G: Plan Your Visit
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<h1>Plan Your Visit</h1>
<p>No matter if you are a first-time visitor or longtime subscriber, get all the information you need to make your visit to the Four Seasons Centre an amazing experience! </p>
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<a class="heading" tabindex="0">Coat & Parcel Check</a>
<div class="accordionContent">
<p>Coat and parcel check service is available in the Lower Lobby. There
are facilities to leave coats in private member lounges and the Grand
Ring box vestibules.</p>
<a class="heading" tabindex="0">Bars and Food</a>
<div class="accordionContent">
<p>There are bars and concessions throughout the facility, which offer
beverages and snacks. All refreshments and snacks can be pre-ordered so
that they will be ready at intermission.
<p>Please note that the bars and parking garage are cash-only. </p>
<a class="heading" tabindex="0">Patron Services</a>
<div class="accordionContent">
<p>Patron Services are located at the coat check within the Lower
Lobby. The Four Seasons Centre offers the following patron services: </p>
<ul class="orange_list_box">
limited number of back supports, binoculars and hearing assistive
devices can be rented from Patron Services in the Lower Lobby.
Identification with deposit is required. </li>
are a limited number of booster seats available at Patron Services in
the Lower Lobby on a first-come, first-served basis. </li>
<a class="heading" tabindex="0">Washroom Facilities</a>
<div class="accordionContent">
<p>The Four Seasons Centre has one washroom for every 20 patrons,
two-thirds of which are for women. There are washrooms in the Lower
Lobby, Grand Ring, and Rings 3, 4 and 5. The Orchestra Level is
serviced by facilities in the Lower Lobby and the Grand Ring. Every
washroom is wheelchair accessible.</p>
<a class="heading" tabindex="0">Accessibility</a>
<div class="accordionContent">
<p>All levels of the Four Seasons Centre can be reached by elevator. There are designated seating locations in multiple price levels throughout the auditorium, which can accommodate patrons in wheelchairs, except on Ring 5. In addition, there are a number of transfer-arm seats on all levels.</p>
<p>A limited number of parking spaces in the underground parking garage are reserved for patrons requiring a wheelchair location, subject to availability.</p>
<p>Please inform the <a href="/contact-us" target="_self">ticket services representative</a> of your needs when you purchase tickets.</p>
<a class="heading" tabindex="0">Elevators</a>
<div class="accordionContent">
<p>Three large elevators are available to carry audience members quickly
and efficiently to every level of the Four Seasons Centre. Elevators
are also available to carry patrons from the parking garage and Osgoode
Subway Station to the main entrance.</p>
<a class="heading" tabindex="0">Private Lounges</a>
<div class="accordionContent">
<p>In addition to the Isadore and Rosalie Sharp City Room lounges, the Four Seasons Centre has several private lounges. On the Grand Ring level overlooking Queen Street and Osgoode Hall is the Henry N. R. Jackman Lounge, with a bar, washrooms and private coat check for members of the <a href="/support/presidents-council" target="_self">President’s Council</a> and COC sponsors. On Ring 3 we offer a private lounge for <a href="/support/friends-of-the-coc" target="_self">Friends of the COC</a>.</p>
<a class="heading" tabindex="0">SURTITLES™</a>
<div class="accordionContent">
<p>The use of SURTITLES™, simultaneous translations projected onto a
screen above the stage, was pioneered by the Canadian Opera Company.
The Four Seasons Centre utilizes SURTITLES™ throughout opera
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<img art="" src="https://az184419.vo.msecnd.net/canadian-opera-company-v2/Attachments/NewItems/NEW-2012-Hltn-Toronto-logo_clr_rgb_20170719201054_0.png" caption="false" />
<strong class="name">Hilton Toronto</strong>
</span><br />
<p>145 Richmond St. W., immediately adjacent to the Four Seasons Centre<br /> 416-869-3456 (1-800-267-2281), <a href="http://www.toronto.hilton.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">toronto.hilton.com</a><br /> <br /> The award-winning Hilton Toronto offers dramatic interiors where style meets comfort. The hotel is located in the heart of downtown Toronto, between the bustling financial district and the vibrant entertainment district.</p>
<!--<p><strong>COC Subscriber Discount</strong>: 20% off of best available rates. Rooms are based on availability. <br /><em>Offer valid September through May</em></p>-->
<hr />
<div class="artist">
<img art="" src="https://az184419.vo.msecnd.net/canadian-opera-company-v2/Attachments/NewItems/NEW-Tundra-logo-Cdn-inspired-cuisine-300-dpi-(3)_20170719200938_0.png" caption="false" />
<strong class="name">Tundra</strong>
</span><br />
<p>Hilton Toronto<br /> 145 Richmond St. W., immediately adjacent to the Four Seasons Centre<br /> 416-860-6800 - <a href="http://bit.ly/TundraRestaurantBarTO" target="_blank" rel="noopener">view Toronto menu here</a>. </p>
<p>Enjoy fine Canadian cuisine and wines in a relaxed setting inspired by the rugged northern landscape of the Canadian Shield. Tundra Bar is a great meeting place for pre-dinner or after-work cocktails.</p>
<!--<p><strong>COC Subscriber Discount</strong>: 15% off all food items from the regular menu. This offer does not apply to any specially themed menus.<br /> <em>Offer valid September through May</em></p>-->
<div><em><br /> </em></div>
<hr />
<div class="artist">
<img art="" src="https://az184419.vo.msecnd.net/canadian-opera-company-v2/Attachments/NewItems/notabene_logo_whitebkg_20170719200237_0.png" caption="false" />
<strong class="name">Nota Bene</strong>
</span><br />
<div class="vertical_accordion_content">
<p>180 Queen St. W.,<br /> 416-977-6400<br /><a href="http://www.notabenerestaurant.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">notabenerestaurant.com</a></p>
<p>NOTA BENE serves a modern, seasonal, and globally-influenced cuisine, using the best local and Canadian products. Steps away from the Theatre district and the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts.</p>
<!--<p><strong>COC Subscriber Discount</strong>: Seasonal Prix Fixe Dinner Menu, $38 for two courses and $46 for three courses.<br /> <em>Offer valid September through May</em></p>-->
<div><em><br /> </em></div>
<hr />
<div class="artist">
<img art="" src="https://az184419.vo.msecnd.net/canadian-opera-company-v2/Attachments/NewItems/bosk_Transparent_20170719195840_0.png" caption="false" />
<strong class="name">Bosk</strong>
</span><br />
<div class="vertical_accordion_content">
<p>Shangri-La Hotel, Toronto<br /> 188 University Ave, across the street from the Four Seasons Centre<br /> 647-788-8294<br /><a href="http://www.shangri-la.com/toronto/shangrila/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">shangri-la.com/toronto</a></p>
<p>Bosk, the signature restaurant at Shangri-La Hotel, Toronto, brings to life ingredients harvested <em>à-la-minute</em> from a network of respected global suppliers. Diners can expect Asian-inspired, distinctly Canadian modern cuisine made with seasonal, regional ingredients and served with genuine, caring service. Executive Chef Damon Campbell, has been working behind the scenes with the culinary team to further define the hotel’s food and beverage operation, determined to put a Canadian stamp on his cuisine which is inspired by classic training and his global travels. Dinner Operating Hours: Monday to Saturday from 5:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.</p>
<!--<p><strong>COC Subscriber Discount</strong>: Prix Fixe Dinner Menu, 5:30-6:30 p.m., $35 for two courses and $44 for three courses.<br /> <em>Offer valid September through May</em></p>--></div>
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<img art="" src="https://az184419.vo.msecnd.net/canadian-opera-company-v2/Attachments/NewItems/DOF-LogoT_20170719200043_0.png" caption="false" />
<strong class="name">Drake One Fifty</strong>
</span><br />
<div class="vertical_accordion_content">
<p>150 York St, steps south of the Four Seasons Centre<br /> 416-363-6150<br /> <a href="http://www.drakeonefifty.ca/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">drakeonefifty.ca</a></p>
<p>The Drake Hotel's first standalone restaurant in Toronto's Financial District. Inspired by a modern take on the historic brasserie, offering a sophisticated interpretation of comfort classics.</p>
<!--<p><strong>COC Subscriber Discount</strong>: 15% off all food.<br /> <em>Offer valid September through May</em></p>--></div>
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<a class="heading" tabindex="0">Opera Etiquette</a>
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<p>Here are some helpful tips to ensure an enjoyable evening:</p>
<ul class="orange_list_box">
<li>Arrive on time! The doors generally open one hour prior to the performance start time. Latecomers will not be seated and will instead be invited to watch a live feed of the opera on a large screen in the Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre.</li>
<li>Sound carries very well in the opera house. Turn off all cell phones, pagers and other electronic devices that may make noise. Any sound, including speaking, is distracting for both the audience and performers.</li>
<li>Unwrap and enjoy your candies in advance. There is no food or drink allowed in the auditorium.</li>
<li>You are encouraged to stay in your seats until intermission. Re-admittance during the performance cannot be accommodated.</li>
<li>In consideration of patrons with allergies, please avoid wearing perfumed beauty products and fragrances.</li>
<a class="heading" tabindex="0">What should I wear to an opera?</a>
<div class="accordionContent">
<p>Audiences come to operas in everything from formal attire to jeans. We advise dressing for comfort and flair - we want you to have a wonderful time, and also enjoy the opera as a special occasion!</p>
<a class="heading" tabindex="0">Who attends opera?</a>
<div class="accordionContent">
<p>Opera audiences range from mature opera lovers to young children (depending on the appropriateness of the story) and everyone in between.<br /><br />We cannot judge what may be appropriate for your children, but we advise consulting with a <a href="https://www.coc.ca/contact-us" target="_self">ticket services representative</a> about production content so you can make your own decision. </p>
<a class="heading" tabindex="0">How long is an opera?</a>
<div class="accordionContent">
<p>Performances can run from 90 minutes to six hours depending on the
opera, but most last approximately three hours. Generally, if the opera
is over 90 minutes there will be an intermission.</p>
<a class="heading" tabindex="0">Why do some people cheer "Bravo!"?</a>
<div class="accordionContent">
<p>At the end of the opera when an audience really enjoys a performance
they tend to stand and cheer "bravo" for their favourite male singer,
"brava" for a female singer, or "bravi" for a group of singers and
orchestra. If you were moved by the performance, let the singers or
orchestra know!</p>
<a class="heading" tabindex="0">Getting Here</a>
<div class="accordionContent">
<p><strong>Where is the opera house located? </strong></p>
<p>The <a href="https://www.google.ca/search?client=opera&q=fours+seasons+centre+for+the+performing+arts&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8" target="_self">Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts</a> is at 145 Queen Street West, at the intersection of Queen Street and University Avenue.</p>
<p>We are directly accessible by TTC at Osgoode Station.</p>
<p>For more on the best way to get to us, please see our "How Do I Get Here?" section.</p>
<p><strong>Where can I park my car?</strong></p>
<p>There is a cash-only parking lot that can accommodate approximately 200 vehicles underneath the Four Seasons Centre. The parking entrance is on York Street, south of Queen Street.</p>
<p>Additional parking for all events is just steps away <a href="http://parking.greenp.com/parking-info/carpark-info/36_110-queen-street-west-nathan-phillips-square-garage.html">at the GREEN P lot</a> under Nathan Phillips Square.</p>
<p>For more, please see our "How Do I Get Here?" section.</p>
<p><strong>Where can I park my bicycle?</strong></p>
<p>Post-and-ring bicycle parking is available along Richmond and York Streets in the vicinity of the opera house.</p>
<p><strong>When should I arrive? </strong></p>
<p>Doors to the opera house open one hour prior to the performance start time.</p>
<p>We encourage you to arrive well before the opera starts, as latecomers may not be admitted into the auditorium.</p>
<p>If you do end up being late, however, you’ll be able to watch a live feed of the performance on a large screen in the Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre.</p>
<a class="heading" tabindex="0">Before the Performance</a>
<div class="accordionContent">
<p><strong>What should I wear? </strong></p>
<p>Many of our patrons choose to dress according to the “fine dining” standard – they wear whatever they would when spending an evening out at a nice restaurant. <br /> <br /> That being said, opera audiences represent the whole gamut of fashion, from formal attire to jeans. We advise dressing for comfort, but with flair.</p>
<p><strong>How long is the opera?</strong></p>
<p>Performances can run from 90 minutes to six hours depending on the opera, but most last approximately three hours. Generally, if the opera is over 90 minutes there will be an intermission. <br /> <br /> You can find out more about your opera’s approximate performance time <a href="/season-calendar" target="_self">over here </a>.</p>
<p><strong>Where can I learn more about the opera I’m seeing? </strong></p>
<p>A good place to start is the COC’s <a href="/season-calendar" target="_self">production pages</a>, where you’ll find plot synopses, composer and librettist biographies, as well as historical background and production information. <br /> <br /> <a href="/look-and-listen" target="_self">Look & Listen </a> is another excellent resource, hosting behind-the-scenes documentaries, guided musical excerpts and fun interviews. </p>
<p>You can also download the program before you get to the show! <a href="/ReachingOurCommunity/publications" target="_self">Download here</a>. </p>
<a class="heading" tabindex="0">At the Opera House</a>
<div class="accordionContent">
<p><strong>If I get to the opera house an hour before the show, is there anything to do inside?</strong></p>
<p>Sure! You could head up to Ring 3 for the free <a href="https://learn.coc.ca/ClassesCampsEvents/TalksandEvents/pre-performance-opera-chats" target="_self">Pre-Performance Opera Chat</a>. These are engaging, informative talks about the opera you’re about to see. They are given 45 minutes before the performance begins.</p>
<p>Plus, getting here early is a good idea because you’ll avoid lineups if you’re checking your coat or ordering drinks from the bar (A tip: you can pre-order for intermission as well, meaning you’ll be doing less waiting and more mingling between the acts).</p>
<p>The Four Seasons Centre is also a compelling architectural landmark that you can take time to explore. We are lucky to have some remarkable artwork on display this season: for starters, check out the Michael Snow sculptures at the top of the Grand Staircase, and the Alexander Calder mobile on the ceiling of the Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre.</p>
<p><strong>Is there a restaurant at the opera house? </strong></p>
<p>There is no full-service restaurant the Four Seasons Centre. <br /> <br /> Our bars offer a selection of beverages and snacks, but if you’re looking for a more substantial meal please refer to our list of nearby restaurants in the "What's Nearby" tab.</p>
<p><a href="/subscriptions/subscriberbenefits" target="_self">If you’re a COC subscriber</a>, remember to bring your discount card – you’re eligible for savings at many of the businesses in our neighbourhood! </p>
<p><strong>Is there an ATM at the opera house? </strong></p>
<p>There is no ATM at the Four Seasons Centre but our bar is equipped for some debit transactions.</p>
<p>The nearest ATM is located inside the lobby of the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel at 123 Queen Street West (Queen and York Streets).</p>
<p><strong>Do you provide wheelchair seating? </strong></p>
<p>There are wheelchair accessible designated locations throughout all levels (except Ring 5) in most price levels. Every washroom is wheelchair accessible. For more information please call COC Ticket Services at 416-363-8231.</p>
<p><strong>I have an accessibility issue. Can you accommodate me? </strong></p>
<p>We do our absolute best to ensure that all patrons can attend the opera in a way that is comfortable and enjoyable. For more on accessibility at the Four Seasons Centre please <a href="/accessibility-policies" target="_self">consult our Accessibility Policies</a> or call COC Ticket Services at 416-363-8231.<br /> <br /> <strong>What if I have lost an item?</strong><br /> While the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts and the COC cannot take responsibility for any lost or stolen items, if you think you have misplaced your belongings you can contact <a href="mailto:lostandfound@coc.ca">lostandfound@coc.ca</a> after the performance and we will do our best to assist you.</p>
<a class="heading" tabindex="0">During the Performance</a>
<div class="accordionContent">
<p><strong>Can I bring food and drink inside the auditorium? </strong></p>
<p>Aside from water, food and drink is not allowed inside R. Fraser Elliott Hall. </p>
<p><strong>Can I take pictures during the performance? </strong></p>
<p>If you’d like to get a picture inside the auditorium, do so before the performance begins. <br />
<br />
Photography is not permitted once the opera starts. The design and direction of the production is under intellectual property, so photographers must have the permission of the COC to take pictures. Be sure to <a href="http://facebook.com/canadianoperacompany">take a look at our Facebook page</a> for official photos of our productions!</p>
<p><strong>What if I don’t understand the language the opera is sung in? </strong></p>
<p>Not to worry. The COC employs SURTITLES™ on all its mainstage performances.<br />
<br />
SURTITLES™ projections are a capsulated English translation of an opera’s libretto (text) that are projected onto a screen above the stage during the performance. The process was developed by the COC, and the first production in the world to be presented with SURTITLES™ was our January 1983 staging of <em>Elektra</em>.<br />
<br />
Since they were pioneered by the COC, SURTITLES™ or other similar titling systems have been used by virtually every opera company in the world.</p>
<p><strong>If I leave the hall during the performance, can I get back in? </strong></p>
<p>Unfortunately, re-admittance during the performance cannot be accommodated. We encourage you to stay in your seat until intermission. </p>
<p><strong>Is there anything else I should know? </strong></p>
<p>Like all performing arts venues, we ask that our patrons turn off cell phones and other electronic devices that may make noise during the performance. <br />
<br />
Because our house is engineered for optimal acoustics, any sound, including speaking, carries very well and can be distracting for both the audience and performers.<br />
<br />
In consideration of patrons with allergies, please avoid wearing strongly perfumed beauty products and fragrances. </p>
<li data-tabtype="DIRECTIONS">
<iframe width="600" height="450" style="border: 0;" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m14!1m8!1m3!1d11547.536157536606!2d-79.3856234!3d43.6505809!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x0%3A0x6aeb453220fd1765!2sFour+Seasons+Centre+for+the+Performing+Arts!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sca!4v1500564253102" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>
<p><br />The Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts is located at 145 Queen St. W., on a full city block bordered by University Avenue, Queen, Richmond and York streets.</p>
<p>The main entrance is at the southeast corner of Queen and University.</p>
<p>There is a direct entrance to the centre from the parking garage.</p>
<p>There is parking for approximately 200 vehicles underneath the building. The parking entrance is on York Street, south of Queen Street.</p>
<p>Additional parking for all events is just steps away at the <a href="http://parking.greenp.com/" class="ApplyClass">GREEN P lot</a> under Nathan Phillips Square.</p>
<hr />
<p>Osgoode Subway Station on Line 1. There is direct stair and elevator access into the building via the southeast exit of Osgoode Station.</p>
<hr />
<h2>GO TRANSIT</h2>
<p>From Union Station, it's a 10-minute walk north along Bay St. to Queen St., and west along Queen St. to University Ave., or take the subway from Union Station to Osgoode Station. Visit <a href="http://gotransit.com/">GoTransit.com</a> for more information.</p>
<hr />
<p>The designated drop-off area is on the east side of University Avenue between Richmond and Queen streets.</p>
<hr />
<h2>DRIVING DIRECTIONS<br /><br /></h2>
<p><strong>From the West (Detroit, London, Pearson Airport)</strong></p>
<p>1. Take Highway 401 East to Highway 427 South<br /> 2. Take QEW East to Gardiner Expressway<br /> 3. Exit at York Street and proceed north to Richmond Street West<br /> 4. Turn left on Richmond Street to University Avenue<br /> 5. Turn right on University Avenue</p>
<p><strong>From the East (Montreal, Kingston)</strong></p>
<p>1. Follow Highway 401 West to the Don Valley Parkway<br /> 2. Take the DVP south to Richmond Street exit<br /> 3. Head west on Richmond Street to University Avenue<br /> 4. Turn right on University Avenue</p>
<p><strong>From the North (Barrie, Sudbury, Northern Ontario and beyond)</strong></p>
1. Take Highway 400 south to Highway 401 East to Don Valley Parkway<br />2. Take the DVP south to Richmond Street exit<br />3. Head west on Richmond Street to University Avenue<br />4. Turn right on University Avenue
<p><strong><br />From the South (Niagara Falls, Buffalo)</strong></p>
<p>1. Take QEW East to Gardiner Expressway<br /> 2. Exit at York Street and proceed north to Richmond Street West<br /> 3. Turn left on Richmond Street to University Avenue<br /> 4. Turn right on University Avenue</p>
<li data-tabtype="TicketPolicies">
<h2>YOUR ORDER </h2>
<p><strong><br />All Sales are final</strong>. Payment is processed immediately on receipt of order, after which there are no cancellations or refunds. It is the responsibility of the ticket holder to check their ticket for the correct performance, day of the week and curtain time. Program and artists are subject to change without notice.</p>
<p>The COC regrets that we cannot accept conditional subscription orders. All seating requests are based on availability and are not guaranteed.</p>
<p>All ticket prices include HST and a $3.25 Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts maintenance surcharge. Phone and online orders are subject to a per-ticket service charge. All subscription prices include a $16 per-package handling fee.</p>
<p>Tickets obtained from unauthorized sources may be invalid, lost, stolen or counterfeit and may not be honoured. Management reserves the right to refuse entry on re-sold tickets without refund.</p>
<p>Account information is confidential and any updates or changes must come from the account holder. Ticket exchanges, releases and reprints can only be made by those named on the account. To make arrangements for someone else to pick up your tickets, please call Ticket Services at 416-363-8231 or e-mail <a href="mailto:tickets@coc.ca">tickets@coc.ca</a>.</p>
<hr />
<p><br />The Canadian Opera Company is committed to honouring its published performance schedule. All COC performances will proceed as scheduled regardless of extreme weather conditions.</p>
<p>Please allow for plenty of extra time when travelling to the theatre in inclement weather. The COC recommends using public transit as the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts is directly accessible from the Osgoode subway station.<br /><br />We regret that tickets not used due to inclement weather cannot be refunded. COC tickets may be exchanged for another performance of the same opera (subject to availability and service charges) up to and no later than one full business day before the original performance date.</p>
<hr />
<p><br />If you are unable to attend a performance and wish to transfer your seats to a friend, the COC now offers no-cost online ticket transfers, available up to two hours before a performance. Simply complete the <a subscriptions="" subscriberbenefits="" target="_self" _self=""><strong></strong></a><a href="/subscriptions/subscriberbenefits" target="_self">online form</a>, including your account details and the name and e-mail address of the individual you wish to transfer your tickets to, and we will complete your request and email them digital print-at-home tickets. Once confirmed, please destroy your original tickets as they will be void. Remember, the COC must receive your transfer request at least <span>two hours</span> prior to the performance time, and transferred tickets cannot be subsequently returned for a tax receipt.<br /><br />If you are unable to exchange or transfer your subscription tickets, as a charitable organization the COC can issue the purchaser a tax receipt for the face value of the tickets. Tax receipts must be arranged one business day prior to your scheduled performance—past performance tickets cannot be returned for a tax receipt—and there are no refunds. Ticket returns cannot be used towards member programs, and individual tickets are not eligible. </p>
<hr />
<p><strong><br />Exchanges</strong></p>
<p>All tickets are exchangeable for another performance of the same opera (subject to availability) up to and no later than one full business day before the original performance date.</p>
<p>Tickets may be exchanged through COC Ticket Services by phone or by completing the <a href="/subscriptions/subscriberbenefits" target="_self">online form</a>. Tickets may also be exchanged in person at the Four Seasons Centre Box Office.</p>
<p>There is no cost for Premier subscriber exchanges. Select, Flex and individual ticket exchanges are subject to a per-ticket service charge.</p>
<hr />
<p><span><br />Lost tickets can be replaced free of charge by contacting </span><a href="https://www.coc.ca/contact.html"></a><a href="https://www.coc.ca/HowtoOrder.aspx"></a><a href="/contact-us" target="_self">COC Ticket Services</a><span>. If you forget your tickets on the day of the performance, there is no need to rush home. We will be happy to replace your tickets free of charge at the Four Seasons Centre Box Office.</span></p>
<hr />
<p><span><br />Limited wheelchair seating is available at the Four Seasons Centre. Contact </span><a href="/contact-us" target="_self">COC Ticket Services</a><span> to arrange for seating. Wheelchair seating must be arranged at the time of ticket purchase and cannot be accommodated on the day of the performance.</span></p>
<hr />
<p><span><br />The Canadian Opera Company now offers up to 60 standing room locations, in the back rows of Ring 3 and Ring 4 in the Four Seasons Centre. Some Ring 3 locations are SURTITLES™ obstructed. Each of the locations have a hook and a leaning rail, at a height of 3' 11-1/2".</span><br /><br /><span>A standing room ticket is the least expensive way to see great opera, but remember to wear comfortable shoes and be prepared to stand for the entire performance (running times are available on the COC website). In consideration of other audience members, please stand as close to the railing as possible and avoid excessive movement during the performance. While there is hook available for each location, the Four Seasons Centre is not responsible for lost or stolen items. </span><br /><br /><span>For sightlines, suggested minimum height is 4' 9", portable sitting devices are not permitted and please don’t sit on the railings.</span><br /><br /><span>$12 standing room tickets go on sale at 11 a.m. on the day of a performance and are available for purchase in person only at the Four Seasons Centre Box Office, 145 Queen St. W. Standing room tickets are subject to availability and are limited to two (2) per person.</span></p>
<hr />
<p><span><br />The use of cameras, video cameras or sound-recording devices of any kind is prohibited in R. Fraser Elliott Hall during performances. The design and direction of the production is restricted under intellectual property law. Any person using an unauthorized recording device will be required to surrender or erase any recordings, photographic or digital images and may be asked to leave. No refunds will be issued.</span></p>
<hr />
<p><span><br />All patrons, including children, must have a ticket for the performance. Children 15 years of age or under must be accompanied by and seated next to an adult. There is a limit of two young people’s tickets per adult ticket. Children should be able to sit quietly throughout the performance. If unable to do so, children and their accompanying adult will be asked to leave the auditorium. Babes-in-arms will not be admitted.</span></p>
<hr />
<p><br />The use of mobile and smartphones and all other electronic devices is extremely disruptive and is strictly prohibited during performances. If a patron has an emergency and needs to be contacted during a performance, he or she should contact Patron Services for assistance before the performance.</p>
<hr />
<h2>GO SCENT-FREE</h2>
<p><br />In consideration of patrons with allergies, avoid wearing perfumed beauty products and fragrances.</p>
<hr />
<p><br />Patrons are reminded that R. Fraser Elliott Hall is an extremely lively auditorium and that all audience noise will be accentuated and audible to other patrons. Turn off all electronic devices, avoid talking, coughing, humming, moving loose seats, kicking the backs of seats, rustling programs, and unwrapping candies or cough drops. Please remain in your seat until the performance has completely ended and the house lights have been turned on.</p>
<hr />
<p><br />In the interest of safety and for the comfort of all patrons and performers, latecomers may not enter the auditorium or be seated unless there is a suitable break in the performance (usually intermission). Patrons leaving the auditorium during the performance or returning late after intermission may not be readmitted or may be accommodated in an alternate viewing location. Latecomers are invited to view the performance from monitors in the lobby area including a large screen in the Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre on Ring 3. To ensure a full and enjoyable evening at the opera, please check your tickets for performance start times and plan to arrive early.</p>
<hr />
<p><br />Please note that if there are events in the downtown core, parking can be difficult to find. Check for special events that may cause road closures, especially on weekends, and give yourself extra time to arrive at the opera house. Due to the great costs of overtime, and the inconvenience to other patrons, performances will start promptly at the time printed on the ticket. It is the responsibility of the ticket holder to arrive in sufficient time to be in their assigned seat by the advertised starting time—please plan to arrive early.<br /><br />There is parking on a first-come, first-served basis for about 200 vehicles underneath the Four Seasons Centre. The entrance is located on the west side of York Street, south of Queen Street. Additional parking is conveniently located just steps away in the Green P lot underneath Nathan Phillips Square. For directions visit <a http:="" parking="" greenp="" com="" target="_self" _blank="" rel="" noopener="" noreferrer="">greenp.com</a>.</p>
<hr />
<p><br />To uphold the safety of the building, oversized bags and parcels may be prohibited from entering R. Fraser Elliott Hall. Patrons attending COC performances may be eligible for complimentary parcel check. Coat check is located in the Lower Lobby, where the following services are also available: booster seats, back supports, infrared hearing-assistive devices and rental of binoculars, on a first-come, first-served basis.</p>
<hr />
<p><span><br />Outside food and beverages are prohibited from entering the venue. Patrons consent to appear in recorded material by attending FSC performances/events. Management reserves the right to refuse admission without refund if conditions are violated, and expel from the premises any person whose presence or conduct is deemed objectionable.</span></p>
<hr />
<p><span><br />The Four Seasons Centre is a smoke-free facility.</span></p>
<hr />
<p><span><br />Children of varying ages attend most COC productions, but be advised that the majority of operas contain adult subject matter and themes, such as death and violence, alcohol consumption, nudity and sexual situations, that some parents may consider inappropriate for children. The COC believes that each individual parent is best placed to judge whether a particular opera or staging of that opera is appropriate for, and of sustainable interest to, the maturity level of their child. Tickets are non-refundable. If you have any concerns or questions about the subject matter, specific staging or general suitability of a particular performance, please contact Ticket Services at 416-363-8231 before purchasing a Youth ticket (15 years of age and under).</span></p>
<li data-tabtype="Pre-performanceChats">
<p><br />Free, insightful and informative chats are presented by COC Education staff and featured guest speakers, 45 minutes before every mainstage COC performance.</p>
<p><strong>Time/Duration:</strong><span> </span>20-minute chats, 45 minutes prior to every opera performance. <br /><br /><a href="https://learn.coc.ca/EventsPrograms/adults/pre-performance-opera-chats" target="_self">View schedule here</a>. </p>
<li data-tabtype="BuildingTours">
<span>Both the Four Seasons for the Performing Arts and the Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Opera Centre are open for tours during certain times of the year. Find out how you can get a behind the scenes glimpse of the Canadian Opera Company.<br /><br /><a href="https://www.coc.ca/ticket-services/building-tours" target="_self">Book your tour here</a>.</span>
<hr />
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Photo: Behind the Season 2018, by Gaetz Photography
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<h2>Box Office Hours</h2>
<h3>By Phone</h3>
Long distance in Canada and the U.S. <br>1-800-250-4653
• Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.<br>
• Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. <br></p>
<h3>In Person</h3>
<p>145 Queen St. W., Toronto<br>
• Monday to Friday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.<br>
• Saturdays, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.<br><br>
Please note that closing hours will fluctuate on performance days. <br></p>
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<h2>Ticketing Services</h2>
<a href="https://www.coc.ca/ticket-services/operaunder30">Opera Under 30</a>
<a href="/ticket-services/GroupSales" target="_blank">Learn about our Group Sales!</a>
<a href="/ticket-services/RushTickets" target="_blank">Affordable Options - Buy Standing Room and Rush</a>
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<strong>COC Facility Rentals</strong>
<p>Learn about opportunities of the exquisite spaces of the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts or the Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Opera Centre.</p>
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