hudson, Northern Columbia, Philmont, Windham) share their humanitarian projects with the audience. Some topics include the 4H group, the work of the Cairo/Durham Interact group, and the way Rotary clubs in Region One meet local needs.","duration":1511157,"episodeId":"e1q7ka","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Club-Close-ups-Region-One-Rotary-District-7210-7210-e1q7ka","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Club-Close-ups-Region-One-Rotary-District-7210-7210-e1q7ka","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Club Close-ups: Region One-Rotary District 7210 (7/2/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T12:22:19.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531657339,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T12:22:19.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T12:22:09.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531657329,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f73d870d-e095-d201-6b90-0d79e77415de","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Fishkill Rotarian Pat Usifer (One Child at a Time) and Elaine Trumpetta, Executive Director of the Council on Addiction Prevention and Education, discuss the C.A.P.E. Marathon Project with the Project’s Director, Michael Carozza. The Marathon Project is a successful teen running program organized to prevent drug addiction. Strong mentoring is among the many features that make this program work.","descriptionPreview":"Fishkill Rotarian Pat Usifer (One Child at a Time) and Elaine Trumpetta, Executive Director of the Council on Addiction Prevention and Education, discuss the C.A.P.E. Marathon Project with the Project’s Director, Michael Carozza. The Marathon Project is a successful teen running program organized to prevent drug addiction. Strong mentoring is among the many features that make this program work.","duration":1534928,"episodeId":"e1q7je","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Preventing-Teen-Drug-Addiction-Aired-on-62510-e1q7je","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Preventing-Teen-Drug-Addiction-Aired-on-62510-e1q7je","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Preventing Teen Drug Addiction (Aired on 6/25/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T12:15:23.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531656923,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T12:15:24.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T12:15:14.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531656914,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"bb937462-70bc-e4ea-bb04-c81e38bcf870","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Carol Wolf, Executive Director of Mill Street Loft, discusses a multi-arts, not-for-profit educational community center servicing children and adults throughout the mid-Hudson Valley. The center offers a wide range of arts, exhibits, courses, camps, and painting skills and provides Outreach and Career Exploration programs.","descriptionPreview":"Carol Wolf, Executive Director of Mill Street Loft, discusses a multi-arts, not-for-profit educational community center servicing children and adults throughout the mid-Hudson Valley. The center offers a wide range of arts, exhibits, courses, camps, and painting skills and provides Outreach and Career Exploration programs.","duration":1550602,"episodeId":"e1q7il","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Carol-Wolf--Executive-Director-of-Mill-Street-Loft-61810-e1q7il","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Carol-Wolf--Executive-Director-of-Mill-Street-Loft-61810-e1q7il","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Carol Wolf, Executive Director of Mill Street Loft 6/18/10"},{"created":"2018-07-15T12:10:33.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531656633,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T12:10:33.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T12:10:24.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531656624,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"88fc9801-289e-f454-06e5-37bc6dae268d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Jesse Saperstein, a successful writer and humanitarian volunteer, discusses his experiences living with Asperger Syndrome. His interview describes some common challenges while giving hope and inspiration to those with this disorder and to their family and friends. Mr. Saperstein has been a guest speaker at many Rotary meetings.","descriptionPreview":"Jesse Saperstein, a successful writer and humanitarian volunteer, discusses his experiences living with Asperger Syndrome. His interview describes some common challenges while giving hope and inspiration to those with this disorder and to their family and friends. Mr. Saperstein has been a guest speaker at many Rotary meetings.","duration":1526282,"episodeId":"e1q7i2","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Jesse-Saperstein-Asperger-Syndrome-Aired-61110-e1q7i2","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Jesse-Saperstein-Asperger-Syndrome-Aired-61110-e1q7i2","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Jesse Saperstein: Asperger Syndrome (Aired 6/11/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T12:05:11.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531656311,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T12:05:11.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T12:05:02.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531656302,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"426c5377-19a2-91a6-8440-e9759798b50a","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Aired on 6/4/10 – Dr. Peter Groffman, Microbial Ecologist and senior scientist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, discusses current research about the environment including the importance of research behind environmental solutions, the key current environmental issues, and why there so much controversy about climate change. Dr. Groffman also describes his experience as an Interact parent.","descriptionPreview":"Aired on 6/4/10 – Dr. Peter Groffman, Microbial Ecologist and senior scientist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, discusses current research about the environment including the importance of research behind environmental solutions, the key current environmental issues, and why there so much controversy about climate change. Dr. Groffman also describes his experience as an Interact parent.","duration":1463823,"episodeId":"e1q7hc","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Dr--Peter-Groffman-Senior-Scientist--Cary-Institute-6410-e1q7hc","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Dr--Peter-Groffman-Senior-Scientist--Cary-Institute-6410-e1q7hc","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Dr. Peter Groffman: Senior Scientist, Cary Institute 6/4/10"},{"created":"2018-07-15T12:00:19.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531656019,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T12:00:19.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T12:00:09.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531656009,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b78fb84e-4c95-e399-5859-c5b3c29b924d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Arlington Rotary President Nicole Peluse, Manager of Saint Francis Home Care Services, describes independent living, home care, and current home care technology. Ms. Peluse covers requirements for various levels of home care jobs and describes the recent increase in available jobs in this field that has resulted from more and more patients choosing to remain at home.","descriptionPreview":"Arlington Rotary President Nicole Peluse, Manager of Saint Francis Home Care Services, describes independent living, home care, and current home care technology. Ms. Peluse covers requirements for various levels of home care jobs and describes the recent increase in available jobs in this field that has resulted from more and more patients choosing to remain at home.","duration":1497939,"episodeId":"e1q7go","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Nicole-Peluse-Jobs-in-the-health-field-Aired-52810-e1q7go","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Nicole-Peluse-Jobs-in-the-health-field-Aired-52810-e1q7go","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Nicole Peluse: Jobs in the health field (Aired 5/28/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T11:54:46.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531655686,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T11:54:46.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T11:54:36.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531655676,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"5fc72229-ab4b-9003-9015-dfc2a0bc626c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Wendy Maragh Taylor, clinical social worker, discusses Liberia’s strong connection to the U.S., beginning when the nation was founded by freed slaves from the U.S. to Africa. She focuses on efforts by the Liberia West Africa Project to rebuild what Liberia’s civil war has destroyed. Her group saw a need and decided to meet it, hoping to build a school and a church, and to help a people, a community, and potentially, a nation. In this light, Ms. Taylor emphasizes the importance of service and volunteerism in general, and highlights the need to encourage young people to learn the rewards of participating in humanitarian projects.","descriptionPreview":"Wendy Maragh Taylor, clinical social worker, discusses Liberia’s strong connection to the U.S., beginning when the nation was founded by freed slaves from the U.S. to Africa. She focuses on efforts by the Liberia West Africa Project to rebuild what Liberia’s civil war has destroyed. Her group saw a need and decided to meet it, hoping to build a school and a church, and to help a people, a community, and potentially, a nation. In this light, Ms. Taylor emphasizes the importance of service and volunteerism in general, and highlights the need to encourage young people to learn the rewards of participating in humanitarian projects.","duration":1514684,"episodeId":"e1q7fq","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Wendy-Maragh-Taylor-Liberia-Project-Aired-52110-e1q7fq","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Wendy-Maragh-Taylor-Liberia-Project-Aired-52110-e1q7fq","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Wendy Maragh Taylor: Liberia Project (Aired 5/21/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T11:48:41.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531655321,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T11:48:41.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T11:48:32.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531655312,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b6621007-7458-eec1-762a-7e82c8d61f8b","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Andrea Shiffman, a member of Comprehensive Disaster Response Services, gives an eye witness report about conditions in Haiti as of May, 2010 and about past and current Rotary support, which includes ShelterBoxes, used not only for family shelter but for immediate hospitals. Andrea provides powerful examples of conditions in Haiti and the need for ongoing aid. She describes the effectiveness of smaller, non-political agencies such as Rotary, with members able to go out into the field to attend to the many victims still in their villages–worlds away from the centralized relief camps. The smaller size of these agencies means that their volunteers can distribute food, medicine, and so forth as soon as it arrives in Haiti since their are fewer problems with customs, paperwork, or logistical issues.","descriptionPreview":"Andrea Shiffman, a member of Comprehensive Disaster Response Services, gives an eye witness report about conditions in Haiti as of May, 2010 and about past and current Rotary support, which includes ShelterBoxes, used not only for family shelter but for immediate hospitals. Andrea provides powerful examples of conditions in Haiti and the need for ongoing aid. She describes the effectiveness of smaller, non-political agencies such as Rotary, with members able to go out into the field to attend to the many victims still in their villages–worlds away from the centralized relief camps. The smaller size of these agencies means that their volunteers can distribute food, medicine, and so forth as soon as it arrives in Haiti since their are fewer problems with customs, paperwork, or logistical issues.","duration":1579911,"episodeId":"e1q7f6","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Andrea-Shiffman-Haiti-Updates-Aired-on-51410-e1q7f6","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Andrea-Shiffman-Haiti-Updates-Aired-on-51410-e1q7f6","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Andrea Shiffman: Haiti Updates (Aired on 5/14/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T11:43:35.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531655015,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T11:43:35.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T11:43:25.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531655005,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"c1a58bbd-24b0-7906-4999-db250370f0e2","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotarian Lenny Nathan, President and CEO of HealthSav, discusses the importance for everyone, including students, to learn how to save a life in an emergency by knowing how to use defibrillators, apply CPR, give first aid, and lots more. Mr. Nathan discusses ways to maintain a healthy heart, warning signs if something is wrong, and the need for prompt attention to save a life.","descriptionPreview":"Rotarian Lenny Nathan, President and CEO of HealthSav, discusses the importance for everyone, including students, to learn how to save a life in an emergency by knowing how to use defibrillators, apply CPR, give first aid, and lots more. Mr. Nathan discusses ways to maintain a healthy heart, warning signs if something is wrong, and the need for prompt attention to save a life.","duration":1375477,"episodeId":"e1q7ei","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Lenny-Nathan-How-to-Save-a-Life-Aired-5710-e1q7ei","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Lenny-Nathan-How-to-Save-a-Life-Aired-5710-e1q7ei","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Lenny Nathan: How to Save a Life (Aired 5/7/10)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T11:37:53.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531654673,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T11:37:53.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T11:37:44.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531654664,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"61874070-95c8-5620-fc16-5ca047ab2917","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Dr. Barbara Corona, psychotherapist and President of the Board of Hudson Valley Home Matters (HVHM), and Ruth Kaba, a member of the Board, discuss their nonprofit “aging-in-place organization,” dedicated to helping those over 50 remain in their homes. Many senior citizens for various reasons need help to continue living active, independent lives but do not want to move to an assisted living facility, away from their local friends and family. Home Matters recognizes the importance of retaining senior wisdom and other contributions in the local community. HVHM is part of a national movement modeled after Beacon Hill in Boston, Staying Put in New Canaan, Connecticut, and Capital Hill Village in Washington, DC, all well established organizations.","descriptionPreview":"Dr. Barbara Corona, psychotherapist and President of the Board of Hudson Valley Home Matters (HVHM), and Ruth Kaba, a member of the Board, discuss their nonprofit “aging-in-place organization,” dedicated to helping those over 50 remain in their homes. Many senior citizens for various reasons need help to continue living active, independent lives but do not want to move to an assisted living facility, away from their local friends and family. Home Matters recognizes the importance of retaining senior wisdom and other contributions in the local community. HVHM is part of a national movement modeled after Beacon Hill in Boston, Staying Put in New Canaan, Connecticut, and Capital Hill Village in Washington, DC, all well established organizations.","duration":1351836,"episodeId":"e1q7e0","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Home-Matters-Helps-Elderly-Stay-in-Community-April-30--2010-e1q7e0","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Home-Matters-Helps-Elderly-Stay-in-Community-April-30--2010-e1q7e0","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Home Matters Helps Elderly Stay in Community April 30, 2010"},{"created":"2018-07-15T11:29:45.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531654185,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T11:29:45.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T11:29:36.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531654176,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"c355ec94-e40e-87fe-3309-be546dacf9e4","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Roger Risko, Special Education Job Coordinator at BOCES and Rotary District 7210’s Interact/Rotaract Advisor and Elderact Chair, and Kathy White, business teacher at the BOCES Alternate High School, discuss many projects developed and implemented by students. These include Interact’s service activities, such as an anti-bullying project and serving food in soup kitchens. Both guests describes how much these young humanitarians personally benefit from the experiences, and they provide heartwarming examples. Mr. Risko discusses his work as District Interact Chair and Advisor for many years, and how he facilitates support for these students through his Arlington Rotary Club. (Roger Risko was the concept originator of RadioRotary.)","descriptionPreview":"Roger Risko, Special Education Job Coordinator at BOCES and Rotary District 7210’s Interact/Rotaract Advisor and Elderact Chair, and Kathy White, business teacher at the BOCES Alternate High School, discuss many projects developed and implemented by students. These include Interact’s service activities, such as an anti-bullying project and serving food in soup kitchens. Both guests describes how much these young humanitarians personally benefit from the experiences, and they provide heartwarming examples. Mr. Risko discusses his work as District Interact Chair and Advisor for many years, and how he facilitates support for these students through his Arlington Rotary Club. (Roger Risko was the concept originator of RadioRotary.)","duration":1504000,"episodeId":"e1q7d4","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Young-Humanitarians-Dutchess-BOCES-in-Action-April-23--2010-e1q7d4","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Young-Humanitarians-Dutchess-BOCES-in-Action-April-23--2010-e1q7d4","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Young Humanitarians Dutchess BOCES in Action April 23, 2010"},{"created":"2018-07-15T11:22:27.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531653747,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T11:22:27.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T11:22:18.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531653738,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"4a08e57e-c658-788a-1f90-63abcef54fc8","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Representing Rotary, two members of the Haiti Team, Jim Kushner (Past President of Inwood Rotary in Manhattan) and Andrea Shiffman (Comprehensive Disaster Response Services), describe their experiences as they help to ease the incomprehensible suffering after the Earthquake: a man digging for his wife and baby for three days, women gang-raped because of lawlessness and lack of security, amputations. A temporary breakdown among some staff members after witnessing horrific situations was not unusual. However, Ms. Shiffman’s words are a tribute to all humanitarians when she says: “…nothing can overcome the willpower and tenacity of people who are determined to help.” In addition to the Podcast you can learn more about this expedition from a YouTube video (see first link under “Learn More.”","descriptionPreview":"Representing Rotary, two members of the Haiti Team, Jim Kushner (Past President of Inwood Rotary in Manhattan) and Andrea Shiffman (Comprehensive Disaster Response Services), describe their experiences as they help to ease the incomprehensible suffering after the Earthquake: a man digging for his wife and baby for three days, women gang-raped because of lawlessness and lack of security, amputations. A temporary breakdown among some staff members after witnessing horrific situations was not unusual. However, Ms. Shiffman’s words are a tribute to all humanitarians when she says: “…nothing can overcome the willpower and tenacity of people who are determined to help.” In addition to the Podcast you can learn more about this expedition from a YouTube video (see first link under “Learn More.”","duration":1405857,"episodeId":"e1q7c8","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Report-on-Haiti-after-the-Earthquake-April-16--2010-e1q7c8","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Report-on-Haiti-after-the-Earthquake-April-16--2010-e1q7c8","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Report on Haiti after the Earthquake April 16, 2010"},{"created":"2018-07-15T11:15:58.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531653358,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T11:15:58.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T11:15:48.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531653348,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"7507a555-a554-e246-3801-5b582ecdd189","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Featured guest Bob Cohen, musician, humanitarian, and Cantor, discusses interfaith projects, his rehabilitation work with ex-convicts, and his unique personal story. Truly an amazing journey and fascinating interview.","descriptionPreview":"Featured guest Bob Cohen, musician, humanitarian, and Cantor, discusses interfaith projects, his rehabilitation work with ex-convicts, and his unique personal story. Truly an amazing journey and fascinating interview.","duration":1531297,"episodeId":"e1q7bj","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Bob-Cohen--Musician--Cantor-An-Amazing-Journey-April-9--2010-e1q7bj","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Bob-Cohen--Musician--Cantor-An-Amazing-Journey-April-9--2010-e1q7bj","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Bob Cohen, Musician, Cantor An Amazing Journey April 9, 2010"},{"created":"2018-07-15T11:10:56.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531653056,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T11:10:57.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T11:10:47.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531653047,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"4b73eb79-3207-3a56-5779-e10b9f6679af","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Executives from New Horizons Resources, Inc. (NHR) Regis Obijiski, Executive Director, and Sam Laganaro, Human Resources Director, discuss NHR facilities and programs for the developmentally disabled, which help them lead happy, productive lives. Founded in 1974 by a group of parents seeking alternatives to institutionalized care for their sons and daughters, New Horizons today offers services to 450 people with disabilities where they need them most: in their homes, at their work sites, or in our community-based residences.","descriptionPreview":"Executives from New Horizons Resources, Inc. (NHR) Regis Obijiski, Executive Director, and Sam Laganaro, Human Resources Director, discuss NHR facilities and programs for the developmentally disabled, which help them lead happy, productive lives. Founded in 1974 by a group of parents seeking alternatives to institutionalized care for their sons and daughters, New Horizons today offers services to 450 people with disabilities where they need them most: in their homes, at their work sites, or in our community-based residences.","duration":1479601,"episodeId":"e1q7b1","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/New-Horizons--Servicing-Developmentally-Disabled-Apr-2--2010-e1q7b1","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/New-Horizons--Servicing-Developmentally-Disabled-Apr-2--2010-e1q7b1","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"New Horizons, Servicing Developmentally Disabled Apr 2, 2010"},{"created":"2018-07-15T11:02:26.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531652546,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T11:02:26.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T11:02:16.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531652536,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"5cda9f7b-98a4-9068-46c6-4269de4cc22a","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Featured guest Paul Banner, expert bankruptcy attorney, discusses current debt relief programs and the effects of bankruptcy on credit. Mr. Banner explains when to file for bankruptcy, when to contact an attorney, and what bankruptcy can and cannot accomplish.","descriptionPreview":"Featured guest Paul Banner, expert bankruptcy attorney, discusses current debt relief programs and the effects of bankruptcy on credit. Mr. Banner explains when to file for bankruptcy, when to contact an attorney, and what bankruptcy can and cannot accomplish.","duration":1513769,"episodeId":"e1q7a7","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Bankruptcy-Explained-by-Attorney-Aired-March-26--2010-e1q7a7","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Bankruptcy-Explained-by-Attorney-Aired-March-26--2010-e1q7a7","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Bankruptcy Explained by Attorney (Aired March 26, 2010)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T10:56:34.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531652194,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T10:56:34.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T10:56:25.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531652185,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"db5fd9a5-5383-5a8d-7dcf-730f9abab740","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Arnie Halling, Chairperson of the Dutchess Chapter, describes how SCORE provides important information for small business owners interested in free and confidential mentoring. SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to educating entrepreneurs and helping small businesses start, grow, and succeed. Training is provided by professional counselors who are experienced business owners or managers. Mentors volunteer their experience and knowledge to help small business owners and potential small business owners achieve success.","descriptionPreview":"Arnie Halling, Chairperson of the Dutchess Chapter, describes how SCORE provides important information for small business owners interested in free and confidential mentoring. SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to educating entrepreneurs and helping small businesses start, grow, and succeed. Training is provided by professional counselors who are experienced business owners or managers. Mentors volunteer their experience and knowledge to help small business owners and potential small business owners achieve success.","duration":1512045,"episodeId":"e1q79g","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/SCORE-Mentors-Owners-of-Small-Businesses-March-19--2010-e1q79g","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/SCORE-Mentors-Owners-of-Small-Businesses-March-19--2010-e1q79g","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"SCORE Mentors Owners of Small Businesses (March 19, 2010)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T10:49:23.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531651763,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T10:49:23.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T10:49:14.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531651754,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"13eb3588-68ed-d8ac-3844-1040bc41457c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotary District 7210 Governor for 2010-11, Phil Schunk, a prominent attorney, discusses the mission of Rotary and District 7210’s goals for his Rotary year. He describes the role of district governor (there are about 540 Rotary DGs in the world), why he has been an active Rotarian for over 40 years, and the successful humanitarian work Rotary does here and abroad to promote peace and understanding.","descriptionPreview":"Rotary District 7210 Governor for 2010-11, Phil Schunk, a prominent attorney, discusses the mission of Rotary and District 7210’s goals for his Rotary year. He describes the role of district governor (there are about 540 Rotary DGs in the world), why he has been an active Rotarian for over 40 years, and the successful humanitarian work Rotary does here and abroad to promote peace and understanding.","duration":1599137,"episodeId":"e1q78u","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Goals-of-Rotary-District-7210-for-2010-11-March-12--2010-e1q78u","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Goals-of-Rotary-District-7210-for-2010-11-March-12--2010-e1q78u","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Goals of Rotary District 7210 for 2010-11 (March 12, 2010)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T10:42:56.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531651376,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T10:42:56.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T10:42:46.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531651366,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"aea72830-ce1d-c195-7344-000633fd957f","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Architectural historian Susan Roth, AICP (American Institute of Certified Planners) and Principal of Hudson Valley Planning and Preservation, provides ideas to help residents understand their community assets and to build upon these assets, making their community a better place for residents, businesses, and the environment. Ms. Roth’s extensive professional background in such areas as municipal land use, planning and zoning, historic preservation, environmental review, and grant writing all come into play in this useful interview.","descriptionPreview":"Architectural historian Susan Roth, AICP (American Institute of Certified Planners) and Principal of Hudson Valley Planning and Preservation, provides ideas to help residents understand their community assets and to build upon these assets, making their community a better place for residents, businesses, and the environment. Ms. Roth’s extensive professional background in such areas as municipal land use, planning and zoning, historic preservation, environmental review, and grant writing all come into play in this useful interview.","duration":1459748,"episodeId":"e1q78c","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Hudson-Valley-Planning-and-Preservation-March-5--2010-e1q78c","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Hudson-Valley-Planning-and-Preservation-March-5--2010-e1q78c","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Hudson Valley Planning and Preservation (March 5, 2010)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T10:34:59.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531650899,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T10:34:59.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T10:34:50.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531650890,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"cff75cc0-0b19-c64b-bdac-9a0d24c0830c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Medical Response Corps (MRC) Coordinator Cathi Tegtmeier discusses local response to disasters and ways to make our homes and communities safer places. Ms. Tegtmeier describes some of her experiences, including emergency support administered during helicopter rescues. The MRC mission is to assist the First Responders of Dutchess County and local municipalities to prepare and respond to natural and human-caused emergencies in their communities. Volunteers are of vital importance in this organization.","descriptionPreview":"Medical Response Corps (MRC) Coordinator Cathi Tegtmeier discusses local response to disasters and ways to make our homes and communities safer places. Ms. Tegtmeier describes some of her experiences, including emergency support administered during helicopter rescues. The MRC mission is to assist the First Responders of Dutchess County and local municipalities to prepare and respond to natural and human-caused emergencies in their communities. Volunteers are of vital importance in this organization.","duration":1507683,"episodeId":"e1q77f","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Emergency-Response-in-Dutchess-County-Aired-Feb--26--2011-e1q77f","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Emergency-Response-in-Dutchess-County-Aired-Feb--26--2011-e1q77f","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Emergency Response in Dutchess County (Aired Feb. 26, 2011)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T10:29:41.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531650581,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T10:29:41.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T10:29:32.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531650572,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"d17a39af-83c1-5709-d649-9f77afceb030","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary presents a compilation of on-site interviews with humanitarians from around the world, recorded at Rotary’s United Nations Day. Guests include Hudson Valley Rotarian Bunnee Webb, discussing polio eradication worldwide, and a representative from the ShelterBox response team, a Rotary affiliate. ShelterBox responds instantly to disasters that leave people homeless by delivering aid to those who are most in need. Each ShelterBox supplies an extended family of up to ten people with a tent and essential equipment to use while they are displaced or homeless. Other interviews include representatives from school service clubs sponsored by Rotary clubs: Interact, a high school service club for young people ages 14-18, and Rotaract, a college service club for young professionals and students ages 18-30. Both provide young people with opportunities to train for leadership and to promote international peace and understanding through service.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary presents a compilation of on-site interviews with humanitarians from around the world, recorded at Rotary’s United Nations Day. Guests include Hudson Valley Rotarian Bunnee Webb, discussing polio eradication worldwide, and a representative from the ShelterBox response team, a Rotary affiliate. ShelterBox responds instantly to disasters that leave people homeless by delivering aid to those who are most in need. Each ShelterBox supplies an extended family of up to ten people with a tent and essential equipment to use while they are displaced or homeless. Other interviews include representatives from school service clubs sponsored by Rotary clubs: Interact, a high school service club for young people ages 14-18, and Rotaract, a college service club for young professionals and students ages 18-30. Both provide young people with opportunities to train for leadership and to promote international peace and understanding through service.","duration":1585815,"episodeId":"e1q76u","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/U-N--Day--Humanitarians-around-the-World-Feb--19--2010-e1q76u","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/U-N--Day--Humanitarians-around-the-World-Feb--19--2010-e1q76u","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"U.N. Day- Humanitarians around the World Feb. 19, 2010"},{"created":"2018-07-15T10:13:48.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531649628,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T10:13:48.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T10:13:39.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531649619,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"75b07787-6c79-cbd5-7df5-6e0c561ab4fe","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Debra Bonnerwith, Deputy Commissioner of Dutchess County Social Services, and Donna Robinson, Foster Parent Liaison, discuss how Foster Care Services of Dutchess County improves the lives of children and families. The goal for each child is safe, nurturing temporary care with return to family if possible, or adoption if the family cannot be reunited. If neither is possible the agency provides preparation for independent living or discharge to another resource. They describe the entire process, which starts when the agency learns about a child in need of its services, includes screening, and concludes with the joy of foster parenting as well as the benefit to the child. Despite the rewards, there remains a need for more foster parents in Dutchess County.","descriptionPreview":"Debra Bonnerwith, Deputy Commissioner of Dutchess County Social Services, and Donna Robinson, Foster Parent Liaison, discuss how Foster Care Services of Dutchess County improves the lives of children and families. The goal for each child is safe, nurturing temporary care with return to family if possible, or adoption if the family cannot be reunited. If neither is possible the agency provides preparation for independent living or discharge to another resource. They describe the entire process, which starts when the agency learns about a child in need of its services, includes screening, and concludes with the joy of foster parenting as well as the benefit to the child. Despite the rewards, there remains a need for more foster parents in Dutchess County.","duration":1479079,"episodeId":"e1q75l","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Foster-Care-Services-in-Dutchess-County-Aired-Feb--12--2010-e1q75l","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Foster-Care-Services-in-Dutchess-County-Aired-Feb--12--2010-e1q75l","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Foster Care Services in Dutchess County (Aired Feb. 12, 2010)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T10:03:39.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531649019,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T10:03:39.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T10:03:30.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531649010,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"8227450b-426b-027e-6f3e-a4453ef856b7","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In this fun-filled celebration of RadioRotary’s first anniversary on the Hudson Valley Talk Radio network, Co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell along with Station Manager Don Verity and Technical Producer Jay Verzi have a good time, often at each other’s expense. RadioRotary features Rotarians and other humanitarians in the Hudson Valley and beyond who help make the world a better place. During this show, the co-hosts describe stories, many moving and some amusing, that aired during the past year. RadioRotary is sponsored by Rotary District 7210 and several Rotary clubs in the district.","descriptionPreview":"In this fun-filled celebration of RadioRotary’s first anniversary on the Hudson Valley Talk Radio network, Co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell along with Station Manager Don Verity and Technical Producer Jay Verzi have a good time, often at each other’s expense. RadioRotary features Rotarians and other humanitarians in the Hudson Valley and beyond who help make the world a better place. During this show, the co-hosts describe stories, many moving and some amusing, that aired during the past year. RadioRotary is sponsored by Rotary District 7210 and several Rotary clubs in the district.","duration":1538089,"episodeId":"e1q74l","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/RadioRotary-One-Year-Anniversary-Celebration-Feb--5--2010-e1q74l","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/RadioRotary-One-Year-Anniversary-Celebration-Feb--5--2010-e1q74l","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"RadioRotary One-Year Anniversary Celebration (Feb. 5, 2010)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T09:54:34.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531648474,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T09:54:34.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T09:54:24.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531648464,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"1e84339d-9ee9-d92e-bf7b-781b2fc9f3e0","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum Executive Director Ed Glisson and Rena Hill, Director of Development, discuss the newest attraction at the fabulous museum on the Hudson waterfront. The new exhibit is built around the Hyde Park Mastodon, a fossil skeleton found in Hyde Park. Children are able to learn what life was like in the Hudson Valley during the last Ice Age, 14,000 years ago, when elephant-like mastodons roamed North America. Fishkill Rotarian George Supan is on hand to discuss his club’s fundraising efforts that help maintain this interactive and hands-on museum, a Poughkeepsie institution that keeps children intrigued for hours as they learn about science and their environment.","descriptionPreview":"Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum Executive Director Ed Glisson and Rena Hill, Director of Development, discuss the newest attraction at the fabulous museum on the Hudson waterfront. The new exhibit is built around the Hyde Park Mastodon, a fossil skeleton found in Hyde Park. Children are able to learn what life was like in the Hudson Valley during the last Ice Age, 14,000 years ago, when elephant-like mastodons roamed North America. Fishkill Rotarian George Supan is on hand to discuss his club’s fundraising efforts that help maintain this interactive and hands-on museum, a Poughkeepsie institution that keeps children intrigued for hours as they learn about science and their environment.","duration":1605616,"episodeId":"e1q73u","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Mid-Hudson-Childrens-Museum-Aired-Jan--29--2010-e1q73u","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Mid-Hudson-Childrens-Museum-Aired-Jan--29--2010-e1q73u","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum (Aired Jan. 29, 2010)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T09:48:41.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531648121,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T09:48:41.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T09:48:32.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531648112,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"90e1efb0-165a-b10a-57ef-d847b7d459b8","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In a lively interview, sibling teen humanitarians, Gwenn and Roan Gideon from Rhinebeck, discuss their recent projects, which have helped thousands in developing countries. They describe how they organized and implemented fundraisers to raise awareness of human rights abuses around the world and to raise money for humanitarian efforts. Coming from a theatrical family, Gwenn created her own theatrical company, Act to Act, which has produced summer theatrical productions with proceeds supporting a school in Ethiopia and relief efforts in Darfur. Roan helps his sister in the theatrical world but has also organized his own humanitarian project: a soccer tournament fundraiser involving several schools in the area to support a hospital in Ethiopia.","descriptionPreview":"In a lively interview, sibling teen humanitarians, Gwenn and Roan Gideon from Rhinebeck, discuss their recent projects, which have helped thousands in developing countries. They describe how they organized and implemented fundraisers to raise awareness of human rights abuses around the world and to raise money for humanitarian efforts. Coming from a theatrical family, Gwenn created her own theatrical company, Act to Act, which has produced summer theatrical productions with proceeds supporting a school in Ethiopia and relief efforts in Darfur. Roan helps his sister in the theatrical world but has also organized his own humanitarian project: a soccer tournament fundraiser involving several schools in the area to support a hospital in Ethiopia.","duration":1348649,"episodeId":"e1q737","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Gwenn--Roan--Sister--Brother-Humanitarians-Jan--22--2010-e1q737","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Gwenn--Roan--Sister--Brother-Humanitarians-Jan--22--2010-e1q737","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Gwenn & Roan, Sister & Brother Humanitarians Jan. 22, 2010"},{"created":"2018-07-15T09:43:20.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531647800,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T09:43:20.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T09:43:11.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531647791,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"1c60887c-06eb-da70-3df8-56e94e380b30","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Tansukh Dorawala, Rotary District 7210’s District Governor for 2011-12, discusses the world’s water crisis and the way Rotary specifically addresses water filtration in developing countries. Unsanitary water is responsible for about 80 percent of the diseases in developing countries and a huge number of deaths, especially among children. Specific devices provided through Rotary projects, such as easy-to-use, inexpensive water filtration units, can clear water of disease-causing microbes. Rotarian volunteers fan out across the world to visit countries in need, especially in their outlying areas. Their mission is to convince residents that clean water will improve the health of their community and to set up such units.","descriptionPreview":"Tansukh Dorawala, Rotary District 7210’s District Governor for 2011-12, discusses the world’s water crisis and the way Rotary specifically addresses water filtration in developing countries. Unsanitary water is responsible for about 80 percent of the diseases in developing countries and a huge number of deaths, especially among children. Specific devices provided through Rotary projects, such as easy-to-use, inexpensive water filtration units, can clear water of disease-causing microbes. Rotarian volunteers fan out across the world to visit countries in need, especially in their outlying areas. Their mission is to convince residents that clean water will improve the health of their community and to set up such units.","duration":1471242,"episodeId":"e1q72n","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Water-Projects-Fight-Disease-Aired-Jan--15--2010-e1q72n","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Water-Projects-Fight-Disease-Aired-Jan--15--2010-e1q72n","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Water Projects Fight Disease (Aired Jan. 15, 2010)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T09:38:27.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531647507,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T09:38:27.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T09:38:17.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531647497,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"859b4320-a510-9488-519b-bf8bb34bbfe2","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Helen Reisler, the first woman President of the Rotary Club of New York, discusses “the magic of Rotary” and her club’s powerful response to 9/11. Her leadership after 9/11 organized club members to give immediate aid to victims and rescue workers and to effectively coordinate contributions in a 9/11 Disaster Relief Fund, contributions that have assisted victims to this day. As a result of her leadership, Ms. Reisler and her club were highlighted in The Rotarian magazine (with a 1.2 million member distribution) and received coverage in other media. She is Past District Governor of Rotary District 7230 and is presently a Rotary International Representative to the U.N. Ms. Reisler is a contributor to The Rotarian magazine as well as a Vice President of Membership of the Rotary Global History Internet Fellowship, which preserves the history of Rotary. Professionally, Helen Reisler is a consultant in public relations and publicity, with a background in business, media, and education.","descriptionPreview":"Helen Reisler, the first woman President of the Rotary Club of New York, discusses “the magic of Rotary” and her club’s powerful response to 9/11. Her leadership after 9/11 organized club members to give immediate aid to victims and rescue workers and to effectively coordinate contributions in a 9/11 Disaster Relief Fund, contributions that have assisted victims to this day. As a result of her leadership, Ms. Reisler and her club were highlighted in The Rotarian magazine (with a 1.2 million member distribution) and received coverage in other media. She is Past District Governor of Rotary District 7230 and is presently a Rotary International Representative to the U.N. Ms. Reisler is a contributor to The Rotarian magazine as well as a Vice President of Membership of the Rotary Global History Internet Fellowship, which preserves the history of Rotary. Professionally, Helen Reisler is a consultant in public relations and publicity, with a background in business, media, and education.","duration":1450501,"episodeId":"e1q723","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/New-York-Rotarys-Response-to-911-Aired-Jan--8--2010-e1q723","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/New-York-Rotarys-Response-to-911-Aired-Jan--8--2010-e1q723","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"New York Rotary’s Response to 9/11 (Aired Jan. 8, 2010)"},{"created":"2018-07-15T09:32:33.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531647153,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-15T09:32:33.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-15T09:32:23.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531647143,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"53272750-92b6-6d17-e1c0-839fbe85af0d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Diego Aviles, Chief Operating Officer of the Hudson Valley Council of Boy Scouts, discusses how the organization helps build character, leadership, and personal responsibility. Mr. Aviles describes the origin of the Boy Scouts in England and in America, age levels of scouting, Merit Badges, and outdoor and indoor life skills that become the tools to succeed. Many interesting facets of Scouting are discussed, including well-known leaders who attribute their success to Scouting; statistics about numbers of scouts here and in the world; how scouts become Eagle Scouts and part of Order of the Arrow; a scout whose motto of “Be prepared” helped save lives in the Hudson Valley; and much, much more.","descriptionPreview":"Diego Aviles, Chief Operating Officer of the Hudson Valley Council of Boy Scouts, discusses how the organization helps build character, leadership, and personal responsibility. Mr. Aviles describes the origin of the Boy Scouts in England and in America, age levels of scouting, Merit Badges, and outdoor and indoor life skills that become the tools to succeed. Many interesting facets of Scouting are discussed, including well-known leaders who attribute their success to Scouting; statistics about numbers of scouts here and in the world; how scouts become Eagle Scouts and part of Order of the Arrow; a scout whose motto of “Be prepared” helped save lives in the Hudson Valley; and much, much more.","duration":1509146,"episodeId":"e1q71d","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Boy-Scouts-of-America-in-the-Hudson-Valley-Jan--1--2010-e1q71d","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Boy-Scouts-of-America-in-the-Hudson-Valley-Jan--1--2010-e1q71d","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Boy Scouts of America in the Hudson Valley (Jan. 1, 2010)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T19:59:58.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531598398,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T19:59:59.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T19:59:49.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531598389,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"1c62bbf0-c025-665b-b102-972f69d450a5","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Professional educators Tom and Sue Mounkhall, volunteers for Teachers across Borders (TAB), discuss the valuable work done by this nonprofit organization. TAB’s original purpose was to assist Cambodia in reconstructing its teaching corps, which was destroyed by the country’s turmoil. TAB provides teacher workshops with expert educators from Australia, the U.S. and the U.K., inspired by the belief that education is key to solving many of the world’s problems including poverty, disease, and child trafficking. The Mounkhalls describe their experiences teaching Cambodian colleagues in Battambang best classroom practices, collaboration techniques, and content.","descriptionPreview":"Professional educators Tom and Sue Mounkhall, volunteers for Teachers across Borders (TAB), discuss the valuable work done by this nonprofit organization. TAB’s original purpose was to assist Cambodia in reconstructing its teaching corps, which was destroyed by the country’s turmoil. TAB provides teacher workshops with expert educators from Australia, the U.S. and the U.K., inspired by the belief that education is key to solving many of the world’s problems including poverty, disease, and child trafficking. The Mounkhalls describe their experiences teaching Cambodian colleagues in Battambang best classroom practices, collaboration techniques, and content.","duration":1598667,"episodeId":"e1q4nr","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Teachers-across-Borders-Aired-Dec--18--2009-e1q4nr","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Teachers-across-Borders-Aired-Dec--18--2009-e1q4nr","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Teachers across Borders (Aired Dec. 18, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T19:53:34.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531598014,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T19:53:34.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T19:53:25.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531598005,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"0cce1a05-d682-ccba-87f9-77f0c692f8ba","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Volunteers for the Good Dog Foundation bring their trained dogs to health facilities and elsewhere to improve recovery rates through canine uplift. Rachel McPherson, Founder and Executive Director, discusses humanitarian tasks these specially trained dogs do for people. Some even work in classrooms with students having difficulty learning. Ms. McPherson became interested in this subject while producing a documentary on therapy dog services several years ago. She dropped the film project and created The Good Dog Foundation, which helped change New York State law to allow therapy dogs into health care facilities.","descriptionPreview":"Volunteers for the Good Dog Foundation bring their trained dogs to health facilities and elsewhere to improve recovery rates through canine uplift. Rachel McPherson, Founder and Executive Director, discusses humanitarian tasks these specially trained dogs do for people. Some even work in classrooms with students having difficulty learning. Ms. McPherson became interested in this subject while producing a documentary on therapy dog services several years ago. She dropped the film project and created The Good Dog Foundation, which helped change New York State law to allow therapy dogs into health care facilities.","duration":1513743,"episodeId":"e1q4n4","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Good-Dog-Foundation-Aired-Dec--11--2009-e1q4n4","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Good-Dog-Foundation-Aired-Dec--11--2009-e1q4n4","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Good Dog Foundation (Aired Dec. 11, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T19:44:37.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531597477,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T19:44:38.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T19:44:28.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531597468,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ca50540a-fb99-bc64-e656-784d794594cf","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Recorded at the 2009 U.N. Day in New York City, RadioRotary co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell interview Rotary International President, Scotland’s John Kenny (2009-10) and others. President Kenny discusses his Rotary background and his emphasis during his tenure on water and sanitation, health and hunger, and literacy, emphasizing the importance of Rotary clubs to carry out these projects to make our world a better place. Other humanitarians interviewed include: Millbrook Rotarian David Greenwood, Inbound/Outbound Youth Exchange Coordinator from the Hudson Valley; exchange students from France and Brazil; Rotarians from Smiles for Children, who discuss helping children get better dental care; and representatives from the Boy Scouts.","descriptionPreview":"Recorded at the 2009 U.N. Day in New York City, RadioRotary co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell interview Rotary International President, Scotland’s John Kenny (2009-10) and others. President Kenny discusses his Rotary background and his emphasis during his tenure on water and sanitation, health and hunger, and literacy, emphasizing the importance of Rotary clubs to carry out these projects to make our world a better place. Other humanitarians interviewed include: Millbrook Rotarian David Greenwood, Inbound/Outbound Youth Exchange Coordinator from the Hudson Valley; exchange students from France and Brazil; Rotarians from Smiles for Children, who discuss helping children get better dental care; and representatives from the Boy Scouts.","duration":1411474,"episodeId":"e1q4ln","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/U-N--Day-Rotary-International-President--more-Aired-Nov--27--2009-e1q4ln","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/U-N--Day-Rotary-International-President--more-Aired-Nov--27--2009-e1q4ln","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"U.N. Day: Rotary International President & more (Aired Nov. 27, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T19:40:42.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531597242,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T19:40:42.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T19:40:32.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531597232,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b1d407a9-8c5c-095f-9e94-a334dd160a8f","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Highland Rotarian Stephanie King discusses the need for clean water around the world. Explaining that one billion people in the world today are without safe drinking water, Ms. King describes the sand filter water system that saves thousands of lives, especially the lives of children. It is through the efforts of individual Rotary clubs around the world that fundraisers, such as Highland Rotary’s Ribfest, will generate money to send Rotary teams to places like El Salvador. Once there, Rotary teams travel, often under great hardship, to reach remote villages in order to give families easy-to-use sand water filter systems that will provide 20 gallons of fresh water daily.\n\nHighland Rotary estimates that over 5,000 people to date are drinking safe water, some for the first time in their lives.","descriptionPreview":"Highland Rotarian Stephanie King discusses the need for clean water around the world. Explaining that one billion people in the world today are without safe drinking water, Ms. King describes the sand filter water system that saves thousands of lives, especially the lives of children. It is through the efforts of individual Rotary clubs around the world that fundraisers, such as Highland Rotary’s Ribfest, will generate money to send Rotary teams to places like El Salvador. Once there, Rotary teams travel, often under great hardship, to reach remote villages in order to give families easy-to-use sand water filter systems that will provide 20 gallons of fresh water daily.\n\nHighland Rotary estimates that over 5,000 people to date are drinking safe water, some for the first time in their lives.","duration":1404813,"episodeId":"e1q4ld","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Saving-Lives-in-El-Salvador-with-Clean-Water-Nov--20--2009-e1q4ld","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Saving-Lives-in-El-Salvador-with-Clean-Water-Nov--20--2009-e1q4ld","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Saving Lives in El Salvador with Clean Water Nov. 20, 2009"},{"created":"2018-07-14T19:36:12.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531596972,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T19:36:12.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T19:36:03.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531596963,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f6e30c21-3c7a-e9b9-5c3f-db260542e1d5","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Wappingers Rotarian Louise Quartuccio, Director of Social Services at Elant, and Fishkill Rotarian Pat Usifer, Corporate Director of Activities at Elant, discuss Elderact, an important recent humanitarian component of Rotary in local District 7210. Designed for people in assisted living residences, skilled nursing facilities, or group homes, Elderact members meet monthly to work on humanitarian projects. Some projects discussed here are dog treats needed for the SPCA and over 400 hot cocoa packages for our troops in Operation Santa.","descriptionPreview":"Wappingers Rotarian Louise Quartuccio, Director of Social Services at Elant, and Fishkill Rotarian Pat Usifer, Corporate Director of Activities at Elant, discuss Elderact, an important recent humanitarian component of Rotary in local District 7210. Designed for people in assisted living residences, skilled nursing facilities, or group homes, Elderact members meet monthly to work on humanitarian projects. Some projects discussed here are dog treats needed for the SPCA and over 400 hot cocoa packages for our troops in Operation Santa.","duration":1561782,"episodeId":"e1q4d9","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Elderact-Humanitarians-Aired-Nov--13--2009-e1q4d9","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Elderact-Humanitarians-Aired-Nov--13--2009-e1q4d9","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Elderact Humanitarians (Aired Nov. 13, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T19:31:03.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531596663,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T19:31:03.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T19:30:54.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531596654,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"9c2757cb-88ea-229e-91fe-2abba4f2e266","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Community Foundations of Dutchess County (CFDC) officers, Andrea L. Reynolds, president and CEO, and Nevill Smythe, vice-president of programs, discuss how the various foundations within CFDC and its affiliates help to enhance the quality of life of individuals and towns in the Hudson Valley. CFDC supports a broad and diverse range of areas including the arts, education, community development, conservation, health, and human services. Ms. Reynolds and Mr. Smythe provide numerous examples of donors who have accomplished their philanthropic dreams and communities that have become a strengthened as a result.","descriptionPreview":"Community Foundations of Dutchess County (CFDC) officers, Andrea L. Reynolds, president and CEO, and Nevill Smythe, vice-president of programs, discuss how the various foundations within CFDC and its affiliates help to enhance the quality of life of individuals and towns in the Hudson Valley. CFDC supports a broad and diverse range of areas including the arts, education, community development, conservation, health, and human services. Ms. Reynolds and Mr. Smythe provide numerous examples of donors who have accomplished their philanthropic dreams and communities that have become a strengthened as a result.","duration":1542635,"episodeId":"e1q4cp","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Community-Foundations-of-Dutchess-Country-Aired-Nov--6--2009-e1q4cp","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Community-Foundations-of-Dutchess-Country-Aired-Nov--6--2009-e1q4cp","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Community Foundations of Dutchess Country (Aired Nov. 6, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T19:29:28.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531596568,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T19:29:28.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T19:29:18.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531596558,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"863867e7-d4ef-99c2-7808-9530d249422b","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"LaGrange Rotarian Frank Evert, president and founder of the nonprofit organization Water without Borders, describes how his organization provides sustainable sources of safe drinking water to locations in the United States and throughout the world. Mr. Evert began Water without Borders after working in an international water-filtration company and learning that a lack of safe drinking water is the leading cause of disease, civil strife, hunger, and birth defects in the world. Today, Water without Borders is involved with installing sustainable long-term solution water filtration systems in developing countries and in America and is ready to deliver clean drinking water in the event of a disaster in the United States.","descriptionPreview":"LaGrange Rotarian Frank Evert, president and founder of the nonprofit organization Water without Borders, describes how his organization provides sustainable sources of safe drinking water to locations in the United States and throughout the world. Mr. Evert began Water without Borders after working in an international water-filtration company and learning that a lack of safe drinking water is the leading cause of disease, civil strife, hunger, and birth defects in the world. Today, Water without Borders is involved with installing sustainable long-term solution water filtration systems in developing countries and in America and is ready to deliver clean drinking water in the event of a disaster in the United States.","duration":1505959,"episodeId":"e1q4cl","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Saving-Lives-with-Clean-Water-Aired-Oct--30--2009-e1q4cl","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Saving-Lives-with-Clean-Water-Aired-Oct--30--2009-e1q4cl","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Saving Lives with Clean Water (Aired Oct. 30, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T19:24:29.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531596269,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T19:24:29.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T19:24:19.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531596259,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"8a77b80a-f283-d1cd-f9c3-2fe33dd27e55","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Group Study Exchange (GSE) is a cultural and vocational exchange opportunity open to the public for nonRotary businesspeople and professionals between the ages of 25 and 40. The program provides travel grants for teams to exchange visits in paired areas of different countries where participants experience the host country’s culture and institutions, observe how their vocations are practiced abroad, develop personal and professional relationships, and exchange ideas. Millbrook Rotarian and GSE Chair of Rotary District 7210, Heather Malcom is a former GSE Professional—a biologist–who visited New Zealand for a month as part of the GSE program prior to becoming a Rotarian. Ms. Malcom describes her experiences as she exchanged ideas with other scientists. Many of the exchange professionals return from their visit and join Rotary shortly thereafter. In some Rotary districts Group Study Exchange is being replaced by a similar program called Vocational Exchange.","descriptionPreview":"Group Study Exchange (GSE) is a cultural and vocational exchange opportunity open to the public for nonRotary businesspeople and professionals between the ages of 25 and 40. The program provides travel grants for teams to exchange visits in paired areas of different countries where participants experience the host country’s culture and institutions, observe how their vocations are practiced abroad, develop personal and professional relationships, and exchange ideas. Millbrook Rotarian and GSE Chair of Rotary District 7210, Heather Malcom is a former GSE Professional—a biologist–who visited New Zealand for a month as part of the GSE program prior to becoming a Rotarian. Ms. Malcom describes her experiences as she exchanged ideas with other scientists. Many of the exchange professionals return from their visit and join Rotary shortly thereafter. In some Rotary districts Group Study Exchange is being replaced by a similar program called Vocational Exchange.","duration":1356146,"episodeId":"e1q4c4","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/International-Professional-Exchange-Program-Oct--23--2009-e1q4c4","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/International-Professional-Exchange-Program-Oct--23--2009-e1q4c4","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"International Professional Exchange Program Oct. 23, 2009"},{"created":"2018-07-14T19:20:03.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531596003,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T19:20:03.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T19:19:53.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531595993,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"77871ac8-e70c-d3e5-40c8-66695b50ea9c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Plastic surgeon Dr. Manoj Abraham discusses how he and his dedicated medical teams change the lives of children needing plastic surgery through a humanitarian project called Healing the Children Northeast. The nonprofit’s mission has been to heal children with burn injuries, cleft palates, and other deformities whose families don’t have access to or cannot afford treatment. Many of these children are shunned by their community until they are treated. Since its inception in 1985, Healing the Children Northeast has arranged treatment for more than 33,000 children in the United States and abroad.","descriptionPreview":"Plastic surgeon Dr. Manoj Abraham discusses how he and his dedicated medical teams change the lives of children needing plastic surgery through a humanitarian project called Healing the Children Northeast. The nonprofit’s mission has been to heal children with burn injuries, cleft palates, and other deformities whose families don’t have access to or cannot afford treatment. Many of these children are shunned by their community until they are treated. Since its inception in 1985, Healing the Children Northeast has arranged treatment for more than 33,000 children in the United States and abroad.","duration":1448620,"episodeId":"e1q4bj","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Changing-Childrens-Lives-Aired-October-16--2009-e1q4bj","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Changing-Childrens-Lives-Aired-October-16--2009-e1q4bj","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Changing Children’s Lives (Aired October 16, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T19:14:33.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531595673,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T19:14:33.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T19:14:24.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531595664,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"50c865e3-1577-3272-ab86-73e79ec6ff2c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Maureen Taylor, Executive Administrator in Dutchess County’s Habitat for Humanity, discusses how home ownership is made possible for low income families with the ability to carry the responsibilities of the home once it is built. Ms. Taylor describes potential recipients’ qualifying requirements for ownership, the required contribution of “500 hours of sweat equity,” contributions by licensed electricians and plumbers, and successful stories.","descriptionPreview":"Maureen Taylor, Executive Administrator in Dutchess County’s Habitat for Humanity, discusses how home ownership is made possible for low income families with the ability to carry the responsibilities of the home once it is built. Ms. Taylor describes potential recipients’ qualifying requirements for ownership, the required contribution of “500 hours of sweat equity,” contributions by licensed electricians and plumbers, and successful stories.","duration":1430282,"episodeId":"e1q4b6","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Habitat-for-Humanity-Aired-October-9--2009-e1q4b6","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Habitat-for-Humanity-Aired-October-9--2009-e1q4b6","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Habitat for Humanity (Aired October 9, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T19:08:56.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531595336,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T19:08:56.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T19:08:47.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531595327,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f1ebc5cd-bc36-0376-af09-45c75a1f00a2","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Dave Dobson, Executive Director of Rebuilding Together in Dutchess County, and Rhinebeck Rotarians Mike Mazarella and Mike Frasier, discuss their joint volunteer efforts to help repair homes for those in need. Rebuilding Together, a leading nonprofit organization working to preserve affordable home ownership, revitalizes communities through its network of more than 200 affiliates, providing critical repairs to the homes of low-income Americans. Believing in a safe and healthy home for every person, Rebuilding Together helps disabled and aging homeowners remain in their homes for as long as possible, and helps our","descriptionPreview":"Dave Dobson, Executive Director of Rebuilding Together in Dutchess County, and Rhinebeck Rotarians Mike Mazarella and Mike Frasier, discuss their joint volunteer efforts to help repair homes for those in need. Rebuilding Together, a leading nonprofit organization working to preserve affordable home ownership, revitalizes communities through its network of more than 200 affiliates, providing critical repairs to the homes of low-income Americans. Believing in a safe and healthy home for every person, Rebuilding Together helps disabled and aging homeowners remain in their homes for as long as possible, and helps our","duration":1526778,"episodeId":"e1q4ah","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rebuilding-Together-with-Rhinebeck-Rotary-Oct--2--2009-e1q4ah","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rebuilding-Together-with-Rhinebeck-Rotary-Oct--2--2009-e1q4ah","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rebuilding Together with Rhinebeck Rotary Oct. 2, 2009"},{"created":"2018-07-14T19:01:35.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531594895,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T19:01:35.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T19:01:26.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531594886,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"0c9ac08b-91e2-e7bb-2258-f08e101cdaa2","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Salvation Army Captain Doris Gonzalez (whose brother is a Rotarian in Puerto Rico) and Salvation Army Advisory Board Chairman Bob Outer discuss various programs in this important humanitarian organization as well as interesting information about themselves. The Salvation Army today is providing services for more people than ever before, as more Americans today are facing problems obtaining the basic necessities of life–food, shelter, and warmth. Programs include prisoner rehabilitation, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, elderly services, housing and homeless, disaster relief, and loads more. Like Rotary International, the Salvation Army makes the world a better place.","descriptionPreview":"Salvation Army Captain Doris Gonzalez (whose brother is a Rotarian in Puerto Rico) and Salvation Army Advisory Board Chairman Bob Outer discuss various programs in this important humanitarian organization as well as interesting information about themselves. The Salvation Army today is providing services for more people than ever before, as more Americans today are facing problems obtaining the basic necessities of life–food, shelter, and warmth. Programs include prisoner rehabilitation, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, elderly services, housing and homeless, disaster relief, and loads more. Like Rotary International, the Salvation Army makes the world a better place.","duration":1579467,"episodeId":"e1q49k","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Salvation-Army-Doing-Good-in-the-World-September-25--2009-e1q49k","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Salvation-Army-Doing-Good-in-the-World-September-25--2009-e1q49k","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Salvation Army: Doing Good in the World September 25, 2009"},{"created":"2018-07-14T18:56:01.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531594561,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T18:56:01.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T18:55:52.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531594552,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"6fdddcaf-ed6d-b93c-6065-bf62a9a29fa4","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Kathy Kruger, co-chair of Rotary District 7210’s Domestic Violence Ended (DOVE) and Pleasant Valley Rotarian, and Judy Lombardi, Executive Director of Grace Smith House, discuss the various ways victims of domestic violence can get help in the Hudson Valley. Both Grace Smith House and DOVE assist thousands of victims of domestic violence each year through 24-hour hotlines, emergency shelters, and community services. Working with individuals, families, and communities, they help victims/survivors of abuse make healthy choices about their lives and also educate the community about domestic violence and ways to prevent it.\n","descriptionPreview":"Kathy Kruger, co-chair of Rotary District 7210’s Domestic Violence Ended (DOVE) and Pleasant Valley Rotarian, and Judy Lombardi, Executive Director of Grace Smith House, discuss the various ways victims of domestic violence can get help in the Hudson Valley. Both Grace Smith House and DOVE assist thousands of victims of domestic violence each year through 24-hour hotlines, emergency shelters, and community services. Working with individuals, families, and communities, they help victims/survivors of abuse make healthy choices about their lives and also educate the community about domestic violence and ways to prevent it.\n","duration":1586782,"episodeId":"e1q493","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Domestic-Violence-Assistance--Prevention-September-18--2009-e1q493","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Domestic-Violence-Assistance--Prevention-September-18--2009-e1q493","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Domestic Violence Assistance & Prevention September 18, 2009"},{"created":"2018-07-14T18:50:34.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531594234,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T18:50:34.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T18:50:24.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531594224,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"4732fa1b-4c22-f79d-63e9-7b1a4317205f","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Susan Davidson, Founder and Executive Director of Friends of Seniors, discusses how volunteers in this nonprofit humanitarian organization make a huge difference in the lives of those in need. The organization provides basic support services to the older adult community, age 60 and older, such as transportation to medical appointments, assistance with grocery shopping, visiting services, respite for primary caregivers, and lots more.","descriptionPreview":"Susan Davidson, Founder and Executive Director of Friends of Seniors, discusses how volunteers in this nonprofit humanitarian organization make a huge difference in the lives of those in need. The organization provides basic support services to the older adult community, age 60 and older, such as transportation to medical appointments, assistance with grocery shopping, visiting services, respite for primary caregivers, and lots more.","duration":1472783,"episodeId":"e1q488","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Truly-Friends-of-Seniors-Aired-on-September-11--2009-e1q488","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Truly-Friends-of-Seniors-Aired-on-September-11--2009-e1q488","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Truly Friends of Seniors (Aired on September 11, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T18:45:23.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531593923,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T18:45:23.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T18:45:13.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531593913,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"48b2b68b-0f9b-a51d-b73f-796f2a676b3d","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Millbrook Rotarian Scott Meyer and novelist Eileen Charbonneau, Administrators of the nonprofit George Byrd Grinnell American Indian Fund, dedicated to maintaining the cultural integrity of American Indian communities. The interview covers ways the Fund helps Native Americans, most recently members of Montana’s Blackfoot Nation, and local exchange programs. Serving Native Americans throughout the United States for over sixteen years, the Grinnell Fund’s activities strive to “honor, celebrate, empower, and increase opportunities for American Indian children, adults, families, and communities” through various earning programs and scholarships for adults and students from elementary school through college.","descriptionPreview":"Millbrook Rotarian Scott Meyer and novelist Eileen Charbonneau, Administrators of the nonprofit George Byrd Grinnell American Indian Fund, dedicated to maintaining the cultural integrity of American Indian communities. The interview covers ways the Fund helps Native Americans, most recently members of Montana’s Blackfoot Nation, and local exchange programs. Serving Native Americans throughout the United States for over sixteen years, the Grinnell Fund’s activities strive to “honor, celebrate, empower, and increase opportunities for American Indian children, adults, families, and communities” through various earning programs and scholarships for adults and students from elementary school through college.","duration":1412153,"episodeId":"e1q47j","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/George-Byrd-Grinnell-American-Indian-Fund-September-4--2009-e1q47j","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/George-Byrd-Grinnell-American-Indian-Fund-September-4--2009-e1q47j","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"George Byrd Grinnell American Indian Fund September 4, 2009"},{"created":"2018-07-14T18:41:10.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531593670,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T18:41:11.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T18:41:01.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531593661,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"67ea8375-ee13-770a-46b7-5598077f2575","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Founder of the nonprofit organization, Semper Fi Parents of the Hudson Valley, Paula Zwillinger discusses how her organization supports the families of those in the military as well as the military itself. Various forms of support provided by Semper Fi Parents include an providing emotional outlet for Marine/military parents of those in boot-camps, active, or reserve status and for those who have been recently discharged, raising funds to help offset the cost of the many boxes sent to troops, holding educational workshops for parents and troops, helping parents find resources for additional emotional/educational assistance, and more.","descriptionPreview":"Founder of the nonprofit organization, Semper Fi Parents of the Hudson Valley, Paula Zwillinger discusses how her organization supports the families of those in the military as well as the military itself. Various forms of support provided by Semper Fi Parents include an providing emotional outlet for Marine/military parents of those in boot-camps, active, or reserve status and for those who have been recently discharged, raising funds to help offset the cost of the many boxes sent to troops, holding educational workshops for parents and troops, helping parents find resources for additional emotional/educational assistance, and more.","duration":1618912,"episodeId":"e1q474","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Semper-Fi-Parents-of-the-Hudson-Valley-August-28--2009-e1q474","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Semper-Fi-Parents-of-the-Hudson-Valley-August-28--2009-e1q474","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Semper Fi Parents of the Hudson Valley (August 28, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T18:34:41.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531593281,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T18:34:42.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T18:34:32.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531593272,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"7b0fe928-5e7b-beb0-1960-69d0afef04d0","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"ShelterBoxes is a UK-based disaster relief organization supported by Rotary clubs around the world. In Rotary District 7210 Suffern Rotarian Larry Palant is ShelterBox Coordinator and Disaster Relief Chair. For this interview, Mr. Palant details how the ShelterBoxes function. Each box is filled with critical necessities for keeping at least 10 victims of disasters alive for a minimum of six months. The usual contents include a 10-person tent, sleeping mats, mosquito netting, a stove and cooking implements, emergency water purification supplies, and hand tools, but tot total weighs only about 110 lbs. A Disaster Relief Team comprised of highly skilled specialists accompanies the Boxes until they reach their destination. Each ShelterBox is often able to utilize the international communications network of local Rotary clubs to bypass red tape that can hinder effective emergency response.","descriptionPreview":"ShelterBoxes is a UK-based disaster relief organization supported by Rotary clubs around the world. In Rotary District 7210 Suffern Rotarian Larry Palant is ShelterBox Coordinator and Disaster Relief Chair. For this interview, Mr. Palant details how the ShelterBoxes function. Each box is filled with critical necessities for keeping at least 10 victims of disasters alive for a minimum of six months. The usual contents include a 10-person tent, sleeping mats, mosquito netting, a stove and cooking implements, emergency water purification supplies, and hand tools, but tot total weighs only about 110 lbs. A Disaster Relief Team comprised of highly skilled specialists accompanies the Boxes until they reach their destination. Each ShelterBox is often able to utilize the international communications network of local Rotary clubs to bypass red tape that can hinder effective emergency response.","duration":1617136,"episodeId":"e1q46e","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/ShelterBox-Saving-Countless-Lives-Aired-August-21--2009-e1q46e","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/ShelterBox-Saving-Countless-Lives-Aired-August-21--2009-e1q46e","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"ShelterBox: Saving Countless Lives (Aired August 21, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T18:29:52.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531592992,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T18:29:52.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T18:29:42.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531592982,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f19cf5e0-0e43-5863-bae5-04723c8edf73","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"A Rotary member for 23 years, Walden Rotarian Mike Martin, is Rotary District 7210’s Co-chair of Domestic Violence Ended (DOVE). In this interview, he discusses the problem of domestic violence in today’s environment. DOVE works with other domestic violence agencies, such as Safe Homes, to protect victims and their children. Mr. Martin explains how he first became involved in DOVE 15 years ago and describes the many services offered by DOVE, such as a hotline where victims can call for assistance.","descriptionPreview":"A Rotary member for 23 years, Walden Rotarian Mike Martin, is Rotary District 7210’s Co-chair of Domestic Violence Ended (DOVE). In this interview, he discusses the problem of domestic violence in today’s environment. DOVE works with other domestic violence agencies, such as Safe Homes, to protect victims and their children. Mr. Martin explains how he first became involved in DOVE 15 years ago and describes the many services offered by DOVE, such as a hotline where victims can call for assistance.","duration":1625417,"episodeId":"e1q45r","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/DOVE--or-Domestic-Violence-Ended-Aired-on-August-14--2009-e1q45r","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/DOVE--or-Domestic-Violence-Ended-Aired-on-August-14--2009-e1q45r","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"DOVE, or Domestic Violence Ended (Aired on August 14, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T18:23:53.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531592633,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T18:23:53.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T18:23:43.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531592623,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"2ec125f9-a40f-15b7-8341-e79b1dffaa3c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Two guests from Highland Rotary, Steve Laubach, the assistant governor for District 7210 Region 2, and Don Verity, Station Manager of Hudson Valley Talk Radio, have lots of laughs discussing the now-famous Hudson Valley Ribfest, attracting thousands of visitors each year. The Ribfest has become the Hudson Valley’s largest barbecue event for the whole family. Held in the Ulster Country Fairgrounds, usually in mid August, it includes fantastic food, lots of entertainment, and loads of fun. A major event each year is the Empire State Barbecue Championship competition in several food categories.","descriptionPreview":"Two guests from Highland Rotary, Steve Laubach, the assistant governor for District 7210 Region 2, and Don Verity, Station Manager of Hudson Valley Talk Radio, have lots of laughs discussing the now-famous Hudson Valley Ribfest, attracting thousands of visitors each year. The Ribfest has become the Hudson Valley’s largest barbecue event for the whole family. Held in the Ulster Country Fairgrounds, usually in mid August, it includes fantastic food, lots of entertainment, and loads of fun. A major event each year is the Empire State Barbecue Championship competition in several food categories.","duration":1607209,"episodeId":"e1q457","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/The-Famous-Highland-Rotary-Ribfest-Aired-on-August-7--2009-e1q457","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/The-Famous-Highland-Rotary-Ribfest-Aired-on-August-7--2009-e1q457","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"The Famous Highland Rotary Ribfest (Aired on August 7, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T18:19:16.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531592356,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T18:19:16.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T18:19:07.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531592347,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"d4363166-16de-3caf-a73f-4702c998e49b","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser interviews humanitarians in the House of Friendship at the Rotary International Birmingham Convention, where 17,000 Rotarians have gathered. The interviewees include John Byrne from Wales discussing the good works of a Welch Interact club; Patricia Smith from Pennsylvania discussing Youth Exchange and its purposes; a representative of PolioPlus, who is displaying an antique iron lung to show what happened to polio victims during past epidemics; and many more with tales to tell of Rotary humanitarian activities.","descriptionPreview":"RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser interviews humanitarians in the House of Friendship at the Rotary International Birmingham Convention, where 17,000 Rotarians have gathered. The interviewees include John Byrne from Wales discussing the good works of a Welch Interact club; Patricia Smith from Pennsylvania discussing Youth Exchange and its purposes; a representative of PolioPlus, who is displaying an antique iron lung to show what happened to polio victims during past epidemics; and many more with tales to tell of Rotary humanitarian activities.","duration":1577038,"episodeId":"e1q44v","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/England--RI-Convention-Part-II-Youth-Projects-July-31--2009-e1q44v","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/England--RI-Convention-Part-II-Youth-Projects-July-31--2009-e1q44v","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"England, RI Convention Part II: Youth Projects July 31, 2009"},{"created":"2018-07-14T18:12:57.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531591977,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T18:12:57.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T18:12:47.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531591967,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"36f2e2d4-38dd-91a2-e217-c6ab74a92836","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In the first of a two-part series, RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser interviews humanitarians from around the world in the House of Friendship at the Rotary International Birmingham Convention, where 17,000 Rotarians have gathered. Featured speaker at the Convention, humanitarian Dr. Jane Goodell, gives a fascinating interview. Rotarian Heather Merrian from San Francisco, California discusses Rotaplast (Rotary + Plastic Surgery) whose purpose is to support teams of surgeons who perform cleft palate surgeries overseas. Rotarian Chris Lewis from Los Angeles, California discusses the Wheelchair Foundation, the largest wheelchair relief organization, which provides 10,000 free wheelchairs per month to the needy around the world. This project, funded by Rotarians and private donors, have so far sent wheelchairs to 150 countries. ","descriptionPreview":"In the first of a two-part series, RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser interviews humanitarians from around the world in the House of Friendship at the Rotary International Birmingham Convention, where 17,000 Rotarians have gathered. Featured speaker at the Convention, humanitarian Dr. Jane Goodell, gives a fascinating interview. Rotarian Heather Merrian from San Francisco, California discusses Rotaplast (Rotary + Plastic Surgery) whose purpose is to support teams of surgeons who perform cleft palate surgeries overseas. Rotarian Chris Lewis from Los Angeles, California discusses the Wheelchair Foundation, the largest wheelchair relief organization, which provides 10,000 free wheelchairs per month to the needy around the world. This project, funded by Rotarians and private donors, have so far sent wheelchairs to 150 countries. ","duration":1457789,"episodeId":"e1q447","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Birmingham--England--RI-Convention-Dr--Jane-Goodell-e1q447","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Birmingham--England--RI-Convention-Dr--Jane-Goodell-e1q447","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Birmingham, England, RI Convention Dr .Jane Goodell"},{"created":"2018-07-14T18:07:42.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531591662,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T18:07:43.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T18:07:33.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531591653,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"ffd30bbe-99a7-7fda-a971-b72db1dd9491","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Dr. Suresh Chandani, President of Southern Dutchess Rotary, and Neha Chandani, President of Marist College Rotaract, discuss their local and international humanitarian efforts. Rotaract is a service club for young professionals and students ages 18-30. Sponsored by local Rotary clubs, Rotaract clubs provide young people with opportunities to foster leadership, responsible citizenship, and promote international peace and understanding.","descriptionPreview":"Dr. Suresh Chandani, President of Southern Dutchess Rotary, and Neha Chandani, President of Marist College Rotaract, discuss their local and international humanitarian efforts. Rotaract is a service club for young professionals and students ages 18-30. Sponsored by local Rotary clubs, Rotaract clubs provide young people with opportunities to foster leadership, responsible citizenship, and promote international peace and understanding.","duration":1477877,"episodeId":"e1q43o","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/FatherDaughter-Presidents-Rotary--Rotaract-July-17--2009-e1q43o","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/FatherDaughter-Presidents-Rotary--Rotaract-July-17--2009-e1q43o","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Father/Daughter Presidents: Rotary & Rotaract July 17, 2009"},{"created":"2018-07-14T18:02:20.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531591340,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T18:02:20.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T18:02:11.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531591331,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"fc18ef6b-7fe0-552d-51e5-474fed020cef","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Steven Pressman, Executive Director of Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers (MARC) in Poughkeepsie, and Sue Tallardy, Program Director of the MARC Crisis Center, discuss successful approaches and services in treating addictions. MARC operates the Crisis Center, two halfway houses for recovery, a transitional residence program, and nearly twenty sober apartments. Mr. Pressman and Ms. Tallardy explain how MARC helps individuals and their families during the time that addicts and alcoholics proceed through the recovery process.","descriptionPreview":"Steven Pressman, Executive Director of Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers (MARC) in Poughkeepsie, and Sue Tallardy, Program Director of the MARC Crisis Center, discuss successful approaches and services in treating addictions. MARC operates the Crisis Center, two halfway houses for recovery, a transitional residence program, and nearly twenty sober apartments. Mr. Pressman and Ms. Tallardy explain how MARC helps individuals and their families during the time that addicts and alcoholics proceed through the recovery process.","duration":1517818,"episodeId":"e1q437","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Treating-Addiction-Aired-on-July-10--2009-e1q437","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Treating-Addiction-Aired-on-July-10--2009-e1q437","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Treating Addiction (Aired on July 10, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T17:54:46.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531590886,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T17:54:46.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T17:54:37.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531590877,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"f6982a2b-4681-23ec-095b-6e4c7c2a9de3","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Helen LiMarizi, Rotary District 7210’s Literacy Chair and Director of Literacy Connections for Putnam County, discusses interesting – and sometimes surprising — information about literacy here and around the world. Ms. LiMarizi describes Rotary’s emphasis on basic literacy as a pre-condition to the prevention of poverty and the development of peace. The majority of Rotary clubs around the world include a literacy component as part of their humanitarian efforts.","descriptionPreview":"Helen LiMarizi, Rotary District 7210’s Literacy Chair and Director of Literacy Connections for Putnam County, discusses interesting – and sometimes surprising — information about literacy here and around the world. Ms. LiMarizi describes Rotary’s emphasis on basic literacy as a pre-condition to the prevention of poverty and the development of peace. The majority of Rotary clubs around the world include a literacy component as part of their humanitarian efforts.","duration":1360822,"episodeId":"e1q42c","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Literacy-Here-and-Abroad-Aired-July-3--2009-e1q42c","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Literacy-Here-and-Abroad-Aired-July-3--2009-e1q42c","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Literacy Here and Abroad (Aired July 3, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T17:46:06.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531590366,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T17:46:06.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T17:45:57.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531590357,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"dc41d150-80dc-5ac2-1798-9f58f5a92cd6","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Millbrook Rotarian Rev. Dr. Doug Fisher (Rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Millbrook, NY) discusses how Hudson Valley Rotarians and other humanitarian organizations support Food Pantries, a vital resource for those in need in today’s economic environment.","descriptionPreview":"Millbrook Rotarian Rev. Dr. Doug Fisher (Rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Millbrook, NY) discusses how Hudson Valley Rotarians and other humanitarian organizations support Food Pantries, a vital resource for those in need in today’s economic environment.","duration":1263595,"episodeId":"e1q3tu","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Food-Pantries-Helping-Those-in-Need-Aired-June-26--2009-e1q3tu","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Food-Pantries-Helping-Those-in-Need-Aired-June-26--2009-e1q3tu","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Food Pantries: Helping Those in Need (Aired June 26, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T17:42:12.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531590132,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T17:42:12.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T17:42:03.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531590123,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"d3b04bcc-ebe4-3461-ff9a-909bf56dbe5c","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Distinguished guest Doug Hovey is the recipient of the NYS Senate’s 2006 prestigious Achiever’s Award, which recognizes accomplishments on behalf of the community while overcoming personal challenges, and the recipient of the Red Cross 1995 Humanitarian of the Year Award. Dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for persons with disabilities, Doug Hovey is founder and Executive Director of Independent Living, Inc. in Newburgh, N.Y., serving more than 2,500 annually. Independent Living, Inc., offers programs and services dedicated to ensuring universal access and opportunity in every aspect of community life to those of any age with disabilities of any kind.","descriptionPreview":"Distinguished guest Doug Hovey is the recipient of the NYS Senate’s 2006 prestigious Achiever’s Award, which recognizes accomplishments on behalf of the community while overcoming personal challenges, and the recipient of the Red Cross 1995 Humanitarian of the Year Award. Dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for persons with disabilities, Doug Hovey is founder and Executive Director of Independent Living, Inc. in Newburgh, N.Y., serving more than 2,500 annually. Independent Living, Inc., offers programs and services dedicated to ensuring universal access and opportunity in every aspect of community life to those of any age with disabilities of any kind.","duration":1605616,"episodeId":"e1q3td","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Doug-Hovey-Equal-Rights-Champion-Aired-June-19--2009-e1q3td","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Doug-Hovey-Equal-Rights-Champion-Aired-June-19--2009-e1q3td","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Doug Hovey: Equal Rights Champion (Aired June 19, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T17:36:51.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531589811,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T17:36:52.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T17:36:42.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531589802,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"96e2550c-10b7-c197-9378-04569cdd64b5","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Wayne Johnson, Youth Exchange Chair for Rotary District 7210 in Rotary Year 2009-10, shares important information for parents and teens interested in Rotary’s excellent international exchange program. The Rotary Youth Exchange program provides thousands of young students with the opportunity to meet people from other countries and to experience new cultures, planting the seeds for a lifetime of international understanding. The program offers numerous benefits to its young participants and their Rotarian hosts and mentors, as well as to the community at large.","descriptionPreview":"Wayne Johnson, Youth Exchange Chair for Rotary District 7210 in Rotary Year 2009-10, shares important information for parents and teens interested in Rotary’s excellent international exchange program. The Rotary Youth Exchange program provides thousands of young students with the opportunity to meet people from other countries and to experience new cultures, planting the seeds for a lifetime of international understanding. The program offers numerous benefits to its young participants and their Rotarian hosts and mentors, as well as to the community at large.","duration":1628238,"episodeId":"e1q3sq","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Youth-Exchange-June-12--2009-e1q3sq","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Youth-Exchange-June-12--2009-e1q3sq","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Youth Exchange June 12, 2009"},{"created":"2018-07-14T17:24:55.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531589095,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T17:24:56.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T17:24:46.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531589086,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"d03fe6c1-8ca3-a868-970c-2d3a910be0ed","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotary District 7210’s Past District Governor (1990-91) Chet Sawyer, International Medical Relief Foundation Co-Chair with Nuise Prewphan Bhitiyakul, discusses how his organization of dedicated Rotarians in the Mid Hudson region of New York State collects surplus medical supplies and equipment for distribution to developing countries around the world. The distribution in the receiving country is supervised by volunteers through the Rotary International network. This assists in the reduction of medical waste while improving the health of communities around the world.","descriptionPreview":"Rotary District 7210’s Past District Governor (1990-91) Chet Sawyer, International Medical Relief Foundation Co-Chair with Nuise Prewphan Bhitiyakul, discusses how his organization of dedicated Rotarians in the Mid Hudson region of New York State collects surplus medical supplies and equipment for distribution to developing countries around the world. The distribution in the receiving country is supervised by volunteers through the Rotary International network. This assists in the reduction of medical waste while improving the health of communities around the world.","duration":1720685,"episodeId":"e1q3ri","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/International-Medical-Relief-Foundation-Aired-June-5--2009-e1q3ri","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/International-Medical-Relief-Foundation-Aired-June-5--2009-e1q3ri","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"International Medical Relief Foundation (Aired June 5, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T17:07:05.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531588025,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T17:07:05.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T17:06:56.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531588016,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"8212dc6f-d552-e6b3-7e28-a2fe28095b25","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"David Green, District Governor Elect (2009-10), discusses what Rotary means to him and his plans and hopes for his district next year. Among the topics he explores are polio eradication worldwide and Rotary’s capacity to provide service to local communities, the nation, and the world. This moving interview provides insight into the serious responsibilities of a district governor.","descriptionPreview":"David Green, District Governor Elect (2009-10), discusses what Rotary means to him and his plans and hopes for his district next year. Among the topics he explores are polio eradication worldwide and Rotary’s capacity to provide service to local communities, the nation, and the world. This moving interview provides insight into the serious responsibilities of a district governor.","duration":1744509,"episodeId":"e1q3pb","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-District-Governor-David-Green-Aired-May-29--2009-e1q3pb","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-District-Governor-David-Green-Aired-May-29--2009-e1q3pb","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary District Governor David Green (Aired May 29, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T16:58:06.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531587486,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T16:58:07.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T16:57:57.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531587477,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"6a3d0587-1093-3c6e-c487-7c7df4631654","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In a unique RadioRotary program, doctoral candidate Ed Kalinka discusses his research for his thesis on the topic of Why Rotarians Volunteer: An examination of Their Motives and Incentives. Mr Kalinka, a Florham Park (New Jersey) Rotarian, provides interesting summaries of studies and statistics about Rotary clubs in the U.S. and around the world and lots of information about what motivates people to become humanitarians.","descriptionPreview":"In a unique RadioRotary program, doctoral candidate Ed Kalinka discusses his research for his thesis on the topic of Why Rotarians Volunteer: An examination of Their Motives and Incentives. Mr Kalinka, a Florham Park (New Jersey) Rotarian, provides interesting summaries of studies and statistics about Rotary clubs in the U.S. and around the world and lots of information about what motivates people to become humanitarians.","duration":1748584,"episodeId":"e1q3oh","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Doctoral-Thesis-Aired-on-May-22--2009-e1q3oh","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Doctoral-Thesis-Aired-on-May-22--2009-e1q3oh","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Doctoral Thesis (Aired on May 22, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T16:52:31.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531587151,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T16:52:31.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T16:52:22.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531587142,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"965ea92e-bde2-a921-8427-d5184d58c7d4","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Roger Risko (Arlington Rotary), Rotary District 7210 Advisor to Interact, Rotaract, and Elderact, describes each of these humanitarian clubs and explains the importance of attracting people of all ages to humanitarianism. Jimmy Lyles, Interact President of John Jay High School, describes his club’s community service such as recycling, clean-up, and awareness projects and talks about how he became involved in Interact. George Supan from Fishkill Rotary, the club that co-sponsored John Jay’s Interact, explains the responsibilities of sponsorship and gives examples of life skills that he and his club teach to Interacters as they work on service projects beyond their school community.","descriptionPreview":"Roger Risko (Arlington Rotary), Rotary District 7210 Advisor to Interact, Rotaract, and Elderact, describes each of these humanitarian clubs and explains the importance of attracting people of all ages to humanitarianism. Jimmy Lyles, Interact President of John Jay High School, describes his club’s community service such as recycling, clean-up, and awareness projects and talks about how he became involved in Interact. George Supan from Fishkill Rotary, the club that co-sponsored John Jay’s Interact, explains the responsibilities of sponsorship and gives examples of life skills that he and his club teach to Interacters as they work on service projects beyond their school community.","duration":1786697,"episodeId":"e1q3ns","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Interact--Rotaract--Elderact-Aired-on-May-15--2009-e1q3ns","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Interact--Rotaract--Elderact-Aired-on-May-15--2009-e1q3ns","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Interact, Rotaract, Elderact (Aired on May 15, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T16:43:56.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531586636,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T16:43:56.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T16:43:47.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531586627,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"c6406883-4ce3-5513-7b22-0e71fdfd6b67","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"In this riveting interview, Nate Almeida describes his ultimately successful journey, from living on the streets to becoming the President and founder of a Rotary community Rotaract organization, called Nubian Directions. Darnell White, Head of Technology and Computer Science Instructor at Nubian Directions, and Mr. Almeida explain the mission of Nubian Directions, which is based in Poughkeepsie, New York: to provide high quality workforce skills for all ages, especially in the area if technology. A very uplifting interview.","descriptionPreview":"In this riveting interview, Nate Almeida describes his ultimately successful journey, from living on the streets to becoming the President and founder of a Rotary community Rotaract organization, called Nubian Directions. Darnell White, Head of Technology and Computer Science Instructor at Nubian Directions, and Mr. Almeida explain the mission of Nubian Directions, which is based in Poughkeepsie, New York: to provide high quality workforce skills for all ages, especially in the area if technology. A very uplifting interview.","duration":1808195,"episodeId":"e1q3n4","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/An-Amazing-Success-Story-Aired-on-May-8--2009-e1q3n4","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/An-Amazing-Success-Story-Aired-on-May-8--2009-e1q3n4","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"An Amazing Success Story (Aired on May 8, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T15:06:03.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531580763,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T15:06:03.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T15:05:53.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531580753,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"6f044915-519a-f348-f13a-77557688d953","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Past District Governor Knut Johnsen (2003-04) and Rotary District 7210’s Rotary Foundation Chair, discusses Rotary International’s mission to “bring us closer to world peace … through the humanitarian and educational programs” made possible by financing from The Rotary Foundation. Humanitarian projects for those in need here and abroad include issues involving food, poverty, and water. Education projects include foreign exchanges for young people and adults and World Peace Fellows studying conflict resolution. Mr. Johnson clarifies the relationship between the Foundation and the 1.2 million Rotarians around the world who implement these projects: “The (Rotary) Foundation is the backbone of Rotary, and the Rotarians are the heart and soul.”","descriptionPreview":"Past District Governor Knut Johnsen (2003-04) and Rotary District 7210’s Rotary Foundation Chair, discusses Rotary International’s mission to “bring us closer to world peace … through the humanitarian and educational programs” made possible by financing from The Rotary Foundation. Humanitarian projects for those in need here and abroad include issues involving food, poverty, and water. Education projects include foreign exchanges for young people and adults and World Peace Fellows studying conflict resolution. Mr. Johnson clarifies the relationship between the Foundation and the 1.2 million Rotarians around the world who implement these projects: “The (Rotary) Foundation is the backbone of Rotary, and the Rotarians are the heart and soul.”","duration":1384124,"episodeId":"e1q2ig","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Foundation-Bringing-Us-Closer-to-Peace-April-24--2009-e1q2ig","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Foundation-Bringing-Us-Closer-to-Peace-April-24--2009-e1q2ig","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Foundation Bringing Us Closer to Peace April 24, 2009"},{"created":"2018-07-14T15:01:36.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531580496,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T15:01:36.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T15:01:27.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531580487,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"622cda4f-d8cb-52f4-fc29-10c4e340f287","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Representatives from two Rotary clubs provide insight into how autonomous Rotary clubs are similar yet different, depending on the talent and skills of their members, as they provide humanitarian service locally and abroad. Red Hook Rotarian Niki Weaver describes her Therapy Dog program and her club’s yearly Apple Blossom Community Day event. New Paltz Rotary Secretary Marianne Knulf and New Paltz Rotary President Patrick Fillet speak about a variety of New Paltz events, which benefit many humanitarian causes everywhere.","descriptionPreview":"Representatives from two Rotary clubs provide insight into how autonomous Rotary clubs are similar yet different, depending on the talent and skills of their members, as they provide humanitarian service locally and abroad. Red Hook Rotarian Niki Weaver describes her Therapy Dog program and her club’s yearly Apple Blossom Community Day event. New Paltz Rotary Secretary Marianne Knulf and New Paltz Rotary President Patrick Fillet speak about a variety of New Paltz events, which benefit many humanitarian causes everywhere.","duration":1378873,"episodeId":"e1q2i5","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Club-Close-ups-Red-Hook--New-Paltz-April-17--2009-e1q2i5","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-Club-Close-ups-Red-Hook--New-Paltz-April-17--2009-e1q2i5","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary Club Close-ups: Red Hook & New Paltz April 17, 2009 "},{"created":"2018-07-14T14:56:09.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531580169,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T14:56:09.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T14:55:59.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531580159,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"88d057b9-6d50-8c1a-2e24-fa4796c72bc1","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"We are nearly there, very close. The success of Rotary International’s polio eradication campaign, called PolioPlus, is described by Rotary District 7210’s PolioPlus Chair Bunnee Webb who clarifies why polio continues to be an issue in the world today. Since there are still a few people not yet vaccinated here and abroad, this leaves non-vaccinated people, especially children, open to this infectious, crippling disease. Ms. Webb briefly describes polio’s horrifying history, when many polio victims were either left crippled forever or forced to live out their lives in an iron lung. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has given Rotary International a grant to facilitate the final eradication of polio, which, when successful, will be the second disease to be eradicated from the earth, the first being smallpox.","descriptionPreview":"We are nearly there, very close. The success of Rotary International’s polio eradication campaign, called PolioPlus, is described by Rotary District 7210’s PolioPlus Chair Bunnee Webb who clarifies why polio continues to be an issue in the world today. Since there are still a few people not yet vaccinated here and abroad, this leaves non-vaccinated people, especially children, open to this infectious, crippling disease. Ms. Webb briefly describes polio’s horrifying history, when many polio victims were either left crippled forever or forced to live out their lives in an iron lung. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has given Rotary International a grant to facilitate the final eradication of polio, which, when successful, will be the second disease to be eradicated from the earth, the first being smallpox.","duration":1448594,"episodeId":"e1q2hm","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Polio-A-Plane-Ride-Away-Aired-on-April-10--2009-e1q2hm","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Polio-A-Plane-Ride-Away-Aired-on-April-10--2009-e1q2hm","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Polio: A Plane Ride Away (Aired on April 10, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T14:45:30.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531579530,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T14:45:31.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T14:45:22.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531579522,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"04fd7f7c-ef0e-5d2f-5da6-e51116281159","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Miller, Chair of Rotary District 7210’s World Community Service (facilitated through The Rotary Foundation), discusses this committee’s humanitarian contributions here and abroad. Host Rotary clubs in the United States connect with Rotary clubs in other parts of the world to implement projects that assist people in need. Projects include clean water, literacy, health care, and education. Ms. Miller provides examples of these projects, such as benches for student seating in classrooms in India, water filtration systems in Latin America, new medical equipment for the Women’s Wing in Grenada after hurricanes destroyed much of the hospital, and 10,000 fruit bearing trees in India. Locally in the Hudson Valley, among the many projects World Community Serves ","descriptionPreview":"Miller, Chair of Rotary District 7210’s World Community Service (facilitated through The Rotary Foundation), discusses this committee’s humanitarian contributions here and abroad. Host Rotary clubs in the United States connect with Rotary clubs in other parts of the world to implement projects that assist people in need. Projects include clean water, literacy, health care, and education. Ms. Miller provides examples of these projects, such as benches for student seating in classrooms in India, water filtration systems in Latin America, new medical equipment for the Women’s Wing in Grenada after hurricanes destroyed much of the hospital, and 10,000 fruit bearing trees in India. Locally in the Hudson Valley, among the many projects World Community Serves ","duration":1361684,"episodeId":"e1q2gg","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/World-Community-Service-Helping-Those-in-Need-April-3--2009-e1q2gg","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/World-Community-Service-Helping-Those-in-Need-April-3--2009-e1q2gg","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"World Community Service: Helping Those in Need April 3, 2009"},{"created":"2018-07-14T14:27:59.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531578479,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T14:29:11.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T14:27:50.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531578470,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"8cf57147-4bb2-1fc3-c8ac-0fb434c72ad3","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"At the United Nations on November 7, 2009, RadioRotary co-hosts Sarah O’Connell and Jonah Triebwasser interviewed Exchange Students from the Hudson Valley and representatives from young adult Rotary clubs — Interact and Rotaract – from around the world. Rotarians attended from as far away as Pakistan,. In a special interview with Tom Henderson (Cornwall Rotary Club), founder and creator of ShelterBox, Mr. Henderson explained how his team provides emergency shelter and life saving equipment for up to 10 people per box. Tom Henderson has since been appointed an OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) for his outstanding contribution to charity and humanitarian work since he founded ShelterBox in 2000. U.N. Day is intended to provide insight into the strong relationship between Rotary and the UN.","descriptionPreview":"At the United Nations on November 7, 2009, RadioRotary co-hosts Sarah O’Connell and Jonah Triebwasser interviewed Exchange Students from the Hudson Valley and representatives from young adult Rotary clubs — Interact and Rotaract – from around the world. Rotarians attended from as far away as Pakistan,. In a special interview with Tom Henderson (Cornwall Rotary Club), founder and creator of ShelterBox, Mr. Henderson explained how his team provides emergency shelter and life saving equipment for up to 10 people per box. Tom Henderson has since been appointed an OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) for his outstanding contribution to charity and humanitarian work since he founded ShelterBox in 2000. U.N. Day is intended to provide insight into the strong relationship between Rotary and the UN.","duration":1450945,"episodeId":"e1q2ec","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-U-N--Day-Aired-on-March-27--2009-e1q2ec","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Rotary-U-N--Day-Aired-on-March-27--2009-e1q2ec","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Rotary U.N. Day (Aired on March 27, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T14:18:51.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531577931,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T14:18:51.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T14:18:41.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531577921,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"3785db88-4b89-9329-67a5-ac144586c4e1","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Sue Gould, Executive Director of the Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse in Dutchess County, discusses her organization’s mission: to protect children, advocate on their behalf, and educate the community on how to prevent abuse. The Center partners with local schools, law enforcement agencies, and the Dutchess County Department of Social Services to achieve these goals. Ms. Gould describes how the organization addresses rehabilitation for parents from all economic and social levels who do not know how to care for their children, the various ways she and the Center share information with the public about this problem, and what to look for when identifying child abuse.","descriptionPreview":"Sue Gould, Executive Director of the Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse in Dutchess County, discusses her organization’s mission: to protect children, advocate on their behalf, and educate the community on how to prevent abuse. The Center partners with local schools, law enforcement agencies, and the Dutchess County Department of Social Services to achieve these goals. Ms. Gould describes how the organization addresses rehabilitation for parents from all economic and social levels who do not know how to care for their children, the various ways she and the Center share information with the public about this problem, and what to look for when identifying child abuse.","duration":1407242,"episodeId":"e1q2dj","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Protecting-Children-from-Abuse-Aired-on-March-20--2009-e1q2dj","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Protecting-Children-from-Abuse-Aired-on-March-20--2009-e1q2dj","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Protecting Children from Abuse (Aired on March 20, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T14:11:51.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531577511,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T14:11:52.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T14:11:42.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531577502,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"b157d72b-cfb5-691c-4648-ef8d32d9b60b","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotary District 7210’s World Peace Fellow Chair and Past District Governor in 2001-02, Betsy Kopstein-Stuts (Poughkeepsie South Rotary Club) discusses The Rotary Foundation’s World Peace Fellow scholarship program that trains people in conflict resolution. Each year 60 Fellows from around the world are selected for the program and can choose from seven universities to get a Master’s degree related to peace. Available only to non-Rotarians, applicants need a proficiency in a second language, among other requirements. Professionally, Ms. Kopstein coordinates academic internships at Vassar College.","descriptionPreview":"Rotary District 7210’s World Peace Fellow Chair and Past District Governor in 2001-02, Betsy Kopstein-Stuts (Poughkeepsie South Rotary Club) discusses The Rotary Foundation’s World Peace Fellow scholarship program that trains people in conflict resolution. Each year 60 Fellows from around the world are selected for the program and can choose from seven universities to get a Master’s degree related to peace. Available only to non-Rotarians, applicants need a proficiency in a second language, among other requirements. Professionally, Ms. Kopstein coordinates academic internships at Vassar College.","duration":1446504,"episodeId":"e1q2d0","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/World-Peace-Fellows-Aired-on-March-13--2009-e1q2d0","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/World-Peace-Fellows-Aired-on-March-13--2009-e1q2d0","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"World Peace Fellows (Aired on March 13, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T14:07:30.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531577250,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T14:07:30.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T14:07:21.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531577241,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"53ee79da-81b6-8168-ad0c-63aac0bafc84","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Environmental advocate and outdoors writer for the Poughkeepsie Journal since 1994, Bill Conners addresses conservation and hunting and fishing issues. He holds numerous leadership positions in such organizations as the Federation of Dutchess County Fish and Game Clubs and the New York State Fish and Wildlife Management Board for Region 3 (covering most of the Hudson Valley). Mr. Conners discusses several successful programs including these: a popular free education program for young people up to 15 years old called the Morgan Lake Fishing Program in effect for 20+ years, which thus far has taught 17,000+ young people how to fish while encouraging a respect the environment; a deer management program; continuous programs supported by hunters, which have distributed over 7,000 pounds of meat in one year, thus providing 21,000 meals to the needy; and his strong involvement in the Hudson Valley’s Resource Recovery Agency, which recycles garbage into electricity without polluting the air.","descriptionPreview":"Environmental advocate and outdoors writer for the Poughkeepsie Journal since 1994, Bill Conners addresses conservation and hunting and fishing issues. He holds numerous leadership positions in such organizations as the Federation of Dutchess County Fish and Game Clubs and the New York State Fish and Wildlife Management Board for Region 3 (covering most of the Hudson Valley). Mr. Conners discusses several successful programs including these: a popular free education program for young people up to 15 years old called the Morgan Lake Fishing Program in effect for 20+ years, which thus far has taught 17,000+ young people how to fish while encouraging a respect the environment; a deer management program; continuous programs supported by hunters, which have distributed over 7,000 pounds of meat in one year, thus providing 21,000 meals to the needy; and his strong involvement in the Hudson Valley’s Resource Recovery Agency, which recycles garbage into electricity without polluting the air.","duration":1447392,"episodeId":"e1q2ch","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Successful-Environmental-Programs-Aired-on-March-6--2009-e1q2ch","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Successful-Environmental-Programs-Aired-on-March-6--2009-e1q2ch","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Successful Environmental Programs (Aired on March 6, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T13:39:21.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531575561,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T13:47:10.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T13:47:00.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531576020,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"3621b80b-d7ac-3e8a-2a5e-065d3c72b495","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Penny Hickman, Vice President of the Conservation Awareness Foundation and member of the Board of Directors of the Federation of Dutchess County Fish and Game, discusses the humanitarian nonprofit group called Hunters Helping the Hungry. Volunteer hunters in this organization safely process mainly venison, but also fish and game birds, according to government standards. Hunters, who have more than they can use, make donations, which are distributed to the needy in outlets such as soup kitchens. In 2009, Hunters Helping the Hungry distributed more than 6,400 lbs. of venison. Ms. Hickman describes the entire process, from volunteers meeting hunters at a drop-off point, to the expert butchering process in a donated refrigeration area, and finally to safe distribution.","descriptionPreview":"Penny Hickman, Vice President of the Conservation Awareness Foundation and member of the Board of Directors of the Federation of Dutchess County Fish and Game, discusses the humanitarian nonprofit group called Hunters Helping the Hungry. Volunteer hunters in this organization safely process mainly venison, but also fish and game birds, according to government standards. Hunters, who have more than they can use, make donations, which are distributed to the needy in outlets such as soup kitchens. In 2009, Hunters Helping the Hungry distributed more than 6,400 lbs. of venison. Ms. Hickman describes the entire process, from volunteers meeting hunters at a drop-off point, to the expert butchering process in a donated refrigeration area, and finally to safe distribution.","duration":1386422,"episodeId":"e1q28l","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Hunters-Helping-the-Hungry-Aired-on-February-27--2009-e1q28l","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Hunters-Helping-the-Hungry-Aired-on-February-27--2009-e1q28l","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Hunters Helping the Hungry (Aired on February 27, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T13:39:10.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531575550,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T13:39:10.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T13:39:01.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531575541,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"378cd5ed-a06d-e3b5-3ebc-753c4ed65063","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Kathy Kruger, Registered Nurse and Assistant Governor of Rotary District 7210 (Region 3), discusses her role as Rotaplast (Rotary + Plastic Surgery) Ambassador for the district. This program provides cleft lip and cleft palate surgery for children around the world. Besides describing the causes of this medical disfigurement, Ms. Kruger also explains the effects on children, from death caused by malnutrition to psychological problems caused by ostracism by their community. In the U.S., children have medical care to correct this problem. In addition to providing surgery, medical teams — all volunteer doctors, dentists, nurses, and administrators — educate parents about prevention.","descriptionPreview":"Kathy Kruger, Registered Nurse and Assistant Governor of Rotary District 7210 (Region 3), discusses her role as Rotaplast (Rotary + Plastic Surgery) Ambassador for the district. This program provides cleft lip and cleft palate surgery for children around the world. Besides describing the causes of this medical disfigurement, Ms. Kruger also explains the effects on children, from death caused by malnutrition to psychological problems caused by ostracism by their community. In the U.S., children have medical care to correct this problem. In addition to providing surgery, medical teams — all volunteer doctors, dentists, nurses, and administrators — educate parents about prevention.","duration":1430334,"episodeId":"e1q28j","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/Cleft-Palate-Surgery-Aired-on-February-20--2009-e1q28j","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/Cleft-Palate-Surgery-Aired-on-February-20--2009-e1q28j","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"Cleft Palate Surgery (Aired on February 20, 2009)"},{"created":"2018-07-14T13:30:24.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531575024,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T13:30:24.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T13:30:15.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531575015,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"3c060de7-8485-53e0-559b-e7e0890b3889","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"Rotary District 7210’s Past District Governor Dr. Jim Yarmus (2007-2008) discusses his journey from Cuba in 1960 to becoming a U.S. citizen, a Civil Engineer, a Rotarian (Spring Valley Rotary), and a district governor. A Past President of the Society of Civil Engineers, today Dr. Yarmus is a professor of Project, Construction, and Planning Management. As a member of Engineers without Borders, he recently took nine of his students to Honduras for hands-on engineering work in implementing power plants and clean water projects. A few of the projects he is most proud of as Past District Governor are the district’s literacy, publicity, and water and sanitation awards from Rotary International, especially the latter, Dr. Yarmus says, since literacy, clean water and sanitation are part of the “key” to “peace in the world and saving children’s lives.”","descriptionPreview":"Rotary District 7210’s Past District Governor Dr. Jim Yarmus (2007-2008) discusses his journey from Cuba in 1960 to becoming a U.S. citizen, a Civil Engineer, a Rotarian (Spring Valley Rotary), and a district governor. A Past President of the Society of Civil Engineers, today Dr. Yarmus is a professor of Project, Construction, and Planning Management. As a member of Engineers without Borders, he recently took nine of his students to Honduras for hands-on engineering work in implementing power plants and clean water projects. A few of the projects he is most proud of as Past District Governor are the district’s literacy, publicity, and water and sanitation awards from Rotary International, especially the latter, Dr. Yarmus says, since literacy, clean water and sanitation are part of the “key” to “peace in the world and saving children’s lives.”","duration":1340499,"episodeId":"e1q26o","shareLinkPath":"/radiorotary/episodes/A-Past-District-Governor-s-Story-Aired-on-February-13--2009-e1q26o","shareLinkEmbedPath":"/radiorotary/embed/episodes/A-Past-District-Governor-s-Story-Aired-on-February-13--2009-e1q26o","stationId":"54d1b88","title":"A Past District Governor ‘s Story Aired on February 13, 2009"},{"created":"2018-07-14T13:22:01.000Z","createdUnixTimestamp":1531574521,"isDeleted":false,"modified":"2018-07-14T13:22:01.000Z","publishOn":"2018-07-14T13:21:52.000Z","publishOnUnixTimestamp":1531574512,"hourOffset":4,"isDistributedExternally":true,"podcastEpisodeIsExplicit":false,"podcastEpisodeType":"full","podcastEpisodeUuid":"0c76e1c7-0778-5c55-c35b-ab4f6b099cce","podcastSeasonNumber":1,"description":"RadioRotary’s first interview on the Hudson Valley Talk Radio Network features Rotary District 7210’s Past District Governor Jeffrey Keahon (2008-2009) from Pearl River Rotary Club. 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M55.9537425,43.9145403 C60.2189911,39.0747803 58.5862202,31.9723564 52.5345282,28.8428582 C50.6345006,27.86055 48.6175483,27.117772 46.6172996,26.3437849 C45.4622499,25.8967138 44.348959,25.369279 43.3759779,24.6413254 C41.4525654,23.2018031 41.8183729,20.8728197 44.0791969,19.9490287 C44.7130962,19.6899927 45.3829081,19.6041675 46.0702587,19.5690572 C48.6877032,19.4364183 51.1715194,19.881929 53.539246,20.9524031 C54.7168455,21.4852994 55.1085435,21.3191107 55.5052525,20.1721741 C55.9245113,18.9604786 56.2786263,17.7292774 56.659467,16.5066587 C56.9150312,15.6850776 56.6010046,15.1404778 55.7658277,14.7963969 C54.2524871,14.1729939 52.6898711,13.7220216 51.0537595,13.4824914 C48.9157065,13.1696196 48.9173769,13.161037 48.9081899,11.1574092 C48.8956623,8.32049679 48.8956623,8.32049679 45.8622996,8.32517816 C45.420491,8.32517816 44.9795176,8.31425496 44.5385442,8.32673862 C43.1195786,8.36496984 42.8757069,8.59357691 42.8389591,9.93010906 C42.8222556,10.5293249 42.8339481,11.1293209 42.8306074,11.7285367 C42.8214204,13.5004366 42.8113983,13.4762495 40.997394,14.0926304 C36.5985171,15.5867688 33.8858624,18.382329 33.5935505,22.8655244 C33.3354808,26.831428 35.5470293,29.5083934 39.033893,31.4589658 C41.1828033,32.6612985 43.5588817,33.3759882 45.8330684,34.3099222 C46.7208615,34.6750694 47.5677309,35.0971732 48.3143791,35.6714217 C50.5067186,37.3567162 50.0999874,40.1702217 47.5050927,41.2289923 C46.1128527,41.796999 44.646282,41.9397809 43.1429635,41.7642294 C40.8161606,41.4919295 38.5887437,40.9215821 36.4957903,39.9026032 C35.2689154,39.305728 34.9097893,39.4617738 34.4913657,40.7077994 C34.1314044,41.7806142 33.8115317,42.8643522 33.4941644,43.9488704 C33.067389,45.406338 33.2202264,45.7527596 34.7076765,46.4268774 C36.6018578,47.284349 38.6313377,47.7251784 40.700071,48.0310281 C42.3178087,48.2705584 42.3712601,48.3376581 42.3879636,49.9059182 C42.3954802,50.617487 42.3996561,51.329836 42.408843,52.0414048 C42.4197003,52.9394483 42.8815532,53.459861 43.8662268,53.477026 C44.9887046,53.4957515 46.1120175,53.4965317 47.2336602,53.4700039 C48.1506844,53.4481575 48.6242298,52.9839213 48.6267353,52.1139661 C48.6292408,51.1402404 48.6810218,50.164174 48.6350871,49.1920087 C48.5891523,48.201118 49.0451589,47.7009913 50.0657451,47.4396146 C52.4084164,46.8403988 54.4120059,45.6638135 55.9537425,43.9145403 Z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path d="M13.4286244,18.2822387 C13.2097499,19.1639626 12.6786953,19.9117818 11.9710131,20.3025197 L11.4232504,20.6048465 L12.422047,22.309408 L12.9473352,22.0178238 C13.6962674,21.6023712 14.3312843,20.9593514 14.7836402,20.1584816 C15.2401826,19.3499384 15.4902674,18.4118267 15.5067928,17.4460912 L15.5070131,17.4357871 L15.5067928,17.4252637 C15.4902674,16.4595282 15.2401826,15.5216357 14.7836402,14.7130926 C14.3312843,13.9122227 13.6962674,13.2692029 12.9473352,12.8535311 L12.422047,12.5619469 L11.4232504,14.2665084 L11.9710131,14.5688352 C12.7020899,14.9724901 13.244668,15.7572252 13.4493026,16.6769912 L6.91066696,16.6769912 C6.61245436,16.1069449 6.01295713,15.7168142 5.32359849,15.7168142 C4.33780188,15.7168142 3.53576799,16.5146147 3.53576799,17.4954775 C3.53576799,18.4763403 4.33780188,19.2743601 5.32359849,19.2743601 C6.02568965,19.2743601 6.63456926,18.8695736 6.92688134,18.2822387 L13.4286244,18.2822387 Z M13,33 C5.82029825,33 0,26.0604136 0,17.5 C0,8.93958638 5.82029825,2 13,2 C20.1797017,2 26,8.93958638 26,17.5 C26,26.0604136 20.1797017,33 13,33 Z M20.1583574,18.5801555 C19.7873065,22.2293422 17.7683404,25.3036915 14.9590184,26.8162021 L16.0212726,28.5841229 C19.6645777,26.6123125 22.2050862,22.4264355 22.2903574,17.5552262 C22.2050862,12.6844553 19.6645777,8.49857838 16.0212726,6.52654867 L14.9590184,8.29446946 C17.7683404,9.80698007 19.7870862,12.8815487 20.1583574,16.5305161 L20.1874421,17.5552262 L20.1583574,18.5801555 Z M14.2018293,25.4720514 L14.4508124,25.3339325 C15.7243717,24.627115 16.8075581,23.5278647 17.5824903,22.155446 C18.3741683,20.7536497 18.8077954,19.1247246 18.8364395,17.4444983 L18.8366598,17.4394559 L18.8364395,17.4346327 C18.8077954,15.7544064 18.3741683,14.1254813 17.5824903,12.723685 C16.8075581,11.3512664 15.7243717,10.252016 14.4508124,9.54519846 L14.2018293,9.40707965 L13.1911344,11.1320301 L13.4504734,11.2751914 C14.3483547,11.7708845 15.1327615,12.5307572 15.7193039,13.4730344 C16.3177446,14.4343852 16.6965073,15.5663017 16.81527,16.7477656 L16.8344395,17.4394559 L16.81527,18.1313654 C16.6965073,19.3126101 16.3177446,20.4447458 15.7193039,21.4060966 C15.1329819,22.3481546 14.3483547,23.1082465 13.4504734,23.6037204 L13.1911344,23.7471009 L14.2018293,25.4720514 Z"></path></g></g></g></g></svg>Monetize Your Podcast</a></li><li><a href="/features#podcastWithFriends"><svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 20 20" class=""><g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M5.773129,15.6 C4.34803938,15.42551 3,15.0575662 3,14.3613383 L3,13.6201159 C3,12.8637851 3.39293458,12.169261 4.02564434,11.8071196 L5.97220866,10.6932257 C6.1574399,10.5870097 6.27263671,10.3835055 6.27263671,10.161917 L6.27263671,9.40467059 C6.12667711,9.20391329 5.70821596,8.57806331 5.50836695,7.74779342 C5.30240901,7.57450577 5.18175781,7.31468875 5.18175781,7.03610081 L5.18175781,6.12044612 C5.18175781,5.90000225 5.26030109,5.68642579 5.39993359,5.51954772 L5.39993359,4.3019559 C5.38771574,4.17605338 5.33971707,3.4263611 5.85635732,2.80806527 C6.30449037,2.27172053 7.03167025,2 8.01804295,2 C9.00441566,2 9.73159553,2.27172053 10.1797286,2.80806527 C10.4159754,3.09079664 10.5341558,3.4010031 10.5916799,3.66647634 C9.70626284,3.70119449 9.04685197,3.97118043 8.62948632,4.47070142 C8.11284607,5.08899725 8.16084474,5.83868953 8.17306259,5.96459205 L8.17306259,7.18218388 C8.03343009,7.34906194 7.95488681,7.5626384 7.95488681,7.78308227 L7.95488681,8.69873696 C7.95488681,8.9773249 8.07553801,9.23714192 8.28149595,9.41042957 C8.48134497,10.2406995 8.89980611,10.8665494 9.04576571,11.0673067 L9.04576571,11.8245532 C9.04576571,12.0461416 8.9305689,12.2496459 8.74533766,12.3558618 L6.79877335,13.4697557 C6.16606358,13.8318972 5.773129,14.5264213 5.773129,15.282752 L5.773129,15.6 Z M14.1129217,13.03872 L16.2727304,14.1215067 C16.9679478,14.47012 17.4,15.1709733 17.4,15.9502533 L17.4,16.64 C17.4,17.71576 13.9985217,18 12.2,18 C10.4014783,18 7,17.71576 7,16.64 L7,15.9060533 C7,15.1571467 7.40718261,14.46944 8.06283478,14.1108533 L10.0799826,13.0078933 C10.2719304,12.90272 10.3913043,12.7012133 10.3913043,12.4818 L10.3913043,11.7319867 C10.2400522,11.5332 9.80641739,10.9134933 9.59932174,10.0913733 C9.38589565,9.91978667 9.26086957,9.66252 9.26086957,9.38666667 L9.26086957,8.48 C9.26086957,8.26172 9.34226087,8.05024 9.48695652,7.885 L9.48695652,6.67936 C9.47429565,6.55469333 9.42455652,5.81236 9.95993043,5.20013333 C10.424313,4.66905333 11.1778609,4.4 12.2,4.4 C13.2221391,4.4 13.975687,4.66905333 14.4400696,5.20013333 C14.9754435,5.81236 14.9257043,6.55469333 14.9130435,6.67936 L14.9130435,7.885 C15.0577391,8.05024 15.1391304,8.26172 15.1391304,8.48 L15.1391304,9.38666667 C15.1391304,9.74366667 14.9320348,10.0598667 14.6130261,10.20652 C14.4497913,10.6827467 14.225513,11.1242933 13.9451652,11.52096 C13.8888696,11.6009733 13.8343826,11.6730533 13.7826087,11.73652 L13.7826087,12.50288 C13.7826087,12.73136 13.9092174,12.93672 14.1129217,13.03872 Z" fill="#292F36"></path></g></svg>Podcast With Friends</a></li><li><a href="/features#analytics"><svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M1.72 1.09c-.4 0-.72.33-.72.74V22.1c0 . 0 .72-.33.72-.74a.73.73 0 0 0-.72-.74H2.43V1.83a.73.73 0 0 0-.71-.74zm14.35 5.2a.77.77 0 0 0-.76.77c. 6.18-2.29-1.97a.72.72 0 0 0-.6-.26.71.71 0 0 0-.43.2l-4.78 4.44a.8.8 0 0 0-.07 1.07c. 1.03.04l4.32-4.03 2.3 1.99c. 1.04.05l6.92-6.72v2.23c0 . 0 .72-.36.72-.75V7.02a.75.75 0 0 0-.72-.74h-3.82z" stroke-width=".5" stroke="#292F36" fill="#292F36"></path></svg>Straightforward Analytics</a></li><li><a href="/features#recordAnywhere"><svg width="19" height="19" viewBox="0 0 20 20" class=""><g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="#292F36" fill-rule="evenodd"><g transform="translate(3.000000, 1.000000)" fill="#292F36" fill-rule="nonzero"><path d="M5.82266964,5.51020408 C9.02856304,5.51020408 11.6453393,8.31673469 11.6453393,11.755102 C11.6453393,15.1934694 9.02856304,18 5.82266964,18 C2.61677624,18 0,15.1934694 0,11.755102 C0,8.31673469 2.61677624,5.51020408 5.82266964,5.51020408 Z M12.1385536,17.4122449 C11.6727401,18.0293878 11.5494365,18.1028571 11.1658253,17.4857143 L11.1384245,17.4416327 C10.7959145,16.8979592 10.7000117,16.9861224 11.0973233,16.442449 C13.2619864,13.4889796 13.179784,9.2277551 10.6726109,6.55346939 C8.16543789,3.87918367 4.24712374,3.82040816 1.46594271,6.09795918 C0.945327541,6.52408163 0.945327541,6.52408163 0.520615168,6.05387755 C-2.77555756e-16,5.48081633 -0.0137003992,5.4955102 0.548015966,4.98122449 C2.05505987,3.6 3.94571496,2.92408163 5.82266964,2.93877551 L5.82266964,1.46938776 L3.08258981,1.46938776 C2.39756985,1.46938776 2.39756985,1.46938776 2.39756985,0.734693878 C2.39756985,0 2.39756985,0 3.08258981,0 L9.93278939,0 C10.6178093,0 10.6178093,0 10.6178093,0.734693878 C10.6178093,1.46938776 10.6178093,1.46938776 9.93278939,1.46938776 L7.19270955,1.46938776 L7.19270955,3.07102041 C8.82305705,3.36489796 10.3849026,4.20244898 11.6316389,5.52489796 C14.5909251,8.66938776 14.7964311,13.9004082 12.1385536,17.4122449 Z M5.31575487,13.7534694 L6.452888,14.5910204 C6.63099319,14.7085714 6.68579479,14.9289796 6.60359239,15.1346939 L6.05557643,16.5159184 C8.41204508,16.3983673 10.2752994,14.3118367 10.2752994,11.755102 C10.2752994,11.52 10.261599,11.3142857 10.2341982,11.0791837 C10.193097,11.1085714 10.1382954,11.1379592 10.0834938,11.1526531 L8.28874149,11.6522449 C8.20653909,11.6816327 8.1243367,11.637551 8.0558347,11.6081633 L6.54879079,10.917551 C6.24738201,10.7853061 5.94597323,10.9616327 5.87747124,11.2995918 L5.63086405,12.4457143 C5.60346325,12.5485714 5.57606245,12.6367347 5.49386006,12.6808163 L5.15135008,12.96 C4.93214369,13.1363265 4.98694529,13.5036735 5.31575487,13.7534694 Z M1.46594271,12.7689796 L3.90461376,11.1673469 L4.72663771,10.9028571 C4.8499413,10.8587755 4.95954449,10.7706122 4.98694529,10.6530612 L5.38425687,9.53632653 C5.39795727,9.52163265 5.39795727,9.44816327 5.39795727,9.40408163 L5.39795727,7.00897959 C3.1510918,7.22938776 1.37003992,9.27183673 1.37003992,11.755102 C1.37003992,12.1077551 1.41114111,12.4457143 1.46594271,12.7689796 Z" transform="translate(7.000000, 9.000000) scale(-1, 1) rotate(-180.000000) translate(-7.000000, -9.000000) "></path></g></g></svg>Record From Anywhere</a></li><li><a href="/features#episodeBuilder"><svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 20 20" class=""><g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g transform="translate(2.000000, 2.000000)" fill="#292F36" fill-rule="nonzero"><g><g><path d="M0.941176471,0 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L0.941176471,4.70588235 C0.421379059,4.70588235 1.74679126e-16,4.28450329 1.11022302e-16,3.76470588 L0,0.941176471 C-6.36568236e-17,0.421379059 0.421379059,9.54852354e-17 0.941176471,0 Z M1.88235294,1.38819527 L1.88235294,3.14243458 C1.88235294,3.27238394 1.98769771,3.3777287 2.11764706,3.3777287 C2.16520377,3.3777287 2.21164424,3.36331802 2.25084698,3.33639618 L3.5280814,2.45927653 C3.63520344,2.38571224 3.66240736,2.23923703 3.58884307,2.132115 C3.57249063,2.10830308 3.55189333,2.08770577 3.5280814,2.07135333 L2.25084698,1.19423367 C2.14372495,1.12066939 1.99724975,1.14787331 1.92368546,1.25499535 C1.89676362,1.29419809 1.88235294,1.34063856 1.88235294,1.38819527 Z"></path></g></g></g></g></svg>Episode Builder</a></li><li><a href="/features#editingTools"><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g id="Editing" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g id="trimming" transform="rotate(90 9 10)"><path d="M13.5296455,0.947368421 L9.15767372,6.67916531 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fill="#292F36" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path d="M13.2033241,11.1020182 C11.5462839,11.1020182 10.2030867,12.4453972 10.2030867,14.1022556 C10.2030867,15.759114 11.5462839,17.1024931 13.2033241,17.1024931 C14.8603643,17.1024931 16.2035615,15.759114 16.2035615,14.1022556 C16.2035615,12.4453972 14.8603643,11.1020182 13.2033241,11.1020182 Z M13.2033241,15.8296651 C12.2494304,15.8296651 11.4759147,15.0563311 11.4759147,14.1022556 C11.4759147,13.1481801 12.2494304,12.3748462 13.2033241,12.3748462 C14.1572178,12.3748462 14.9307335,13.1481801 14.9307335,14.1022556 C14.9307335,15.0563311 14.1572178,15.8296651 13.2033241,15.8296651 Z" id="Shape" fill="#292F36" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><rect id="Rectangle-13" x="0.274" y="0.274" width="17.053" height="17.053"></rect></g></g></svg>Editing Tools</a></li><li><a href="/features#creationTools"><svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 20 20" class=""><g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g 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8.40098771,4.74074074 8.13675214,4.74074074 Z"></path><path d="M4.30769231,10.6666667 C5.66504211,10.6666667 6.76923077,9.51173494 6.76923077,8.09200805 L6.76923077,2.57465861 C6.76923077,1.15493172 5.66504211,0 4.30769231,0 C2.95034251,0 1.84615385,1.15493172 1.84615385,2.57465861 L1.84615385,8.09183396 C1.84615385,9.51173494 2.95034251,10.6666667 4.30769231,10.6666667 Z"></path></g></g></g></svg>Creation Tools</a></li><li><a href="/features#transcribedVideos"><svg width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M7.157 3h3.5797L8.6116 5.6783H5.0319L7.157 3zM5.9764 3L3.8512 5.6783H2V4c0-.5523.4477-1 1-1h2.9764zm9.3884 0l-2.1251 2.6783H9.7922L11.9174 3h3.4474zm1.1807 0H17c.5523 0 1 .4477 1 1v1.6783h-3.5797L16.5455 3zM18 6.5304V16c0 .5523-.4477 1-1 1H3c-.5523 0-1-.4477-1-1V6.5304h16zM8.6116 9.499v4.0332a.4.4 0 0 0 .6147.3375l3.1696-2.0166a.4.4 0 0 0 0-.675L9.2263 9.1615a.4.4 0 0 0-.6147.3375z" fill="#292F36" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg>Transcribed Videos</a></li><li><a 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0,12.2666667 C0,12.6997333 0.250133333,13.0085333 0.633066667,13.3333333 L3.2,15.4666667 C3.60853333,15.7914667 3.86666667,16 4.26666667,16 C4.8816,16 5.33333333,15.5045333 5.33333333,14.9333333 L5.33333333,13.3333333 L14.9333333,13.3333333 C15.5226667,13.3333333 16,12.856 16,12.2666667 C16,11.6773333 15.5226667,11.2 14.9333333,11.2 Z"></path></g></g></svg>Switch to Anchor</a></li></ul></li><li role="presentation" class="styles__howToStartAPodcastLink___qtwla"><a href="/sponsorships">Sponsorships</a></li><li role="presentation" class="styles__howToStartAPodcastLink___qtwla"><a href="/switch">Switch to Anchor</a></li><li role="presentation"><a href="https://help.anchor.fm">HELP</a></li><li role="presentation" class=""><a href="/login">Log In</a></li><li role="presentation" class=""><a href="/signup">Sign up</a></li></ul></div></div></nav></div><div class="styles__appChildrenContainer___1gAYY"><audio src="https://d3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net/production/2018-6-25/3772404-44100-2-7c00eac9af194.m4a"></audio><link type="audio/mp4" crossOrigin="crossorigin" rel="preload" href="https://d3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net/production/2018-6-25/3772404-44100-2-7c00eac9af194.m4a" as="audio"/><div class="styles__profileBackground___3Wnyj"><div class="styles__headerBackdrop___1r-nN"><div><div><div class="row"><div class="col-md-12"><div class="styles__podcastHeading___35fce"><div><img alt="RadioRotary" class="styles__podcastImage___SEIe9" src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/></div><div class="styles__headerContentContainer___2ZU-9"><div class="styles__podcastNameContainer___2ccZa"><h1 class="styles__title___1Av3V">Highland Rotary’s 12th Annual Ribfest (August 13 & 14, 2016)</h1><h2 class="styles__subtitle___3yAeX">An episode of RadioRotary </h2></div><div class="styles__podcastCreatorContainer___3ngbc"><div class="styles__podcastCreator___3HUA2"><div class="styles__stationCreator___3ZkQn"><div class="styles__stationCreatorName___CzKGs"><div style="overflow:hidden"><div>By Jonah Triebwasser</div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="styles__creatorUrlMobile___wDzha"><a class="styles__userUrl___13-js jsOutboundLink" href="http://www.RadioRotary.org" data-vars-outbound-link="http://www.RadioRotary.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">www.RadioRotary.org</a></div><div class="styles__mobileCTAContainer___jTA6Q"></div><div class="styles__podcastDescriptionContainer___1qL4a">In RadioRotary’s weekly 30 minute interviews, two entertaining professional radio hosts, Sarah O’Connell and Jonah Triebwasser, chat with Rotarians and non-Rotarians, people who live by Rotary’s motto, “Service above Self.” Guests are humanitarians who work on many levels in programs that address such important issues as poverty, education, health, the environment, and employment and vocations. Each interview provides timely information that focuses on improving the quality of life for everyone, both here and abroad. <div class="styles__userElsewhere___2OGxu"><a class="styles__userUrl___13-js jsOutboundLink" href="http://www.RadioRotary.org" data-vars-outbound-link="http://www.RadioRotary.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">www.RadioRotary.org</a></div><div class="styles__desktopCTASection___2n4ky"><div><button class="styles__listenInButton___2Jal2">Listen in your favorite app</button><div class="styles__promotedListeningPlatformAvailableOnOtherPlatformsContainer___93dNd"><div class="styles__promotedListeningPlatformAvailableOnOtherPlatformsButton___1lxrS">Available on <!-- -->11<!-- --> <!-- -->platforms</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeed___3mOKz"><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Odyssey--a-Church-for-the-Developmentally-Disabled-Aired-On-December-29--30--2018-e30nq5"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_episode400/789394/789394-1548192678604-6fbf3052e4a8e.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Odyssey--a-Church-for-the-Developmentally-Disabled-Aired-On-December-29--30--2018-e30nq5"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Odyssey, a Church for the Developmentally Disabled (Aired On December 29 & 30, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pastor Steve Dambra visits RadioRotary to tell about the Odyssey Church, which serves the developmentally disabled community of Dutchess County (and others who choose to attend). Located at the ARC Vocational Center in Poughkeepsie, Odyssey provides the all the services you expect from a Christian Church—a Sunday service at 10:00 a.m. that is filled with hymns and prayers, Bible study, even baptisms. Sermons are kept simple, focusing on a single topic.
Much of the congregation is bussed in from group homes around the county. Members of the congregation participate in the organization in many ways. The church is also planning to partake in a celebration run by the Tim Tebow Foundation, called “A Night to Shine,” a prom night where every participant is a King or Queen of the Prom. Odyssey Church is part of the outreach from the Hopewell Reformed Church, a pillar of religion and good works in Dutchess Country that has been active since 1757.
Learn more:
Odyssey Church: http://www.odysseychurch.org/
Hopewell Reformed Church: http://www.hrcrca.org/
The ARC of Dutchess: https://arcdutchess.org/
Tim Tebow Foundation Night to Shine:
Developmentally Disabled
Events</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">29:52</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">January 22, 2019</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Video-Explorations-of-the-Hudson-Valley-Aired-On-January-12--13--2019-e2vulv"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_episode400/789394/789394-1547899349063-9adcf8d3ac86d.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Video-Explorations-of-the-Hudson-Valley-Aired-On-January-12--13--2019-e2vulv"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Video Explorations of the Hudson Valley (Aired On January 12 & 13, 2019)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Seth Collegrave is a young composer and videographer who has been developing multimedia presentations of the history and prominent landmarks in the Hudson Valley. Having grown up in the lower Hudson Valley, he came to appreciate how important the region has been in US history. After studying composition and media at the Berkley School of Music in Boston and a brief period working in Los Angeles, Mr. Collegrave returned to his native territory where he formed Empire Explorer to produce short Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube features of the regions historic buildings. Listen as Sarah O’Connell-Claitor and Jonah Triebwasser interview Mr. Collegrave about his work and his explorations of the Hudson Valley.
Learn more:
Empire Explorer: http://www.empireexplorer.com/
Empire Explorer on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/empireexplorer/
Empire Explorer on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/empireexplorer/
Empire Explorer on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-G0SiKvvxTwNjwvuC17rhA
Hudson Valley
</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">29:59</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">January 19, 2019</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Improves-Spirits-of-Ill-Children-Aired-on-February-5-and-6--2019-e2tqjj"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_episode400/789394/789394-1547093132970-c19a6493f2452.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Improves-Spirits-of-Ill-Children-Aired-on-February-5-and-6--2019-e2tqjj"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Improves Spirits of Ill Children (Aired on February 5 and 6, 2019)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Clarkstown-Sunrise Rotarians Past District Governor Nick Constantino and club President Alex Duenas tell RadioRotary about their visit to Neiva, Colombia, where the Huellas Fundación brings laughter into the lives of terminal ill children in four hospitals. In English, the Huellas Fundación is the Footprints Foundation with Meaning of Life. Teenagers and college students form the basis of the Foundation, dressing as clowns to amuse the children and, with the help of the Neiva Noches Plateñas Rotary and the Make-a-Wish Foundation, find ways to provide the children with last wishes. Constantino and Duenas joined in the entertainment dressed as clowns (Mr. Constantino in costume was given the name “Dr Cute,” which Rotarians in District 7210 will certainly endorse.) Listen to the heartwarming stories of the children and the good works of the participating Rotary clubs.
Learn more:
Clarkstown-Sunrise Rotary: https://www.clarkstownsunriserotary.com/
Huellas Foundation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FundacionHuellasConSentidoDeVida/
Neiva Noches Plateñas Rotary: https://rotary4281.org/clubes-en-huila/neiva-noches-platenas/
Make A Wish International: https://www.worldwish.org/en
Rotary Club Projects
(photo by Jonah Triebwasser)</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">30:00</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">January 10, 2019</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Mental-Health-America-Dutchess-Merges-with-MARC-Aired-on-December-22-and-23--2018-e2s9gu"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_episode400/789394/789394-1546454507407-055efeb0036af.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Mental-Health-America-Dutchess-Merges-with-MARC-Aired-on-December-22-and-23--2018-e2s9gu"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Mental Health America Dutchess Merges with MARC (Aired on December 22 and 23, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Mental Health American Dutchess Country, which provides therapy and other mental-health needs, is now bringing the Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers (MARC) into its organization. Andrew O’Grady, Executive Director of the merging services, visits RadioRotary to tell about how the new relationship extends the reach of both organizations. Both are sponsors, along with People Inc. and Dutchess County, of the Stabilization Center at 230 North Road in Poughkeepsie, an urgent-care facility that is always open day or night to provide immediate therapy while helping the visitor decide appropriate next steps. A person ready to be helped can also call MARC’s Chemical Dependency Crisis Center at (845) 471-0310. Both services are free if not covered by insurance.
Learn more:
Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers (MARC): http://marc.us.com/
MARC Foundation: http://marc-foundation.org/
Mental Health America of Dutchess County: https://mhadutchess.org/
Dutchess Country Stabilization Center: http://dutchessny.gov/CountyGov/Departments/DBCH/27908.htm
Addiction Recovery
Dutchess County
Support Groups</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:34</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">January 2, 2019</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Library-after-the-Fire-Aired-On-December-29--30--2018-e2rcu0"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Library-after-the-Fire-Aired-On-December-29--30--2018-e2rcu0"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pleasant Valley Library after the Fire (Aired On December 29 & 30, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pleasant Valley Rotarians Dave and Kathy Kruger, well known to listeners to RadioRotary as producer and occasional substitute host, are also both on the Board of the Pleasant Valley Library, which suffered a terrible fire on November 6. The fire started with an electrical problem in the basement, collapsed the first floor of the building, moved up through hollow walls to the attic, and essentially destroyed the interior of the building. Quick work by the Pleasant Valley Fire Volunteers with help from eight other local fire departments, saved special items from the building and prevented complete collapse—the shell of the 150-year-old building is still intact, and plans are underway to create a new building that will maintain that façade. Listen to the show to hear the Krugers explain the plans for the library in the future and find out how you can help the rebuilding.
Learn more:
Pleasant Valley Library: http://pleasantvalleylibrary.org/
Pleasant Valley Library on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pleasantvalleylibrary/
Mid-Hudson Library System Catalog: http://search.midhudsonlibraries.org/iii/encore/?lang=eng
Mid-Hudson Library System on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MidHudsonLibrarySystem/
Disaster Relief
Literacy</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:54</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">December 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-ARC-Westchester-Aired-On-December-15--16--2018-e2qgft"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_episode400/789394/789394-1545400468123-873e79c26d9cf.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-ARC-Westchester-Aired-On-December-15--16--2018-e2qgft"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The ARC Westchester (Aired On December 15 & 16, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The ARC Westchester supports more than 2,000 children, teens, and adults who cope with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including (but not limited to) autism, cerebral palsy, and Down syndrome. Millie Gaines, one of the 800 or so employees who works with clients at The ARC Westchester, visits the RadioRotary studios to describe some of the programs, which range from testing infants and young children through to residential services for independent living. Programs can be grouped into six categories: early childhood, day services, career and employment, family support, staying healthy, and living at home. Some clients volunteer to help other charitable programs, while some volunteers become interns who help the clients. It is a fascinating story.
Learn more:
ARC of Westchester: https://www.arcwestchester.org/
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: https://report.nih.gov/nihfactsheets/ViewFactSheet.aspx?csid=100
Autism: https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/autism-spectrum-disorders-asd/index.shtml
Cerebral Palsy: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/cp/facts.html
Down Syndrome: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/down-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20355977
Developmentally Disabled
Service Organizations
</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">29:41</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">December 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-BOCES-Plans-and-Programs-Aired-On-December-8--9--2018-e2pbdg"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-BOCES-Plans-and-Programs-Aired-On-December-8--9--2018-e2pbdg"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dutchess BOCES Plans and Programs (Aired On December 8 & 9, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) for Dutchess Country
serves students from the 13 school districts in the County at its Salt Point
Turnpike Campus with career and technical education, adult education, and
special-needs education. It also provides an Alternative High School in an
industrial park off the Dutchess Turnpike. But all of that is scheduled to be
improved or changed after the December 11, 2018, vote in which 84% of
Dutchess voters supported a $36.8 million capital improvement plan, the first in
50 years. In this RadioRotary program, BOCES District Superintendent Dr.
Richard Hooley describes the current programs and plans for the future. Among
other projects, BOCES will consolidate all its K-12 programs on one campus,
improve campus security, address compliance with the American Disabilities Act,
and enhance the existing facilities. Listen to the program to find out about
everything available from adult nursing education to welding training.
Learn more:
Dutchess Country BOCES: https://dcboces.org/
New York State’s BOCES Programs: https://www.boces.org/
Career, Technical, and Adult Education:
Dutchess County
Vocational</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">29:58</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">December 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Angels-of-Light-for-the-Holidays--Aired-On-December-1--2--2018-e2np13"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Angels-of-Light-for-the-Holidays--Aired-On-December-1--2--2018-e2np13"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Angels of Light for the Holidays (Aired On December 1 & 2, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The guest on RadioRotary for this program is Lori Decker, who with her husband George formed Angels of Light of the Hudson Valley about 15 years ago when they learned of a family that was dealing with a young very ill daughter—and the busy holiday season was at hand. The Deckers took over providing presents and other help for the family, a practice that became the origin of a charity that does the same throughout the Hudson Valley for families who have a child with a life-threatening illness. Although Angels of Light is based in Millbrook, NY, many of the families are residents of Ronald MacDonald House in Valhalla, NY, or have children being treated at nearby Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital. Volunteers often donate presents for children or the charity provides them. Other volunteers wrap and deliver the gifts to the families. Many gifts are donated through “giving trees,” found in local businesses throughout the area. Funds for the 501(c)3 charity are also raised at events, such as a holiday brunch at Monte’s Local Kitchen in Amenia, NY.
Learn more:
Angels of Light of the Hudson Valley: http://www.angelsoflighthudsonvalley.org/
Facebook: Angles of Light: https://www.facebook.com/angelsoflighthudsonvalley/
Ronald MacDonald House of the Greater Hudson Valley: https://rmh-ghv.org/
Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital: https://www.mariafarerichildrens.org/
Monte’s Local Kitchen and Tap Room: https://www.monteskitchen.com/
Hudson Valley
Support Groups</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">30:00</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">December 9, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Vassar-Haiti-Project-Aired-on-November-10-and-11--2018-e2kch2"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Vassar-Haiti-Project-Aired-on-November-10-and-11--2018-e2kch2"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Vassar-Haiti Project (Aired on November 10 and 11, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>For eighteen years, the Vassar-Haiti Project, started and still directed by Lila Meade and her husband Andrew, assistant dean of international students at Vassar College, has improved the lives of Haitians in the remote mountaintop village of Chermaitre and its surroundings. Vassar sophomore Mary McCarthy, publicity director of the project, and Lila Meade were the guests on RadioRotary for this show. Ms. McCarthy was inspired to work on the project by reading Mountains Beyond Mountains, a biography of Paul Farmer, founder of Partners in Health. As a result of the project, which raises funds primarily by selling Haitian paintings and crafts, Chermaitre and the surrounding area is served by a 250-student school, a clinic that treats 3,000 patients annually, and clean water, the last from a Rotary Global Grant sponsored by the Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotary. Vassar now has a Rotaract Club, which is seeking grant money from Rotary to provide the clinic with electricity. It is inspiring work.
Learn more:
The Vassar Haiti Project: http://www.thehaitiproject.org/
Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotary: http://rotary7210.org/arlington/
The Rotary Foundation Global Grants: https://my.rotary.org/en/take-action/apply-grants/global-grants
Mountains Beyond Mountains: https://www.tracykidder.com/mountains-beyond-mountains.html
Partners in Health: https://www.pih.org/
Rotaract: https://www.rotary.org/en/get-involved/rotaract-clubs
International Programs
Rotary Club Projects
Rotary Foundation
Water Projects</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">30:01</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">November 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hearts--Dreams--and-Laughs-Aired-On-October-20--21--2018-e2f9cp"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hearts--Dreams--and-Laughs-Aired-On-October-20--21--2018-e2f9cp"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Hearts, Dreams, and Laughs (Aired On October 20 & 21, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Nick Constantino (Clarkstown Sunrise Rotary Club) and Alexandra Duenas, president of Clarkstown Sunrise, are two of the Rotarians working in partnership with the Neiva Noches Plateñas Rotary to help terminally ill children in and around Neiva, Colombia. The project is called “Hearts, Dreams and Laughs,” because it mostly consists of hiring professional clowns and other entertainers to bring some smiles to the nearly 200 children in hospitals in and around Nieva who will probably live the rest of their young lives in the hospitals. Clarkston Sunrise hopes to raise enough money to fund the project for a year. Both Nick and Alexandria are also suitcases filled with toys, including Beanie Babies supplied by Spring Valley Rotary, as they visit the hospitals. The project is Rotary all the way, since Clarkston Sunrise learned of it from Alexandra’s cousin, who is in president of Neiva Noches Plateñas Rotary—and you can learn more about it by listening to the interview with Past District Governor Nick Constantino on RadioRotary—and learn a little about Nick as well.
Learn more:
Neiva Noches Plateñas Rotary Club: http://rotary4281.org/clubes-en-huila/neiva-noches-platenas/
Clarkstown Sunrise Rotary Club: https://www.clarkstownsunriserotary.com/
Clarkstown Sunrise Rotary on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=clarkstown sunrise rotary
Spring Valley Rotary Club: http://www.springvalleyrotaryny.org/
Humanitarian Service
International Programs
Rotary Club Projects
</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">30:00</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">October 23, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Animal-Farm-Foundation--Aired-On-October-13--14--2018-e2f90b"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Animal-Farm-Foundation--Aired-On-October-13--14--2018-e2f90b"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Animal Farm Foundation (Aired On October 13 & 14, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>You may never have heard about canine discrimination, but you will learn a lot from this fascinating interview with Stacey Coleman and Nicole Juchem of the Animal Farm Foundation. The Foundation, which started in the 1980s as a refuse farm for horses, it now is a nationwide advocate for pit bulls and a trainer and supplier of service dogs. It specialized in training dogs for very specific tasks, such as opening doors. Among its programs are training K9 dogs for police departments, dogs that learn to detect drugs or hidden weapons. The Foundation works with inmates at Rikers Island Correctional Facility, where inmates socialize dogs and teach them basic canine manners. The dogs are recruited from animal shelters. If the dog turns out to be resistant to training, the Foundation finds a suitable family to adopt it.
Learn more:
Animal Farm Foundation, Inc.: https://animalfarmfoundation.org/
Animal Farm on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/animalfarmfoundation/
Pit Bull Discrimination: https://www.aspca.org/about-us/aspca-policy-and-position-statements/position-statement-pit-bulls
Service Dogs and Emotional Support Animals: https://usaservicedogs.org/
Humanitarian Service
Quality of Life
Service Organizations
</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">30:00</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">October 23, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hudson-Valley-Veterans-Alliance-Aired-On-October-6--7--2018-e2f8uj"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hudson-Valley-Veterans-Alliance-Aired-On-October-6--7--2018-e2f8uj"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Hudson Valley Veterans Alliance (Aired On October 6 & 7, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Zach Kirshner of the Hudson Valley Veterans Alliance, an organization that bridges the gap between serving the nation and services available to veterans. Since 2016 the volunteers of the Veterans Alliance have connected veterans with housing, mental health assistance, physical health needs, financial aid, and other useful services. The volunteers themselves have come together to provide assistance on such tasks as installing water heaters or septic tanks. All of their services are free to veterans of any US war or their families. Veterans often have a difficult time making the transition to civilian life or may have special problems resulting from exposure to toxic agents or enemy fire during their service, so they may need the extra help the Veterans Alliance provides.
Learn more:
Hudson Valley Veterans Alliance: https://www.hudsonvalleyveteransalliance.org/
Vet2Vet of Dutchess Country: https://mhadutchess.org/programs-for-veterans/
My Brother Vinny: https://www.mybrothervinny.org/index.html
Dutchess Country Division of Veterans Services: http://www.co.dutchess.ny.us/CountyGov/Departments/VeteransAffairs/VAindex.htm
VA Hudson Valley Health Care System: https://www.hudsonvalley.va.gov/
Hudson River Housing: http://hudsonriverhousing.org/
Financial Aid
Housing Assistance
Hudson Valley
Support Groups</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">30:42</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">October 23, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Ulster-Italian-American-Festival-Aired-On-September-29--30--2018-e2f721"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Ulster-Italian-American-Festival-Aired-On-September-29--30--2018-e2f721"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Ulster Italian-American Festival (Aired On September 29 & 30, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Hudson Valley has a rich heritage of Italian immigration, making Putnam, Dutchess, Orange, Ulster, and Rockland counties among those with the highest percentages of Italian-Americans in the entire nation. The annual Italian-American Festival on the Kingston Waterfront celebrates this heritage with food, music, and Italian-American-themed products—free admission and free parking. It is a project of the Ulster County Italian-American Foundation, whose president, Highland Rotarian Tony Marmo, is this week’s guest on RadioRotary along with Anna Brett, who is chair of the fourth annual festival. The Italian-American Foundation supports its legacy in part with a dozen annual scholarships to college for students with an Italian heritage. The festival not only features many popular Italian food items, but also a wide selection of Italian wines and beers, as well as a spaghetti-eating contest and lessons in pizza-dough tossing.
Learn more:
Ulster Country Italian American Foundation: http://www.ucitalianamericanfoundation.org/
Kingston, NY, Waterfront: http://thekingstonwaterfront.com/
American Italian Heritage Museum: http://www.americanitalianmuseum.org/
Highland Rotary: https://highlandrotaryclub.com/
Hudson Valley
</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">29:50</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">October 23, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Taste-of-Greater-Newburgh--September-22--23--2018-e29ljc"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Taste-of-Greater-Newburgh--September-22--23--2018-e29ljc"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Taste of Greater Newburgh (September 22 & 23, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Newburgh Rotarians Doug Sturomski and Andrew Ciccone visit RadioRotary to describe the club’s annual fundraiser, The Taste of Greater Newburgh, which takes place under a tent on the campus of Mount Saint Mary College, making it a rain-or-shine event. Over two-dozen food or drink vendors provide an all-you-can-eat-or-drink experience for a modest per-person fee. The money raised each year supports the numerous community activities of Newburgh Rotary, ranging from Meals on Wheels and school supplies for needy children to the Greater Newburgh Symphony Orchestra. Doug Sturomski is also active in the Peace Pole Project, helping install poles with the message “May peace prevail on Earth” in eight languages around the eight counties of Rotary District 7210. Andrew Ciccone in addition to Rotary duties is on the Board of the Clove Creek Dinner Theater in Fishkill, a frequent venue for charitable fundraisers.
Learn more:
The Taste of Greater Newburgh: https://www.tasteofgreaternewburgh.com/</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">29:50</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">September 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Helping-the-Public-with-Legal-Issues-Sept--15--16--2018-e29f3n"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Helping-the-Public-with-Legal-Issues-Sept--15--16--2018-e29f3n"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Helping the Public with Legal Issues (Sept. 15 & 16, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotarian Veronica McMillan, an attorney, and Janna Whearty, Executive Director of the Dutchess Country Bar Association, on the programs of the Country Bar, an organization of 548 attorneys practicing in Dutchess County and the Hudson Valley. The group is best known for evaluating candidates for judgeships, but it does much more. One of the useful services is based in the different specialties of lawyers; the Lawyer Referral Service directs persons in need of legal help to attorneys who specialize in the problem, whether it be patent law; wills, health-care proxies, or power of attorney; real-estate transactions; consumer issues; or criminal matters. The Bar Association is also involved in the continuous education required of licensed attorneys. Every May the Association sponsors the annual Law Day event.
Learn more:
Dutchess Country Bar Association: http://dutchesscountybar.org/
</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">30:00</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">September 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Patterson-Blues--BBQ-Festival-September-8-amp-9--2018-e28bh8"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Patterson-Blues--BBQ-Festival-September-8-amp-9--2018-e28bh8"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Patterson Blues & BBQ Festival (September 8 &amp; 9, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary co-hosts Sarah O’Connell-Claitor and Jonah Triebwasser interview two Patterson Rotarians, Billy Flash and Paul Toscana, about the Patterson Rotary’s annual Blues and BBQ Festival, a music-and-food tradition in Putnam County for the past seven years. Unlike most similar events, admission and parking are both free, which includes enjoying as many as nine different bands
playing blues, rock-and-roll, and jazz (over the two days of the festival). The only cost is for food and drink purchased directly from the Rotary Club, which smokes
its own ribs and barbecues pulled-pork and even bakes the baguettes for sandwiches. They even take care to use a locally raised hog for the pork. In addition to the food, the music by local musicians and stars from the New York Blues Hall of Fame is a big attraction at the outdoor event.
Learn more:
Patterson Rotary Club: https://www.pattersonrotary.org/</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">30:01</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">September 17, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Reher-Center-in-Roundout--Kingston--September-1--22--2018-e282ph"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Reher-Center-in-Roundout--Kingston--September-1--22--2018-e282ph"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Reher Center in Roundout, Kingston (September 1 & 22, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>
RadioRotary interviews Geoff Miller, Chair of the Steering Committee for the Reher Center for Immigrant Culture and History, a project of the Jewish Federation of Ulster County. The Center is a museum celebrating all the immigrants who settled the region, not just the Jews, and occupies a 19th-century Jewish bakery that primarily served the immigrants who streamed into America throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries. The museum aims to depict immigrant life of that period. The Reher Center, at 99-101 Broadway in the Historic Roundout waterfront of Kingston, New York, is located in the part of Kingston that was originally a small community on the Hudson, while Kingston itself occupied the bluff above the river. The Center is a work in progress, with the museum only open a few hours a week at present. Tours require special arrangements.
Learn more:
Reher Center for Immigrant Culture and History: https://www.rehercenter.org/</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">30:00</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">September 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Local-Legends-Retold-and-More-August-25--26--2018-e27u9t"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Local-Legends-Retold-and-More-August-25--26--2018-e27u9t"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Local Legends Retold and More (August 25 & 26, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Hudson Valley has a long history of ghosts and mysteries, but the most famous may be the Headless Horseman, a figure from Washington Irving’s short story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, loosely based on a legend from the American Revolution. RadioRotary interviews Jonathan Kruk and his wife, film-maker Andrea Sadler Kruk. It is Jonathan who tells the story of the Headless Horseman in Sleepy Hollow’s Old Dutch Church (among the oldest buildings in the Hudson Valley) every October, and Andrea who has filmed it. The two are both storytellers going well beyond the tale of the Headless Horseman. Jonathan regales audiences many local legends at schools and other venues around the Hudson Valley; Andrea makes documentary films, including The Sacred Run, which combines traditional stories of indigenous peoples from both North America and Japan.
Learn more:
Jonathan Kruk: https://www.jonathankruk.com/
</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">30:00</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">September 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Kingston-Rotary--Oldest-in-District-August-18--19--2018-e27rvb"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Kingston-Rotary--Oldest-in-District-August-18--19--2018-e27rvb"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Kingston Rotary, Oldest in District (August 18 & 19, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews President Mike Fick and Alicia Marcinkowski of the recently merged Kingston Rotary Club, which manages to be both the newest and oldest Rotary in District 7210 at the same time. It is newest because of the recent merger of the Kingston Sunshine Club with the original Kingston Rotary and the oldest as the original club originated in 1916, just 11 years after Rotary started in Chicago. The merged club has both breakfast and lunch meetings, alternating weekly. The club is responsible for Kingston Point Rotary Park, a site of barbecues (barbecue is very important to the club) and the annual Mutt Strutt.
The programs describes many of the activities and good works of the club, including support for the Patriots home for homeless veterans.
Learn more:
Rotary Club of Kingston: https://portal.clubrunner.ca/2222 &
</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">31:13</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">September 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Biggest--Best-Barbecue-Aired-On-August-11--12--2018-e275eh"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Biggest--Best-Barbecue-Aired-On-August-11--12--2018-e275eh"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Biggest, Best Barbecue (Aired On August 11 & 12, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Recorded live by RadioRotary at the Highland Rotary Club, Highland Rotarians Steve Laubach and Don Verity tell about the glories of eating barbecue (and listening to music) at the fourteenth annual Hudson Valley Ribfest, the biggest, best barbecue in New York State, which takes place every August at Ulster County Fairgrounds just outside New Paltz. In addition to great food and music by local performers, the Ribfest has many activities for children and some special events. The $7 admission (free parking) is waived on Friday night for holders of advance tickets. Features include the Chef Demonstration Tent, where local chefs provide cooking and decorating tips and also offer free samples of the foods being demonstrated. In Competition Alley, individual barbecue chefs compete for cash prizes and a grand prize of the State Championship and entry into the World Series of Barbecue in Kansas City.
Hudson Valley Ribfest: https://hudsonvalleyribfest.org/</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">32:06</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">September 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Toronto-Rotary-Convention--Part-3-August-4--5--2018-e1vp8g"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Toronto-Rotary-Convention--Part-3-August-4--5--2018-e1vp8g"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Toronto Rotary Convention, Part 3 (August 4 & 5, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews three distinguished Rotarians: Donna Gunn of the Lakeway/Lake Travis (Texas) Rotary Club, Peggy Rogers of Sebastopol (California) Rotary, and Rotary 2017-18 President Ian H.S. Riseley of the Sandringham (Australia) Club as all visit the International Convention in Toronto, Ontario. Ms. Gunn is Special Projects Chair of Rotary 3D Limbs, which proved 3D printed limbs, primarily legs, for children in need. The printed limbs not only cost less than 1% of hand-made and fitted limbs. They can be adjusted to make an exact fit for no extra cost and are adjustable in length so that they grow with the child. Ms. Rogers is representing the Family Safety Rotary Action Group (RAG), dedicated to breaking the cycle of domestic violence, which can affect men and children as well as women. RI President Riseley looks back at his tree-planting campaign and other hallmarks of his year, as well as outlining a path for the future of Rotary.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:21</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">August 8, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/American-Cancer-Society-July-28th-and-July-29th--2018-e1u56u"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/American-Cancer-Society-July-28th-and-July-29th--2018-e1u56u"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>American Cancer Society (July 28th and July 29th, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Mid-Hudson American Cancer Society (Aired on July 28 and 29, 2018)
Kristine Revelle of the American Cancer Society in the Mid-Hudson comes to RadioRotary to discuss the many ways that the Cancer Society is fighting the hundreds of diseases that we lump together as cancer.
The Society emphasizes education about the causes of cancer, advocacy for cancer issues with local and national governments, research on the causes and cures of cancer, and services for the victims of cancer. The Mid-Hudson Region has been at the forefront of cancer=prevent studies since 1959. Ms. Revelle tells listeners ways that they can reduce their risk of developing cancer and outlines resources from the Society to help in recovery. Events, such as the annual Breast Cancer Walk and the campaign “Real Men Wear Pink” help not only to raise money for the Society but also create awareness.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">29:58</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">August 1, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Weekend-Fun-Aired-on-July-21-and-22--2018-e1t96g"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Weekend-Fun-Aired-on-July-21-and-22--2018-e1t96g"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pleasant Valley Weekend Fun (Aired on July 21 and 22, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Mary Albrecht of the Town of Pleasant Valley visits RadioRotary to describe the annual festival known as Pleasant Valley Week end, which has moved from its previous time in September to July. The event features three separate parades through the hamlet—a motorcycle parade on Friday, the big parade and fireworks on Saturday, and a parade of automobiles on Sunday. Most of the events and activities during the event are aimed at children (although Pleasant Valley Rotary runs a beer-and-wine tent), including a Ferris wheel and other rides, contests of various kinds, and a “Little Miss Pleasant Valley” pageant for girls 5 to 7 years old. But the whole family can enjoy the bands, the country music, and the typical carnival foods, as well as the race of plastic ducks down nearby Wappingers Creek.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">29:44</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Toronto-Rotary-Convention--Part-2-July-14-and-15--2018-e1t928"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Toronto-Rotary-Convention--Part-2-July-14-and-15--2018-e1t928"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Toronto Rotary Convention, Part 2 (July 14 and 15, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Here are four more stories of people putting service before self from the 2018 Toronto Rotary International Convention. Sole 4 Souls not only distributes shoes and other clothing around the world, but also creates sustainable jobs in third-world nations. World Bicycle Relief does not provide relief for bicycles, but provides bicycles for relief of travel problems in places with bad roads or none. The specially designed bicycles are strong enough for bumpy rides and easy to
repair if needed. Rise Against Hunger recognizes that there is food enough for every person on the planet, but 815 million people, many of them children, go hungry because food is unequally distributed. The volunteers at Rise Against Hunger work on assembly lines to produce nourishing food packages; often the volunteers are Rotarians. Rotary is most known, however, for its steps to end polio now, which is discussed by Al Bonney of Traverse City Rotary. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:08</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Toronto-Rotary-Convention--Part-1-July-7--2018-e1t901"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Toronto-Rotary-Convention--Part-1-July-7--2018-e1t901"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Toronto Rotary Convention, Part 1 (July 7, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Each year RadioRotary takes its microphone to the Rotary International Convention, which in 2018 is in Toronto, Ontario. Some 24,000 Rotarians are in attendance and RadioRotary gets as many of the great stories as it can. One of the interviews in this show is with Ellen Haggerty, a Pleasant Valley Rotarian whose mission to improve hearing and make life easier for those who are hearing impaired takes her all over the world. Her organization, Rotarians for Hearing, is one of the many Rotary Action Groups, or RAGs, that deal with specific issues. One of the highlights of the RadioRotary interviews at the International Convention is the interview with the new president of Rotary International; for 2018-19, it is Barry Rassin from the Rotary Club of East Nassau in the Bahamas.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:06</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Preventing-Child-Abuse-Aired-on-June-30th-and-July-1-2018-e1t8tm"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Preventing-Child-Abuse-Aired-on-June-30th-and-July-1-2018-e1t8tm"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Preventing Child Abuse (Aired on June 30th and July 1 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Kimberly Kochen, Executive Director of The Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse, located in Poughkeepsie, N, the nonprofit agency dedicated to the reduction of child maltreatment since 1973. Among their programs are outreach to elementary schools for educating children and to PTAs
and other groups for educating adults. Almost 17,000 children per year are
served, mostly through lessons in schools, ranging from puppet shows for younger children to more formal teaching though grade 6. Child abuse is a major problem but only about one in a thousand children will report it. Everyone who suspects child abuse should call the NYS Central Registry at 1(800) 342-3720 or in case of immediate harm, 911. Parents and others are urged to “trust your gut” if you suspect anything, and take action immediately. Abuse during childhood
often affects the person abused for his or her entire life.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:15</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-fun-and-fellowship-of-Rotary-June-23rd--24th--2018-e1t8q6"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-fun-and-fellowship-of-Rotary-June-23rd--24th--2018-e1t8q6"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The fun and fellowship of Rotary (June 23rd & 24th, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>District Governor 2018-19 Christine Giangrasso (Aired on June 23 and 24, 2018) A long-standing tradition of RadioRotary is the interview with each incoming District Governor (DG) of District 7210, the person who will lead the 55 clubs in 8 counties that make up the District. From July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2018, that person will be Christine (“Chrissy G.”) Giangrasso of the Highland Rotary Club. DG Giangrasso brings to the District an attitude of “We Can Do It,” inspired by World War II’s Rosy the Riveter, Sylvia Whitlock (first woman Rotarian in 1987), and the women of Rotary—but not leaving out the men of Rotary. Among her goals for the 2018-19 Rotary Year are revving up the fight against opioid addiction and engaging with the 46 Interact clubs of the District. As a member of Highland Rotary as well as DG, she will be involved in that club’s annual fundraiser, the August Ribfest at Ulster Fairgrounds.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:31</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/PUTNAM-COUNTY-4-H-JUNE-16-AND-JUNE-17--2018-e1t8ne"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/PUTNAM-COUNTY-4-H-JUNE-16-AND-JUNE-17--2018-e1t8ne"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>PUTNAM COUNTY 4-H (JUNE 16 AND JUNE 17, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Marjorie Nichols Keith, Executive Director of the Putnam Country Cornell Cooperative Extension, brings 4-H Club member Patrick Salerno to RadioRotary to help tell about the 47th annual Putnam County 4-H Fair at Veteran Memorial Park in Carmel. The Fair is a big family event with food booths, music, a Master Gardener plant sale, horse and dog shows, an auction, and activities such as Touch a Truck and a magic tent. There is free admission and free parking. Over 500 volunteers make the weekend event happen, ranging from Rotary clubs, Lions clubs, village officials, and of course 4-H clubs. If you are not in Putnam Country, you can check your county’s Cornell Cooperative Extension Website for the location and dates of the fair nearest you.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:39</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Stuff-The-Bus-Aired-on-June-9th-and-June-10th-2018-e1t8lq"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Stuff-The-Bus-Aired-on-June-9th-and-June-10th-2018-e1t8lq"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Stuff The Bus (Aired on June 9th and June 10th 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Total Transportation for Local Charities (Aired on June 9 and 10, 2018) RadioRotary interviews two employees of Total Transportation Corp., a business that goes out of its way to help local community organizations such as Rotary clubs. Vincent Marzello is the Regional Director of Operations, working out of Wappinger Falls, while MaryAnne Coe is the Location Manager in that office. Marzello and Coe describe how they loan out equipment, often with volunteer drivers (regular employees who volunteer their time), to chairitable organizations such as Pleasant Valley Rotary. The Rotary club regularly runs a “Stuff the Bus” campaign for the local food pantry, and Total Transportation provides the bus, which (festooned with a large sign) is parked in a supermarket lot until donors have filled it with food, which the bus then transmits to the food pantry. In some other recent charitable events, Total Transportation carried supplies for Puerto Rican victims of Hurricane Maria.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:06</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Haiti-Water-Project-Aired-on-June-2-and-June-3rd-2018-e1t8jg"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Haiti-Water-Project-Aired-on-June-2-and-June-3rd-2018-e1t8jg"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Haiti Water Project (Aired on June 2 and June 3rd 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotarians Gary Silver and Gary Siegel report to RadioRotary on an
important program that they have been developing and monitoring, including their 16 trips to Haiti. Working with the Rotary Club deCap-Haïtien, the Liberty Club has distributed over a thousand two-bucket water filtration systems to families in Cap-Haïtien, a historic city of about 200,000 whose water supply is not potable (suitable for drinking). This effort began as a Rotary District 2710 grant but now is funded largely by a Rotary Foundation Global Grant, which pays about $105 per family, including the cost of technicians who install the system, teach the family how to use it, and monitor it twice a month thereafter. The Liberty Club is best known for providing and coordinating disaster relief after hurricanes Katrina on the Gulf Coast, Harvey in Houston, and Maria in Puerto Rico, although they also are involved in many local community projects.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:46</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Touch-A-Truck-Aired-on-May-26-and-May-27th--2018-e1t8gq"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Touch-A-Truck-Aired-on-May-26-and-May-27th--2018-e1t8gq"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Touch A Truck (Aired on May 26 and May 27th, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>New Paltz Rotarian Toni Hokanson visits RadioRotary to promote the annual “Touch-a-Truck” fair at Ulster County Fairgrounds. While the basic attraction for kids are the trucks, with a chance to climb all over them and sound their horns, the inexpensive family outing includes much more in the way of free entertainment, ranging from the Hurd’s Family Cow Train (cars shaped like cars, pulled by a tractor) to the giant pile of mulch for young mountain-climbers to tackle. The only additional expense is for fair food or a helicopter ride. “Touch-a-Truck” is a major fundraiser for New Paltz Rotary, despite the low per person admission (truck exhibitors also support it with entrance fees), which helps support the good works of the club. These include a weekly food-backpack program for children in the New Paltz schools who would otherwise be food deprived and scholarships, including a new 2-year scholarship to SUNY Ulster College for students whose parents did not attend college. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:59</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Safe-Haven-Animal-Shelter--Wild-Life-Center-May-19--2018-e1t8cg"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Safe-Haven-Animal-Shelter--Wild-Life-Center-May-19--2018-e1t8cg"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Safe Haven Animal Shelter & Wild Life Center (May 19, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>New Animal Shelter and Wildlife Rehab (Aired on May 19 and 20, 2018)
Josephine Santoro and Carl Syslo visit RadioRotary to tell about the new Safe Haven Animal Shelter $ Wildlife Center, located in Stormville in southern Dutchess County (Town of Beekman). The first phase of their operation will be to provide a no-kill shelter for injured or orphaned dogs, which can be adopted after any necessary rehab. These dogs will be kept in kennels until adopted, but in the second phase a new building, specially designed for making dogs and cats feel
at home (and not imprisoned) will take over. The original kennel building will be remade for wildlife rehab—Ms. Santoro is a certified wildlife rehabilitator. An important adjunct to the Stormville facility is the Thrift Shop specializing in reselling donated pet-related products and household items. On Saturdays the Thrift Shop houses a Pet-Food Pantry, supplying free pet food to low-income pet owners.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:33</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Our-Rotary-Districts-Peace-Ambassador-Aired-on-May-12-and-13--2018-e1t89a"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Our-Rotary-Districts-Peace-Ambassador-Aired-on-May-12-and-13--2018-e1t89a"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Our Rotary District’s Peace Ambassador (Aired on May 12 and 13, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Greater Newburgh Rotarian Doug Sturomski, the unofficial Peace Ambassador for Rotary District 7210, returns to RadioRotary to report on two projects related to his peace mission. In this interview, he announces that he recently has dedicated or planted 10 Peace Poles at local schools. The Peace Poles for Rotary District 7210 are 8-feet high, resemble the Washington Monument, and have the message “May Peace prevail upon the Earth” in 8 languages. Another District peace project that he describes is the “Walk for Peace and Polio” at the Walkway over the Hudson, which not only promoted peace but also raised money to support the eradication of polio, one of the main goals of The Rotary Foundation in recent years.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:49</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Red-Hook-Rotarys-2018-Projects-Aired-on-May-5-and-6--2018-e1t855"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Red-Hook-Rotarys-2018-Projects-Aired-on-May-5-and-6--2018-e1t855"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Red Hook Rotary’s 2018 Projects (Aired on May 5 and 6, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary visits Red Hook Rotary’s meeting to learn about some of the many activities of the Red Hook Club. Rotarian Dave Wright is in charge of the 2018 Apple Blossom Day, the street festival that traditionally kicks off the spring-summer season in Red Hook and Tivoli. In addition to dance and music performances on the stage, there are hundreds of food and craft vendors. Club president Tim Lynch describes the Aquabox, a box similar to the more familiar ShelterBox, and also designed for disaster relief, but focusing largely on water purification, a great need in many disasters. The Aquabox also contains dozens of other items that may be needed in a disaster in addition to the water purifier. Another guest on the show was the youth-exchange inbound person from Spain,Mercedes. She describes her experiences as a visitor in Red Hook, while Red Hook Rotarian Christine Chale describes Red Hook’s participation in youth exchange.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:32</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Clean-Water-Project-in-El-Salvador-Aired-on-April-28-and-29--2018-e1t83o"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Clean-Water-Project-in-El-Salvador-Aired-on-April-28-and-29--2018-e1t83o"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Clean Water Project in El Salvador (Aired on April 28 and 29, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pearl River Rotarians Dorothy Filoramo and Ryan O’Gorman join the RadioRotary team to tell about how a visit by Ryan to El Salvador led to a project to build a well and filtration system for three small villages in that country. Ryan observed that villagers needed to bring water in plastic bags to the site where they were working. Further checking revealed that the local well was not only running dry, but its water was not safe to drink in any case. He enlisted the help of his fellow Rotarian Dorothy and together they conceived of a project to help. As a starter, with the aid of the San Miguel El Salvador Rotary they helped the villagers by providing simple filtration systems to improve the little water they had locally. Since then, they have worked toward having a deeper well dug, one thatwould also produce safely filtered water. It is an expensive project (estimated at $80,000) and they are seeking help from other Rotary clubs.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:11</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Clove-Creek-Dinner-Theater-Aired-on-April-21--2018-e1t7uj"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Clove-Creek-Dinner-Theater-Aired-on-April-21--2018-e1t7uj"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Clove Creek Dinner Theater (Aired on April 21, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dinner Theater in Dutchess Country (Aired on April 21 and 22, 2018) Felicia DiNonno, founder of the Clove Creek Dinner Theater in Fishkill, NY, and Rotarian Andrew Ciccone (Newburgh) visit RadioRotary to tell about the many fundraising opportunities available using the facilities of the dinner theater. Of course, Clove Creek Dinner Theater features new comedy theater every month interspersed with audience-participation mysteries and other special evenings along with dinners prepared by Culinary Institute chefs. Nonprofit organizations can use the shows as fundraisers in several ways. Tickets can be purchased for an evening fundraiser at a reduced rate and then sold at the regular rate or higher, with the organization pocketing the difference. Clove Creek staff will help set up drawings or contests with prizes supplied by the dinner theater and organizations can run their own raffles or silent auctions, taking home all of the money earned. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:00</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Mid-Hudson-Addiction-Recovery-Centers-MARC-Aired-on-April-14-and-15--2018-e1t7tk"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Mid-Hudson-Addiction-Recovery-Centers-MARC-Aired-on-April-14-and-15--2018-e1t7tk"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers (MARC) (Aired on April 14 and 15, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Andrew O’Grady, CEO of the Mid-Hudson Recovery Centers (MARC) and Executive Director of Mental Health America of Dutchess County (MHA) visits RadioRotary to tell about changes at MARC as it finds new ways to improve its mission of residential treatment for alcoholics and other addicts. MARC is now allied with MHA, extending the reach of both organizations. If a person in Dutchess or surrounding counties is sufferance from an addiction or mental crisis, he or she can get immediate help at the Stabilization Center at 230 North Road in Poughkeepsie, which is always open day or night and which will provide therapy up to 23 hours while helping the visitor decide what the appropriate next
steps, such a detox or other treatment, are for the specific circumstances. MARC manages nine beds in the Stabilization Center that focus on addiction and alcoholism problems. A person ready to be helped can also call MARC’s Chemical Dependency Crisis Center at (845) 471-0310. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:37</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Eye-for-Financial-Planning-Aired-on-April-7-and-8--2018-e1t7qs"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Eye-for-Financial-Planning-Aired-on-April-7-and-8--2018-e1t7qs"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Eye for Financial Planning (Aired on April 7 and 8, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Red Hook Rotarian Susan Simon and Beth Jones, both of Third Eye Associates, Ltd, a fee-only registered investment advisory firm that provides financial life planning, financial transition planning, and wealth management services, with offices in Red Hook, New York City, and Washington, D.C. Their model is based on an hour-long initial interview in which Third Eye Associates determines the life goals of the client, which can be followed with five to seven sessions leading to specific recommendations for financial and life planning. One of their specialties is transitional planning, which deals with helping clients through significant life changes such as divorce or the death or serious illness of a spouse. Often this includes putting the client into a “no decision zone,” recognizing which steps are time sensitive and which are not.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:11</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Anderson-Center-for-Autism-Aired-on-March-31--2018-e1t7n3"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Anderson-Center-for-Autism-Aired-on-March-31--2018-e1t7n3"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Anderson Center for Autism (Aired on March 31, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Eliza Bozenski, Chief Development Officer of the Anderson Center for Autism, and the host of comes to the RadioRotary microphone to discuss the autism
spectrum and how the Anderson Foundation’s several ways of outreach are making a difference for families that must cope with autism. Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability that ranges from what is commonly called Asperger Syndrome, which may be accompanied by high intelligence, to instances of autism that feature very low intelligence and serious disability. Early intervention makes a considerable difference in development; parents recognizing that a child may have a problem should not hesitate about taking the child to a physician for a diagnosis. The Anderson Foundation provides a range of autism services, including residential treatment and consultation with families. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">28:54</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hope-for-Homeless-and-Addicted-March-24-and-25--2018-e1t7l3"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hope-for-Homeless-and-Addicted-March-24-and-25--2018-e1t7l3"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Hope for Homeless and Addicted (March 24 and 25, 2018) </div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Cara Mia Bacchiochi of Hope on a Mission HOAM returns to RadioRotary to describe her continuing effort to help Poughkeepsie women who are homeless, most of them addicted to drugs or alcohol. At the same street corner (Main and Clinton) every Saturday night, sometimes in rain or snow, Bacchiochi and volunteers distribute food, clothing, and personal care items to homeless women. Bacchiochi was herself a homeless addict before joining a recovery program in 1990. After a brief recurrence of her addiction, she accepted God’s role for her—founding a street-level outreach mission for homeless and addicted women. With the help of her church, she plans someday to acquire a building that would make it easier to carry out the mission. Hope on a Mission HOAM is financed by donations and staffed by volunteers. To donate or volunteer, you can phone (914) 456-2633 or visit its Facebook page: Hope on a Mission HOAM.
</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:06</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Medical-Missions-to-Haiti-Aired-on-March-17--18--2018-e1t778"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Medical-Missions-to-Haiti-Aired-on-March-17--18--2018-e1t778"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Medical Missions to Haiti (Aired on March 17 & 18, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pleasant Valley Rotarian Rose Bonheur visits RadioRotary to tell about her seven (so far) medical missions to Puerto Rico, aided by her husband Roberto (also a Pleasant Valley Rotarian) and a host of volunteers. Dr. Bonheur is a Doctor of Nursing Practice and also a Nurse Practitioner, so in 2010, when a terrible earthquake struck Haiti where Rose was born, her husband suggested that they bring medical help to the devastated island. That year, and each year since, the Bonheurs have put together a team to provide primary care for a location in Haiti where such care has been lacking. Well in advance of their arrival, Haitians with such medical problems as untreated diabetes sign up for the visit, being given a number for efficiency. As a result of this kind of organization, Dr. Bonheur and her helpers are able to treat five to six hundred sick Haitians in a visit that is only about a week. The entire operation is funded by donations. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:14</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Honor-Flight-Aired-on-March-10-and-March-11th-2018-e1t73v"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Honor-Flight-Aired-on-March-10-and-March-11th-2018-e1t73v"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Honor Flight (Aired on March 10 and March 11th 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Highland Rotarian Christine Giangrasso visits RadioRotary to talk primarily about the Hudson Valley Honor Flights, especially the one she participated in recently. Honor Flights are fully paid for visits to Washington, D.C. for veterans of World War II or the Korean or Vietnam conflicts. Volunteers (who pay their own way) pair with a veteran as they visit the war memorials in Washington and other important national sites such as the Capitol and Lincoln Memorial. The veterans are treated as true celebrities all along the way, from bands and flag wavers as they leave Stewart Airport to a welcome by Boy Scouts on their return. Ms. Giangrasso, who is also the incoming Rotary District 7210 Governor for 2018-19, also tells about some of the other activities of the Highland Rotary Club, including their famous Ribfest (3rd week in August). Listen for an emotional account of her experience accompanying a Korean War veteran on his big day.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">28:07</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-City-Rotary-and-Jawonio-Aired-on-March-3--4--2018-e1t6so"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-City-Rotary-and-Jawonio-Aired-on-March-3--4--2018-e1t6so"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>New City Rotary and Jawonio (Aired on March 3 & 4, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In this program, devoted to the close relationship between a Rotary Club and an important local resource, RadioRotary interviews New City Rotarians Madelon Burger, Robert Pitkofsky, and Jill Warner (executive director and CEO of Jawonio) along with Jerry Staller, director of educational and clinical services at Jawonio, which supplies lifespan services for persons with special needs primarily to Rockland County. Jawonio is a Native American word that means “independence,” representing the goal to help children and adults with special needs reach their full potential and helping them become as independent as possible. It is a unique residence and school resource that helps persons from as young as 2-months old to as old as 99 years. New City Rotary has been closely involved with Jawonio for over fifty years. As the facilities, started as a camp in 1947, have age, it has come time for new buildings, including new cabins for a summer program. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">28:01</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Pain-Management-with-Physical-Therapy-February-24--2018-e1t6ru"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Pain-Management-with-Physical-Therapy-February-24--2018-e1t6ru"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pain Management with Physical Therapy (February 24, 2018) </div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Dr. Bobbie Davey of MOST (Millbrook Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy), which not only has facilities in Millbrook, NY, but also in nearby Rhinebeck and Hopewell.
Dr. Davey deals mainly with pain management from accidents, operations, and chronic conditions such as arthritis. Pain is nature’s way of telling you that something is not right with your body. Pain is now recognized as partly psychological and partly physical, so relief of stress is an important part of treatment. Although opioids and other medicines can relieve pain, they are at best a short-term solution to a pain event, while physical therapy is a non-addictive long-term approach to relief. Strength and flexibility training will relieve many pains in joints or the back or even headaches caused by tense muscles. Improvements in balance through physical therapy help avoid falls that can be a source of pain. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:22</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-11-February-17--2018-e1t6no"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-11-February-17--2018-e1t6no"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Atlanta 2017 Rotary Convention, part 11 (February 17, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Jonah Triebwasser, Sarah O’Connell, and Kathy Kruger interview several of the Rotarians bringing their projects furthering the goals of the Rotary Foundation to the Convention. The two Rotary Action Groups (RAGs) are each devoted to worldwide fights against chronic illnesses that not only are rampant in the United States but also are on the increase around the world. Hepatitis C, unrecognized until a few decades ago, is spread only by blood transfers (such as from contaminated needles) and in symptom free—but ultimately kills. There is now an effective cure, so the main emphasis of the RAG called “Hepatitis Zero” is in testing, which only requires a pin-prick blood sample. The other RAG is for knowledge, awareness, prevention, and treatment of diabetes. Diabetes Type II, caused largely by lifestyle, is a growing major health problem worldwide. Another interview on this program tells about skin banks, now mainly in India but needed elsewhere. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:35</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Rotary-Club-of-Millbrook-February-10--11--2018-e1t6n9"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Rotary-Club-of-Millbrook-February-10--11--2018-e1t6n9"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Rotary Club of Millbrook (February 10 & 11, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Regular RadioRotary Co-host Sarah O’Connell turns guest for a show devoted to her own Rotary Club and its activities. The Rotary Club of Millbrook has been doing good in the world for more than 45 years now. The main way it funds its projects is by providing a service to Millbrook and the surrounding region with a Business Directory. The Directory contains much useful community information, but its real strength comes from the paid advertising, advertising that in turn supports the community as 100% of the profit from the ads is returned to the community. While Millbrook Rotary also has various social events, from weekly lunches with interesting speakers to evening parties, these are paid for by the members—in part by “fines” or “good/bad news” announcement paid for with dollars (and more) deposited in a plastic pig at each meeting. The Rotary Foundation, supported primarily by donations by Rotarians, also contributes to specific projects, recently one providing school supplies.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:19</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Atlanta-GA-February-3--2018-Show--10-e1t6lp"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Atlanta-GA-February-3--2018-Show--10-e1t6lp"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Convention Atlanta GA (February 3, 2018) Show # 10</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Once again RadioRotary brings listeners interviews with Rotarians attending the Convention who describe the Rotary programs that have brought them to Atlanta. Regular listeners to RadioRotary know about ShelterBox, but in this program they learn new ways the ShelterBox teams are helping disaster victim around the world. Also, listeners are probably familiar with Rotary’s role in polio eradication, but there is also a Rotarian Action Group (RAG) that helps survivors of polio, including those whose symptoms return many years afterward. Health professionals of all types can be part of the Fellowship of Rotarian Doctors and Health Professionals, which provides opportunities to help solve medical problems for disadvantaged people everywhere. Youth Exchange includes other Rotary programs, notably the one-school-year exchange of high-school students, part of Rotary’s goal of promoting peace.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:49</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Food-Recovery-Aired-on-January-27--28--2018-e1t6l4"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Food-Recovery-Aired-on-January-27--28--2018-e1t6l4"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Food Recovery (Aired on January 27 & 28, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rich Schiafo of the Hudson Valley Regional Council returns to RadioRotary to tell the listeners about the national problem of food waste. Of the many astonishing statistics Mr. Schiafo discusses, perhaps the most alarming is that 40% of all the food produced in the United States goes to waste, much of it landing in landfills where it contributes to the production of methane, a global-warming gas. Some of the food is left in the farmers’ fields, where it can be taken and used by gleaning—going through the field by hand and collecting the remaining food. Another waste is food that has been deemed imperfect or ugly in some way, but that is perfectly edible despite the flaws. Listeners will learn about the different interpretations of use-by or sell-by dates. There are many aspects to food recovery and prevention of food waste, with volunteers throughout the Hudson Valley making the effort to get otherwise disposable food into food pantries and shelters.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:46</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Opioid-Abuse-Awareness-and-Prevention-Aired-on-January-20th--21st--2018-e1t6kg"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Opioid-Abuse-Awareness-and-Prevention-Aired-on-January-20th--21st--2018-e1t6kg"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Opioid Abuse Awareness and Prevention (Aired on January 20th & 21st, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotarian Mike Polasek (LaGrange) reports to the RadioRotary team about a major effort on the part of local Rotary Clubs (LaGrange, Millbrook, Fishkill) to obtain a grant from The Rotary Foundation to fund awareness and prevention programs in the Mid-Hudson Valley, although Mr. Polasek emphasizes that opioid addiction is a worldwide program that affects all ages and all classes. Opioid abuse often starts with an original prescription for pain relief from an injury or surgical procedure, but the drug becomes a necessity for the person addicted, a
person who then may seek out street drugs to replace the prescription. The result is not only the misery of addiction but often overdose and death. The grant from The Rotary Foundation, focusing on adolescents 15 to 10 years old, would support awareness through social media and prevention by working with agencies already in the field.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:41</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-9-January-13--2018-e1t6jd"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-9-January-13--2018-e1t6jd"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Atlanta 2017 Rotary Convention, part 9 (January 13, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The ninth compilation of interviews with humanitarians conducted by
RadioRotary at the 2017 Rotary Convention in Atlanta focuses largely on
Rotarian Action Groups (RAGs) and their humanitarian aims, but it also includes a special interview with golf-great Jack Nicklaus. Rotarian Action Groups discussed include efforts to protect endangered species, prevention of all types of addiction from tobacco and gambling to heroin, encouragement for an increase in blood donations around the world, and training local communities in the method to correct clubfoot. Mr. Nicklaus tells why he is a Rotary Polio Ambassador, beginning with his own experience of polio at age 13.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:05</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Ellen-Haggerty--Rotarys-Hearing-Hero-Aired-on-January-6-and-7--2018-e1t6ih"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Ellen-Haggerty--Rotarys-Hearing-Hero-Aired-on-January-6-and-7--2018-e1t6ih"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Ellen Haggerty, Rotary’s Hearing Hero (Aired on January 6 and 7, 2018)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pleasant Valley Rotarian Ellen Haggerty returns to the RadioRotary microphone to tell about her latest efforts to improve hearing and communication around the world. Ms. Haggerty, who lost her own hearing at age 4, but has compensated with hearing aids and excellent lip reading, is the chair of the Rotarians for Hearing Rotary Action Group (RAG). In past projects she has helped provide solar hearing aids for impoverished Brazilians, spread the use of hearing loopsthat improve sound for hearing aids at gatherings, and persuaded the Rotary Annual Convention to have captioning for its main talks. Her newest project in based on the idea that speech for those with hearing loss is impaired unless very young children hear others speak. Tests exist that can detect hearing loss in infants before they learn to speak. These tests are being introduced in Guatemala through a Rotary Foundation Global Grant sponsored by Pleasant Valley and Folsom, California, Rotary clubs.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:26</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Senior-Assistance-Aired-on-December-23--24--2017-e1t6hv"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Senior-Assistance-Aired-on-December-23--24--2017-e1t6hv"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Senior Assistance (Aired on December 23 & 24, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rhinebeck Rotarians Mike Frazier and Mike Mazzarella tell RadioRotary producer Kathy Kruger about the program Rhinebeck Rotary has instituted to help senior citizens age in place. Many older Americans prefer to stay in their existing homes instead of moving into assisted-living communities or nursing homes. Sometimes the physical infirmities of aging mean that homes need to be modified for safer living; in other instances, simple tasks such as mounting storm windows in the fall have become too difficult for an aging homeowner. In Rhinebeck, NY, the Rhinebeck Community Committee on Aging recognized this problem and committee members who were also Rotarians asked their club to help. Today Rhinebeck Rotarians who are skilled in carpentry, plumbing, and electrical work volunteer to solve these problems for senior citizens at no cost for materials or labor. Grab bars are installed in bathrooms and railings on stairs as needed. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:01</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-7-December-16--2017-e1t6gt"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-7-December-16--2017-e1t6gt"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Atlanta 2017 Rotary Convention, part 7 (December 16, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Continuing its broadcasts from the Rotary International Convention in Atlanta, RadioRotary Co-Hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell interview representatives of several of the many exhibits featured at the Convention. “The One” Rotary Action Group presents an award of $100,000 to the International Humanitarian of the year along with $50,000 each to two runners-up, enabling these humanitarians to increase their work with the poor of the world. One effort to help the poor is Project Peanut Butter, which uses Rotary grants to manufacture and supply a specially formatted peanut butter that saves the lives of starving children, primarily in Africa. Another Rotary Action Group specializes in preventing blindness through improving maternal health, cataract surgery, and detection of macular degeneration. The “I Can Read” songs are taught to pre-school children, providing an easy way to learn reading easy, high-frequency words. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:53</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dinner-Theater-in-Dutchess-Aired-on-December-9--2017-e1t6gf"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dinner-Theater-in-Dutchess-Aired-on-December-9--2017-e1t6gf"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dinner Theater in Dutchess (Aired on December 9, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Felicia DiNonno, founder of the Clove Creek Dinner Theater in Fishkill, NY, is the guest on this week’s RadioRotary program.
Dinner Theater provides an evening (or afternoon matinee) that begins with a full meal, which is followed by a full theatrical performance—you don’t eat or drink while you watch as in a nightclub or cabaret. There have been a number of dinner theaters in nearby countries, but none here until a couple of years ago Ms. DiNonno took a space in a mall in Fishkill and opened Clove Creek. It is very much a local attraction.
Clove Creek hires chefs trained at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park to prepare the four entrees from which a ticket-holder may choose. Local actors audition for all the parts in the comedies that are featured. To learn more, listen to the interview.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:22</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-6-December-2--2017-e1t6fu"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-6-December-2--2017-e1t6fu"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Atlanta 2017 Rotary Convention, part 6 (December 2, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Regular hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell along with producer Kathy Kruger and visiting host Dave Kruger interview some of the fascinating people at the Convention about their important projects related to the goals of the Rotary Foundation.
One of the many Rotary Action Groups is “Stop Mothers Dying,” a Collaborative Action in lowering Maternity Encountered Deaths (CALMED). This program helps physicians, nurses, and midwives learn to anticipate problems of childbirth. It is not just the mothers who are saved in Third World countries, since maternal deaths have been on the rise in the United States as well. Another Rotary-related group discussed is taking African women .sex workers, giving them sewing machines, and making them into entrepreneurs, producing shirts that are sold at Rotary conventions. Although not a Rotary program per se., the Gift of Life, which supplies hope to children with heart disease through pediatric cardiology, also was represented at the Convention.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:17</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotarian-Bryan-Bunch-On-The-Environment-November-25--2017-e1t6fd"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotarian-Bryan-Bunch-On-The-Environment-November-25--2017-e1t6fd"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotarian Bryan Bunch On The Environment (November 25, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Efforts to Deal with Climate Change (Aired on November 25 and 26, 2014) RadioRotary producer Kathy Kruger interviews Rotarian Bryan Bunch (Millbrook), a member of the Rotary District 7210 Environmental Action Committee, which has as its main mission this year promoting tree-planting, a major goal of 2017-18 Rotary International. RI President Ian H.S. Riseley has asked every one of the 1.5 million Rotarians to plant a tree as part of the effort to reduce the impact of global warming. Topics covered include the causes of climate change, the effects of climate change on the weather (especially hurricanes), effects on life forms such as coral reefs, sea-level rise, a history of changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide, and steps individuals can take to
mitigate global warming.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:12</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-5-November-18--2017-e1t6ep"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-5-November-18--2017-e1t6ep"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Atlanta 2017 Rotary Convention, part 5 (November 18, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>his time RadioRotary interviews Rotarian Bill Philpotts (Fredericksburg Morning Club) on the project “It Takes a Toilet,” which brings girl’s toilet facilities to India; Rotarian Dr. Subrahmanyam Ganesh (Methyr Tydfil) Club) who tells about the inexpensive prosthetic known as the Jaipur Limb; Rotarian David C. Forward
(Medford Sunrise Club) on the hundredth anniversary of The Rotary Foundation; Rotarian Ellen Haggerty (Pleasant Valley NY Club) about her project for improving hearing and its success in bringing captioning to the Convention; Artist Ashley Spitsnogle, who draws and sometimes is Josh the Otter, working to prevent child drowning and Regional Director of The Dollywood Foundation Pam Hunsaker, who tells about the Imagination Library that brings free books to preschoolers.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">28:46</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Aging-Care-in-Rhinebeck-Aired-on-November-4-and-5--2017-e1t6eb"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Aging-Care-in-Rhinebeck-Aired-on-November-4-and-5--2017-e1t6eb"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Aging Care in Rhinebeck (Aired on November 4 and 5, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Rhinebeck Rotarian Carolyn Bernitt and Brian Zeiden, both on the staff of the Brookmeade Community, a 75-acre, three-tiered facility in Rhinebeck that provides homes and care if necessary for our aging population. Sufficiently healthy seniors can opt for independent living at Arbor Ridge, an apartment complex that provides the amenities of a luxury hotel, including accessto fine dining and a heated pool. For those who need help with the tasks of personal care, The Terrace apartments provide assisted living arrangements. For older residents in need of close medical supervision. The community provides many field trips to events or locations in the area. Residents are active in community programs such as painting, singing, or exploring the sensory garden</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:33</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Sprout-Creek-Farm-Aired-on-October-28-and-October-29--2017-e1t6dn"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Sprout-Creek-Farm-Aired-on-October-28-and-October-29--2017-e1t6dn"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Sprout Creek Farm (Aired on October 28 and October 29, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Sprout Creek Farm is a 200-acre dairy farm
started by two nuns who had begun to teach children and teenagers about farming and food at a farm in Greenwich, Connecticut. They were very lucky when the farm was donated to the Society of the Sacred Heart with the requirement that the land be used for education and that the farm be run as a nonprofit enterprise. In this RadioRotary interview, the farm’s Executive Director Mark Fredette, who is also the chef for the farm,describes the many educational programs run by the farm, including a sleepover camp, a day camp, and arrangements for schools to visit as field trips, often staying overnight. The farm’s cows and goats produce milk that is made into delicious cheeses that are sold locally and at the farm. The farm also sells many other farm products, including meat, eggs, and vegetables raised in the farm garden. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:41</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-4-Aired-on-October-21--22--2017-e1t5b4"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-2017-Rotary-Convention--part-4-Aired-on-October-21--22--2017-e1t5b4"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Atlanta 2017 Rotary Convention, part 4 (Aired on October 21 & 22, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Some 35,000 Rotarians from around the world came to the Atlanta Rotary Convention, but somehow the RadioRotary team of Jonah Triebwasser, Sarah O’Connell, and Kathy and Dave Kruger keep running into Rotarians from back home, including District 7210 Governor Jim Damiani and a Past President of Jonah’s Red Hook Club, Sue Simon. The RadioRotary team also learned of fascinating projects from other American Rotarians, including the prospect of even more collaboration between Rotary International and the U.S. Peace Corps and a vision screening projct for elementary schools undertaken by the Cincinnati
Rotary. The Chicago Far North Rotary is working to bring specialized water carriers, called hippos, from South Africa to places in Haiti that lack access to running water.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:26</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Mike-Frazier---Rotary-Youth-Exchange-October-14--15--2017-e1t5al"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Mike-Frazier---Rotary-Youth-Exchange-October-14--15--2017-e1t5al"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Mike Frazier - Rotary Youth Exchange (October 14 & 15, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Youth exchange (YEX) has long been a principal way that Rotary International promotes peach through friendship and cultural understanding. Rhinebeck Rotarian Mike Frazier is the coordinator for District 7210 of a new way for Rotary to support international youth exchanges, known as summer youth exchange or more formally as short-term youth exchange. In this program a family from one country exchanges for a few weeks or a month with a family from the other country. This is different from the regular school-year exchange in which the student who is incoming from another country or outgoing to one stays with three different host families; there is no reciprocal arrangement. The school-year exchange includes learning the language of the country visited, which is not a part of the short-term exchange. In both programs, a host Rotary Club must sponsor the exchange and the applicants are vetted both by the locals clubs and YEX officers from the District.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:08</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-Rotary-Convention--Part-3-Aired-on-October-7--2017-e1t587"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-Rotary-Convention--Part-3-Aired-on-October-7--2017-e1t587"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Atlanta Rotary Convention, Part 3 (Aired on October 7, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>More interviews with Rotarians from around the world about the great service projects that they are doing.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:36</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 29, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Kingston-Italian-Festival-September-30--October-1--2017-e1t55v"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Kingston-Italian-Festival-September-30--October-1--2017-e1t55v"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Kingston Italian Festival (September 30 & October 1, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotarian Tony Marmo (Highland Club) and Frank Faluotico visit RadioRotary to describe the Italian Festival in Kingston, NY, a fundraiser for Ulster County’s Italian American Foundation, an organization dedicated to promoting and preserving the Italian heritage of the country. Both were among the founders of the 501(c)3 nonprofit group in June 2015. The Foundation is similar to a Rotary Club in that it primarily raises money to give back to the community, especially in scholarships for Italian-American high-school students to attend college. The Festival features many vendors purveying Italian foods to eat on the spot or to take home as well as other goods. There is Italian music from folk songs to opera (not to mention Sinatra songs) and dances, such as the famous tarantella. The Italian Signor and Signora of the year are presented. Held in the historic Roundout section of Kingston, the many local restaurants also participate in the event.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:40</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-Rotary-Convention--Part-2-Aired-on-September-23-and-24--2017-e1t51b"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Atlanta-Rotary-Convention--Part-2-Aired-on-September-23-and-24--2017-e1t51b"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Atlanta Rotary Convention, Part 2 (Aired on September 23 and 24, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviewers at the 2017 International Rotary Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, interviewed several project leaders attending the convention. In this broadcast, you can learn about Project Chimps from Lindsay Vanderhoogt, the Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) from Rotarian Knut Johnsen (Greater Newburgh), the Russia-United States Intercountry Committee from Rotarian Charles Heberie; Rotaplast from Rotarian Donna Lee Young Rubin (PSG District 7930, Andover, MA), and the Rotarian Action Group for Hepatitis Eradication (a.k.a. Hepatitis Zero). Project Chimps put former laboratory chimpanzees into retirement in a wooded section of Georgia; RLI teaches Rotarians how to be better in their Rotary lives; the Russia-United State Intercountry Committee promotes peace between the two nations; Rotaplast provides plastic surgery to children (mainly) with cleft palate; and Hepatitis Zero is taking a specially equipped truck around the world to test individuals for hepatitis C.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:40</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Pink-Ribbon-Pilates-for-Cancer-Victims-September-16--2017-e1t50g"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Pink-Ribbon-Pilates-for-Cancer-Victims-September-16--2017-e1t50g"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pink Ribbon Pilates for Cancer Victims (September 16, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Body be Well Pilates founder Chelsea Streifeneder about the Pink Ribbon Program that uses Pilates exercises to help cancer victims prepare for or recover from the treatment of their disease. Pilates is a system of exercise developed by Joseph Pilates that uses springs and special equipment to promote overall health (although you can also do much of the program at home without the equipment). Ms. Streifeneder came to Pilates from a career as a dancer, and now runs Pilates studios in Kingston and Catskill, NY. The Pink Ribbon Program is primarily for coping with the ravages of breast cancer and its treatment, but because it enhances energy levels and decreases pain and stress, it is useful for all cancer patients. At Body be Well Pilates, each person has a program that is designed for the individual, based on health history, goals, and past exercise experience.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:30</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Weekend-September-9-and-September-10--2017-e1t4mi"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Weekend-September-9-and-September-10--2017-e1t4mi"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pleasant Valley Weekend (September 9 and September 10, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>For many years, the Town of Pleasant Valley has celebrated itself as a
community on a weekend in September. Recently the celebrations, known as “Pleasant Valley Weekend,” have been better than ever. Pleasant Valley Rotarian Carol Campbell revitalized the event when she was Town Supervisor in 2015, asking singer Johnny Dell to help get it organized. In this program RadioRotary interviews Ms. Campbell and Mr. Dell about the 2017 Pleasant Valley Weekend, which features three separate parades, many food and information booths at Cady Field (along Wappingers Creek just behind Town Hall), live music and dance, and a fireworks finale on Sunday. The Friday evening parade is vintage cars, the Saturday parade consists of over a hundred motorcycles, and on Sunday there is a traditional parade with fire engines, winners of the vintage car show, many marching groups, and a marching band. It is a great all-American event.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:09</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Tyler-Miller-of-New-Horizons-September-2--2017-e1t4lh"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Tyler-Miller-of-New-Horizons-September-2--2017-e1t4lh"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Tyler Miller of New Horizons (September 2, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Tyler Miller, a Direct Support Professional with New Horizons Resources, Inc., is interviewed about the New Horizons program for group homes in Dutchess and Ulster counties. New Horizons maintains over thirty homes for older (over age 20) persons with developmental or intellectual disabilities. One or more Direct Service Professionals are present at all times to facilitate the person-centered family-like situations. Residents largely take care of themselves with the assistance of helpers like Tyler Miller. The Direct Support Professionals also aid residents in visiting or working at outside facilities or in participating in such events as the Special Olympics. Mr. Miller became involved in part because his whole family does service of one kind or another, including his mother’s work at Cardinal Hayes Home for Children and brother’s job at the Anderson Center for Autism. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:35</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Atlanta--1-August-26--2017-e1t4k0"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Atlanta--1-August-26--2017-e1t4k0"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Convention Atlanta # 1 (August 26, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviewers took advantage of the International Rotary Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, to interview some of the many humanitarian leaders who also attended the convention. In this broadcast, you can learn about how Destiny Rescue fights human trafficking and sex exploitation of children and youth all over the world; about the LifePump, which uses the Archimedean Screw to lift water from wells too deep for other pumps (and only needs human power, not
electricity or petroleum-based fuels); about the Rotary Dictionary Project, which supplies individual elementary and secondary school students with one of 8 different dictionaries in English or 22 in other languages; about the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is based in Atlanta; and about the goals of Rotary International President for 2016-17 John Germ and the projects that he sponsored during his year as president.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:23</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Fitfeet-Adventures-Aired-on-August-19--and-20--2017-e1t4hu"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Fitfeet-Adventures-Aired-on-August-19--and-20--2017-e1t4hu"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Fitfeet Adventures (Aired on August 19, and 20, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Kyle Irwin, who went from the Peace Corps and a career in microfinance to found FitFeet Adventures, a unique Rhinebeck-based corporation that focuses on the environment, philanthropy, and running and hiking for everyone from individuals to groups. Locally FitFeet runs 5K races, 10K races, and full and half marathons to support various local and national charities, including a 2017 walk-or-run at Vanderbilt Mansion in Hyde Park. The “adventures” part comes with specially designed tours of Peru, Chile, and Argentina, some incorporating major races in Patagonia. The Explore Peru Teen Adventure combines language immersion, volunteer work for charities, visits to cultural sites, and a multi-day trek through the Andes Mountains to Machu Picchu. By partnering with nonprofits such as Awamaki, which helps women and rural families in a Peruvian Village lift themselves out of poverty.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:42</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hudson-Valley-Ribfest-August-12-and-August-13-2017-e1t4g1"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hudson-Valley-Ribfest-August-12-and-August-13-2017-e1t4g1"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Hudson Valley Ribfest (August 12 and August 13 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Steve Laubach and Don Verity, along with former Highland Rotarian
Jamie Anson, tell about the glories of eating barbecue (and listening to music) at the thirteenth annual Ribfest, Ulster County Fairgrounds just outside New Paltz. In addition to great food and music by local performers, the Ribfest has many activities for children and some special events. The $7 admission (free parking) allows you to spend time at the Chef Demonstration Tent, where not only do local chefs, the Culinary Institute of America, and other professionals provide cooking and decorating tips, but also there are free samples of the foods being demonstrated. Next door, local, vintners, brewers, and distillers allow you to sample their products as well. In Competition Alley, barbecue chefs compete for cash prizes and a grand prize of entry into the World Series of Barbecue in Kansas City.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:18</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/YEX-Students-at-Mohonk-August-5--2017-and-August-6--2017-e1t4dl"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/YEX-Students-at-Mohonk-August-5--2017-and-August-6--2017-e1t4dl"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>YEX Students at Mohonk (August 5, 2017 and August 6, 2017</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary’s co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell call Youth Exchange Rotary’s “crown jewel.” District 7210 Youth Exchange Coordinator Nan Greenwood (District 7210 E-Club) joins the co-hosts as Youth Exchange students from Slovakia, France, Brazil, Japan, Taiwan, and Italy discuss their experiences as part of the Rotary Youth Exchange program, where “inbound” students from around the world spend nine months attending school in the United States (meanwhile “outbound” students make similar visits abroad). Each student lives with three different families during the school year so that there is a real taste of what American life is like. The visit is watched over by host Rotary clubs, for these students LaGrange Sunrise, Monticello, Port Jervis, Red Hook, Greenville, and Fishkill.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:58</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rhinebeck-Art-Gallery-July-29-2017-and-July-30-2017-e1t4cr"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rhinebeck-Art-Gallery-July-29-2017-and-July-30-2017-e1t4cr"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rhinebeck Art Gallery (July 29 2017 and July 30 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>There’s a new destination in picturesque Rhinebeck, The Gallery @ Rhinebeck, a nonprofit organization currently consisting 71 members who are visual artists of various types—mainly painter but also photographers, sculptors, and crafts. Open for visitors since January 19, 2017, the Gallery @ Rhinebeck does not charge a commission on sales as commercial galleries do; the artist members pay fees to be exhibited but the gallery also needs tax-free donations from the
public to fulfill its mission.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:32</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Mid-Hudson-Library-System-Aired-on-Jan-14-2017--Jan-15-2017-e1t4a3"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Mid-Hudson-Library-System-Aired-on-Jan-14-2017--Jan-15-2017-e1t4a3"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Mid-Hudson Library System (Aired on Jan 14 2017 & Jan 15 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Rebbekah Smith Aldrich,
Coordinator for Library Sustainability for the Mid-Hudson Library System, a group of 66 libraries in the five mid-Hudson counties that form the core of the RadioRotary listening area: Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Putnum, and Ulster—serving 2.5 million homes. Libraries today are a platform for all sorts of information, forming a cornerstone of democracy. They provide affordable access to services that really matter, including downloads of E-book and audiobooks in addition to the traditional printed material and human fonts of accurate information. Many offer shared community experiences, including talks, concerts, meeting centers, and always programs for children. This is a terrific show that ought to make the listener pull our his or her library card and head either for the library building or the computer/cellphone.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:01</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/4H-Fair-With-Marjorie-L--Nicholas-Keith-July-22--2017-e1t48o"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/4H-Fair-With-Marjorie-L--Nicholas-Keith-July-22--2017-e1t48o"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>4H Fair With Marjorie L. Nicholas Keith (July 22, 2017 )</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Marjorie Nichols Keith , Executive Director of the Putnam Country Cornell Cooperative Extension, brings 4-H Club member Grace Fisher (11 years old) to
RadioRotary to help tell about 4-H programs and the annual Putnam County 4-H Fair in Veteran Memorial Park in Carmel. The 200-some 4-H members in the County, ages 5 through 19, are joined by as many as 300 other volunteers to produce the Fair. Although we often think of 4-H in terms of young people raising livestock, Grace explains that the club helps teach leadership and life skills —“it’s not all about cows and cooking.” The Fair is a big family event with food booths, music, a plant sale, horse and dog shows, an auction, and activities such as Touch a Truck and a fishing contest. Putnam Country Rotary Clubs often sponsor tents at the Fair.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:43</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Renewal-for-91-Year-Old-Scout-Camp-June-15-and-16--2017-e1t472"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Renewal-for-91-Year-Old-Scout-Camp-June-15-and-16--2017-e1t472"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Renewal for 91-Year-Old Scout Camp (June 15 and 16, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Camp Nooteeming in Pleasant Valley has been serving the scouting community for 91 years, but newly arrived Scout Executive/CEO for the Hudson Valley Council of the Boy Scouts of America, David Horton, recognized that the Camp is in serious need of renovation to become a resident camp. Volunteer Dave Petrovich has taken charge of the project. Together for a joint interview on RadioRotary, they describe plans to set up camping centers for specific topics, events, and skills, including centers devoted to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics); shooting sports; the environment; crafts; and more. Scouts, including Cub Scouts as young as age 5 and Girl Scouts, will use the renovated facilities along with other community groups. In an interesting sidelight, Program Co-Host Jonah Triebwasser tells about how Rotary and scouting have been linked since the earliest days of both service organizations.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:35</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Anne-Brueckner--Nina-Lynch--Rhinebeck--Home-July-8--2017-e1t46a"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Anne-Brueckner--Nina-Lynch--Rhinebeck--Home-July-8--2017-e1t46a"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Anne Brueckner & Nina Lynch, Rhinebeck @ Home (July 8, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Although Rhinebeck at Home is one more of than over 200 “aging in place” organizations, it has no age limit—current members range from 58 to 97 years young—and its roster of group activities include events for people of all ages. In
this RadioRotary program Rhinebeck at Home President
Nina Lynch and Vice-President Anne Brueckner tell about how the group was formed and how they work to achieve their goals. An all-volunteer membership organization that relies
on helping each other, the members provide transportation, referrals to community-service organizations, social activities, and help with household tasks. Various events are organized to encourage the members to network with each other, ranging from picnics to attending shows or museums together. Home for Rhinebeck at Home is wherever you choose and the only requirements for membership are residence in Rhinebeck, payment of nominal dues, and the ability to make your own decisions.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:14</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/John-Roger-and-Pain-Management-July-1-and-July-2-2017-e1t45h"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/John-Roger-and-Pain-Management-July-1-and-July-2-2017-e1t45h"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>John Roger and Pain Management (July 1 and July 2 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>John Roger, who has a doctorate in physical therapy, visits RadioRotary with the message that physical therapy is often the right way to treat chronic or acute pain instead of or in addition to potentially addictive opioid medication. Beyond to the joint pains that we commonly think of when seeking physical therapy, the techniques are also useful for treating severe headaches, the chronic pain of fibromyalgia, and the pain from tendon, ligament, or muscle damage, which is often caused by sports injury. In many cases, the key to pain relief comes from
posture improvement, stress relief, and lifestyle changes that are addressed by a doctor trained in physical therapy. A medical doctor may prescribe physical therapy, but a prescription is not necessary to obtain treatment.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:34</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Bunnee-Web-Tribute-Show-Aired-on-June-24--2017-and-June-25th--2017-e1t3ts"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Bunnee-Web-Tribute-Show-Aired-on-June-24--2017-and-June-25th--2017-e1t3ts"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Bunnee Web Tribute Show (Aired on June 24, 2017 and June 25th, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>This is a repeat broadcast in honor of Bunnee Webb, who led District 7210’s campaign to eradicate polio, part of a worldwide effort that involved not only Rotary, but also the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, several United Nations organizations, and governments in the affected areas. Ms. Webb, a past District Governor of Rotary District 7210 (2000-01) and a member of the Congers-Valley Cottage Rotary Club, inspired all who knew her, especially for her dedication to polio eradication. She died on May 23, 2017, at the age of 89. By then the PolioPlus campaign was “this close” to polio eradication, with only 20 known cases of the disease in 2016—although Ms. Webb would never say “only.” When this 2010 show was originally broadcast, there were 349 total cases, down from 52,630 in 1980. The stories on this show are timeless, however, especially Ms. Webb’s account of her experience vaccinating children in India as part of a National Immunization Day.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:43</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Charles-G--Vetter-of-Houlihan-Lawrence-June-17-and-June-18-e1t3tm"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Charles-G--Vetter-of-Houlihan-Lawrence-June-17-and-June-18-e1t3tm"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Charles G. Vetter of Houlihan Lawrence (June 17 and June 18)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Charles G. Vetter, Jr. managing broker at the Lagrangeville Office of real-estate agency Houlihan Lawrence, tells RadioRotary about some of the many ways that his agency works with the local community on a number of humanitarian projects. Mr. Vetter is very much involved personally and through the agency with the Dutchess SPCA, making sure that dogs and cats are adopted, The agency’s concern for animal welfare extends to large creatures as well, supporting the Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue, including locating the farm where the rescue service is now located. Other charities supported by the Houlihan Lawrence staff include the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society through its “Light the Night” fundraiser and a scholarship program for baton twirlers. As part of the community involvement, the agency often partners with LaGrange Sunrise Rotary or with the Rotary Club of Pleasant Valley.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:30</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Eliza-Bozenski-from-The-Anderson-Foundation-Aired-on-June-10th-2017-and-June-11th-2017-e1t3t2"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Eliza-Bozenski-from-The-Anderson-Foundation-Aired-on-June-10th-2017-and-June-11th-2017-e1t3t2"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Eliza Bozenski from The Anderson Foundation (Aired on June 10th 2017 and June 11th 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Eliza Bozenski, Director of the Anderson Foundation for Autism, comes to the RadioRotary microphone to discuss the autism spectrum and how the Anderson Foundation’s several ways of outreach are making a difference for families that must cope with autism. Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability that ranges from what is commonly called Asperger Syndrome, which may be accompanied by high intelligence, to instances of autism that feature very low intelligence and serious disability. Early intervention makes a considerable difference in development; parents recognizing that a child may have a problem should not hesitate about taking the child to a physician for diagnosis. The Anderson Foundation provides a range of autism services, including residential treatment and consultation with families. One program helps businesses develop an autism supportive environment that can modify practices so that persons on the autism spectrum can feel more comfortable.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:58</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Learning-Lab-with-Amy-Shapiro-June-3-2016-and-4-2017-e1t3nd"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Learning-Lab-with-Amy-Shapiro-June-3-2016-and-4-2017-e1t3nd"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Learning Lab with Amy Shapiro (June 3 2016 and 4 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews librarian Amy Shapiro , who supervises the Mahopac Library Learning Lab, a multigenerational learning center focused on technical help for computers, smartphones, or other electronic devices. This lab, which is open five days a week, provides one-on-one individual help along with two classes each week on aid for resume preparation. The library not only has
desktop computers that patrons can use, but also offers Wi-Fi access for personal devices. The Lab is available for adults and for children either over fifth grade or with their parents—no library card needed. The Learning Lab is only one of the services of the Mahopac Library. In additions to books, DVDs, and computer access, there are summer programs for adults, for teens, and for children.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:37</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dana-Pavlock-on-Elder-Abuse-Aired-on-5-27-17--5-28-17-e1t38e"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dana-Pavlock-on-Elder-Abuse-Aired-on-5-27-17--5-28-17-e1t38e"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dana Pavlock on Elder Abuse (Aired on 5-27-17 & 5-28-17)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The sixth annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, celebrated on June 16, 2017, is discussed on RadioRotary by Susan Davidson of Friends of Seniors and Dana Pavlock of Evercare. Elder abuse can be psychological, financial, sexual, physical, or simply neglectful. It is more of an issue today than in the past because people are living longer, but families no longer have several generations living in the same location. Isolated elders, many suffering from mild to serious dementia, can be easy prey for caregivers of various kinds. Friends of Seniors does not deal directly with elder abuse, but provides medical transportation, grocery shopping, caregiver respite, and similar services through trustworthy volunteers. Evercare is a certified home health care agency that also offers a managed long-term care plan through Medicaid as well as an adult social day program. T</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:09</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Victim-SafetyDomestic-Abuse-Aired-May-20-and-May-21-2017-e1t35o"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Victim-SafetyDomestic-Abuse-Aired-May-20-and-May-21-2017-e1t35o"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Victim Safety/Domestic Abuse (Aired May 20 and May 21 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Leah Feldman , Director of the Center for Victim Safety and Support at Family Services in Dutchess County, and volunteer Kathleen Paluso discuss the various ways the Center aids victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, and other crimes. Two hot lines connect directly to assistance: (845)485-5550 for domestic violence and (845)452-7272 for victims of rape or other crimes. The Center can help a victim find shelter from an abuser or work with the courts in providing protection. Licensed counselors are available around the
clock. Much of the RadioRotary program is concerned with the causes
of domestic violence and ways that victims can cope.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:47</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Red-Hooks-2017-Apple-Blossom-Day-Aired-May-6-and-7--2017-e1t33e"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Red-Hooks-2017-Apple-Blossom-Day-Aired-May-6-and-7--2017-e1t33e"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Red Hook’s 2017 Apple Blossom Day (Aired May 6 and 7, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Once again RadioRotary visits Red Hook Rotary’s club meeting to learn about Apple Blossom Day and other activities of the Red Hook Club. Rotarian Dave Wright is in charge of the 2017 Apple Blossom Day, the street festival that traditionally kicks off the spring-summer season of activity, as it has done for more than 30 years (the last 17 operated by Red Hook Rotary). In addition to several dance and music performances on the stage erected for this event, there are about a hundred craft vendors, very many food vendors, and—for the children—pony rides, a bouncy house, face painting, and a petting zoo. Rotarian Susan Simon is in charge of the hot-dog grill. The Rotary club does much more
then the annual Apple Blossom Day. Rotarian Linda Greenblatt speaks about the Red Hook Business Directory and about the Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA). Rotarian Christine Chale describes Red Hook’s participation in international Youth Exchange.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:15</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Sparrows-Nest-Aired-On-April-22nd-and-April-23rd--2017-e1t314"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Sparrows-Nest-Aired-On-April-22nd-and-April-23rd--2017-e1t314"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Sparrows Nest (Aired On April 22nd and April 23rd, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Krista Jones returns to RadioRotary with exciting news about developments at Sparrow’s Nest, the charity that provides food to the families of persons who have cancer. Ms. Jones started the charity in 2009 when a good friend was dying of colon cancer, providing meals that Ms. Jones left at the doorstep; soon Ms. Jones learned of four other friends with cancer and began to cook for them as well. Seeing the need, she then formed Sparrow’s Nest with many volunteers helping in the mission. Today Sparrow’s Nest has moved from Ms. Jones’ kitchen to a professional kitchen and office in commercial space, feeding about 500 families—not just moms–in Dutchess and nearby counties. Drivers bring healthy food from the central kitchen in special coolers. Plans are underway to expand even farther, doubling the area covered and the number of families fed.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:38</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Love-Holds-Life-Aired-on-April-15--2017-and-April-16--2017-e1t30i"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Love-Holds-Life-Aired-on-April-15--2017-and-April-16--2017-e1t30i"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Love Holds Life (Aired on April 15, 2017 and April 16, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Richard Senato tells RadioRotary the inspiring story of Love Holds Life, a foundation whose mission is to pay all of the otherwise out-of-pocket expenses of a family with a child fighting cancer, a project that is sponsored in part by Patterson Rotary. It began when Mr. Senato became inspired to help an eleven-year-old child in a Patterson family. After covering over $73,000 in out-of-pocket expenses for his family, that child in now eighteen and cancer free. Since that start, Love Holds Life has helped finance cancer treatment for over twenty children, financed by donations from individuals, foundations, corporations, and local organizations, including Rotary. Donors have a choice of supporting the Family Medical Fund, 100% of that money going to the affected families, or the Legacy Fund that supports the operating costs of the foundation—sponsors can choose to support both, also. Weekly community outreach programs are a primary means of reaching donors.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:38</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Lions-Aired-April-8--2017--April-9--2017-e1t2vt"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Lions-Aired-April-8--2017--April-9--2017-e1t2vt"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pleasant Valley Lions (Aired April 8, 2017 & April 9, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Service Clubs are all about community, partly because they are one of
the glues that hold communities together. This program features two of the clubs that serve the community of Pleasant Valley, NY—The Lions
Club, represented by its current president, Mike Kessler , and Rotary,
represented by RadioRotary producer and Pleasant Valley Rotarian
Kathy Kruger. Both local clubs are also part of international
organizations with major programs such as elimination of river
blindness and polio, but they work mostly on improving their local
communities. Although most of the time the two organizations are
independent, they support several of the same causes, such as the
local food bank and scholarships for students from the local high
school.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:47</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Vanderbilt-Gardens-Aired-on-April-1st-and-April-2nd-2017-e1t2vk"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Vanderbilt-Gardens-Aired-on-April-1st-and-April-2nd-2017-e1t2vk"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Vanderbilt Gardens (Aired on April 1st and April 2nd 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Vanderbilt Gardens volunteers Susanne Gillespie and Anita Whelan
come to the RadioRotary studio to discuss the beautiful gardens they
help tend at the Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site in Hyde Park,
The Vanderbilt Mansion was the impressive summer “cottage” of Frederick and Louise Vanderbilt. Frederick maintained and improved the formal gardens on the site in the early 20th century, but after Frederick died in 1938 there were no buyers for the property. President Franklin Roosevelt, a neighbor, arranged to have the estate made into a national historic site, but during World War II the site languished Although there was money to restore the brickwork for the formal gardens, the gardens themselves were not replanted until 1984, when
three volunteers approached the Park Service about taking it over.
Today volunteers plant about 6,000 annual flowers each year and maintain the cherry trees. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:20</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Missionary-Rose-on-Haiti-Aired-3-25-17--3-26-17-e1t1m4"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Missionary-Rose-on-Haiti-Aired-3-25-17--3-26-17-e1t1m4"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Missionary Rose on Haiti (Aired 3-25-17 & 3-26-17)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In 2010, Haiti suffered a devastating earthquake. Roberto Bonheur told his wife, Poughkeepsie Nurse Practitioner Rose Bonheur, that they had to do something to help; she had the skills, as a primary care specialist, to provide much needed medical help. Both Bonheurs had been born in Haiti, although they came to the United States as children. Rose was skeptical at first, but eventually organized a team of six volunteers and found a house in Haiti where they team could treat those in need. The need was immense, so every year since, Rose has found the donations, the medical supplies, and the volunteers to treat about 800 patients, moving to a different locality where there had previously been no medical care in the past. Recently, recognizing thatRotary handles projects like this all over the world, Rose has joined the Pleasant Valley Rotary Club. RadioRotary’s producer, registered nurse and Pleasant Valley Rotarian Kathy Kruger is excited to be among the volunteers .</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:17</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Stuff-The-Buss-Aired-on-3-18-17--3-19-17-e1t1e6"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Stuff-The-Buss-Aired-on-3-18-17--3-19-17-e1t1e6"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Stuff The Buss (Aired on 3-18-17 & 3-19-17)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Representing her Pleasant Valley Rotary Club, RadioRotary Producer Kathy Kruger is interviewed by Sarah O’Connell about the Rotary Club’s annual “Stuff the Bus” food drive. A full-sized School Bus, on loan for the day and decorated for the occasion, is parked at the Acme Supermarket in Pleasant Valley as the members of the Rotary Club encourage shoppers to “Stuff the Bus” with food donations for the local food pantry. The food pantry, located at the Methodist Church in Pleasant Valley, is run by volunteers from all four churches in the hamlet with help from the Boy and Girl Scouts, donations from the local senior citizens group, and financial assistance from the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley. Acme supermarket aids the operation by selling bags of healthy staples for $10 a bag, a real bargain. The bus is soon filled with those bags as well as with other food donations. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">28:26</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Author-Kathryn-Smith-on-The-Gatekeeper-3-11-17--3-12-17-e1t1dh"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Author-Kathryn-Smith-on-The-Gatekeeper-3-11-17--3-12-17-e1t1dh"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Author Kathryn Smith on The Gatekeeper (3-11-17 & 3-12-17)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Hudson Valley is known throughout the United State as the home of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR). In this program the author and Rotarian (Greater Anderson Club, SC) Kathryn Smith tells about FDR’s longtime personal secretary, Missy LeHand, the subject of Ms. Smith’s new book The Gatekeeper: Missy LeHand, FDR, and the Untold Story of the Partnership that Defined a Presidency . 24-year-old Ms. LeHand joined FDR’s failed candidacy for Vice-President as a secretary in 1920
and stayed with him through his career in business and law, his battle with polio, his New York State governorship (1928-32), and the first years of his presidency, only leaving him by dying in July 1944, nine months before Roosevelt also passed away. In addition to her role that amounted to being “chief of staff” when FDR was president, Ms. LeHand was his co-leader in making the polio rehabilitation center at Warm Springs, GA, a success. Listen to a fascinating interview.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:28</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/United-Nations-Show-3-aired-on-3-4-17--3-5-17-e1t1ca"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/United-Nations-Show-3-aired-on-3-4-17--3-5-17-e1t1ca"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>United Nations Show 3 (aired on 3-4-17 & 3-5-17)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary presents several interviews from the 2016 Rotary United Nations
Day, this time centering on the activities of Rotary District 7210, the home of RadioRotary. Lou Turpin (Rhinebeck Rotary), the 2016-17 District Governor, starts the program off, emphasizing his view that the essence of Rotary can be summed up as “Do Good. Have Fun.” His interview is followed by chats with students from Red Hook Interact and Rhinebeck Interact clubs, along with Linda Greenblatt, a Rotarian advisor to the Red Hook Club. Interact Clubs in high schools are sponsored by, but run independently from, a local Rotary Club; their mission is the same as Mr. Turpin proposes, doing good and having fun. Another set of interviews brings Millbrook Rotarian Kim Sweck , who supervises Rotary Youth Exchange for Millbrook, and two of the students who have come from Italy and Brazil to spend a school year in the United States. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:12</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 28, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Citizen-Preparedness-Aired-on-Feb-25--Feb-26-2017-e1t1a9"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Citizen-Preparedness-Aired-on-Feb-25--Feb-26-2017-e1t1a9"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Citizen Preparedness (Aired on Feb 25 & Feb 26 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interview Lieutenants Brett White and Thomas Frost of the
Citizens Preparedness Corp of the New York State National Guard. Their task is to present programs encouraging people to become prepared for encountering a disaster, whether it is natural (such as floods, storms, or fires), criminal (such as a terrorist attack), or technological (such as a power blackout). Although the disasters vary widely, many of the same steps can be taken to minimize their negative impacts. The main element is to have a plan, one that includes a central meeting place for family members and a survival kit that includes not only food and water stored for household use, but also a “go bag” of necessary supplies to take with you if you need to flee. This is one of those programs that could someday save your live or the lives of your loved ones.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:14</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 27, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Talking-Shelterbox-Aired-on-Feb-18-and-19--2017-e1t184"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Talking-Shelterbox-Aired-on-Feb-18-and-19--2017-e1t184"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Talking Shelterbox (Aired on Feb 18 and 19, 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>ShelterBox is a major initiative for disaster relief that is affiliated with Rotary International. Simply put, a ShelterBox is a tent and necessary supplies for up to ten people, all packed into a waterproof one-meter plastic cube. That is a good thing, but what makes ShelterBox effective in disaster relief are trained teams that can bring the ShelterBox cubes to the site of a disaster and teach locals how to use them. Because most cities and towns around the world have Rotary clubs, the ShelterBox teams have connections even in remote sites, such as the mountains of Nepal or smaller cities in Haiti, which enables the team to get the equipment to the right place faster than practically any other relief organization. Many Rotary clubs in District 7210 provide the $1,000 per box it takes to assemble a ShelterBox.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:01</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 27, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/UN-SHOW--2-Aired-on-Feb-4-and-Feb-5-2017-e1t16q"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/UN-SHOW--2-Aired-on-Feb-4-and-Feb-5-2017-e1t16q"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>UN SHOW # 2 (Aired on Feb 4 and Feb 5 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Once again, RadioRotary takes its microphone to Rotary Day at the United Nations for a series of interviews with persons from organizations “doing good in the world.” Lakeway/Lake Travis (TX) Rotarian Barker Keith discusses the Rotary 3D Limbs project, which is using 3D printing to produce prosthetics, especially new legs, for amputees, especially in Africa. Dr. Linda J. Stillman , who teaches at several colleges, is the founder and president of the Young Global Leadership Foundation, which guides aspiring youth leaders from around the world to become global citizens and democratic leaders towards a peaceful, prosperous and positive global society in the 21st Century, primarily through provision of volunteer mentors. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:36</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 27, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Millbrook-Rotary-Aired-on-Jan-28-and-Jan-29-2017-e1sq3d"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Millbrook-Rotary-Aired-on-Jan-28-and-Jan-29-2017-e1sq3d"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Millbrook Rotary (Aired on Jan 28 and Jan 29 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Millbrook Rotary 2016-17 President Rona Boyer worked around the world before settling in Millbrook, where she started using her sales and publishing and cooking experience to shore up The Millbrook Independent during its brief run as a weekly. Today she is at the helm of two different “micropublishing” monthly magazines— Living Millbrook and Living Rhinebeck . Micropublishing is a concept promoted by Best Version Media, which handles the production of the magazines, while Ms. Boyer supplies text, photos, and advertisers. The main idea is to focus on people and happenings within a half-hour of a specific village or town. Living Millbrook , delivered free to all Millbrook residents, often has featured cover stories on Millbrook Rotarians. As leader of Millbrook Rotary, Ms.
Boyer has presided over the 2017 New Year’s Eve Millbrook and directed a major initiative to provide school supplies to needy student in Millbrook and nearby Webutuck. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:10</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 26, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/U-N--SHOW--1-Aired-on-Jan-21--Jan-22-e1sq2u"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/U-N--SHOW--1-Aired-on-Jan-21--Jan-22-e1sq2u"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>U.N. SHOW # 1 (Aired on Jan 21 & Jan 22)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The annual Rotary Day at the United Nations each year brings together some
1,500 Rotarians along with various youth groups and representatives of
humanitarian organizations who work with Rotarians. For this program,
RadioRotary interviewed Mitch Kahn from ShelterBox; Rotarian Steve Goldsmith
(Hawthorne LAX Lennox Rotary) and Prabha Sankaranarayan from Mediators Beyond Borders; and Rotarian-wannabe Anna Abraham representing The Gift of Life, Inc. ShelterBox, whose emphasis is disaster relief, is now a Rotary Project Partner. When Mediators Beyond Boarders looked at their members, who work for peace between individuals, tribes, and nations, they discovered that a quarter of its membership is Rotarians. The Gift of Life, which specialized in providing pediatric cardiac care to children in places where such help is scarce, frequently partners with Rotary clubs or districts in their work. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">21:34</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 26, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotarian-Ambassadorial-Program-Aired-on-Jan-7-2017-and-Jan-8-2017-e1sq28"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotarian-Ambassadorial-Program-Aired-on-Jan-7-2017-and-Jan-8-2017-e1sq28"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotarian Ambassadorial Program (Aired on Jan 7 2017 and Jan 8 2017)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Ambassadorial Scholarships are the oldest program of the Rotary Foundation, having provided the opportunity for graduate study to over 42,000 students who
have studied international relations in over 60 nations. Rotarian Susan Davis (Rotary District 7210 E-Club), who grew up in the swamps outside of New Orleans became one of the recipients and attended Oxford University in the UK in 1980-81, leading to a career in using nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to fight poverty in Bangladesh (with BRAC) and around the world. In this RadioRotary Interview, recorded live from West Point, where Ms. Davis appeared at the annual Rotary Foundation gala along with District 7210 Past-President Bill Bassett, she tells about her experience with Rotary and her work with microfinancing as a way to improve lives.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:19</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 26, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Circle-of-Friends-for-the-Dying-Aired-on-December-31--2016-e1sq1p"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Circle-of-Friends-for-the-Dying-Aired-on-December-31--2016-e1sq1p"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Circle of Friends for the Dying (Aired on December 31, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Laurie Swartz and Rev. Lynda Carré about the Death Cafés they help run as part of Circle of Friends for the Dying in Ulster and Dutchess Counties. A Death Café is a gathering of a few people in a home, a church, a restaurant, or other venue where the conversation over tea or coffee and cake is all about dying. Our population is growing older every year and death will come to all of us—many who are not very old die as well—but few are prepared for it and many don’t even want to think or talk about it. The Death Café experience, often with a speaker, is offered about once a month at various locations around Ulster and Dutchess counties. A new project for the Circle of Friends for the Dying is a home in Kingston where a person who lives alone and is close to dying will be able to live with one or two others, which many would prefer to dying in a hospital or nursing home or dying alone at home.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:25</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 26, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-Years-Eve-Millbrook-Aired-on-December-17-and-18--2016-e1sq17"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-Years-Eve-Millbrook-Aired-on-December-17-and-18--2016-e1sq17"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>New Year’s Eve Millbrook (Aired on December 17 and 18, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotarian
Joyce Heaton
(Millbrook Rotary), who has chaired the annual
event New Year’s Eve Millbrook for 13 years, describes the family-friendly way that the Millbrook community and visitors celebrate the last day of each year—with music, puppets, circus and magic acts, and other entertainments. Many local foundations, businesses, and
individuals fund the free event, but it is run almost entirely by volunteers from Millbrook Rotary. Each year patrons can donate a small sum to obtain a lighted button that incorporates a design by a local student. The RadioRotary interview also describes some of the
many other activities of Millbrook Rotary, which range from annual publication of a business directory for Millbrook and the surrounding communities through provision of local school children with school supplies their families might be able to afford to donations of free
dictionaries and other books to local schools. The club also helps fund local organizations and international projects.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">12:27</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 26, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Two-by-Two-Zoo-Aired-on-November-19-and-20--2016-e1sq04"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Two-by-Two-Zoo-Aired-on-November-19-and-20--2016-e1sq04"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Two by Two Zoo (Aired on November 19 and 20, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Heather Iannucci and her family recognized in 1993 that their collection of animals was of interest to children and many adults as well, so they formed the Two by Two Zoo to be a traveling petting experience. Soon they began to acquire other animals, often pets that their owners could no longer care for, but also animals rescued by agencies such as the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA), which also registers the traveling zoo. Today the zoo is run by Heather and her daughter Jennifer (Mr. Iannucci works at a regular job) and concentrates on providing petting experiences as schools, libraries, and similar institutions in the Hudson Valley. For the RadioRotary interview, Mrs. Iannucci was accompanied by Sydney, a young kangaroo who said little during the program.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:51</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 26, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Senator-Sue-Serino-Senior-Scams-Aired-on-November-12--2016-e1spve"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Senator-Sue-Serino-Senior-Scams-Aired-on-November-12--2016-e1spve"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Senator Sue Serino: Senior Scams (Aired on November 12, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>New York State Senator Sue Serino, chair of the Aging Committee, spoke to RadioRotary about telephone and Internet scams aimed at seniors, and how to avoid them. One of the most common recently in her district has been a phone call pretending to be from the IRS. The caller says that the person receiving the call is delinquent on back taxes and must pay immediately or will be sent to jail. Such a call is always a scam—the IRS does not phone delinquent payers. Another common phone scam aimed at the elderly is for the caller to pretend to be a grandchild in trouble. One clue is that the caller asks for money to be sent as a prepaid card or wired to an address that can be a drop-off. Many more scams, and how to avoid them, are discussed.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:18</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 26, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Help-for-Adult-Developmentally-Disabled-Aired-on-November-4-and-5--2016-e1spuo"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Help-for-Adult-Developmentally-Disabled-Aired-on-November-4-and-5--2016-e1spuo"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Help for Adult Developmentally Disabled (Aired on November 4 and 5, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Holly Gaiman, Development Coordinator at InFlight, Inc., which supplies residential facilities, including group homes and apartments, for people with developmental disabilities. Its mission is to ensure the people it supports reach their highest level of independence and inclusion into the community while living in a home setting. InFlight operates throughout much of the mid-Hudson region, providing not only a home but also vocational services, art and music programs, activities of many kinds, and even the Can Do Café in Catskill, where residents meet to prepare the food. The residents served must be 22 years old or older and may be on the autism spectrum, have been born intellectually disabled, or suffer from brain damage. InFlight is supported by New York State’s Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">22:45</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 26, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Vassar-Haiti-Project-Aired-on-10-26-16--10-27-16-e1sieb"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Vassar-Haiti-Project-Aired-on-10-26-16--10-27-16-e1sieb"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Vassar Haiti Project (Aired on 10-26-16 & 10-27-16)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Vassar-Haiti Project Update (Aired on October 26 and 27, 2016)
In response to the September 11, 2001, attack Andrew Meade, director of
international students at Vassar College, and his wife Lila wanted to start a
project that would do good in the world. Both had family ties to Haiti, the poorest
nation in the Western Hemisphere, so that is where their impulse took them. For
fifteen years, the Vassar-Haiti project the started and still direct has improved the
lives of Haitians in the remote village of Chermaitre, starting with building and
staffing a school. Today Chermaitre and the surrounding area is also served by a clinic that is part of the project. Vassar junior Clairiola Etienne, who is the director of the health initiative, and Lila Meade are the guests on RadioRotary for this program. The Vassar-Haiti project is now working to provide clean water for Chermaitre thanks to a global grant of $55,000 from The Rotary Foundation,
sponsored locally by the Poughkeepsie-Arlington and Pe</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:25</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Talking-about-Polio-Aired-on-October-22-and-23-2016-e1si4h"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Talking-about-Polio-Aired-on-October-22-and-23-2016-e1si4h"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Talking about Polio (Aired on October 22 and 23 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pleasant Valley Rotarian Kathy Kruger is not only the producer of RadioRotary, but she is also a registered nurse. In this interview, Ms. Kruger tells our regular co-hosts the facts about how Rotary, working the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations Foundation, the World Health Organization, and UNICEF, has reduced the incidence of the paralyzing disease polio from an annual toll of about 1,000 cases a day to fewer than 75 per year. At the time of this broadcast, as a result of a vaccination program carried out largely by Rotarian volunteers polio had been eliminated everywhere but for two nations: Pakistan and Afghanistan. But, Ms. Kruger warns, until Rotary and its partners complete the task of complete elimination—now just “this close”—the disease could be just an airplane ride away from where you are.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:03</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Community-Policing-in-the-Town-of-Lloyd-October-8--2016-e1si3r"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Community-Policing-in-the-Town-of-Lloyd-October-8--2016-e1si3r"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Community Policing in the Town of Lloyd (October 8, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Jonah Triebwasser and RadioRotary Producer Kathy Kruger interview Police Chief Daniel Waage of the Town of Lloyd in Ulster County about his program of community policing. Community policing is a law-enforcement philosophy that involves the systematic use of community partnerships to address proactively the conditions that give rise to crime, social disorder, or fear of police. Chief Waage has followed this philosophy from the 2012 start of his work in Lloyd, focusing especially on helping children (and their parents) and senior citizens. The Lloyd Police, working on their own time, produce or participate in fundraising events for local needs. Chief Waage has also instituted programs such as Project CARE, which checks daily on the status of enrolled senior citizens. Educational outreach is provided through classes in such topics as active shooter response training and forums and classes dealing with narcotics abuse. Community involvement includes a Lloyd police sergeant who is a member </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:16</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Feeding-the-Hudson-Valley-Aired-on-October-1-and-2--2016-e1si30"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Feeding-the-Hudson-Valley-Aired-on-October-1-and-2--2016-e1si30"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Feeding the Hudson Valley (Aired on October 1 and 2, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Margot Schulman, manager of The Lunch Box for Dutchess Outreach, and Rich Schiafo, deputy executive director of the Hudson Valley Regional Council, tell RadioRotary about efforts to prevent food insecurity in the Hudson Valley, starting with an event at the Walkway Over the Hudson for which a number of local agencies are providing a free meal entirely made from “recused food.” Rescued food may be food prepared for an event that was not utilized, food gleaned from farms after harvest, unserved restaurant food, or food removed from grocery shelves for one reason or another. Estimates are that 20% of food is wasted in the United States, while in Poughkeepsie more than half the students in elementary or high school are at a poverty level that makes them eligible for free lunches. Also in Poughkeepsie, The Lunch Box, which supplies free lunches and dinners, has many needy clients daily. Rescued healthy food can help the effort to reduce food insecurity.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:23</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Zika-Virus-Update-Aired-on-September-24-and-25--2016-e1si21"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Zika-Virus-Update-Aired-on-September-24-and-25--2016-e1si21"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Zika Virus Update (Aired on September 24 and 25, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Jonah Triebwasser interviews Cary Institute disease ecologist Shannon LaDeau on the recently recognized dangers from the Zika virus and on the mosquitoes that carry it from human to human. Zika has been known in the Old World since the 1940s but did not reach the Western Hemisphere until 2014, when travelers brought it to Brazil. It has since spread widely through South America, the Caribbean, and some neighborhoods in Florida. Zika is carried from person to person primarily by two species of tropical and subtropical mosquitoes that are daytime biters and to a lesser degree by sexual relations. About 80% of humans infected show mild symptoms or none, but the disease can cause severe damage to an unborn child if the mother is infected. The main concern has been microcephaly, which results in an abnormally small skull and likely brain damage.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">22:34</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Sachem-Hawk-Storm-of-Schaghticokes-September-17--2016-e1si0l"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Sachem-Hawk-Storm-of-Schaghticokes-September-17--2016-e1si0l"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Sachem Hawk Storm of Schaghticokes (September 17, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Robert Hawk Storm Birch, known primarily by his Native American name, Hawk Storm, given to him by his grandfather when he was five. The Schaghticoke Native Americans are struggling to win Federal recognition, although they have one of the oldest reservations in the U.S., located in Kent, Connecticut, just over the border from Dover, New York. The Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs only recognizes about 560 of the approximately a thousand indigenous tribes, which prevent the unrecognized from obtaining many services. Hawk Storm is working on improving the Schaghticoke Reservation in Kent with a cultural center, but he also is devoting time to helping the United Nations efforts on climate change and discrimination issues.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:40</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Patterson-Rotary-Events-Aired-on-September-10--11--2016-e1sht6"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Patterson-Rotary-Events-Aired-on-September-10--11--2016-e1sht6"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Patterson Rotary Events (Aired on September 10 & 11, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Patterson Rotarian Bill Flash is interviewed about his club’s activities. The Patterson Club holds a number of fundraisers annually that have become much anticipated events for the residents of Putnam County and beyond. The Blues and BBQ event provides great music from local bands and nationally known musicians along with food prepared by the great cooks of Patterson Rotary–ribs, brats, burgers, and more. A recent program featured both guitarist Dylan Doyle and the band Fade to Blues. Admission is free, although donations are encouraged ($10 suggested). Other events include Touch a Truck for Heroes and a semiannual community giveaway. In the spring, the main event is Men Who Cook, a contest that has run for over twenty years. If you are local to the Patterson area and are a Comcast subscriber, you can check out Bill Flash on Channel 8.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:23</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Weekend-September-3-and-4--2016-e1shpi"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Pleasant-Valley-Weekend-September-3-and-4--2016-e1shpi"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pleasant Valley Weekend (September 3 and 4, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Many of the villages and hamlets in Dutchess County choose a day or weekend in the fall to celebrate local organizations and to entertain their residents and visitors. These include Hardscrabble Days in Red Hook and Community Day in Millbrook. For about forty years, one of these celebrations has been Pleasant Valley Weekend in the hamlet and town of Pleasant Valley. In this interview, Pleasant Valley Rotarian (and RadioRotary producer) Kathy Kruger tells about the Pleasant Valley Weekend of 2016. This was the 20th anniversary of the Rotary rubber-duck race in Wappingers Creek, a popular fundraiser. Pleasant Valley Rotary also runs the beer tent, one of the many sources of food and drink at the Friday through Sunday festival. There are carnival rides, several parades, community booths of all kinds, and fireworks at the end, all accompanied by music by several local bands. The town comes out each year in large numbers to enjoy a great weekend and celebrate their community.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:17</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Action-Groups-Aired-on-August-20--21--2016-e1shok"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Action-Groups-Aired-on-August-20--21--2016-e1shok"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Action Groups (Aired on August 20 & 21, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pleasant Valley Rotarian Ellen Haggerty is the guest on RadioRotary, discussing Rotarian Action Groups (RAGs) and Rotary Fellowship Groups with special emphasis on the RAG Rotarians for Hearing, an action group started by Ms. Haggerty. Rotarians for Hearing has a grant from the Rotary Foundation that covers hearing tests for newborns in Guatemala. An electronic device checks the baby’s ears to see if they are working properly; babies with difficulties are sent to Guatemala City for brain scans that reveal hearing problems in detail. It is important to get to children before the age of six, because older children who have never heard language then fail to learn it. There is much more of interest on this program—how Ms. Haggerty became involved in hearing about how she has traveled the world as a member of the Travel and Hosting Rotary Fellowship.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:55</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><span class="styles__isActiveEpisode___3WG-z"></span><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Highland-Rotarys-12th-Annual-Ribfest-August-13--14--2016-e1shm7"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Highland-Rotarys-12th-Annual-Ribfest-August-13--14--2016-e1shm7"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Highland Rotary’s 12th Annual Ribfest (August 13 & 14, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Highland Rotary Club’s Steve Laubach and Don Verity concerning the 12th annual Hudson Valley Ribfest, one of the major summer events in the Hudson Valley and voted one of the “must-go-to” festivals in the United States. It is also the primary fundraiser for the Highland Rotary Club. Income from the Ribfest to supports The Rotary Foundation, ShelterBox, and several local charitable causes. Each year the Ribfest brings the contest for the NYS championship in barbecue to the Ulster County Fairground in New Paltz, along with live music, other entertainment, and children’s activities—including a pork-chop cook-off. Specialty booths offer barbecue equipment and supplies, while the food includes chicken, pulled pork, and corn-on-the-cob as well as the featured ribs.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:27</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Stop-Dieting-and-Start-Living-August-6--2016-e1shlc"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Stop-Dieting-and-Start-Living-August-6--2016-e1shlc"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Stop Dieting and Start Living (August 6, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Sarah O’Connell and Dave Kruger interview Millbrook Rotarian Ellie Savoy, author of the International Best-Seller Stop Dieting, Start Living: 5 Foundations for your Health to Permanently Lose Weight Without Dieting, Starvation, or Suffering in Silence, as well as portions of other self-help books. Ms. Savoy is a Board Certified Holistic Health Coach who not only coaches individuals, but also offers short courses. Her life took a turn for the better in 2011, when—30 pounds overweight—she face possible surgery, but decided to practice healthy eating and a better lifestyle instead. She has a lot of common-sense advice, which most of us would do well to follow. The basic program is to stop dieting and make the best choices in food and lifestyle. Exercise and sleep are also important, but should be routine rather than taking a special effort. Good health is everyone’s number-one asset in life, so make your own body your first priority.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:10</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Foundation-Doing-Good-in-the-World-July-30--2016-e1shjq"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Foundation-Doing-Good-in-the-World-July-30--2016-e1shjq"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Foundation-Doing Good in the World (July 30, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Kinderhook Tri-Village Rotarian, Dr. Tam Mustapha, who has held a number of positions supporting The Rotary Foundation, the charitable arm of Rotary International. The motto of The Rotary Foundation, “Doing Good in the World,” describes its main mission, which focuses on improving peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, saving mothers and children, supporting education and literacy, and growing local economies. In 2017 The Rotary Foundation will have been achieving these goals for a hundred years. Anyone can contribute money to The Rotary Foundation, secure in the knowledge that their contribution will be used for work in the focus areas described above, since there is almost no administrative costs to an organization that employs volunteer Rotarians, and what little costs occur are largely paid for with interest on the contributed money.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:16</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/4-H-in-Putnam-Country-Aired-on-July-16--17--2016-e1shiu"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/4-H-in-Putnam-Country-Aired-on-July-16--17--2016-e1shiu"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>4-H in Putnam Country (Aired on July 16 & 17, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Carmel Rotarian Marjorie Keith and recent Mahopac High School student Robert Solerno about the role of the 4-H Club of Putnam Country. Keith is the Executive Director of Putnam County’s branch of the Cornell Cooperative Extension, which sponsors 4-H clubs, while Solerno is not only an enthusiastic member of 4-H, but also a former member of the Mahopac High School Interact Club. Although we think of 4-H (which stands for Head, Heart, Hands, and Health) primarily as rural, the club thrives in Putnam County, which is not rural, with programs or divisions devoted to pet care, media, crafts, the environment, and leadership. A major event is the annual Putnam Country 40H Fair in Kent, NY, that features many local booths devoted to 4-H-related activities and activities that interest children as well as a famous chicken dinner on Saturday night of the Fair.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:49</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-District-7210-in-2016-17-Aired-on-July-9--10--2016-e1shhl"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-District-7210-in-2016-17-Aired-on-July-9--10--2016-e1shhl"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary District 7210 in 2016-17 (Aired on July 9 & 10, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>We explore the Rotary aim of “Doing Good, Having Fun.” </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">29:27</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Community-at-Brookmeade-Aired-on-June-25--26--2016-e1shgg"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Community-at-Brookmeade-Aired-on-June-25--26--2016-e1shgg"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Community at Brookmeade (Aired on June 25 & 26, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Community at Brookmeade, located on 75 country acres just outside the Village of Rhinebeck, is a senior-living retirement community serving the Hudson Valley and surrounding areas. It consists of three connected facilities: Arbor Ridge offers independent living; The Terraces offers assisted living; and The Baptist Home provides long term care, sub-acute rehabilitation, palliative care and Out-Patient Rehabilitation Services. In this informative program, Rhinebeck Rotarians Carolyn Bernitt, president of the Brookmeade Community Foundation, and Brian Zeiden, Brookmeade’s Director of Development, describe the many programs available, including short-term rehabilitation and palliative care at The Baptist Home as well as activities available, such as an art show featuring residents’ art.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:14</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rt--212-Coalition-Helps-Fight-Addiction--June-18--2016-e1shfg"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rt--212-Coalition-Helps-Fight-Addiction--June-18--2016-e1shfg"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rt. 212 Coalition Helps Fight Addiction ( June 18, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Shayna Micucci and Kasandra Quednau, founders of the Rt. 212 Coalition, which aids persons and families facing addiction problems. Micucci is a trained addiction specialist and Quednau has personal experience with addiction in the past. The Coalition’s name comes from New York State Route 212, which runs through Ulster Country from Saugerties to Woodstock and beyond. Its mission is to bridge gaps in substance-abuse services by linking resources, providing support, building awareness, and collaborating with other organizations in Ulster County. Micucci and Quednau envision a community free from the stigma associated with addiction, which they work to achieve by supporting accessible substance-abuse prevention, education, and treatment services. The Coalition works with PAARI, the Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative to provide scholarships that enable addicts to obtain treatment and also provides regular support meetings in Woodstock.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:49</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Walkway-Over-the-Hudson-Race-Days-Aired-on-June-4--5--2016-e1shef"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Walkway-Over-the-Hudson-Race-Days-Aired-on-June-4--5--2016-e1shef"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Walkway Over the Hudson Race Days (Aired on June 4 & 5, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Kathy Smith, who is on the board of the Friends of the Walkway Over the Hudson about the some of the many activities that not only involve using the great bridge but also raise money for its upkeep and improvement. Walkway Over the Hudson is a free New York State Historic Park that opening in October 2009 and today has half a million users each year. It was a railroad bridge from 1888 to 1974—the first bridge of any kind across the Hudson between New York City and Albany–but has been reconstructed as a 1.2-mile pedestrian bridge. Although the main purpose of the Walkway is to provide a stirring experience and views, there are many annual events, such as the races associated with the marathon, the Fourth of July Fireworks, and moon walks and sunrise strolls. Among the improvements funded by the Friends of the Walkway, the most notable is a dramatic elevator, a short distance from the Poughkeepsie Railroad Station.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:15</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Goshens-Got-Talent-Aired-on-May-28--29--2016-e1sh8d"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Goshens-Got-Talent-Aired-on-May-28--29--2016-e1sh8d"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Goshen’s Got Talent (Aired on May 28 & 29, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Goshen Rotarians Nan Gill-Wilson and David P. Wilson are professionals in several branches of show business. The have brought their own talents and performing knowledge to the aid of their Rotary Club in a number of ways. Goshen Rotary manages to have at least one major event every month of the year. One of these fundraisers is “Goshen’s Got Talent,” a show based on local amateur performers—although David and Nan have found amateurs with professional chops. While “Goshen’s Got Talent” benefits the community service of Goshen Rotary—which includes dictionaries for elementary school, disaster relief, scouting, and the Braeside-Museum Village project—Nan and David also have developed “Once More Frankly!” which supports The Rotary Foundation. Their involvement in Willy Gilly Productions, the Acting Anyone Academy, and The Academy of Film Television Stage and Performing Arts also manages to entail Rotary connections in various ways.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:31</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Youth-Interact--Youth-Exchange-May-21--22--2016-e1sgpd"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Youth-Interact--Youth-Exchange-May-21--22--2016-e1sgpd"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Youth: Interact & Youth Exchange (May 21 & 22, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In a live show at Millbrook Rotary RadioRotary interviews George Ouimet, this year’s president of the Millbrook High Interact Club, and Luisa Pereira, this year’s incoming Youth Exchange (YEX) student to Millbrook Rotary. Ouimet describes recent projects of Interact, including two canned food drives, two recent blood drives, the Purple Pinkie Project, and the Scott Meyer Memorial 5K Run. George joined Interact in his sophomore year because he wanted to give back to his community. Luisa Pereira competed with 180 other students to become a YEX representative from Brazil. Being a YEX student and living with three families in the Millbrook School District for a whole school year is not the entire exchange experience. She has traveled to Vermont, Connecticut, and New Jersey, and visited New York City several times. Luisa strongly recommends the YEX experience—the best year of her life so far.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:10</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Taste-of-Greater-Newburgh-Aired-on-May-14--15--2016-e1sgnm"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Taste-of-Greater-Newburgh-Aired-on-May-14--15--2016-e1sgnm"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Taste of Greater Newburgh (Aired on May 14 & 15, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary is visited by Newburgh Rotarians Allie Sacks, Bob McCury, and Debbie Johnson on the occasion of the ninth annual “Taste of Greater Newburgh” festival of food, drink, music, automobiles, and art. Local restaurants and other food and drink suppliers form the foundation of this annual fundraiser, but a local band supplies music and in 2016 the festival featured both an automobile show and works by local artists. The money raised by the event is used by Newburgh Rotary to help fund fifteen community nonprofits, including the Salvation Army, services for senior citizens, and Peace Poles, physical reminders of the important Rotary goal of peace throughout the world.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:41</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Kingston-Rotary-Celebrates-100th-Anniversary-May-7--2016-e1sgmt"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Kingston-Rotary-Celebrates-100th-Anniversary-May-7--2016-e1sgmt"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Kingston Rotary Celebrates 100th Anniversary (May 7, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Kingston Rotarians Donna Miller and Georgiana Pangborn about the 100th anniversary of their club, the oldest Rotary club in the Hudson Valley. Rotary was only eleven years old itself when the Kingston Club was chartered by the Association of Rotary Clubs (which became Rotary International six years later). By then Rotary was active in Great Britain, Canada, and had its first non-English-speaking club in Havana, Cuba. The Kingston Rotary also became one of the first to admit women as members, beginning with Nuise Bhityakul and two other women in February 1988. Nuise is still an active member and brings many benefits from her association with Thailand to the club. Kingston Rotary meets each week for lunch, but for those who cannot attend a lunch, the Kingston Sunrise Club meets weekly for breakfast.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:54</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Apple-Blossom-Day-in-Red-Hook-Aired-on-April-30--May-1--2016-e1sgm1"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Apple-Blossom-Day-in-Red-Hook-Aired-on-April-30--May-1--2016-e1sgm1"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Apple Blossom Day in Red Hook (Aired on April 30 & May 1, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Once again RadioRotary travels to the Red Hook Rotary Club for a live broadcast from the Bread and Bottle Bakery and Wine Bar. Red Hook Rotary for the past fifteen years has been the sponsor of the great spring festival, Apple Blossom Day, which has taken place in the village for over thirty years. Co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sara O’Connell interview Red Hook Rotary president (and hot-dog cook) Susan Simon along with chair of this year’s Apple Blossom Day Dave Wright about the event that features music, dance, food, and crafts. An addition to the event this year is the Red Hook Film Festival. Robert George, producer of the Film Festival is on hand to tell about the showings, culled from about 700 short-film entries, with one full-length production on the Rhinebeck Aerodrome a special feature this year.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:53</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Road-Back-from-Addiction-Aired-on-April-23--24--2016-e1sgla"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Road-Back-from-Addiction-Aired-on-April-23--24--2016-e1sgla"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Road Back from Addiction (Aired on April 23 & 24, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Millbrook Rotary hosted a broadcast of RadioRotary with guests Steve Pressman, Executive Director of the Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers, Inc. (MARC) and Laurie Quinn (Philmont Rotary Club), a director of the MARC Foundation. A main problem facing MARC and the entire nation is the heroin and opiate epidemic. Currently in the United States 129 persons each day die from a heroin or opiate overdose. MARC is a residential program that both sends persons with addiction to other appropriate facilities as needed and houses and treats the addicted in several ways—A Crisis Center, three residential treatment centers, and nearly 30 sober housing apartments. Ms. Quinn is trying to help erase the stigma of drug addiction by shining a light on the problem. She tells the story of her son Eric: About a year ago he showed his mother needle tracks on his arms and said he needed help. At that point, despite holding down two jobs, he was using ten bags of heroin daily. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:23</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Faith-House-to-Help-Pregnant-Girls-April-16--17--2016-e1sgke"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Faith-House-to-Help-Pregnant-Girls-April-16--17--2016-e1sgke"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Faith House to Help Pregnant Girls (April 16 & 17, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Crystal Snow-Hebel is one of the co-founders of Faith House (Linda Arzu is the other), a proposed maternity home for 18- to 24-year old girls and their newborn children. This would be a refuge for girls who otherwise would be homeless, in abusive relationships, or living in poverty. The idea is to provide for spiritual and emotional needs in a real family environment. Many volunteers are already working on this project, which is still in a fundraising stage. In addition to providing parenting skills, there would also be prenatal care and skills and educational development for when the girl and her child re-enters society.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:14</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Men-Who-Cook-Aired-on-April-9--10--2016-e1sgik"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Men-Who-Cook-Aired-on-April-9--10--2016-e1sgik"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Men Who Cook (Aired on April 9 & 10, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Patterson Rotarian Mike Ingber about his club’s exciting fundraiser, Men Who Cook. Ingber is not only one of the organizers for the 20th installment of the popular event, but also one of the cooks, specializing in smoked salmon or ribs. This edition of Men Who Cook honors the Honorable James Reitz, judge of the family court in Carmel, NY, and of a drug court that helps addicts become rehabilitated rather than prisoners. Men Who Cook has about 15 professional chefs from local restaurants and about the same number of amateur foodies who man stations at the Star Ridge Banquet Center in Brewster. For a $70 entrance fee, you can patronize all of the stations featuring a variety of ethnic foods and American classics—but bring your own drinks and stemware. Everything else for a grand meal is provided. Patterson Rotarian Rich Parente, Owner/chef of the Clocktower Grill does a whole hog, which is spectacular.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:28</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Red-Hook-Area-Chamber-of-Commerce-Aired-on-April-2--3--2016-e1sgh9"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Red-Hook-Area-Chamber-of-Commerce-Aired-on-April-2--3--2016-e1sgh9"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Red Hook Area Chamber of Commerce (Aired on April 2 & 3, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Broadcasting from the Red Hook Rotary meeting, the RadioRotary cohosts interview Kimberly McGrath, Executive Editor of the Red Hook Area Chamber of Commerce. The Red Hook Area Chamber has more than 280 active members representing 170 businesses and is still growing. Primarily it acts to promote local businesses with its weekly newsletter and to help local business persons meet and get to know each other, the latter with breakfasts or mixers every month. The Chamber also has several annual events: the Summer Camp Fair to help parents and children find the summer camp that fits best; a golf tournament in cooperation with the Rhinebeck Chamber that is a fundraiser; the Community Arts Network (CAN) to promote every form of art in the Red Hook Area; and, in cooperation with other local organizations, the annual Chocolate Festival.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:13</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Polio-Vaccinating-in-West-Africa-March-26--27--2016-e1sggg"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Polio-Vaccinating-in-West-Africa-March-26--27--2016-e1sggg"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Polio Vaccinating in West Africa (March 26 & 27, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rhinebeck Rotarian Bob Phillips, along with 23 other Rotarians from around the United States (and some from Canada and the United Kingdom) went to Côte d’Ivoire in West Africa in the summer of 2015—mission, prevent polio. As he told the RadioRotary co-hosts, the ten-day trip was the most memorable experience of his life, from the West African Fair to actually administering the two drops of polio vaccine to infants under five years old, the target group. Of course, this was part of Rotary’s PolioPlus project, which since 1988 has worked with UNICEF, the World Health Organization, and the CDC to eradicate the disease, which was causing a thousand cases a week when they started. As a result of this effort, there were only 70 instances in all in 2015, all of them in Pakistan and Afghanistan, with the disease essentially eliminated from the rest of the world.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:39</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Improving-Lives-with-Plastic-Surgery-March-19--20--2016-e1sged"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Improving-Lives-with-Plastic-Surgery-March-19--20--2016-e1sged"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Improving Lives with Plastic Surgery (March 19 & 20, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pleasant Valley Rotarian, registered nurse, and RadioRotary producer Kathy Kruger is on the other side of the microphone as co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell interview her about the Rotaplast program to correct cleft lip or palate, burn scarring, and other deformities. Cleft lip or palate causes many health problems as well as affecting speech, impairing ability to eat, and causing social rejection. Kruger has personal experience with the program as a participant in a mission to the Philippines but she also has been the principal representative from Rotaplast to District 7210. A typical Rotaplast team of about 15 medical professionals and 15 nonmedical volunteers, often Rotarians, travels to a locations where few facilities exist for repair of these defects, then over a couple of weeks treats hundreds of patients, mostly children but some adults as well.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:10</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Radon-Danger-in-Your-Home-Aired-on-March-12--13--2016-e1sgd1"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Radon-Danger-in-Your-Home-Aired-on-March-12--13--2016-e1sgd1"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Radon Danger in Your Home (Aired on March 12 & 13, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Michael Christophides, Chief Inspector and Laboratory Director of Granit Inspection Group, joins co-host Sarah O’Connell and guest co-host and physicist David Kruger to describe the hazards of the gas radon, which can accumulate in buildings or in well water. Radon is an odorless radioactive gas that is released from rocks of all kinds, but especially from granite or dark shales found in the Hudson Valley. Radon in the air is the second leading cause of lung cancer (and adds to the risk of cancer in smokers), while radon in water can increase the risk of stomach cancer and may also be released into the air. Testing is the only way that you can tell whether or not radon is present in dangerous levels. Mr. Christophides recommends testing every two years, since levels can change based on seismic activity, changes in structures, or other factors. If a test reveals excess radon, remediation usually consists of suctioning air away before it can enter the house.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:15</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-Office-of-the-Aging-Aired-on-March-5--6--2016-e1sgbv"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-Office-of-the-Aging-Aired-on-March-5--6--2016-e1sgbv"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dutchess Office of the Aging (Aired on March 5 & 6, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Maggie Kwet, the Aging Information Services Specialist at the Dutchess County Office of the Aging, on the many services provided for seniors in the County, which deal with health, the law, transportation, home care, food, energy and heating, grandparenting, and more. The Office of the Aging (845-486-2555) conducts group and individual help with Medicare. It offers programs to improve movement and health for seniors such as “A Matter of Balance” and regular exercise groups. Legal services include living wills, health-care proxies, and advice on bankruptcies. Nearly every problem confronting a senior has a friendly staffer of the Office for the Aging ready to help solve.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:31</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Vocal-Music-at-Bard-College-February-27--28--2016-e1sgau"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Vocal-Music-at-Bard-College-February-27--28--2016-e1sgau"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Vocal Music at Bard College (February 27 & 28, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Kayo Iwama, Associate Director of the Graduate Vocal Arts Program at Bard College, about music education at the college and the performances open to the public. Bard has an unusual undergraduate degree program in music because each student must also obtain a degree in another subject, such as mathematics or political science. The Graduate Vocal Arts Program owes its existence to the renowned soprano Dawn Upshaw, who developed and directs it. Performances by students, faculty, and guest artists occur throughout the year at Bard, some of them free and many at the famed Fisher Center designed by Frank Gehry. Every two years, the Vocal Arts Program mounts an opera for the public, complete with a full orchestra accompaniment. Bard actually hosts three orchestras, including the American Symphony Orchestra conducted by Leon Botstein.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:03</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotarians-Doing-Good-in-the-World-February-20--21--2016-e1sg9p"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotarians-Doing-Good-in-the-World-February-20--21--2016-e1sg9p"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotarians Doing Good in the World (February 20 & 21, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Foundation's motto of “Doing Good in the World” is the subject of this show. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:42</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Center-for-Performing-Arts-All-Americana-in-2016-Aired-on-February-13--14--2016-e1sg4c"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Center-for-Performing-Arts-All-Americana-in-2016-Aired-on-February-13--14--2016-e1sg4c"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Center for Performing Arts: All-Americana in 2016 (Aired on February 13 & 14, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rhinebeck Rotarian Lou Trapani, Artistic and Managing Director of The Center for the Performing Arts at Rhinebeck, returns to RadioRotary to discuss some of the upcoming performances at the big red barn on Route 308. Also in the interview, Mr. Trapani describes the education program at the Center, which includes a touring company that performs The Wizard of Oz, Rip Van Winkle, and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow at local schools. These fit will with the Center’s theme for 2016, which is “All-Americana,” featuring plays by American authors such as Kaufman and Hart, Tony Kushner, and Arthur Laurents. Among the unusual attractions will be a new opera (Godfather Death) and pairing the Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival’s Romeo and Juliet with West Side Story.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:09</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Senator-Serino-on-Lyme-Disease-Aired-on-January-30--2016-e1sg2l"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Senator-Serino-on-Lyme-Disease-Aired-on-January-30--2016-e1sg2l"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Senator Serino on Lyme Disease (Aired on January 30, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews New York State Senator Sue Serino on efforts to reduce Lyme Disease in the Hudson Valley and to free physicians to treat chronic Lyme Disease with longer courses of intravenous antibiotics. Lyme Disease is one of several tick-borne illnesses that are widespread in the Hudson Valley. Many believe that when it fails to be cured either by no treatment or inadequate treatment, it becomes chronic Lyme Disease. Chronic Lyme Disease, which is not recognized by the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), may affect those afflicted years after the initial infection. Symptoms can include arthritis, fatigue, mental fogginess, and impaired vision. The black-legged ticks that carry the disease from other mammals, such as deer and white-footed mice, often attach themselves to human hosts in the nymph stage, when they are about the size of a sesame seed. In about a quarter of the infections, a characteristic “bulls-eye” rash forms at the site of the infection.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:25</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Backpack-Snack-Attack-Aired-on-January-23--24--2016-e1sg1m"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Backpack-Snack-Attack-Aired-on-January-23--24--2016-e1sg1m"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Backpack Snack Attack (Aired on January 23 & 24, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Sue Puett, Executive Director of Warwick Reformed Church’s Backpack Snack Attack program, and Warwick Valley Rotarian Stan Martin about this effective approach to making sure that children who receive free lunches at school during the week do not go hungry on weekends. The program started in 2009 by Warwick Reformed Church with a financial assist from a Rotary District Grant arranged by Warwick Rotary and now feeds more than 300 school children in the Town of Warwick, NY. The Backpack Snack Attack provides 13 to 14 non-refrigerated individual-sized food items such as pudding cups, cheese-and-crackers, and fresh fruit to children identified by school guidance counselors as in need. There is also a summer program of weekly food distribution.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:38</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hope-on-a-Mission-HOAM-Aired-on-January-16--17--2016-e1sfvn"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hope-on-a-Mission-HOAM-Aired-on-January-16--17--2016-e1sfvn"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Hope on a Mission HOAM (Aired on January 16 & 17, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews recovering addict Cara Mia Bacchiochi about her street ministry called Hope on a Mission HOAM, a volunteer effort to help women who are homeless because of addiction to drugs or alcohol. Working in the city of Poughkeepsie, Bacchiochi and volunteer helpers distribute water and such personal care items as baby wipes to homeless women on a weekly basis. As with other parts of the United States, Poughkeepsie is undergoing a wave of addiction spurred by the introduction of powerful opiate pain relievers and the availability of cheap heroin. In the late 1980s, Bacchiochi was herself an addict, but in 1990 she entered recovery programs. With the help of her church, she hope someday to open a storefront that would make it easier to carry out her mission. In the meantime, Hope on a Mission HOAM could use help in the form of donations and volunteers. See its Facebook page for information on how to help.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:18</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Anderson-Center-for-Autism-Aired-on-January-9--10--2016-e1sfv3"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Anderson-Center-for-Autism-Aired-on-January-9--10--2016-e1sfv3"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Anderson Center for Autism (Aired on January 9 & 10, 2016)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Eliza Bozenski is the development director for the Anderson Center for Autism, a nonprofit educational and therapeutic organization that includes day and residential programs for children and adults as well as diagnostics, training, and consultation for families or schools. Its hundred-acre walkable campus on the Hudson, where autistic students learn in classes with 6 or fewer other students, is just the most obvious part of the organization. It also encompasses 21 group homes, three life-learning centers, a clinic, and consulting arrangements with local schools. This compelling RadioRotary interview tells the listener much about autism and the important place of the Anderson Center in its management.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:52</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Hunger-Van-Comes-to-Poughkeepsie-Dec--26--27--2015-e1sfu2"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Hunger-Van-Comes-to-Poughkeepsie-Dec--26--27--2015-e1sfu2"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Hunger Van Comes to Poughkeepsie (Dec. 26 & 27, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Zamir Hassan, founder of The Hunger Van, a volunteer effort to bring food to the hungry homeless. In 2000, Hassan chaperoned a school trip to a local food pantry and was astonished by how many were going hungry in his prosperous New Jersey community. He says that in his tradition, you are not supposed to go to sleep if your neighbor is hungry, so he began to work on ways to alleviate the problem. As he traveled from place to place around the United States, helping to set up food pantries, he realized that many of the hungry homeless lack transportation to get to the food pantries, so he created a volunteer program that would bring healthy food to where the homeless lived, beneath bridges or in doorways. Hunger Vans now operate in cities all over the United States. Hassan was in the Hudson Valley to help inaugurate the Hunger Van program in Poughkeepsie.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:20</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-Years-Eve-Millbrook-Aired-on-December-19--20--2015-e1sft8"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-Years-Eve-Millbrook-Aired-on-December-19--20--2015-e1sft8"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>New Year’s Eve Millbrook (Aired on December 19 & 20, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Millbrook Rotarian Joyce Heaton describes this year’s New Year’s Eve Millbrook a community event that is family friendly and alcohol free. Twelve years earlier, the Rotary Club of Millbrook was seeking a way to help bring the village and environs together as a community. In October of that year, Joyce—who was aware of First Night Celebrations in Boston and elsewhere—proposed that the club sponsor a New Year’s Eve celebration of music and events directed at children. That December saw the first celebration. Some of the music acts from that first occasion—jazz pianist Larry Ham and the Handman Family strings—have been featured every year since, while other popular favorites such as the Bindlestiff Family Cirkus, Metropolitan Klezmer, and ragtime-and-blues piano scholar Peter Muir, have been present many times. A popular feature of New Year’s Eve Millbrook are the lighted buttons designed by local students. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:26</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/UN-Rotary-Day-2015Part-One-Aired-on-December-12--13--2015-e1sfrd"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/UN-Rotary-Day-2015Part-One-Aired-on-December-12--13--2015-e1sfrd"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>UN Rotary Day 2015—Part One (Aired on December 12 & 13, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary has had a unique role in the United Nations starting even before the UN was founded. Each year the United Nations invites more than a thousand Rotarians, members of associated groups such as Rotaract and Interact, and students participating in Rotary international Youth Exchange to come to UN headquarters in New York for panel discussions with Rotary leadership, UN ambassadors, and heads of international nongovernmental organizations. Also each year since 2009 the RadioRotary team has been there to interview some of the participants. This is the first set of interviews from 2015.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:10</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Vocational-Education-for-Senior-Citizens-Dec--5--6--2015-e1sfqh"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Vocational-Education-for-Senior-Citizens-Dec--5--6--2015-e1sfqh"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Vocational Education for Senior Citizens (Dec. 5 & 6, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a Federal program that operates on a country level, providing vocational training for low-income persons age 55 or older. In Dutchess County the SCSEP office is part of PathStone, located in Wappingers Falls. SCSEP counselors Cheryl George, Patsy Kimbrew, Sheila Rock, and Marlene Fredericks describe the program, which provides training in such skills as handling interviews and writing resumes. Retired seniors are placed in jobs that reflect their previous work life or that are based on training received in the program.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:41</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Foundation---Doing-Good-in-the-World-Nov--28--2015-e1sfpj"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Foundation---Doing-Good-in-the-World-Nov--28--2015-e1sfpj"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Foundation - Doing Good in the World (Nov. 28, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pleasant Valley Rotarian, and 2015 winner of the Jeffrey Keahon Foundation Award, David Kruger describes the work of The Rotary Foundation, the part of Rotary that not only does good in the world away from our communities, but also helps fund many local projects. While its most notable success has been the worldwide reduction of polio to a handful of cases in two countries—with complete elimination on the horizon—The Rotary Foundation may have saved even more lives with its projects for clean water, maternal and child health, and peace. It is also the most effective charity because nearly all of every dollar given to The Rotary Foundation is used for its work instead of spent on administration or fundraising.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:18</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Salvation-Army-Helps-Homeless--More-November-21--2015-e1sfmn"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Salvation-Army-Helps-Homeless--More-November-21--2015-e1sfmn"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Salvation Army Helps Homeless & More (November 21, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Salvation Army Captains Sam and Jenny Alarcon visit RadioRotary to describe some of the many ways that The Salvation Army works to solve problems in Poughkeepsie and the Hudson Valley. The Salvation Army, founded in London by William Booth in 1865, is a worldwide Christian church that is organized along military lines. Its mission includes meeting human needs without discrimination. From its first days it has focused on helping the homeless, addicts and alcoholics, and the hungry. Many may know it from collecting money outside store entrances at holiday time—the bell ringers in uniform are Salvationists, while many others are volunteers. The Alarcons describe various Salvation Army projects from after school for children to centers for seniors.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:21</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Tips-to-Avoid-Deadly-Melanoma-Aired-on-November-14--2015-e1sfkv"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Tips-to-Avoid-Deadly-Melanoma-Aired-on-November-14--2015-e1sfkv"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Tips to Avoid Deadly Melanoma (Aired on November 14, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Cancer survivor Holly VanDerbeck tells about her experiences with Stage 3 melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer. Originally detected as a change in a mole, her cancer showed up later in lymph nodes, but was arrested by a combination of surgery and interferon, a drug that stimulates the immune system to attack cancer. A basic step to avoid skin cancers is to protect your skin from the ultraviolet components of sunlight and from artificial tanning—hats and other clothing on sunny days and application of sunscreen before exposure are the first lines of defense. Changes in moles, persistent bleeding, and “floaters” in vision are among the signs that need medical attention. There is a lot of important information in this interview.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:42</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Medical-Mission-to-Tibet-Aired-on-November-7--8--2015-e1sfh3"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Medical-Mission-to-Tibet-Aired-on-November-7--8--2015-e1sfh3"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Medical Mission to Tibet (Aired on November 7 & 8, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Red Hook Rotarian Gale Wolfe is interviewed about her participation in a medical mission to Tibet for this “live from the meeting” RadioRotary interview, recorded during a regular meeting of the Red Hook Rotary Club. Gale accompanied her husband, Dr. Dean Bloch, an obstetrician-gynecologist, and various other medical personnel on a mission to bring aid to a remote village in Tibet. Their whole family took part, as the 14-year-old brought eyeglasses, the 17-year old organized the Tibetan patients, and the 19-year-old and Gale both helped out in the dental clinic, where hundreds of teeth were pulled. The team, housed in a Tibetan nunnery as arranged by a monk from the Red Hook Buddhist center, helped nearly a thousand Tibetans during the week-long mission.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:04</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Fights-to-Eradicate-Polio-Aired-on-October-31--2015-e1sfaq"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Fights-to-Eradicate-Polio-Aired-on-October-31--2015-e1sfaq"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Fights to Eradicate Polio (Aired on October 31, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary District 7210 Past District Governor Bill Bassett (Walkill East Rotary Club) describes the history and current success of the effort, started by Rotary in 1979, to completely eradicate the terrible disease poliomyelitis, commonly called polio. Polio has a long history as a human disease that often causes lifetime paralysis or even death. In the early 1980s a thousand persons per day contracted it and it was endemic in 125 nations. As a result of a partnership led by Rotary, but including the World Health Organization, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and UNICEF, the number of cases has been reduced to about 150 per year and it is endemic only in Pakistan and Afghanistan. This effort has been aided by hundreds of millions of dollars from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation put forth as matching challenges for The Rotary Foundation, currently a two-for-one match to every Rotary dollar up to $35 million per year.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:05</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Youth-and-Immigrant-Programs-October-24--2015-e1sf9b"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Youth-and-Immigrant-Programs-October-24--2015-e1sf9b"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Youth and Immigrant Programs (October 24, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Abby Nathanson, Director and Co-Founder of EPIC; Carleton Harris, consultant from the Youth Arts Group; and Evelyn Garzetta, Director of Latino Outreach at Millbrook, NY, Grade Episcopal Church describe new and old programs inspired by Rural and Migrant Ministry that focus on Northeastern Dutchess County. EPIC (Engaging People in Change) gathers high-school students from around NE Dutchess and holds weekly meetings that focus on social justice and leadership skills. Carleton Harris started with the summer camp run by the Rural and Migrant Ministry, leading him to become involved with the Youth Arts Group, which has much the same mission as the newly formed EPIC. Grace Latino Outreach (GLO) has for the past decade offered programs in English as Second Language as well as aid of all kinds for the immigrant population.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:30</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Light-the-Night-walks-Aired-on-October-17--18--2015-e1sf7k"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Light-the-Night-walks-Aired-on-October-17--18--2015-e1sf7k"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Light the Night walks (Aired on October 17 & 18, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma care cancers of the blood cells. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society funds research that has greatly reduced the death rate from these cancers, and the Society also provides education and support for patients as well as advocacy for better treatments and services. One way that you can help fund the Society and also increase awareness is to participate in one of the several Light the Light Walks in the Hudson Valley or Connecticut. Amanda Harley, a campaign assistant for the Society, visits RadioRotary to describe the walks and provide information about cancers of the blood. The walks, which take place at various locations around 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the fall, are only a mile or two, and provide a chance for friends, families, and others to act as a community while raising money for research.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:08</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-Outreach-Fighting-Hunger-and-Cold-Aired-on-October-10--11--2015-e1sf5r"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-Outreach-Fighting-Hunger-and-Cold-Aired-on-October-10--11--2015-e1sf5r"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dutchess Outreach: Fighting Hunger and Cold (Aired on October 10 & 11, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The name “Dutchess Outreach” does not tell much about the organization’s mission, which is to meet the basic needs of low-income people when no other resources are readily available. To this end Dutchess Outreach runs the major food pantry in Dutchess County; a traveling “green market” for fresh fruits and vegetables; the Lunch Box, which provides healthy hot lunches and dinners; and a winter coat drive. RadioRotary gets the details from Joe Conti, President of the Board of Directors, and Brian Riddell, Executive Director of Dutchess Outreach. Also on the show, Ken Moody, Chairman of the Dutchess Interfaith Crop Walk. tells how that annual event supports the local food pantries and soup kitchens.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:54</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Schools-to-End-Poverty-Aired-on-October-3--4--2015-e1sf08"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Schools-to-End-Poverty-Aired-on-October-3--4--2015-e1sf08"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Schools to End Poverty (Aired on October 3 & 4, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Vietnam vets and Spring Valley Rotarians Howard Goldin and Ed Frank return to RadioRotary with news of the latest developments for Schools to End Poverty (S.T.E.P), the organization they founded after their 2005 visit to Vietnam, where they lunched with the former opposition and developed a plan for helping Vietnamese children by building a school. Elsewhere in Vietnam, they have built two more schools, and they have embarked on programs in Jamaica, Honduras, and Ghana as well. Today the schools they built in Vietnam have more than 500 students in grades K-6 and, with the help of Rotary District 7210, they are working toward expanding the original school to take in another 500. The expansion of the original school is estimated to cost $82,000, a sum that 7210 District Governor Nick Constantino has vowed to raise.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:36</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-County-SPCA-Aired-on-September-26--27--2015-e1se7k"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-County-SPCA-Aired-on-September-26--27--2015-e1se7k"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dutchess County SPCA (Aired on September 26 & 27, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Christina Novak, Communications and Development Coordinator of the Dutchess Country SPCA, visits the RadioRotary studio to describe the work of her organization, which is much more diverse than most persons realize. While the letters SPCA stand for Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals, most people think of the Dutchess County SPCA largely in terms of pet adoptions (and they do handle this for all kinds of pets, including birds, rabbits, rats, and Guinea pigs, as well as dogs and cats), but there are many other services. A low-cost clinic, open to the public, provides routine veterinarian care for all sorts of pets. There is outreach to schools, humane law enforcement, a pet cemetery and crematorium, and a lost and found service. There is even a Pet Pantry, a food bank for pet food. Learn about this and more, as well as how to become one of the more than 200 volunteers that make the Dutchess SPCA work.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:52</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Working-for-Peace-and-Health-Aired-on-September-19--2015-e1se5a"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Working-for-Peace-and-Health-Aired-on-September-19--2015-e1se5a"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Working for Peace and Health (Aired on September 19, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rhinebeck Rotarian David Ives is the Executive Director of the Albert Schweitzer Institute, but that is just the tip of the iceberg for Ives’ many activities promoting worldwide peace and health. When he was 16, Ives took a trip to Latin America, where he was devastated by the poverty he encountered, and Ives determined to devote his life to helping others. After a stint in the Peace Corps in Nicaragua, he mixed an academic career with work for nonprofits, including Rotary International. A polio victim himself, he has volunteered to administer vaccine in Africa. He has worked with Rotary to organized peace forums in ten countries around the world. From his Nicaragua connection, he helped start the major commitment that Rhinebeck’s Interact Club has made to schools, pure water, and other improvements in rural León Province. A truly remarkable Rotarian.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:38</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Drug-Crisis-in-Our-Backyard-Aired-on-September-12--13--2015-e1se3c"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Drug-Crisis-in-Our-Backyard-Aired-on-September-12--13--2015-e1se3c"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Drug Crisis in Our Backyard (Aired on September 12 & 13, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In recent years, the proliferation of prescription opiate painkillers, such as Percocet, Oxycontin, Vicodin, and others, has spurred an increase in opiate addiction. When addicts can no longer obtain their pills, they often turn to heroin, a cheaper street opiate—in fact, it is so cheap that many who could still purchase prescription pills also switch to heroin. Among the many problems caused by using either kind of opiate is overdose, which frequently leads to death. Susan Salomone’s son Justin, who struggled with opiate addiction for ten years, was among those who died from an overdose, leading Mrs. Salomone to start “Drug Crisis in Our Backyard,” a community action organization that provides resources for dealing with addiction. In this RadioRotary interview, Mrs. Salomone tells Justin’s story and presents the facts about opiate addiction.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:58</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Reading-and-Writing-Help-Aired-on-September-5--6--2015-e1se19"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Reading-and-Writing-Help-Aired-on-September-5--6--2015-e1se19"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Reading and Writing Help (Aired on September 5 & 6, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Marisol Rodriguez, Executive Director of Literacy Connections of the Hudson Valley, a nonprofit using local volunteers to help people to read, write, and reach their potential. One in five Americans are functionally illiterate, which means that their reading and writing skills are at a sixth-grade level or lower. Literacy Connections trained volunteers work one-on-one with the functionally illiterate to teach them the specific skills they need for a given goal, such as passing a driver’s test. They also can teach English as a Second Language (ESL). Before a learner enters the program—which is free—they are evaluated by certified testers to determine the specific source of their difficulties. In a separate program called “Book Buddies,” volunteers read to children in schools. Volunteers for either program can be anyone who is able to read and write comfortably.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:10</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rhinebeck-Interacts-Nicaragua-Project-August-29--2015-e1sdut"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rhinebeck-Interacts-Nicaragua-Project-August-29--2015-e1sdut"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rhinebeck Interact’s Nicaragua Project (August 29, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Rhinebeck Interact’s Grace Steele and Morgan Rakow, two of the 23 participants in the 2015 edition of that Interact Club’s “Nicaragua Project.” Interact is the high-school service organization sponsored by Rotary. Each year members of the Rhinebeck Interact Club, some adults (mostly Rhinebeck Rotarians), and some college students travel to the León department of Nicaragua where they work for a week on building and improving schools in impoverished rural villages. Under the supervision of a local foreman, the students bend rebar, mix cement, lay bricks, paint, and perform other basic construction tasks. Local workers continue the process. This is the second school that Rhinebeck Interact students have help build. Listen to these two enthusiastic girls tell about their work and their other Nicaraguan adventures.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:50</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Our-Rotary-Districts-Peace-Ambassador-Aired-on-August-22--23--2015-e1sdsa"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Our-Rotary-Districts-Peace-Ambassador-Aired-on-August-22--23--2015-e1sdsa"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Our Rotary District’s Peace Ambassador (Aired on August 22 & 23, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Newburgh Rotarian Doug Sturomski is the unofficial Peace Ambassador for Rotary District 7210, which encompasses the eight counties in the Mid-Hudson Region. One of his several projects related to peace is building and placing Peace Poles in parks, high schools, colleges, and various public places around the region. The Peace Poles that Mr. Sturomski builds are 8-feet high, resembling the Washington Monument, and have the message “May Peace prevail upon the Earth” in 80 languages. Another project is the Peace Bell, related to the Peace Bell permanently placed in Hiroshima, Japan. Rotary, which has Peace as one of its six areas of service, has over 500 different ways to symbolize Peace, and among the examples are over 200,000 Peace Poles worldwide.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:46</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Highland-Rotarys-Annual-Ribfest-Aired-on-August-8--9--2015-e1sdpb"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Highland-Rotarys-Annual-Ribfest-Aired-on-August-8--9--2015-e1sdpb"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Highland Rotary’s Annual Ribfest (Aired on August 8 & 9, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Highland Rotary Club’s Charter Member Steve Laubach and Don Verity, the Highland Rotarian who manages PAMAL Radio, the network for RadioRotary, describe the 11th annual Hudson Valley Ribfest, one of the major summer events in the Hudson Valley and primary fundraiser for their Rotary Club. They use their part of the income from the Ribfest to support The Rotary Foundation, ShelterBox, and several local charitable causes, including defibrillators for various locations around Highland (one of which saved a customer having a heart attack at the diner where the Rotary meets). Each year the Ribfest brings the best in barbecue to the Ulster County Fairground in New Paltz, along with children’s activities and specialty booths of all kinds.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:30</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Youth-Exchange---Red-Hook-to-Italy-Aired-on-August-1--2015-e1sdni"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Youth-Exchange---Red-Hook-to-Italy-Aired-on-August-1--2015-e1sdni"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Youth Exchange - Red Hook to Italy (Aired on August 1, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>When Red Hook High School Student Abby Romm was 15, she decided that she wanted to spend a year abroad. She had learned of the Rotary Youth Exchange program and applied, listing Spain as her first choice, since she had already studied Spanish; but she was happy to learn she would be going to Italy, a country she had visited 8 years earlier and loved. Somewhere in the process, she told her parents, who hesitated at first but then approved and now agree with Abby that it was one of the best things she could do. Her father, Bard College Professor Dr. James Romm, briefly joins the RadioRotary interview with Ms. Ram and reports that now Abby is a citizen of the world as a result of the Youth Exchange experience. Listen to the show for her account of her exciting exchange year.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:36</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 25, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Ridding-Intoxicated-Drivers-from-our-Roads-Aired-on-July-25--26--2015-e1s75e"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Ridding-Intoxicated-Drivers-from-our-Roads-Aired-on-July-25--26--2015-e1s75e"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Ridding Intoxicated Drivers from our Roads (Aired on July 25 & 26, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Although deaths from drunk driving have been reduced nationally in recent years, there are still 1,200 to 1,500 persons killed or injured by drunk drivers in the Hudson Valley each year. In 1981 Wappingers Falls Rotarian Nick Johnson and his wife Josephine, a severely damaged victim of a drunk driver, decided to do what they could to reduce the drunk-driving toll, starting Dutchess Country RID (Remove Intoxicated Drivers), a chapter of RID-USA. On this program Mr. Johnson and RID volunteer Rich Silva describe tools used to keep intoxicated drivers from repeating their crime and ways that parents can reduce the risk that their children will be perpetrators or victims. They also describe the annual events that Dutchess RID sponsors as memorials to victims, as well as a fundraiser featuring antique automobiles.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:50</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Stop-Dieting-and-Start-Living-Aired-on-July-16--17--2015-e1s73k"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Stop-Dieting-and-Start-Living-Aired-on-July-16--17--2015-e1s73k"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Stop Dieting and Start Living (Aired on July 16 & 17, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Radio Rotary Interviews Certified Holistic Health Coach and Millbrook Rotarian Ellie Savoy, author of Stop Dieting Start Living: 5 Foundations for Your Health, to Permanently Lose Weight Without Dieting, Starvation or Suffering in Silence. Ms. Savoy argues that dieting does not work because it has a beginning and an end. Instead, we should stop living on autopilot and become aware of our own body. Her best-selling book tells how she did that for herself and how the reader can do the same. The key is to invest in yourself by eating real food.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">28:20</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-4-H-Fair-in-Putnam-County-Aired-on-July-11--12--2015-e1s6v9"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-4-H-Fair-in-Putnam-County-Aired-on-July-11--12--2015-e1s6v9"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The 4-H Fair in Putnam County (Aired on July 11 & 12, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Just-graduated high-school student Mannion O’Conner and Carmel Rotarian Marjorie Nichols Keith, Executive Director of the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Putnam County (CCE-Putnam), tell about the activities of 4-H in the county, with a special focus on the 44th annual Putnam Country 4-H Fair. The Fair, run by 4-H clubs with the help of many volunteers, including the Rotary Clubs of Carmel, Brewster, Patterson, and Lake Mahopac, is on July 24-26 this year (2015). CCE-Putnam is the sponsor of all the 4-H groups in the county. Manion has been involved with 4-H for years, although she is into community service (the Teen Action Group TAG) and puppeteering, not animal husbandry. The Fair will have 4-H-raised animals, however, as well as lots of food, with 4-H lemonade one of the specialties.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:01</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Solving-Marital-Problems-with-Mediation-July-4--5--2015-e1s6rf"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Solving-Marital-Problems-with-Mediation-July-4--5--2015-e1s6rf"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Solving Marital Problems with Mediation (July 4 & 5, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Mediation is a process in which parties with differences meet with a neutral professional to resolve differences. In this program, Attorney Betsy Shequine explains why mediation is a cheaper, faster, and more successful way to end a marriage than litigation for divorce. Trained mediators, such as Ms. Shequine, teach the participants how to speak to each other as they resolve the complications of division of finances, care of children, and financial support after divorce. Mediators who handle divorce are usually lawyers themselves, while other trained mediators who deal with issues such as property disputes may be psychologists or social workers. A phone call to 845-471-6167 costs nothing and provides a way for the process to be explained. For later sessions, including the initial consultation meeting, the parties are charged on a per-session basis.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:09</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Saving-Children-in-Nepal-Aired-on-June-27--28--2015-e1s6oj"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Saving-Children-in-Nepal-Aired-on-June-27--28--2015-e1s6oj"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Saving Children in Nepal (Aired on June 27 & 28, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Even before devastating earthquakes hit Nepal and surrounding territory in April and May of 2015, the plight of numerous children in that Himalayan nation was desperate. Many young children were being sold by their parents to work in Indian factories; young girls were often forced into prostitution. The Blue Butterfly Foundation, created by Lauren Yanks, has helped save over 2,000 children from trafficking, the use of force or fraud to cause humans to provide labor or sex against their will. In this radio interview, Ms. Yanks tells the powerful story of how the Blue Butterfly Foundation was founded and named. She urges listeners to become aware that their pursuit of evermore inexpensive items and food is contributing to this international tragedy.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:43</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Vassar-Haiti-Project-Aired-on-June-20--21--2015-e1s6km"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Vassar-Haiti-Project-Aired-on-June-20--21--2015-e1s6km"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Vassar-Haiti Project (Aired on June 20 & 21, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The ongoing Vassar project for improving education, health, women’s economy, water purity, and forests in Chermaitre, Haiti, is described by the Co-Founder and Artistic Director of the Vassar-Haiti Project, Lila Meade, and Vassar student Sarah Oliver. Andrew and Lila Meade founded the project in 2001, partly in a response to the 9/11 attacks on the U.S. Its original goal was simply a lunch project at a school in poverty-stricken Chermaitre, but it has evolved greatly. So far more than 350 Vassar students have been involved. The project has also attracted the attention and considerable help from the Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotary Club. One of the major sources of funding is an annual art show and auction featuring work by native Haitian artists.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:57</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Prevent-Type-2-Diabetes-Aired-on-June-13--14--2015-e1s6g8"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Prevent-Type-2-Diabetes-Aired-on-June-13--14--2015-e1s6g8"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Prevent Type 2 Diabetes (Aired on June 13 & 14, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Licensed Nutritionist Rufia Payman from Northern Dutchess Hospital in Rhinebeck describes the ravages of type 2 diabetes and steps to take to prevent the disease. Her primary approach is to put her patients on the Mediterranean diet (mainly fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, olive oil, and nuts) and regular exercise. Ms. Payman runs a free 16-week diabetes protection at Northern Dutchess that helps participants lose weigh and avoid the metabolic syndrome that often precedes type 2 diabetes. Meditation and other stress-reducing activities are also promoted. Often a person who has already crossed the line into diabetes can avoid insulin shots with a suitable lifestyle.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:33</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Center-for-Performing-Arts-2015-Season-June-6--7--2015-e1s6bf"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Center-for-Performing-Arts-2015-Season-June-6--7--2015-e1s6bf"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Center for Performing Arts 2015 Season (June 6 & 7, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rhinebeck Rotarian Lou Trapani, Artistic and Managing Director of The Center for the Performing Arts at Rhinebeck, returns to RadioRotary to discuss some of the upcoming performances at this hub for theater and related events, including the summer arts day camp, which brings many courses in theater-arts. Among other upcoming productions discussed on the show will be The Me That Nobody Knows; Seussical, the Musical; Rip, a new play about Rip Van Winkle; Singing in the Rain, and Carousel. On August 21-23 the Center will have a terrific weekend, beginning with a magic show (pay what you think it is worth), continuing with a gal performance by Alice Ripley, and winding up with The Tempest brought to Rhinebeck free by the Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:41</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-for-Young--Old--and-In-Between-Aired-on-May-30--31--2015-e1s65h"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-for-Young--Old--and-In-Between-Aired-on-May-30--31--2015-e1s65h"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary for Young, Old, and In-Between (Aired on May 30 & 31, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser and producer Kathy Kruger interview the man who conceived and launched RadioRotary: Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotarian Roger Risko. Mr. Risko, who is about to retire after many years of teaching at Dutchess County’s BOCES (Bureau of Co-operative Services), not only started RadioRotary but also has been instrumental in forming and helping grow several Rotaract and Interact clubs, organizations for youth—respectively college-age and high-school age—in the Hudson Valley. Inspired by a question from the mother of an Interact student, Mr. Risko created the first Rotary-oriented service organization for senior citizens, Elderact. As he moves his base of operations to Florida, he plans to introduce Elderact to that state.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:35</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Art-Therapy-for-Abandoned-Boys-May-23--24--2015-e1s63s"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Art-Therapy-for-Abandoned-Boys-May-23--24--2015-e1s63s"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Art Therapy for Abandoned Boys (May 23 & 24, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Gloria De Pietro is the author of Abandoned: The Story of Boys Forgotten, the tales of four boys who received art therapy from her while they lived in a residential treatment center. Ms. Di Pietro first encountered art when she suffered a near fatal illness as a child; the nurses at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York City had set up an art corner for their young patients. She determined then to become a visual artist, which became her career until September 11, 2001. After the World Trade Center collapse, witnessed by many children, there was a call for art therapists to help these children recover. Ms. De Pietro went back to school and became an art therapist, someone who uses art to help subjects uncover and understand their own problems. Her book chronicles what she learned from four of the boys who had been abandoned by their own families as she worked with them.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:31</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/7th-Annual-Millbrook-Literary-Festival-May-16--17--2015-e1s62h"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/7th-Annual-Millbrook-Literary-Festival-May-16--17--2015-e1s62h"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>7th Annual Millbrook Literary Festival (May 16 & 17, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Authors Bryan Bunch (Millbrook Rotary), and Tim Tocher discuss the seventh annual Millbrook Literary Festival with co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sara O’Connell. The Festival features several talks by journalists and authors as well as panel discussions on historical fiction, mysteries, cookbooks, journalism, history, and getting published. Books for younger readers featured include picture books and young-adult novels. Younger writers also have a chance to participate with their short works published in a special booklet distributed at the event. Some 50 authors will be part of the Festival, with all signing copies of their books. The Festival will take place on May 30, 2015 in the Millbrook Village at the Millbrook Library.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:08</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Health-Information-Privacy-and-Portability-May-9--2015-e1s5sk"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Health-Information-Privacy-and-Portability-May-9--2015-e1s5sk"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Health Information Privacy and Portability (May 9, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rich Silva, Founder and President of Pain Point IT Solutions Inc., describes some of the complications concerning health information privacy and accountability rules. Before 1996, most hospital and other medical records were kept on paper and were easily available to persons other than a patient’s doctor and the patient. As part of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA) and its later extensions, the privacy of medical information is assured and kept in electronic form. Pain Point IT Solutions as part of its services helps medical providers and their business associates follow the rules, which are enforced by a 164-point audit by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources. One problem of special significance is disaster recovery of information; even though all information has been backed up, without help it may require days to restore it.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:22</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Red-Hooks-Apple-Blossom-Festival-Aired-on-May-2--3--2015-e1s5r4"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Red-Hooks-Apple-Blossom-Festival-Aired-on-May-2--3--2015-e1s5r4"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Red Hook’s Apple Blossom Festival (Aired on May 2 & 3, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Co-Hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell travel to the regular meeting of the Red Hook Rotary as it plans for the annual Red Hook Apple Blossom Festival, a village-wide celebration of the coming of summer that features food booths, sales in local stores, entertainment, political candidates, baby animals, face painting, balloons, and more. Red Hook Rotarians Susan Simon and Linda Greenblatt describe some of the highlights of the free festival, including the bands McKenna and the Stringmasters as well as a dance troupe. Also on the program Gail Wolf and Tim Lynch describe how the Rotary Youth Exchange program has changed the lives of both the high-school students who travel to distant lands to live with local families and the families that host them.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:50</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rural-and-Migrant-Ministry-Aired-on-April-25--26--2015-e1s5m0"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rural-and-Migrant-Ministry-Aired-on-April-25--26--2015-e1s5m0"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rural and Migrant Ministry (Aired on April 25 & 26, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Rural and Migrant Ministry, a group that started with one person in a van about 50 years ago, is now a major force for empowerment for migrant farm workers in much of upstate New York. In this interview, Ruth Faircloth, the Director of the Overnight Leadership Camp and the Women’s Conference, describes how the Ministry works for justice for workers in New York State by lobbying Albany on migrant issues. In New York State there is no requirement for a day off, so most workers labor for seven days each week during the harvest season. In addition to lobbying, the Ministry provides a one-week overnight camp for children of migrant workers as well as a youth art program and a conference for women workers.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:10</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Relay-for-Life-Aired-on-April-18--19--2015-e1s4is"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Relay-for-Life-Aired-on-April-18--19--2015-e1s4is"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Relay for Life (Aired on April 18 & 19, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary is visited by Gabriella Scull, the community manager for Relay for Life, an affiliate of the American Cancer Society. Each year there are 5,200 Relay-for-Life events in the United State, including many in the Hudson Valley as well as events in 20 different nations. The event is an organized fundraising walk around a track. It last all night and the participants camp out, although individual participants don’t have to be there for the whole time. A principal feature of the Relay is the Luminaria Ceremony, which candles or glow sticks are lit inside of personalized bags, which are then are place around the track as tributes to those who died from cancer. The events celebrate survivors, remember those who have died, and also raises funds for the American Cancer Society.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:13</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Abilities-First-Education-and-Training-April-11--2015-e1s4hh"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Abilities-First-Education-and-Training-April-11--2015-e1s4hh"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Abilities First: Education and Training (April 11, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Melissa McCoy, Chief Advancement Officer for Abilities First describes this seven-county program that serves developmentally disabled children and adults in the Hudson Valley. Staring with pre-school, Abilities First supplies educational programs that replace the regular special-education classes in twenty different facilities (one facility, in Red Hook, is in the same building as the regular school). When children reach age 21, they are transferred from the educational system to the New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities. From that point, Abilities First provides a sheltered workshop, job shadowing programs, and supportive or supervised housing. The focus is on helping individuals do as much for themselves as possible.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:38</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Libraries-in-the-21st-Century-Aired-on-April-4--2015-e1s4gc"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Libraries-in-the-21st-Century-Aired-on-April-4--2015-e1s4gc"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Libraries in the 21st Century (Aired on April 4, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pleasant Valley Library Director Daniela Pulice and Barbara Shapley, president of the Friends of the Pleasant Valley Library, discuss their local library, the Mid-Hudson Library System, of which it is a part, and the status of community libraries today. The Pleasant Valley Free Library is situated in a Dutchess County town of about 10,000 and is one of 21 libraries in the Mid-Hudson System. The Friends of the Library do fundraising, notably a giant book sale once or twice a year, to support such added library benefits as free tickets to the Children’s Museum, movie night, educational programs, signs, and computers. Today’s libraries are not quiet places, but instead are the central place in the community where people meet as well as where they borrow books, audio books, movies, e-book readers, and other materials and use computers, the library’s or free Wi-Fi. Circulation of all items has continued to increase in the 21st century.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:09</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Walkway-over-the-Hudson-Aired-on-March-28--March-29--2015-e1s4f0"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Walkway-over-the-Hudson-Aired-on-March-28--March-29--2015-e1s4f0"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Walkway over the Hudson (Aired on March 28 & March 29, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Susanne O’Neill, Program and Events Manager for Walkway over the Hudson, talks about the history and coming events at the longest, highest pedestrian bridge in the world, Poughkeepsie and Highland’s Walkway over the Hudson. This former railway connection between Dutchess and Ulster counties ceased operation after a fire in 1974, but in 2009, in connection with the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson’s historic first sail up the river, the bridge, now reconstructed as a pedestrian (and bicycle and rollerblade) walkway, opened to the public. It was an instant success with 50,000 visitors in the first week, and now draws about 500,000 per year. The Walkway is 1.28 miles long from gate to gate, and in addition to level entrances from each end, it is served by a 212-foot elevator a short walk from the Poughkeepsie Train Station.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:19</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-in-the-Hudson-Valley-Aired-on-March-21--22--2015-e1s3fm"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-in-the-Hudson-Valley-Aired-on-March-21--22--2015-e1s3fm"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary in the Hudson Valley (Aired on March 21 & 22, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary hosts a discussion of Rotary in the Hudson Valley featuring District Governor (DG) 2014-15 Penny Byron (Patterson Rotary), Past District Governor (PDG) 2009-10 David Green (New Windsor-Cornwall Rotary), and District Governor Elect (DGE) 2015-16 Nick Constantino (Walkill East Rotary). DGE Constantino had just returned from training for his post in San Diego along with 531 other District-Governors-Elect. DG Byron tells that she has completed an obligatory visit to each of the 62 Rotary Clubs in District 7210, the district covering the Mid-Hudson Valley, including its E-Club, which has international membership. PDG Green tells of his plans for the District Convention in April. All three describe some of the ways Rotary International fulfills its mission of “doing good in the world.”</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:33</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Immunization-Facts-and-Other-Health-Topics-March-14--2015-e1s3cq"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Immunization-Facts-and-Other-Health-Topics-March-14--2015-e1s3cq"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Immunization Facts and Other Health Topics (March 14, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dr. Teresa Foster, a family practitioner and osteopath with offices in Woodstock and Boiceville visits the RadioRotary studio to help clarify issues in health and wellness. A family practitioner sees patients of all ages and types—and Dr. Foster even makes house calls. The recent uptick in measles has caused people to take a closer look at immunization. Dr. Foster emphasizes that measles is incredible contagious and one in four persons who contracts the disease ends up in the hospital, so immunization, which does NOT cause autism, is vital. Other issues discussed include the causes of cancer, the need in the U.S. for more health workers of all kinds, and what steps are necessary to produce good health.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:50</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Mid-Hudson-Childrens-Museum-Aired-On-March-7--8--2015-e1s3b6"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Mid-Hudson-Childrens-Museum-Aired-On-March-7--8--2015-e1s3b6"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum (Aired On March 7 & 8, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum, near the edge of the Hudson in Poughkeepsie, is one of the great destinations for parents and children in the Hudson Valley. Lara Litchfield-Kimber, Executive Director of the museum, and Sara Capozzoli, Director of Public, Media and Corporate Relations, visit RadioRotary to tell about the many hands-on exhibits and programs designed for children from age 0 to 6. Since 1989 the museum has provided a first-class learning-through-play experience. Although there are fees most days, every third Saturday is a free day, so all can enjoy it. Now, as an added attraction, the elevator to the Walkway over the Hudson is just steps away. A new exhibit, “Early Learning Junction,” with a railroad theme, joins the ”WonderDome,” “Imagination Playground,” RiverTown, and other delights.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:57</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Kingstons-Center-for-Immigrant-Culture-February-28--2015-e1s38l"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Kingstons-Center-for-Immigrant-Culture-February-28--2015-e1s38l"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Kingston’s Center for Immigrant Culture (February 28, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotarians Barbara Blas and Barbara Cohen of the Kingston Sunrise Rotary Club visit RadioRotary to tell about the developing Reher Center for Immigration and Culture in the Roundout section of Kingston, NY. The project began when the Jewish Federation of Ulster County came into possession of the large building that previously housed the Reher Bakery, famous for its rolls, the only intact historical building in the Roundout. With help from state, federal, and local funding, the building has been stabilized and will soon have a permanent display of the history of immigrants in Kingston as well as other rooms for exhibits and lectures. The original bakery kitchen is also intact and will be able to be visited. The two Barbara’s also describe exhibits housed in the Stockade part of Kingston dealing with immigrant history in the city as well as several projects of the Sunrise club.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">28:22</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Grace-Smith-Domestic-Violence-Assistance-Feb--21--2015-e1s319"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Grace-Smith-Domestic-Violence-Assistance-Feb--21--2015-e1s319"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Grace Smith Domestic-Violence Assistance (Feb. 21, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Co-host Jonah Triebwasser and producer Kathy Kruger interview Michele Polluck-Rich, Executive Director at Grace Smith House, the principal organization in Dutchess County for aid to victims of domestic abuse. Victims of either sex can be helped; the hotline is (845) 471-3033. About 90% of the abused are women, who can be removed from their domestic situation to one of two secretly located residences for stays of 90 days. There are also arrangements for men. The clients are provided with a family advocate to help get through the legal arrangements necessary for orders of protection or for finding permanent housing. Not all abuse is physical—victims of psychological or financial abuse can also get help. Services are free and confidential. Since one in three of adolescents have been affected by partner violence, Grace Smith House supports an important outreach program of teenagers working with other teenagers, The Peace Group. Evening support groups meet weekly as well.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:35</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Community-Outreach-in-Newburgh-Aired-on-February-14--2015-e1s2u5"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Community-Outreach-in-Newburgh-Aired-on-February-14--2015-e1s2u5"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Community Outreach in Newburgh (Aired on February 14, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary Co-host Jonah Triebwasser interviewed Marietta Allen about her current Outreach program at St. Mary’s Parish in Newburgh. Newburgh suffers from high poverty and crime rates. Each of the four Roman Catholic churches has a program to help alleviate the city’s problems. Among the components of the St. Mary’s Outreach are the provision of emergency food and toiletries for immediate needs; a program that delivers food and other supplies to homebound veterans; a program to provide food and other aid to the elderly in their homes; as well as several similar outreaches. Perhaps the most dramatic aid comes with Giving Day, every 3rd Friday of the month. Those in need can visit a large area filled with tables of food—fresh, meat, and canned; supplies and toys for children; clothing; furniture; and other items not covered by food stamps. Giving Day also features a nurse for minor medical needs, legal services, and representatives of community departments.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:43</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Lucky-Orphans-Horse-Rescue-Aired-on-February-7--8--2015-e1s2qi"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Lucky-Orphans-Horse-Rescue-Aired-on-February-7--8--2015-e1s2qi"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue (Aired on February 7 & 8, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Deanna Mancuso tells the story of how her grandfather’s gift to her of an abused horse when she was 12, gradually led her create the Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue farm, which now hosts 43 formerly abused, neglected, or abandoned horses. Today these horses are not only living out the remainder of their lives (which can be as long as about 50 years), but also they are providing significant equine-assisted therapy to humans in need of help—it is people helping horses helping people. Dutchess County currently has a horse population of about 42,500 horses, but abused horses from all over the country are also welcomed to the Lucky Orphan’s farm. Volunteers, some of whom are doing community service, provide all the work on the farm.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:12</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 24, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Farm-Fresh-Food-Aired-on-January-24--25--2015-e1ra3j"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Farm-Fresh-Food-Aired-on-January-24--25--2015-e1ra3j"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Farm Fresh Food (Aired on January 24 & 25, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Tessa Edick, author of Hudson Valley Food and Farming: Why Didn’t Anyone Ever Tell Me That?, an introduction to the Local foods in the RadioRotary listening area, filled with photographs of local farms. Ms. Edick started the FarmOn! Foundation to promote dining on local foods at home and in restaurants. Among the local products discussed are the dairy products produced by the farm cooperative Hudson Valley Fresh and also raw milk from Ronnybrook Farm. Too many people swap convenience for nutrition. Locavores—people who get 70% of their food from local sources—not only eat healthier, but also support the local farming economy.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:43</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 22, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Getting-a-Life-with-Aspergers-Aired-on-January-17--18--2015-e1r9pv"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Getting-a-Life-with-Aspergers-Aired-on-January-17--18--2015-e1r9pv"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Getting a Life with Asperger’s (Aired on January 17 & 18, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The RadioRotary co-hosts interview author and motivational speaker Jesse Saperstein about his new book: Getting a Life with Asperger’s: Lessons Learned on the Bumpy road to Adulthood, a guide to leaving “the road to loserville” written by someone who has experienced the problems of a person with Asperger’s as he made important life transitions. Mr. Saperstein was diagnosed with Asperger’s at age 14, just two years after psychologists formally recognized the condition. Despite bullying by others and failing at the first two professions he tried (described in his first book, Atypical), he learned how to manage his condition and in this book offers his advice. The interview also deals with his hopes for introducing a muppet with Asperger’s into the Sesame Street cast.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:57</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/buildOn-Aired-on-January-10--11--2015-e1r9p5"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/buildOn-Aired-on-January-10--11--2015-e1r9p5"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>buildOn (Aired on January 10 & 11, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Brewster Rotarian and 2015-16 Rotary District Literacy Chair Jenny Hinsman learned about buildOn from the best-selling book Walk in Their Shoes: Can One Person Change the World? (Jim Ziolkowski with James S. Hirsh) and has started her club working with Ziolkowski’s buildOn organization on its mission of breaking the cycles of poverty, illiteracy, and low expectations through service and education. On this program she and buildOn Chapter Manager for the East Coast and Midwest Jenn Lishansky describe how buildOn works with urban youth in the U.S.A. to build schools throughout the areas of the world where illiteracy and poverty are endemic—Haiti, Mali, Nicaragua, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Malawi, and Nepal. Among other activities, buildOn has built 674 schools in these nations, schools that serve boys and girls equally, often along with their parents and grandparents.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:06</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Mini-Library--Madagascar-Library-Aired-on-January-3--4--2015-e1r9oe"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Mini-Library--Madagascar-Library-Aired-on-January-3--4--2015-e1r9oe"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Mini-Library & Madagascar Library (Aired on January 3 & 4, 2015)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Co-host Jonah Triebwasser and producer Kathy Kruger interview Mike Green and Matt Cruz about Hyde Park Rotary’s Little Free Library in the Stop & Shop Plaza in the Hyde Park Mall, the Rotary Club operates in conjunction with the Hyde Park Free Library. The movement to install Little Free Libraries has been spreading from town to town, and Rotarians are often behind the installation. In a Little Free Library, a small number of books (40 in the case of Hyde Park) are available for anyone to borrow—no library cards or check-out needed. Borrowers may return the book when they desire or replace it with another book—and keep the one they took—or return it to the Hyde Park Library. Books are donated through the Hyde Park Library, which maintains the collection. Hyde Park Rotary maintains the physical library, which was built as a model of the Hyde Park Free Library building.
Literacy is one of the main areas of Rotary activity. In addition to the mini-library, </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:00</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Stringendo-Music-in-Hudson-Valley-Aired-on-Dec--27--2014-e1r9g2"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Stringendo-Music-in-Hudson-Valley-Aired-on-Dec--27--2014-e1r9g2"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Stringendo: Music in Hudson Valley (Aired on Dec. 27, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Jonah Triebwasser and RadioRotary Producer Kathy Kruger interview Gabriella Fryer, Executive Director of Stringendo, a nonprofit music education and performance program for youth in the Hudson Valley. Stringendo allows elementary and high-school students to play in six different orchestras, depending on skill level, and four different fiddler groups. The all-violin ensembles are knows as the Strawberry Hill Fiddlers, while the six Stringendo Orchestras have music-associated names ranging from “Prelude” for the beginners to “Vivace” for the most skilled. The “Vivace” orchestra has won many awards, most notably the 2009 Grand Champion of the National String Orchestra Festival. In addition to the orchestras and fiddlers, Stringendo offers Summer Strings, a day camp where children from 3rd through 10th grades learn fiddle tunes by ear as well as participating in traditional camp activities.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:10</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Exciting-Travel-Options-Aired-on-December-20--21--2014-e1r9ec"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Exciting-Travel-Options-Aired-on-December-20--21--2014-e1r9ec"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Exciting Travel Options (Aired on December 20 & 21, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Southern Ulster Rotarian B.N. Mikkelsen about available trips by rail or sea to exotic places around the world. Mikkwelsen, a native of Denmark, operated a travel agency for more than a decade before turning to his present occupation of representing companies that take travelers to interesting destinations. Among his favorite trips are rail tours on the Trans-Siberian Railway, the Silk Road, Namibia, Turkey, and Australia. Many of these are by private train compartments, although for some you travel by train but stay in local hotels. He also facilitates cruises along rivers in Asia and is especially excited about a small ship, the Ocean Diamond, that will tour the coasts of Iceland and Greenland.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:48</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Coping-with-Bipolar-Disorder-Aired-on-December-13--2014-e1r9cu"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Coping-with-Bipolar-Disorder-Aired-on-December-13--2014-e1r9cu"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Coping with Bipolar Disorder (Aired on December 13, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Michael Weitzman in this RadioRotary interview reveals that he has long suffered from a common form of mental illness—bipolar disorder (once known as manic-depressive state), although he was not diagnosed with the disease until age 40. Today he emphasizes the basic triangle for handling a mental illness—a psychiatrist to diagnose, medicine to alleviate, and therapy to help with coping. The depressive side of bipolar disorder tends to isolate a person in what Weitzman calls the “Cave of Hell,” where the person becomes nonfunctioning, while the manic side makes a person overly active and optimistic. In addition to the basic triangle, it helps to cope by masking a daily list of activities to prevent nonfunctioning and actually doing what is on the list; but mental recovery activities such as journaling and meditation; and by joining a support group for the disorder.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:13</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Hudson-Valley-Hospice-Aired-on-December-6--7--2014-e1r9bo"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Hudson-Valley-Hospice-Aired-on-December-6--7--2014-e1r9bo"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Hudson Valley Hospice (Aired on December 6 & 7, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Richard Tracino, President and Chief Executive for Hudson Valley Hospice (HVH) and Hudson Valley Hospice Foundation, and Kim Warner, Director of Psychosocial Services for HVH. Hospice serves people of all ages who have terminal illnesses, although hospice focuses on the entire family, not just the dying individual, helping them deal with medical, emotional, spiritual, and family issues during the last six months of life. HVH at any given time helps from 100 to 130 patients in Dutchess and Ulster Counties, guiding them to palliative care, offering programs such as music therapy, and even continuing to aid families after the death of the patient.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:16</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Help-for-Persons-Facing-Cancer-Aired-on-November-29--30--2014-e1r999"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Help-for-Persons-Facing-Cancer-Aired-on-November-29--30--2014-e1r999"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Help for Persons Facing Cancer (Aired on November 29 & 30, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Casey MacDonald, who survived her own bout with cancer nearly 20 years ago only to confront cancers that attacked her husband, father, and best friend, has devoted her life to helping others navigate their way through the medical, financial, and lifestyle challenges of the disease. She founded The Hudson Valley Cancer Resource Center, which—with the help of many volunteers—serves nine counties in the Hudson Valley. They provide a kit of information for those newly diagnosed with the disease, and then offer information on available financial assistance, prescription help, lodging and transportation, and legal and insurance counseling. This RadioRotary interview describes these services and more, as well as telling Ms. MacDonald’s own cancer stories.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:41</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Project-Amigo-Aired-on-November-22--23--2014-e1r988"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Project-Amigo-Aired-on-November-22--23--2014-e1r988"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Project Amigo (Aired on November 22 & 23, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell interview Rotarians Pat Green and Gail Dejmal of the Monroe-Woodbury club about their participation in Project Amigo and about the humanitarian activities of their Rotary club. Project Amigo consists of a number of ways that Rotarians and others can improve the lives of the rural poor in Colima State, Mexico, many of them migrant workers. It began informally in 2984 when California Rotarian Tom Rose lost his way in Colima and came upon the small village of Cofradía de Suchitlàn. Recognizing the unmet needs of the villagers, Rose and his wife Susan Hill began to provide assistance, which eventually blossomed into Project Amigo, which today brings volunteers from the United States, Canada, and Mexico to Colima to help with literacy projects, health projects, and more. One way volunteers, such as Pat Green and Gail Dejmal had helped is participating in “work weeks,” that are devoted to eye care or literacy. Also discussed on the p</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:44</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-7-Aired-on-November-15--16--2014-e1r96u"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-7-Aired-on-November-15--16--2014-e1r96u"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RI Convention in Sydney, Australia, Part 7 (Aired on November 15 & 16, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser, in Sydney, interviews Rotarians from the United States who are also visiting the Convention and others who work with Rotary. Kurt Johnsen from the New Windsor-Cornwall Rotary in Orange County, New York, describes the Rotary Foundation and its progress in the fight to eradicate polio. His wife, Ana Johansen, talks about E-Club 7210, which—although based in District 7210 has members from around the world—provides credits for a Rotary meeting via the Internet as well as doing community service. Past District Governor Ernie Montane, from the Tucson Sunrise Club in Arizona recounts how a visit to West Africa some years ago led to 88 Rotary clubs working together to provide clean water and other services in Togo and Niger. Montane was at the Convention a day early to participate in WASRAG (the Water and Sanitation Rotary Action Group). Liz Odell was representing ShelterBox, the compact box that supplies tents and supplies in disasters. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:55</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Community-Action-Partnership-Aired-on-November-1--2--2014-e1r94s"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Community-Action-Partnership-Aired-on-November-1--2--2014-e1r94s"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Community Action Partnership (Aired on November 1 & 2, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Elizabeth Spira, the Chief Executive Officer of the Community Action Partnership of Dutchess County describes how this legacy program of the War on Poverty has for 50 years provided financial, energy, pharmaceutical, and food assistance to those in need. Similar agencies exist in every country in New York State. Some of the programs that the Dutchess agency maintains include “Dress for Success,” a program that provides suitable clothing to women applying for jobs, and the “Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP),” which provides help with financial counseling, youth mentoring, and emergency preparedness.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:57</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Three-Dimensional-Printing-Aired-on-October-25--26--2014-e1r8ss"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Three-Dimensional-Printing-Aired-on-October-25--26--2014-e1r8ss"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Three-Dimensional Printing (Aired on October 25 & 26, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews Dr. Dan Freedman, Dean of the School of Science and Engineering at SUNY-New Paltz, who leads both the Digital Design and Fabrication curriculum at the school and the Hudson Valley Advanced Manufacturing Center, specialists in the art of printing solid objects, known as 3-D printing. The first 3-D printers became available in 1986. They create objects, usually by laying down layers of plastic that build up to produce a solid plastic object (sometimes other materials are used). Each layer is formed in essentially the same way as an ink-jet printer reproduces a computerized image on paper, but plastic is used instead of ink. A computer program written with computer-assisted design (CAD), directs the process, so any object once designed can be printed as often as one likes. Among the triumphs of the process is the ability to print organs, including a plastic hand that actually grasps under control of the muscles in the arm.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:34</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/A-School-for-Haiti-Aired-on-October-18--19--2014-e1r8s4"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/A-School-for-Haiti-Aired-on-October-18--19--2014-e1r8s4"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>A School for Haiti (Aired on October 18 & 19, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>n January of 2011 retired Saugerties (NY) English teacher Nancy Lanni visited Haiti, with a construction team helping repair the damage. While there, she was invited to teach as a substitute, where she observed first-hand the emotional as well as physical damage to the young children on the remote island of La Gonáve, a primitive land where people still live in stone huts and use donkeys for transportation and farming. Schools in Haiti are not free, so only about 50% of children attend one in this impoverished land. Ms. Lanni decided to continue teaching in Haiti, learning Creole, the language of Haiti, and also began raising money for a school on La Gonáve where currently all six grades are taught in one room of a community church. Using local labor and materials paid for by money Ms. Lanni raised in the U.S., a new, earthquake-resistant, six-room schoolhouse is about to open at the start of 2015. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:57</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Catskill-Mountain-Railroad-Aired-on-October-11--2014-e1r8r9"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Catskill-Mountain-Railroad-Aired-on-October-11--2014-e1r8r9"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Catskill Mountain Railroad (Aired on October 11, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Volunteer Neil Isabelle discusses the Catskill Mountain Railroad, two different scenic trips on vintage rail cars through the picturesque Esopus Creek valley in Ulster Country, NY, and through the historic city of Kingston, NY. Special rides in the fall showcase the autumn foliage and in winter there is the Polar Express. Summer rides are also available in July and August that are timed for the full moon. These rides, and some others, also feature music or other entertainment. Isabelle became interested in the trains by volunteering at the Empire State Railway Museum in Phoenicia, NY, another tourist attraction in Ulster County.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:46</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Bells-and-Poles-for-Peace-Aired-on-October-4--5--2014-e1r8q8"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Bells-and-Poles-for-Peace-Aired-on-October-4--5--2014-e1r8q8"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Bells and Poles for Peace (Aired on October 4 & 5, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Newburgh Rotarian Doug Martin Sturomski, the recently appointed Peace Chair of Rotary District 7210, is interviewed about his efforts to help reach the peace goal of Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation through Peace Bells and Peace Poles. His Peace Bell Foundation, started in 2009, emphasizes the connection between ringing bells and freedom and peace, while he has become one of the most enthusiastic promoter of the Peace Pole. A Peace Pole is a large pole that carries the message “may peace prevail on Earth” in eight languages. In addition to the interview, listeners can also hear Doug play a little Beethoven on the bells.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:34</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-New-FDR-Library-Aired-on-September-27--28--2014-e1r8p8"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-New-FDR-Library-Aired-on-September-27--28--2014-e1r8p8"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The New FDR Library (Aired on September 27 & 28, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Jeffrey Urbin, Education Specialist at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, tells the RadioRotary audience about the history and recent renovations of the Library, which was the first presidential library in the United States, having been designed by Roosevelt himself in 1941. The new Library features new technology to make history come alive better for today’s visitors. Another change is that the Library now takes on the controversial issues of Roosevelt’s four terms, such as the development of the first nuclear weapons and FDR’s health issues. The program also features comments about the National Park Service building visitors can visit—Springwood, Top Cottage, and Val-Kill.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:11</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/4-H--Its-More-Than-Raising-Animals-Sept--20--21--2014-e1r8o0"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/4-H--Its-More-Than-Raising-Animals-Sept--20--21--2014-e1r8o0"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>4-H – It’s More Than Raising Animals (Sept. 20 & 21, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary host Jonah Triebwasser interviews Maureen Roche, Program Director for 4-H Youth Development at Cornell Cooperative Extension in Dutchess County. The 4-H organization officially set up by the US Department of Agriculture in 1914, although built on a number of youth organizations from around the turn of the 19th century into the 20th. The name stands for Head – Hearth – Hands – Health. Although best known for members raising animals and competing with them at county fairs, 4-H today goes beyond agriculture with programs emphasizing public speaking, robotics, college preparation, photography, arts and crafts, and community service. Dutchess Country has an active 4-H program that includes, among other projects, “Agriculture Literacy Week,” in which volunteers read stories based in agriculture to 2nd graders; “College Planning 101,” and drives to provide food, coats, and toys for the needy.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:26</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rhinebeck-Rotary-Doing-Good-in-the-World-Sept--13--2014-e1r8jv"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rhinebeck-Rotary-Doing-Good-in-the-World-Sept--13--2014-e1r8jv"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rhinebeck Rotary: Doing Good in the World (Sept. 13, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary interviews four members of Rhinebeck Rotary at the historic Beekman Arms during the Club’s regular Monday lunch: David Albahary, Nat Charny, Club President Phil Meltzer, and Barbara Markell. One of the main projects sponsored by the Club is improving a school near León, Nicaragua. The main workers in Nicaragua each year are about 20 Interact students from the local high school, aided by school counselors and adult chaperones. The students mix concrete, dig trenches, and otherwise work all day during their visit to site, while during the rest of the year they raise from $10,000 to $20,000 for the project. Locally, Rhinebeck Rotary is proud of the work of the Community Service Committee, which handles projects that Rhinebeck residents are unable to deal with themselves, ranging from plumbing to carpentry. Rhinebeck is also one of the Clubs in the District that participates annually in the Youth Exchange Program, bringing one or two students from abroad each year.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:27</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Center-for-Performing-Arts-Aired-on-September-6--2014-e1r8in"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Center-for-Performing-Arts-Aired-on-September-6--2014-e1r8in"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Center for Performing Arts (Aired on September 6, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Once again Rotarian Lou Trapani (Rhinebeck), Artistic and Managing Director of The Center for the Performing Arts at Rhinebeck, returns to RadioRotary to discuss some of the upcoming performances at this hub for theater and related events, including the summer arts day camp, which brings many courses in theater-arts taught by the professionals who put on the shows in Rhinebeck. Trapani tells how his experience as a child watching old movies on television steered him into his theatrical career. Among other upcoming productions discussed on the show will be Peter Pan, which uses the services of a company that specializes in safely flying actors.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:03</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-6-August-30--2014-e1r8g8"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-6-August-30--2014-e1r8g8"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RI Convention in Sydney, Australia, Part 6 (August 30, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>This series of interviews from the RI Convention in Sydney begins with the young—two Youth Exchange students who are having the adventure of their lives as they spend a year in Australia, away from homes in Finland and Denmark. Then we learn about the versatile Backpack Bed, which becomes a fireproof mattress with screens and a hidden, lockable pocket; these are distributed to homeless people who would otherwise sleep on concrete or the ground. Lynne Aldridge represents Mediators Beyond Borders, an organization that uses mediation to resolve international disputes and bring peace. Celeste Mergens describes Days for Girls, an international intervention she founded that provides washable hygiene produces for female teenagers and adults in Third World settings. Although Dolly Parton was not at the Convention, her Imagination Library—free books for children from birth to age five—was represented. Finally RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser talks to incoming Rotary International President</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:58</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Distracted-Driving-Aired-on-August-23--24--2014-e1r8f2"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Distracted-Driving-Aired-on-August-23--24--2014-e1r8f2"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Distracted Driving (Aired on August 23 & 24, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Every day it seems we are learning more and more about the dangers of distracted driving. Michael Weitzman in this RadioRotary interview tell about his efforts to make people more aware of the problem and its remedy, which he abbreviates as EMH for “Anytime you do not have your Eyes on the road, your Mind on your driving, and your Hands on the wheel” you are in danger of causing an accident lime the one that seriously injured his daughter and started him on his crusade. There are 15,000 auto accidents a day, many caused because they think they can use a cellphone to text, read email, or speak over while they are behind the wheel. One help would be to put your phone in the glove department before you start the car.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">28:08</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-5-Aired-on-August-16--17--2014-e1r8cq"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-5-Aired-on-August-16--17--2014-e1r8cq"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RI Convention in Sydney, Australia, Part 5 (Aired on August 16 & 17, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Here are five more fascinating interviews recorded by Jonah Triebwasser at the 2014 Rotary International Convention. Dr. Peter Linz, Chief International Medical Officer at Mercy Ships, tells about how their large hospital ship—6 operating rooms, 25 beds—travels from country to country in West Africa, bringing modern surgery of all kinds to people who would have no other access. Rotary International now partners with Mercy Ships and Rotary Foundation vocational training teams are among the volunteers who bring medical and dental assistance to the region. Teresa Mitchell Patterson, nutritional advisor, discusses Bowel Cancer Australia, discusses a diet that will help prevent bowel cancers (also known as colorectal cancers). Sharon Turner, from Scholastic, describes how Rotarians at the Convention are building a Wall of Books, donating books that will be given to poor and indigenous children in Australia. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:28</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hudson-Valley-Ribfest-Aired-on-August-9--10--2014-e1r89u"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hudson-Valley-Ribfest-Aired-on-August-9--10--2014-e1r89u"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Hudson Valley Ribfest (Aired on August 9 & 10, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>This week’s show was broadcast from the regular meeting of the Highland Rotary Club, sponsors of the Tenth Annual Hudson Valley Ribfest, a three-day event at the Ulster Country Fairgrounds in New Paltz, NY, featuring barbecue (and many other foods) as well as a number of country-music concerts and a stage in the national contest for best Barbecue. Highland Rotary President Steve Laubach and Highland Rotarian Don Verity, CEO of Pamal Radio, which broadcasts RadioRotary, are interviewed by Jonah Triebwasser. Proceeds from the Ribfest support both the charitable work of Highland Rotary, such as the installation of nineteen defibrillators around the village, and also the many nonprofits that supply volunteers for the annual event.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:45</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-4-Aired-on-August-2--3--2014-e1r89a"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-4-Aired-on-August-2--3--2014-e1r89a"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RI Convention in Sydney, Australia, Part 4 (Aired on August 2 & 3, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Jonah Triebwasser interviews five people who are working to do good in the world in different ways. Jenny Da Rin, Assistant Director General for the Education and Health Branch of AusAID, an Australian government program with many of the same goals as the Rotary Foundation. Rotarian Tam Mustapha (Kinderhook Tri-Village Clun, NY), attending the convention, tells Jonah about the expansion of the Rotary Learning Institute (RLI), which now teaches Rotary knowledge and leadership on all continents except Antarctica. Claire Munroe from Rotary International tells of the success—99% complete—in eliminating polio. Chicago-area Rotarian Margarita Hewko discuss the Water and Sanitation Rotary Action Group (WASRAG), which is building hundreds of projects such as well and water filtration around the world. Kathy Putz tells Jonah about Room to Read, which promotes girl’s literacy in Bangladesh, India, Cambodia, Laos, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Vietnam, and South Africa. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:56</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 21, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-3-Aired-on-July-19--20--2014-e1r3i9"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-3-Aired-on-July-19--20--2014-e1r3i9"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RI Convention in Sydney, Australia, Part 3 (Aired on July 19 & 20, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Jonah Triebwasser interviews seven Rotarians from Australia, England, the United States, and Papua New Guinea about international projects that include Our Rainbow House, which educated orphans and other vulnerable children in Zambia; the Guilford Eye Project, which helps prevent and cure eye diseases in India and Nigeria; the Asia-Pacific Center for Neuromodulation, which employs deep-brain stimulation to combat Parkinson’s disease and other brain illnesses; Crutches 4 Africa; the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia; Project Peanut Butter, which supplies ready-to-use therapeutic food to famine-struck regions; and Rotarians Against Malaria (PNG), which distributes treated mosquito netting in Papua New Guinea.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:08</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 20, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Saving-Children-with-Surgery-Aired-on-July-12--13--2014-e1r3h5"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Saving-Children-with-Surgery-Aired-on-July-12--13--2014-e1r3h5"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Saving Children with Surgery (Aired on July 12 & 13, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The guest on this week’s show was Pleasant Valley Rotary President and RN Kathy Kruger, who describes Rotaplast (Rotary + Plastic Surgery), a program that heals children with cleft palate or cleft lip around the world. Cleft palate is literally a hole in the roof of the mouth and cleft lip is one or two splits in the lip, which may extend all the way up a child’s face. A Rotaplast team of usually 15 professional surgeons, dentists, and nurses supported by another 15 nonprofessional volunteers travels to a third-world country where they are supported by a local Rotary club as they perform the operations over a 2- to 3-week period. Kathy tells also of her experience from a 2007 trip to the Philippines where she was a nurse volunteer, and concludes the interview by reading a remarkable thank-you letter from one the children served.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:22</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 20, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-2-Aired-on-July-5--6--2014-e1r3ge"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-2-Aired-on-July-5--6--2014-e1r3ge"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RI Convention in Sydney, Australia, Part 2 (Aired on July 5 & 6, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Past Rotary International President Bill Boyd tells Radio Rotary Co-Host Jonah Triebwasser about WASRAG, the Water and Sanitation Rotary Action Group. Securing an adequate supply of drinkable water is one of six Rotary areas of focus that affects all the rest—fighting disease, saving mothers and children, growing local economies, promoting peace (wars have been fought over water), even literacy, since the time that young girls need to spend fetching water, often from miles away, keeps them out of school. PP Boyd noted that although sanitation is not glamorous, it is one of the easies ways for Rotarians to do good in the world—by providing latrines. In other interviews, Kerry Kornhauser describes the organization Women in Rotary and her work with Violence Free Families; Mark McNally discusses the Thousand Smiles Foundation, now in its 29th year of doing surgery to correct cleft lips an palates and also improving dental hygiene; while John Sweet and his group provides vaccinations.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:36</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 20, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Solar-Power-Solutions-Aired-on-June-28--29--2014-e1r15j"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Solar-Power-Solutions-Aired-on-June-28--29--2014-e1r15j"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Solar Power Solutions (Aired on June 28 & 29, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The RadioRotary co-hosts interview Hudson Solar Project Manager Christina Bagen about home solar-power installations. Solar panels used today capture energy from the sun and convert it to direct-current electricity; a device called an inverter then changes the power to alternating current for household or commercial use. Today solar panels are relatively inexpensive because of government grants and tax breaks; they pay for themselves by reducing or eliminating electric bills within seven to ten years. Ms. Bagen describes the process a homeowner can use to get estimates or to have installations of solar power.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:59</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-1-June-21--2014-e1r151"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/RI-Convention-in-Sydney--Australia--Part-1-June-21--2014-e1r151"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RI Convention in Sydney, Australia, Part 1 (June 21, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Co-Host, Jonah Triebwasser traveled to Sydney, Australia, for the Rotary International Annual Convention, where he taped many interesting interviews. For a starter, here are five of the subjects: Rotarian D. Bob Scott, chair of Rotary’s, describes how this campaign, in conjunction with WHO, UNICEF, the CDC, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has reduced the number of countries where polio is endemic from 125 to 3. California Rotarian Sheila Hurst tells about the Kenya Smiles Rotary Internationals Global Grant that is improving oral health of children in Kenya. The president of the Monroe-Woodbury Rotary Club, Patricia Green, describes Project Amigo, which is providing scholarships for students in Colimas State, Mexico, and also other activities of the Monroe-Woodbury Club. Two Interact students from San Jose, California, describe that club’s many activities. And Dr. Subrahmanyam Ganesh reports on the Jaipur Limb.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">22:16</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Animal-Rescue-from-DCSPCA-Aired-on-June-14--15--2014-e1r14s"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Animal-Rescue-from-DCSPCA-Aired-on-June-14--15--2014-e1r14s"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Animal Rescue from DCSPCA (Aired on June 14 & 15, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Jackie Rose, executive director of Dutchess County SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) describes the facilities and activities of this nonprofit corporation. Located in Hyde Park, the DCSPCA provides humane law enforcement for the Country and a shelter for about 250 pets, including not only dogs and cats but also “pocket pets” such as hamsters, guinea pigs, or ferrets. The shelter houses homeless, abandoned, or abused animals, or animals donated by owners who can no longer care for them, and seeks to have the animals matched with appropriate families that can provide a “forever home.” In addition to the shelter, DCSPCA also provides low-cost medical services, as well as a cemetery and a crematorium. Primarily funded by donations, DCSPCA also runs a gold tournament annually and a “canine circus” called Paws in the Park Petwalk.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:59</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Coalition-on-Elder-Abuse-Aired-on-June-7--June-8--2014-e1r14m"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Coalition-on-Elder-Abuse-Aired-on-June-7--June-8--2014-e1r14m"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Coalition on Elder Abuse (Aired on June 7 & June 8, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary co-host Sarah O’Connell interviews Attorney Kyle Steller of Legal Services of the Hudson Valley and Kathy Sheehan, a social worker from the Mediation Center of Dutchess County about the Coalition on Elder Abuse in Dutchess County. The Mediation Center started the Coalition, which melds social services, local churches, Country law enforcement and health services, other law enforcement agencies, and several banks. The Mediation Center obtained a grant from Dutchess County to coordinate and put together this coalition. The coalition is using grant funds to support outreach to groups to raise awareness of issue and of resources available. When a call comes in to one of the agencies to report an elder-abuse problem, Steller and Sheehan confer on the best way to handle the problem, then provide the caller with the appropriate agency to contact. For example, the Legal Services can revoke powers of attorney, recover money for small claims, and provide similar help.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:20</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Millbrook-Literary-Festival-Aired-on-May-31--June-1--2014-e1r147"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Millbrook-Literary-Festival-Aired-on-May-31--June-1--2014-e1r147"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Millbrook Literary Festival (Aired on May 31 & June 1, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Authors Bryan Bunch (Millbrook Rotary), Jim Holmgren, and Evan Pritchard discuss the sixth Millbrook Literary Festival with host Jonah Triebwasser. Holmgren, a novelist whose future fiction novel describes the world in 2076, will host a panel of mystery writers under the heading “Who Did It? We did it!” Even Pritichard, poet and historian, who has been declared “king of the poets” for the Festival, will not only lead a panel discussion pitting nature poets against city poets, but also will be part of a “Poet’s Corner” at the Millbrook Library, where poets will read or recite through the festival. Other highlights include an illustration workshop for children at Merritt Books and Toys, panel discussions on historical fiction, journalism, creation of a book, and the history of the Hudson Valley. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:10</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Hidden-Problem-of-Veterans-May-24--25--2014-e1r12u"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Hidden-Problem-of-Veterans-May-24--25--2014-e1r12u"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Hidden Problem of Veterans (May 24 & 25, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dr. Frank Bourke, executive director of the PTSD Research and Recognition Project, explains the diagnosis and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a curable mental illness that is best known for affecting veterans of brutal wars, but also can change the lives of people who experience any kind of serious trauma from sources such as auto accidents or crimes. The principal symptoms are terrifying nightmares and flashbacks brought on by experiences that resemble the initial trauma. PTSD cannot be cured by drugs and ordinary therapy is only effective about 35% of the time. The Research and Recognition Project has developed a technique Dr. Bourke calls “reconsolidation of traumatic memories,” which is based on disconnecting the traumatic memory from its emotional response.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:37</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Center-for-the-Performing-Arts-Aired-on-May-17--18--2014-e1r12l"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Center-for-the-Performing-Arts-Aired-on-May-17--18--2014-e1r12l"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Center for the Performing Arts (Aired on May 17 & 18, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotarian Lou Trapani (Rhinebeck), Artistic and Managing Director of The Center for the Performing Arts, located a short distance east of Rhinebeck, NY, is interviewed by co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell, both former performers themselves. The Center began as a project of the Rhinebeck Theater Society and was first (1994) housed in a tent, with the permanent building, known as “the Barn,” opening in 1998. It is now open 360 days a year and houses productions of several theater companies as well as a summer arts day camp and a teen musical theater called “Kids on Stage.” Other productions include a choreographer’s showcase and a jazz weekend.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:56</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hidden-Treasures-of-the-Hudson-Valley-May-10--11--2014-e1r12f"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hidden-Treasures-of-the-Hudson-Valley-May-10--11--2014-e1r12f"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Hidden Treasures of the Hudson Valley (May 10 & 11, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Author and columnist Anthony Musso returns to the RadioRotary microphones to discuss volume 2 of his Hidden Treasures of the Hudson Valley, a treasury of 55 sites in the 8-country mid-Hudson region. Here are a few of the sites covered: The Beekman Arms, oldest continuing restaurant; the world’s largest church pipe organ at the Cadet Chapel at West Point; St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Amenia, with two Tiffany windows; Troutbeck, where the NAACP was founded; Dapplemere Farm, the home of presidential candidate Thomas Dewey; the Elephant Hotel, where the American circus got its start; and Harvest Homestead Farm, the secret distillery run by gangster Dutch Schultz. Each of the sites is illustrated with contemporary photography and the essential information about locations, hours, and entrance fees (if any—most are free) is provided in the book.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:40</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Patriots-Project-Aids-Vets-Aired-on-May-3--4--2014-e1r126"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Patriots-Project-Aids-Vets-Aired-on-May-3--4--2014-e1r126"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Patriot’s Project Aids Vets (Aired on May 3 & 4, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotarian Colleen Mountford (Kingston Sunrise Club) describes the Patriot’s Project that will house homeless veterans in a renovated mansion in Kingston starting in July. Both the Kingston Sunrise and Kingston Noontime clubs as well as contributions from all Rotary clubs in Ulster County have supported the project. It began in 2012 when Ulster County Executive Mike Hein proposed turning a former group home into transitional housing for veterans. The project required, and got, legislation passed by New York State to make it feasible, then began to raise money from the Country’s sale of the SUNY Ulster President’s home and various private sources. When complete, the facility will provide temporary housing of three to six months for homeless veterans as well as counseling on acquiring a job and a path through the paperwork needed to obtain further assistance if needed. Donations are still needed.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:19</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-District-7210-in-2014-15-April-26--27--2014-e1r11v"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-District-7210-in-2014-15-April-26--27--2014-e1r11v"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary District 7210 in 2014-15 (April 26 & 27, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary co-hosts interview incoming District Governor Penny Byron (Rotary Year 2014-15), who describes her work with District 7210, which includes 62 clubs at various locations in the eight Mid-Hudson counties that make up the District—Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, and Ulster. District 7210 actually extends beyond the Mid-Hudson, however, for one of the 62 clubs is the E-Club, the first in Rotary International; its members can be located anywhere in the world and several are international members, although most live here in the Hudson Valley but attend meetings online. Another distinction for the District is that one of its past District Governors, Knut Johnsen, occupies Rotary’s seat at the United Nations. RadioRotary itself is a third unique asset of the District. Ms. Byron, whose home club is Patterson, began her journey toward District Governor in 4H, then moved on to Rotary where she has been active at both the Club and District levels.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:29</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Joy-of-Recycling-Aired-on-April-19--20--2014-e1r11o"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Joy-of-Recycling-Aired-on-April-19--20--2014-e1r11o"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Joy of Recycling (Aired on April 19 & 20, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Terry Laibach, an environmental specialist concerned largely with solid waste who works with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, discusses the economics and environmental impact of the 3Rs—Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. While the United States has 4 percent of the world’s population, it produces 25% of the world’s solid waste. At one time, the solution to this waste burden was to burn it, with poor consequences for the environment. Today about 80 percent of such waste can be eliminated, and in this program Ms. Laibach gives a number of tips on ways to do just that.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:26</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Child-Therapy-and-Rosies-Law-Aired-on-April-13--14--2014-e1r11a"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Child-Therapy-and-Rosies-Law-Aired-on-April-13--14--2014-e1r11a"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Child Therapy and Rosie’s Law (Aired on April 13 & 14, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dr. David A Crenshaw, a child psychologist who is Clinical Director of the Children’s Home of Poughkeepsie, explains why children often need aid in getting though such emotional difficulties as psychosomatic symptoms, depression, difficulty controlling impulses, and behavioral problems in school; frequently intellectual or cognitive maturity precedes emotional maturity. Young children may lack language skills, but the natural expression of children is through play or art, which can be used to help them through emotional problems. Dr. Crenshaw has been involved in trying to get New York State to pass a law that would allow therapy dogs help emotionally impaired witnesses (not only children) handle courtroom trials. The law is known as “Rosie’s Law” after the first case in New York that permitted a dog to be used in this way.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:43</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Mediation-Center-of-Dutchess-County-April-5--2014-e1r10q"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Mediation-Center-of-Dutchess-County-April-5--2014-e1r10q"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Mediation Center of Dutchess County (April 5, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The RadioRotary co-hosts interview Jody Miller, Executive Director of the Mediation Center of Dutchess Country, and Registered Nurse Carolynn Frankell, who, along with Lindsey Goldstein, chairs the third annual Anti-Bullying Walkathon. Since 1981 New York State has had a program of Alternative Dispute Resolution, which includes mediation and arbitration, with centers in every county. Mediation is a process that helps people talk about decisions and resolve conflicts. Volunteers do most of the mediation after training. The center handles small claims, landlord-tenant issues, consumer issues, divorces, caregiving problems, and workplace disputes. The Center also works with other agencies on issues such as elder abuse and bullying, a problem in many schools. Its serves can be free but some require fee payments, and mediated agreements are enforceable by the courts.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:37</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Libraries-in-the-21st-Century-Mar--30--2014-e1r0vp"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Libraries-in-the-21st-Century-Mar--30--2014-e1r0vp"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Libraries in the 21st Century (Mar. 30, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Libraries today are far more than places to borrow books for a couple of weeks according to Red Hook Public Library Director Erica Freudenberger and Mid-Hudson Library System Assistant Director Merribeth Advocate. Libraries are an important local source in obtaining jobs or improving skills, using the public-access computers in libraries or access to library information from home computers. And, while there is a lot of information on the Internet, not all of it is correct; libraries vet information and establish its relevance. Also, in addition to various audiovisual media that can be loaned, libraries today offer “free” access to e-books—although nothing from libraries is actually “free” as it is paid for by local, state, and national taxes—primarily local sources of funding. Studies have shown that every dollar invested in libraries produces seven dollars in the economy of the community.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:21</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Arts-Mid-Hudson-Aired-on-AM-on-Mar--21--on-FM-on-Mar--23-e1r0vh"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Arts-Mid-Hudson-Aired-on-AM-on-Mar--21--on-FM-on-Mar--23-e1r0vh"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Arts Mid-Hudson (Aired on AM on Mar. 21 & on FM on Mar. 23)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Linda Marston-Reid, Executive Director of Art Mid-Hudson (formerly The Dutchess Country Arts Council), and Paul Tesoro, Chairperson of the Board, discuss the many ways that Arts Mid-Hudson re-grants New York State funds and local donations to local artists in Dutchess, Ulster, and Orange counties. Grants aid visual arts, theater, arts education, music, performances of the written word, and community events. All grant proposals receive a peer review, which is helpful even to projects that do not get funded. The proposals supported also become one of the reasons for visitors to come to the Mid-Hudson region, where the arts are among the attractions.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:05</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Helping-Moms-Who-Have-Cancer-Mar--14--2014-e1r0ve"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Helping-Moms-Who-Have-Cancer-Mar--14--2014-e1r0ve"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Helping Moms Who Have Cancer (Mar. 14, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>A couple of years ago Krista Jones from Hopewell Junction, NY, experienced the death of a good friend from cancer and the realization that four other mothers she knew also had cancer. Krista had been helping her friend, who had three children, by leaving food at her door. She recognized that cancer was sapping the energy and budgets of all these mothers, which led her to found Sparrow’s Nest, dedicated to providing two trays of homemade food each week to the suffering families. Although in the beginning Krista used her own money to set up the charitable organization, she now relies on many donors to provide the expense of serving 15 to 18 moms each week and to expand the operation. For now, Krista herself does all the cooking herself, although volunteers help deliver the food.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:26</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Legal-Help-for-Civil-Cases-Aired-on-AM-on-Mar--7--2014-e1r0ud"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Legal-Help-for-Civil-Cases-Aired-on-AM-on-Mar--7--2014-e1r0ud"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Legal Help for Civil Cases (Aired on AM on Mar. 7, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Legal Services of the Hudson Valley provides free legal help to the needy who require assistance in civil cases—mortgage problems, divorces, educational issues, domestic violence, and similar difficulties. In this interview Pro Bono Director Lillian Krusz Welby and staff attorney Jill Faber discuss all these topics and more. Legal Services of the Hudson Valley has eight offices, ranging from White Plains to Kingston. Their staff attorneys and also volunteer attorneys handle child advocacy, orders of protection, foreclosures, trusts and estates, and disabled and veteran’s issues—but they are not Public Defenders, who deal with criminal cases.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:36</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Education-for-Citizenship-Feb--14--2014-e1r0sf"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Education-for-Citizenship-Feb--14--2014-e1r0sf"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Education for Citizenship (Feb. 14, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In this on-site interview from the Annual Meeting of the New York State Bar Association, Bar Past -President A. Thomas Levin and Chair of the Law, Youth and Citizenship committee Rich Bader discuss some of the statewide programs that the Bar Association supports in New York State schools. These include Mock Trials in secondary schools in which students argue a case based on data supplied by the Bar Association before a real judge; this is a competition among teams trying the case. Another program is “We the People,” in which both elementary- and secondary-school compete in mock congressional hearings and develop questions based upon the U.S. Constitution or specific laws.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:43</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Healthy-Aging-Aired-on-AM-on-Feb--7--on-FM-on-Feb--9--2014-e1r0sb"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Healthy-Aging-Aired-on-AM-on-Feb--7--on-FM-on-Feb--9--2014-e1r0sb"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Healthy Aging (Aired on AM on Feb. 7 & on FM on Feb. 9, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In this show, co-host Sarah O’Connell interviews the co-leaders of the Center for Healthy Aging at Northern Dutchess Hospital in Rhinebeck—social worker Allison Gould and geriatrician Dr. Jodi Friedman. The purpose of the Center is to help people 65 and over remain healthy and active as they age. Friedman handles the medical issues, while Gould works with social issues such as life transitions, including retirement and dealing with losses. The focus is more on prevention than remediation Most of the clients have been referred to the Center by primary-care physicians who recognize problems of aging in individual patients. In addition to working with individuals, the Center provides free community lecture programs on topics related to healthy aging.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">28:11</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Food-of-Life-Aired-on-AM-on-Jan--31--2014-e1r0rn"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Food-of-Life-Aired-on-AM-on-Jan--31--2014-e1r0rn"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Food of Life (Aired on AM on Jan. 31, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In March 2009 Reverend Betsy Fisher of St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Amenia learned of a big need for food for the working poor in Amenia that was not being met by the nearest local Food Bank, so she started Food of Life. This program details how that works and the needs that it fills today. The pantry (at 40 Leedsville Road in Amenia), supplies supplemental food, primarily to the working poor, and is open from 3 to 5 p.m. every Friday; it has sometimes had as many as 301 customers and gave out 2400 meals in a single day. Food of Life stresses nutrition, offering as much as possible organic produce, milk, and meat. They also teach catering to women in their still-to-be-completed kitchen as part of a Woman’s Vocational Center.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:10</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Abilities-First-Jan--24--2014--on-FM-on-Jan--26-e1r0rj"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Abilities-First-Jan--24--2014--on-FM-on-Jan--26-e1r0rj"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Abilities First (Jan. 24, 2014) & on FM on Jan. 26)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Jeffery Fox, executive director of Abilities First, and Serene Morrero, director of development, describe this Dutchess-County-based program that serves all developmentally disabled children and adults. The organization has thirty different facilities in Dutchess County, which began with its original “Little Red Schoolhouse” in Poughkeepsie, and now goes from preschool to adult services. Since then, the emphasis in helping the developmentally disabled–who may be on the autism spectrum, have down syndrome , or suffer other forms of intellectual disability–has often been on “mainstreaming” students into regular classrooms, but Abilities First helps handle students not able to be integrated into ordinary schoolrooms. At the adult level, Abilities First provides help with ways to use community resources and currently aids sixty who have regular employment as well as those who are not able to work.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:21</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Alive-at-25-Aired-on-AM-on-Jan--17--2014-e1r0re"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Alive-at-25-Aired-on-AM-on-Jan--17--2014-e1r0re"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Alive at 25 (Aired on AM on Jan. 17, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Elian Trumpetto, Executive Director of the Council on Addiction Prevention of Dutchess County, and Mike Hill director of the Drinking Driver Program at Dutchess Community College, discuss the program “Alive at 25,” which is sponsored by the National Safety Council. Alive at 25 is a 4-hour educational program aimed at 16- to 24-year-olds to heighten their awareness of the hazards of driving drunk, drugged, or distracted. New York State has rules for young drivers about who the other occupants of a car may be, since research has shown that other young people are a principle distraction.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:39</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Moving-Generations-Jan--10--2014-e1r0r6"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Moving-Generations-Jan--10--2014-e1r0r6"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Moving Generations (Jan. 10, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Preventing relocation stress syndrome is a main goal of Moving Generations, a downsizing and moving supervision service for the elderly provided by Red Hook Rotarian Susan Goodman Goldstein, a social worker who grew up in a family moving business, and Dena Crane, a long-time family mediator specializing in senior decision making. Moving Generations serves the entire Hudson Valley and points beyond. Services include a free consultation for senior citizens who are downsizing from a large home into smaller quarters, help in setting up auctions for some furniture and sale of other items, handling donations of items where appropriate, and supervising the actual move, including unpacking and making sure everything is in place when the seniors arrive at their new home.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:51</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Center-of-Compassion-Jan--3--2014-e1r0r3"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Center-of-Compassion-Jan--3--2014-e1r0r3"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Center of Compassion (Jan. 3, 2014)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Center of Compassion volunteers Julie Gregory, Executive Coordinator, and Karen Finnerty, Community Outreach Coordinator, discuss this complex of humanitarian activities that has been located in Dover Plains for the past eleven years. Founded by Sister Maureen of the Westchester’s Sisters of the Divine Compassion, The Center of Compassion runs a food bank, a weekly community lunch, a backpack program of food for school children, emergency meals for the home-bound, and a thrift store at 7 Market Street in Dover Plains. All the meals they provide are homemade by volunteers. The backpack program, one of their newer outreaches, provides about 50 to 80 children identified by the school system as in need with a Friday backpack filled with six well-balanced meals; the children return the empty backpack to the school on Monday. Mostly funded by local donors, The Center of Compassion also operated with a grant from the Regional Food Bank of the Hudson Valley.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:19</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-UN-Day--Part-2-Dec--27--2013-e1r0qs"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-UN-Day--Part-2-Dec--27--2013-e1r0qs"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary UN Day- Part 2 (Dec. 27, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Each year on Rotary UN Day, which celebrates the role Rotary had in founding the UN and their continuing relationship, RadioRotary conducts onsite interviews with Rotarians and others attending the event. In this program, the interviews included deal with water purification and desalination, developing a new generation of leaders around the world, the Rotary youth exchange program, and dealing with technological obsolescence. The final interview in the series is with Rotary International President for Rotary year 2013-14 Ron Burton, whose motto—“Engage Rotary, Change Lives”—sums up how Rotarians and the United Nations work together.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:12</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Current-Insurance-Issues-Dec--20--2013-e1r0ql"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Current-Insurance-Issues-Dec--20--2013-e1r0ql"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Current Insurance Issues (Dec. 20, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In a program recorded live at the regular Red Hook Rotary meeting, insurance agents and Rotarians Carl and Bill Dowden discuss the Affordable Care Act (or ACA, sometimes called “Obamacare”), Cyber-Liability Insurance, and Long-Term Care Insurance. They explain how ACA relies on individual insurance companies instead of having a government-run single-payer plan, such as Medicare. While the ACA requires that insurers provide consumer protections and some benefits, its primary goal is to insure the currently uninsured, so people with satisfactory insurance now do not need to register. Cyber-Liability Insurance primarily protects companies and nonprofits from data breaches if their computer system is hacked or a device with private information is lost or stolen. The Dowden brothers also explain the differences between long-term care insurance and long-term disability insurance as well as the differences between homeowner’s insurance and flood insurance.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:09</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-UN-Day-2013-Aired-on-AM-on-Dec--13-2013-e1r0qi"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-UN-Day-2013-Aired-on-AM-on-Dec--13-2013-e1r0qi"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary UN Day 2013 (Aired on AM on Dec. 13,2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Day at the United Nations celebrates the important role Rotary had in founding the UN and the continuing relationship. Each year on Rotary UN Day, RadioRotary hosts attend and record interviews with attendees. This year the interviews included Freddie Lee Kaplan discussing the Gift of Life, which is the second largest Rotary Foundation program (after PolioPlus). Gift of Life works to fix congenital heart disorders in children from all over the world. We hear about ShelterBox, an international effort allied with Rotary that brings shelter and necessities to people facing disasters, whether storms, earthquakes, floods, or other calamities. Todd Horvath discusses a program that brings free prosthetic hands that can grip objects and that resemble real hands; more than 16,000 have been helped with these hands. On a more local level, Jaina Diaz-Kelly and Michelle Eggink tell about how the Rotarian youth organization Interact has changed their lives .</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:05</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-Country-BOCES-Dec--6--2013-e1r0qg"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-Country-BOCES-Dec--6--2013-e1r0qg"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dutchess Country BOCES (Dec. 6, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Norah Merritt (Executive Director of Educational Programs), Barbara Cesario (Coordinator of Related Services), and Leah Pollack (Administrator of the PEACCE program) about the scope of BOCES and its special services. BOCES supplies “solutions, services, and savings” for K-12 students and beyond through three main centers in Poughkeepsie as well as itinerant teachers who work as visitors in all of the County’s school districts. Although many local residents think primarily of BOCES Career and Technical Institute or the Adult Learning Institute, this program focuses mainly on programs for the deaf and hearing impaired and for the autism spectrum disorder, especially the PEACCE (Providing an Education for Autistic and Communication-Impaired Children Effectively) program.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">28:06</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Part-VII-Lisbon-2013-Nov--29--2013-e1r0q5"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Part-VII-Lisbon-2013-Nov--29--2013-e1r0q5"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Convention Part VII: Lisbon 2013 (Nov. 29, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>This is the last edition in a series of seven inspiring broadcasts taped at Rotary International’s 2013 Lisbon Convention, where in June thousands of Rotarians from around the world convened to discuss their humanitarian work. In each of the seven broadcasts, Jonah Triebwasser, co-host of RadioRotary, interviewed humanitarian leaders whose organizations save lives through various forms of medical and nutritional support. In this last broadcast from Lisbon, interviews include representatives from Walking for Water, Anti-Prostitution, Rotary Rhinos, and the Jaipur Limb Project (inexpensive artificial legs, developed at the Mahaveer hospital in Jaipur, India, especially providing help for those suffering amputations resulting from our turbulent world). The bonus in this last broadcast is the interview with Rotary International’s 2013-14 President, Ron Burton, whose motto for this Rotary year is: Engage Rotary. Change Lives.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:16</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Outdoorsmen-Helping-Others-Aired-on-AM-on-Nov--22--on-FM-on-Nov--24-e1r0p5"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Outdoorsmen-Helping-Others-Aired-on-AM-on-Nov--22--on-FM-on-Nov--24-e1r0p5"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Outdoorsmen Helping Others (Aired on AM on Nov. 22 & on FM on Nov. 24)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>While hunting, Ronald Jeffrey Callahan fell from a tree-stand and became a quadriplegic with paralysis from the neck down. Widely known in the Hudson Valley as an avid outdoorsman before and after his injury, today Mr. Callahan is an advocate for personal safety in the outdoors, teaching the next generation of hunters about the fundamentals that will keep them safe. In addition, he is a motivational speaker at events, inspiring those who suffer traumatic injuries. For those with such injuries, he stresses the need for various kinds of support from family and friends and the need for quality care that depends heavily on government services, which are dwindling in this economic environment. He has brought Outdoorsmen Helping Others (OHO) to the Hudson Valley; OHO is a nonprofit organization based on the principle that anyone, regardless of physical capability, should have the opportunity to enjoy the outdoor. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:38</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Part-VI-Lisbon-2013-Nov--15--2013-e1r0oq"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Part-VI-Lisbon-2013-Nov--15--2013-e1r0oq"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Convention Part VI Lisbon 2013 (Nov. 15, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Additional brief updates about the work of many humanitarian organizations with Rotary connections around the world, including Crutches 4 Africa, Hydrotherapy, Project Peanut Butter addressing malnutrition, and more. This program also includes an interview with several Rotary district governors.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:20</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Making-Your-Health-a-Priority-Nov--8--2013-e1r0om"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Making-Your-Health-a-Priority-Nov--8--2013-e1r0om"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Making Your Health a Priority Nov. 8, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Millbrook Rotarian Ellie Savoy, who has studied nutrition for decades, discusses the importance of eating healthy today as a way to avoid ill health tomorrow. Using many powerful comparisons, such as making eating healthy “an investment” in the future, Ms. Savoy explains the chemicalized production of much food today and describes ways to eat and enjoy healthy foods in today’s food environment. She offers many tips to do this and provides several websites identifying local farms and health-oriented restaurants in the Hudson Valley. It’s easier (and less expensive) than you think to make your health a priority.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:21</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Green-Chimneys-Aired-on-AM-on-Nov--1--on-FM-on-Nov--3-e1r0o5"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Green-Chimneys-Aired-on-AM-on-Nov--1--on-FM-on-Nov--3-e1r0o5"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Green Chimneys (Aired on AM on Nov. 1 & on FM on Nov. 3)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Founded in 1947 by the Ross family when Dr. Barney Ross bought a farm called Green Chimneys, the Green Chimneys School today has become widely recognized as a superior residential and day center providing high-level treatment for children ages 5–18 with special needs. The school’s goal is to keep children out of psychiatric hospitals and to help them lead healthy, productive lives. Using 400 animals–including camels!–as part of the therapy, children learn new paths to avoid problematic behavior. The Green Chimneys’ Paul C. Kupchok Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, featuring birds of prey, is a well known Hudson Valley tourist attraction, and the center, open to the public on weekends from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., receives about 20,000 visitors a year. You won’t want to miss this interview with Executive Director Joseph Whalen (Lions) and Clinical Psychologist Dr. Martin Vigdor (Rotary, Assistant Governor).</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:59</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-convention-Part-V-Lisbon-2013-Oct--25--2013-e1r0n9"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-convention-Part-V-Lisbon-2013-Oct--25--2013-e1r0n9"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary convention Part V Lisbon 2013 (Oct. 25, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>More brief updates about the work of many humanitarian organizations around the world and their efforts addressing population and development, child slavery, literacy, Alliance of Smiles (medical missions that save lives through cleft lip and palate surgery), and Wheelchairs for Africa (a Rotary and Lions partnership).</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:33</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Abrahams-Table-Oct--18--2013-e1r0mt"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Abrahams-Table-Oct--18--2013-e1r0mt"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Abraham’s Table (Oct. 18, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Under the leadership of Vonnie Hubbard, President of Abraham’s Table, an “army” of volunteers provided 23,000 nutritious lunches and 8,000 breakfasts for the children of Newburgh, NY, during the summer of 2013 after school closedt This totals about 1,000 lunches a day distributed throughout the city at public sites such as recreational facilities and pools. Volunteers come from service organizations and faith based community congregations. Tom Woodhull, a Newburgh School District Board member and the organization’s treasurer, became a volunteer after hearing Ms. Hubbard speak at his New Windsor-Cornwall Rotary club three years ago. Since then, the nonprofit organization has grown from 11,000 lunches at only 7 sites to today’s totals.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:12</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dogs-for-Deaf-and-Disabled-Americans-Oct--11--2013-e1r0mn"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dogs-for-Deaf-and-Disabled-Americans-Oct--11--2013-e1r0mn"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans (Oct. 11, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>John Moon, NEADS’ Director of Programs and Communications , describes the organization’s efforts to improve the lives of the hearing impaired and the disabled with service dogs. Started in 1974, NEADS provides specialized training depending on a recipient’s circumstances, such as for hurricane alerts in some parts of the U.S. Service dogs are trained to assist wounded veterans, those with spinal cord injuries, autistic children, and more. Pups begin training at 8 weeks and are selected for temperament as well as intelligence. Inmates from several correctional facilities in the northeast volunteer to train NEADS service dogs, and over the years NEADS’ specialists have matched dogs and owners with 99% success. Vests labeled “service assist dog” are placed on service dogs, giving them the legal right to enter public buildings and vehicles where other dogs (such as therapy dogs or comfort dogs) are not permitted.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:54</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Part-IV-Lisbon-2013-Oct--4--2013-e1r0mf"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Part-IV-Lisbon-2013-Oct--4--2013-e1r0mf"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Convention Part IV Lisbon 2013 (Oct. 4, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>More brief updates about the work of many humanitarian organizations around the world, including their efforts related to International Youth Exchange for developing global friendships, Incubators for Africa, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), ShelterBox, the Hiroshima Peace Project, and Human Rights.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:34</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Camp-Sundown-for-XP-Families-Aired-on-AM-on-Sept--27--on-FM-on-Sept--29--2013-e1r0jt"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Camp-Sundown-for-XP-Families-Aired-on-AM-on-Sept--27--on-FM-on-Sept--29--2013-e1r0jt"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Camp Sundown for XP Families (Aired on AM on Sept. 27 & on FM on Sept. 29, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The nonprofit XP Society provides families with support and information needed to help their children suffering from Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP) or other life-threatening sun-sensitivity disorders. XP easily causes skin and eye cancers so families must be very careful about lighting. Caren Mahar, Executive Director and Co-founder with husband Dan of the Society, describes the special accommodations needed, including tinted windows and dimmed incandescent lighting, because even sunlight hitting a white wall can cause severe third-degree burns. Ms. Mahar, whose daughter suffers from this disease, explains how families struggle, under great hardship, to provide their children with normal lives: to go to school, travel, shop, and meet friends like themselves. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:16</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Part-III-Lisbon-2013-on-Sept--20--2013-e1r0jp"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Convention-Part-III-Lisbon-2013-on-Sept--20--2013-e1r0jp"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Convention Part III Lisbon 2013 (on Sept. 20, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>More brief updates about the work of many humanitarian organizations around the world and their efforts related to defeating Malaria, providing clean water, sharing value of Youth Exchange, encouraging support for blood banks, describing how Solar Ovens improve lives, and emphasizing the importance of Rotary Peace Fellows.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:37</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Our-2013-Award-winning-Puppies-behind-Bars-Aired-on-AM-on-Sept--13--on-FM-on-Sept--15--2013-e1r0ji"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Our-2013-Award-winning-Puppies-behind-Bars-Aired-on-AM-on-Sept--13--on-FM-on-Sept--15--2013-e1r0ji"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Our 2013 Award-winning “Puppies behind Bars” (Aired on AM on Sept. 13 & on FM on Sept. 15, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The New York State Broadcasters Association presented its 2013 Award of Excellence in Broadcasting in the category of Public Affairs Program/Series to RadioRotary for “Puppies behind Bars.” RadioRotary also won in this category in 2012.
Carl Rotans, Senior Instructor of Puppies behind Bars, teaches inmates to train service dogs. These unique dogs greatly assist the disabled, especially veterans, in a multitude of ways: taking dishes from the table, dialing 911 if necessary, turning lights on or off. The dogs are trained to respond to more than 90 commands. In this heavily monitored program, inmates are prescreened, go through a long and intensive selective process, and if selected, live day and night with their 8-week-old puppy as it grows and learns for the next two years.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:11</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Planting-the-Seeds-of-Service-Sept--6--2013-e1r0jc"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Planting-the-Seeds-of-Service-Sept--6--2013-e1r0jc"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Planting the Seeds of Service (Sept. 6, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rhinebeck Interact, a Rotary-sponsored high-school service organization, provides hands-on support in Nicaragua, building classrooms in that Central American nation during Rhinebeck school breaks. Two New York Rhinebeck High School students in Interact, Addie Crenshaw and Emily McGettrick, epitomize our next generation of humanitarians as they discuss how, working in the co-operation with a Nicaragua Rotary Club, they use “rebar” to reinforce structures, implement water systems, lay bricks, mix cement for a foundation, and do much, much more. On their trip south to Nicaragua, they fill their baggage with shoes (shoes are a requirement to attend school in Nicaragua. Rhinebeck Interact also supports several projects in the Hudson Valley, such as local soup kitchens, and they implement various fundraising activities for these projects.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:11</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-COnvention-II-Lisbon-2013-Aug--30--2013-e1r0j0"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-COnvention-II-Lisbon-2013-Aug--30--2013-e1r0j0"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary COnvention II: Lisbon 2013 (Aug. 30, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>More brief updates about the work of humanitarian organizations around the world: Prevention of Child Abuse, Stop Hunger Now, Interact (Rotary supported high school service organization), Maternal Mortality, Rotary Leadership Institute, and Rotary Family Health Days.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:17</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Reaching-Potential-Despite-Hearing-Loss-Aug--23--2013-e1r0hq"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Reaching-Potential-Despite-Hearing-Loss-Aug--23--2013-e1r0hq"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Reaching Potential Despite Hearing Loss (Aug. 23, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Latest episode of RadioRotary</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:47</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/World-Famous-Dutchess-County-Fair-August-16--2013-e1r0hg"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/World-Famous-Dutchess-County-Fair-August-16--2013-e1r0hg"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>World Famous Dutchess County Fair (August 16, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Andy Imperati, General Manager of the Dutchess County Fair, and Red Hook Rotary President and Fair Volunteer Niki Weaver talk about the fun events, new ones and those back-by-popular demand, at this year’s 168th Dutchess County Fair. Besides sharing fascinating statistics about various elements of the Fair, Mr. Imperati discusses volunteer positions and the details involved in organizing this huge yearly event, which has become an international attraction. Ms. Weaver also describes Red Hook Rotary’s humanitarian contributions locally and worldwide.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:00</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Famous-Hudson-Valley-RibFest-Aired-on-AM-on-August-9--on-FM-on-August-11--2013-e1r0h9"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Famous-Hudson-Valley-RibFest-Aired-on-AM-on-August-9--on-FM-on-August-11--2013-e1r0h9"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Famous Hudson Valley RibFest (Aired on AM on August 9 & on FM on August 11, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Two members of the Highland Rotary Club describe the enormous success of their club’s now-famous Hudson Valley RibFest. Steve Laubach, District 7210 Secretary, and Don Verity, Station Manager for radio stations in the Hudson Valley, discuss the exhibits, cooking demonstrations by professional chefs, a sanctioned Barbecue Contest where winners advance to National Finals in Kansas City, and more–all of which attract 15,000 visitors of all ages from the Hudson Valley and around the world and benefit numerous humanitarian efforts here and abroad. New this year: a kickoff concert before the start of the Ribfest and a sightseer train around the Fairgrounds to view it all.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:36</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Organic-Farming-August-2--2013-e1r0h3"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Organic-Farming-August-2--2013-e1r0h3"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Organic Farming (August 2, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In this highly informative interview, Karen Preuss, Marketing Director of Hawthorne Valley Farm in central Columbia County, NY, describes the Farm’s commitment to organic farming practices based on the Rudolf Steiner philosophy about effective agriculture to sustain the earth. Throughout the year, the Farm invites children to participate in experiential learning (i.e., milking cows) so that they learn about nature and witness a working farm based on recycling. Ms. Preuss discusses topics such as raw milk, pasteurized versus non-pasteurized milk, sauerkraut’s benefits, the definition of “organic,” and how the consumer can identify products that are certified “organic.” The Farm offers various classes for all ages, including a class on cheese-making. The Farm’s store, open to the public, is interesting in itself, especially the produce department.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:42</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Humanitarians-Around-the-World-Lisbon-2013-July-26--2013-e1r0fu"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Humanitarians-Around-the-World-Lisbon-2013-July-26--2013-e1r0fu"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Humanitarians Around the World: Lisbon 2013 (July 26, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Fascinating set of short interviews recorded at the 2013 Rotary International Convention in Lisbon, Portugal. Humanitarians from around the world discuss topics that address global issues: medical concerns including Alzheimer’s disease, polio eradication, better vision services; literacy needs; and problems facing the environment. Especially interesting is a fabulous interview with anthropologist and U.N. Messenger for Peace, Dame Jane Goodall.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:42</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/21st-Century-Rotary-and-the-eClub-concept-July-19--2013-e1r0fp"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/21st-Century-Rotary-and-the-eClub-concept-July-19--2013-e1r0fp"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>21st Century Rotary and the eClub concept (July 19, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary eClub 7210’s Past President Ana Johnsen and current President Richard Wilson discuss the need for eClubs, a nontraditional approach to encourage membership in service organizations such as Rotary that may be losing members due to rigid attendance requirements. Maintaining membership is vital for the survival of service organizations, but recruitment is often difficult because work and family obligations as well as health issues may prevent people from attending ordinary meetings. To address this problem, Rotary created eClubs. These require members to provide humanitarian service of their choice and to pay basic dues, but do not require attendance at meetings. Chartered in 2012, Rotary eClub 7210 includes members from several countries (including Sweden, Nigeria, India, and Turkey) and U.S. states. Members communicate mainly through email, considering that time zones make it difficult to meet any other way.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:52</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Living-a-Happier-Life-July-12--2013-e1r0d5"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Living-a-Happier-Life-July-12--2013-e1r0d5"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Living a Happier Life (July 12, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Marion Licchiello, author of Anyone Can! Live a Happier Life, describes one of the major elements needed to live a happier life: changing thoughts from the negative to the positive. Ms. Licchiello once spent nine months in bed as a result of a severe case of Lyme disease, during which time she learned that thinking positively led her to happiness. Using additional examples, including more from her own life, the author points out that people’s stories vary considerably in how they turned their life around through their thought-changing process that can ultimately make the world a better place.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">22:52</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Pawling-Resource-Center-July-5--2013-e1r0ct"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Pawling-Resource-Center-July-5--2013-e1r0ct"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pawling Resource Center (July 5, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>awling Rotary President, Patty Moore, who is the Executive Director of the Pauling Resource Center, discusses the various forms of support that the Center provides for the community: transportation to medical appointments, a food pantry, an extensive medical loan supply with equipment such as hospital beds, information and referrals to other agencies that can provide what the Center cannot, as well as occasional services such as gift baskets at holidays. An important part of the interview discusses the surprising number of people in all communities, even those that seem well off, who are in various stages of need in today’s difficult economic environment. Ms. Moore tells many heartfelt stories about how the Center’s more than 75 volunteers have helped folks in need over the years.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:04</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Appalachian-Trail-and-Trail-Museum-June-28--2013-e1r0c1"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Appalachian-Trail-and-Trail-Museum-June-28--2013-e1r0c1"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Appalachian Trail and Trail Museum (June 28, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>New City Rotarian and Appalachian Trail expert Larry Luxenberg has enjoyed educating people about the joys of outdoor adventure for over 30 years. Author of Walking the Appalachian Trail, called the “classic of the genre,” and featured in the May 2013 edition of The Rotarian magazine, Mr. Luxenberg has also established and is CEO of the Appalachian Trail Museum in Pennsylvania, with over 20,000 visitors since 2010. Working many years to protect the environment around the trail from pollution, pipelines, and other environmental hazards, Mr. Luxenberg is an example of a Rotarian who has used his own skills and volunteer efforts to make the world a better place. Here he shares interesting stories and such fascinating statistics as the length of the trail is over 2,000 miles.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:21</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/ShelterBox-Rotarys-Disaster-Relief-Program-Aired-on-AM-on-June-21--on-FM-on-June-23--2013-e1r0bp"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/ShelterBox-Rotarys-Disaster-Relief-Program-Aired-on-AM-on-June-21--on-FM-on-June-23--2013-e1r0bp"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>ShelterBox: Rotary’s Disaster Relief Program (Aired on AM on June 21 & on FM on June 23, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>A ShelterBox Ambassador was interviewed “live” at a meeting of the Red Hook Rotary at the Bread and Bottle Restaurant in Red Hook. ShelterBox is a program that provides disaster relief in the form of a specially designed tent that can hold an entire family and also the tools, food, cookware, and water filtration needed to support that family for up to half a year. Before deploying the ShelterBoxes, which resemble trunk-sized Tupperware boxes, a highly trained team of SRT’s (Shelterbox Relief Team members) performs reconnaissance of the disaster and its needs.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:52</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Family-Services-in-the-Hudson-Valley-June-14--2013-e1r0bk"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Family-Services-in-the-Hudson-Valley-June-14--2013-e1r0bk"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Family Services in the Hudson Valley (June 14, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Brian Doyle, CEO for Family Services in Poughkeepsie, describes the enormous scope of his organization such as Youth Services, Comprehensive Crime Victim services (and Forensics), Domestic Violence Service, and Substance Abuse Prevention and Family Education. The Family Partnership Center, a centerpiece of Family Services, collaborates with several other organizations for a unified approach to human services and building community. With over 43,000 clients last year, this extraordinary organization responds to societal ills that threaten families and seeks ways to prevent those problems, with a focus on youth activities (athletics, homework support, etc.) and programs to help young people grow to be caring and effective parents. Although Family Service in Poughkeepsie is located in the Hudson Valley, similar centers operate in neighboring counties, and the Hudson Valley organization can provide contact information for them.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:52</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Youth-Exchange-Building-Global-Friendships-June-7--2013-e1r0b7"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Youth-Exchange-Building-Global-Friendships-June-7--2013-e1r0b7"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Youth Exchange: Building Global Friendships (June 7, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Loads of fun at this on-site interview with two sets of high school Rotary Youth Exchange students: Inbound students from all over the world who have spent a year in the Hudson Valley and Outbound Hudson Valley students who will be leaving to spend a year abroad. The students are endearing, charming, and at times very funny. Inbound students describe the foods they enjoyed (for example—the Thailand student’s favorite is lasagna), the difference in schooling here and at home, and what they learned from their experiences. Outbound students describe why they decided to participate in an exchange program and what they hope to learn.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:04</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Honor-Flight-Honoring-World-War-II-Veterans-May-31-2013-e1qvtm"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Honor-Flight-Honoring-World-War-II-Veterans-May-31-2013-e1qvtm"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Honor Flight: Honoring World War II Veterans (May 31 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Walden Rotarian Brian Maher is Chairman of Hudson Valley Honor Flight, an organization that brings World War II veterans from Montgomery, New York, to the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. At Montgomery, the veterans are escorted by 100 Rolling Thunder motorcycle riders to Stewart Airport where hundreds of appreciative citizens waving American flags greet them with cheers. The Honor Flight Network program now has over 70 chapters throughout the United States, and 2013 marks their ninth year running. They have transported over 81,000 veterans. The interview contains lots more interesting information, including what happens on the return flight back to Stewart. Mr. Maher is mayor of Walden, re-elected since his first campaign at the age of 23.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:54</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Emergency-Medical-Services-aired-on-AM-on-May-24--2013-e1qvsr"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Emergency-Medical-Services-aired-on-AM-on-May-24--2013-e1qvsr"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Emergency Medical Services (aired on AM on May 24, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>David Violante, Assistant Director of Emergency Medical Services in the Arlington Fire Department and Director of Disaster Preparedness and Training for NYC Medics, describes his experiences during 20 years of training medics here and abroad. Training paramedics to care for people in emergency situations includes not only teaching them how to deal with basic emergencies such as delivering babies, but also how to provide emergency aid while awaiting transport of a patient to a location with more complete medical services. Mr. Violante studied under Rockland County’s Dr. Martha “Bobbie” MacGuffie, who founded SHARE Africa, an organization which provides public health services in Africa and which has been supported by Rotary clubs over the years. This subsequently led to his work in Kenya where he trained local paramedics, empowering them to help the public in their own communities. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:59</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Vassar-Haiti-Project-Aired-on-AM-May-17--2013-e1qvqs"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Vassar-Haiti-Project-Aired-on-AM-May-17--2013-e1qvqs"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Vassar Haiti Project (Aired on AM May 17, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Cindy Fung, a member of the Vassar Rotaract club and co-founders of the Vassar Haiti Project, Lila and Andrew Meade, discuss how promoting Haiti’s varied and unique art forms has improved Haitian lives (Rotaract is a college service club sponsored by Rotary). Andrew Meade, Vassar’s Director of International Services, and his wife Lila, lived in Haiti at different times when young and are familiar with its problems. The Vassar Haiti Project (VHP) works with the Poughkeepsie-Arlington Rotary Club to implement the projects they have developed to solve some of these problems. The VHP has raised funds for a health clinic, a school, and clean water projects in rural mountain areas. VHP plans additional clean water projects in the future. The project’s members emphasize the Haitian people’s strong spirit of optimism in spite of recent devastation and hardships.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:57</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/IMRF-Turning-Leftovers-into-Lifesavers-May-10--2013-e1qvoq"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/IMRF-Turning-Leftovers-into-Lifesavers-May-10--2013-e1qvoq"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>IMRF: Turning Leftovers into Lifesavers (May 10, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>wo past Rotary 7210 District Governors, Tam Mustapha (1999-2000), IMRF President, and Knut Johnsen (2003-2004), discuss their involvement in the International Relief Medical Foundation (IMRF), founded by Dr. Hrusi Parida from Rotary District 7210’s Middletown Club. The IMRF, a nonprofit, nonpolitical organization collects surplus medical supplies and equipment for distribution to poor areas in need in developing countries around the world and in the United States. Perfectly sound equipment, gently used but slightly outdated, is tested by IMRF and shipped. Rotarians in recipient countries receive each shipment and assure effective distribution. No medications are exported, but almost all other medical supplies, even Band Aides, are welcome. Listeners were encouraged to ask their doctors and dentists about discarded equipment that could be donated. Each area around the country houses the donated equipment until it is ready for shipping. In the Hudson Valley, Guardian Storage volunteers i</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:06</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Red-Hook-Rotarys-Local-Projects-May-3--2013-e1qvo2"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Red-Hook-Rotarys-Local-Projects-May-3--2013-e1qvo2"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Red Hook Rotary’s Local Projects (May 3, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>A good example of how a Rotary club works on the local level can be found in this Club Close-up interview featuring the Red Hook Rotary Club, which emphasizes two of its many local projects. Niki Weaver, Past President, describes her Therapy Dogs project, including the training required and the dogs’ successes, especially with stroke victims. Red Hook Rotarians, including Dave Wright and Bruce Martin, also describe the club’s yearly signature project, the Apple Blossom Festival. The Festival, this year held on May 11, is a strong community event involving a multitude of activities, such as food booths, craft vendors, live entertainment, a petting zoo, and church-run flea markets. Red Hook Interact (the high school service club sponsored by Red Hook Rotary) also describes its fundraiser, which will bring clean water wells to Africa.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:31</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 19, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/DGE-Kessler-Shares-Plans-for-2013-14-Aired-April-26--2013-e1qt1c"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/DGE-Kessler-Shares-Plans-for-2013-14-Aired-April-26--2013-e1qt1c"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>DGE Kessler Shares Plans for 2013-14 (Aired April 26, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>District Governor Elect Drew Kessler (North Rockland Rotary) describes his vision for Rotary District 7210 during his tenure as District Governor (July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014). His emphasis will be on integrating Rotary into 21st century life. Mr. Kessler describes what he calls the “trilogy of life”: family, work, and service. Bringing the family into service events to help the younger generation recognize the rewards of service is one important way to accomplish this integration. DGE Drew Kessler also describes creative ways that many Rotary clubs can meet more conveniently for its members: cocktail clubs that would meet after a business day, early morning breakfast clubs, meetings centered solely around a service project, and eClubs for members around the world. Mr. Kessler ended his interview with heartfelt words to explain why folks should join Rotary.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:47</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Literacy-and-World-Book-Night-Aired-April-19--2013--on-FM-e1qt15"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Literacy-and-World-Book-Night-Aired-April-19--2013--on-FM-e1qt15"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Literacy and World Book Night (Aired April 19, 2013, on FM)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary 7210 District Governor Bill Bassett (Wallkill East Rotary Club) introduces one of Rotary International’s major focus initiatives: improving literacy around the world. He provides important statistics about the high rate of functional illiteracy in the U.S. and therefore the need for all forms of literacy programs such as World Book Night and tutoring services. Margie Menard, Director of Kingston Library, and Cassandra Beam, CEO of the Ulster Literacy Association, both Kingston Rotary Club members, discuss the multitude of reasons for current illiteracy in the U.S. They facilitate tutoring programs and the yearly international project called World Book Night held on April 23 (Shakespeare’s birth and death date). During World Book Night some 80,000 volunteers around the world give millions of books to folks who find it difficult to gain access to books, with 25,000 distributed in the U.S. alone. This person-to-person approach has made for the yearly success of this initiative.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:56</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hurricane-Sandy-Remaining-Devastation-Aired-April-12-on-AM--14-on-FM--2013-e1qt0t"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hurricane-Sandy-Remaining-Devastation-Aired-April-12-on-AM--14-on-FM--2013-e1qt0t"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Hurricane Sandy: Remaining Devastation (Aired April 12 on AM & 14 on FM, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>District Governor Bonnie Sirower (Rotary District 7490 in New Jersey) describes the lasting effects of Hurricane Sandy, one of the worst tropical cyclones in the history of New Jersey and New York. Many still do not have power or heat and are living in tents. Access to power, phones, roads, and other transportation was often lost. Businesses and homes have been destroyed. Ms. Sirower became the “command center” after gaining access to electric power, and when word went out, Rotary clubs and organizations from the U.S. and all over the world (including Australia, Russian, and Turkey) responded with donations. The website established by District 7490 identified what was most needed. Rotary District 7210 in thr Hudson Valley supplying the most vital initial donations: nearly 30 generators for use in New Jersey and on Long Island. Warehouses collected food and building materials, which ten were sent in convoys of trucks traveling from places such as Vancouver and Florida.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:56</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Autism-Spectrum-Aired-April-5--2013-e1qt0b"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Autism-Spectrum-Aired-April-5--2013-e1qt0b"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Autism Spectrum (Aired April 5, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Laurie Rich, Esq., Foundation Director of Spectrum Services Foundation, discusses the autism spectrum and the schools in the Hudson Valley that provide education and special help for children on the spectrum. The autism spectrum spans disorders ranging from profoundly autistic who often cannot speak to Asperger’s Syndrome, with those in the latter category often particularly skilled in science and the arts. The schools involved encompass 14 counties in 55 school districts, with students referred by local public schools. Students enrolled in the program work on social skills to assure that their talents can easily be absorbed into the work force. Early intervention is more likely to promote greater improvement.
</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:02</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Operation-Warm-Aired-March-29-on-AM-and-March-31--2013--on-FM-e1qsvq"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Operation-Warm-Aired-March-29-on-AM-and-March-31--2013--on-FM-e1qsvq"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Operation Warm (Aired March 29 on AM and March 31, 2013, on FM)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Assistant Governor Skip Rottkamp (Rotary District 7210) from Fishkill Rotary discusses project Operation Warm. Mr. Rottkamp, an educator, observed children get off school buses during winter months in T-shirts and spring jackets because they had nothing else to wear. Realizing the need, Mr. Rottkamp organized 17 clubs in Rotary District 7210 to join the nationwide program Operation Warm. Rotarians work with school nurses in the Hudson Valley to select children in need. Then they distribute new winter coats to those children through elementary schools and other local agencies. Ever since the project began a few years ago, the need has increased. Some of the effective results are improved attendance, which can lead to better grades.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:58</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Recycled-Rides-Repairing-Lives-Aired-on-March-22--2013--on-AM-and-March-24--2013--on-FM-e1qsvf"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Recycled-Rides-Repairing-Lives-Aired-on-March-22--2013--on-AM-and-March-24--2013--on-FM-e1qsvf"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Recycled Rides: Repairing Lives (Aired on March 22, 2013, on AM and March 24, 2013, on FM)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Nanuet Rotarians Kevin Muir (owner of Nanuet Collision Center whose slogan is “The Collision Physicians”) and Donna Lennane (club President) discuss Recycled Rides, a national program that repairs and donates recycled vehicles to those in need (i.e., disabled veterans). Recipients are identified through a collaboration with local charitable agencies to help people get on with their life. Cars are donated by insurance companies, body shops, or individuals, and after much work by professional volunteers (up to a year, in some cases), they are absolutely good as new. The program is supported by volunteer labor and donations (i.e., paint companies and parts companies) and funding by service organizations such as Nanuet Rotary. President Lennane describes her club’s strong support of Recycled Rides as well as other humanitarian projects that save and repair lives.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:16</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Todays-Habitat-for-Humanity-Aired-on-March-15-on-AM-and-March-17--2013--on-FM-e1qsuu"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Todays-Habitat-for-Humanity-Aired-on-March-15-on-AM-and-March-17--2013--on-FM-e1qsuu"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Today’s Habitat for Humanity (Aired on March 15 on AM and March 17, 2013, on FM)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Executive Director for Columbia County Habitat for Humanity, Brenda Adams, discusses Habitat, the international nonprofit organization that provides affordable housing for families while producing income for communities. Ms. Adams describes the extensive selective process for a family to receive a home. A family of four having a maximum income of $40,000 must show over several interviews their ability to assume the challenges of home ownership; their willingness to take various courses such as budgeting; and a donation of 300 hours of work on their home prior to moving in. Ms. Adams also discusses “passive houses” with energy-efficiency elements that don’t rely on air-furnaces or air conditioners to heat and cool a home. Ms. Adams points out that volunteers for Habitat, like Rotarians, enjoy the fellowship and work that so clearly improves lives.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:04</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Another-way-of-singing-Aired-March-8--2013-e1qsug"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Another-way-of-singing-Aired-March-8--2013-e1qsug"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Another way of singing (Aired March 8, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Here is an interview with poet and retired opera singer Roger Roloff that will surprise those who “don’t like” poetry. Mr. Roloff, who has just published his fifth book of poetry, thoroughly entertains his audience, showing how poetry, like music, enhances our life. Reciting a few samples from his own poems, which make us laugh at ourselves, he gives some easy advice about how we can better understand poetry, and he encourages people to try writing poems themselves. Roger Roloff, famous baritone on the world’s opera and concert stages for 21 years but always a poet, retired with his wife Barbara in 1996 to the rural life in the Hudson Valley to continue writing poetry full time.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:53</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hidden-Treasures-of-the-Hudson-Valley-March-1--2013-e1qst4"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hidden-Treasures-of-the-Hudson-Valley-March-1--2013-e1qst4"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Hidden Treasures of the Hudson Valley (March 1, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Journalist and author Anthony Musso discusses his fourth published book, which is filled with detailed research that will motivate people to seek more information about local structures that they pass every day without realizing their historical significance. Featuring 55 sites, and not necessarily buildings, the book details not only the history but the stories, many of them personal to past owners, behind the sites. Facts abound in the interview. For example, the Borden Factory in Wassaic supplied the army with milk for the entire Revolutionary War, and Matthew Vassar made his money in a company brewing beer before founding Vassar College. Most sites are free and make for wonderful visits with the family.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:55</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Taking-the-pulse-of-the-country-Aired-on-February-22--2013-e1qssj"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Taking-the-pulse-of-the-country-Aired-on-February-22--2013-e1qssj"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Taking the pulse of the country (Aired on February 22, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dr. Felicia LeClere, a Principal Research Scientist with the National Opinion Research Center (NORC), describes her work. NORC is a nonprofit research organization that collects data and does analysis of America’s attitudes toward social and health issues; it does not do political polling. The survey results are distributed to the parts of the federal government, such as Congress or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, that need such information to make informed decisions and to better serve the public interest. Each question posed to the public gives people the opportunity to respond negatively or positively. The intention is to improve public policy in fields such as health, education, economics, crime, justice, energy, security, and the environment.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:06</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Puppies-behind-Bars-Aired-on-February-15--2013-e1qss2"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Puppies-behind-Bars-Aired-on-February-15--2013-e1qss2"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Puppies behind Bars (Aired on February 15, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Carl Rotans, Senior Instructor of Puppies behind Bars, teaches inmates to train service dogs. These unique dogs greatly assist the disabled, especially veterans, in a multitude of ways: taking dishes from the table, dialing 911 if necessary, turning lights on or off. The dogs are trained to respond to more than 90 commands. In this heavily monitored program, inmates are prescreened, go through a long and intensive selective process, and if selected, live day and night with their 8-week-old puppy as it grows and learns for the next two years. The process not only results in trained animals that improve the lives of their disabled owners, but also helps the prisoners learn disciple and other skills that will be helpful when they return to life outside the prison walls. Parting is “bittersweet,” with many inmates opting for a new puppy when the first training period ends.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:54</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Soles4Souls-and-Nubian-Directions-II-February-8--2013-e1qsro"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Soles4Souls-and-Nubian-Directions-II-February-8--2013-e1qsro"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Soles4Souls and Nubian Directions II (February 8, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Mario Johnson, Program Coordinator for Poughkeepsie’s Nubian Directions II YouthBuild/AmeriCorps, describes how dedicated young adults collected nearly 2,000 new and slightly used shoes, sneakers, and boots in one month for victims of Hurricane Sandy, with shipments going to Long Island and New Jersey. Organized in partnership with LaGrange Sunrise Rotary and the Freedom Plains Presbyterian Church of Lagrangeville, the project was affiliated with the charitable organization called Soles4Souls and was a successful response to National Make a Difference Day. Participants of Nubian Directions II, ages 16-24, are also members of Rotaract. Mr. Johnson shares many heartwarming stories of success, including his own.
Learn More:</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:59</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Recipes-for-Repair-Aired-on-February-1--2013-e1qsrb"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Recipes-for-Repair-Aired-on-February-1--2013-e1qsrb"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Recipes for Repair (Aired on February 1, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Gail Piazza, a professional food consultant, and her daughter Laura, who suffers from chronic Lyme disease, discuss their award-winning book, Recipes for Repair: A Lyme Disease Cookbook. The book, which applies to everyone, not only those with Lyme, was a 2012 USA Best Books selection. People often have inflammation in their body without realizing it, and some foods make the inflammation worse. Therefore, the authors emphasize the need to identify one’s personal hidden sensitivities and ways to conduct a self-assessment to determine foods that might be a detriment to your own health. Also discussed are the telltale signs of Lyme (besides the bull’s eye rash), Lyme prevention tips, inflammation in our body, and a lot more.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:02</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Making-the-world-better-January-25--2013-e1qsq3"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Making-the-world-better-January-25--2013-e1qsq3"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Making the world better (January 25, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>This interview tells a complex story of romance, success against great odds, and unexpected disaster. The children of two Hyde Park Rotarians met as young adults at a function, fell in love, married, and together joined the Peace Corps in Madagascar. The Rotarian in-laws, Sue Osterhoudt, Pompey Delafield, and spouses, visited the Madagascar village and asked what was most needed. The simple answer of “books” led to amazing results: building a library, creating a manual (by Ms. Osterhoudt, a former librarian) about how to set up a library, villagers young and old wanting to read both in English and in Malagasy (the language of Madagascar), volunteers teaching villagers to read, peer tutoring to expand the reading population in the village, literacy improvement in which the village moved from last place in Madagascar to first place, a business selling vanilla beans to support the project, and more. Then a Class 3 cyclone hit the village. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:00</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Life-Lessons-from-a-Hospice-Nurse-Aired-on-January-18--2013-e1qsph"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Life-Lessons-from-a-Hospice-Nurse-Aired-on-January-18--2013-e1qsph"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Life Lessons from a Hospice Nurse (Aired on January 18, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In this interview about her experiences with hospice patients, Ms. Suzanne O’Brien, R.N, shares her holistic model to end of life care. Hospice is a program to relieve the suffering of those in the last few months on life. In her frank discussion, Ms. O’Brien, a Registered Nurse, provides important practical advice to patients and their families to make the end of life peaceful and beautiful. Her book, Life, Love, and Transition, includes her personal stories at the bedside of hospice patients and the valuable lessons she has learned over the years. In describing the history of hospice, Ms. O’Brien conveys many interesting statistics, examples of patient decisions, and information about the improved quality of care we offer today, especially about pain management.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:55</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-District-7210s-Response-to-Hurricane-Sandy-Aired-January-11--2013-e1qsnn"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-District-7210s-Response-to-Hurricane-Sandy-Aired-January-11--2013-e1qsnn"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary District 7210’s Response to Hurricane Sandy (Aired January 11, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Larry Palant (Suffern Rotary), Disaster Response Chair for Rotary District 7210, discusses the District’s immediate and generous response to helping victims of Hurricane Sandy. Previously the Rotary District in 2005 provided quick relief to victims of Hurricane Katrina, and Mr. Palant learned from that experience. This time, with generous donations from District 7210 and neighboring Rotary districts, Mr. Palant was able to buy 47 electrical generators, extension cords, gasoline containers, and other necessary items. As with Katrina, only with great difficulty was Mr. Palant able to locate generators, eventually finding them in Chester, New York. A volunteer donated his time and tractor trailer to deliver the supplies to the affected areas in New York and New Jersey, starting with police and fire departments. Mr. Palant also describes a “Go Bag” suggested by experts that people should have ready for immediate evacuation. Much more needs to be done to help those who lost everything. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:00</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Healing-Power-of-Horses-Aired-on-January-4--2013-e1qsna"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Healing-Power-of-Horses-Aired-on-January-4--2013-e1qsna"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Healing Power of Horses (Aired on January 4, 2013)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Stephanie Fitzpatrick, a Red Hook Rotarian and Executive Director of the nonprofit Hidden Hollow Farm Riding Center, discusses how riding and grooming the farm’s docile horses encourage growth in those with a broad range of disabilities. In addition to horseback riding, the farm supports “petting as healing,” using miniature horses, goats, and pigs also living on the Farm. The animals also help restore health to crime victims and those in the “hero” category: veterans, police, EMS, fire fighters, and their families.There is no fee for these heroes. Ms. Fitzpatrick’s heartfelt stories are very moving and powerful, such as her description of people of various ages who speak for the first time in their lives at the Center. Ms. Fitzpatrick is also a coach for the Special Olympics.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:00</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Power-of-a-Volunteer-Aired-on-December-28--2012-e1qsn1"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Power-of-a-Volunteer-Aired-on-December-28--2012-e1qsn1"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Power of a Volunteer (Aired on December 28, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Wendy Maragh Taylor, a social worker, became an instrument of change by helping an impoverished Liberian community build a church that also doubles as a school. Working with her husband, a civil engineer and architect who was born in Liberia and attended college in America, the two used their own savings and fundraised at their bike riding club, their church in the United States, and their workplace, telling the story of the village’s need. The journey of this endeavor, from beginning to end, is extremely powerful and heartwarming, starting with a visit to Mr. Taylor’s grandmother, still living in his birthplace after fourteen years of civil war in Liberia. Ms. Taylor’s interview includes many unique experiences in Liberia. The story about their journey is told in Ms. Taylor’s book called This Part of the Sky: Building in Liberia, with a percentage of the proceeds going toward a playground and school building separate from the church.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:37</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Correcting-Vaccine-Misinformation-December-21--2012-e1qsmn"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Correcting-Vaccine-Misinformation-December-21--2012-e1qsmn"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Correcting Vaccine Misinformation (December 21, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Not to be missed, this highly informative on-site interview with pediatrician and child psychologist, Rotarian Dr. Abraham Nussbaum, covers vital information about vaccinations against communicable diseases, especially for children. Dr. Nussbaum discusses the progress toward polio eradication worldwide, information about the influenza and shingles vaccinations, and our successes in childhood vaccinations starting in the mid 20th century. He reports the truth about a study linking vaccinations with autism, now admitted to be totally false and thoroughly recanted.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:46</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-UN-Day-2012-Aired-on-December-14--2012-e1qsmb"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-UN-Day-2012-Aired-on-December-14--2012-e1qsmb"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary UN Day 2012 (Aired on December 14, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The program features on-site interviews during Rotary’s United Nations Day on November 3, 2012, with Rotary International President Sakuji Tanaka (2012-13) and other humanitarian leaders from around the world who discuss how their service projects save lives and create goodwill. Rotary and the United Nations have a long history of working together and sharing similar visions for a more peaceful world. Each year at Rotary UN Day more than 1,300 Rotarians come together at UN Headquarters in New York. The program is designed to inspire and educate all participants as well as provide insight into the relationship between Rotary and the United Nations. These interviews tell us what the world is doing in its efforts to encourage peace and understanding through humanitarian service.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:05</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Morgan--The-Diabetes-Alert-Dog-Aired-on-December-7--2012-e1qs73"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Morgan--The-Diabetes-Alert-Dog-Aired-on-December-7--2012-e1qs73"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Morgan, The Diabetes Alert Dog (Aired on December 7, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Jeri Miller, a high school guidance counselor who suffers from Type I diabetes, has been on insulin for 15 years, injecting herself four or five times a day. She discusses how children and adults in her situation can benefit from a Diabetes Alert Dog such as her Morgan. A half hour before her meter tells her that she must take her medication Morgan alerts her to the need, working every hour of every day. Ms. Miller describes in great detail how Service Dogs like Morgan alert their companions from a mile away, obey commands to get a test kit or juice, and dial 911 when needed. These special dogs start their training at 13 weeks old, and they can work with children as young as two years old.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">21:59</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Dog-Warden-Story-Aired-on-November-30--2012-e1qs2n"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Dog-Warden-Story-Aired-on-November-30--2012-e1qs2n"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Dog Warden Story (Aired on November 30, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Union Vale’s Dog Control Officer Valerie Cote describes her role as Dog Warden, mainly finding stray dogs running loose and enforcing licensing regulations. She explains the dangers of dogs on the loose, the best way to help ensure their safe return, and what happens to unclaimed dogs. Providing helpful information about what owners should do when their pets go missing, she corrects misinformation along the way—answering questions such as such as “Do old dogs really wander away to die?”. Ms. Cote emphasizes the “reputable rescue” aspect of her work and her hope that more people will consider adopting pets now living in shelters.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:10</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotaplast-Restoring-Lives-Aired-on-November-23--2012-e1qs20"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotaplast-Restoring-Lives-Aired-on-November-23--2012-e1qs20"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotaplast: Restoring Lives (Aired on November 23, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Margaret Bryngelson (Kingston Rotarian) describes her experience as a non-medical volunteer in a recent mission to Venezuela where she assisted a medical team of doctors and nurses operating on children with cleft lip and palate disfigurations. Rotaplast (“Rotary” + “plastic surgery”), heavily supported by Rotary districts and clubs around the world, was started by doctors in the Rotary Club of San Francisco in 1992 to provide such services. Such reconstructive surgery is difficult to obtain in poor undeveloped countries. Venezuela’s Cumana Rotary arranged for 3 operating rooms in a local hospital to be available to the medical team. Over 10 days the team performed 99 surgeries on patients selected from among hundreds of families; many had traveled very far to reach the clinic in order to give their loved ones a chance for a better life. The immediate transformation after an operation is powerful to witness, as children can suddenly hear, speak, eat, and drink. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:45</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Hudson-River-Today-Aired-on-November-16--2012-e1qs1o"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Hudson-River-Today-Aired-on-November-16--2012-e1qs1o"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Hudson River Today (Aired on November 16, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>What is the current condition of the Hudson River and how will it affect you? Dr. David Strayer, Freshwater Ecologist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New York and author of The Hudson River Primer – The Ecology of an Iconic River, discusses the positive effects of the federal Clean Water Act and other government regulations. Together these make Hudson much cleaner today than years ago, with most of the Hudson today now safe for swimming. However, Hudson River fish are still contaminated with chemical compounds (PCBs), limiting food fish to those that spend most of their lives at sea. Furthermore, alien species, often carried on ships entering the Hudson River from foreign lands, disrupt the Hudson’s ecosystem. Dr. Strayer also discusses future Hudson Valley prospects in the face of climate change, such as the effect of sea level rises on the Hudson River.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:28</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Preventing-Child-Abuse-Aired-on-November-9--2012-e1qs0t"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Preventing-Child-Abuse-Aired-on-November-9--2012-e1qs0t"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Preventing Child Abuse (Aired on November 9, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dana Gavin, Director for the Center of Prevention of Child Abuse in Dutchess County, shares the latest information and statistics about child abuse that are at times surprising. Ms. Gavin began her career with the Center as a volunteer several years ago. Today, involved heavily in Public Relations, she speaks to organizations about the Center’s many programs that teach children and adults important ways to prevent child abuse. These include educating children in school systems in an age-appropriate Puppet People program and providing families with contacts that help them stop an abuse before it starts. Ms. Gavin explains some factors contributing to an increase in child abuse since 2005, such as the economy that places stress on parents and a rise in reporting abuse cases by those who suspect abuse, such as teachers, coaches, and doctors.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:31</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Past-Rotary-International-President-Oct--26--2012-e1qs01"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Past-Rotary-International-President-Oct--26--2012-e1qs01"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Past Rotary International President (Oct. 26, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Past Rotary International President (2000-2001) Frank Devlyn, author and humanitarian, discusses how our world becomes a better place to live in through Rotary, giving specific examples. He also describes his personal humanitarian work through his family business, Devlyn Optical Group of Mexico. His extraordinary initiatives include pairing patients with free used-but-restored eyeglasses. He created the largest used eyeglass bank in Mexico, which today serves as a model in different countries. Devlyn says: “It’s an honor and opportunity to serve the world of Rotary in our quest to serve mankind…As the needs of communities change, Rotary will work to meet those needs” for the next century.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:04</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/UNICEF-and-Rotary-Aired-on-October-19--2012-e1qrug"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/UNICEF-and-Rotary-Aired-on-October-19--2012-e1qrug"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>UNICEF and Rotary (Aired on October 19, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rachel Swanson, Director of Volunteer and Community Partnerships for the U.S. Fund for UNICEF and Ananda Grant, Deputy Director of Office of Strategic Partnerships for UNICEF, discuss the work that this extraordinary global humanitarian relief organization does in over 150 countries. UNICEF’s projects include children’s health care and immunizations, clean water, nutrition and food security, education, emergency relief, and more. The two directors emphasize UNICEF’s longstanding partnership with Rotary International in addressing the same areas of global concern, especially eradicating polio and improving the lives of children. UNICEF shares Rotary’s objective of peace and understanding and the belief that such initiatives in health and education contribute to achieving that objective.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:14</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Sleep-Disorders-and-How-to-Treat-Them-October-12--2012-e1qrse"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Sleep-Disorders-and-How-to-Treat-Them-October-12--2012-e1qrse"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Sleep Disorders and How to Treat Them (October 12, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dr. Barbara Chatr-aryamontri, Medical Director of the Sleep Center at Northern Dutchess Hospital, but known to her patients as Dr. Chatr, discusses the nature and treatment of sleep disorders. She focuses especially on the common condition of sleep apnea, which people may not even know they have. Co-host Jonah Triebwasser has suffered from this problem, and he describes how treatment improved his quality of life. Dr. Chatr discusses many other sleep disorders and urges those who suspect they are affected to seek treatment because some are not benign.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:43</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Interact-Club-of-Pawling-Aired-on-October-5--2012-e1qrrb"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Interact-Club-of-Pawling-Aired-on-October-5--2012-e1qrrb"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Interact Club of Pawling (Aired on October 5, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Interact clubs are service organizations for teenagers (and sometimes younger students) sponsored by local Rotary clubs. The Interact Club of Pawling is sponsored by Pawling Rotary Club and the Pawling Recreation Department. Teens in the club enjoy volunteering to work on community and humanitarian projects, from fundraising to implementation. So say the two Pawling Interact Club members who were interviewed with their Advisor, Robyn Woolley, Assistant Recreation Director for the Town of Pawling and Advisor to the Pawling Interact Club. Unlike most Interact clubs, which are affiliated with a specific school, this Interact club is community-based and open to all teens (grades 5-12) in the Pawling area. The club meets after school. Its activities include a strong summer day camp program for ages 3-14 and representation of the club at Rotary International Day at the U.N.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:14</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/How-SPCA-Protects-Companion-Animals-September-28--2012-e1qrkk"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/How-SPCA-Protects-Companion-Animals-September-28--2012-e1qrkk"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>How SPCA Protects Companion Animals (September 28, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Catherine Forbes, Dutchess County SPCA Director of Development, discusses the no-kill Hyde Park shelter with a 141-year history of providing shelter and services for unwanted, abused, abandoned, or neglected animals. SPCA Adoption Counselors are trained to match families with pets, now called “companion animals.” Using a rescued puppy as an example, Ms. Forbes describes the medical attention veterinarians provide that finally allows a rescued companion to live a happy life in a good home. She offers many suggestions for protecting pets, such as a microchip (small as a grain of rice) injected under the skin for easy identification. The Hyde Park’s yearly Annual Petwalk, a unique and well-known county fair for dogs now in its 18th year, includes activities such as competitions in catch-a-ball, racing, tail wagging, singing, speaking, begging, tricks, and so forth, as well as unusual activities like “paw reading.”</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:30</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Peace-Bells-across-the-Hudson-Aired-on-September-21--2012-e1qrge"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Peace-Bells-across-the-Hudson-Aired-on-September-21--2012-e1qrge"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Peace Bells across the Hudson (Aired on September 21, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotarian Doug Martin Sturomski discusses the Worldwide Peace Bells Foundation and the work it does to promote peace. Mr. Sturomski believes strongly in Rotary’s message of achieving peace through service. His Peace Bells across the Hudson this year, where symbolically people on two sides of the bridge will meet in the middle, is a fund raiser supporting Family Promise, a non-profit organization that helps families in economic distress. Discussing the historical significance of the bell symbol in most countries around the world, Mr. Sturomski shares his belief that “peace is on the move” and will soon overshadow the preference for conflict. His website asks visitors to commit acts of peace and gives many examples of how to do so.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:11</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Vocational-Training-Aired-on-September-14--2012-e1qrfo"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Vocational-Training-Aired-on-September-14--2012-e1qrfo"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Vocational Training (Aired on September 14, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pleasant Valley Rotarian Dave Kruger, Chair of District 7210’s Vocational Training Team, a professional exchange program, discusses how this program promotes international goodwill and understanding. Mr. Kruger describes Rotary’s positive impact in the world with its various successful humanitarian programs throughout its 100+ year history, starting with Rotary’s influence in the formation of the United Nations. Some of these programs include ShelterBox, Polio eradication worldwide, Peace and Ambassadorial Scholarhips, and more. Mr. Kruger says he always finds it “inspirational” how Rotarians meet major critical challenges in the world by working together in service to others “to further the greater good.”</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:19</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Protecting-our-Water-Supply-Aired-on-September-7--2012-e1qrf8"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Protecting-our-Water-Supply-Aired-on-September-7--2012-e1qrf8"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Protecting our Water Supply (Aired on September 7, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Carolyn Klocker, Senior Water Resource Educator for Cornell Cooperative Extension in Dutchess County (CCEDC), discusses important updates about our water supply, describing and emphasizing watersheds and their importance. She provides easy methods that will conserve and protect our water supply and corrects misinformation about our knowledge of water. Ms. Klocker also describes the vital work of the CCEDC, which strives to extend the educational resources of Cornell Univerity and the NYS Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Human Ecology, Veterinary Medicine, etc. In addition, Ms. Klocker explains the program called “No Child Left Inside,” a movement in the United States that seeks to encourage environmental literacy for students between kindergarten and 12th grade. Ms. Klocker says: “Water will be the next oil. The more we conserve it, the better off we’ll be.”</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:10</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Girl-Scouts-Today-Aired-on-August-31--2012-e1qrej"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Girl-Scouts-Today-Aired-on-August-31--2012-e1qrej"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Girl Scouts Today (Aired on August 31, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Girl Scout Leader Kristen Reid and two teenage Ambassador Level Girl Scouts from Troop 10452 of the Millbrook Service Unit, Heart of Hudson Council, discuss its mission: to provide leadership training to girls, empowering them to connect with others in making the world a better place. Today’s girl scouting experience retains many traditional programs, such as badges, Silver Award, Gold Award, and community services while adding contemporary programs that address current issues, such as financial literacy; Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) programs; self-esteem programs; and multi-cultural appreciation.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">22:47</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/West-Point-Innovation-and-Development-August-24--2012-e1qre2"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/West-Point-Innovation-and-Development-August-24--2012-e1qre2"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>West Point: Innovation and Development (August 24, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>West Point-Highland Falls Rotarian John Willis discusses his position as Director of Research Operations at the Institute for Innovation and Development at West Point’s U.S. Military Academy. A retired Lieutenant Colonel, Mr. Willis describes several of the 37 research centers and programs as well as his family’s history of three generations in the military. Pointing out that West Point is not only a training center for tomorrow’s officers but also a highly respected four year college, Mr. Willis reviews the admissions process in some detail. He also identifies West Point’s many additional activities open to the public, such as its tours, concerts, and theater, which attracts top talents.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:20</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/World-Famous-Dutchess-County-Fair-Aired-August-17--2012-e1qrdq"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/World-Famous-Dutchess-County-Fair-Aired-August-17--2012-e1qrdq"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>World Famous Dutchess County Fair (Aired August 17, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In an on-site interview at the Apple a Day Diner where Red Hook Rotary meets weekly, Dutchess County Fair Board member Lou Ruge and Fair Operations Manager Andy Imperati describe exciting events at the world famous Dutchess County Fair (Aug. 21-26, 2012). Of special interest are the new exhibits devoted to local agriculture and to educational programs showing how food gets from local farms to our kitchen table. The categories of shows are best described by the Fair’s various buildings (horticulture, poultry), arenas (horse), pavilions (livestock, sheep), and tents (canine, entertainment). Fair favorites in food, gifts, demonstrations, competitions, the petting zoo, and more all return this year. Now in its 167th year, the Fair attracts visitors worldwide!</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:51</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Highland-Rotarys-Famous-RibFest-Aired-August-10--2012-e1qrd5"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Highland-Rotarys-Famous-RibFest-Aired-August-10--2012-e1qrd5"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Highland Rotary’s Famous RibFest (Aired August 10, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Highland Rotarian Don Verity discusses this year’s events at Hudson Valley’s annual celebrated RibFest on August 18-19, now in its 8th year. The RibFest is the region’s largest and most unique food event, attracting people from around the country. Visitors enjoy delicious culinary experiences, cooking demonstrations and competitions, popular music, and various entertainment for the entire family. Proceeds benefit charitable organizations, including Rotary’s global polio eradication program, local food pantries, literacy groups, and more.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:41</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Award-Winning-RadioRotary-ProgramAugust-3--2012-e1qrc8"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Award-Winning-RadioRotary-ProgramAugust-3--2012-e1qrc8"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Award-Winning RadioRotary Program(August 3, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Sara-Elizabeth Clark’s interview was selected in June, 2012, by the New York State Broadcasters Association to receive the prestigious Broadcasting Award for Excellence in the category of Public Affairs in a Program/Series. In Sara-Elizabeth’s interview, which aired in October, 2011, she discusses her life with epilepsy and how at age 16 she has developed her philosophy: “I will not let my epilepsy define me. It’s what I have, not who I am.” Sara describes the many misunderstandings and misinformation among the public that add to the burden of those with this neurological condition and describes the support available to those with epilepsy. Sara helps support research by major epilepsy organizations with Sara’s Strikes for Seizures, a bowling afternoon that raises money for the cause.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:15</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-and-the-United-Nations-Aired-on-July-27--2012-e1qqc7"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-and-the-United-Nations-Aired-on-July-27--2012-e1qqc7"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary and the United Nations (Aired on July 27, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Giorgio Balestrieri, a Rotary UN Representative in the International Service Division, epitomizes Rotary’s passion for peace through service. He discusses examples of Rotary’s effectiveness in worldwide efforts such as polio eradication and clean water. In one very emotional segment, he describes how Rotary’s efforts brought peace and understanding between Armenians and Turks in 2005.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:50</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hunters-Helping-the-Hungry-Aired-on-July-20--2012-e1qqbj"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hunters-Helping-the-Hungry-Aired-on-July-20--2012-e1qqbj"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Hunters Helping the Hungry (Aired on July 20, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Penny Hickman, Distribution Coordinator for the humanitarian organization Hunters Helping the Hungry, discusses the process by which this program brings thousands of pounds of game (venison and birds) to soup kitchens, churches, food pantries, and other food distribution sites. She describes how the local deer population would breed themselves out of existence without controlled hunting. Volunteer hunters collect the food, bring it to a processing plant donated and staffed by hunters, cut up and vacuum-pack the meat, freeze it, and distribute it–58,000 pounds distributed since 1993! For young people involved in hunting and fishing, Ms. Hickman describes various ways to help the next generation learn about conservation and the outdoors, such as hunter safety courses, conservation programs, and summer camps. Ms. Hickman urges hunters to wear blaze orange, also known as safety orange, instead of camouflage for safer hunting. Hunting permits include Ms. Hickman’s contact information.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:13</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Benefits-of-Physical-Therapy-Aired-on-July-13--2012-e1qqb0"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Benefits-of-Physical-Therapy-Aired-on-July-13--2012-e1qqb0"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Benefits of Physical Therapy (Aired on July 13, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>William BreMiller and John Roger, physical therapists with extensive medical and academic credentials, discuss the benefits of physical therapy, especially orthopedic therapy. Therapy is commonly used for treating movement disorders caused by aging, arthritis, injuries, and so forth. But there are also a wide variety of conditions that physical therapy addresses, including post-trauma rehabilitation, surgery follow up, sports injuries, and even headache management. The interview covers tips to prevent conditions from becoming chronic as well as the ways that modern therapy strategies speed recovery. There are many reasons why more people today are seeking physical therapy, especially young athletes.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:19</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Youth-Exchange-A-Unique-Opportunity-July-6--2012-e1qqa1"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Youth-Exchange-A-Unique-Opportunity-July-6--2012-e1qqa1"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Youth Exchange: A Unique Opportunity (July 6, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary International’s long-term Youth Exchange Program provides students ages 15-19 with the opportunity to live in a different country for a full school year. Enjoy this lively interview with current Inbound and next year’s outbound students participating under the direction of Rotary District 7210’s Inbound Co-Chairs Nan and David Greenwood and Outbound Chair Donna Bemiss. Inbound students describe their experiences–including their food preferences–living with Hudson Valley host families and attending local public schools. Outbound students discuss why they look forward to living abroad. Through Youth Exchange, which began in the 1920s, students learn firsthand about life in another country, planting the seeds for a lifetime of international understanding. Students applying for the program do not have to have family affiliated with Rotary.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:54</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Backpack-Snack-Attack-Food-for-the-Needy-June-29--2012-e1qq97"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Backpack-Snack-Attack-Food-for-the-Needy-June-29--2012-e1qq97"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Backpack Snack Attack: Food for the Needy (June 29, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotarian Stan Martin (Warwick Valley Rotary) describes a highly successful humanitarian initiative of his Rotary club working with the Warwick Reformed Church to provide weekend food to needy families. Called the Backpack Snack Attack, the program originally served the needs of one school district and 20 student families. Today, in these harsh economic times and supported by a Rotary district grant, it has expanded to serving several districts and 200 families. Elementary schools identify the families in need and send students home each Friday with backpacks filled with food. Students return the backpacks on Monday. This year, students also received winter jackets from the Rotary Club of Warwick. Each week, over 300 volunteers organize food donations, food collections, food purchases, fundraising, and backpack packing, paying attention to restrictive diets, allergies, and so forth. Today this program is a model for other efforts like it in the Hudson Valley and beyond.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:19</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Gourmet-Cooking-for-Novices-Aired-on-June-22--2012-e1qq8f"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Gourmet-Cooking-for-Novices-Aired-on-June-22--2012-e1qq8f"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Gourmet Cooking for Novices (Aired on June 22, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In this week’s program, Millbrook Rotarian Rona Boyer, Food Editor of The Millbrook Independent, offers gourmet cooking tips and, as an added bonus, easy-to-follow delicious, healthy gourmet recipes. Here is an example: to prepare a tasty and tender chicken dish marinate chicken parts in the refrigerator skin-side down in equal amounts of peanut oil (or other light oil) and lemon juice from 45 minutes to 4 hours; pour out 2/3 of marinade and bake skin-side up at 350° until juices run clear. Listen for more examples, such as an easy and fabulous gourmet dessert, Roasted Strawberries.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:27</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/March-of-Dimes-Then-and-Now-Aired-on-June-15--2012-e1qq74"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/March-of-Dimes-Then-and-Now-Aired-on-June-15--2012-e1qq74"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>March of Dimes: Then and Now (Aired on June 15, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Lynne Versaci, Community Director of the March of Dimes, Northern Metro Division, describes the original purpose of the organization in 1938, which was to eradicate polio in America, and its current mission today. Now The March of Dimes focuses on ways to improve the health of mothers and babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality. Using her own personal history of giving birth to premature babies and how one was saved as examples, she discusses ways premature infants today can be helped to breathe on their own. The charity needs both volunteers and fundraising efforts to maintain its success.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:21</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Humanitarian-Work-by-Seniors-Aired-on-June-8--2012-e1qq6g"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Humanitarian-Work-by-Seniors-Aired-on-June-8--2012-e1qq6g"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Humanitarian Work by Seniors (Aired on June 8, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Louise Quartuccio, Director of Social Work at Elant, a nursing facility that provides housing for seniors, and Roger Risko, Rotary District 7210’s Elderact Chair, discuss Elderact, a Rotary-connected club for senior citizens similar to Rotaract for young adults and Interact for high-school students. The Elderact club is an example of how society benefits from humanitarian efforts by its senior citizens. The span of knowledge and skills among seniors is often overlooked but are clearly recognized when seniors implement important work in their local community and beyond, such as Elant’s humanitarian projects that support the military, battered women’s shelters, students, local animal shelters, and the needy. The Elderact model is currently being expanded to other senior facilities in District 7210.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:47</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Family-Entertainment-Old-Rhinebeck-Aerodrome-June-1--2012-e1qq1d"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Family-Entertainment-Old-Rhinebeck-Aerodrome-June-1--2012-e1qq1d"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Family Entertainment Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome (June 1, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Don Fleming, Vice President and Public Relations Manager of Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome, famous for its air shows, discusses the history of the airport and the fabulous entertainment available to the public in the shows featuring antique aircraft. Mr. Fleming describes the necessary expertise of the pilots who fly the older planes and his own experience with airplanes. Besides the air shows (from June through mid October), visitors can enjoy a guided tour at the museum to view the unique collection of airplanes, largely from WWI.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:43</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 18, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-Countys-Division-of-Aging-Services-Aired-on-May-25--2012-e1qnb5"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-Countys-Division-of-Aging-Services-Aired-on-May-25--2012-e1qnb5"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dutchess County’s Division of Aging Services (Aired on May 25, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Joe Ryan, Outreach Coordinator for the Division of Aging Services, provides many interesting statistics and other facts about the many ways this agency assists seniors. Approximately 57,000 seniors, defined as anyone over 60 years old, live in Dutchess County, and residents between 40 and 60 years old total about 90,000. Other Hudson Valley counties provide similar services, which include help with legal issues (wills, trusts, etc.), transportation (for medical purposes especially, but for other purposes such as grocery shopping), medical information (long term care, levels of living), free exercise programs, the Brain Games program, and loads more. They also provide assistance to caretakers for the aging. The agency receives about 39,000 calls per year asking for help. The agency’s goal is to keep seniors living independently and at home as long as possible because studies show that seniors live longer in their own environment.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:40</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 17, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Services-for-Special-Needs-Aired-on-May-18--2012-e1qnac"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Services-for-Special-Needs-Aired-on-May-18--2012-e1qnac"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Services for Special-Needs (Aired on May 18, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Executives from PARC (Putnam Achieve, Reach, Connect), Nancy Miringoff, Associate Executive Director, and Pepi Diaz-Salazar, Director of Day Habilitation, discuss PARC’s many services to children and adults with developmental disabilities and brain injuries. Based in Putnam County but covering a huge geographical area beyond, PARC provides a variety of services, including preschool for children with autism, residential homes, day habilitation and vocational training, and support groups for those suffering from brain injuries. Day habilitation is assistance in a non-residential setting with self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills. Day habilitation at PARC focuses on socialization and cognitive skills necessary for community-based jobs and volunteer services such as delivering meals for Meals on Wheels. PARC also provides extensive, life-long services to more than 650 people each year after they have aged out of the school system. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:02</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 17, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Support-for-Our-Veterans-Aired-on-May-11--2012-e1qna3"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Support-for-Our-Veterans-Aired-on-May-11--2012-e1qna3"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Support for Our Veterans (Aired on May 11, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Award winning producer and host of a new program called Vets Chat Show Trent Love, retired U.S. Army Captain, brings veterans and the community together to address the needs of returning veterans and their families. The intent is to help listeners become aware of the veterans’ problems and about the ways they can help, sometimes as simple as telling a vet: “Thank you for serving.” Mr. Love discusses the many resources and services now available to returning veterans and points out the shortage of publicity, which means that veterans must reach out to each other. A poet in his spare time, Mr. Love shares the values of Rotary, wanting to give back to his community and his country. His 9/11 experience as a First Responder resulted in a multi-media exhibition, “United We Stood,” a month long multi-media photo exhibition, showcasing 10 original photos taken by Trent Love at various locations around New York. Contact: vetschatshow@gmail.com</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:57</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 17, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Hudson-Valley-Renegades-Aired-on-May-4--2012-e1qn6d"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Hudson-Valley-Renegades-Aired-on-May-4--2012-e1qn6d"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Hudson Valley Renegades (Aired on May 4, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotarian Eben Yager (Poughkeepsie-Arlington) discusses the Renegades baseball team, now in its 19th season. General Manager Yager describes the many reasons for the team’s enormous and growing popularity, which includes the enthusiastic energy of the players and the extensive forms of family entertainment available at each game. In addition, the raccoon mascots are loads of fun: Rookie (dad), Renee (mom), and Rascal (their child). Furthermore, the cost of tickets and food is reasonable, there are no “bad” seats, and the food is varied and delicious. There are also many special activities, such as Bed & Breakfast Night, Scout Night, and so forth.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:44</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 17, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Governor-Elect-Speaks-about-Rotary-April-27--2012-e1qn5p"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Governor-Elect-Speaks-about-Rotary-April-27--2012-e1qn5p"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Governor-Elect Speaks about Rotary (April 27, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Bill Bassett shares his goals for his year as District Governor, which will start July 1, 2012, and describes the intense training that Rotary provides for district governors. He plans to focus on supporting local literacy projects. The district exists to support its more than 60 clubs; these know the needs of their communities and meet them through local humanitarian projects. District clubs also can join with each other and with clubs around the world to facilitate major global projects, such as polio eradication, that save lives and improve the quality of life. Mr. Bassett discusses Rotary International’s theme this year of “Peace through Service” and, in light of this, Rotary’s Peace Fellowship program, an all-expense-paid program that provides a master’s degree or certification in Peace and Conflict Resolution at one of several Peace Centers around the world.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:09</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 17, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Youth-Leadership-Awards-Aired-on-April-20--2012-e1qn5d"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Youth-Leadership-Awards-Aired-on-April-20--2012-e1qn5d"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (Aired on April 20, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Ed Hengel, District co-Chair for the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), discusses the significant effects on the lives of young adults selected for this unique program. Students acquire self-confidence as they learn about the fundamentals and ethics of positive leadership during several days together at the RYLA workshop. Groups are assigned tasks. As they work together on these projects, they learn problem solving, conflict management, and something about themselves. During the workshop, participants have access to guest speakers who represent different forms of leadership in a variety of professions. Most activities are run by young adults who themselves have gone through this program, which contributes to the success of this Rotary-funded program.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:18</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 17, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/How-You-Can-Save-a-Life-Aired-on-April-13--2012-e1qn4h"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/How-You-Can-Save-a-Life-Aired-on-April-13--2012-e1qn4h"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>How You Can Save a Life (Aired on April 13, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotarian Lenny Nathan, President and Founder of HealthSav, a training center for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), discusses the need for public awareness about how to save a life when faced with someone who suddenly goes into cardiac arrest. Mr. Nathan describes the difference between a heart attack, when blood flow through the heart is blocked, and cardiac arrest, when the heart stops beating. He explains the reason why some cities (such as Seattle) can save up to 50% of people who go into sudden cardiac arrest when they are not in a hospital while other cities and towns, including those in New York State, save only about 4%. You can learn more surprising statistics and information about the heart in this fascinating interview.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:50</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 17, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Treating-Alcoholism-and-Other-Addictions-April-6--2012-e1qn3u"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Treating-Alcoholism-and-Other-Addictions-April-6--2012-e1qn3u"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Treating Alcoholism and Other Addictions (April 6, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Steven Pressman, Executive Director of Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers, Inc. (MARC), discusses residential treatment and recovery services for individuals and families in recovery from alcoholism and other drug addictions. Few addicts can stop drinking or using on their own, so nearly all need help both to stop and also to re-enter normal life. MARC’s services include a Crisis Center, halfway houses for long-term recovery, and sober apartments. Mr. Pressman outlines various programs that have helped former addicts reclaim their lives to become successful, productive citizens and parents. In addition, Mr. Pressman discusses how to prevent teens today from secretly accessing prescriptive drugs other family members </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:29</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 17, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Bardavon-Historic-Theater-Aired-on-March-30--2012-e1qn2e"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Bardavon-Historic-Theater-Aired-on-March-30--2012-e1qn2e"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Bardavon Historic Theater (Aired on March 30, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Chris Silva, Executive Director of the Bardavon since 1994, discusses the Bardavon’s upcoming programs and its fascinating history in the Hudson Valley. Many legendary performers have graced its stage in the past, including Mark Twain, Sarah Bernhardt, Frank Sinatra, and Houdini. When the Bardavon fell on hard times in the 1970s, citizens rallied to restore it. Its dramatic growth since then can be attributed to Mr. Silva’s excellent efforts such as overseeing the rescue (and management) of the Hudson Valley Philharmonic and daytime children’s programming. Recently performers have included Itzhak Perlman, Al Pacino, Patti LaBelle, Tony Bennett, and Bob Dylan, as well as classic motion pictures.
Learn More:</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:33</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 17, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Challenges-to-Forests-of-the-Hudson-Valley-March-23--2012-e1qn0m"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Challenges-to-Forests-of-the-Hudson-Valley-March-23--2012-e1qn0m"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Challenges to Forests of the Hudson Valley (March 23, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dr. Gary Lovett, Senior Scientist at Millbrook’s Cary Institute, discusses the forests of the Hudson Valley and the problems they face now and will face in the future. During the interview, Dr. Lovett answers questions about the effects of acid rain, how climate change affects the forests, the problems that arise from invasive insects new to our region (notably the emerald ash borer), and lots more.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:06</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 17, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Taking-Care-of-the-Caregiver-Aired-on-March-16--2012-e1qn06"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Taking-Care-of-the-Caregiver-Aired-on-March-16--2012-e1qn06"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Taking Care of the Caregiver (Aired on March 16, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Professional caregiver advocate, Rotarian Christine Sotmary, Executive Director of Caregiver Access, considers the rarely- discussed topic of caring for the caregivers, the people who help the ill or disabled in their own homes. People live longer today, so more families are involved in such situations. The caregivers live under enormous pressure caregiving and need support themselves. Ms. Sotmary shares her years of research into every aspect of caregiving, and provides important information about documents and programs that inform or aid caregivers. Caregiver Access also introduces student volunteers to careers in the medical, legal, and financial fields.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:35</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 17, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Meals-on-Wheels-Aired-on-March-9--2012-e1qmvc"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Meals-on-Wheels-Aired-on-March-9--2012-e1qmvc"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Meals on Wheels (Aired on March 9, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Barbara Kohlhausen, CEO of Meals on Wheels Programs & Services of Rockland, and Pearl River Rotary President Carol McGrath, discuss how their Rotary club and other Rockland Rotarians work with volunteers to deliver lunch and dinner–about 1,000 meals a day, customizing meals for special diets as needed. Listeners will be in awe at the enormity of the services this organization offers, not only to the elderly, but also to others who are homebound, including transportation to and from senior centers.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:29</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 17, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Touching-Bases-Aired-on-March-2--2012-e1qmui"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Touching-Bases-Aired-on-March-2--2012-e1qmui"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Touching Bases (Aired on March 2, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Founder and Executive Director of Touching Bases, Bob Baird, describes this unique baseball league. This league is for adults of all ages with disabilities. They follow modified rules, which create a safe environment for players to socialize with each other and to succeed in a game they love. Listeners will enjoy Mr. Baird’s description of games in which the spectators have as much fun as the players. Mr. Baird has helped other communities replicate Touching Bases, now in its 10th year, including folks in the Erie County/Buffalo area and in Richmond, Virginia.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:02</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 17, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Connecting-education-and-the-environment-February-24--2012-e1ql41"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Connecting-education-and-the-environment-February-24--2012-e1ql41"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Connecting education and the environment (February 24, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Sister Margo Morris, Executive Director and Founder of Sprout Creek Farm, discusses how this working farm helps foster a better understanding of our place in the natural world, thus encouraging responsibility for the future of our environment. Sr. Margo Morris emphasizes her preference to educate young people about “from soil to table” at the beginning of learning, not in the middle. Education is implemented at the farm with projects, such as involving students in the farm’s successful cheese production. Students come from all over the Hudson Valley to attend summer camp and visits throughout the year. Aluimni of the program can enter careers in veterinary, environmental law, and other related professions.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:00</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 17, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Tri-County-Crisis-Center--Inc--Aired-on-Feb--17--2012-e1ql3b"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Tri-County-Crisis-Center--Inc--Aired-on-Feb--17--2012-e1ql3b"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Tri-County Crisis Center, Inc. (Aired on Feb. 17, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>When Executive Director and Founder of Tri-County Crisis Center (TCCC), Maria DiBari, realized how difficult it was for victims of domestic violence to get all the help they needed, she created TCCC, which supports victims and families of victims of domestic violence. In this moving interview, Ms. DiBari describes the personal journey that led her to create this life-saving organization. Jackie Axt, TCCC Board Member, emphasizes the need for the Center by describing the murder of her sister, which could have been prevented if she had had access to the many services that the Crisis Center provides.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:15</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 17, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/A-Song-for-Rotary-U-N--Day-Aired-on-Feb--10--2012-e1ql2a"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/A-Song-for-Rotary-U-N--Day-Aired-on-Feb--10--2012-e1ql2a"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>A Song for Rotary U.N. Day (Aired on Feb. 10, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Nicholas Gati, composer/guitarist/pianist, and actor Anthony Avella, both professionally trained entertainers, discuss the song they created for Rotary Day at the United Nations. Written in 2011, “We Come Together,” is a moving tribute that is played during the interview. Mr. Gati and Mr. Avella describe the process of their successful collaborations over the years, each having skills that enhance the other’s talents.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:35</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 17, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Food-Banks-of-the-Hudson-Valley-Aired-February-3--2012-e1ql1o"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Food-Banks-of-the-Hudson-Valley-Aired-February-3--2012-e1ql1o"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Food Banks of the Hudson Valley (Aired February 3, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Ron Van Warmer, Associate Director of the Food Bank of the Hudson Valley, discusses this important organization’s dedication to alleviating hunger while preventing the waste of wholesome food. Providing some astonishing statistics about hunger in our midst in today’s poor economy, Mr. Van Warmer describes the current profile of people who are hungry, how Food Banks are vital in helping them, and several heartfelt stories. He explains where the food comes from, the difference between a Food Bank and a Food Pantry, and how the public can help.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:35</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 17, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Green-Architecture-Aired-January-27--2012-e1qi73"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Green-Architecture-Aired-January-27--2012-e1qi73"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>“Green” Architecture (Aired January 27, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Chris Colby, Principal of Spire Architecture & Design, provides an overview of how architecture impacts our quality of life and the importance today of “green” architecture—building to save energy and recycle materials. Mr. Colby outlines different steps to take to make a home more energy efficient. This includes solar and geothermal heating or electricity as well as basics such as sealing leaks and whole-home insulation. Mr. Colby offers suggestions for inexpensive ways to improve efficiency in new and older homes, as well as current information about wind power, shingle solar panels, and other energy systems. He also discusses the cost of implementing such “green” home improvements.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:19</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Male-Breast-Cancer-Aired-on-January-20--2012-e1qi6b"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Male-Breast-Cancer-Aired-on-January-20--2012-e1qi6b"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Male Breast Cancer (Aired on January 20, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In this candid interview about male breast cancer, Nyack Rotarian Dr. Arnold Roufa, a retired OB/GYN, describes his own experience with breast cancer, detected in 1994. It is not nearly as prevalent as among women, but breast cancer affects about 2,000 men each year. Dr. Roufa describes the signs and the treatment, effective especially if the cancer has been detected early. Since the topic has not been part of a typical male’s medical concerns, it is more difficult to encourage men to take the same precautions as women, such as self-examination and an annual physical, which includes examination for breast cancer.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:34</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Literacy-in-the-21st-Century-Aired-January-13--2012-e1qi5a"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Literacy-in-the-21st-Century-Aired-January-13--2012-e1qi5a"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Literacy in the 21st Century (Aired January 13, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Helen LiMarzi, Director of Literacy Volunteers of Putnam County and Rotary District 7210’s Literacy Chair, discusses literacy—the ability to read with understanding–in the 21st century and the impact of electronic books on reading. Illiteracy still exists, but service organizations such as Rotary and Literacy Volunteers have developed programs that teach reading and encourage reading among reluctant readers. People may visit a local library for specific information about all kinds of literacy support. With heartfelt emotion, Ms. LiMarzi describes the joy of teaching a child to read or improving the quality of life of an adult who reads to his or her child for the first time.
</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:16</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Benefits-of-Tai-Chi-Aired-on-January-6--2012-e1qi4c"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Benefits-of-Tai-Chi-Aired-on-January-6--2012-e1qi4c"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Benefits of Tai Chi (Aired on January 6, 2012)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Certified Tai Chi instructor and World Tai Chi member Scott Grimes explains the health benefits, both physical and mental, of the martial art called tai chi, which can be practiced by people of all ages. In addition to describing the interesting history of tai chi, Mr. Grimes discusses several simple behaviors that people can do in their daily life to reduce stress.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:08</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/International-Medical-Relief-Foundation-December-30--2011-e1qhar"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/International-Medical-Relief-Foundation-December-30--2011-e1qhar"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>International Medical Relief Foundation (December 30, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>This program was pre-recorded. We dedicate the December 30 show in memory of an outstanding Rotarian, Chet Sawyer.
Rotary District 7210’s Past District Governor Chet Sawyer (1990-91), President of the IMRF (International Medical Relief Foundation) and one of its founders, discusses how his organization turns “leftovers into life savers.” It collects gently used or new but outdated medical equipment that has been discarded in this country by hospitals and doctors but will be treasured in other parts of the world. Chet says both his military career in three wars from 1944-69 and his post-military profession in finance prepared him for international service.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">28:13</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Vocational-Service-and-Rotary-Aired-December-23--2011-e1qhae"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Vocational-Service-and-Rotary-Aired-December-23--2011-e1qhae"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Vocational Service and Rotary (Aired December 23, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Vocations improve our lives and strengthen our communities. Rotary District 7210’s Vocational Service Advisor Tamton Mustapha (Past District Governor 1999-2000), and Rotarian Penny Byron, District Vocational Service Chair, discuss vocational training initiatives for young people, including shadowing, mentoring, and Career Days. Rotary’s emphasis is on high ethical standards in all vocations, and Rotarians have the responsibility to lead by example. Rotary clubs honor people from all vocations in their community who reflect Rotary’s high ethical standards, based on the Declaration of Rotarians in Business and Professions and on Rotary’s Four-Way Test, the first two ways of which are: “Is it the truth?” and “Is it fair to all concerned?”</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:36</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Medical-Advances-in-Dialysis-and-Transplants-Dec--16--2011-e1qh9v"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Medical-Advances-in-Dialysis-and-Transplants-Dec--16--2011-e1qh9v"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Medical Advances in Dialysis and Transplants (Dec. 16, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotarian Roger Lane, Organ Donor Advisor for Rotary District 7210, and Registered Nurse Sarah Wilbur, Peritoneal Dialysis Nurse Manager/CKD Educator, discuss current medical improvements in the areas of dialysis and transplants as well as dietary suggestions (that may be surprising to some) to avoid kidney problems. Mr. Lane allays fears related to dialysis and relates his experience as a transplant recipient.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:26</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/H-O-N-O-R-Escaping-Poverty-and-Homelessness-Dec--9--2011-e1qh9d"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/H-O-N-O-R-Escaping-Poverty-and-Homelessness-Dec--9--2011-e1qh9d"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>H.O.N.O.R: Escaping Poverty and Homelessness (Dec. 9, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>John Harper, Chief Executive Officer of H.O.N.O.R (Helping Others Needing Our Resources—also known as Honor Ehg, Inc.), and Rotary District 7210’s Secretary and H.O.N.O.R Board Member Nick Constantino, discuss several ways this organization helps the neediest in New York’s Orange County. H.O.N.O.R programs include vocational training, which prepares clients for the job market, as well as shelter provisions and counseling. Clients young and old include runaway children, people with disabilities, the homeless, families in crisis, abuse victims, and more.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:25</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Service-Opportunities-Are-for-Everyone-Dec-2--2011-e1qh8r"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Service-Opportunities-Are-for-Everyone-Dec-2--2011-e1qh8r"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Service Opportunities Are for Everyone (Dec 2, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Interact clubs for high school students, sponsored by local Rotary clubs, provide young people with an opportunity to participate in meaningful service to the community, the nation, and the world and thus learn about the many rewards of service. Rotaract clubs for college-age students, including community-based clubs, and Elderact clubs for senior citizens, especially those living in assisted living communities, also further this initiative of expanding Rotary service opportunities. In this interview, Rotarian Roger Risko, (Poughkeepsie-Arlington) creator of RadioRotary in 2008, describes how traditional Rotary clubs sponsor these other forms of Rotary service and the beneficial effects of the clubs for young and old. Over the years, Mr. Risko has been District Chair and Advisor to this initiative, expanding such clubs in the Hudson Valley. Elderact, like RadioRotary, was one of Mr. Risko’s innovations.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:26</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Pure-Water-for-the-World-Aired-November-25--2011-e1qh83"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Pure-Water-for-the-World-Aired-November-25--2011-e1qh83"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Pure Water for the World (Aired November 25, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In this information-packed interview, Executive Director at Pure Water for the World, Rotarian Carolyn Meub, discusses how water filters of various kinds prevent disease. Safe water preserves an enormous number of lives in all parts of the world, especially the lives of children. Ms. Meub corrects many common misunderstandings about water. Fresh water seems to be in plentiful supply in most—but not all–parts of America but is in limited supply elsewhere. Water and sanitation projects are one of the six main areas with which The Rotary Foundation works to improve world health and welfare.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:22</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Poughkeepsie-Journal-on-Crime--Volunteerism-Nov-18--2011-e1qh7k"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Poughkeepsie-Journal-on-Crime--Volunteerism-Nov-18--2011-e1qh7k"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Poughkeepsie Journal on Crime & Volunteerism (Nov 18, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Poughkeepsie Journal reporter Larry Hertz describes his professional career, discussing his newspaper accounts of humanitarian volunteers in the Hudson Valley as well as major criminal cases he has covered, the stories and their trials. Regular readers of the newspaper are familiar with his byline from his column as well as on major local stories. One issue of importance covered in the interview is what should and should not be shared with the public when covering a trial, taking into account the public’s right to know without jeopardizing the rights of a defendant.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:46</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Shane-Hobel-Wilderness-Survival-Aired-November-11--2011-e1qh79"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Shane-Hobel-Wilderness-Survival-Aired-November-11--2011-e1qh79"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Shane Hobel: Wilderness Survival (Aired November 11, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In this extraordinary interview, Shane Hobel, aka Shane “White Feather” Hobel, informs the listeners of the survival skills needed when lost in the woods or otherwise cut off from civilization. These techniques can to be used for everyone of every age when in need of them. Mr. Hobel, founder of the Mountain Scout Survival School in Beacon, New York, is a professional tracker and a member of a Search and Forensic Investigation (SFI) team. He assists in the search and recovery of lost individuals, especially those lost in the mountains of the Hudson Valley.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:35</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-VI-Aired-Nov--4--2011-e1qh6i"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-VI-Aired-Nov--4--2011-e1qh6i"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>New Orleans Rotary Convention Part VI (Aired Nov. 4, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Interviews with Rotarians from around the world at the New Orleans Rotary International Convention include representatives from Don’t Meth with Us (drug prevention), Rotarian Action Group of Dental Volunteers (providing surgery worldwide), Malaria elimination, Thousand Smiles, promoting blood donations, and more.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:29</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/An-Extraordinary-Teenager-and-Epilepsy-October-28--2011-e1qh64"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/An-Extraordinary-Teenager-and-Epilepsy-October-28--2011-e1qh64"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>An Extraordinary Teenager and Epilepsy (October 28, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Sara-Elizabeth Clark, age 16, discusses her life with epilepsy and how she has developed her philosophy: “I will not let my epilepsy define me. It’s what I have, not who I am.” Sara describes the many misunderstandings and misinformation among the public that add to the burden of those with this neurological condition and describes the support available to those with epilepsy. Sara helps support research by major epilepsy organizations with Sara’s Strikes for Seizures, a bowling afternoon that raises money for the cause.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:29</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-V-Aired-Oct--21--2011-e1qh5a"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-V-Aired-Oct--21--2011-e1qh5a"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>New Orleans Rotary Convention Part V (Aired Oct. 21, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In these on-site interviews with Rotarians from around the world at the New Orleans Rotary International Convention in 2011, co-hosts Sarah O’Connell and Jonah Triebwasser interview representatives from Brain Game for Babies, Blindness Prevention, Sewing Projects around the world, Dollywood, Shoes for Orphans, and more.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:43</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/ShelterBox-Aired-on-October-14--2011-e1qh51"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/ShelterBox-Aired-on-October-14--2011-e1qh51"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>ShelterBox (Aired on October 14, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Suffern Rotarian Larry Palant, Disaster Response Chair and ShelterBox Representative for Rotary District 7210, discusses how he came to be a ShelterBox Representative as a result of helping provide relief for Hurricane Katrina victims. He describes what each Box contains that help people survive disasters. Founded by Tom Henderson, a Rotarian and former Royal Navy search and rescue diver, ShelterBox has provided relief across the globe since 2000. Mr. Henderson realized that the most needed aid after most disasters was for food, medicine, and shelter. He developed ShelterBox, a package containing these necessities that would last for at least six months for up to ten persons per box. The boxes are prepacked and can be delivered immediately, usually with the help of Rotary clubs near the site of the disaster. Mr. Palant identifies the most recent locations supplied with ShelterBoxes at the time of his interview–Japan after a tsunami, Arkansas after a tornado, and Columbia after mudslide</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:22</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Rotary-Foundation--a-Surprise-Aired-October-7--2011-e1qh2q"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Rotary-Foundation--a-Surprise-Aired-October-7--2011-e1qh2q"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Rotary Foundation & a Surprise (Aired October 7, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>This lively interview features husband and wife Rotarians Ken and Doris Obremski, both Past District Governors of District 7210 (Ken 1993-94, Doris 2005-06). They describe the enormous accomplishments of The Rotary Foundation, with Doris sharing her personal story of how she became a convert, dedicated to the Foundation. Both are Major Donors to the Foundation, and Ken is the recipient of the Regional “Service Award for a Polio Free World,” awarded to very few. The interview ends when they surprise Jay Verzi, the Technical Engineer in the studio, with the Paul Harris Fellow award because of his extensive work for RadioRotary, exemplifying Rotary’s motto of “service above self.”</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:40</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Post-Polio-Syndrome-Aired-on-September-30--2011-e1qh0i"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Post-Polio-Syndrome-Aired-on-September-30--2011-e1qh0i"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Post-Polio Syndrome (Aired on September 30, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Jo Hausam discusses her personal journey through life with Post-Polio Syndrome (PPS) and the extent of its impact on her life–therapy, surgeries, and medical support since she was three years old. She also details her recent research into PPS. Ms Hausam emphasizes the need for public awareness because children everywhere, including those in the United States, are still at risk, and she praises Rotary’s efforts to eradicate polio.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:15</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-IV-Sept-23--2011-e1qgu6"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-IV-Sept-23--2011-e1qgu6"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>New Orleans Rotary Convention Part IV (Sept 23, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In these on-site interviews at the New Orleans Rotary International Convention in May, 2011, Rotarians from around the world discuss various initiatives and action groups. Some of the topics are: the Dictionary Project in America to encourage literacy, clean water projects around the world that save countless lives, Interact clubs for young adults in secondary schools where students learn about the rewards of service, Rotary’s global history (RGHF), and more.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">22:40</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/A-Rotary-Story-of-Coincidence-Aired-on-September-16--2011-e1qgtk"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/A-Rotary-Story-of-Coincidence-Aired-on-September-16--2011-e1qgtk"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>A Rotary Story of Coincidence (Aired on September 16, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Lou DiPaolo (American) and Jim Morita (Japanese), both veterans of World War II, describe a remarkable coincidence involving two members of the same Rotary Club (New York Rotary). Lou, Jim, & Noriko Morita, Jim’s wife, explain what happened 65 years after the discovery of a letter. The odyssey of the letter will make listeners question the pieces of history they might have unwittingly stored away, or are about to throw out, unaware of their importance to families and to others as historical documents.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:31</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Philmont-911-Memorial-Services-Aired-on-September-9--2011-e1qgqb"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Philmont-911-Memorial-Services-Aired-on-September-9--2011-e1qgqb"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Philmont 9/11 Memorial Services (Aired on September 9, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Carol Ann Armstrong, President of Philmont Rotary Club, describes her club’s journey, starting in 2002, to honor those who died on September 11—the victims, their families, and the rescue workers who saved so many lives. American flags are distributed to all visitors coming from all over the Hudson Valley, and many stay for snacks afterwards to share the unity and fellowship of this day of remembrance. The Philmont Rotary club invites local community organizations and individuals to participate in memorial services and tributes in Claverack Town Park. The interview includes a close-up on Philmont Rotary Club’s many other humanitarian activities.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:20</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Semper-Fi-Parents-Aired-on-September-2--2011-e1qgpr"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Semper-Fi-Parents-Aired-on-September-2--2011-e1qgpr"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Semper Fi Parents (Aired on September 2, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Paula Zwillinger, Founder and Executive Director of Semper Fi Parents of Hudson Valley, NY, discusses ways the organization supports parents of military troops and the troops themselves, both deployed and stateside. Semper Fi Parents raises funds to offset the cost of shipping packages to troops. They also educate parents about the many services available to them and to their children in the military, provide scholarships for those recently discharged, and work in many other ways to help.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:14</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Bells-for-Peace-Aired-on-August-26--2011-e1qgi2"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Bells-for-Peace-Aired-on-August-26--2011-e1qgi2"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Bells for Peace (Aired on August 26, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In an interview that includes music made with with bells, Rotarian Douglas Martin Sturomski (Southern Dutchess Rotary), Executive Director of the Peace Bell Foundation, describes the work of this unique organization and its successful Walk for Peace project. The purpose of the Peace Bell Foundation is to ring in awareness that we can live in harmony and love. Through our most universal language, music, and the metaphor of the bell, the Foundation aspires to build strong, flexible bridges of understanding that strengthen the unity in community. All peoples around the world are welcome to join.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:22</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/This-Years-Dutchess-County-Fair-Aired-on-August-19--2011-e1qghb"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/This-Years-Dutchess-County-Fair-Aired-on-August-19--2011-e1qghb"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>This Year’s Dutchess County Fair (Aired on August 19, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Bob Grems, General Manager of the famous Dutchess County Fair, discusses the unique features of this year’s Fair. For six days, about half a million visitors will enjoy, entertainment by big name talent, constant free shows and attractions, an Antiques Museum Village featuring story-tellers in costume describing our history, a carnival, thousands of farm animals on display, food for every taste, vendors displaying their crafts, and loads of beautiful gardens within the Fairgrounds. This is recognized as one of the great old-time fairs in New York State.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:00</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hudson-Valleys-Famous-RibFest-Aired-August-12--2011-e1qge2"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hudson-Valleys-Famous-RibFest-Aired-August-12--2011-e1qge2"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Hudson Valley’s Famous RibFest (Aired August 12, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Summer is RibFest time, thanks to the Rotary Club of Highland, New York, and Rotarian Don Verity discusses this year’s exciting RibFest events. Held this year on August 20-21, the Highland RibFest at the Ulster County Fairgroundsis now in its seventh year. This year’s RibFest promises adults and children a wealth of joy, with the festivities including delicious food competitions, demonstrations by famous chefs, vendors displaying the tools we need to make our own gourmet barbeques, and loads of entertainment.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:30</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Flood-Impacts-in-Louisiana-Aired-August-5--2011-e1qg94"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Flood-Impacts-in-Louisiana-Aired-August-5--2011-e1qg94"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Flood Impacts in Louisiana (Aired August 5, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In this interview from the New Orleans Rotary International Convention, Louisiana environmentalist Windell Curole (Golden Meadow Rotary) discusses the effects of the recent Mississippi River flooding. Mr. Curole is the General Manager of South LaFourche Levee District and one of Louisiana’s leading coastal environment experts. Mr. Curole has testified before the U.S. Congress after Katrina, providing information about the successful levees he established in his part of the Gulf. Last year he was a member of and consultant to Louisiana’s official clean-up team during the BP spill.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:01</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Teenage-Eating-Disorders-Aired-July-29--2011-e1qfgc"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Teenage-Eating-Disorders-Aired-July-29--2011-e1qfgc"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Teenage Eating Disorders (Aired July 29, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>This program features a powerful discussion of teenage eating disorders and one parent’s journey to help her daughter. The principal eating disorders are anorexia nervosa (self-starvation) and bulimia (binges followed by purging). The interview ranges from the early signs of the illness to the difficulties of finding effective cures. Included in the discussion are the painful effects of the illness on the child and on all family members. Most important, this remarkable parent shares her success in finding help.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:02</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/InboundOutbound-Youth-Exchange-Aired-July-22--2011-e1qfct"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/InboundOutbound-Youth-Exchange-Aired-July-22--2011-e1qfct"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Inbound/Outbound Youth Exchange (Aired July 22, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Enjoy interviews with students participating in Rotary International’s Youth Exchange Program, including current Inbound and next year’s Outbound students. Rotary’s Youth Exchange program began in the 1920s, enabling students to learn firsthand about life in another country, while planting the seeds for a lifetime of international understanding and gaining a deeper understanding of themselves. These programs are directed for Rotary District 7210 by Inbound Co-Chairs Nan and David Greenwood and Outbound Chair, Donna Bemiss, who are also interviewed on the program. Students applying to the program do not have to have family affiliated with Rotary.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:34</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-III--July-15--2011-e1qfb7"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-III--July-15--2011-e1qfb7"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>New Orleans Rotary Convention Part III ( July 15, 2011) </div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>On-site interviews at the 2011 New Orleans Rotary International Convention include Rotarians from around the world and discussions with representatives from PolioPlus (explaining the existing threat), ShelterBox (describing tents and equipment for survival after a disaster), Diveheart (Jim Elliott, Founder and President, explaining therapeutic diving and snorkeling experiences for everyone, especially those with disabilities), and Single Rotarians (meeting like-minded humanitarians).</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:55</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Knut-Johnsen-Discusses-The-Rotary-Foundation-Aired-July-8--2011-e1qf82"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Knut-Johnsen-Discusses-The-Rotary-Foundation-Aired-July-8--2011-e1qf82"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Knut Johnsen Discusses The Rotary Foundation (Aired July 8, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Foundation Chair for District 7210 Knut Johnsen (past District Governor 2003-04) explains the work of The Rotary Foundation, describing it as the “engine that drives the work of the clubs.” He provides many examples of describe the plight of those being helped by the Foundation and the aid it provides. For example, the Foundation’s humanitarian and education projects include medical centers staffed by volunteer Rotarian doctors, dentists, and surgeons who perform cataract surgery. In addition, he describes the work done to eradicate polio so that the world is no longer at risk. Mr. Johnsen finally said it this way: the folks we see here in our Soup Kitchens would be considered quite rich by those being helped by the Foundation.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:24</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-II-July-1--2011-e1qf2d"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-II-July-1--2011-e1qf2d"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>New Orleans Rotary Convention Part II (July 1, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary International President Ray Klinginsmith, known for his “Cowboy Logic” philosophy, discusses his next pursuits (you’ll laugh at one of them). Other interviews include the Rotarian Action Group for Diabetics; Microcredit, which provides small loans to families worldwide to achieve economic independence; and the Learn/Grow project, which meets the challenge of food shortages through diverse food plants conducive to different environments.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:45</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-College-and-University-Scholarships-June-24--2011-e1qeq5"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-College-and-University-Scholarships-June-24--2011-e1qeq5"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary College and University Scholarships (June 24, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary District 7210 Scholarship Chair Bill Bassett (District Governor Nominee for 2012-13) discusses the various scholarships supported by the Rotary Foundation that are available to the public on both the graduate and undergraduate level, either locally or abroad. Depending on the degree sought, students can undertake programs in the areas of focus supported by Rotary International, such as peace and conflict resolution, disease prevention and treatment, water and sanitation, maternal and child health, basic education and literacy, economic and community development, or other suitable subject matter.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:43</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-1-June-17--2011-e1qeo5"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-Orleans-Rotary-Convention-Part-1-June-17--2011-e1qeo5"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>New Orleans Rotary Convention Part 1 (June 17, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>n this first broadcast of on-site interviews at Rotary International’s Convention, co-hosts Sarah O’Connell and Jonah Triebwasser talk to Rotaracters and other humanitarians from around the world who are working on projects such as Guitars for Troops, maternal health, mercy ships, and artificial limbs.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:31</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Music-A-Road-to-Good-Health-Aired-June-10--2011-e1qekq"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Music-A-Road-to-Good-Health-Aired-June-10--2011-e1qekq"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Music: A Road to Good Health (Aired June 10, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Peter Muir is the Director of the Institute of Music and Health, a nationally recognized center pioneering in the use of music for well-being, especially for people with disabilities. Although he grew up in England, Dr. Muir has become an acknowledged authority on American jazz and ragtime music, authoring numerous scholarly articles and the book Long Lost Blues: Popular Blues in America 1850-1920. His passion for American jazz and ragtime inspired him to move to the United States.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:33</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Benefits-of-Joining-Rotary-Aired-June-3--2011-e1qege"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Benefits-of-Joining-Rotary-Aired-June-3--2011-e1qege"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Benefits of Joining Rotary (Aired June 3, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Vivian Hardison, Membership Chair of Rotary District 7250 and member of Glen Cove Rotary on Long Island, NY, discusses the benefits for people of all ages of joining a Rotary club. Among her personal reasons for joining Rotary, Ms. Hardison emphasizes how she found soulmates who share her passion for humanitarianism. Ms. Hardison also tells of the issues potential members should consider before deciding to join a Rotary club.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:50</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Lyme-Disease-Prevention-and-Myths-Aired-May-27--2011-e1qe7p"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Lyme-Disease-Prevention-and-Myths-Aired-May-27--2011-e1qe7p"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Lyme Disease Prevention and Myths (Aired May 27, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dr. Richard Ostfeld discusses the results of his extensive research on Lyme disease. Dr. Ostfeld is a Senior Scientist at Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, NY. In addition to debunking long held myths about Lyme, Dr. Ostfeld tells how to prevent Lyme disease, how to reduce the tick numbers in the environment, the role of white-footed mice, and much more. His book, Lyme Disease: The Ecology of a Complex System, is available for more detailed information.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:12</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/BOCES-Adult-and-Continuing-Education-Aired-May-20--2011-e1qe4i"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/BOCES-Adult-and-Continuing-Education-Aired-May-20--2011-e1qe4i"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>BOCES Adult and Continuing Education (Aired May 20, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dr. Sherre Wesley describes various education and job programs provided by Dutchess Bureau of Cooperative Services (BOCES) for adults. The literacy program helps adults get their GED (high school equivalency diploma), and ESL (English as a second language) classes help adults improve their proficiency in English. The career program, which consists of hands-on training on state-of-the-art equipment in numerous fields, helps those seeking a new career. Students leave BOCES prepared for jobs in the work force.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:13</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-BOCES-Career-and-Technical-Institute-May-13--2011-e1qe2q"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dutchess-BOCES-Career-and-Technical-Institute-May-13--2011-e1qe2q"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dutchess BOCES Career and Technical Institute (May 13, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Principal Mitchell Shron discusses the Dutchess Board of Cooperative Education Services (BOCES, pronounced “BOH-sees”), a cost-effective education solution unique to New York State. BOCES programs provide career and technical education, special and alternative education, and professional development. The Career and Technical Institute (CTI) is for students, mainly in 11th and 12th grades, to learn occupations that have a strong job potential, such as plumbing, welding, auto mechanics, electrical programs, communication technology, and health. After graduation, students are prepared to enter the work force or to attend college.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:15</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Close-up-on-Red-Hook-Rotary-Club-Aired-May-6--2011-e1qe1c"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Close-up-on-Red-Hook-Rotary-Club-Aired-May-6--2011-e1qe1c"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Close-up on Red Hook Rotary Club (Aired May 6, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In this club close-up of the Rotary Club of Red Hook, club representatives tell how Red Hook Rotary exemplifies the autonomous and unique character of an individual Rotary Club while yet maintaining the humanitarian goals of other clubs around the world. Past President Niki Weaver describes her club’s support of Therapy Dogs, a program that helps patients in hospitals as well as students with special needs. Current President David Wright discusses various ways his club supports community needs and Rotary International’s worldwide projects.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:36</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Homes-for-Heroes-Aired-April-29--2011-e1qdup"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Homes-for-Heroes-Aired-April-29--2011-e1qdup"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Homes for Heroes (Aired April 29, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Greg Pikor describes Hudson Valley Homes for Heroes, a company that provides discounted real estate to those “who work every day to make our communities better places to live.” “Heroes” include military personnel, firefighters, law enforcement officers, emergency medical technicians, and other every day heroes. Created in Minnesota after the tragic events of 9/11 as a “Thank you” to the heroes who serve our nation and its communities, Homes for Heroes affiliates with realtors and other real estate personnel to provide substantial rebates and discounts when buying a home. In addition, a not-for-profit foundation is also available to help a Hero in need in the program.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:47</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Live-Report-on-The-Rotary-Foundation-Aired-April-22--2011-e1qdt6"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Live-Report-on-The-Rotary-Foundation-Aired-April-22--2011-e1qdt6"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Live Report on The Rotary Foundation (Aired April 22, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In an on-site interview at the Millbrook Rotary Club, Rotary District 7210’s Past District Governor (2005-06), Doris Obremski (Goshen Rotary), tells how she became a supporter of The Rotary Foundation. Ms. Obremski emphasized the Foundation’s efforts to eradicate polio worldwide, giving specific statistics about the number of lives spared from polio by Millbrook Rotary’s financial contributions alone. As a result of global contributions by Rotarians and others polio is nearly eradicated. Professionally, Ms. Obremski is a marketing expert, fundraiser, and journalist and holds several positions in Rotary District 7210 and Rotary International.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:56</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Saving-Lives-with-Water-Filters-Aired-April-15--2011-e1qds1"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Saving-Lives-with-Water-Filters-Aired-April-15--2011-e1qds1"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Saving Lives with Water Filters (Aired April 15, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary District 7210’s District Governor Elect (2011-12), Tansukh Dorawala (Poughkeepsie/Arlington Rotary), discusses how Rotary International prepares all 531 District Governors worldwide with the leadership and specific knowledge necessary to change lives. Mr. Dorawala, a chemical engineer by profession, describes his personal reasons for his strong dedication to one of Rotary International’s major efforts: providing clean water and sanitation to developing countries.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:00</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Close-up-on-a-Rotary-Club-President-Aired-April-8--2011-e1qdqb"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Close-up-on-a-Rotary-Club-President-Aired-April-8--2011-e1qdqb"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Close-up on a Rotary Club President (Aired April 8, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Millbrook Rotary President (2010-11) Ellie Savoy discusses her background, her Rotary training, and her personal philosophy of commitment, compassion, understanding, thoughtfulness, ability to plan, attention to details, and flexibility. Together these help Ellie lead her club in its many humanitarian activities. Millbrook Rotarians annually publish a free directory of businesses and services in the immediate area, a vital resource to residents and a boost to businesses. The club’s literacy program provides dictionaries for all third graders and a book of choice to all eighth grade graduates. Millbrook’s international exchange programs include high school students and professional adults. Members embark on road clean-ups four times a year and contribute to food pantries and soup kitchens.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:46</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Gift-of-Life-for-Children-Aired-April-1--2011-e1qdp2"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Gift-of-Life-for-Children-Aired-April-1--2011-e1qdp2"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Gift of Life for Children (Aired April 1, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In this heartwarming interview, Peekskill Rotary President and District 7230 Director of Gift of Life Joe Lippolis takes the listener through the steps that saved a 2-year-old’s life. Jostyn Baque, diagnosed in Ecuador as having a congenital heart problem that could not be corrected in his country, would have died within a few years had not Peekskill Rotary and another Rotary club teamed to sponsor Jostyn’s heart operation by a pediatric surgeon in Westchester. Several other groups, including American Airlines workers who generously donated their miles and the Ecuador community in Westchester County, joined to make a difference!</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:22</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 16, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Ambassador-in-the-Middle-East-Aired-Mar--25--2011-e1qahq"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Ambassador-in-the-Middle-East-Aired-Mar--25--2011-e1qahq"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary “Ambassador” in the Middle East (Aired Mar. 25, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Ambassadorial Scholar Dr. Christine Guedri Giacalone and DGN Dr. William Bassett, Scholarship Committee Chair and District 7210 Governor for 2012-13, discuss the Ambassadorial Scholarship, which promotes international understanding and goodwill through study in country different from the scholar’s own. Dr. Giacolone describes her experiences in Jordan, both as a student learning Arabic and as a professor teaching language. Her professional background teaching language to cadets in West Point for several years, plus her initial study in Arabic here in the United States, prepared her for her work in Jordan.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:42</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Paramedic-Services-Rewards-of-a-Profession-Mar--18--2011-e1qagn"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Paramedic-Services-Rewards-of-a-Profession-Mar--18--2011-e1qagn"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Paramedic Services: Rewards of a Profession (Mar. 18, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Red Hook Rotarian Rob Latimer, Executive Vice President of Northern Dutchess Paramedic Emergency Medical Services, discusses his experiences as a paramedic in the Hudson Valley. As a paramedic, Mr. Latimer has had over 2,000 hours of technical medical training. His emotional stories cover delivering babies and saving lives in extraordinary circumstances. Ambulance service continually needs volunteer support, so he encourages others to enter this rewarding profession.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:57</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Cooking-Matters-Nutrition-at-Low-Cost-Aired-Mar--11--2011-e1qafo"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Cooking-Matters-Nutrition-at-Low-Cost-Aired-Mar--11--2011-e1qafo"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Cooking Matters: Nutrition at Low Cost (Aired Mar. 11, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Kingston Sunrise Rotary Co-President Jeanine Lindhorst, Coordinator for Cooking Matters in the Hudson Valley, discusses her organization’s nutritional education program for people on a limited budget. Volunteer culinary and nutrition experts teach Cooking Matters course participants how to select nutritious and low-cost ingredients and how to prepare them in ways that provide the best nourishment.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:01</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Investing-in-Todays-Environment-Aired-Mar--4--2011-e1qael"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Investing-in-Todays-Environment-Aired-Mar--4--2011-e1qael"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div> Investing in Today’s Environment (Aired Mar. 4, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Two financial experts, both Red Hook Rotarians, discuss today’s economic environment and the effects of recent world turmoil on investing. In this on-site interview at a Red Hook Rotary meeting Glenn Goldstein, Managing Director of Portfolio Management at Focused Wealth Management, and Susan Simon, Registered Life Planner and Vice-President of Third Eye Associates, Ltd., give their opinions about what to consider when investing for retirement and about the changes investors should make in the current market.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:33</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Addressing-Domestic-Violence-Aired-Feb--25--2011-e1qad3"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Addressing-Domestic-Violence-Aired-Feb--25--2011-e1qad3"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Addressing Domestic Violence (Aired Feb. 25, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Leah Feldman, Project Coordinator of Universal Response to Domestic Violence, and Kathy Graham, Director of Battered Women’s Services of Family Services, Inc., discuss the Family Service agency’s 24/7 free domestic violence crisis intervention program. This program includes a hotline, counseling, advocacy, support groups, childcare, emergency transportation, youth domestic violence prevention education, community outreach, and education. Their agency provides services primarily in Dutchess County, but similar agencies with these services are available in all counties in the Hudson Valley and beyond.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:08</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Teaching-Law-around-the-World-Aired-Feb--18--2011-e1qaca"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Teaching-Law-around-the-World-Aired-Feb--18--2011-e1qaca"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Teaching Law around the World (Aired Feb. 18, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Prominent attorney and Rotarian Charles Goldberger, Esq. (White Plains Rotary) shares his experiences teaching in law schools around the world, including those in Eastern European countries. Mr. Goldberger, who has visited more than 75 countries, discusses the differences in law between America and the developing countries and the progress towards constitutional law that these countries are making.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:13</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/How-to-Save-a-Life-Aired-Feb--11--2011-e1qabk"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/How-to-Save-a-Life-Aired-Feb--11--2011-e1qabk"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>How to Save a Life (Aired Feb. 11, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotarian Lenny Nathan (Congers/Valley Cottage Rotary), Chief Executive Officer of HealthSav, explains how easy it is to learn the mechanics needed to help save a life through cardiopulmonary resuscitation, better known as CPR. He describes how methods for performing this life-saving function have been updated by the American Heart Association. He also discusses why more schools should teach CPR to all students and the importance of administering aid in the first four minutes when the heart stops. In the program, station manager Don Verity and the co-hosts also celebrate RadioRotary’s second anniversary on the Hudson Valley Talk Radio Network.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">22:15</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Successful-Food-Bank-Helping-Thousands-Feb--4--2011-e1qaav"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Successful-Food-Bank-Helping-Thousands-Feb--4--2011-e1qaav"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Successful Food Bank Helping Thousands (Feb. 4, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Sal Gambino, Carmel Rotary President, Carmel Rotarian George Knoechel, Food Bank Project Coordinator, and Judy Callahan, Executive Director of Putnam Community Action Program, one of four Food Bank programs supported by the Carmel Rotary project, discuss how Carmel Rotary has in a few years raised about $100,000 worth of food to benefit those in need. Another $50,000 worth of food is expected in 2011. This successful humanitarian Rotary project, which has helped thousands of families, began when the club partnered with the local ShopRite. From there, the club developed publicity for the Food Banks, collection methods, and distribution teams. They helped conduct research into the four Food Banks that the project serves. The details involved in making this Food Bank project a success, from start to finish, can be duplicated anywhere but — we won’t kid you — with much effort. It’s worth it!</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:34</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Thom-Johnson--Bannerman-Castle-Restoration-Jan--28--2011-e1qa9p"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Thom-Johnson--Bannerman-Castle-Restoration-Jan--28--2011-e1qa9p"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Thom Johnson, Bannerman Castle Restoration (Jan. 28, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Thom Johnson, author and historian, discusses the fascinating history of Bannerman’s Castle, a dramatic ruin located on an island in the Hudson River in the Hudson Highlands State Park. Travelers on Hudson Line trains are familiar with the view of the remaining portions of the imitation Scottish castle, built in 1901. The nonprofit Bannerman Castle Trust, Inc. is restoring the castle as well as its exquisite original gardens. The Trust is dedicated to preserving Bannerman Castle as an educational, cultural, historical, and recreational facility that promotes heritage tourism in the Hudson Valley. Several ports along the river provide enjoyable, informative cruise tours to the castle by kayak or passenger boat. Mr. Johnson relates many interesting little known facts about the history of it island and castle as well as bonus information about the Catskill Mountain Railroad.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:17</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Community-Corps-Aired-Jan--21--2011-e1qa7n"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Community-Corps-Aired-Jan--21--2011-e1qa7n"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Community Corps (Aired Jan. 21, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Sharon Irving and Lisa-Marie Birdsall of Cortlandt Manor Rotary (District 7230) discuss their club’s sponsorship of a Rotary Community Corps (RCC) at the Keon center in Peeksill, NY. A Rotary Community Corps is an organization for non-Rotarian men and women who share Rotary’s commitment to service. Although the Cortlandt Manor Rotary is less than a year old, with Sharon Irving as its founder and first president, it has been able to start the RCC at Keon. Cortlandt Manor Rotary and the RCC of Keon work on projects together. For example, Ms. Birdsall discusses how the RCC team helps her rescue-dog adoption program, which has placed over 1,600 dogs in 18 months, and Ms. Irving discusses how the RCC helps the Salvation Army with food distribution.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:08</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Habitat-for-Humanity-and-Rotary-Aired-Jan--7--2011-e1qa6k"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Habitat-for-Humanity-and-Rotary-Aired-Jan--7--2011-e1qa6k"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Habitat for Humanity and Rotary (Aired Jan. 7, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Habitat for Humanity builds and restores homes for low-income families. Steve Biolsi, Project Manager of Putnam County’s Habitat for Humanity, tells of how the organization is supported by local Rotary clubs and other community organizations. Mr. Biolsi also corrects misinformation about Habitat for Humanity. Their projects are not free handouts but help low-income families build, own, and maintain simple, decent, affordable homes–families pay for their homes with zero-interest mortgages and hours of sweat equity.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:06</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Healing-the-Children-and-Rotaplast-Aired-123110-e1q9eo"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Healing-the-Children-and-Rotaplast-Aired-123110-e1q9eo"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Healing the Children and Rotaplast (Aired 12/31/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dr. Manoj Abraham (plastic surgeon) with Dana Buffin (New Milford, CT Rotary), Executive Director of Healing the Children, and Kathy Kruger, RN, (Rotary District 7210’s Rotaplast Chair, Pleasant Valley Rotary tell the uplifting stories of how children and adults are helped by corrective surgery, performed by volunteers who donate their time, skills, and finances. These medical teams set up an operating room abroad or in the United States where they can correct cleft palates and other disfiguring conditions in children as young as 2 months old and people as old as 70+ who either don’t have access to or cannot afford treatment.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:29</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Martha-Underwood-Healing-with-Horses-Aired-122410-e1q9d4"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Martha-Underwood-Healing-with-Horses-Aired-122410-e1q9d4"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Martha Underwood “Healing with Horses” (Aired 12/24/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Martha Underwood discusses the enormous benefits to everyone, not only those with special needs, that she has witnessed during her years as a riding instructor with the non-profit Winslow Therapeutic Center located since 1974 in Warwick, New York. Ms. Underwood describes how horseback riding improves the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional well being of children and adults when working with the Center’s well trained, caring staff and volunteers.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:46</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Polio-Eradication-Worldwide-121710-e1q9b9"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Polio-Eradication-Worldwide-121710-e1q9b9"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Polio Eradication Worldwide (12/17/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary District 7210’s PolioPlus Chair, Bunnee Webb (Congers/Valley Cottage Rotary Club), provides us with the most current detailed information about progress by Rotary and the United Nations in eradicating polio worldwide. She also discusses her personal heartfelt experiences inoculating children against polio in India, and she ends with a very moving poem about Rotary’s promise to the children of the world. A special interview, for sure!</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:38</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Field-Experiences-in-Honduras-and-Dominican-Republic-121010-e1q99h"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Field-Experiences-in-Honduras-and-Dominican-Republic-121010-e1q99h"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Field Experiences in Honduras and Dominican Republic (12/10/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Two of Rotary District 7210’s Past District Governors, Jim Yarmus and Jeffrey Keahon, describe recent successful clean water projects implemented by District 7210 clubs in Central America. These are already saving countless lives from water-borne diseases. They discuss how Rotarians provide on-site technical expertise with professional engineers, such as Dr. Yarmus, and actively facilitate other projects, such as a school roof project, to improve the quality of life in communities around the world.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:18</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-and-Gift-of-Life-Aired-12310-e1q97n"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-and-Gift-of-Life-Aired-12310-e1q97n"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary and Gift of Life (Aired 12/3/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Ms. Fredlee Ann Kaplan (Chairman’s Council, Gift of Life International) and Mr. Bill Currie (International President, Gift of Life International), both members of The Rotary Club of New York, discuss how Gift of Life has saved more than ten thousand children’s lives by addressing the medical needs of children who suffer from congenital heart defects and other similar conditions. Starting with heart surgery on one girl from Uganda in 1975, supported by the Rotary Club of Manhasset in New York, the program grew to become Gift of Life International in 2003. The Gift of Life International is still largely run through the efforts of Rotary clubs throughout the world, such as The Rotary Club of New York, with help from humanitarian foundations and much of the worldwide medical community.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:38</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/2010-Montreal-Convention--Part-3-Aired-112610-e1q961"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/2010-Montreal-Convention--Part-3-Aired-112610-e1q961"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>2010 Montreal Convention, Part 3 (Aired 11/26/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary host Jonah Triebwasser interviews Rotary’s humanitarians from around the world at Rotary International’s 2010 Convention in Montreal, Canada. Among the many featured guests are Rotarians from the Jaipur Limb Project, which provides inexpensive and long-lasting leg prostheses, and ShelterBox Founder Rotarian Tom Henderson.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">28:08</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Eva-Corredor--Rotarys-International-Programs-Aired-111910-e1q943"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Eva-Corredor--Rotarys-International-Programs-Aired-111910-e1q943"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Eva Corredor & Rotary’s International Programs (Aired 11/19/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Eva Corredor, Emeritus Professor of French and German and a Rotarian since 1989, discusses how her involvement in Rotary’s international service programs provides an opportunity to work towards world peace and understanding. A member of The Rotary Club of New York, Professor Corredor explains why she joined Rotary and describes the many international projects with which she has been engaged, including Youth Exchange, Group Study Exchange, and Gift of Life.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:53</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Manuela-Roosevelt-and-Soroptimist-International-Aired-111210-e1q92f"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Manuela-Roosevelt-and-Soroptimist-International-Aired-111210-e1q92f"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Manuela Roosevelt and Soroptimist International (Aired 11/12/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Manuela Roosevelt discusses the humanitarian organization called Soroptimist International, a worldwide organization for women in management and professions, who work through service projects to advance human rights and the status of women. Most recently, Soroptimist International has placed special emphasis on clean water projects, a Rotary International effort as well.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:27</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Kevin-Voisin--Louisiana-Oysterman-Aired-on-11510-e1q91a"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Kevin-Voisin--Louisiana-Oysterman-Aired-on-11510-e1q91a"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Kevin Voisin, Louisiana Oysterman (Aired on 11/5/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Kevin Voisin, an 8th generation Louisiana oysterman and Terrebonne Parish Councilman, discusses current events concerning the Gulf oil-spill and fishing situation, false impressions about the Gulf and its seafood, and his optimism about the future, despite the setback caused by the man-made spill.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:46</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Prez-Ray-Klinginsmith-Rotary-a-Way-of-Life-102910-e1q8uq"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Prez-Ray-Klinginsmith-Rotary-a-Way-of-Life-102910-e1q8uq"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Prez Ray Klinginsmith: Rotary a Way of Life 10/29/10</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>This year’s Rotary International President Ray Klinginsmith (Kirksville, Missouri, Rotary Club) covers a broad range of Rotary topics. Here are just three:
– The significance of his early experience as a student in Cape Town, South Africa, as part of Rotary’s Scholarship Program;
– The positive (and uplifting) statistics about polio eradication; and
– The meaning of President Ray’s theme for this year (“Building Communities, Bridging Continents”): Encouraging Rotarians to take pride in what they accomplish and acquainting non-Rotarians with Rotary’s work on both local and international levels.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:02</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Barbara-Allen-A-Murdered-Soldiers-Widow-Aired-on-102210-e1q8t4"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Barbara-Allen-A-Murdered-Soldiers-Widow-Aired-on-102210-e1q8t4"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Barbara Allen: A Murdered Soldier’s Widow (Aired on 10/22/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Author Barbara Allen, mother of four young sons, discusses her book, Front Toward Enemy, about her husband’s murder by a fellow soldier in Iraq and how the military court allowed the killer to escape punishment. Snowball Express, an organization founded by Rotarians in California and supported by Rotary clubs all over the country, provides unique support to children of fallen soldiers and has been and continues to be supportive of Ms. Allen and her children during their recovery process. Ms. Allen and two of her sisters are former Youth Exchange students. Her parents, Doris and Ken Obremski, are both past Rotary District Governors.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">21:47</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rhinebeck-Rotary--Interact-Nicaragua-2010-Project-101510-e1q8qs"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rhinebeck-Rotary--Interact-Nicaragua-2010-Project-101510-e1q8qs"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rhinebeck Rotary & Interact Nicaragua 2010 Project 10/15/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rhinebeck’s Interact Club (high school Rotary) students who participated in the Nicaragua Project — Sarah Turpin, Sean Phelan, and Anna Katomski — discuss their humanitarian work in Nicaragua. The project took a year to plan and was implemented this summer, 2010, primarily by Rhinebeck Interact students who helped build a classroom, provided clothing and school supplies, brought clean water treatment, and established gardens in a Nicaraguan community in need.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:42</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Updates-from-the-Gulf-Aired-on-10810-e1q8op"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Updates-from-the-Gulf-Aired-on-10810-e1q8op"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Updates from the Gulf (Aired on 10/8/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Louisiana professionals from several fields provide the latest information on the Gulf oil spill and reactions from the residents of Grand Isle, called “The Sportsman’s Paradise.” Environmental expert Windell Curole (Golden Meadow Rotary), General Manager of South LaFourche Levee District, discusses the most recent regional events. Richard Augustin (Grand Isle Rotary), Principal of the Grand Isle School System, discusses the effects of the oil spill disaster on the schools, his students, and their families. Carroll Allemand (President, Grand Isle Rotary) corrects some of the common misinformation about the oil’s effects on Grand Isle and explains the concerns of Grand Isle residents after BP leaves the area. Grand Isle is located in Jefferson Parish at the southern tip of LA. Hwy 1. Located on the Gulf of Mexico, the primary businesses for island residents are tourism, the seafood industry, and oilfield related professions. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:47</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Terry-Laibach--Recycling-Coordinator-Aired-on-92410-e1q8m2"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Terry-Laibach--Recycling-Coordinator-Aired-on-92410-e1q8m2"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Terry Laibach, Recycling Coordinator (Aired on 9/24/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Terry Laibach, Recycling Coordinator of New York State’s Department of Environmental Conservation, discusses the latest information about waste reduction and recycling, the state’s new solid waste plan and electronics recycling law, single stream/dual stream recycling, personal responsibility, and loads more.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:04</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/2010-Rotary-Convention-in-Montreal-Part-2---91710-e1q87e"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/2010-Rotary-Convention-in-Montreal-Part-2---91710-e1q87e"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>2010 Rotary Convention in Montreal Part 2 - 9/17/10</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In the second set of on-site interviews at Rotary International’s 101st convention, RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser interviews humanitarians from around the world, including Rotarians from Arkansas’ Medical Supplies Network and New Mexico’s drug prevention program . Very moving interviews. “Let There Be Peace on Earth,” sung by the Rotary World Choir at the end of the interviews, will bring tears to your eyes.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:38</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/John-Lyons--President-and-CEO-of-MetroPool-Aired-91010-e1q868"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/John-Lyons--President-and-CEO-of-MetroPool-Aired-91010-e1q868"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>John Lyons, President and CEO of MetroPool (Aired 9/10/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>John Lyons, President and CEO of MetroPool, discusses this unique organization, which provides employers and commuters with free services to encourage transportation options –car/vanpooling, walking/biking, bus/train/ferry travel, telecommuting, compressed work weeks and pre-tax commuter benefits. MetroPool’s services are available in New York City and Westchester, Rockland, Orange, Putnam, Dutchess, and Ulster Counties in New York. Services are provided under contract to New York State Department of Transportation.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:35</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Current-Updates-by-Louisiana-Rotarians-9310-e1q84t"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Current-Updates-by-Louisiana-Rotarians-9310-e1q84t"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Current Updates by Louisiana Rotarians 9/3/10</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Louisiana Gulf experts from two Louisiana Parishes are featured in Part 2 of the Gulf Series on RadioRotary: Windell Curole (Golden Meadow Rotary), General Manager of South LaFourche Levee District; Terrebonne Parish President Michel Claudet (Houma Rotary); and Michael Ferdinand (Houma Rotary), CEO of Economic Development. Topics discussed include correcting public misinformation about the spill, the spill’s impact on business, the impact of the Moritorium, and much more.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">28:01</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Deborah-Gruendle-Volunteers-at-Vassar-82710-e1q84g"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Deborah-Gruendle-Volunteers-at-Vassar-82710-e1q84g"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Deborah Gruendle: Volunteers at Vassar 8/27/10</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Deborah Gruendle, Supervisor of Volunteer Resources, at Vassar Brothers Medical Center, discusses volunteer opportunities for friendly, caring individuals in several capacities, including greeters, patient and family support, gift shop help, and tons more.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:24</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Don-Verity--Station-Manager-of-Pamal-Radio-82010-e1q82i"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Don-Verity--Station-Manager-of-Pamal-Radio-82010-e1q82i"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Don Verity, Station Manager of Pamal Radio 8/20/10</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Everyone at the station had a rollicking good time with Don Verity, Station Manager of Hudson Valley Talk Radio (Pamal Broadcasting). Don, a Highland Rotarian, discusses Highland Rotary’s now famous Ribfest with vendors from all over the country competing in food competitions, as well as lots of inside info about talk radio.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:16</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dr--William-H--Schlesinger--Environmental-Problems-81310-e1q80r"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dr--William-H--Schlesinger--Environmental-Problems-81310-e1q80r"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dr. William H. Schlesinger – Environmental Problems 8/13/10</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dr. William H. Schlesinger, Biochemist and President of Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, discusses current environmental problems facing the Hudson River Valley, including global warming impacts, urban sprawl, and the changing water quality of the Hudson River.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:04</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Fred-Schaeffer-Walkway-over-the-Hudson-Aired-on-8610-e1q7v4"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Fred-Schaeffer-Walkway-over-the-Hudson-Aired-on-8610-e1q7v4"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Fred Schaeffer: Walkway over the Hudson (Aired on 8/6/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Fred Schaeffer was the catalyst for the unique and popular park and trail attraction in the Hudson Valley called Walkway over the Hudson. In his interview, he discusses his 7 years as chairman of this project and his work today to develop the full potential of the Walkway as a “way of life.” Mr. Schaeffer received the 2009-10 Rotary District 7210 Vocational Service Award to a non-Rotarian.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:26</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/2010-Rotary-International-Convention-in-Montreal-73010-e1q7nv"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/2010-Rotary-International-Convention-in-Montreal-73010-e1q7nv"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>2010 Rotary International Convention in Montreal (7/30/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In a series of on-site interviews at Rotary International’s 101st convention, RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser interviews humanitarians from around the world. Some examples in this first broadcast: Dollywood Foundation (Ontario Rotary), Mercy Ships (Texas Rotary), End Polio Now (all Rotary clubs around the world, with Guersey Rotary, Great Britain, as an example), Diabetes Awareness (Florida Rotary), Sleeping Children around the World (Ontario Rotary club), much more.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:31</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Group-Study-Exchange-Professionals-Aired-on-72310-e1q7mt"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Group-Study-Exchange-Professionals-Aired-on-72310-e1q7mt"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Group Study Exchange Professionals (Aired on 7/23/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>International professionals from the Hudson Valley and Taiwan describe their experiences after participating in Rotary International’s exciting professional exchange program, called Group Study Exchange (GSE), in 2010. The program was taped on site at Rotary District 7210’s annual Conference in May, 2010 in front of an audience of Conference attendees. Rotary International’s GSE program pairs Rotary districts around the world and provides all travel expenses for a team of non-Rotarians (with a Rotarian Team Leader) from a variety of vocations. Rotarian hosts organize a four to six week itinerary of educational, vocational, and cultural points of interest, and participants learn how their profession is practiced in other countries. Since 1965, more than 52,000 individuals (almost 12,000 teams) from 102 countries have participated. With the exception of the Team Leader, each participant must be between the ages of 25 and 40 and have at least two year’s experience in his/her profession.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:29</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Windell-Curole--The-New-Orleans-Flood-71610-e1q7lv"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Windell-Curole--The-New-Orleans-Flood-71610-e1q7lv"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Windell Curole, The New Orleans Flood 7/16/10</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Windell Curole (Golden Meadow Rotary) is General Manager of South Lafourche Levee District. He is one of Louisiana’s leading coastal environmental experts and currently is a member of and consultant to Louisiana’s official clean-up team. In his interview, he provides the latest updates.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:25</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Bill-Del-Tosta--Mid-Hudson-Workshop-for-the-Disabled-7910-e1q7ks"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Bill-Del-Tosta--Mid-Hudson-Workshop-for-the-Disabled-7910-e1q7ks"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Bill Del Tosta, Mid-Hudson Workshop for the Disabled 7/9/10</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>A Director at the Mid-Hudson Workshop for the Disabled, Bill Del Tosta discusses his organization’s important purpose: to offer meaningful work for Hudson Valley’s physically and medically handicapped.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:56</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Club-Close-ups-Region-One-Rotary-District-7210-7210-e1q7ka"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Club-Close-ups-Region-One-Rotary-District-7210-7210-e1q7ka"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Club Close-ups: Region One-Rotary District 7210 (7/2/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary clubs in Region One (Cairo, Catskill, Coxsackie-Athens, Greenville, Hudson, Northern Columbia, Philmont, Windham) share their humanitarian projects with the audience. Some topics include the 4H group, the work of the Cairo/Durham Interact group, and the way Rotary clubs in Region One meet local needs.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:11</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Preventing-Teen-Drug-Addiction-Aired-on-62510-e1q7je"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Preventing-Teen-Drug-Addiction-Aired-on-62510-e1q7je"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Preventing Teen Drug Addiction (Aired on 6/25/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Fishkill Rotarian Pat Usifer (One Child at a Time) and Elaine Trumpetta, Executive Director of the Council on Addiction Prevention and Education, discuss the C.A.P.E. Marathon Project with the Project’s Director, Michael Carozza. The Marathon Project is a successful teen running program organized to prevent drug addiction. Strong mentoring is among the many features that make this program work.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:34</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Carol-Wolf--Executive-Director-of-Mill-Street-Loft-61810-e1q7il"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Carol-Wolf--Executive-Director-of-Mill-Street-Loft-61810-e1q7il"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Carol Wolf, Executive Director of Mill Street Loft 6/18/10</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Carol Wolf, Executive Director of Mill Street Loft, discusses a multi-arts, not-for-profit educational community center servicing children and adults throughout the mid-Hudson Valley. The center offers a wide range of arts, exhibits, courses, camps, and painting skills and provides Outreach and Career Exploration programs.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:50</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Jesse-Saperstein-Asperger-Syndrome-Aired-61110-e1q7i2"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Jesse-Saperstein-Asperger-Syndrome-Aired-61110-e1q7i2"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Jesse Saperstein: Asperger Syndrome (Aired 6/11/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Jesse Saperstein, a successful writer and humanitarian volunteer, discusses his experiences living with Asperger Syndrome. His interview describes some common challenges while giving hope and inspiration to those with this disorder and to their family and friends. Mr. Saperstein has been a guest speaker at many Rotary meetings.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:26</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dr--Peter-Groffman-Senior-Scientist--Cary-Institute-6410-e1q7hc"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Dr--Peter-Groffman-Senior-Scientist--Cary-Institute-6410-e1q7hc"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dr. Peter Groffman: Senior Scientist, Cary Institute 6/4/10</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Aired on 6/4/10 – Dr. Peter Groffman, Microbial Ecologist and senior scientist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, discusses current research about the environment including the importance of research behind environmental solutions, the key current environmental issues, and why there so much controversy about climate change. Dr. Groffman also describes his experience as an Interact parent.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:23</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Nicole-Peluse-Jobs-in-the-health-field-Aired-52810-e1q7go"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Nicole-Peluse-Jobs-in-the-health-field-Aired-52810-e1q7go"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Nicole Peluse: Jobs in the health field (Aired 5/28/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Arlington Rotary President Nicole Peluse, Manager of Saint Francis Home Care Services, describes independent living, home care, and current home care technology. Ms. Peluse covers requirements for various levels of home care jobs and describes the recent increase in available jobs in this field that has resulted from more and more patients choosing to remain at home.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:57</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Wendy-Maragh-Taylor-Liberia-Project-Aired-52110-e1q7fq"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Wendy-Maragh-Taylor-Liberia-Project-Aired-52110-e1q7fq"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Wendy Maragh Taylor: Liberia Project (Aired 5/21/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Wendy Maragh Taylor, clinical social worker, discusses Liberia’s strong connection to the U.S., beginning when the nation was founded by freed slaves from the U.S. to Africa. She focuses on efforts by the Liberia West Africa Project to rebuild what Liberia’s civil war has destroyed. Her group saw a need and decided to meet it, hoping to build a school and a church, and to help a people, a community, and potentially, a nation. In this light, Ms. Taylor emphasizes the importance of service and volunteerism in general, and highlights the need to encourage young people to learn the rewards of participating in humanitarian projects.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:14</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Andrea-Shiffman-Haiti-Updates-Aired-on-51410-e1q7f6"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Andrea-Shiffman-Haiti-Updates-Aired-on-51410-e1q7f6"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Andrea Shiffman: Haiti Updates (Aired on 5/14/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Andrea Shiffman, a member of Comprehensive Disaster Response Services, gives an eye witness report about conditions in Haiti as of May, 2010 and about past and current Rotary support, which includes ShelterBoxes, used not only for family shelter but for immediate hospitals. Andrea provides powerful examples of conditions in Haiti and the need for ongoing aid. She describes the effectiveness of smaller, non-political agencies such as Rotary, with members able to go out into the field to attend to the many victims still in their villages–worlds away from the centralized relief camps. The smaller size of these agencies means that their volunteers can distribute food, medicine, and so forth as soon as it arrives in Haiti since their are fewer problems with customs, paperwork, or logistical issues.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:19</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Lenny-Nathan-How-to-Save-a-Life-Aired-5710-e1q7ei"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Lenny-Nathan-How-to-Save-a-Life-Aired-5710-e1q7ei"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Lenny Nathan: How to Save a Life (Aired 5/7/10)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotarian Lenny Nathan, President and CEO of HealthSav, discusses the importance for everyone, including students, to learn how to save a life in an emergency by knowing how to use defibrillators, apply CPR, give first aid, and lots more. Mr. Nathan discusses ways to maintain a healthy heart, warning signs if something is wrong, and the need for prompt attention to save a life.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">22:55</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Home-Matters-Helps-Elderly-Stay-in-Community-April-30--2010-e1q7e0"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Home-Matters-Helps-Elderly-Stay-in-Community-April-30--2010-e1q7e0"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Home Matters Helps Elderly Stay in Community April 30, 2010</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dr. Barbara Corona, psychotherapist and President of the Board of Hudson Valley Home Matters (HVHM), and Ruth Kaba, a member of the Board, discuss their nonprofit “aging-in-place organization,” dedicated to helping those over 50 remain in their homes. Many senior citizens for various reasons need help to continue living active, independent lives but do not want to move to an assisted living facility, away from their local friends and family. Home Matters recognizes the importance of retaining senior wisdom and other contributions in the local community. HVHM is part of a national movement modeled after Beacon Hill in Boston, Staying Put in New Canaan, Connecticut, and Capital Hill Village in Washington, DC, all well established organizations.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">22:31</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Young-Humanitarians-Dutchess-BOCES-in-Action-April-23--2010-e1q7d4"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Young-Humanitarians-Dutchess-BOCES-in-Action-April-23--2010-e1q7d4"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Young Humanitarians Dutchess BOCES in Action April 23, 2010</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Roger Risko, Special Education Job Coordinator at BOCES and Rotary District 7210’s Interact/Rotaract Advisor and Elderact Chair, and Kathy White, business teacher at the BOCES Alternate High School, discuss many projects developed and implemented by students. These include Interact’s service activities, such as an anti-bullying project and serving food in soup kitchens. Both guests describes how much these young humanitarians personally benefit from the experiences, and they provide heartwarming examples. Mr. Risko discusses his work as District Interact Chair and Advisor for many years, and how he facilitates support for these students through his Arlington Rotary Club. (Roger Risko was the concept originator of RadioRotary.)</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:04</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Report-on-Haiti-after-the-Earthquake-April-16--2010-e1q7c8"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Report-on-Haiti-after-the-Earthquake-April-16--2010-e1q7c8"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Report on Haiti after the Earthquake April 16, 2010</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Representing Rotary, two members of the Haiti Team, Jim Kushner (Past President of Inwood Rotary in Manhattan) and Andrea Shiffman (Comprehensive Disaster Response Services), describe their experiences as they help to ease the incomprehensible suffering after the Earthquake: a man digging for his wife and baby for three days, women gang-raped because of lawlessness and lack of security, amputations. A temporary breakdown among some staff members after witnessing horrific situations was not unusual. However, Ms. Shiffman’s words are a tribute to all humanitarians when she says: “…nothing can overcome the willpower and tenacity of people who are determined to help.” In addition to the Podcast you can learn more about this expedition from a YouTube video (see first link under “Learn More.”</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:25</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Bob-Cohen--Musician--Cantor-An-Amazing-Journey-April-9--2010-e1q7bj"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Bob-Cohen--Musician--Cantor-An-Amazing-Journey-April-9--2010-e1q7bj"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Bob Cohen, Musician, Cantor An Amazing Journey April 9, 2010</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Featured guest Bob Cohen, musician, humanitarian, and Cantor, discusses interfaith projects, his rehabilitation work with ex-convicts, and his unique personal story. Truly an amazing journey and fascinating interview.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:31</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-Horizons--Servicing-Developmentally-Disabled-Apr-2--2010-e1q7b1"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-Horizons--Servicing-Developmentally-Disabled-Apr-2--2010-e1q7b1"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>New Horizons, Servicing Developmentally Disabled Apr 2, 2010</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Executives from New Horizons Resources, Inc. (NHR) Regis Obijiski, Executive Director, and Sam Laganaro, Human Resources Director, discuss NHR facilities and programs for the developmentally disabled, which help them lead happy, productive lives. Founded in 1974 by a group of parents seeking alternatives to institutionalized care for their sons and daughters, New Horizons today offers services to 450 people with disabilities where they need them most: in their homes, at their work sites, or in our community-based residences.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:39</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Bankruptcy-Explained-by-Attorney-Aired-March-26--2010-e1q7a7"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Bankruptcy-Explained-by-Attorney-Aired-March-26--2010-e1q7a7"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Bankruptcy Explained by Attorney (Aired March 26, 2010)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Featured guest Paul Banner, expert bankruptcy attorney, discusses current debt relief programs and the effects of bankruptcy on credit. Mr. Banner explains when to file for bankruptcy, when to contact an attorney, and what bankruptcy can and cannot accomplish.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:13</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/SCORE-Mentors-Owners-of-Small-Businesses-March-19--2010-e1q79g"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/SCORE-Mentors-Owners-of-Small-Businesses-March-19--2010-e1q79g"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>SCORE Mentors Owners of Small Businesses (March 19, 2010)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Arnie Halling, Chairperson of the Dutchess Chapter, describes how SCORE provides important information for small business owners interested in free and confidential mentoring. SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to educating entrepreneurs and helping small businesses start, grow, and succeed. Training is provided by professional counselors who are experienced business owners or managers. Mentors volunteer their experience and knowledge to help small business owners and potential small business owners achieve success.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:12</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Goals-of-Rotary-District-7210-for-2010-11-March-12--2010-e1q78u"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Goals-of-Rotary-District-7210-for-2010-11-March-12--2010-e1q78u"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Goals of Rotary District 7210 for 2010-11 (March 12, 2010)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary District 7210 Governor for 2010-11, Phil Schunk, a prominent attorney, discusses the mission of Rotary and District 7210’s goals for his Rotary year. He describes the role of district governor (there are about 540 Rotary DGs in the world), why he has been an active Rotarian for over 40 years, and the successful humanitarian work Rotary does here and abroad to promote peace and understanding.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:39</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hudson-Valley-Planning-and-Preservation-March-5--2010-e1q78c"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hudson-Valley-Planning-and-Preservation-March-5--2010-e1q78c"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Hudson Valley Planning and Preservation (March 5, 2010)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Architectural historian Susan Roth, AICP (American Institute of Certified Planners) and Principal of Hudson Valley Planning and Preservation, provides ideas to help residents understand their community assets and to build upon these assets, making their community a better place for residents, businesses, and the environment. Ms. Roth’s extensive professional background in such areas as municipal land use, planning and zoning, historic preservation, environmental review, and grant writing all come into play in this useful interview.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:19</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Emergency-Response-in-Dutchess-County-Aired-Feb--26--2011-e1q77f"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Emergency-Response-in-Dutchess-County-Aired-Feb--26--2011-e1q77f"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Emergency Response in Dutchess County (Aired Feb. 26, 2011)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Medical Response Corps (MRC) Coordinator Cathi Tegtmeier discusses local response to disasters and ways to make our homes and communities safer places. Ms. Tegtmeier describes some of her experiences, including emergency support administered during helicopter rescues. The MRC mission is to assist the First Responders of Dutchess County and local municipalities to prepare and respond to natural and human-caused emergencies in their communities. Volunteers are of vital importance in this organization.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:07</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/U-N--Day--Humanitarians-around-the-World-Feb--19--2010-e1q76u"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/U-N--Day--Humanitarians-around-the-World-Feb--19--2010-e1q76u"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>U.N. Day- Humanitarians around the World Feb. 19, 2010</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary presents a compilation of on-site interviews with humanitarians from around the world, recorded at Rotary’s United Nations Day. Guests include Hudson Valley Rotarian Bunnee Webb, discussing polio eradication worldwide, and a representative from the ShelterBox response team, a Rotary affiliate. ShelterBox responds instantly to disasters that leave people homeless by delivering aid to those who are most in need. Each ShelterBox supplies an extended family of up to ten people with a tent and essential equipment to use while they are displaced or homeless. Other interviews include representatives from school service clubs sponsored by Rotary clubs: Interact, a high school service club for young people ages 14-18, and Rotaract, a college service club for young professionals and students ages 18-30. Both provide young people with opportunities to train for leadership and to promote international peace and understanding through service.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:25</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Foster-Care-Services-in-Dutchess-County-Aired-Feb--12--2010-e1q75l"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Foster-Care-Services-in-Dutchess-County-Aired-Feb--12--2010-e1q75l"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Foster Care Services in Dutchess County (Aired Feb. 12, 2010)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Debra Bonnerwith, Deputy Commissioner of Dutchess County Social Services, and Donna Robinson, Foster Parent Liaison, discuss how Foster Care Services of Dutchess County improves the lives of children and families. The goal for each child is safe, nurturing temporary care with return to family if possible, or adoption if the family cannot be reunited. If neither is possible the agency provides preparation for independent living or discharge to another resource. They describe the entire process, which starts when the agency learns about a child in need of its services, includes screening, and concludes with the joy of foster parenting as well as the benefit to the child. Despite the rewards, there remains a need for more foster parents in Dutchess County.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:39</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/RadioRotary-One-Year-Anniversary-Celebration-Feb--5--2010-e1q74l"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/RadioRotary-One-Year-Anniversary-Celebration-Feb--5--2010-e1q74l"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary One-Year Anniversary Celebration (Feb. 5, 2010)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In this fun-filled celebration of RadioRotary’s first anniversary on the Hudson Valley Talk Radio network, Co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell along with Station Manager Don Verity and Technical Producer Jay Verzi have a good time, often at each other’s expense. RadioRotary features Rotarians and other humanitarians in the Hudson Valley and beyond who help make the world a better place. During this show, the co-hosts describe stories, many moving and some amusing, that aired during the past year. RadioRotary is sponsored by Rotary District 7210 and several Rotary clubs in the district.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:38</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Mid-Hudson-Childrens-Museum-Aired-Jan--29--2010-e1q73u"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Mid-Hudson-Childrens-Museum-Aired-Jan--29--2010-e1q73u"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum (Aired Jan. 29, 2010)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Mid-Hudson Children’s Museum Executive Director Ed Glisson and Rena Hill, Director of Development, discuss the newest attraction at the fabulous museum on the Hudson waterfront. The new exhibit is built around the Hyde Park Mastodon, a fossil skeleton found in Hyde Park. Children are able to learn what life was like in the Hudson Valley during the last Ice Age, 14,000 years ago, when elephant-like mastodons roamed North America. Fishkill Rotarian George Supan is on hand to discuss his club’s fundraising efforts that help maintain this interactive and hands-on museum, a Poughkeepsie institution that keeps children intrigued for hours as they learn about science and their environment.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:45</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Gwenn--Roan--Sister--Brother-Humanitarians-Jan--22--2010-e1q737"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Gwenn--Roan--Sister--Brother-Humanitarians-Jan--22--2010-e1q737"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Gwenn & Roan, Sister & Brother Humanitarians Jan. 22, 2010</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In a lively interview, sibling teen humanitarians, Gwenn and Roan Gideon from Rhinebeck, discuss their recent projects, which have helped thousands in developing countries. They describe how they organized and implemented fundraisers to raise awareness of human rights abuses around the world and to raise money for humanitarian efforts. Coming from a theatrical family, Gwenn created her own theatrical company, Act to Act, which has produced summer theatrical productions with proceeds supporting a school in Ethiopia and relief efforts in Darfur. Roan helps his sister in the theatrical world but has also organized his own humanitarian project: a soccer tournament fundraiser involving several schools in the area to support a hospital in Ethiopia.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">22:28</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Water-Projects-Fight-Disease-Aired-Jan--15--2010-e1q72n"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Water-Projects-Fight-Disease-Aired-Jan--15--2010-e1q72n"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Water Projects Fight Disease (Aired Jan. 15, 2010)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Tansukh Dorawala, Rotary District 7210’s District Governor for 2011-12, discusses the world’s water crisis and the way Rotary specifically addresses water filtration in developing countries. Unsanitary water is responsible for about 80 percent of the diseases in developing countries and a huge number of deaths, especially among children. Specific devices provided through Rotary projects, such as easy-to-use, inexpensive water filtration units, can clear water of disease-causing microbes. Rotarian volunteers fan out across the world to visit countries in need, especially in their outlying areas. Their mission is to convince residents that clean water will improve the health of their community and to set up such units.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:31</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-York-Rotarys-Response-to-911-Aired-Jan--8--2010-e1q723"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/New-York-Rotarys-Response-to-911-Aired-Jan--8--2010-e1q723"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>New York Rotary’s Response to 9/11 (Aired Jan. 8, 2010)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Helen Reisler, the first woman President of the Rotary Club of New York, discusses “the magic of Rotary” and her club’s powerful response to 9/11. Her leadership after 9/11 organized club members to give immediate aid to victims and rescue workers and to effectively coordinate contributions in a 9/11 Disaster Relief Fund, contributions that have assisted victims to this day. As a result of her leadership, Ms. Reisler and her club were highlighted in The Rotarian magazine (with a 1.2 million member distribution) and received coverage in other media. She is Past District Governor of Rotary District 7230 and is presently a Rotary International Representative to the U.N. Ms. Reisler is a contributor to The Rotarian magazine as well as a Vice President of Membership of the Rotary Global History Internet Fellowship, which preserves the history of Rotary. Professionally, Helen Reisler is a consultant in public relations and publicity, with a background in business, media, and education.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:10</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Boy-Scouts-of-America-in-the-Hudson-Valley-Jan--1--2010-e1q71d"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Boy-Scouts-of-America-in-the-Hudson-Valley-Jan--1--2010-e1q71d"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Boy Scouts of America in the Hudson Valley (Jan. 1, 2010)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Diego Aviles, Chief Operating Officer of the Hudson Valley Council of Boy Scouts, discusses how the organization helps build character, leadership, and personal responsibility. Mr. Aviles describes the origin of the Boy Scouts in England and in America, age levels of scouting, Merit Badges, and outdoor and indoor life skills that become the tools to succeed. Many interesting facets of Scouting are discussed, including well-known leaders who attribute their success to Scouting; statistics about numbers of scouts here and in the world; how scouts become Eagle Scouts and part of Order of the Arrow; a scout whose motto of “Be prepared” helped save lives in the Hudson Valley; and much, much more.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:09</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 15, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Teachers-across-Borders-Aired-Dec--18--2009-e1q4nr"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Teachers-across-Borders-Aired-Dec--18--2009-e1q4nr"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Teachers across Borders (Aired Dec. 18, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Professional educators Tom and Sue Mounkhall, volunteers for Teachers across Borders (TAB), discuss the valuable work done by this nonprofit organization. TAB’s original purpose was to assist Cambodia in reconstructing its teaching corps, which was destroyed by the country’s turmoil. TAB provides teacher workshops with expert educators from Australia, the U.S. and the U.K., inspired by the belief that education is key to solving many of the world’s problems including poverty, disease, and child trafficking. The Mounkhalls describe their experiences teaching Cambodian colleagues in Battambang best classroom practices, collaboration techniques, and content.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:38</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Good-Dog-Foundation-Aired-Dec--11--2009-e1q4n4"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Good-Dog-Foundation-Aired-Dec--11--2009-e1q4n4"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Good Dog Foundation (Aired Dec. 11, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Volunteers for the Good Dog Foundation bring their trained dogs to health facilities and elsewhere to improve recovery rates through canine uplift. Rachel McPherson, Founder and Executive Director, discusses humanitarian tasks these specially trained dogs do for people. Some even work in classrooms with students having difficulty learning. Ms. McPherson became interested in this subject while producing a documentary on therapy dog services several years ago. She dropped the film project and created The Good Dog Foundation, which helped change New York State law to allow therapy dogs into health care facilities.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:13</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/U-N--Day-Rotary-International-President--more-Aired-Nov--27--2009-e1q4ln"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/U-N--Day-Rotary-International-President--more-Aired-Nov--27--2009-e1q4ln"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>U.N. Day: Rotary International President & more (Aired Nov. 27, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Recorded at the 2009 U.N. Day in New York City, RadioRotary co-hosts Jonah Triebwasser and Sarah O’Connell interview Rotary International President, Scotland’s John Kenny (2009-10) and others. President Kenny discusses his Rotary background and his emphasis during his tenure on water and sanitation, health and hunger, and literacy, emphasizing the importance of Rotary clubs to carry out these projects to make our world a better place. Other humanitarians interviewed include: Millbrook Rotarian David Greenwood, Inbound/Outbound Youth Exchange Coordinator from the Hudson Valley; exchange students from France and Brazil; Rotarians from Smiles for Children, who discuss helping children get better dental care; and representatives from the Boy Scouts.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:31</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Saving-Lives-in-El-Salvador-with-Clean-Water-Nov--20--2009-e1q4ld"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Saving-Lives-in-El-Salvador-with-Clean-Water-Nov--20--2009-e1q4ld"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Saving Lives in El Salvador with Clean Water Nov. 20, 2009</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Highland Rotarian Stephanie King discusses the need for clean water around the world. Explaining that one billion people in the world today are without safe drinking water, Ms. King describes the sand filter water system that saves thousands of lives, especially the lives of children. It is through the efforts of individual Rotary clubs around the world that fundraisers, such as Highland Rotary’s Ribfest, will generate money to send Rotary teams to places like El Salvador. Once there, Rotary teams travel, often under great hardship, to reach remote villages in order to give families easy-to-use sand water filter systems that will provide 20 gallons of fresh water daily.
Highland Rotary estimates that over 5,000 people to date are drinking safe water, some for the first time in their lives.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:24</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Elderact-Humanitarians-Aired-Nov--13--2009-e1q4d9"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Elderact-Humanitarians-Aired-Nov--13--2009-e1q4d9"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Elderact Humanitarians (Aired Nov. 13, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Wappingers Rotarian Louise Quartuccio, Director of Social Services at Elant, and Fishkill Rotarian Pat Usifer, Corporate Director of Activities at Elant, discuss Elderact, an important recent humanitarian component of Rotary in local District 7210. Designed for people in assisted living residences, skilled nursing facilities, or group homes, Elderact members meet monthly to work on humanitarian projects. Some projects discussed here are dog treats needed for the SPCA and over 400 hot cocoa packages for our troops in Operation Santa.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:01</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Community-Foundations-of-Dutchess-Country-Aired-Nov--6--2009-e1q4cp"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Community-Foundations-of-Dutchess-Country-Aired-Nov--6--2009-e1q4cp"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Community Foundations of Dutchess Country (Aired Nov. 6, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Community Foundations of Dutchess County (CFDC) officers, Andrea L. Reynolds, president and CEO, and Nevill Smythe, vice-president of programs, discuss how the various foundations within CFDC and its affiliates help to enhance the quality of life of individuals and towns in the Hudson Valley. CFDC supports a broad and diverse range of areas including the arts, education, community development, conservation, health, and human services. Ms. Reynolds and Mr. Smythe provide numerous examples of donors who have accomplished their philanthropic dreams and communities that have become a strengthened as a result.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:42</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Saving-Lives-with-Clean-Water-Aired-Oct--30--2009-e1q4cl"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Saving-Lives-with-Clean-Water-Aired-Oct--30--2009-e1q4cl"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Saving Lives with Clean Water (Aired Oct. 30, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>LaGrange Rotarian Frank Evert, president and founder of the nonprofit organization Water without Borders, describes how his organization provides sustainable sources of safe drinking water to locations in the United States and throughout the world. Mr. Evert began Water without Borders after working in an international water-filtration company and learning that a lack of safe drinking water is the leading cause of disease, civil strife, hunger, and birth defects in the world. Today, Water without Borders is involved with installing sustainable long-term solution water filtration systems in developing countries and in America and is ready to deliver clean drinking water in the event of a disaster in the United States.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:05</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/International-Professional-Exchange-Program-Oct--23--2009-e1q4c4"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/International-Professional-Exchange-Program-Oct--23--2009-e1q4c4"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>International Professional Exchange Program Oct. 23, 2009</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Group Study Exchange (GSE) is a cultural and vocational exchange opportunity open to the public for nonRotary businesspeople and professionals between the ages of 25 and 40. The program provides travel grants for teams to exchange visits in paired areas of different countries where participants experience the host country’s culture and institutions, observe how their vocations are practiced abroad, develop personal and professional relationships, and exchange ideas. Millbrook Rotarian and GSE Chair of Rotary District 7210, Heather Malcom is a former GSE Professional—a biologist–who visited New Zealand for a month as part of the GSE program prior to becoming a Rotarian. Ms. Malcom describes her experiences as she exchanged ideas with other scientists. Many of the exchange professionals return from their visit and join Rotary shortly thereafter. In some Rotary districts Group Study Exchange is being replaced by a similar program called Vocational Exchange.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">22:36</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Changing-Childrens-Lives-Aired-October-16--2009-e1q4bj"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Changing-Childrens-Lives-Aired-October-16--2009-e1q4bj"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Changing Children’s Lives (Aired October 16, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Plastic surgeon Dr. Manoj Abraham discusses how he and his dedicated medical teams change the lives of children needing plastic surgery through a humanitarian project called Healing the Children Northeast. The nonprofit’s mission has been to heal children with burn injuries, cleft palates, and other deformities whose families don’t have access to or cannot afford treatment. Many of these children are shunned by their community until they are treated. Since its inception in 1985, Healing the Children Northeast has arranged treatment for more than 33,000 children in the United States and abroad.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:08</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Habitat-for-Humanity-Aired-October-9--2009-e1q4b6"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Habitat-for-Humanity-Aired-October-9--2009-e1q4b6"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Habitat for Humanity (Aired October 9, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Maureen Taylor, Executive Administrator in Dutchess County’s Habitat for Humanity, discusses how home ownership is made possible for low income families with the ability to carry the responsibilities of the home once it is built. Ms. Taylor describes potential recipients’ qualifying requirements for ownership, the required contribution of “500 hours of sweat equity,” contributions by licensed electricians and plumbers, and successful stories.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:50</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rebuilding-Together-with-Rhinebeck-Rotary-Oct--2--2009-e1q4ah"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rebuilding-Together-with-Rhinebeck-Rotary-Oct--2--2009-e1q4ah"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rebuilding Together with Rhinebeck Rotary Oct. 2, 2009</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dave Dobson, Executive Director of Rebuilding Together in Dutchess County, and Rhinebeck Rotarians Mike Mazarella and Mike Frasier, discuss their joint volunteer efforts to help repair homes for those in need. Rebuilding Together, a leading nonprofit organization working to preserve affordable home ownership, revitalizes communities through its network of more than 200 affiliates, providing critical repairs to the homes of low-income Americans. Believing in a safe and healthy home for every person, Rebuilding Together helps disabled and aging homeowners remain in their homes for as long as possible, and helps our</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:26</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Salvation-Army-Doing-Good-in-the-World-September-25--2009-e1q49k"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Salvation-Army-Doing-Good-in-the-World-September-25--2009-e1q49k"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Salvation Army: Doing Good in the World September 25, 2009</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Salvation Army Captain Doris Gonzalez (whose brother is a Rotarian in Puerto Rico) and Salvation Army Advisory Board Chairman Bob Outer discuss various programs in this important humanitarian organization as well as interesting information about themselves. The Salvation Army today is providing services for more people than ever before, as more Americans today are facing problems obtaining the basic necessities of life–food, shelter, and warmth. Programs include prisoner rehabilitation, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, elderly services, housing and homeless, disaster relief, and loads more. Like Rotary International, the Salvation Army makes the world a better place.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:19</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Domestic-Violence-Assistance--Prevention-September-18--2009-e1q493"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Domestic-Violence-Assistance--Prevention-September-18--2009-e1q493"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Domestic Violence Assistance & Prevention September 18, 2009</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Kathy Kruger, co-chair of Rotary District 7210’s Domestic Violence Ended (DOVE) and Pleasant Valley Rotarian, and Judy Lombardi, Executive Director of Grace Smith House, discuss the various ways victims of domestic violence can get help in the Hudson Valley. Both Grace Smith House and DOVE assist thousands of victims of domestic violence each year through 24-hour hotlines, emergency shelters, and community services. Working with individuals, families, and communities, they help victims/survivors of abuse make healthy choices about their lives and also educate the community about domestic violence and ways to prevent it.
</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:26</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Truly-Friends-of-Seniors-Aired-on-September-11--2009-e1q488"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Truly-Friends-of-Seniors-Aired-on-September-11--2009-e1q488"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Truly Friends of Seniors (Aired on September 11, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Susan Davidson, Founder and Executive Director of Friends of Seniors, discusses how volunteers in this nonprofit humanitarian organization make a huge difference in the lives of those in need. The organization provides basic support services to the older adult community, age 60 and older, such as transportation to medical appointments, assistance with grocery shopping, visiting services, respite for primary caregivers, and lots more.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:32</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/George-Byrd-Grinnell-American-Indian-Fund-September-4--2009-e1q47j"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/George-Byrd-Grinnell-American-Indian-Fund-September-4--2009-e1q47j"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>George Byrd Grinnell American Indian Fund September 4, 2009</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Millbrook Rotarian Scott Meyer and novelist Eileen Charbonneau, Administrators of the nonprofit George Byrd Grinnell American Indian Fund, dedicated to maintaining the cultural integrity of American Indian communities. The interview covers ways the Fund helps Native Americans, most recently members of Montana’s Blackfoot Nation, and local exchange programs. Serving Native Americans throughout the United States for over sixteen years, the Grinnell Fund’s activities strive to “honor, celebrate, empower, and increase opportunities for American Indian children, adults, families, and communities” through various earning programs and scholarships for adults and students from elementary school through college.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:32</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Semper-Fi-Parents-of-the-Hudson-Valley-August-28--2009-e1q474"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Semper-Fi-Parents-of-the-Hudson-Valley-August-28--2009-e1q474"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Semper Fi Parents of the Hudson Valley (August 28, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Founder of the nonprofit organization, Semper Fi Parents of the Hudson Valley, Paula Zwillinger discusses how her organization supports the families of those in the military as well as the military itself. Various forms of support provided by Semper Fi Parents include an providing emotional outlet for Marine/military parents of those in boot-camps, active, or reserve status and for those who have been recently discharged, raising funds to help offset the cost of the many boxes sent to troops, holding educational workshops for parents and troops, helping parents find resources for additional emotional/educational assistance, and more.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:58</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/ShelterBox-Saving-Countless-Lives-Aired-August-21--2009-e1q46e"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/ShelterBox-Saving-Countless-Lives-Aired-August-21--2009-e1q46e"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>ShelterBox: Saving Countless Lives (Aired August 21, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>ShelterBoxes is a UK-based disaster relief organization supported by Rotary clubs around the world. In Rotary District 7210 Suffern Rotarian Larry Palant is ShelterBox Coordinator and Disaster Relief Chair. For this interview, Mr. Palant details how the ShelterBoxes function. Each box is filled with critical necessities for keeping at least 10 victims of disasters alive for a minimum of six months. The usual contents include a 10-person tent, sleeping mats, mosquito netting, a stove and cooking implements, emergency water purification supplies, and hand tools, but tot total weighs only about 110 lbs. A Disaster Relief Team comprised of highly skilled specialists accompanies the Boxes until they reach their destination. Each ShelterBox is often able to utilize the international communications network of local Rotary clubs to bypass red tape that can hinder effective emergency response.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:57</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/DOVE--or-Domestic-Violence-Ended-Aired-on-August-14--2009-e1q45r"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/DOVE--or-Domestic-Violence-Ended-Aired-on-August-14--2009-e1q45r"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>DOVE, or Domestic Violence Ended (Aired on August 14, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>A Rotary member for 23 years, Walden Rotarian Mike Martin, is Rotary District 7210’s Co-chair of Domestic Violence Ended (DOVE). In this interview, he discusses the problem of domestic violence in today’s environment. DOVE works with other domestic violence agencies, such as Safe Homes, to protect victims and their children. Mr. Martin explains how he first became involved in DOVE 15 years ago and describes the many services offered by DOVE, such as a hotline where victims can call for assistance.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:05</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Famous-Highland-Rotary-Ribfest-Aired-on-August-7--2009-e1q457"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/The-Famous-Highland-Rotary-Ribfest-Aired-on-August-7--2009-e1q457"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>The Famous Highland Rotary Ribfest (Aired on August 7, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Two guests from Highland Rotary, Steve Laubach, the assistant governor for District 7210 Region 2, and Don Verity, Station Manager of Hudson Valley Talk Radio, have lots of laughs discussing the now-famous Hudson Valley Ribfest, attracting thousands of visitors each year. The Ribfest has become the Hudson Valley’s largest barbecue event for the whole family. Held in the Ulster Country Fairgrounds, usually in mid August, it includes fantastic food, lots of entertainment, and loads of fun. A major event each year is the Empire State Barbecue Championship competition in several food categories.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:47</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/England--RI-Convention-Part-II-Youth-Projects-July-31--2009-e1q44v"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/England--RI-Convention-Part-II-Youth-Projects-July-31--2009-e1q44v"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>England, RI Convention Part II: Youth Projects July 31, 2009</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser interviews humanitarians in the House of Friendship at the Rotary International Birmingham Convention, where 17,000 Rotarians have gathered. The interviewees include John Byrne from Wales discussing the good works of a Welch Interact club; Patricia Smith from Pennsylvania discussing Youth Exchange and its purposes; a representative of PolioPlus, who is displaying an antique iron lung to show what happened to polio victims during past epidemics; and many more with tales to tell of Rotary humanitarian activities.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:17</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Birmingham--England--RI-Convention-Dr--Jane-Goodell-e1q447"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Birmingham--England--RI-Convention-Dr--Jane-Goodell-e1q447"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Birmingham, England, RI Convention Dr .Jane Goodell</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In the first of a two-part series, RadioRotary co-host Jonah Triebwasser interviews humanitarians from around the world in the House of Friendship at the Rotary International Birmingham Convention, where 17,000 Rotarians have gathered. Featured speaker at the Convention, humanitarian Dr. Jane Goodell, gives a fascinating interview. Rotarian Heather Merrian from San Francisco, California discusses Rotaplast (Rotary + Plastic Surgery) whose purpose is to support teams of surgeons who perform cleft palate surgeries overseas. Rotarian Chris Lewis from Los Angeles, California discusses the Wheelchair Foundation, the largest wheelchair relief organization, which provides 10,000 free wheelchairs per month to the needy around the world. This project, funded by Rotarians and private donors, have so far sent wheelchairs to 150 countries. </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:17</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/FatherDaughter-Presidents-Rotary--Rotaract-July-17--2009-e1q43o"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/FatherDaughter-Presidents-Rotary--Rotaract-July-17--2009-e1q43o"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Father/Daughter Presidents: Rotary & Rotaract July 17, 2009</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Dr. Suresh Chandani, President of Southern Dutchess Rotary, and Neha Chandani, President of Marist College Rotaract, discuss their local and international humanitarian efforts. Rotaract is a service club for young professionals and students ages 18-30. Sponsored by local Rotary clubs, Rotaract clubs provide young people with opportunities to foster leadership, responsible citizenship, and promote international peace and understanding.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:37</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Treating-Addiction-Aired-on-July-10--2009-e1q437"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Treating-Addiction-Aired-on-July-10--2009-e1q437"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Treating Addiction (Aired on July 10, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Steven Pressman, Executive Director of Mid-Hudson Addiction Recovery Centers (MARC) in Poughkeepsie, and Sue Tallardy, Program Director of the MARC Crisis Center, discuss successful approaches and services in treating addictions. MARC operates the Crisis Center, two halfway houses for recovery, a transitional residence program, and nearly twenty sober apartments. Mr. Pressman and Ms. Tallardy explain how MARC helps individuals and their families during the time that addicts and alcoholics proceed through the recovery process.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">25:17</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Literacy-Here-and-Abroad-Aired-July-3--2009-e1q42c"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Literacy-Here-and-Abroad-Aired-July-3--2009-e1q42c"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Literacy Here and Abroad (Aired July 3, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Helen LiMarizi, Rotary District 7210’s Literacy Chair and Director of Literacy Connections for Putnam County, discusses interesting – and sometimes surprising — information about literacy here and around the world. Ms. LiMarizi describes Rotary’s emphasis on basic literacy as a pre-condition to the prevention of poverty and the development of peace. The majority of Rotary clubs around the world include a literacy component as part of their humanitarian efforts.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">22:40</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Food-Pantries-Helping-Those-in-Need-Aired-June-26--2009-e1q3tu"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Food-Pantries-Helping-Those-in-Need-Aired-June-26--2009-e1q3tu"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Food Pantries: Helping Those in Need (Aired June 26, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Millbrook Rotarian Rev. Dr. Doug Fisher (Rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Millbrook, NY) discusses how Hudson Valley Rotarians and other humanitarian organizations support Food Pantries, a vital resource for those in need in today’s economic environment.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">21:03</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Doug-Hovey-Equal-Rights-Champion-Aired-June-19--2009-e1q3td"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Doug-Hovey-Equal-Rights-Champion-Aired-June-19--2009-e1q3td"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Doug Hovey: Equal Rights Champion (Aired June 19, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Distinguished guest Doug Hovey is the recipient of the NYS Senate’s 2006 prestigious Achiever’s Award, which recognizes accomplishments on behalf of the community while overcoming personal challenges, and the recipient of the Red Cross 1995 Humanitarian of the Year Award. Dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for persons with disabilities, Doug Hovey is founder and Executive Director of Independent Living, Inc. in Newburgh, N.Y., serving more than 2,500 annually. Independent Living, Inc., offers programs and services dedicated to ensuring universal access and opportunity in every aspect of community life to those of any age with disabilities of any kind.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">26:45</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Youth-Exchange-June-12--2009-e1q3sq"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Youth-Exchange-June-12--2009-e1q3sq"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Youth Exchange June 12, 2009</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Wayne Johnson, Youth Exchange Chair for Rotary District 7210 in Rotary Year 2009-10, shares important information for parents and teens interested in Rotary’s excellent international exchange program. The Rotary Youth Exchange program provides thousands of young students with the opportunity to meet people from other countries and to experience new cultures, planting the seeds for a lifetime of international understanding. The program offers numerous benefits to its young participants and their Rotarian hosts and mentors, as well as to the community at large.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">27:08</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/International-Medical-Relief-Foundation-Aired-June-5--2009-e1q3ri"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/International-Medical-Relief-Foundation-Aired-June-5--2009-e1q3ri"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>International Medical Relief Foundation (Aired June 5, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary District 7210’s Past District Governor (1990-91) Chet Sawyer, International Medical Relief Foundation Co-Chair with Nuise Prewphan Bhitiyakul, discusses how his organization of dedicated Rotarians in the Mid Hudson region of New York State collects surplus medical supplies and equipment for distribution to developing countries around the world. The distribution in the receiving country is supervised by volunteers through the Rotary International network. This assists in the reduction of medical waste while improving the health of communities around the world.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">28:40</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-District-Governor-David-Green-Aired-May-29--2009-e1q3pb"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-District-Governor-David-Green-Aired-May-29--2009-e1q3pb"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary District Governor David Green (Aired May 29, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>David Green, District Governor Elect (2009-10), discusses what Rotary means to him and his plans and hopes for his district next year. Among the topics he explores are polio eradication worldwide and Rotary’s capacity to provide service to local communities, the nation, and the world. This moving interview provides insight into the serious responsibilities of a district governor.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">29:04</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Doctoral-Thesis-Aired-on-May-22--2009-e1q3oh"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Doctoral-Thesis-Aired-on-May-22--2009-e1q3oh"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Doctoral Thesis (Aired on May 22, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In a unique RadioRotary program, doctoral candidate Ed Kalinka discusses his research for his thesis on the topic of Why Rotarians Volunteer: An examination of Their Motives and Incentives. Mr Kalinka, a Florham Park (New Jersey) Rotarian, provides interesting summaries of studies and statistics about Rotary clubs in the U.S. and around the world and lots of information about what motivates people to become humanitarians.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">29:08</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Interact--Rotaract--Elderact-Aired-on-May-15--2009-e1q3ns"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Interact--Rotaract--Elderact-Aired-on-May-15--2009-e1q3ns"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Interact, Rotaract, Elderact (Aired on May 15, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Roger Risko (Arlington Rotary), Rotary District 7210 Advisor to Interact, Rotaract, and Elderact, describes each of these humanitarian clubs and explains the importance of attracting people of all ages to humanitarianism. Jimmy Lyles, Interact President of John Jay High School, describes his club’s community service such as recycling, clean-up, and awareness projects and talks about how he became involved in Interact. George Supan from Fishkill Rotary, the club that co-sponsored John Jay’s Interact, explains the responsibilities of sponsorship and gives examples of life skills that he and his club teach to Interacters as they work on service projects beyond their school community.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">29:46</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/An-Amazing-Success-Story-Aired-on-May-8--2009-e1q3n4"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/An-Amazing-Success-Story-Aired-on-May-8--2009-e1q3n4"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>An Amazing Success Story (Aired on May 8, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>In this riveting interview, Nate Almeida describes his ultimately successful journey, from living on the streets to becoming the President and founder of a Rotary community Rotaract organization, called Nubian Directions. Darnell White, Head of Technology and Computer Science Instructor at Nubian Directions, and Mr. Almeida explain the mission of Nubian Directions, which is based in Poughkeepsie, New York: to provide high quality workforce skills for all ages, especially in the area if technology. A very uplifting interview.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">30:08</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Foundation-Bringing-Us-Closer-to-Peace-April-24--2009-e1q2ig"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Foundation-Bringing-Us-Closer-to-Peace-April-24--2009-e1q2ig"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Foundation Bringing Us Closer to Peace April 24, 2009</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Past District Governor Knut Johnsen (2003-04) and Rotary District 7210’s Rotary Foundation Chair, discusses Rotary International’s mission to “bring us closer to world peace … through the humanitarian and educational programs” made possible by financing from The Rotary Foundation. Humanitarian projects for those in need here and abroad include issues involving food, poverty, and water. Education projects include foreign exchanges for young people and adults and World Peace Fellows studying conflict resolution. Mr. Johnson clarifies the relationship between the Foundation and the 1.2 million Rotarians around the world who implement these projects: “The (Rotary) Foundation is the backbone of Rotary, and the Rotarians are the heart and soul.”</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:04</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Club-Close-ups-Red-Hook--New-Paltz-April-17--2009-e1q2i5"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-Club-Close-ups-Red-Hook--New-Paltz-April-17--2009-e1q2i5"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary Club Close-ups: Red Hook & New Paltz April 17, 2009 </div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Representatives from two Rotary clubs provide insight into how autonomous Rotary clubs are similar yet different, depending on the talent and skills of their members, as they provide humanitarian service locally and abroad. Red Hook Rotarian Niki Weaver describes her Therapy Dog program and her club’s yearly Apple Blossom Community Day event. New Paltz Rotary Secretary Marianne Knulf and New Paltz Rotary President Patrick Fillet speak about a variety of New Paltz events, which benefit many humanitarian causes everywhere.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">22:58</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Polio-A-Plane-Ride-Away-Aired-on-April-10--2009-e1q2hm"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Polio-A-Plane-Ride-Away-Aired-on-April-10--2009-e1q2hm"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Polio: A Plane Ride Away (Aired on April 10, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>We are nearly there, very close. The success of Rotary International’s polio eradication campaign, called PolioPlus, is described by Rotary District 7210’s PolioPlus Chair Bunnee Webb who clarifies why polio continues to be an issue in the world today. Since there are still a few people not yet vaccinated here and abroad, this leaves non-vaccinated people, especially children, open to this infectious, crippling disease. Ms. Webb briefly describes polio’s horrifying history, when many polio victims were either left crippled forever or forced to live out their lives in an iron lung. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has given Rotary International a grant to facilitate the final eradication of polio, which, when successful, will be the second disease to be eradicated from the earth, the first being smallpox.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:08</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/World-Community-Service-Helping-Those-in-Need-April-3--2009-e1q2gg"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/World-Community-Service-Helping-Those-in-Need-April-3--2009-e1q2gg"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>World Community Service: Helping Those in Need April 3, 2009</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Miller, Chair of Rotary District 7210’s World Community Service (facilitated through The Rotary Foundation), discusses this committee’s humanitarian contributions here and abroad. Host Rotary clubs in the United States connect with Rotary clubs in other parts of the world to implement projects that assist people in need. Projects include clean water, literacy, health care, and education. Ms. Miller provides examples of these projects, such as benches for student seating in classrooms in India, water filtration systems in Latin America, new medical equipment for the Women’s Wing in Grenada after hurricanes destroyed much of the hospital, and 10,000 fruit bearing trees in India. Locally in the Hudson Valley, among the many projects World Community Serves </div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">22:41</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-U-N--Day-Aired-on-March-27--2009-e1q2ec"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Rotary-U-N--Day-Aired-on-March-27--2009-e1q2ec"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary U.N. Day (Aired on March 27, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>At the United Nations on November 7, 2009, RadioRotary co-hosts Sarah O’Connell and Jonah Triebwasser interviewed Exchange Students from the Hudson Valley and representatives from young adult Rotary clubs — Interact and Rotaract – from around the world. Rotarians attended from as far away as Pakistan,. In a special interview with Tom Henderson (Cornwall Rotary Club), founder and creator of ShelterBox, Mr. Henderson explained how his team provides emergency shelter and life saving equipment for up to 10 people per box. Tom Henderson has since been appointed an OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire) for his outstanding contribution to charity and humanitarian work since he founded ShelterBox in 2000. U.N. Day is intended to provide insight into the strong relationship between Rotary and the UN.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:10</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Protecting-Children-from-Abuse-Aired-on-March-20--2009-e1q2dj"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Protecting-Children-from-Abuse-Aired-on-March-20--2009-e1q2dj"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Protecting Children from Abuse (Aired on March 20, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Sue Gould, Executive Director of the Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse in Dutchess County, discusses her organization’s mission: to protect children, advocate on their behalf, and educate the community on how to prevent abuse. The Center partners with local schools, law enforcement agencies, and the Dutchess County Department of Social Services to achieve these goals. Ms. Gould describes how the organization addresses rehabilitation for parents from all economic and social levels who do not know how to care for their children, the various ways she and the Center share information with the public about this problem, and what to look for when identifying child abuse.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:27</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/World-Peace-Fellows-Aired-on-March-13--2009-e1q2d0"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/World-Peace-Fellows-Aired-on-March-13--2009-e1q2d0"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>World Peace Fellows (Aired on March 13, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary District 7210’s World Peace Fellow Chair and Past District Governor in 2001-02, Betsy Kopstein-Stuts (Poughkeepsie South Rotary Club) discusses The Rotary Foundation’s World Peace Fellow scholarship program that trains people in conflict resolution. Each year 60 Fellows from around the world are selected for the program and can choose from seven universities to get a Master’s degree related to peace. Available only to non-Rotarians, applicants need a proficiency in a second language, among other requirements. Professionally, Ms. Kopstein coordinates academic internships at Vassar College.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:06</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Successful-Environmental-Programs-Aired-on-March-6--2009-e1q2ch"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Successful-Environmental-Programs-Aired-on-March-6--2009-e1q2ch"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Successful Environmental Programs (Aired on March 6, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Environmental advocate and outdoors writer for the Poughkeepsie Journal since 1994, Bill Conners addresses conservation and hunting and fishing issues. He holds numerous leadership positions in such organizations as the Federation of Dutchess County Fish and Game Clubs and the New York State Fish and Wildlife Management Board for Region 3 (covering most of the Hudson Valley). Mr. Conners discusses several successful programs including these: a popular free education program for young people up to 15 years old called the Morgan Lake Fishing Program in effect for 20+ years, which thus far has taught 17,000+ young people how to fish while encouraging a respect the environment; a deer management program; continuous programs supported by hunters, which have distributed over 7,000 pounds of meat in one year, thus providing 21,000 meals to the needy; and his strong involvement in the Hudson Valley’s Resource Recovery Agency, which recycles garbage into electricity without polluting the air.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">24:07</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hunters-Helping-the-Hungry-Aired-on-February-27--2009-e1q28l"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Hunters-Helping-the-Hungry-Aired-on-February-27--2009-e1q28l"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Hunters Helping the Hungry (Aired on February 27, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Penny Hickman, Vice President of the Conservation Awareness Foundation and member of the Board of Directors of the Federation of Dutchess County Fish and Game, discusses the humanitarian nonprofit group called Hunters Helping the Hungry. Volunteer hunters in this organization safely process mainly venison, but also fish and game birds, according to government standards. Hunters, who have more than they can use, make donations, which are distributed to the needy in outlets such as soup kitchens. In 2009, Hunters Helping the Hungry distributed more than 6,400 lbs. of venison. Ms. Hickman describes the entire process, from volunteers meeting hunters at a drop-off point, to the expert butchering process in a donated refrigeration area, and finally to safe distribution.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:06</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/Cleft-Palate-Surgery-Aired-on-February-20--2009-e1q28j"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/Cleft-Palate-Surgery-Aired-on-February-20--2009-e1q28j"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Cleft Palate Surgery (Aired on February 20, 2009)</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Kathy Kruger, Registered Nurse and Assistant Governor of Rotary District 7210 (Region 3), discusses her role as Rotaplast (Rotary + Plastic Surgery) Ambassador for the district. This program provides cleft lip and cleft palate surgery for children around the world. Besides describing the causes of this medical disfigurement, Ms. Kruger also explains the effects on children, from death caused by malnutrition to psychological problems caused by ostracism by their community. In the U.S., children have medical care to correct this problem. In addition to providing surgery, medical teams — all volunteer doctors, dentists, nurses, and administrators — educate parents about prevention.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:50</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/A-Past-District-Governor-s-Story-Aired-on-February-13--2009-e1q26o"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/A-Past-District-Governor-s-Story-Aired-on-February-13--2009-e1q26o"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div>A Past District Governor ‘s Story Aired on February 13, 2009</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>Rotary District 7210’s Past District Governor Dr. Jim Yarmus (2007-2008) discusses his journey from Cuba in 1960 to becoming a U.S. citizen, a Civil Engineer, a Rotarian (Spring Valley Rotary), and a district governor. A Past President of the Society of Civil Engineers, today Dr. Yarmus is a professor of Project, Construction, and Planning Management. As a member of Engineers without Borders, he recently took nine of his students to Honduras for hands-on engineering work in implementing power plants and clean water projects. A few of the projects he is most proud of as Past District Governor are the district’s literacy, publicity, and water and sanitation awards from Rotary International, especially the latter, Dr. Yarmus says, since literacy, clean water and sanitation are part of the “key” to “peace in the world and saving children’s lives.”</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">22:20</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div><div class="styles__episodeFeedItem___1U6E2"><a class="styles__episodeImage___tMifW" href="/radiorotary/episodes/RadioRotary-joins-Hudson-Valley-Talk-Radio-February-6--2009-e1q25o"><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/anchor-generated-image-bank/production/podcast_uploaded_nologo400/789394/789394-1531572803496-f117c062b1113.jpg"/><button class="styles__circle___1g-9u styles__white___372tQ styles__playButton___1Ivi4 styles__playButton___1uaGA" style="height:27px;min-height:27px;width:27px;min-width:27px;border-radius:14px" aria-label=""><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-1 0 11 12" width="12" height="12"><rect width="12" height="12" fill="none"></rect><path d="M1 .81v10.38a.76.76 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .39-.12l8.42-5.18a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.28L2.14.18a.75.75 0 0 0-1 .24.79.79 0 0 0-.14.39z" fill="#282F36"></path></svg></button></a><a href="/radiorotary/episodes/RadioRotary-joins-Hudson-Valley-Talk-Radio-February-6--2009-e1q25o"><div class="styles__episodeHeading___29q7v" style="overflow:hidden"><div> RadioRotary joins Hudson Valley Talk Radio February 6, 2009</div></div></a><div class="styles__episodeDescription___C3oZg "><div class="styles__expander___1NNVb styles__expander--dark___3Qxhe" style="overflow:hidden"><div>RadioRotary’s first interview on the Hudson Valley Talk Radio Network features Rotary District 7210’s Past District Governor Jeffrey Keahon (2008-2009) from Pearl River Rotary Club. Defining Rotary as “an international network of community volunteers, primarily business and professional people” from around the world, Mr. Keahon explains Rotary’s various Avenues of Service, from global initiatives such as polio eradication and clean water programs, to local community projects, such as scholarships, mentoring high school students based on Rotarian vocations, and raising funds to support community needs. Mr. Keahon emphasizes the high ethics that Rotarians bring to their professions, saying “we are ethically driven,” and he clearly explains why Rotary District 7210 sponsors RadioRotary: to reach out to non Rotarians to let them know what Rotary does and to invite them to consider becoming a Rotary member.</div></div></div><div class="styles__episodeDuration___2I0Qb">23:11</div><div class="styles__episodeCreated___1zP5p">July 14, 2018</div></div></div></div><div class="styles__wave___1t3WH"><svg viewBox="0 0 1287 150" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><defs><linearGradient x1="50%" y1="0%" x2="50%" y2="100%" id="a"><stop stop-color="#FFF" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-color="#FFF" stop-opacity=".5" offset="100%"></stop></linearGradient></defs><path d="M0 385.77C68.76 373 60.4 350.67 118.99 351c72.9.41 101.48 58.75 150.95 72.82 36.52 10.38 117.27-56.37 172.3-57 58.9-.67 71.45 47.85 185.59 51.36 40.83 1.26 125.13-58.38 175.46-51.36 40.68 5.68 117.25 33.37 164.77 27.7 47.52-5.67 90.08-32.5 142.71-35.55 41.99-2.44 114.69 35.83 148.2 35.55 33.87-.29 49.34-12.45 70.57-16.86 33.43-6.94 57.72 2.25 76.5 8.11 6.64 2.08 11.36 1.51 15.63 1.43 4.26-.09 12.33-1.43 12.33-1.43V506H0V385.77z" transform="translate(-117 -351)" fill="url(#a)" fill-rule="evenodd" opacity=".5"></path></svg></div><div class="styles__wave___1t3WH"><svg viewBox="0 0 1287 150" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><defs><linearGradient x1="50%" y1="0%" x2="50%" y2="100%" id="wave2"><stop stop-color="#FFF" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-color="#FFF" stop-opacity=".5" offset="100%"></stop></linearGradient></defs><path d="M31 388.13s69.99 41.77 128.57 42.12c54.9.34 111.87-35.82 157.78-47.18 15.04-3.73 28.89-4.79 41.1-1.04 36.5 11.21 58.67 48.9 113.7 48.22 58.89-.73 63.8-52.02 177.93-48.22 40.83 1.36 107.6 40.64 157.93 48.22 40.68 6.13 110.41-54 157.93-60.12 47.53-6.12 123.21 48.69 175.85 45.39 40.56-2.55 100.81-47.49 135.07-50.8 4.7-.21 5.99-.34 7.3-.46 7.7-.24 11.21-.26 11.21-.26l7.42.04c3.45.02 7.02.46 10.47.48 0 0 23.85.66 57.18 17.5 28.64 14.48 52.3 11.67 67.43 11.12 17.93-.64 27.13-3.98 27.13-3.98V519H31V388.13z" transform="translate(-117 -364)" fill="url(#wave2)" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg></div><div class="styles__frontWave___rR0oV"><svg viewBox="0 0 1287 100" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><defs><linearGradient x1="50%" y1="0%" x2="50%" y2="100%" id="cc"><stop stop-color="#FFF" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-color="#FFF" stop-opacity=".5" offset="100%"></stop></linearGradient><path d="M31 422.7c60.94 2.97 30.91 18.7 89.5 18.87 72.9.21 70.55-21.54 120.02-14.49 36.52 5.21 53.8 28.6 108.83 28.28 58.9-.34 90.9-47.1 205.05-45.34 40.83.63 115.05 38.25 165.38 41.77 40.68 2.85 120.55-43.34 168.07-46.18 47.53-2.85 111.93 37.5 164.56 35.96 42-1.22 83.34-41.43 116.85-41.57 33.86-.14 49.14 21.14 111.74 35.84 23.38 5.49 54.97 5.65 85.37 3.7 25.89-1.65 49.84-11.85 68.2-14.58 18.37-2.74 30.43-2.27 30.43-2.27V483H31v-60.3z" id="bb"></path><filter x="-1.3%" y="-30.7%" width="102.7%" height="147%" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" id="aa"><feOffset dx="1" dy="-6" in="SourceAlpha" result="shadowOffsetOuter1"></feOffset><feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="5.5" in="shadowOffsetOuter1" result="shadowBlurOuter1"></feGaussianBlur><feColorMatrix values="0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0525928442 0" in="shadowBlurOuter1"></feColorMatrix></filter></defs><g transform="translate(-117 -383)" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><use fill="#000" filter="url(#aa)" xlink:href="#bb"></use><use fill="url(#cc)" xlink:href="#bb"></use><use fill="#FFF" xlink:href="#bb"></use></g></svg></div></div><div class="styles__waveTextContainer___2gj-m"><h5 class="styles__waveText___O3-Ho">Make your own podcast for free with Anchor!</h5></div><footer class="styles__footer___2_V-y"><div class="
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